Analysing Sceanrio Approaches For Forest Management - One Decade of Experiences in Europe

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Analysing scenario approaches for forest management One decade of experiences

in Europe
Marjanke A. Hoogstra-Klein a,, Geerten M. Hengeveld a,b,c, Rutger de Jong a
Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group, Wageningen University & Research, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Wageningen Environmental Research (Alterra), Wageningen University & Research, P.O. Box 47, 6700 AA, Wageningen, The Netherlands
Biometris, Wageningen University & Research, P.O. Box 16, 6700 AA, Wageningen, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In forest management, scenarios are often used to envision what the future might look like to account for uncer-
Received 22 September 2015 tainties associated with, for example, climate change, changing socio-economic conditions, and technological de-
Received in revised form 27 September 2016 velopments. There are, however, many different methodological approaches to scenario building. In order to be
Accepted 2 October 2016
able to make better use of the diversity of approaches at hand, a systematic overview of the scenario methodol-
Available online xxxx
ogies, which is currently missing in the forest sector, is needed. This paper analysed and reviewed 129 forest-
management-related scenario studies that have been carried out in Europe during the past decade. The studies
Climate change were classied by means of cluster analysis in four groups: (1) management scenarios, (2) environmental scenar-
Future studies ios, (3) optimization scenarios, and (4) participatory scenarios. Despite differences between the four groups, al-
Forest planning most all scenario studies can be characterized as rather quantitative, non-participatory, and single factor in
Scenario studies nature. The analysis also found a temporal trend reecting a broadening of the scenario methodology for forest
Typology management over time towards scenarios that incorporate longer time horizons, reecting issues on a larger
Uncertainty scale, including land-use considerations. Considering the complexity and urgency of the issues in forest manage-
ment that need to be addressed and the opportunities offered by the scenario methodologies not yet fully used,
we expect to see a further broadening of the scenario methodology with mixed-method, participatory, and com-
plex scenarios.
2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 18th century Central Europe (Convery, 1973; Hoogstra, 2008; Speidel,
1972). Relatively new to the sector is the use of scenarios. This has, how-
Thinking about the future is essential to dealing with the challenges ever, over the past decade gained a strong foothold in the forest sector
of today. As Shearer (2005, p. 67) wrote, the ultimate success of decisions as an approach that could help inform forest management decision-
made today rests on the situation tomorrow. Unfortunately, the future is making in the frame of future uncertainty. Examples include the Euro-
in principle unknowable and therefore inherently uncertain (Weber, pean forest sector outlook studies (Schelhaas et al., 2006; Schelhaas et
2000), which forms an obstacle to effective decision-making. Although al., 2009; UNECE/FAO, 2011), scenario studies analysing the impact of
this applies to almost every decision taken, it seems to be even more rel- climate change (e.g. Hanewinkel et al., 2013; Karjalainen et al., 2003),
evant to forest management, where rotation periods span decades and scenario analyses for sustainable forest management (e.g. Biber et al.,
in some cases even generations (Hoogstra and Schanz, 2008). At best, 2015; Mohren, 2003), and scenarios for stakeholder communication
this far-off future is dimly seen, veiled in the manager's uncertainty, as (e.g. Carlsson et al., 2015).
Duerr and Duerr (1975, p. 31) explained. Just imagine how much easier The scenario approach differs from most of the above-mentioned
it would be (e.g. to decide which tree to plant) if we would know the fu- traditional approaches in that it assumes the future to be inherently
ture, and we could foresee chances and obstacles before they occur. uncertain, and therefore unpredictable. By envisioning different futures
Fortunately, there are a variety of tools and methods available to the that might happen, decisions can be evaluated, what if questions can
forest sector to cope with the uncertainty arising from the long time ho- be explored, and strategies can be tested. Such an approach shifts
rizons, from the concept of sustainable forest management to the Nor- away from the rational idea to determine what is the best in the situa-
mal Forest model to forest growth models and many more. Some of tion that is most likely to occur, towards an exploration of different cir-
these have origins that can already be traced back as far as 17th and cumstances in different possible futures (Duinker and Greig, 2007;
Varum and Melo, 2010). In the words of Martelli (2001), building sce-
Corresponding author. narios means speculating about the uncertainty surrounding the future:
E-mail address: (M.A. Hoogstra-Klein). basically it means envisaging a few different possible future outcomes for
1389-9341/ 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Hoogstra-Klein, M.A., et al., Analysing scenario approaches for forest management One decade of experiences in
Europe, Forest Policy and Economics (2016),
2 M.A. Hoogstra-Klein et al. / Forest Policy and Economics xxx (2016) xxxxxx

