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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2013; 17: 1479-1487

Investigating the effect of music on labor pain

and progress in the active stage of first labor
Department of Biology, Islamic Azad University, Fars Science and Research Branch, Marvdasht, Iran
Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan Branch, Arsanjan-iran, Iran
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Estahban
Branch, Estahban, Iran

Abstract. DESIGN AND PURPOSE: The pur- unpleasant sensation occurring as a consequence
pose of this study is to investigate the effects of of tissue injury. However, rather than chronic
music-therapy on labor pain and progress in par- pains which are mostly persistent and pathologic,
turient primipara. Music-therapy during labor in- delivery pain, as studied in the present research,
creases tolerance to pain; decreasing anxiety, it in-
creases parturition and uterus activity and short- is an alternative, acute and physiologic pain
en labor duration. which involves severe uterine contractions. These
SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The subjects of this contractions last 40-50 seconds in average and
research were 30 women, selected voluntarily and are repeated alternatively for 1-2 minutes which
they have been put in two experimental and con- make the cervix opened. Pregnancy is a physio-
trol group. This research has been conducted in logic event which inevitably deeply affects the
the form of pre-test and post-test design. The ex-
perimental group listened to a relaxing music for
womans mental and social life and in general
30 minutes in each hour for a two-hour period and changes the prospect of her future life, some of
the control group was not exposed to music dur- which are mental and some other are social as-
ing this period. For the purpose of gathering data pects. Finally, this physiologic phenomenon is la-
in both groups, the pain scale (verbal, numeric bor which is itself an important factor in decreas-
and visual) was used to measure pain. The inde- ing womans tolerance threshold, make her more
pendent variable in this research is relaxing mu- incapable and sensitive than she is, as the result,
sic and the dependent variables are the pain level
and delivery progress. when delivery time comes, her conditional reac-
FINDINGS: The independent t for sensations of tion is to wait for pain and her mind interprets
pain in the experimental and control group before any contraction as pain which could bring stress
intervention has been (p = 0.875) 0.601 in numeric for her. Stress produces a physiologic and bio-
and visual pain and (p < 0.01) 2.92 in verbal pain, and chemical response which is peculiar for the indi-
one hour after intervention, it has been (p < 0.0001) viduals with respect to its duration, intensity and
8.527 in visual and numeric pain and (p < 0.0001)
11.824 in verbal pain. Also, the equal value of inde-
overall effect and could cause hypertension and
pendent t for the duration of delivery in control heart rate increase by activating the hypothalam-
group before and after intervention shows that mu- ic-pituitary-adrenal hormone axis and sympathet-
sic has not had any effect on the rate of serotonin. ic nervous system, and by increasing cardiovas-
CONCLUSIONS: The results of statistical cular system function and preventing the persons
analysis show the effect of music on the de- calmness, it could have a negative effect on the
crease of sensation of pain in the experimental persons health and be a risk for her1,2. Stress
group as compared with the control group.
which is a prevalent disease among the hospital-
Key Words: ized patients3 is an emotional state which is de-
Music, Music-therapy, Pain, Delivery. scribed by tension, anger, worry, fright, and the
increase of activity of the autonomic nervous
system, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal hormone
axis, the increase of heart rate, hypertension and
Introduction cardiac output with mental and physical effects4.
Pre-operative anxiety is associated with the out-
Pain is one of the complex and challenging break of severe post-operative pain, the increase
concept which is primordial. As defined by of need to sedative and analgesic medicines and
World Health Organization (WHO), pain is an delay in recovery and hospital discharge which

