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2016 1st International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security (ICICCS 2016)

IoT based Intelligent Billboard using Data Mining

Saral Nigam Shikha Asthana Punit Gupta
Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Jaypee University of Information Jaypee University of Information Jaypee University of Information
Technology Technology Technology
Himachal Pradesh, India Himachal Pradesh, India Himachal Pradesh, India

Abstract The paper presents the design and implementation and economy can be taken to new heights with the power of
of an intelligent advertising system using Raspberry Pi B+ v1.2 advertising. Advertising meets the short term goals of a
development board, RFID and display panels integrated over a product like its information, generating awareness, improving
network. This system can be used in multi retail stores, malls and credibility and productivity and also long terms goals which
shopping complexes. The proposed system works on performing
data mining and trend analysis over sales, inventory data which
include maintaining a brand image of the product, adding
is collected in real time by using POS system implemented using emotional value to the brand and reaching a positive
RFID tags attached to products. The display panels(billboards) reputation in the market.
will be placed at strategic locations. The proposed outcome of the
project aims to provide better offers and deals to customers Once the mainstay of mass marketing was a 30-second
without targeting them individually, rather using a segmented television advertisement, is now emerging as a new
approach. technology via Internet, cable television and TiVo, which is
gaining the minds of viewing audience. Therefore, the
KeywordsInternet of Things(IoT), Smart Advertising,
advertisers are finding more alternate and better ways for
Intelligent Advertising, Radio Frequency Identification(RFID),
Intelligent Billboards
promotion of their products to reach customers. Their alternate
ways including direct advertising on the internet through in-
mails and websites, placement of their advertisement in
I. INTRODUCTION entertainment programs, opting merchandise programs in
Network of physical objects or things embedded with stores and sponsoring various cultural and sports events.
sensors, network connection, electronics, software, mechanical
components, which provides these object the ability to collect, The process of finding and analyzing useful patterns in a
exchange and process data is known as Internet of Things. The large amount of data is what is called Data Mining. Due to
Internet of Things permits sensing of the objects and remotely growing generation and increased work in development of
controlled access across various network infrastructures, Information Technology, vast amount of data is collected in
establishing opportunities for a better integration between the various areas. This data is analyzed and maintained in a
real world and computerized world. Thus resulting in database in each sector. Hence, data mining can also be
enhanced efficiency, accuracy and better economic results. defined as an analytic operation design to analyze the data,
Every object can be identified uniquely by the use of its mainly the so called big data, and find consistent patterns
embedded computing system but these objects can and relationship that are systematic between the set of data
interoperate within the existing infrastructure of the Internet. variables, and then validating those findings by applying them
Estimates suggest that IoT will be a collection comprising of on new subsets of databases. The patterns and the relationship
approximately 50 billion object by the end of 2020. so obtained is used to store and manipulate this data and use
them in further decision making.
Advertising carries with it the ability to persuade, power to
influence one's mind and mould the future. Advertising can be Data mining can also be defined as a logical process that is
described as a way of communicating to the market in order to used to explore and search through large amount of big data so
promote or sell something. It can be a firm product, business as to find more useful data in it. Previously, the pattern finding
service. I order to advertise, the messages are paid for by technique was not used and the data collected was just a
various agencies and sponsors which then appear in various collection of databases but with the technique of finding
forms of media like newspaper, television advertisement, patterns in the data, more utilization of the data is being
direct mails, radio advertisement, magazines, emails, text obtained which helps to make better decisions for the
messages, blogs and websites. Advertising is not only used to development of the business. Usually data mining is processed
promote and sell but it has the power to persuade the mind and in three steps, mainly Data Exploration, Pattern identification
shape density of the market. The companys profit margins and Deployment. During the first step of data exploration, the

978-1-5090-2084-3/16/$/31.002016 IEEE

2016 1st International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security (ICICCS 2016)