the situation under scrutiny. In this way, scenario analysis facilitates bet- between 1990 and 2015. Finding descriptions of what a scenario is,
ter knowledge among decision makers in terms of the future, and thus was already a challenge; most of the authors use the term assuming
possesses an important function in preparing and sensitizing the deci- that everybody knows (and shares) what they are talking about. The
sion makers to possible developments that might evolve in the time to table, however, illustrates some of the conceptual confusion present
come. also in the forest sector. Wollenberg et al. (2000), for example, see pro-
As several reviews (e.g. Amer et al., 2013; Bishop et al., 2007; jections and scenarios as two different approaches; the IPCC (2015) also
Chermack et al., 2001) on scenario studies have shown, many different mentions that scenarios are no projections, but consider them as a pos-
approaches to scenarios exist. Understanding the differences between sible way of building a scenario. Some authors explicitly describe a sce-
the various types of scenarios would better equip scientists and practi- nario as a story or narrative of the future (e.g. McKenzie et al., 2012),
tioners to design scenario studies that effectively address the issues at while others state that stories may be part of a scenario (e.g. Bishop et
hand. Many scholars (Millett, 2003; Varum and Melo, 2010) therefore al., 2010). It is not the intention of this paper to dwell upon what the
agree that systematizing and organizing the existing literature is a neces- right denition is, but to explore what the authors of the reviewed arti-
sary step in developing the eld and bringing the value of scenarios to a cles see as a scenario. The denition used here therefore is the broadest
wider public (Varum and Melo, 2010, p. 356). Despite the popularity denition encompassing all different interpretations of a scenario, i.e. a
of scenarios in the forest sector, so far such an overview is lacking. The scenario is a description of a possible future.
objective of this paper, therefore, is to systematically examine and eval- Next to the conceptual confusion, there is also methodological chaos.
uate the methodological approaches used in scenario studies in the for- Methodological chaos can be indicated as there are almost as many
est sector. In order to limit ourselves, we decided to focus our analysis of ways of developing scenarios as there are practitioners in the eld
scenario studies on (1) forest management, (2) in Europe, and (3) in the (Bradeld et al., 2005, p. 800). Masini and Vazquez (2000, p. 49) even
past decade. First, we provide an overview of the current state of the state that scenario analysis has become a sort of Swiss pocket knife of
scenario studies on forest management, based on different dimensions multiple uses, [] that supposedly makes it possible to rapidly visualize
that are considered to reect the main elements of a scenario approach the future, like a soup to be served up quickly at table. This is exactly
(as will be described in the theoretical and analytical frame). Second, the reason that Kosow and Ganer (2008) write that the scenario meth-
within the diversity of research approaches on scenario studies od does not exist as such. Reasons listed for the canon of approaches are
analysed, we identify clusters of studies that address scenario studies manifold. Hughes (2009) mentions, for example, the conceptual confu-
in similar ways. Third, based on our ndings, we highlight some impor- sion, which gives room for different interpretations and, hence, different
tant challenges for the future of scenario studies. approaches. Other reasons are the different kind of users applying sce-
narios in different contexts and with different goals and objectives
2. Theoretical and analytical frame (Hughes, 2009; Kosow and Ganer, 2008), the different skills and re-
sources (such as time and money) users have (Hughes, 2009), the vary-
Despite being a popular tool, scenarios are a topic of much debate in ing positions of importance of scenarios in projects, and the different
the literature, and a eld full of conceptual and denitional confusion schools of thoughts and paradigms working with scenarios (Kosow
(Mulvihill and Kramkowski, 2010, p. 2454). Mietzner and Reger and Ganer, 2008).
(2004, p. 50) even talk about scenario as a fuzzy concept that is used In order to cut through the chaos, several studies have developed ty-
and misused, with various shades of meaning. Table 1 presents a sample pologies of scenario studies (e.g. Brjeson et al., 2006; Ducot and
of descriptions of a scenario we culled from the forestry literature Lubben, 1980; Duncan and Wack, 1994; Godet and Roubelat, 1996;
Heugens and van Oosterhout, 2001; Kosow and Ganer, 2008; March
Table 1
et al., 2012; Prez-Soba and Maas, 2015; Rounsevell and Metzger,
Overview of different conceptualizations of the term scenario in the forestry literature 2010; Van Notten et al., 2003). These typologies, however, not only cre-
(19902015). ate more order and understanding of the different approaches, they also
Author(s) Conceptualization
form important tools to communicate, to compare and to develop ap-
proaches (Brjeson et al., 2006). This research, therefore, also sets up a
Valsta (1992) A scenario is here dened as one realization over time of the
classication of scenario studies in forest management. We decided
stochastic processes. Even though there may be several
stochastic processes, they are all combined to a joint not to use an existing typology, but to develop our own classication
realization, a scenario. using our own framework based on insights from other scenario typol-
Wollenberg et al. Scenarios are stories of what might be. Unlike projections, ogy studies. The reason for this is that typologies reect a eld's state of
(2000) scenarios do not necessarily portray what we expect the play at a xed point of time and, consequently, become outdated as the
future actually look like.
Bishop et al. An alternative future created by some method even if not
eld they address evolves (Van Notten et al., 2003, p. 423).
(2010) presented in the form of a story. The framework we use in this research is based on the insights from
Alonso-Ayuso et A scenario is a particular realization of uncertainty through the typology as developed by Van Notten et al. (2003), who developed a
al. (2011) the whole time horizon. general typology for scenario studies, and the framework developed by
McKenzie et al. Scenarios are storylines that describe possible futures. They
March et al. (2012), who specically characterized water management
(2012) explore aspects of, and choices about, the future that are
uncertain. scenario studies (March et al., 2012). The framework of Van Notten et
Moore et al. Scenarios are plausible futures that allow you to envision and al. (2003) is based on three overarching themes (project goal, process
(2013) evaluate the outcomes of means plausible to those engaged in design, and scenario content) comprising, in their view, the key aspects
the scenario planning exercise of scenario development. These three dimensions are each subdivided
Den Herder et al. Scenarios are plausible descriptions of how the future may
(2014) develop, based on a coherent and internally consistent set of
in several characteristics, which together determine the score on the
assumptions about key relationships and driving forces (Van theme. Based on these scores (which are binary), eight different types
der Heijden, 1996). A scenario can be regarded as a story or, of scenario studies can be distinguished: explorative-intuitive-simple;
more precisely, a series of events leading to an end point explorative-intuitive-complex; explorative-formal-simple; explor-
typically answering a what if? question.
ative-formal-complex; decision support-intuitive-simple; decision sup-
IPCC (2015) A scenario is a coherent, internally consistent, and plausible
description of a possible future state of the world. It is not a port-intuitive-complex; decision support-formal-simple; and decision
forecast; rather, each scenario is one alternative image of how support-formal-complex.
the future can unfold. A projection may serve as the raw The framework of March et al. (2012) is based on a review of theo-
material for a scenario, but scenarios often require additional retical and methodological literature on scenario analysis for environ-
information (e.g. about baseline conditions).
mental issues and builds on previous typologies including (in part)