Corresponding Author: S. Ebrahim Hosseini, MD; e-mail: 1479

S.E. Hosseini, M. Bagheri, N. Honarparvaran

might have reverse effect in providing uncon- cholamines and cortisol, and the high levels of
sciousness and bringing the patient back to con- plasma epinephrine could be seen in pregnant
sciousness and finally decreases the patients sat- women who have the highest level of anxiety,
isfaction from her experience of the time close to these women suffer from the decrease of uterus
operation5. activity and prolonged labor4. Based on Jeden et
Therefore, nurses creative and supportive in- al25, music-therapy during labor has led to pain
tervention in unpleasant or indefinite waiting reduction and decrease of heart rate and hyper-
time is useful and important in pain reduction tension in parturient primipara compared with
and improving health efficiency6. The researches the group not go under music therapy.
have shown that listening to favorite music af- Some researches have shown that music re-
fects the transfer of unpleasant feelings to limbic duces anxiety level in patients undergone
system of brain as emotions and feelings center chemotherapy 28, it also reduces the pain and
by modifying the ability of neurotransmitters, anxiety made for Extracorporeal Shock Wave
and by increasing endorphin secretions inter- Lithotripsy (ESWL)29, some other researches in-
venes behavior change and pain reduction7. dicate that music does not have remarkable ef-
Music is widely used to improve health status, fect on the quality of life and would not have
decrease stress, making patients away from un- any considerable effect on palpitation, hyperten-
pleasant symptoms and decreasing anxiety8,9. The sion, or oxygen saturation in patients before en-
researches have shown that music is effective in doscopy30,31.
decreasing pre-operative anxiety 6,10,11. Music-
therapy causes decrease of mental tension and
physiologic signs of anxiety such as heart rate Subjects and Methods
and hypertension7,10,12. It also reduces level of
plasma cortisol hormone13,14. The studies con- Having considered the nature, purpose, ques-
ducted to investigate physiologic and psychologi- tions and the extent of executive facilities, the
cal effect of music on patients undergone cardio- present research method is pseudo experimental
vascular surgery indicates that music reduces and the statistical population is all parturient
anxiety and pain 15,16 . Some researches have primipara, aged between 20 to 30, lived in urban
shown that listening to music as pre-operative dwellings, been in a complete physical and men-
nursing intervention decreases the rate of anxiety tal health status, and referred to Bentolhoda hos-
and pain in patients undergone urologic pital of Bushehr city of Iran in the active stage of
surgery17. Light music may exert its calmness ef- labor.
fect through interaction with autonomic nervous Among the member of the mentioned popula-
system18,19. As all people are not inclined to pre- tion, 30 parturient primiparas have been selected
fer one music style due to the differences in age randomly and based on their tendency, 15 of
and culture20, the selection of music by the pa- whom have been put in experimental group and
tient would be very important in music- 15 in control group. In this research, Numerical
therapy15,21. Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) 1, Visual Analogue
Calm music without any fast beat and tempo, Scales (VAS)2, and Verbal Pain Rating Scale have
with slow rhythm and level tone is more proper been applied to assess pain severity. The numeri-
for music-therapy22. cal pain rating scale is a straight line, at one end
Researches have shown that listening to music of which is zero and the other end is 10. In this
during labor increases resistance to pain, rein- scale under zero the phrase lack of pain and
forces mood and causes parturient to have regu- under 10 the phrase the most possible severe
lar and deep breathing, it could also have an ef- pain, have been written and the mentioned line
fect on the personality of the new-born23. Marolik has been divided into 11 parts (0-10). When per-
and Charles study in USA in 1996 has shown forming the test, the participant were asked to de-
that women who have gone through music-thera- termine the severity of her pain by selecting a
py during labor and delivery, have reported less number from zero to ten. Consistency, validity
stress and pain24. The studies have shown that and sensitivity of this tool to therapeutic effects
calm music would cause the reduction of post- have been approved. Visual analogue scale in-
operative anxiety and pain25-27. The researches cludes a straight line with the length of 10cm., at
have shown that emotional tensions affects the one end of which is the phrase lack of pain and
duration of delivery by increasing cate- at the other end, the phrase the most possible se-

Investigating the effect of music on labor pain and progress in the active stage of first labor

vere pain, have been written and the participant third was that they should have at least 2 to 3
were asked to put a mark on a line which indi- uterine contractions at the time of reception. Di-
cates her pain severity. Then the distance be- rected imagination with music was taught to the
tween this marks from the starting point of line, experimental group (when there was no uterine
ie the point in which the phrase lack of pain contraction) and then the light music of Barane
has been written, is measured with ruler. In this Eshgh (Love Rain) composed by Manouchehr
method, we obtain grades which could be ana- Cheshmazar was played by headphone for 30
lyzed based on the assumption that the distance minutes for subjects of the experimental group,
between the grades is equal. The verbal pain rat- and after removing the headphones and in case
ing scales includes 12 choices that are non-sig- there was no uterine contraction, the parturient
nificant, partly significant, very slight, were asked to explain the severity of their pain
weak-slight, average, strong, severe, based on the three numerical, visual and verbal
very strong, intense, very severe, killing scales while listening to the music and their
in which the choice non-significance indicates statements were recorded. Then, the music was
the least level of pain and killing shows the played again to the parturient after half an hour
most level of pain. In this research labor progress and it was continued for two hours after hospital-
has been measured through physical examination ization. At the end of the second hour, labor
of vagina. progress and severity of pain were again mea-
To conduct the research, the parturient who sured and recorded. In regard to the control
had referred to maternity hospital and were inter- group, measurement of pain severity and labor
ested in participating in the research were divid- progress at the end of the second hour after hos-
ed into experimental and control groups based on pitalization was done like in the experimental
their willingness and then the research samples group and the only difference was that music was
were hospitalized in an isolated room allocated not played for the control group. Finally, the data
to painless labor in order to minimize peripheral obtained by independent t test was used for com-
stresses including noise and extra travels. After- paring the control group and the experiment
wards, the personal particulars of the samples group and comparing the post-test and pre-test of
were recorded and the concept of each of the a group using dependent t statistic and average
numbers on the scale ruler in numerical rating scores.
scale and visual rating scale as well as the con-
cept of options 1 to 12 in verbal pain rating scale Findings
were taught to the subjects, and during reception Results of independent t test between feeling
of the subjects, the severity of their pain was numeric, verbal and visual pain in the experimen-
measured and recorded separately by the above- tal and control groups before intervention of mu-
mentioned three scales, and the cervix was mea- sic-therapy indicated that there is no significant
sured by vaginal examination and the first criteri- difference between feeling of visual and numeric
on for reception of the parturient was that they pain in the experimental and control groups and
should be primipara, the second was that they there is a significant difference (p 0.01) in the
should have 3-4 cm dilatation (which indicates experimental and control groups only in regard to
the starting of active stage of labor and is mea- feeling verbal pain before intervention of music-
surable through vaginal examination), and the therapy (Table I).

