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12 1
1. 710049
2. 350002

career growth 1989 Ragins Sundstrom
[1]20 90

Chay Aryee


Adams Ellstrom
[1314] Choy Savery

20100471617 70121001
71032002 70772109 70872034

132 Vol.23 No.102011

Graen [19]Graen

career development






SCI/SSCI career growth ca
reer advancementcareer progresscareer opportunities
[1216-1826] 1
[27]career mobilitycareer prospects

[28] [29]


MANAGEMENT REVIEW Vol.23 No.102011 133


Chay Aryee1999 Career growth

Nkereuwem1996 Career advancement prospects

Garavan 2006 Career Advancement

Metz Tharenou2001 Managerial advancement

Tharenou1999 Career advancement

1980-1994 75
[30] 2
Nicholson De Waal

Nicholson De Waal


1 AMJ Seibert 2001[10]
2 JAP Cable Derue2002[32]
3 JCD Allen 2006[33]
4 JCD Murphy Ensher2001[34]

5 JCD Blake-Beard1999[35]
6 JM Kirchmeyer1998[36]
7 JM Judge Bretz1994
8 JMS Aryee 1996[37]
9 JOB Wayne 1999[11]
10 JVB Byrne 2008[38]
11 JVB Valcour Ladge2008[39]
12 JVB Schneer Reitman1997[40]
AMJ-Academy of Management Journal JCD-Journal of Career Development JAP-Journal of Applied Psychology JMS-Journal of Management Stud-
ies JM-Journal of Management JSP-Journal of Social Psychology JOB-Journal of Organizational Behavior JVB-Journal of Vocational Behavior

134 Vol.23 No.102011

2 //

Van Veldhoven Career opportunities[4142]
3 Van Veldhoven 1994 Career possi
bilityOpportunities to learn 2008

Van Veldhoven Meijman1994

Van Veldhoven Dorenbosch2008

Van Veldhoven Meijman 1994 Van Veldhoven Dorenbosch 2008








MANAGEMENT REVIEW Vol.23 No.102011 135

Bedeian [46] Chay Aryee[12] 3

Tharenou Metz

20 10
100 82

5 15 3

5 18
260 213

15 Likert 5 5 4
3 2 1

1200 1109 961 108
636 67.7
304 22.3
11.24 97 10.09 101
223 23.2
10.51 86 8.95 70 7.28 281 29.3

101 10.51 113 11.76 81 360 37.5
8.43 204 21.23 76 7.9
25 251 26.8
425 44.2
26-30 319 34.0
536 55.8
31-45 226 24.1
4 45 142 15.1
2 86 9.2
138 14.8

253 27.2
SPSS13.0 105 11.3
LISREL8.70 348 37.4

136 Vol.23 No.102011

item analysis
0.001 0.3

t r t r
1 16.836*** .683*** 0.75 9 25.648*** .557*** 0.87
2 17.361*** .755*** 0.82 10 21.617*** .516*** 0.83
3 11.251*** .656*** 0.75 11 18.358*** .527*** 0.89
4 28.789*** .697*** 0.85 12 21.421*** .489*** 0.84
5 17.325*** .703*** 0.82 13 24.352*** .587*** 0.81
6 21.632*** .710*** 0.79 14 19.586*** .612*** 0.73
7 28.442*** .719*** 0.82 15 18.135*** .608*** 0.77
8 14.124*** .688*** 0.88

* 0.05 ** 0.01 *** 0.001



Bartlett 3069.063p=0.000
KMO 0.872

Q1 .869 .143 .186 .126
Q2 .856 .212 .018 .025
Q3 .779 .247 .025 .063
Q4 .755 .193 .264 .114
Q5 .209 .843 .173 .128
Q6 .169 .821 .249 .019
Q7 .189 .704 .016 .167
Q8 .124 .835 .021 .192
Q9 .087 .096 .827 .245
Q10 .168 .009 .668 .239
Q11 .027 .209 .602 .297
Q12 .006 .105 .712 .267
Q13 .138 .126 .238 .872
Q14 .032 .175 .215 .754
Q15 .068 .064 .193 .826
% 26.8 20.3 17.5 10.4

MANAGEMENT REVIEW Vol.23 No.102011 137

15 1
4 4 74.961%

Lederer Sethi 0.35 0.50 [48]

0.5 0.5


PNFI PGFI2/df 10 5.0
3 RMSEA 0.1
RMSEA 0.08 0.05

RMSEA 0.05
CFI 0 1
PNFI PGFI 0 1 0.50 [4950]
7 2/df 1.505 RMSEA
0.064 0.05 GFI=0.93
AGFI=0.91 0.90
NNFI=0.97CFI=0.98 0.9 PNFI 0.81
PGFI 0.72


1.505 0.064 0.93 0.91 0.97 0.94 0.98 0.81 0.72 0.98

138 Vol.23 No.102011

0.6 1 t p<0.001 0.6

Greenhaus [51]
0.3-0.5 0.267
0.483 0.3-0.5 [52]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2. 0.681
3. 0.607 0.670
4. 0.533 0.615 0.722
5. 0.433 0.505 0.515 0.528
6. 0.380 0.448 0.377 0.378 0.470
7. 0.248 0.246 0.084 0.259 0.398 0.447
8. 0.382 0.422 0.368 0.510 0.337 0.333 0.267
9. 0.351 0.391 0.384 0.422 0.333 0.453 0.268 0.483
_ 0.001

Cronbachs spearman

MANAGEMENT REVIEW Vol.23 No.102011 139

0 9

Devellis 0.860 0.846

0.848 0.795
0.80 0.70 0.80
0.796 0.764
0.70 0.60 0.70
0.783 0.736
[53] 0.60
Cronbachs 0.6

0.783 0.6

Cronbachs 0.8600.848
0.7960.783 9

74.961% 4


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140 Vol.23 No.102011

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Career Growth Study: Scale Development and Validity Test

Weng Qingxiong1,2 and Xi Youmin1

(1.School of Management, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian 710049;
2.Fuzhou command College of CAPF, Fuzhou 350002)

Abstract: The study structures and tests a four-dimensional structure model of career growth, and develops a measurement scale of
career growth. Based on the reviewing and generalizing of the correlated literature, it analyzes the links and differences between career
growth and other related concepts. The original data is acquired through interviews and semi-structured questionnaire. By reference to
the related research scales, the initial career growth scale is made through several steps, including cataloguing, summarizing and
revising. The formal scale is constructed through the research methods of the items analysis, exploratory factor test and so forth.
Confirmatory factor analysis approach is adopted to verify the four-dimensional structure model of career growth. The results indicate
that career growth is a four-dimension concept, including career goal progress, professional ability development, promotion speed and
remuneration growth. Two directions for the future researches of career growth theory are put forward.
Key words: career growth, employee, career development, career success, scale

MANAGEMENT REVIEW Vol.23 No.102011 143

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