First Set Up The VM Using Ubuntu Server (See Photos Below)

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First set up the vm using ubuntu server (see photos below)

2. Then log in into the vm using username: progapps and password: 2017 as a login

3. After logging in check the directories that are inside your current directory using ls
command, then go to the jetbrains directory using cd command
4. Once youre inside the jetbrains directory check if hub, youtrack, and upsource are
installed in your VM using ls.

5. After checking go inside the upsource/bin directory and run the using
./ start -no--browser command (see photos above)
6. Go back to the jetbrains directory and do the same thing to hub and youtrack
7. After running the upsource, youtrack and hub get your ip address using the ifconfig

8. Then go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
9. Open the hosts file using notepad and enter the ip address and the hostname

10. Then save it

11. Then go to browser and open jetbrains:8080 then login the admin account

12. After you login to jetbrains go to access management menu and select Users
13. Now create new users
14. Once you finished creating your users go to ------ and create project and view
15. In creating a project click New Project button then fill up the given form .
16. After creating the project you can now add user in the project by clicking the Add user or
group button.
17. You have now successfully created your project

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