Table I. Results of independent t test between feeling numerical pain, verbal pain and visual pain in the experimental and con-
trol groups before intervention of music-therapy.

Significance Degree of Standard

level T value freedom deviation Mean Frequency Group/statistical index

p = 0.875 0.601 28 1.162 3.93 15 Experimental Visual pain

1.265 4.20 15 Control
p < 0.01 2.92 28 1.345 5.67 15 Experimental Verbal pain
1.279 7.07 15 Control
p = 0.875 0.601 28 1.163 3.93 15 Experimental Numeric pain
1.265 4.20 15 Control

S.E. Hosseini, M. Bagheri, N. Honarparvaran

Besides, the results of the present research in- relaxation33. Listening to a classic music evokes
dicated that there is a significant difference at the pleasant emotions and feelings34,35, and these ef-
level of p 0.0001 between the experimental and fects are stopped by naloxone which is an opioid
control groups in regard to feeling visual, verbal antagonist36. Therefore, music is effective on pain
and numeric pain one hour after intervention of relief and the entire mood probably by increasing
music-therapy (Table II), so that the group who the production of nervous endorphins36. Besides,
had undergone music-therapy felt less pain. music is probably accompanied with stimulating
Furthermore, the results indicates that there is the secretion of opioids and transferring it to nu-
a significant difference at the level of p 0.0001 cleus accumbens (NAc) in central nervous sys-
between the experimental and control groups in tem (NAC) and releasing dopamine in the ventral
regard to feeling visual, verbal and numeric pain tegmental area (VTA) both of which are from
two hours after intervention of music-therapy among the brain structures involved in reward37.
(Table III). Moreover, the results indicate that New studies on animals as well as the recent
there is a significant difference at the level of p functional imaging studies on human brain have
0.0001 between the experimental and control indicated that listening to happy music activates
groups in regard to labor progress one and two the communication system of cortical and sub-
hours after intervention of music-therapy in favor cortical regions of brain including ventral stria-
of the group which had undergone music-thera- tum, amygdala, NAC, insula, hippocampus, hy-
py, while the difference was not significant be- pothalamus, VTA, anterior cingulate, or-
fore intervention of music-therapy (Table IV). bitofrontal cortex and middle-ventral areas of the
prefrontal cortex38-41. VTA is the major producer
of dopamine in brain and has direct relationships
Discussion with Nucleus locus coeruleus (LC), accumbens,
amygdala, hippocampus, insula, hypothalamus,
Results achieved from statistical analysis of the anterior cingulate, orbitofrontal cortex and pre-
findings confirm the fact that music has a positive frontal cortex42,43. Studies have indicated that re-
effect in decreasing pain in the active stage of la- sponses of VTA-NAC are related to disgusting
bor. Labor pains, unlike other pains, does not stimuli and pain which are likely to be effective
have a stable intensity and is gradually intensified on regulation of brain responses to award and
in order to reach labor progress. In the present ex- concepts of music41,44 and it indicates the effect
periment, feeling pain in the both control and mu- of music on coping with stresses. Animal experi-
sic-therapy groups had a significant increase for ences indicate that listening to music causes in-
two hours but it had a significant decrease in the crease of dopamine production in brain by stimu-
music-therapy group in comparison with the con- lating VTA 45-48. Therefore, stimulation of the
trol group. In this regard, the research findings ac- neural pathways of VTA to LC probably leads to
cord with the results of the researches conducted balancing the activity of this nucleus (LC) and
by Simkin and Bolding (2004) in one of the hos- decreasing stress. Studies have indicated that
pitals in the Netherlands32. there are many interactions between VTA, NAC,
Endorphins and enkephalins are opioids which hypothalamus, insula and orbitofrontal cortex of
have a significant role in killing pain, making a brain which are all involved in emotional, body
pleasant feeling, decreasing stress and helping and autonomous functions and music probably

Table II. Results of independent t test between feeling numerical pain, verbal pain and visual pain in the experimental and
control groups one hour after intervention of music-therapy.