Please cite this article as: Hoogstra-Klein, M.A., et al., Analysing scenario approaches for forest management One decade of experiences in
Europe, Forest Policy and Economics (2016),
M.A. Hoogstra-Klein et al. / Forest Policy and Economics xxx (2016) xxxxxx 3

the typology of Van Notten et al. (2003). The authors added their own 3.2. Data analysis
dimensions to deal with the specicity of water management
issues, such as water-use and land-use considerations. It is this focus One researcher coded all the 129 articles according to the framework
on management issues that makes this framework of interest for our described. In order to ensure that this coding expressed the dimensions
study. and categories from the framework, the rst ten articles were systemat-
Table 2 shows the framework as we used it for this study. We com- ically analysed jointly by two researchers.
bined the two frameworks, but the following adaptations had to be The scored articles were quantitatively analysed and complemented
made to make the framework suitable for this research: by qualitative analysis to gain more detailed insights when needed. The
rst part of the quantitative analyses focused on the individual dimen-
we deleted some of the dimensions (e.g. when too difcult to quan- sions. These were described and consequently analysed for temporal
tify or to determine based on the information available), and trends. To test for signicant differences over time, the Fisher's exact
we adapted some of the dimensions to the topic of our analysis: for- test was used, carried out in SPSS (SPSS version 23). This test explores
est (e.g. forest uses instead of water uses). the independence of two nominal variables. It is similar to the chi-
square test, but is better equipped to handle smaller number of observa-
tions. The signicance threshold used was set at 0.05.
3. Methodology
For the second part of the quantitative analysis, we run a Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) (method prcomp, R-package stats). This
3.1. Data collection
was carried out in R (R version 2.13.1). In this paper, the PCA analysis
served as a rst exploration of the relevance of the different dimensions
In order to create a workable output of relevant studies, a query was
analysed and the relations between the different dimensions, identify-
conducted in the online catalogue Web of Science with the following
ing possible patterns in our dataset. PCA aims at detecting correlations
search criteria (query on the 25th of November 2014):
between variables (in our paper: the dimensions analysed) and com-
Field: scenario AND forest AND management bines those correlated variables into a (smaller) number of so-called
Years: 20042014 principal components (articial variables) that are able to explain part
Web of Science categories: forestry, environmental sciences, of the variance in the observed variables. Interpretation of the principal
ecology components is based on nding the variables that correlate strongest,
Document type: articles, other but which number we consider to be strong or not is a subjective deci-
Countries/territories: all European countries including Russia sion. We considered a correlation value of 0.4 and above as strong.
Research areas: forestry The third step was the clustering of the data using DIANA (DIvise
This query resulted in an output of 220 articles. This output was ANAlysis) cluster analysis (R-package cluster). A cluster analysis clas-
subsequently checked and ltered to ensure that all the articles sies the data set (in our paper: the studies analysed) into groups or
were related to European forests and that, in all the studies, a clusters that share similar characteristics. This was also done in R (R ver-
scenario study was conducted. From this selection, 129 relevant sion 2.13.1). DIANA is a hierarchical clustering technique that works
articles remained (for a list of articles analysed, see Appendix 1). from a top-down approach, starting with one cluster that consists of
About 50% of the selected articles were published in three of the all objects of the dataset. At each subsequent step, the most heteroge-
years: 2007, 2011, and 2012. neous cluster is divided into two clusters, until nally all clusters com-
As regards the journals the selected articles were published in, in prise of one object. To carry out the cluster analysis, we normalized all
total, 45 selected articles (35%) were published in Forest Ecology and For- scores for all dimensions, using a 0 to 1 scale. As a cluster analysis
est Management. Annals of Forest Science, the European Journal of Forest does not yield a straightforward measure to determine the optimum
Research, the Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, and Forest Policy number of clusters (Shalizi, 2009), the choice for the number of clusters
and Economics together published 27% of the selected articles. is always an arbitrary one (Nielsen et al., 2013). Several rules, however,

Table 2
Framework to categorize scenario studies for forest management, based on Van Notten et al. (2003) and March et al. (2012).

