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David Bayer
Introduction 3

Key 1: Know What You Want 4

Key 2 Know Why You Want It 5
Key 3: Know Your Limiting Beliefs & Stories 7
Key 4: Take Massive & Consistent Action 9
Key 5: Embrace the Challenges as Blessings & Opportunities 12
Key 6: Accountability 14
Key 7: Gratitude 16

Endnote 17
The 7 Keys of Intentional Creation

5% of people think. 10% of people think they think. The

other 85% would rather die than think Thomas Edison

Despite the fact that many of us understand the core principles of

Law of Attraction, very few people are tapping into their true creative
capacity. The challenge is one of psychology: the moment we have an
intention, our survival based unconscious mind begins worrying
about how, when, why not yet, how come for them, and what if it
doesnt happen. While the idea of thinking positive about something
sounds simple (and easy), truly becoming an intentional creator
requires a total transformation of the unconscious mind. As it was
written in Romans, the heros journey is to be not conformed to this
world, but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Having been blessed to support thousands of individuals in

transforming their lives, and having done the inner work to massively
transform my outer reality, Ive been able to put together a simple but
powerful process to help any individual create and manifest what they
truly want in their lives. I encourage you to use this process on
something that youve been wanting to create in your own life, and
enjoy the unfolding of that manifestation.

David Bayer, Master Coach and Transformational Expert

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Key #1:

Most people want something but theyre not specific enough in their
knowing. Our imagination, the mental images that we create and
focus our attention on, will come into physical manifestation through
our individual action in tandem with the co-creative assistance of the
Universe, Divine or God. The clarity with which we shape our
mental images is directly correlated to the specificity of the
manifestation. Many people want more money not appreciating fully
that an extra one dollar would fulfill the requirement.

Be specific in what you want. If it is a partner what does he or she

look like, sound like, feel like, and enjoy doing? If youd like to make
more money how much? Create secondary mental images around
the primary desire to support and enhance it. For example what
would you do with the money? How would it feel while you were
doing, buying or experiencing that thing you would do with the
money? One of the secrets of wealth creation is not to simply want
one million dollars, but to have other mental images that require your
creation of one million dollars. If your other mental images are to buy
your parents a home, start a nonprofit, fly private jet charter, and
create a new company those images will require the one million
dollars and thus support your primary income objective. Having
complementary goals or images is a powerful way to harness co-
creative assistance.

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KEY #2:
Most people fail to manifest what they want because they give up or
begin experiencing doubt, fear, worry or other vibrationally resistant
emotions when they experience challenges. Having a burning
desire purpose or reason for wanting what you want is critical to
holding your intention, faith and desire on the object of your creation.
Most people who want to lose weight wont do it for themselves.
However when they do it to show their children the importance of
sticking to commitments, or so that they can live an extra decade
longer to spend with their children, or to be alive to walk their
grandchildren down the aisle, they are more likely to overcome the
challenge posed by the pastry on the lunch table at work.
Entrepreneurs who want to create a new business and to do so more
easily by aligning themselves with the creative science of the Universe
must have a reason so big that they are willing to sacrifice their social
life, sleep, money and breath for it.

The most creative, inspiring and powerful people in the world

Gandhi, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Theresa,
Marcus Aurelius, Steve Jobs, Sir Richard Branson they all had
Whys or reasons that inspired them to find solutions to the many
diverse and complex challenges that stood between them and their
goals the objects of their manifestation and creation. Even if you
want something that is simply material, create a reason that is bigger
than the object or yourself.

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Perhaps youre not trying to change the world or save a generation of
children, thats okay. Perhaps your wanting one million dollars is to
show yourself that you truly are in alignment with the divine and that
you are an expression of the creative power of the Universe or because
you want to be able to buy a home that will provide you and your
family with the comforts and conveniences that you deserve. Those
reasons are burning desire reasons that are much more compelling
reasons to push towards the goal of one million dollars than simply
the making of the money itself. If you do not truly have reason bigger
than yourself for wanting your desired outcome, you may not have
the motivation, drive and willingness to sacrifice required for ultimate

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KEY #3:
Most people fail to create the lives they dream of living because they
simply arent aware of their thoughts. It is your unconscious not your
conscious mind that imprints the visions of your mind into the
quantum fabric of potentiality. The key to rapid intentional creation is
to identify the survival-based limiting thoughts of the ego during the
conscious contemplation of your goals. In other words the moment
you set an intention towards a goal to conversations take place; the
having of the thing, and the absence of it. The unconscious egoic
aspect of your mind will begin to doubt, find problems, and worry
about the attainment of that goal. It will notice that the thing is not
here yet, that others have it, and identify all the reasons for the
possibility that it may never happen. A careful psychological
inventory of these fears, doubts, worries and resentments and their
transformation into certainty-driven, faith based and higher
vibrational emotions is the key to dropping vibrational resistance and
allowing for the great Law of Attraction to function in its optimal

The mistake that most people make when stretching their

imagination and setting intentional outcomes is that they fail to
allocate ample time to observe in the quiet stillness of silence the
limiting beliefs and stories of their unconscious mind.

