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Solar drying of fruit

and vegetables

AP Mnkeni, P Soundy and MO Brutsch

Solar drying of fruit
and vegetables
2004 Second print
2001 First print
Compiled by
Directorate Agricultural Information Services, Department of Agriculture
Published by
Department of Agriculture
Obtainable from
Resource Centre, Directorate Agricultural Information Services
Private Bag X144, Pretoria 0001, South Africa
Tel: 012 319 7141/7085
and on the web at:
Illustrations by Ronelle Stoltz

University of Fort Hare

Information provided by
Department of Agronomy, University of Fort Hare
Private Bag X1314, Alice 5700
Tel: 040 602 2069 Fax: 040 653 1730
E-mail: or
This publication is about ....................................................................... 2

Advantages of solar drying.................................................................. 3

Methods of drying . ............................................................................... 4

The drying process ................................................................................ 5

Packaging and storing ......................................................................... 14

Fruit ......................................................................................................... 15

Vegetables ............................................................................................ 19

Herbs . ..................................................................................................... 24

Recipes for dried fruit and vegetables . ............................................. 25

Notes ...................................................................................................... 36
For thousands of years people have sundried fruit and
vegetables to preserve for leaner times. New technologies
brought changed techniques, but at present the increasing
demand for healthy, low-cost natural foods and the need for
sustainable income, are bringing solar drying to the fore as
a useful alternative for surplus products.

Save for tomorrow what you do not need today!

This publication is about
zz Preparation and pretreatment of different fruit and vegetable
types for drying

zz How to dry these using basic solar dryers

zz Proper storage of dried fruit and vegetables

zz Recipes for dried fruit and vegetables.

Advantages of solar drying
Food in the cupboard for later use increases household food

It creates employment opportunities and a sustainable income.

zz Dried products improve family nutrition because fruit and

vegetables contain high quantities of vitamins, minerals and

zz For diabetics dried fruit prepared without adding sugar is a

healthy choice instead of desserts.

zz Dried fruit can be used in stews, soups and

casseroles or enjoyed as snacks. It can
also be added to cereals for breakfast
or used in making ice cream and
baked products.

zz It improves the bargaining position

of farmers. Sometimes farmers
sell at very low prices during the
harvest season because they
cannot store or preserve their
surplus products.

zz People are encouraged to

establish their own gardens.
Methods of drying

Sun drying
Drying in the sun is very economical. You only have to spread the
produce on a suitable surface and let it dry in the sun.

Somebody has to stay at home
throughout the drying period
to chase off domestic
animals, to remove the
produce when the
weather becomes too
windy and dusty, or
when it rains.

The dried product

is often of poor
quality as a result
of grit and dirt.

The product is often unhygienic as a result of microorganisms and

insects such as flies.

Solar drying
The technology and capital required to dry fruit and vegetables
by solar dryers is basic and the entire operation can be completed
in most kitchens. The structure can be very basic, e.g. a box frame
covered with plastic sheeting.
Advantages of solar dryers
zz Drying is faster because inside the dryer it is warmer than outside.
zz Lessrisk of spoilage because of the speed of drying (if the drying
process is slow the fruit starts to ferment and the product is spoilt).
zz The product is protected against flies, pests, rain and dust.
zz Itis labour saving. The product can be left in the dryer overnight
or during rain.
zz Thequality of the product is better in terms of nutrients, hygiene
and colour.

The drying process

zz Cleanliness and hygiene are very important in the processing of
dried fruit and vegetables.
zz To minimise the possibility of contamination, any person who is
unwell or has infected wounds or
sores, is ill with a gastric disorder or
suffering from diarrhoea MUST BE
EXCLUDED from the processing
zz All
cuts have to
be covered with
waterproof dressing.
zz Raw materials
contaminated by moulds must not be used in processing.
Predrying treatments
zz Use only ripe, good-quality fruit and vegetables.
zz Select fruit and vegetables individually.
zz Discard rotted, damaged or diseased fruit and vegetables.
zz Remember, processing cannot improve poor-quality fruit or

