910727A Simple Forward Direct Problem Solver For Eddy Current

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Measurement xxx (2011) xxxxxx

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A simple forward direct problem solver for eddy current

non-destructive inspection of aluminum plates using uniform eld probes
A. Lopes Ribeiro a,b,, H. Geirinhas Ramos a,b, O. Postolache a
Instituto de Telecomunicaes, I.S.T., Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Instituto Superior Tcnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper we show that a simple algorithm used to model the eddy current inspection of
Received 14 November 2010 an aluminum plate can be used to preview the acquired voltage signals. Thus, the algo-
Received in revised form 11 March 2011 rithm is suitable to work as a forward problem solver to determine the expected measure-
Accepted 11 March 2011
ment signal obtained with a uniform excitation eld probe including a giant
Available online xxxx
magnetoresistor sensor. The algorithm is based on a conformal transformation and is able
to preview the shape of the electrical current lines when a metallic plate with a supercial
straight crack is subject to a sinusoidal excitation eld with constant amplitude and orien-
Eddy currents
Non-destructive testing
tation in a bounded zone around the sensor element. Simple and fast algorithms as the one
Uniform eld probes presented in this paper are of paramount importance for testing inversion algorithms used
Giant magnetoresistors to characterize defects in metallic plates.
2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction rely on the geometrical conguration of the excitation

coils, on the time-varying excitation elds, and on the type
Different methods of non-destructive testing are cur- of the sensor elements under use.
rently used in industry. These methods rely on several The use of circular excitation coils is quite common.
physical phenomena. Methods based on ultrasound propa- When the coil axis is perpendicular to a metallic structure
gation [1], on electromagnetic induction [2] and on liquid and the axisymmetry is preserved, the magnetic eld can
penetrants [3] are usually employed to test non-ferromag- be determined analytically [5]. An excitation coil with rect-
netic materials. When a time-varying magnetic eld is ap- angular cross-section and capable of producing a uniform
plied to a conductor an electromotive force is induced and eld was proposed to inspect weld aws [6]. The same
eddy currents appear inside it. The nature of these currents geometry was recently proposed to detect the edge of de-
depends on the electromagnetic properties of the material, fects [7].
such as the conductivity, and on the object geometry. Thus, Another important difference between eddy current
the eddy current method may be applied to search for methods relies on the time variation of the excitation
material inhomogeneities, aws, cracks, or any other kind elds. Some authors [8,9] use sinusoidal excitation to get
of material defects that causes perturbations of the eddy the benets of working in a harmonic regime, but others
currents [4]. prefer to investigate the pulsed excitation [7] working in
Different authors studied the eddy current phenomena the time-domain regime.
applied to the non-destructive testing of metallic materi- The third experimental difference between eddy cur-
als. The main differences between the applied methods rent methods relies on the sensor element. In the simpler
cases, the excitation coil is used as a sensing element and
the coil impedance is measured [5,8]. Other setups use
Corresponding author at: Instituto de Telecomunicaes, Av. Rovisco
Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal.
special pickup coils [7], with different mounting arrange-
E-mail address: arturlr@ist.utl.pt (A.L. Ribeiro). ments. Some authors use single absolute pickup coils, but

0263-2241/$ - see front matter 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: A. L. Ribeiro et al., A simple forward direct problem solver for eddy current non-destructive inspection of
aluminum plates using uniform eld probes, Measurement (2011), doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2011.03.029
2 A.L. Ribeiro et al. / Measurement xxx (2011) xxxxxx

