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Lewiss The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Name: ___________________________________ Date: __________________

Spelling Reinforcement: Igloo Graffiti Word Rewrite Ms. Brown Grade 6

White witch DIRECTIONS: To reinforce the correct spelling of C.S.

Lewiss main antagonist - the White Witch, as labeled
by Mr. Tumnus (she obviously uses a gentler title to
refer to herself: the Queen of Narnia) rewrite her
Spelling Igloo Graffiti name on the igloo template below. On each snow
brick, write either white or witch. (Each word
should be written at least ten times). Be creative with
your handwriting for each brick. For example, write
one brick in cursive, one all capitalized, another in pink
pen, etc. Please note that you are responsible for the
accurate spelling of character names on all homework,
classwork, and tests/quizzes.

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