Theme Dimension Abbreviation Denition Categories Normalized

Project Temporal scale Time Timespan of the scenario analysis Long term (N25 yrs) (1); medium term (1124 yrs) (2); short Long (0) to short (1)
goal term (310 yrs) (1); none/other (4)
Spatial scale Space Geographical extent of the scenario European (1); European region (2); national (3); subnational Large (0) to small (1)
analysis (4); management unit (5); stand-level (6)
Vantage point Vantage Point of view from which the Forecasting (1); both forecasting and backcasting (2); Forecasting (0) to
point scenarios are developed backcasting (3) backcasting (1)
Inclusion of Norms Degree of normativeness related to descriptive (1); normative (2) Descriptive (0) to
norms forestry normative (1)
Process Nature of the Data Species the nature of input, process, Qualitative (1); both quantitative and qualitative (2); Qualitative (0) to
design data and output data quantitative (3) quantitative (1)
Method of data Method Method used to collect data Participatory (1); both participatory and desktop (2); desktop Participatory (0) to
collection (3) desktop (1)
Scenario Temporal Path Development path described to a Snapshot (1); chain (2) Snapshot (0) to chain
content nature given end state (1)
Nature of the Variables Topical extent of the scenarios Number of different factors considered in the development of Homogeneous (0) to
variables developed (input) the scenarios heterogeneous (1)
Level of Evaluation Extent of evaluation of the scenarios Number of different STEEPa categories evaluated in the Homogeneous (0) to
integration analysed (output) scenarios heterogeneous (1)
Forest uses Forest use Uses of forest that the scenario None (0); single-use (1); multiple-use (2) None (0) to multiple (1)
analysis includes
Land-use Land use Connections between land use and Yes (1); no (2) No (0) to yes (1)
considerations forest use are considered
STEEP: social, technological, economic, environmental, and political.

Please cite this article as: Hoogstra-Klein, M.A., et al., Analysing scenario approaches for forest management One decade of experiences in
Europe, Forest Policy and Economics (2016),
4 M.A. Hoogstra-Klein et al. / Forest Policy and Economics xxx (2016) xxxxxx