zz Clean all working surfaces before handling fruit or vegetables.
zz Water for cleaning must be treated with a household bleach
zz Prepare the cleaning solution as follows:
Pour 50 parts of clean water in a clean bucket (e.g. 20 l).
Add one part of any household bleach
(e.g. 400 ml) containing chlorine
For safety reasons plastic
gloves should be worn when
mixing the solution.
zz Onebucketful of the treated 20 l
water (20 l) is enough for
cleaning 20 kg of fruit.
zz Usea fresh
cleaning solution
every day.
zz Selected fruit and vegetables should be washed and scrubbed
individually in the treated water, while plastic gloves should be
zz Caremust be taken to avoid breaking the skin of the fruit during
cleaning and thereby contaminating the flesh.
zz Washed fruit and vegetables should be placed into a clean
basket or bucket and taken to the peeling or blanching area.

Before drying, all vegetables should be blanched in steam to halt
the action of enzymes. However, blanching of fruit is optional. Steam
blanching is recommended because it prevents the loss of some
nutrients and the products being dried from adhering to each other.
Do not underblanch, because the enzymes will not be inactivated
totally and the dried vegetables will deteriorate during storage.

zz Pour several
centimetres of water
into a large cooking
pot that has a close-fitting
lid. Heat the water to boiling and place over it (high enough to
keep clear of the water) a wire rack or basket holding a layer of
the vegetables (not more than 5 cm deep). Cover and let the
vegetables steam for half the required time, then test to make
sure all pieces are reached by the steam.

zz A sample from the centre of the layer should be wilted and feel
soft and heated through when it has been blanched properly.
zz Remove the vegetables and spread them on paper towelling or
clean cloth to remove excess moisture while you steam the next
load. Cover with towelling while waiting for further treatment or
before taking it to the drying trays.

zz Hygiene is of utmost importance when

zz Peeling should not take place in the

area where the raw materials are

zz The area should be swept thoroughly

and washed before handling the fruit.

zz Peeling knives and working surfaces

should be cleaned in fresh bleach solution
before use.

zz The operator should wash his/her hands and arms thoroughly with
clean water and unperfumed soap.

zz Clean, sharp stainless steel knives must always be used.

zz Careful peeling with minimum removal of the flesh is important.

zz Peelings
and seeds should be disposed of as soon as possible
because they attract flies and other insects.

zz Peelings can be used as animal feed or as mulch, or be buried if

there is no alternate use.
Cutting and slicing
Thickness of fruit pieces depends upon the kind of fruit being dried.

zz Thicker slices will dry at a slower rate than thinner pieces.

zz Very thin pieces tend to stick to the drying trays and will be
difficult to remove.

zz Thicker pieces may not dry fully and may subsequently

deteriorate after packing.

zz Packages of dried pieces of varying thickness appear relatively


zz Cutting knives and working surface have to be cleaned with a

bleach solution before use.

zz Slices should be placed in clean bowls which have been rinsed

with clean water ready for loading onto the drying trays.

zz Before loading the

trays, these have to
be brushed clean
and washed.
A basic box-type low-cost solar dryer can be constructed at home
or by village artisans. It is made of wire-mesh trays in a wooden
framework surrounded by a clear plastic sheet. The solar cabinet
dryer type has a surface of 10 m2 and is capable of drying 20 to 35 kg
of fresh produce (depending on commodity) over a period of 3 to
4 days. Smaller portable models of the dryer can be constructed,
on available
funds for the dryer,
construction and
the purpose of drying
(home consumption or

For further information

available on solar drying
Mr MD Brutsch at the
University of Fort Hare
Tel: 040 602 2131
Fax: 040 653 1730
Tray loading
zz Traysshould be washed
and cleaned to remove any
fragments of dried fruit
or contamination.
zz Start to load during slicing rather than waiting until all the fruit has
been sliced or cut. (This reduces the problem of sticking together
in the bowls and will allow drying to start as soon as possible.)
zz Lay the pieces of fruit on trays carefully and close to each other
without overlapping to ensure the trays are loaded fully.
zz Keep flies away and load trays quickly and continuously.