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Further failure is attained by simply trying not to think negative
thoughts. Thoughts cannot be not thought but rather must be
replaced by clearly defined and positive emotion-invoking
empowering beliefs and stories powerfully crafted in response to the
fear-based thinking of the egoic mind. Whats more, incanting or
affirming positive statements, while an important tool for
reconditioning the unconscious mind, is only effective when one truly
believes the statements. Speaking something that cannot, at the
moment, be truly believed, only adds to the resistance of the
unconscious mind. I dont really believe this becomes the
unconscious predominant opinion and strengthens the mindset that
this thing will never occur.

Instead of incanting or affirming the precise opposite of the

incumbent fear, shift the belief to something more positive yet still
fully believable. If not one is afraid of failure, for example, affirming
absolute victory may seem far-fetched. However believing that there
is no such thing as failure and that in every experience there is
growth, learning and many forms of success despite the outcome, is
believable and more productive from a vibrational perspective.

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KEY #4:
Creation does not take place solely on the mental level but also
involves activity at the physical level. While perhaps the greatest
spiritual masters and teachers were able to manifest miracles
instantaneously and to create something from nothing at will, creating
what we want in our lives requires consistent, persistent and massive
action. The will to continually act towards our desired outcome
requires the aforementioned steps: knowing what one wants, why one
wants it, and identifying the thought patterns that lead to negative
emotions and therefore unproductive action. Its important to
understand that, from the outset, there will be disappointments, there
will be failures and that creation itself is chaotic. Just as the
beautiful, fully realized perfection of the creation we observe today in
the physical world was born out of chaos, so too will be the unfolding
evolution of your goals and dreams. However when one has properly
established the first 3 steps, and in acknowledgment of the fact that
creation is not a straight line but rather a journey of twists and turns,
one can be willing to take continued massive action in the face of
what can often be long spells of failed expectations.

Applying the principle of the next best action serves creation better
than trying to figure out all the steps at the beginning only to
experience frustration and disappointment that the way we thought it
was going to work isnt working.

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Each time we take action towards our desired outcome we continue
to fortify the manifestation of our desires not just with the holding of
our attention on the mental images of that outcome but now through
vibrational focus in the physical world. Action supports creation not
only at the quantum level but also at the spiritual level. Intelligence
looks for channels or human instruments with which to co-create in
the physical world and action is a magnet for Universal or Divine
assistance. Action creates a whirlpool of activity in our vibrational
reality which pulls into it all sorts of assistance that no man or woman
could possibly imagine would come their way.

Furthermore action even when accompanied by perceived failure is

the training process for gaining the skills, attributes and character
necessary for the receiving of your desired outcome. One may want
one million dollars, but unless one is prepared for the receiving of it,
they will not retain that money for long. The repeated pattern of
action and failure grooms the individual into the perfect recipient for
the desired prize. In fact the process of creation itself is not so much
designed for the attainment of a goal or a dream, but for an expansion
of the individual and that individuals consciousness in the process.
Goals are the training modules, while spiritual growth is the
inevitable outcome. As one expands his or her capabilities and
consciousness through the persistent pursuit of their goals and
dreams, it is the personal growth and expansion in the process that
ultimately allows the object of the desire to come into manifestation.

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The primary psychological disorder preventing one from taking
consistent, persistent massive action is the fear of making a mistake or
of making the wrong decision. One can fully appreciate the
absurdity of this fear when one acknowledges the infinite pathways
that Infinite Intelligence makes available to achieve our desired
outcomes. Like a Divine GPS system, each choice one makes
recalculates the shortest path to greatest success and the people,
places, experiences and resources required to travel that road are
immediately positioned in the ideal locations, at the ideal time, to
ensure ones personal victory.

There are no mistakes. There are no right or wrong decisions. The

only mistake is to remain in inaction for fear of making a mistake, or
to question ones choices after the commitment has already been
made. When one realizes this simple truth, that no noble action goes
unrewarded, one can begin to progress swiftly and productively while
making bold decisions that, by law, must produce equally gratifying

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KEY #5:
The name of the creative game is consistent focus and attention on
good feeling thoughts combined with persistent action. But surely
one must ask, are not their times where we experience setbacks in the
pursuit of our goals and dreams which have no truly positive bearing?
The Universe would respond with a sigh of, no. Every situation that
you experience is designed to assist you in the accomplishment of
your desired outcome. Even the perceived failures are designed to
reveal to the aspiring creator the still existing flaws in his mindset.
Only the purest of minds can create at the highest levels, and the tool
that the Divine sculptor provides in order to reshape our minds and
make one aware of his still limiting beliefs are the experiences of life
itself. Truly one creates every experience in his life with Divine
precision and specificity.