exist for selecting the number of groups, and ideally one should synthe- out in the rst years of the decade analysed are almost all normative
size the results of several of these rules (Everitt et al., 2001). We used in nature, whereas the second part of the decade (from 2009 on) in-
the average silhouette value (Rousseeuw, 1987), a measure of clustering cludes more descriptive studies. Almost all these descriptive studies
quality based on tightness and separation of clusters, in combination focus on determining the effect of a certain factor (often climate
with a qualitative assessment of the cluster content. The reason for change) on another factor, such as wind throw (e.g. Blennow et al.,
this qualitative assessment is that we are also interested in other aspects 2010), habitat suitability (e.g. Casalegno et al., 2010), or forest produc-
of the clustering (such as the size and compactness of the clusters), tivity (e.g. Reyer et al., 2014).
which cannot be determined by the average silhouette value. Still, the As regards the vantage point, 75% of the studies have a forecasting
average silhouette value provides a good starting point for the selection. focus, about 20% backcasting, and 5% of the studies combine forecasting
The fourth and last step of the analysis included a comparison of the with backcasting. This result is not that surprising, as the traditional
clusters of scenario studies found in this study with the types of scenario forecasting studies are still dominant in future-oriented studies
studies distinguished by Van Notten et al. (2003). This analysis should (Dreborg, 1996). The content of the forecasting studies varies largely,
give insight in the extent the scenario studies carried out for forest man- covering topics such as the inuence of harvesting on timber supply
agement in Europe span the diversity of possible scenario approaches and carbon stock (Antn-Fernndez and Astrup, 2012), the effect of har-
available. To do this, we calculated for each cluster the score on the vesting on nutrients (Akselsson et al., 2007), and the inuence of oil
overall theme, based on the normalized individual scores on the differ- price on timber supply (Hrtl and Knoke, 2014). In contrast to the diver-
ent dimensions, and determined the weighted summed score for each sity of the forecasting studies, the backcasting studies are rather limited
theme. in scope, i.e. strongly focusing on determining the best forest-manage-
ment decisions (e.g. Cordonnier et al., 2008; Eriksson and Berg, 2007).
4. Results The vantage point does not differ in the years the studies were pub-
lished (Fisher's test, p N 0.85).
4.1. Dimensions of scenarios
4.1.2. Process design
4.1.1. Project goal Quantitative data greatly dominated the scenario studies analysed;
The temporal scale (i.e. the timespan the scenario covers) forms cru- 93% of the studies were quantitative in nature, only 3% were qualitative.
cial information for scenario exercises (March et al., 2012). Considering This supports the conclusion of Hoogstra (2008) that scenario applica-
that forest management is often about the long term, it is not surprising tions in forest management are mostly quantitative in nature. The stud-
that the vast majority (64%) of the scenario studies reviewed focus on ies analysed predominantly use quantitative simulation models, such as
the longer term. Only a small number of studies focus on the shorter the PBRAVO model that was used to simulate stand development in the
and medium term (7% and 8%, respectively). An example that makes study of Alegria (2011) or the 4C forest model to simulate forest dynam-
use of a very short temporal scale is the study of Kong et al. (2012) ics in the study of Reyer et al. (2010). An example of a qualitative study
who model different raw materials in the forest with a planning horizon is the one of Dhar et al. (2008) who relied on qualitative assessments of
of only one year. This is in sharp contrast to, for example, the studies of expert judgment to determine the effects of different management
Alam et al. (2008) and Bergseng et al. (2012) who carry out a simulation strategies. The use of quantitative and qualitative approaches did not
of forest development covering 100 years. Interesting to note is that, in differ signicantly in the different publication years (Fisher's test,
20% of the cases, it was not possible to determine the temporal scale, for p N 0.07).
example, when this was not explicitly mentioned in the article. March et Despite the fact that several authors (e.g. Kok and Van Vliet, 2011;
al. (2012) in their review on water scenarios observed something simi- Wollenberg et al., 2000) stressed the added value of participatory sce-
lar: in their review, several studies also did not specify the temporal ex- nario approaches, only a few of the studies we analysed were participa-
tent of the scenarios used. We found signicant differences in time tory in nature (6%). One of the few examples is the study of Bizikova et
horizons of the studies over time (i.e. the years of publication) (Fisher's al. (2012) who rely on insights of stakeholders for their analysis of sus-
test, p b 0.05); however this reects a difference between years but no tainable forest management. Most studies made use of desktop ap-
trend in temporal focus over the course of the decade. proaches to collect data (88%). The rest of the studies (6%) combined
The scenario studies analysed in this paper ranged from the Europe- the two approaches, such as the study of Madureira et al. (2011). This
an level to the level of the stand unit, but the levels were covered un- study made use of data from a discrete choice survey in combination
equally. The larger spatial scale is covered only limitedly: only 6.5% of with a decision support model based on inventory and geographical
the scenarios reviewed focus on the European scale or on a European re- data, using growth and yield, to assess forest-management strategies.
gion. The level of the management unit is represented the most with We could not detect any trend in the way the data were collected
38% of the studies, followed by the subnational level with 24%. The re- over the years (Fisher's test, p N 0.88).
maining studies are almost equally distributed over the national level
(17%) and the stand level (14.5%). The studies evaluated covered Europe 4.1.3. Scenario content
in an unequilibrated way: several of the studies relate to the Scandina- Rothman (2008) argued that preferably a scenario should be a dy-
vian countries (specically Finland, Sweden, and Norway), the South- namic story and not a snapshot of the future at a certain moment in
Western European countries (Spain, Portugal, and Italy), and Central time. The majority of our studies (65%) could indeed be classied as dy-
Europe (mostly Germany and Austria). Underrepresented are especially namic stories, although in some cases it was not always that easy to
the North-Western European countries (e.g. the Netherlands, Belgium, clearly classify a study as either dynamic or as snapshot. The study of
UK, Ireland), which might be explained by forestry being only a minor Alam et al. (2008), for example, simulated forest growth over a 100-
sector in these countries, and Eastern and South-Eastern European year period in three tri-decadal periods with different climate condi-
countries (e.g. Bulgaria, Lithuania), which might be due to forestry re- tions, for several thinning regimes. A Fisher's test (p N 0.7) shows no
search in these countries being more traditional. No differences exist be- temporal trend in the temporal nature of the studies.
tween the spatial levels studied and the publication years (Fisher's test, About half of the studies (53%) analysed included scenarios with
p N 0.9). several drivers (two to four) to determine different scenarios. No tem-
The scenario studies included different degrees of inclusion of poral trend could be found (Fisher's test, p N 0.7). Many studies com-
norms, but most studies were normative in nature (78%). Interestingly bined possible climate developments with different management
enough, there is a signicant relation between the inclusion of norms strategies (e.g. Alam et al., 2008; Loustau et al., 2005). The single-scale
and the year of publication (Fisher's test, p b 0.05): the studies carried scenarios mostly focused on either climate change (e.g. Albert and

Please cite this article as: Hoogstra-Klein, M.A., et al., Analysing scenario approaches for forest management One decade of experiences in
Europe, Forest Policy and Economics (2016),
M.A. Hoogstra-Klein et al. / Forest Policy and Economics xxx (2016) xxxxxx 5