Dryer loading
zz The dryer should be positioned
in a level area unobscured
by trees or buildings so that
it is fully exposed to the sun
throughout the day.
zz Ifthe wind blows pre
dominantly in one direction
for long periods the dryer
should be placed end-on to
the wind. This will reduce the
cooling effect of the wind
blowing direct into the drying
cabinet, lengthening drying
times. It will also reduce the
possibility of dust entering the
zz Before loading, the inside of the drying cabinet should be swept
clean and then wiped out with a clean, damp cloth.

zz The plastic covers outside should be brushed or washed clean

of dust because dirty plastic will reduce dryer performance and
increase drying times.

zz The doors should be closed immediately after each tray has been
loaded and not left open until the next tray is fetched.

It is important to keep flies and other insects from

entering the cabinet and off the fruit because of the
risk of contamination.

zz Duringthe first few hours of drying, particularly during very hot
and sunny weather, fruit may dry at such a rate that moisture
condenses on the inside of the plastic covers.

zz This can be avoided by opening the loading doors slightly

(20 mm) to improve
air circulation. The
gap should, however,
be covered with
mosquito mesh.

zz Doors should be kept

open for a minimum
period of time and
closed again as
soon as the weather
becomes cloudy.
zz In poor weather drying will stop. Rain will rapidly cool the dryer
and this will result in a moisture film on the cover because of
condensation. It will be some time before the dryer functions
again after the sun breaks through. Therefore, protect the dryer
from rain.
zz Under fine and sunny conditions the fruit slices should be dry after
2 full days in the dryer. However, it is essential to test slices. If the
slices are not sufficiently dry, they will become mouldy in a short
time. A test for dryness is conducted for specific products.
zz Ifthe slices are not sufficiently dry, the process should be allowed
to continue for 1 or 2 hours before checking again.
zz The final moisture content of dried fruit should be
approximately 10% (on a wet basis).

Unloading the dryer

zz When the fruit is considered
to be dry, the dryer should be
unloaded as soon as possible.
This must not be carried out in the early morning because dew
and high humidity overnight may cause condensation of moisture
onto the fruit. The best time to unload is in the afternoon on a
sunny day.
zz Traysshould be removed from the dryer and taken to a clean and
covered area for removal of the dried product.
zz The operator must wash his/her hands and ideally wear clean
gloves when handling the fruit.
zz The dried fruit should be stored temporarily in clean dry baskets
before packaging so that the product can cool down.
Packaging and storing
Packaging should be carried out immediately after unloading and
cooling because the dried slices will reabsorb moisture and be
susceptible to attack by insects and other pests.

Proper storage should take place in the absence of moisture, light

and air.

The use of brown paper bags folded tightly

and then placed inside plastic bags is

zz Store in small quantities

to avoid large-scale

zz Pack carefully to
avoid crushing the

zz Glass containers are

excellent, but these should be kept in a dark area.

zz Each bag or glass container should be marked clearly with labels

containing the date of packaging.

zz The dried products must be stored in a cool, dry and clean area
which is secure and protected against rodents and other pests.
Specific products


Select firm, ripe mangoes
Wash with clean water
Cut into slices (2 3 mm
Arrange on trays for loading into the dryer
Test for dryness: slices should be pliable, without sticking together.

Select firm, ripe fruit
Cut off the top and base
Cut into slices (2 3 mm thick)
Arrange on trays ready for loading
into dryers
Test for dryness: slices should be
pliable, without sticking together.
Select good-quality fruit


Peel and remove the 2 tips

Slice into pieces (5 mm thick)

Arrange on trays for loading into dryer

Test for dryness: slices should be

pliable, without sticking together.

