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Kristalin polikristalin amorf
obsidian kuarsa galena

galena opal
These notions are in turn all based on the concepts of the unit
cell and the point lattice
The smallest building block of this grid that reflects the
geometry and symmetry properties of the crystal is the unit
cell. Table salt has a unit cell of 13 sodium and 14 chlorine
atoms that form a perfect cube (3 by 3 by 3,
The edges of a unit cell correspond to axes in a three-
dimensional grid. This grid is called a point lattice, again an
abstract concept. The relation between the unit cell, the
lattice axes, and the crystal lattice is depicted, with a unit cell
Translational Symmetry
Kombinasi antara Basis dan Lattice
membentuk Struktur Kristal

Lattice dari Kuarsa (SiO2)

CRYSTALLOGRAPHY is the study of crystals.
CRYSTALLOGRAPHY is a division of the entire study of mineralogy.
Geometrical, physical, and chemical CRYSTALLOGRAPHY

A CRYSTAL is a regular polyhedral form, bounded by smooth faces,

which is assumed by a chemical compound, due to the action of its
interatomic forces, when passing from the state of a liquid or gas to
that of a solid.
Polyhedral form: solid bounded by flat planes (CRYSTAL FACES).
Very slow cooling of a liquid allows atoms to arrange themselves into
an ordered pattern, which may extend of a long range (millions of
atoms). This kind of solid is called crystalline.
Example: The chemical composition of window glass is virtually
identical with that of quartz (a crystalline material): both are forms of
SiO2. Window glass is glassy because it is made by chilling molten
SiO2 very quickly; quartz crystals form when molten SiO2 is cooled very
slowly or by precipitation from solution.

Ilmu tentang kristalisasi, bentuk kristal, struktur dan simetrinya.

Matematika + Kimia + Fisika

The IMA/CNMNC administrates c. 6,500 names,[2]

Setidaknya ada > 4000 jenis mineral and as of May 2017, the Handbook of Mineralogy
lists 4,375 species.[3] As of February 2017, the IMA
yang telah terdefinisikan di dunia Database of Mineral Properties/ Rruff Project lists
mengandung >90 unsur, dan juga 5,208 valid species (IMA/CNMNC) of a total of
5,421 minerals. There are 1,289 Pre-IMA
termasuk ion-ion kompleks seperti CO3, minerals.[4]
SO4, PO4 As of April 2011, the lists 2,722
published and approved (IMA/CNMNC) minerals,
Mineral adalah Blueprint dari kondisi 1,627 pre-IMA minerals, 81 discredited minerals
kimianya yang terkontrol oleh hukum- (IMA/CNMNC status), 2,691 synonyms, 149
hukum matematika dan fisikanya. approved minerals but without a published
description yet and 123 "not approved" names.[5]
Komponen dalam sebuah kristal

Basic symetry operation

1) Reflection (mirror planes) point operation
2) Rotation (2, 3, 4, 6 fold axes) point operation
3) Inversion
4) Translation
Basic symetry operation

1. Translational symetry -10

macroscopically not visible (in : 10 m)
2. Point Symetry
macroscopically visible
these operations are :
Center of Symetry : Reflection in a point (inversion)
Mirror Symetry : Reflection in a plane --
Rotational Symetry : Rotation about an imaginary axis
Roto-inversion : Rotation and after it inversion --
Translational Symmetry
Istilah translasi (pergeseran) secara umum yaitu :
In geometry, a translation "slides" a thing by a: Ta(p) = p + a.
In physics and mathematics, continuous translational symmetry is the invariance
of a system of equations under any translation. Discrete translational symmetry is
invariant under discrete translation.
Translational Symmetry
Lattice Translation operation is defined by
the displacement of a crystal by crystal
translation vector

The crystal structure of the

mineral cordierite taken
from approximately 200
Angstrom thick using high
resolution TEM. Source: A.
Putnis, Introduction to
Mineral Sciences,
Cambridge University Press,
1992 frontispiece
Basic symetry operation
2. Point Symetry
Center of Symetry : Reflection in a point (inversion)
Mirror Symetry : Reflection in a plane --
Rotational Symetry : Rotation about an imaginary axis
Roto-inversion : Rotation and after it inversion --
Unsur simetri pada Kristal

1. Axes of symmetry / Rotation axes (sumbu simetri)

2. Plane of symmetry / mirror plane (bidang simetri)
3. Center of symmetry (pusat simetri)
4. inversion axes (combination of rotation and centre of symmetry operations)

Kristal bisa saja memiliki ketiga unsur simetri atau hanya salah satu nya

Any line through the center of the crystal around which the crystal may be
rotated so that after a definite angular revolution the crystal form
appears the same as before is termed an axis of symmetry. Depending
on the amount or degrees of rotation necessary, four types of axes of
symmetry are possible when you are considering crystallography:

When rotation repeats form every 60 degrees, then we have sixfold or


When rotation repeats form every 90 degrees, then we have fourfold or


When rotation repeats form every 120 degrees, then we have threefold or

When rotation repeats form every 180 degrees, then we have twofold or
Axes of symmetry (sumbu simetri)


Bidang Simetri atau Bidang Cermin
Miller indices (Indeks Miller)

Mathematical system for describing any crystal face or group of similar faces
(forms) developed by William H. Miller (1801-1880).

