Emirates: Florida'. Agrlhl Adopt' Swat Own

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PESHAWAR : Th e TlI m pa- t>ased Pa ki stan i comm u nit y In Florida Is lu der in Afghanistan
considering 'ado pt i"..' a town in tt>e battle-tom Swa t val ley to rehat>il itilte • eftw:~S Swat clean- up to
residents flee ing the f ight ing t here. One of the lea de" of the Ta m pa- based
group, Dr Mun ir kha n, floated the proposal at a fu nd -r;ol"" jo intly ,
organise<! by the Hu man Oeveklpmen t Fou ndation (HO F), the Kh ybe r
Medica l CoII"ge Welfa re Society, t he Edh i Founda t ion and t he I slam ic Relief . Global re<ess iQn m ak in~
Fund on Sunday. woMd more vio lent : study
• VOA draws f ire ever Mehsud
A total of $30 ,000 were raised at the fund -raiser. HOF's Dr Sheh naz Khil n interview
appealed to the participants to donate ~enerously for t he Intema lly • Zawahr1 :;.;tys bloody Swat
displaced perso ns (lO Ps ). Or Mun ir sa id, 'The Tam pa · based com m un ity Obama's g·ft to Muslims
should help in rebui ldi ng that town over t he next 5 years or so." He said • US citizens asked not to
t he peop le of Tam pa would In teract with residents o f the se lected town !rnvel to P!:shawar
and he lp them rebui ld schools, hos pitals and also f inance the poo rest
• D1: br1s of Ajr France Diane
fa m ilies. It was also decided t h at a com mittee, con sisti ng of loca l
ph ilanthropists, wou ld sta rt the project . ,
Dr Sa leem Afridl , Or Rooh AI,. Alrid i, Or Wal i KtKln, Dr Saq ib Kha n, Or
Hum ayu n Mi. n, Or Javed Hafee z, Dr Fa isa l Khan, Or Am ir Naw.z , Or
S h au~at Chaudhry, Or Masood An sa n and Hikman Re hm an were also • How dec is;ve are tIM:
Ma l a~and vic!Qf i es ~
presen t on the occasion .
Go'" claims second. t hird tier
H om e I N atlon,I • lu dersh ic ofTa l ban
______ , HRCProndemnskldnapping
~ ,

5""", this st<V)'! 1::1 : of cadets b y Taiban

President urges
• ph iianthropists to adopt
conflict- hit vi llages in Swat
Islamabad Hotels

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