Schmidt, 2010) or on management strategies (e.g. Bergseng et al., Table 3 shows that the rst principal component is strongly correlat-
2012). March et al. (2012) found similar outcomes for water-manage- ed with three of the original variables: method of data collection (neg-
ment scenarios; scenarios were often reduced to one key driver, ative); nature of the data (negative); and level of integration
which was in many cases climate change. The fact that these two drivers (positive). This indicates that these three dimensions vary together. If
feature prominently in the studies is maybe not that surprising. The scenarios are qualitative in nature, they are more often collecting data
focus of our analysis is forest management, hence the bias for the num- with participatory approaches, and include more levels of evaluation.
ber of studies evaluating forest management. As regards climate change, The other way around, quantitative scenarios involve more desktop re-
this is a major future uncertainty in forest management. Considering search and less levels of evaluation. The second principal component
that scenario studies are, par excellence, meant to cope with the uncer- varies also with three of the variables: inclusion of norms (negative);
tainty, this might explain the strong focus on climate change scenario forest uses (negative); and land-use considerations (positive). This de-
studies. scribes that normative scenarios focus more on different forest uses,
In the majority of the cases (60%), the impact of scenarios was eval- but incorporate land-use considerations less often (and vice versa).
uated for only one variable. The nature of the variables varied widely be- Principal component three clearly reects the link between temporal
tween the studies, from the impact of different scenarios on the number scale and spatial scale: larger time horizons in scenario coincide with a
of tourists (Ahtikoski et al., 2011) and on re intensity and frequency larger spatial scale. The fourth component shows the same relation as
(Gonzlez-Olabarria et al., 2012), to effects on forest biodiversity the third component, but a third dimension is added, i.e. land use. This
(Mnkknen et al., 2011) and on the economic efciency of manage- implies that, in scenarios with longer time scale on a larger spatial
ment (Alegria, 2011). In our view, this reects the wide applicability scale, more often land-use considerations are included.
of scenarios in forest management. No signicant effect of the year of
publication could be found (Fisher's test, p N 0.7).
As regards forest use, the analysis shows that the vast majority of the 4.3. Classication of scenario studies
studies incorporated this dimension (82%). In part of the studies, the
sole focus was on timber production (44%), such as the study of Albert Fig. 1 portrays the average silhouette values for a range of cluster
and Schmidt (2010) who analysed the inuence of climate change on numbers. Maximum values are reached for one, two, and four clusters
site productivity. Other studies focused on multiple use (37%). An exam- (average value N 0.3). We decided to select the four clusters, as fewer
ple of such a study is the one of Ahtikoski et al. (2011). In this study, dif- clusters would probably not discriminate enough. Appendix 1 provides
ferent forest-use scenarios incorporating different levels of tourism and an overview of the studies analysed per cluster.
timber production were evaluated. In the remaining cases (18%), forest The groups were named based on a qualitative exploration of the dif-
use was either not mentioned or not incorporated in the scenario. No ferent scenario studies classied within a certain cluster. Most studies
temporal trends were found (Fisher's test, p N 0.6). (75) are in the management scenarios group. The environmental sce-
In contrast to forest use, land-use considerations are integrated in narios include 29 studies, the optimisation scenarios include 18 stud-
the minority of the studies (28%). This means that, in most studies ies, while the participatory scenarios consist of (only) seven studies.
analysed, the focus is on forests only. The study of Rubio et al. (2012) To describe the differences between the four groups, we analysed the
forms an excellent example of a study where different land uses were cluster means of the variables used in the cluster analysis (see Fig. 2).
incorporated: it evaluated landscape connectivity under different land Fig. 2 clearly shows that the four clusters have rather similar scores for
cover change scenarios. Also for this dimension, no trends over the several of the scores: temporal and spatial scales; further, the nature
years of publications were detected (Fisher's test, p N 0.7). of the variables are almost the same in all four clusters. In other dimen-
sions, differences between the clusters are larger or even extreme (e.g.
the dimension inclusion of norms).
4.2. PCA More than half of the studies analysed (58%) belong to the cluster we
labelled management scenarios. This cluster describes a group of sce-
The results of the PCA are shown in Table 3. This principal compo- nario studies that analyse different forest-management approaches,
nent matrix shows the correlations between the original variable and
the component for the rst four principal components extracted from
the original dimensions. The reason is that these four components to-
gether explain 66% of the total variance of the data set, which is higher
than the minimum requirement of 60% that is often set (NIH, 2015). All
strong correlations (0.4) are in boldface in the table.

Table 3
Principal component matrix.


Time 0.14 0.09 0.57 0.57

Space 0.15 0.06 0.55 0.51
Norms 0.29 0.48 0.06 0.28
Vantage point 0.30 0.13 0.31 0.15
Data 0.41 0.28 0.06 0.18
Method 0.41 0.31 0.11 0.22
Path 0.28 0.35 0.26 0.05
Variables 0.29 0.20 0.38 0.09
Evaluation 0.40 0.03 0.07 0.22
Forest use 0.33 0.44 0.17 0.02
Land use 0.06 0.44 0.28 0.41
Standard deviation 1.80 1.32 1.13 1.03
Proportion of variance 0.30 0.16 0.12 0.10
Cumulative proportion 0.30 0.45 0.57 0.66
Fig. 1. Average silhouette value for the different number of clusters.

Please cite this article as: Hoogstra-Klein, M.A., et al., Analysing scenario approaches for forest management One decade of experiences in
Europe, Forest Policy and Economics (2016),
6 M.A. Hoogstra-Klein et al. / Forest Policy and Economics xxx (2016) xxxxxx

Fig. 2. Cluster mean values with spread for all dimensions for the three clusters (based on normalized scores).