Select good-quality fruit
Cut into regular slices (23 mm
thick). As you cut, dip the slices
into lemon juice to retain the
colour temporarily
Steam blanch for 5 minutes and
remove excess moisture
Arrange slices on trays ready for
Test for dryness: leathery,
no moisture when cut and squeezed.
Cactus pears (prickly pears)
Select large, ripe fruit

Using a clean cloth remove the

glochids, dust and dirt

Wash and cut away both ends

Peel as thinly as possible

Remove the soft peel and keep to one side

(It is easier to remove if the fruit is cut in half)

Juice the flesh and sieve

(This can be done by using a blender
or a mixer)

Boil the juice

Add the soft peel into the juice

together with sugar, lemon juice and
salt. Cook for about 1 hour
For 1 kg peel, you need 750 g sugar, 65 ml lemon juice and a
pinch of salt

Pour onto a sieve and allow to drain

Allow to cool

Arrange the pieces on trays and load into the dryer

Test for dryness: slightly sticky.


Pumpkin leaves
Select fresh, tender leaves
Peel off the hairy outer skin
Wash in clean water
Steam blanch for 3 to 5
Place on trays ready for
Test for dryness: crumbles

Select fresh ripe fruit
Wash in clean water
Slice into regular pieces (vertically)
Arrange the pieces on the tray for drying
Test for dryness: a handful will
spring apart after squeezing.
Peel off the outer leaves

Wash in clean water

Cut the cabbage in two


Chop into thin strands

Steam blanch for 5 to 8 minutes

Arrange on trays for drying.

Spread evenly, not more
than 1,5 cm deep

Test for dryness: extremely

tough ribs, the thin edges

Amaranthus sp.
Select young, tender and crisp leaves


Place loosely in a steaming basket and

steam for 3 to 5 minutes or until well

Spread sparsely on drying trays,

keeping overlaps to a minimum

Test for dryness: crumbles easily.

Sweet potatoes
Select firm,
Steam in small
quantity of water until
the potatoes are just tender
(3040 minutes)
Slice into pieces (35 mm) or shred
Arrange the pieces on trays for drying
Test for dryness: slices extremely leathery, not pliable, shreds are

crisp, tender carrots
without woodiness
(Not necessary to peel
good, young carrots)
Steam until cooked through but not mushy (about 1520
minutes depending on size)
Remove whiskers, tails and crowns
Cut into rings (23 mm) or shred
Arrange on trays for drying
Test for dryness: slices very tough, but can be bent. Shreds are
Choose small ones
without woodiness
Leave 1 cm of
the tops (they
will bleed during
precooking if the crown is cut)
Steam until cooked through (2030 minutes)
Cool, trim roots and crowns and then peel
Shred with a coarse blade of a vegetable shredder (slices are not
recommended because they take a long time to dry)
Spread thinly on trays for drying
Test for dryness: shreds are brittle.

Deep orange varieties with
thick solid flesh make the
best product
Cut in half (manageable
pieces for peeling) and
remove seeds and all pith
Shred with the coarse blade of
a vegetable grater
Place in shallow layers in the basket, steam for
6 minutes
Arrange shreds on drying trays ready for drying
Test for dryness: shreds are brittle.
Green beans
Select young and tender stringless beans
Wash thoroughly
Steam for 2 to 3 minutes
Cut into short pieces or lengthwise
Arrange on trays for drying
Test for dryness: extremely
tough ribs, the thin edge
This category includes celery leaves as well
as other aromatic herbs such as parsley, basil,
sage, tarragon, etc. All these should be dried at
temperatures not exceeding 40C. (If it exceeds
this temperature oils valued for flavour will be lost.)