others prefer differential arrangements to subtract the NI-PXI system, which includes a data acquisition module
voltage induced by the primary excitation eld. The main to acquire the output signals from the ECP, an arbitrary
drawback of the use of excitation coils is the necessity of function generator module and a serial RS232 interface to
using higher frequencies, because the induced voltages command the motion controller. The ECP excitation cur-
are proportional o the magnetic ux time derivative. More rent is provided by a transadmittance generator, driven
advanced apparatus for eddy current inspection use high by the NI-PXI arbitrary function generator.
sensitivity devices to sense the magnetic eld directly.
These devices are usually Hall sensors [9] or giant magne- 2.1. The eddy current probe
toresistors (GMR) as is the case presented in this work.
To apply the eddy current method, there must be a The eddy current probe is composed of a rectangular
probe (excitation coil and magnetic eld sensor) which ap- cross-section coil and a giant magnetoresistor (GMR) sen-
plies a primary excitation eld and reads the secondary sor on the bottom plane, as depicted in Fig. 1a. This coil
eld produced by the eddy currents. This probe is driven shape was chosen to obtain a spatially uniform magnetic
either manually by an operator [10] or automatically by a eld on a limited area of the surface of the aluminum plate
mechanical positioning system. that is being scanned. The giant magnetoresistor sensor,
Although it is very simple to implement inexpensive provided by Non Volatile Electronics, is composed of four
measurement systems based on eddy current methods, giant magnetoresistors mounted in a bridge conguration
the data they produce are quite difcult to interpret. Thus, and measures the magnetic eld component parallel to
the development of automated processes of data analysis is the plate and perpendicular to the excitation coil axis. This
of great importance. giant magnetoresistor sensor must be polarized by a con-
This paper is a contribution to this area of study as it stant magnetic eld in order to work in a linear region of
presents a fast algorithm to simulate straight cracks when its characteristic. This is achieved using a small permanent
a uniform electric eld is imposed in the crack region. To magnet attached to the probe. The GMR sensor presents a
evaluate its performance the theoretical results are com- sensitivity of 3.7 mV/Oe for each volt applied by the bridge
pared with the experimental data. power supply. The ECP was excited with a sinusoidal cur-
The paper, including an explanation of the constant rent of Iex = 200 mA at the frequency f = 1 kHz. Fig. 1b de-
eld probe, is divided into four sections. After this intro- picts the ECP. The coil square cross-section presents a
duction, the experimental setup is presented in Section 2, lower surface in the close proximity of the plate. The wires
which is a central issue in this work. In Section 3 we of this bottom surface carry a current which is directed
describe the conformal mapping algorithm and nally in along the y-direction. The primary magnetic eld under
Section 4 we conclude about the algorithm ability to be this surface is directed along the x-direction. The GMR sen-
used as a problem solver in our future work. sitive axis is directed along Oy and, in theory, the magnetic
eld along Oy is of zero amplitude, on the condition that
2. Description of the experimental system the plate is homogeneous. If the plate presents defects, a
component Hy of the magnetic eld will be detected.
The experimental setup in use in our laboratory is rep-
resented in Fig. 1. It includes a positioning system with a 2.2. The experimental method
motion controller which drives an eddy current probe
(ECP) over the surface of an aluminum plate where linear The method was experimentally tested by scanning a
cracks were articially machined. The complete system 2 mm thick aluminum plate, where a crack with 1 cm of
runs under the control of a LabView program via a modular length was machined. The area scanned by the probe was

O y

GMR Aluminum plate

(a) (b)
Fig. 1. (a) System block diagram. (b) Probe with the GMR sensor.

Please cite this article in press as: A. L. Ribeiro et al., A simple forward direct problem solver for eddy current non-destructive inspection of
aluminum plates using uniform eld probes, Measurement (2011), doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2011.03.029
A.L. Ribeiro et al. / Measurement xxx (2011) xxxxxx 3

such that the eddy currents being perturbed by the pres-

ence of the crack were inside the constant excitation eld
at all times. This condition imposes that the probe dimen-
sions must be scaled to the length of the crack to be de-
tected, and is a necessary condition to match the
experimental to the simulation results.
Due to the high sensitivity of the GMR sensor, the mag-
netic eld component to be measured must be orthogonal
to the direction of the excitation eld to avoid sensor sat-
uration since the primary eld is several orders of magni-
tude greater then the secondary eld. In our probe the
eld component under measurement is parallel to the alu-
minum plate. Under these conditions, and for an ideal
geometry, the GMR sensor only detects the perturbations
of the eddy current magnetic eld in one direction.

3. Conformal mapping and modeling results

Fig. 2. Lines of current deviating from a linear crack (solid) and
In this section we use a conformal mapping to preview equipotential lines (dotted).
how the current lines deviate from a crack, and the Biot
Savart law is used to preview the resulting magnetic eld
components. In the domain of non-destructive testing the
conformal mapping was used before to model the mag-
netic ux leakage from a crack in a steel specimen [11].

3.1. Conformal mapping

To determine the geometric conguration of the current

lines in the presence of a linear crack of length 2L we may
use a conformal transformation [12]. Considering the Z
complex plane, with Z x jy, and the complex potential
P, with P u jv , the following transformation allows us
to determine both the scalar potential u = u(x, y) and the
ux function v = v(x, y) as functions of position:
h i
P u jv K Z cos a  jZ 2  L2 1=2 sin a 1

The consideration of the conformal transformation is

possible because, in a limited area under the excitation
coil, the applied magnetic eld is uniform and the electric Fig. 3. Current density vector deviating from a linear crack.
eld Ei produced by induction can be considered as the gra-
dient of a scalar potential, Ei = ru(x, y), in that limited
region. currents. Thus, we must calculate the magnetic eld from
If the lines of current are perpendicular to the crack the difference between the currents represented in Fig. 3
direction the angle a is a = p/2. To obtain the lines of cur- and the unperturbed currents without crack. This differ-
rent we must take v = const. and invert (1) to determine the ence is represented in the following Fig. 4.
corresponding curve in the Z plane. To determine the
equipotentials, the condition u = const. must be taken. 3.2. Components of the magnetic eld
Fig. 2 depicts these curves.
The ux density is the complex conjugate of the deriv- The determination of the magnetic eld originated by
ative of P. In our case the ux density must be interpreted the current distribution represented in Fig. 4 is performed
as a current density. Taking a = p/2, and being r the mate- using the BiotSavart law [13], which for continuous med-
rial conductivity: ia takes the form:
 " # Z Z Z
dP Z 1 Jr0  R
r  rK j 2 2 1=2 Jx jJy 2 Hr dv 3
4p R2
dZ  Z  L V