big data is processed and transformed into another form with With the growing connectivity, there is of course the
only important variables left. This helps to find the nature of concern for maintaining the privacy associated with the
data and finally the problem is determined. After going connected devices. As a one is connected to a network he is
through the first step of data exploration, the data gets refined obviously concerned about his personal information being
and only specific variables are left which makes it go through shared on the network. There arent any government
the second step of pattern identification. This step involves regulations surrounding the IoT yet, although the Federal
the identification and choosing of patterns to apply them on Commission is looking into it.
new databases. After the second step, a specific pattern is
obtained which can be now deployed on the new data sets, II. RELATED WORK
completing the process of data mining.
A. Tokyos Digital Billboards
Since the early days of paper, advertising and technology A conglomerate of 11 Japanese railway companies
have worked side by side which is illustrated by commercial collaborated up with marketing researchers to identify who
messaging discovered in the ruins of Pompeii, as just one looked at electronic advertisements. This project i.e. 'Digital
historical example. But with the rising generation of radio, Signage Promotion Project' used cameras mounted near the
television and Internet connected computers in the 21st computerized billboards to gather the data regarding the
century, the wind towards an ever-increasing number of media approximate age and sex of those who turned their faces
options for products and services. towards any of the 27 signs spread throughout the railway
system. The project aimed to give researchers a thorough
In many number of ways, consumers are steps ahead of understanding of the demographics of the people who paid
products, services and retailers with the help of use of digital attention to railway advertisements. The Digital Signage
technologies in the retail space. They are accessible to the Promotion Project aimed to do broad data analysis only.
wide variety of abundant information which they can access
from anywhere at any time. This includes downloading But all this also results into a mild invasion of privacy. The
product information, brochures, catalogues, review, get very thought that now advertisements will get to have
opinions, live demos, compare prices and many more. knowledge about people is quite disturbing. It is remarkable to
see how computer vision and image processing can aid in
The interconnected IoT devices produce large amounts of approximating age and sex and for that sake how well
information and data that should be dealt efficiently by the advertisements can be altered to customer behavior. Similar to
providers and so is a big challenge. To overcome this the ads in the web browser which use our search trends to
challenge of storing and analyzing large data, the technique of suggest products we are looking for previously, or when
Internet of Things Analytics (IoTA) is implemented. The raw Gmail analyzes our email contents and using those words it
data is converted into a useful and relevant data using the suggests services and products. Despite this multiple ways
techniques like data extraction and data analytics. In fact, it exist to make digital signage less aggressive and still attract in
has been predicted that by 2020, more than 50-55 percent of the targeted audience. Rather than targeting individuals we
techniques used to analyze raw data will make a better use of ought to focus our attention on the crowds; Big size digital
this influx of data which is generated from instrumented projectors could be used on the sides of building to use them
machines and applications. As more and more devices are as enormous canvas for electronic display. Examine the crowd
getting connected, advertisers are finding ways to target there for average age and sex, and we could play out different ads to
users with the right message at the right time to make a perfect
suit the audience as a single entity. In our project also we have
impact of their brand.
tried to not to invade privacy and thus have setup billboards
For brand advertisers, IOT could change the way inside the supermarket where people can get help in choices of
advertising is done. It streamlines the way we come to think of the stuff they need to buy. The thought of digital ads
as media by enabling entirely new and better opportunities recognizing and addressing us by name and having an
for connecting with the market, to the brand and with the electronic billboard calling out our name and trying to sell us
customers. IoT along with data mining has paved a way for something will be a pretty invasive and perplexing idea.
more better and alternative ways to advertise at the perfect
B. Smart Billboard by M&C Saatchi
Seeing science fiction turning reality will be a very fast
Our future will be filled with smart and intelligent products event if the current trends in automotive industry are to be
which will ease the advertisers to not to rely on old ways of observed. Popular car maker Lexus unveiled a chain of smart,
popping up or using banner adds. The ads will be personalized large-sized ads on billboards at key locations in Australia.
and targeted which will make the advertising easy and The billboards carry the ability to tell which type of car a
efficient. Commercials will not be seen anymore because the person is driving, and on the basis of that it will tailor a
IoT will usher in a whole new style of advertising where customized message just for driver.
everything is completely relevant to the end user. These billboards are endowed with cameras which are used
to capture a snapshot of our vehicle as it approaches the