Significance Degree of Standard

level T value freedom deviation Mean Frequency Group/statistical index

p < 0.0001 4.18 28 1.397 5.67 15 Experimental Visual pain

1.121 7.60 15 Control
p < 0.0001 5.47 28 0.883 6.93 15 Experimental Verbal pain
1.222 9.07 15 Control
p < 0.0001 4.18 28 1.397 5.67 15 Experimental Numeric pain
1.121 7.60 15 Control

Investigating the effect of music on labor pain and progress in the active stage of first labor

Table III. Results of independent t test between feeling numerical pain, verbal pain and visual pain in the experimental and
control groups two hours after intervention of music-therapy.

Significance Degree of Standard

level T value freedom deviation Mean Frequency Group/statistical index

p < 0.0001 8.527 28 1.207 6.80 15 Experimental Visual pain

0.487 9.67 15 Control
p < 0.0001 11.824 28 0.915 7.53 15 Experimental Verbal pain
0.743 11.13 15 Control
p < 0.0001 8.527 28 1.207 6.80 15 Experimental Numeric pain
0.487 9.67 15 Control

activates these nervous structures 49,50. Studies tension, anger, malaise and improving psychologi-
have also indicated that activation of auditory cal condition64-67. Studies have indicated that lis-
nerve pathways have a role in central inhibition of tening to music increases plasma levels of oxy-
transfer of painful stimulations51. Therefore, music tocin hormone68. Oxytocin is a 9-amino-acid neu-
decreases pain and unpleasant feelings probably ropeptide produced in magnocellular neurons,
by activating the network of cortical and subcor- super optic regions, as well as paraventricular nu-
tical regions of brain especially dopaminergic cleus of the hypothalamus and is secreted into
system in brain. Studies of Halihichen et al blood from the posterior side of the pituitary and
(2010) indicated that music-therapy is effective in other parts of brain by paraventricular nucleus.
in reducing stress and malaise52 and music proba- Oxytocin operates through G protein-coupled re-
bly increases the sensitivity of brain cells to gaba ceptors and phosphatidylinositol-calcium second
and as a result, neuron activity is decreased ef- messenger system 68-70 in order to enable neu-
fectively for creating a relaxing response33. Some ropeptides to directly affect behaviors such as
studies52,53 have indicated that light music in- copulation and mothers attachment to their chil-
creases the level of serotonin and this may justify dren in mammals43,71-77.
the results of different researches which indicate In addition, oxytocin reduces the pain by stimu-
that music-therapy has a significant effect on lating the opioidergic systems78. This neuromodu-
pain relief, depression and stress in patients af- latory hormone released in hypothalamus in addi-
flicted with physical disorders55-57. Listening to tion to its cerebral effects, has environmental ef-
light and happy music enhances the retrieval of res- fects such as stimulating the womb during labor,
piratory and cardiovascular operations and decreas- facilitating the process of delivery by resonance of
es the value of cortisol after stress58-62. These find- contractions of uterine wall and increasing the lev-
ings indicate that music has analgesic (painkiller) el of milk secretion during breasting. Oxytocin is a
effects which accords with results of the present re- hormone whose secretion will be increased in re-
search and is effective in reducing stress and ban- sponse to sensory and tactile stimulations, sucking
ishing negative thoughts and as a result, it helps milk, and caring the children. It also simplifies the
coping with emotional stress63. Experiences of oth- physiological processes related to the maternal
er scholars also have indicated that music-therapy compromises happening after delivery and plays a
is useful for controlling pain, decreasing stress, role in productive behavior in mammals77,79,80. In

Table IV. Results of independent t test between labor progress in the experimental and control groups before intervention, one
hour and two hours after intervention of music-therapy.

Significance Degree of Standard

level T value freedom deviation Mean Frequency Group/statistical index

p = 0.133 0.529 28 0.676 3.80 15 Experimental Before

0.703 3.93 15 Control intervention
p < 0.0001 4.361 28 1.032 7.27 15 Experimental 1 hour after
0.976 5.67 15 Control intervention
p < 0.0001 7.483 28 0.639 9.47 15 Experimental 2 hours after
0.899 7.33 15 Control intervention

S.E. Hosseini, M. Bagheri, N. Honarparvaran

accumbens nucleus there is a high density of oxy-

Conflict of Interest
tocin receptors which have been proved by re- None to declare.
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