The graphical representation of this current density can In (3), r represents the point where the eld is calculated,
0 0
be seen in Fig. 3. and r the point where the element of current J(r ) is lo-
We wish to determine the perturbation on the magnetic cated inside dv. The vector R = r  r connects the middle-
eld originated by the corresponding perturbation on the point of dv to the point where the eld is calculated. In

Please cite this article in press as: A. L. Ribeiro et al., A simple forward direct problem solver for eddy current non-destructive inspection of
aluminum plates using uniform eld probes, Measurement (2011), doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2011.03.029
4 A.L. Ribeiro et al. / Measurement xxx (2011) xxxxxx

Fig. 4. Perturbation of the current density due to the crack.

our calculation the current is supposed to lie in a plane at

the plate mid-thickness, and the points where the eld is
calculated are supposed to lie in a plane above and parallel
to the plate, where the GMR sensor is supposed to travel.
We used an iterative approach in our calculations. Thus,
the pair (m, n) references the position of each current ele-
ment in the plate and the pair (k, l) references the position
of each point where the eld is evaluated. The discrete ver-
sion of Eq. (3) takes the form:
1 X Jm; n  Rm;n
Hk; l Dv 4 Fig. 6. Surface plots of the components of the magnetic eld in the (x, y)
4p m;n R2 plane. (a) Hx, (b) Hy.

The eld map was determined and the results are de-
picted in Fig. 5.
In Fig. 6 we plot the surfaces Hx(x, y) and Hy(x, y), repre-
senting the two components of the in-plane magnetic eld.
Unfortunately the Hx component is not measurable exper-
imentally, because it superimposed to the excitation eld.

Fig. 7. Surface plot of the measurement of the Hy component using the

ECP probe.

4. Experimental results and crack detection

Fig. 7 represents the voltage measured with the ECP.

The excitation frequency was set to fex = 1 kHz. The
Fig. 5. Components of the magnetic eld in the (x, y) plane. sampling frequency was fS = 400 kHz and the number of

Please cite this article in press as: A. L. Ribeiro et al., A simple forward direct problem solver for eddy current non-destructive inspection of
aluminum plates using uniform eld probes, Measurement (2011), doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2011.03.029
A.L. Ribeiro et al. / Measurement xxx (2011) xxxxxx 5

samples to acquire the amplitude and phase of the GMR conclude that the proposed algorithm is adequate. Due to
output signal was set to N = 105, which corresponds to a to- its simplicity, it constitutes a very good tool to test the
tal of 250 periods of the excitation for each point under inversion algorithms that will be the subject of our future
measurement. A total of 50  50 points separated by work. Moreover, the achieved results point out a direction
1 mm of distance were measured over an aluminum plate to explore for the inversion problem solution. By using a
with 2 mm of thickness where a crack with 1 cm of length uniform eld probe, and subtracting from the detected sig-
and 0.5 mm wide had been cut. The gap between the probe nal image the values corresponding to a material without
and the plate was set to approximately d = 1 mm. defects, we obtain a nal image that can be considered as
The resemblance between the pictures obtained by sim- representing the magnetic eld map resulting from the
ulation and experimentally is remarkable, and shows how current perturbation distribution.
useful the simulation work can be to preview the experi- Thus, our future work will consist in an inversion prob-
mental results. The offset of 40 mV, visible in Fig. 6, is pro- lem trial, determining the distribution of dipolar current
duced by a very small amount of the excitation eld that is eddies from the magnetic eld perturbation map, knowing
detected by the GMR sensor. the magnetic eld produced by a single eddy.
The method to detect the crack is based on the steepest
descent method, which seeks for the correct value of the Acknowledgments
parameters K, a and L in the transformation (1), the dis-
tance d between the plate surface and the plane where This work was supported in part by the Portuguese
the GMR sensor detector travels, and the translation (dx, Science and Technology Foundation Project PTDC/EEA-
dy) to correctly locate the center of the model crack with ELC/67719/2006 and in part by the Instituto de Telecomu-
the experimental one. The function to minimize was the nicaes Project CLASSE. This support is gratefully
energy DE of the difference between the experimental data acknowledged.
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represented in Fig. 6b, References
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Please cite this article in press as: A. L. Ribeiro et al., A simple forward direct problem solver for eddy current non-destructive inspection of
aluminum plates using uniform eld probes, Measurement (2011), doi:10.1016/j.measurement.2011.03.029

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