For best products

zz Water the herbs well the night before harvest.
zz Harvest on a sunny morning soon after
the dew has dried and choose plants
that are reaching flowering stage.
zz Harvest with sufficient stem, then strip
off tougher leaves growing lower than 10 cm
on the stalk.
zz Hold in small bunches by the stem and
swish the leaves through cold water to
remove any dust or soil.
zz Shake off the water and lay on absorbent
towelling to allow all surface moisture to
zz Cutoff the handle stems and spread the leafed stalks one layer
deep on the drying trays.
zz Put the dryer under a shade and cover the unventilated sides with
a cloth to reduce the light on the herbs.
zz Turn the herbs several times to ensure even drying.
zz Test for dryness: crumbles readily.
Recipes for dried fruit and vegetables

Cooking of dried vegetables

Water removed during drying must be
replaced either by soaking, cooking or a
combination of both. Root, stem and seed
vegetables should be soaked for half an
hour to 2 hours in sufficient cold
water (only cover) until nearly
restored to their original
texture. Never supply
more water than they can
take up and always cook
in the water they have
been soaked in. Greens,
cabbage and tomatoes do not need to be soaked. Add only
sufficient water to keep covered, then simmer until tender.
Amaranthus (morog) croquettes
100 g amaranthus

4 tablespoons gram flour or bread flour

1 tablespoon masala

2 eggs, beaten


zz Mix
the amaranthus with gram flour or bread flour, masala, egg
and seasoning
zz Leave in a cool place to firm up a little (preferably a refrigerator)
zz Form the firm mixture into cakes or croquettes, roll in the flour and
fry briefly both sides until uniformly golden.
Amaranthus or cabbage relish
100 g dried amaranthus or cabbage
1 large onion (chopped)
1 large tomato (chopped) or 1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 green pepper (seeded and chopped)
1 carrot (grated)
2 tablespoons cooking oil
cup coconut milk or skim milk

zz Heat the cooker plate or coil until hot

zz Add onions and fry until glazed
zz Add the carrots and green pepper and stir for 2 to 3 minutes
zz Add the tomatoes or paste and keep stirring for another
2 to 3 minutes
zz Add the amaranthus or cabbage and coconut milk or skim milk.
Allow to simmer at low heat for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally
zz Add salt and pepper to taste
zz Allowto simmer for 2 to 3
minutes while stirring
occasionally and
then remove
from heat

zz Servewith stiff
porridge or rice.
Pumpkin fritters
1 cup dried pumpkin

125 ml ( cup) brown bread flour or wholewheat flour

10 ml (2 tablespoons) baking powder

60 ml ( cup) brown sugar

2 eggs, beaten

pinch of salt

zz Soak pumpkin in enough water to cover and let stand for 1 hour

zz Mash the pumpkin well

zz Mix pumpkin, flour, baking powder, salt and pepper together

zz Stir
in beaten eggs and drop spoonfuls onto a lightly-oiled pan,
over medium heat

zz When bubbles appear, turn and cook on the other side

zz Serve with a sprinkling of cinnamon and sugar.

Banana walnut loaf
200 g chewy banana chips

pinch of salt

1 level teaspoonful bicarbonate of soda

50 g soft margarine

1 egg, beaten

50 g walnut, chopped

250 g selfraising flour

teaspoon vanilla essence

zz Putbanana chips, salt, bicarbonate of soda and soft margarine

into a bowl

zz Pour over 2 cups of boiling water to melt the margarine and allow
to cool, then blend roughly

zz Mix the egg, walnut, flour and vanilla essence and add the
banana mixture and mix to a smooth malleable consistency

zz Bake the dough in a greased 1 kg-loaf tin in the centre of the

oven at gas mark 4 (180C) for approximately 50 minutes

zz Once out of the oven allow

to cool for 10 minutes
before turning over

zz Serve slices
buttered or
Pineapple and chicken wings
150 g sundried pineapple
/3 cup butter or margarine

cup tomato sauce

1 small clove of garlic (crushed)

1,5 kg chicken wings separated

1 cup fine, dry breadcrumbs

/3 cup syrup

1 tablespoonful of lemon juice

teaspoon ground ginger

1 tablespoonful of Worcestershire sauce

zz Soak the pineapples in 1 cup water for 1 hour and cut them into
small chunks
zz Heat oven to 200C
zz Put
butter or margarine in a large shallow baking pan and set in
an oven to melt
zz Combine tomato sauce and garlic. Brush the mixture on separate
wings, then roll in breadcrumbs to coat all sides
zz Place in the baking pan turning them over in the butter
zz Bake for 30 minutes
zz Remove pan from oven and turn the chicken wings
zz Drainpineapples, measuring the juice (about a 1/3 cup liquid is
zz Combine the liquid with syrup, lemon juice, ginger and
Worcestershire sauce and pour over wings
zz Bakefor about 30 minutes or until chicken is very tender, adding
pineapple chunks in the last 5 minutes
zz Remove from oven and serve with rice