2016 1st International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security (ICICCS 2016)

billboard. This snapshot is then used to measure the features of of sales. Recommendation of such products will be made to
the approaching car which are then used to match them with a the customer according to their purchasing behavior/trends.
database to deduce the vehicles make, model and colour. This Database will also contain information regarding the client,
system encompasses above 80 non-identical configurations of i.e., the billboards to address them and send command to
dynamic messaging at each of the 5 locations. display appropriate information.
The database and the circuitry involved ,i.e. IoT board and
Every billboard features with it a range of cameras which
RFID are all connected together via a network. IoT board is
have high rotational capabilities in order to facilitate the
used implement the RFID read/write module and also act as a
capturing of all passing traffic. These images are then made
server in this client-server architecture. Through RFID read
available to the APN Outdoor Classifier. The APN Outdoor
module all the purchases of the customers will be read and
Classifier is a hi-tech device which is used to match the
stored in the database. Then applying data mining in the sales
images to an enormous database of multiple vehicle, models,
data we will be able to find patterns in the purchase of certain
makes and colors in addition to various multiple parameters.
products together, products which are in trend, i.e. mostly
Each billboard has a series of cameras on high rotation that purchased belonging to different categories. We are using
capture all passing traffic. The images are sent to the APN association technique of data mining and implementing
Outdoor Classifier, a bespoke, hi-tech device that matches Apriori algorithm for that. The result obtained from data
them to its large database of vehicles makes, models and mining will be read by the server and it will then select
colours in addition to the other variables.All this contextual appropriate products from the database as indicated from the
information such as weather conditions, time of the day and result in the data mining and display it on the billboards spread
traffic conditions are passed as argument to the algorithm to throughout the supermarket. Server can also decide upon the
generate a configuration out of one the 80 possible offers to associate with the products with the help of inventory
configurations. This generates message such as "Hey black and data mining details. Server will also be able to display
Audi driver, the door to heaven has opened. This is the new videos on billboards. Billboards are associated with their
Lexus." respective client id that the server uses to decide what
information to send to which billboard installed at different
All this happens in a split second in order to grab your
location to display relative information. Different billboards
attention as you zoom past on the freeway.
will display advertisements according to their placement in the
supermarket. The billboards will display advertisements of
III. PROPOSED MODEL specific categories depending upon their placement in the
The diagram below represents the system architecture which is supermarket. Thus we will be able to target specific customers
used to implement the proposed model. The system according to their purchasing behavior and to attract them by
architecture consist of sales details, database, inventory, showing them the products they need or products which are in
network between the devices, IoT board and billboards. trend and can be useful to them or suggestions regarding some
complementary products associated with their current
Finally the client architecture will be running on the billboards
which will receive images and videos to be displayed. The
GUI implemented at the client side will consist of the images
of trending products displayed on one side of the screen and
videos of associated products will be displayed on the other
side to grab customer's attention and entice them to shop
Figure 1 : System Architecture
Working of our model is as follows:
First we collect the purchase information through RFID read
module and store it into database as the billing information.
All the purchases of products belonging to different categories
are read by the RFID and stored in database. List of products
along with their id, price associated with a particular client id
is stored in the database.

Information from the inventory is also stored in the database

in a separate table. This table lists all the products which are
not yet sold out and are present in inventory for long time.
Database will contain information like product id and it's
price. This information is needed so that we can attach Figure 2
appropriate offers to these products to increase their chances

2016 1st International Conference on Innovation and Challenges in Cyber Security (ICICCS 2016)

requirements of the customer. All this combined will result in

them being at a better position to compete with e-commerce
sites, who are eating a major chunk of their market.
We can further improvise the system by providing real
time options to customer when he/she scans the product at
POS based on his basket. We can directly interact with the
user by providing personalized offers. This system can be
scaled up and expand the network from a single store to
multiple malls and shopping outlets. Also the ads can be
further refined on the basis of user demographics.

Figure 3 whos-checking-them-out/
Figure 4 [10]
The proposed model addresses the issues presented by [12]
current system such as the current targeted advertising which signages-impact-on-sales-and-promotions-in-casino
is pretty poorly targeted. Advertisements posted by M&C [13]
Saatchi on highways/freeways might pose as a distraction to [14]
vehicle drivers. Since our system is not targeting individual [15] Chui, Michael, Markus Lffler, and Roger Roberts. "The internet of
user the feeling of privacy invasion among people will not be things."McKinsey Quarterly 2.2010 (2010): 1-9
present. [16] Sarma, Amardeo C., and Joo Giro. "Identities in the future internet of
things." Wireless personal communications 49.3 (2009): 353-363
This system provides competitive deals and offers to [17] Gubbi, Jayavardhana, et al. "Internet of Things (IoT): A vision,
customers, thus giving them better options to choose from. It architectural elements, and future directions." Future Generation
also provides the sellers better insights into customer needs. Computer Systems 29.7 (2013): 1645-1660
Using these results they can formulate their promotion
strategy leading to increased sales. Also it will help them to
manage their inventory efficiently based on the needs and


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