Face of an octahedron using Miller's indices:

An octahedron is an eight-sided crystal form
that is the simple repetition of an equilateral
triangle about our 3 crystallographic axes. The
triangle is oriented so that it crosses the a1 (or
a), a2 (or b), and a3 (or c) axes all at the same
distance from the axial cross. This unit distance
is given as 1. So the Miller indices is (111) for
the face that intercepts the positive end of
each of the 3 axes.
Note: A bar over the number tells me that the
intercept was across the negative end of the
particular crystallographic axis.
Face of a cube using Miller's indices:

A cube face that intercepts the a3

(vertical) axis on the + end will not
intercept the a1 and a2 axes. If the face
does not intercept an axis, then we
assign a mathematical value of infinity
to it. So we start with Infinity, Infinity, 1
(a1, a2, a3). So the Miller indices of the
+a3 intercept face equals (001).
Miller indices (Indeks Miller)
Miller indices (Indeks Miller)

a b c a b c
Intercept length 1 1 1 Intercept length 1 1
_1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_ _1_
Reciprocal Reciprocal
1 1 1 1 1
Cleared fraction 1 1 1 Cleared fraction 1 0 1
Miller indice (111) Miller indice (101)
Miller indices (Indeks Miller)

a b c a b c
Intercept length -1 1/2 Intercept length -1 1/2
_1_ 1_ 1_ _1_ 1_ 1_
Reciprocal Reciprocal
-1 1
Cleared fraction -1 0 2 Cleared fraction 1 0 2
Miller indice (102) Miller indice (102)
Miller indices (Indeks Miller)

Bidang A a b c
Intercept length 1 1/2
_1_ 1_ 1_
Cleared fraction 1 0 2
Miller indice (102)

Bidang B a b c
Intercept length 1/2 1
1_ 1_ 1_
Cleared fraction 2 0 1
Miller indice (201)
Center of Symmetry
Most crystals have a center of
symmetry, even though they may not
possess either planes of symmetry or
axes of symmetry. Triclinic crystals
usually only have a center of
symmetry. If you can pass an
imaginary line from the surface of a
crystal face through the center of the
crystal (the axial cross) and it
intersects a similar point on a face
equidistance from the center, then
the crystal has a center of symmetry.

The crystal face arrangement symmetry of any given crystal is simply an

expression of the internal atomic structure. The relative size of a given face is of
no importance, only the angular relationship or position to other given crystal
Notasi Hermann Mauguin

HermannMauguin notation is used to represent the symmetry elements in point groups, plane
groups and space groups. It is named after the German crystallographer Carl Hermann (who
introduced it in 1928) and the French mineralogist Charles-Victor Mauguin (who modified it
in 1931). This notation is sometimes called international notation, because it was adopted as
standard by the International Tables For Crystallography since their first edition in 1935.
Ringkasan Materi Kristalografi
Kasus kuarsa

Unit cell & lattice

Kristal Sumbu kristal dari Indeks Miller
Dari SiO4 tetrahedron
Contoh Kuarsa (SiO2) kuarsa




-1 0 -1
AXES Planes Center Maugin
Sistem (1) Class Name (2)
Symbols (3)
2-Fold 3-Fold 4-Fold 6-Fold
Tetartoidal 3 4 - - - - 23
Diploidal 3 4 - - 3 yes 2/m 3
Isometric Hextetrahedral 3 4 - - 6 - 4 3m
Gyroidal 6 4 3 - - - 432
Hexoctahedral 6 4 3 - 9 yes 4/m 3 2/m
Disphenoidal 1 - - - - - 4
Pyramidal - - 1 - - - 4
Dipyramidal - - 1 - 1 yes 4/m
Scalenohedral 3 - - - 2 - 4 2m
Ditetragonal pyramidal - - - - 4 - 4mm
Trapezohedral 4 - 1 - - - 422

Ditetragonal-Dipyramidal 4 - 1 - 5 yes 4/m 2/m 2/m

Pyramidal 1 - - - 2 - mm2
Orthorhombic Disphenoidal 3 - - - - - 222
Dipyramidal 3 - - - 3 yes 2/m 2/m 2/m
Trigonal Dipyramidal - 1 - - 1 - 6
Pyramidal - - - 1 - - 6
Dipyramidal - - - 1 1 yes 6/m
Hexagonal Ditrigonal Dipyramidal 3 1 - - 4 - 6m2
Dihexagonal Pyramidal - - - 1 6 - 6mm
Trapezohedral 6 - - 1 - - 622
Dihexagonal Dipyramidal 6 - - 1 7 yes 6/m 2/m 2/m
Pyramidal - 1 - - - - 3
Rhombohedral - 1 - - - yes 3
Trigonal Ditrigonal Pyramidal - 1 - - 3 - 3m
Trapezohedral 3 1 - - - - 32
Hexagonal Scalenohedral 3 1 - - 3 yes 3 2/m
Domatic - - - - 1 - m
Monoclinic Sphenoidal 1 - - - - - 2
Prismatic 1 - - - 1 yes 2/m
Pedial - - - - - - 1
Pinacoidal - - - - - yes 1

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