Outsource Request For Quote Project Brief

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[your logo here]

SEO Project Brief Request

For Quote
[your business name here] Professional SEO
Prepared by [your name here]

[your business name here]


This document has been prepared by [your business name] as a request for proposal and quote
regarding the optimization, or assistance with partial optimization of [clients business name] website.
[contractors business name], has been sought out by [your business name] as a potential external
contractor, for the purpose of [reason for hiring contractors services]

This document outlines various aspects of the project, which have been presented to [contractors
business name] in the effort for them firstly to have a better insight and understanding of the requested
work, and secondly, to provide a formal quote and feedback about their ability to assist.

This document includes:

Company Overview
Project Requirement
Key Elements
Contact Information


[clients business name] is a [description of business] and [what they do].

[enter more details and information about the clients business here]

We require [what you need assistance with]; and further details as outlined below.


[clients business name] is wanting to improve their websites current ranking in order to [promote or raise
awareness about].
[your business name] are seeking proposals for the promotion of this website (and possibly ongoing
marketing assistance and maintenance) working in conjunction with [clients business name] and relevant
groups. You are offered the opportunity to tender for this work.

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[your business name] Request for Quote Project Brief

Website Objectives:
To firstly improve current search placement positioning in order to increase [clients business
name] revenue.

To provide information about [clients business name], its products and services to clients or

To build a customer based email list, that can be leveraged to further raise awareness about
[clients business name], products, services and special offers to clients or members

To provide information about [clients business name], its products and services to suppliers,
vendors or distributors

To be more competitive online

To improve customer service and enhance customer communication

To gather information about qualified customers for subsequent marketing

Disseminate company/investor information

Keep current and potential customers/investors informed about company news and events

To sell products, services, or other items over the web (E-Commerce)

To reduce operating costs by providing business functions over the web

To provide relevant information or educate the public at large

To experiment and test market demand

Provide useful quality content for website visitors

To gather useful feedback and testimonials

Target Audience

Competitive Intelligence Professionals

Information Professionals

Information Specialists

Companies investigating expanding into new markets with new products or acquisitions

Independent Inventors

[insert other potential target audience members]


Website Audit [this is an example only]

Before commencing any part of the actual optimization process the existing site must be measured in
terms of performance to establish a benchmark. The website audit will address a number of factors,
most noticeably, search placement positioning, traffic and conversion metrics. In addition to this, we will
be looking for any weaknesses that need addressing as part of the overall strategy, both onsite and
offsise. Any data captured will be used to help determine the direction of the project.

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[your business name] Request for Quote Project Brief

Website Restructure [this is an example only]

It is anticipated that a complete website restructure may be required. The benefits of doing so will bring
upon a site that is more user friendly, search engine friendly and more readily accessible. A restructure
will also help improve general development maintenance and upkeep.
It is expected that there may be some interruptions to normal operations of the website during
changeover periods. Any extensive delays or outages will be reported to key staff members and stake
holders in advance. Outages are to be kept minimal with changes and updates to be performed with time
being of the essence.
Autoresponder/Email/Customer List [this is an example only]
[update as needed below]
a) Needs to allow people to be able to subscribe so they can be emailed (and possibly
SMS) when relevant new information is added.
b) Just one email to contain various items/categories of updated information.
c) To be a fully or partially automated system i.e. content of email set up automatically and
either sent automatically
Search Engine Optimisation
[insert the specifics of the campaign, SEO strategies and what is required here]
Flexibility - Seemless integration of content
[update as needed below]

It is important that the Content Management System allows the maximum amount of flexibility to
update all parts of the website whilst maintaining the integrity of SEO. This includes:
a) Being able to update all aspects of the website ourselves
b) Being able to add menu items, sections, microsites etc
c) Flexibility of where images can be placed
d) A suitable number of templates developed that can be used throughout the site.
Needs to look clean and ensure users can navigate easily and quickly the information they require.
a) The websites contain a lot of information so clear sign posting to our services is
needed and where further information can be found.
b) Section of the home page which shows latest information, i.e. news, new publications,
diary dates
Contact Forms
A facility to allow direct enquiries via the website itself ie contact forms
Other Features
[update as needed below]

[update with further information or requirements here as needed]


The [clients business name] website is expected to achieve the following as a result of this exercise.

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[your business name] Request for Quote Project Brief

o A long term SEO strategy that assists the business over years to follow
o An increase of up to 45% in traffic based upon more competitive words
o A reduced bounce rate and higher web visitor engagement time on site
o Increased sales conversions of at least 25%
o Higher levels of customer interaction through list building, and email interaction

o [insert additional key elements here]


It is anticipated that we can have the initial website audit peformed and completed by [date] and a
preliminary SEO proposal by [date]. If this is acheivable then it is hoped that we can have a signed
acceptance of our proposal, contract and receipt of the initial deposit by [date] . We can then commence
SEO and campaign operations.


It would be appreciated if you could provide us with a quotation either via email or via fax. Alternatively, if
you wish to discuss this project further with us, we can organise to meet before engaging in your


Business Name [your business name]

Name [your name here]

Mobile number: [mobile phone number]

Email [email address]
Fax [fax number]

We thank you for reading over our request for quote proposal and look forward to working with you.

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