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General question for all participants-

1. What is your age?

2. What is your gender?
3. What are you studying in IBA?

For BBA student/Graduates-

1. Do you think employers are biased towards BBA/MBA graduates in job recruitment?
2. If biasness in recruitment exists, what are the reasons behind this scenario?
3. According to you, what are the differences between MBA and BBA students?
4. Are you going to do MBA after completing your BBA from IBA? If answers Yes/Maybe to this
question, two follow-up questions-
a. According to you, what BBA graduates do better than MBA graduates?
b. If difference exists between job prospect of MBA and BBA graduates, what is your
recommendation to overcome it?

If answers No to question No. 4, 3 follow-up questions-

a. Why won't you go for an MBA degree?

b. According to you, what BBA graduates do better than MBA graduates?
c. If difference exists between job prospect of MBA and BBA graduates, what is your
recommendation to overcome it?

For MBA students/Graduates-

1. Do you think employers are biased towards BBA/MBA graduates in job recruitment?
2. Do you think MBA students lack leadership skills than BBA student?
3. Do you think MBA students are more afraid than BBA students to take risks?
4. Do you think MBA students lack communication than BBAs?
5. Do you think different background studies hinders business skill for MBA students?
6. Do you think the course curriculum is not updated for MBA students?
7. Do you think time duration of the course is enough for MBA students?
8. Do you think MBA students focuses more on corporate sector like BBA students?
9. Do you think the overall grooming is good enough for MBA students for being an efficient
business graduate?
10. According to you, what BBA graduates do better than MBA graduates?
11. If difference exists between job prospect of MBA and BBA graduates, what is your
recommendation to overcome it?

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