Our experiences are strategically crafted to, at the very moment of

that experience, bring from our unconscious to our conscious minds
the limiting beliefs and stories that still need mending before our
desired outcome can fully manifest. By experiencing what we dont
want we can momentarily access our unconscious mind at previously
unavailable levels as we literally experience the patterns of our
unconscious mind as they manifest in our reality. Rather than
complaining or bemoaning what we experience, lets instead
approach unwanted situations and circumstances with the curiosity of
a child.
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What was it that I felt when I experienced that? How long have I felt
that way for surely this is not the first time? What is it I believe about
myself, others or life as I experienced this thing. The answers to these
questions reveal the weeds of the mind that still choke the flowering
of the gardens of our desire. Identifying the weeds and plucking them
the garden will ensure that we are focusing our conscious and
unconscious minds on the having of the objects of our desires. Whats
more each experience is designed to assist us in acquiring the skills,
the character and the mindset required to fulfill on goals and dreams.

What did we learn from this experience? What can we appreciate

about it? How is life truly working for me, not against me, in what
Ive experienced here? These are the questions of powerful creators.
Rather than focus on whats not happening right, instead shift your
attention to what is working in every experience. Embrace the
challenges, for they are designed for your ultimate success.

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KEY #6:
Life is not a journey experienced alone and those that we surround
ourselves with can either empower or sabotage a life of fulfilled
desires. Support, encouragement and assistance are needed on the
path of creation. The greatest creators in history surround themselves
with teams of individuals who understood, preached and lived the
master creative principles. Why is it important for to bring others into
our journey of creation?

First and foremost we must be accountable to others in order to create

additional safeguards against the cunning, baffling and powerful
aspects of the egoic mind. One is often unaware when one is living in
the limiting stories and beliefs of the mind. Like a fish in water, it is
only one we are exposed to another perspective that we realize the
story weve created around us. Accountability partners, mentors and
support from others who understand and live the creative principles
can ensure that we dont stray far from the path of our desired
creation. They can help ensure that we become aware of our
psychological blind spots through direct awareness rather than the
time consuming cycles of trial and error.

Whats more, the Divine Intelligence operates through all conscious

beings. And while there is truly no right or wrong decisions, often
times others can provide ideas, inspiration or creative approaches that
may lend to an expedited accomplishment of our goals.

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Thats not to say that one should not listen intently first and foremost
to ones own intuition. However seeking the advice, support and
counsel of others who may have journeyed already in the areas of life
that you are exploring can help one to avoid unnecessary pitfalls and
learnings through trial and error. Seeking out others who have the
experience to effectively serve as guides along the path can help
reduce years to months, and decades to years.

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KEY #7:
If dropping the psychological resistance to what one wants is the
secret to unlocking the infinite possibilities of ones life, the master
key to accessing that those treasures is gratitude. Gratitude developed
into a moment by moment practice is a single act which incorporates
all of the aforementioned creative keys. Gratitude focuses ones
attention on the good feeling thoughts while keeping limiting beliefs
and stories at bay. Gratitude sees opportunities in every challenge.
Gratitude acknowledges progress and the fact that every circumstance
is bringing one closer to the objects of their desire. Even in the most
challenging of circumstances, gratitude can focus ones attention on a
positive perspective that lends to opportunity, possibility and reward.

The questions we ask ourselves have a powerful impact on our lives

and perhaps the most influential question of all is what can I be
grateful for? The mind is an amazing technology which will answer
any question asked of it. By seeking gratitude you are putting the
mind on alert to find anything that feels good, and be feeling good we
raise our creative vibration to a higher level. The habit of gratitude
can be deepened with daily practice and the placing of attention on
the people, experiences and material objects already existing in our
lives that are in alignment with what we want. And while many
people deepen their gratitude through daily morning practice, the
ultimate intention is to live moment by moment regardless of our
outer circumstances in a deep appreciation all of the many things that
are working in our lives.

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Making magic happen in your life is not a complicated formula. It has
been described as simple, yet difficult. Keep in mind, however, that
the difficulty eases over time with continued, mindful practice of the
principles outlined in these 7 Keys. Everything in your life is possible
if you are willing to overcome fear, worry and doubt by putting your
attention on that possibility. Hold your attention on that possibility
and continue to take action in faith, and the Laws of Creation and
Attraction will delivery unto you the object of your burning desire. It
is Law.

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Many, Many Blessings,

David Bayer
Master Coach & Transformational Expert

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