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School of Engineering & Management, Bengaluru

Third Internal Test
Department: Mechanical Engineering Semester: V
Subject: Energy Engineering Subject Code: 10ME53
Date:13 Nov 2016 Duration: 1Hr 30 mins Maximum Marks: 50
Answer THREE full questions from Part A and Two full questions from Part B
M: Marks, Blm: Blooms, CO: Course outcomes, PO: Programme Outcomes

Part A
Q. No. Question M Blm CO PO
Explain with the help of neat sketch a solar pond electric power
1. 10 Co 5 1
plant and photo voltaic cell.
Explain the method of harnessing the wind energy, using the
2. 10 Co 5 1
horizontal axis wind machine, with a neat sketch
What is Energy plantation? Explain the factor affecting the Kn
3. 10 Co 6 1
production of biogas plant.
With a neat sketch explain the different solar angles Co
4. 10 5 1

Part B
What is gasification? How are the gasifiers classified? With a Kn
5. 10 Co 6 1
schematic diagram explain any one of the gasifiers.
6. a Calculate the suns altitude angle and azimuth angle at 400 N
5 Ap 5 1
latitude at 3.30 pm IST on Nov 26th.
6. b Explain the working of any of the solar radiation measurement
5 Co 5
Explain with a neat sketch how biogas is prepared in Floating
7. dome type of biogas plant. High light its advantages and 10 Co 6 1

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