i.e. silvicultural treatments, over time. In some cases, external factors land uses. An example of the participatory scenario studies is Bizikova
that inuence forest growth (e.g. climate change, storms) are included. et al. (2012).
These studies are almost all quantitative and normative in nature, ap- An interesting observation is that a signicant difference exists in
proach the future mostly from a forecasting perspective, and use desk- the use of the clusters over time (Fisher's test, p b 0.025). In the rst
top research to collect data. The scenarios are portraying mainly a years of the decade, most if not all scenarios were part of the man-
chain of events and include multiple uses of forests. An example of agement scenarios. In the later years, the other two clusters (environ-
this type of scenario studies is Mnkknen et al. (2011). mental scenarios and optimization scenarios) start to appear, and in
The second cluster we named environmental scenarios, and in- some years even dominate the scenario studies. The participatory sce-
cludes 23% of the studies analysed. The group incorporates scenario nario studies are so few that no temporal trends can be detected.
studies that focus on the inuence of different external (environmental)
factors on forests and forest management over time. In many (but not
all) of the cases, climate change is this external factor. This cluster has
many dimensions that are similar to that of the management scenarios
(e.g. strongly quantitative in nature, including chains of events, based
on desktop research). However, unlike the management scenarios, the
environmental scenarios are descriptive in nature (and not normative)
and do not include or only limitedly include forest use, but focus much
more on land-use considerations. The research of Vennetier and Ripert
(2009) forms an example of this type of scenario studies.
The third cluster (with 14% of the studies) describes scenario studies
that focus strongly on quantitative decision support through optimiza-
tion procedures. This cluster was termed optimization scenarios.
These scenario studies determine optimum decisions (e.g. from a nan-
cial or risk perspective) giving different possible constraints over time
with the support of quantitative models. With a clear optimisation
goal, these scenarios are normative, and they could be both forecasting
or backcasting. In contrast to the management and environmental sce-
nario studies, the optimisation scenario studies have a higher level of
participatory approaches, focus on a snapshot rather than on a chain
of events, and include multiple uses of the forest. An example is
Gutsch et al. (2011).
With only 6% of the studies in this review, the studies in the fourth
cluster are participatory and apply qualitative methods. Therefore, we
attached the term participatory scenarios to this cluster. These studies
are normative, using qualitative, participatory, backcasting methods to
focus on a snapshot in time. These qualitative methods are more apt Fig. 3. Scores of the four clusters on the three overarching themes (based on normalized
for heterogeneous evaluations that include multiple forest uses and scores).

Please cite this article as: Hoogstra-Klein, M.A., et al., Analysing scenario approaches for forest management One decade of experiences in
Europe, Forest Policy and Economics (2016),
M.A. Hoogstra-Klein et al. / Forest Policy and Economics xxx (2016) xxxxxx 7

