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Drew Langdon

UWRT 1104

Dr. Mitchell

24 October 2017

Module 5

Step 1: I made this meme because I am an avid

participant in fantasy football leagues and this happened to me this year as well as other years

and people can definelty relate to my pain of loosing your top fantasy draft pick in the first



The Ted talk I watched about how Chimamanda Adichie and the problem of

misinterpreting cultures and misinterpret different countries based off of one story. I think that

hearing one story about a different country could lead to some misunderstanding. A story one

may here about a foreign place may give that person high hopes for an area or serious doubt

about a country because stories tend to hold bias and by only hearing one story that may hold
bias will greatly give the reader a misinterpretation of a country. When writing one couldnt

focus their writing on a single story, people have to bring in multiple sources and different

stories to create a piece that holds a true meaning of a country that discounts all of the bias that

the place may hold. One story isnt dominant over others because the writer has different

experiences and biases that they add to their writing that may reflect on a country differently

from writer to writer. I as well think that a person couldnt use one story to show foreigners how

good or bad a country is because of all the factors that make up a country. This story may lack

depth by not addressing every aspect of a country which may lead to

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