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Journalism 9: Magazine Production

Warrior Life
Spring 2010
Class blog:
Instructor/Adviser: Kate McLaughlin Class Meetings: 4:30 to 5:20 p.m. T
Office: H-113A Classroom: H-111
Phone: 310-532-3670 ext. 6090 office Editor-in-chief: MariaChristina Gonzalez
310-409-9910 cell EIC e-mail:
Office Hours:10:30 to 11:30 a.m. M/W Texts: The Magazine from Cover to
3:30 to 4:30 p.m. T Cover by Johnson and Prijatel (optional)
8:15 to 9:15 a.m. F The Associated Press Stylebook 2010

Editor’s Production Schedule

This is your semester to create an amazing issue of Warrior Life. The key to a successful
production team is to respect each other, make all your deadlines, model professional
behavior at all times and encourage your staffers and to embrace the collaborative process.

I am here to help you along the way, give guidance, keep you within your budget and oversee
the production process to make sure you’re staying on track. But the big decisions -- content,
design and management -- are yours. So take charge, create the very best product you can
and remember to have fun!

SCHEDULE OF CLASSES (this is subject to change):

Week 1 - Tuesday, Aug. 31: Introduction to staff. Be encouraging! Pass sign

up sheet around and make a staff roster to be distributed in Week 2.

Week 2 - Tuesday, Sept. 7: Pass out staff roster. Story ideas come in today!
EIC gets a copy to select stories/photo essays for assignment next week. Fill out
assignment sheets and have them ready to give out next week.

Week 3 - Tuesday, Sept. 14: EIC assigns stories to reporters using detailed
assignment sheets. Keep track of who gets what and follow up with them
throughout the weeks to make sure they’re OK, making progress and staying on
track. Start to clip pages from magazines and start a file of design ideas. Ed.
board meeting after class.

Week 4 – Tuesday, Sept. 21: Photo ideas come in this week. EIC assigns
photos and photo essays to photographers (work with Sylwia on this) Writers’
first drafts are due next week. Ed. board meeting after class.

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Week 5 – Tuesday, Sept. 28: First drafts of stories are due this week. Read
them over, make notes and return to writers next week. Guest speaker/critique.
Ed. board meeting after class.

Week 6 – Tuesday, Oct. 5: First-round edits should be back to writers by

today. See who is struggling. Work with that person or people this week. Check
in, reach out, make sure everyone is rolling along and has good stuff.
We go to the printer in six weeks. It goes by fast!

Week 7 – Tuesday, Oct. 12: Printer meeting before class. Second rewrites
and photos should be in today. EIC will edit stories and get notes back to
writers by next class period. EIC will assign second-round photo
assignments/re-shoots next week. Ed board meeting after class.

Week 8 – Tuesday, Oct. 19: Second-round edits should be returned. Writers

will be making final additions/edits this week. EIC will assign second round
photos One month until all pages go to the printer. Look ahead; plan your
moves. Stay on track. Ed board meeting after class.

Week 9 – Tuesday, Oct. 26: All elements should be in today (third re-writes
and second-round photos) will be in today. EIC review all materials, edit
stories. Make sure you have what you need, including photos, caption info,
photo essays, complete stories, etc. Spend the week chasing down missing
elements. There will be missing elements. All hands on deck to begin designing
pages. Start with front and back cover, page bottom design, table of contents
and editor’s note. THEN design individual story pages. Ed Board meeting after

Week 10 – Tuesday, Nov. 2: Front and back cover, table of contents, page
bottoms, editor’s note and photo essay(s) due today. This week we continue full
blown, page-design mode. Design remaining story pages this week. Check
facts, names, dates, captions. Accuracy, accuracy, accuracy! Ed Board meeting
after class.

Week 11 – Tuesday, Nov. 9: All pages are done as of 5 p.m. today. Print out
a copy of the magazine and leave in my box for edits. I’ll return them to the
EIC on Wednesday to make edits.

Week 12 – Tuesday, Nov. 16: All pages PDF’ed to the printer. Celebrate!

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Week 13 – Tuesday, Nov. 23: Magazine at printer! Congratulations!!
Optional conference in my office.

Week 14 – Tuesday, Nov. 30: WL post-mortem. Review the magazine

together. What went right? What went wrong? What did you learn? Magazine
delivery day.

Week 15 – Tuesday, Dec. 7: Finals are due today in class.

Week 16 – Tuesday, Dec. 14: Individual conferences in my office.

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