4.4. Diversity of the scenario clusters approach shows a trend towards scenarios that incorporate somewhat
longer time horizons, reecting issues at the larger scale, including
Fig. 3 shows the scores of the four clusters on the three overarching land-use considerations (in the form of the environmental scenarios).
themes. As we can see in this gure, the management scenarios, envi- One of the reasons for this trend might be that, over the past decades,
ronmental scenarios, and optimisation scenarios clusters can be seen forest landscape modelling has changed rapidly, fuelled by technologi-
as separated from the participatory scenarios cluster along the thematic cal advances and theoretical insights, offering data at broad spatial and
process design dimension, whereas the participatory scenarios and en- temporal scales, that now can be investigated (He, 2008). The other ex-
vironmental scenarios clusters seem most separated along both the pro- planation might be, as referred to already earlier in this discussion, the
ject goal axis. The management scenarios and optimisation scenarios major and unfamiliar challenge posed by climate change in the last
clusters have a similar score on these overarching themes. All the clus- years, which is inherently linked to all spatial and temporal scales.
ters can be rated as simple rather than complex, with the participatory Despite the broadening of the scenario approaches, the participatory
scenarios the most complex, but with overlapping ranges. scenarios were rare. This is somewhat surprising considering the cur-
rent discourse of sustainable forest management, in which participation
5. Discussion and conclusion and multi-stakeholder processes features prominently. By including
and engaging stakeholders in scenario development, one can not only
Through the quantitative cluster analysis we identied four groups extend the knowledge that forms the basis for developing scenarios, it
of scenario approaches applied in forest management in Europe over also builds consensus, creates legitimacy (Appelstrand, 2002), and
the past decade. These groups we labelled as management scenarios, forms a basis for shared strategies for the future (Bohunovsky et al.,
environmental scenarios, optimization scenarios, and participatory sce- 2011; Carlsson et al., 2015). This is something that has been acknowl-
narios. Management scenarios evaluate the impact of different forest- edged in other sectors already for years and has given rise to a multitude
management approaches over time whether or not within the frame of scenario studies in which the participation of stakeholders formed a
of possible external factors (such as climate change). Environmental central element (Bohunovsky et al., 2011; Kok and Van Vliet, 2011).
scenarios focus on this external factor, evaluating possible develop- Closely linked to the discussion on stakeholder participation in sce-
ments and the inuences on forests and forest management. Optimiza- nario building is the use of qualitative data. Our study shows that
tion scenarios have as main goal to determine optimum strategies for most scenario approaches in forest management make use of quantita-
managing the forest, while the participatory scenarios rely on qualita- tive data; only the few participatory studies are more qualitative in na-
tive and participatory approaches to sketch possible futures for the for- ture. Often, also in scenario studies, qualitative and quantitative
est landscape. methodologies are presented as a dichotomy (Kemp-Benedict, 2004).
As regards the clusters observed and the link to the three overarch- Quantitative scenario methodology, with a deterministic approach,
ing themes, the clusters distinguished in this review cover only part of focusses strongly on what is known and what is knowable. Wilkinson
the eight types of scenarios identied by Van Notten et al. (2003). and Eidinow (2008) call this the known-knowns and known-un-
Some clusters seem to span different types, but especially the more in- knowns. In contrast, qualitative scenario methodology has strong re-
formal (intuitive) and complex scenarios are underrepresented in the course to narrative/literature techniques (Kosow and Ganer, 2008).
articles reviewed. As regards the intuitive aspect, the forest-manage- The two methodologies both have their strengths and limitations
ment scenario studies reviewed strongly depend on quantitative and (Wilkinson and Eidinow, 2008). In the last years, several scholars (e.g.
non-participatory methodology, something that has also been observed Van Notten et al., 2003) in scenario studies have called for a combina-
by Hetemki (2014) in his review on future studies in the forest sector. tion of the two approaches. As Van Notten et al. (2003, p. 432) stated,
Wilkinson and Eidinow (2008, p. 6) dene this kind of scenario studies A quantitative scenario can be enriched and its communicability enhanced
as problem-focused scenarios: scenario studies that see the world as with the help of qualitative information. Likewise, a qualitative scenario can
an objective and quantiable entity, divorced from the values judgments be tested for plausibility and consistency through the quantication of in-
and impacts of actors or stakeholders. [] the future is comprehensible formation where possible. Swart et al. (2004) even argue that especially
and knowable. We did not nd, as Biggs et al. (2007) did, that scenarios scenario analysis, with its broad diversity of methodologies, offers a
covering a wide spatial extent are mostly quantitative and expert driv- large potential for integrating the two views as long as one can nd
en, while more local scenarios emphasize the engagement of stake- the balance between the two.
holders. Most of the studies reviewed cover a smaller spatial scale It is difcult to judge if the limited number of participatory and qual-
(most often the management unit). The complexity dimension is itative scenarios in our analysis is inuenced by the selection of journals
more complex to unravel; in our implementation, it exists of ve di- analysed. To avoid possible biases in our review, we predened explicit
mensions and the scores on some of these dimensions are rather het- search strategies and inclusion/exclusion criteria. However, with the
erogeneous. It is clear that the nature of the variables and the level of search-term forestry in research area of Web of Science, several
integration dimensions score very low in all three groups of scenarios. journals with a broader focus than trees, forests and forestry but with
This implicates that the scenario studies analysed focus strongly on ex- articles on forest scenario studies were ignored. Most of the forestry
ploring (developments of) a few or only one element in our environ- journals included have a natural-sciences focus. It might be that the in-
ment, with climate change as dominant driver. Wagner et al. (2014, p. clusion of other journals would have resulted a wider range of studies,
32) explain this strong focus on climate change as follows: forest man- and possibly a stronger representation of participatory, qualitative stud-
agers have always been confronted with some degree of uncertainty be- ies [such as the study of Haatanen et al. (2014), using participatory sce-
cause of the long time span of forest production (Hoogstra and Schanz, nario development for forest bioenergy, published in the Journal of
2008; Lindner et al., 2010). [] However, the uncertainty associated with Environmental Management].
climate change adds a whole new and unparalleled dimension to the chal- This being the case or not, considering the complexity of forest man-
lenge of dealing with it. agement (Farcy and Devillez, 2005; De Bruin et al., 2015), the issues at
Despite the fact that overall the scenario approaches seem to be stake, and the urgency of some of these issues (such as climate change
rather quantitative, non-participatory, and single factor in nature, a and the role of timber in the upcoming bio-economy) in forest manage-
temporal trend was found reecting a broadening in the scenario ap- ment in Europe, we see the necessity of applying more mixed-method,
proaches for forest management over time. In the beginning of the de- participatory, and complex scenarios in forest management in the years
cade, almost all scenarios of the cluster were management scenarios, to come. That is not to say that the simple, quantitative scenarios based
whereas in the last years more and more environmental scenarios and on desktop studies will not be valuable anymore. In the end, following
optimization scenarios have appeared. The broadening of the scenario the words of Kosow and Ganer (2008, p. 93), it is always the case

Please cite this article as: Hoogstra-Klein, M.A., et al., Analysing scenario approaches for forest management One decade of experiences in
Europe, Forest Policy and Economics (2016),
8 M.A. Hoogstra-Klein et al. / Forest Policy and Economics xxx (2016) xxxxxx

that selection of a specic, concrete scenario technique can make sense only 14. De Schrijver, A., Geudens, G., Wuyts, K., Staelens, J., Gielis, L., &
if carried out in each case specically within a concrete research or project Verheyen, K. (2009). Nutrient cycling in two continuous cover sce-
context. narios for forest conversion of pine plantations on sandy soil. I. Nu-
trient cycling via aboveground tree biomass. Canadian Journal of
Acknowledgements Forest Research, 39(2), 441452.
15. De-Miguel, S., Bonet, J. A., Pukkala, T., & de Aragn, J. M. (2014).
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enth Program for research, technological development and demonstra- mushroom productivity: a regional model-based scenario analy-
tion under grant agreement No 282887 (INTEGRAL). sis. Forest Ecology and Management, 330, 218227.
16. Eriksson, E., & Berg, S. (2007). Implications of environmental
quality objectives on the potential of forestry to reduce net CO2
Appendix 1
emissionsA case study in central Sweden. Forestry, 80(2), 99
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Please cite this article as: Hoogstra-Klein, M.A., et al., Analysing scenario approaches for forest management One decade of experiences in
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Europe, Forest Policy and Economics (2016),

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