Sundried mango ice cream

100 g sundried mango

White wine or tropical juice

3 eggs, separated

140 g castor sugar

l double cream, lightly whipped

zz Soak mango in white wine or, for non-alcoholic alternative, in a

tropical juice
zz Use enough liquid to cover the fruit. After hour of soaking, puree
fruit with soaking liquid
zz Whisk egg whites until stiff, then whisk in half of the castor sugar
zz Whisk the cream
zz Using a bowl, whisk the egg yolk
and remaining castor sugar
until thick
zz Add the pure of mangoes
zz Foldin the whipped
cream and finally
the egg whites
zz Freeze.
Pumpkin cookies
/3 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tablespoonful vanilla essence
1 teaspoonful lemon extract
1 cup dried pumpkin
2 cups flour
4 teaspoonfuls baking powder
teaspoonful salt
teaspoonful ginger
teaspoonful nutmeg
1 cup seeded raisins
cup chopped nuts

zz Soak pumpkin in enough water to cover for about hour

zz Mash the pumpkin well
zz Cream shortening and sugar, beat eggs in well
zz Stir in the vanilla and lemon extract
zz Put pumpkin through a sieve and add into the mixture above,
mixing well
zz Sift dry ingredients and add to the mixture
zz Add the raisins and nuts. Mix thoroughly
zz Dropteaspoonfuls onto a greased cookie pan and bake for
about 15 minutes in a 190C oven (makes 48).
Dried-fruit patties
Select equal parts of dried fruit

(e.g. cactus pear, peaches, pineapples, raisins, prunes, etc.)

zz Run them through a food chopper using a coarse blade

zz Add chopped walnut or pecans

zz Mix well and form into small balls the size of walnut

zz Press lightly between the palms of the hands to flatten

zz Roll in powdered sugar and place in the refrigerator to chill

zz These patties can be used as substitutes for sweets or cookies for

picnics, deserts, snacks, etc.
Dried apple fruit cake
3 cups dried apples
3 cups light syrup
1 cup raisins
3 cups flour
1 cup softened shortening
3 eggs, beaten
1 teaspoonful baking soda
1 teaspoonful cinnamon
teaspoonful nutmeg
teaspoonful cloves

zz Soak apples overnight in enough water to cover

zz Inthe morning, cut apples quite fine, add syrup and cook until
apples are very tender
zz Add raisins and cook for another 5 minutes
zz Remove from heat and cool
zz Add shortening and eggs
zz Sift dry ingredients together and add to the mixture above
zz Blendwell, then pour into 2 standard size bread tins lined with
waxed paper
zz Bake in a 180C
oven for 1 hour
or until a knife
poked in the
centre comes
out clean
zz Cool on a rack.
We would like to thank the National Research Foundation (NRF)
of South Africa for providing the senior author with financial
support in the form of a Post-doctoral Fellowship and the Fort
Hare/Norwegian Linkage Project for financial support in the
research of which this booklet is one of the outcomes. We
are grateful to the national Department of Agriculture for
facilitating the production of the booklet.


BRETT, A., COX, D.R.S., SIMMONS, R. & ANSTEE, G. 1996. Producing Solar Dried Fuit
and Vegetables for Micro and Mmall-scale Rural Enterprise Development:
Handbook 3: Practical Aspects of Processing. Chatham, UK: Natural Resources

For further information contact:

Department of Agronomy
University of Fort Hare
Private Bag X1314, Alice 5700
Tel: 040 602 2069 Fax: 040 653 1730
E-mail: or


Resource Centre of the Department of Agriculture

Tel: 012 319 7141/7085



















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