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How To Get That 'Surround' Sound

On Your Vocal Tracks

Here is one technique to get a bigger vocal sound

Create 3 auxillary tracks that can be used for effects processors.

Add a reverb and time the reverb decay to the beat of the song.
Then add a Pitch Shifter or Harmonizer

Shift one side up by a few cents to detune it sharp a little bit

Shift one side down by a few cents to detune it flat a little bit

Pan hard left and right

Add a short stereo delay and set the delay times between 50-60 milliseconds

Then Pan hard left and right

Next setup 3 auxillary sends on the channel(s), (your vocals), that you want
to fatten and widen.
Solo your vocal track and then select each send so that you can gradually
add each effect until you hear it expanding the width of the sound
You should mute the effect in and out to hear what its doing
Dont send too much, it should be subtle, but noticeable when you mute it
in and out. You should miss it.
You can also EQ the effect return if you want to.

(This tip was covered on Khaliqs Quick Coaching Webinar)

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