Geopathic Stress and Electro Pollution

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How to Protect Your Health & Home

Extraordinary self-help tools and techniques revealed

By Paul Craddock
First published 2016 by Createspace. Paul Craddock April 2016

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recorded by any means without prior permission from the author.

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The moral right of Paul Craddock to be identified as the author has been asserted.

Designed by Paul Craddock, printed and bound by Createspace an Company

ISBN-13: 978 1523937363

ISBN-10: 152393736X

This book is intended to complement and support, not replace normal allopathic medicine or medical
treatment. If you suffer from any acute or chronic disease you should always seek medical attention
from a qualified doctor immediately. The author and publisher accept no liability or damage of any
nature resulting directly or indirectly from the application or use of any information contained within
this book.

For over 20 years Paul Craddock has been working as a Geopathic Stress consultant using scientific
instruments to measure detrimental electrical radiation from electrical cables and appliances etc,
checking for radon gas and advising people on safe distances. Paul also uses the ancient art of
dowsing to check for Geopathic stress in clients houses. Paul Craddock is well known in the UK as
an award winning dowser and his dowsing courses have run with Bournemouth Adult Education
Service. Paul has appeared on television and in the press for his dowsing achievements.

Paul has been entered on the professional register of the British Society of Dowsers for dowsing for
site energies which includes dowsing for the healing of sick buildings and geopathic stress. Paul is
also a registered tutor with the British Society of Dowsers teaching the following courses, Foundation
Course in Dowsing, Understanding Geopathic Stress, Understanding Geo-psychic Stress and Earth
Energies and Spirit of Place. Paul has also completed a course on the detrimental effects of
electromagnetic radiation.

In 2007 Paul was awarded the Pogson Cup by the British Society of Dowsers for leading the team
which discovered the fallen megaliths at Knowlton Church. This event was covered in the British
Archaeological Societys magazine and in the local newspapers and television.



1 Introduction

2 Dowsing

3 Amazing Power of Water

4 Dowsing to Improve your Health

5 Electromagnetic Radiation

6 Improving the Energies in your Home

7 Appendix

8 Pendulum Charts
List of Pictures

Picture Description
1 Dowsing angle rods and pendulum
2 A woodcut from the book, de re Metalllica by Agricola published 1556
3 Holding the pendulum
4 How to make an L-rod
5 How to hold L-rods
6 Cup with heart/love symbol
7 Showing pendulum in action over a grey scale pendulum chart
8 Coloured pendulum chart
9 Orbs at Aira force waterfall Lake District England
10 Red Orbs at Aira force waterfall Lake District England
11 Photo taken by the author of a tree aura using an Oldfield Filter at Avebury UK
12 Muscle testing using Kinesiology
13 Holding L rod in the search position (one rod)
14 Dowsing with L-rod over mobile phone for spiral/vortex
15 Using a pendulum to determine the direction of a spin of a spiral or vortex
16 Earthing sheet on a bed
17 Amethyst crystal
18 Orgonite
19 Knowlton energy line at the base of the fence
20 Solar energy and dowsing book
21 Gray Scale Pendulum Chart for you to use
22 Colour Pendulum Chart for you to use

Front Cover: Picture taken in Wales, UK by the author after asking the Creator for a picture suitable
for the front cover of this book
If you are reading a black & white version of this book, you can view and print a PDF file with the
colour pictures at

Most of the photographs and the front cover design

Rachel Craddock

Authors Picture: Timothy Chaloner


One of the aims of this book is to empower you by providing you with the tools and techniques to help
you protect your health from geopathic stress and electropollution. Solid and extensive research
shows this may be very detrimental to your health.

Detrimental electromagnetic radiation can come from mobile towers, Wi-Fi, smart meters and other
devices. Geopathic stress can originate from the Earth itself in the form of detrimental energies and
frequencies in your home.

Out of the necessity to deal with the type of health concerns we encounter, the tools and techniques
this book covers are what might be considered alternative but, nevertheless, well researched. You
will, therefore, need to approach this book with an open mind; otherwise this is not the book for you!

One motivation for writing this book was to pass on the results of the research and experiments I have
undertaken as a result of the necessity of finding a way to protect oneself from the increasingly
harmful effects of detrimental radio frequency radiation from the proliferation of mobile phone
towers, Wi-Fi, smart meters and other devices. The resulting electro smog just keeps on increasing on
a daily basis as more people fall victim to electrosensitivity. You may yet not be aware of the dangers
of radio frequencies, electromagnetic radiation and geopathic stress but the information and solid
research is out there, a quick internet search will confirm this.

I have written this book to empower you to protect yourself and your family from the above concerns.
Part of this involves teaching you the ancient art of dowsing. It is a great tool but not essential to
benefit from this book. Learning to dowse really does empower you. It is a bit like gaining psychic
powers overnight!

I have a belief that people need to be empowered to help protect themselves from the aforementioned
health concerns. I hope you will share this belief by reading this book, trying out the techniques, tools
and methods and sharing them with others. Please let me know how you get on so they can be added
to, refined and improved to help us all.

There is, however, much more to this book than I have mentioned above. Such as how you can use the
strange but successful technique used by the farmers of the Isles of Scilly to increase the warmth in
the soil to keep your home warmer in the winter. I will also tell you how to use orgonite to improve
the energies in your home, how to change the energy of the water you drink from detrimental to
beneficial and much more!

In Chapter 1, the Introduction, I will begin by explaining how all this is possible.

The Power of Thought

This book is about how to use the power of your thoughts and the energy of the creator combined with
dowsing to make spectacular changes in your immediate environment and the world around you. This
means I will show you how to change the properties of water from detrimental to beneficial, how to
make changes in the food you eat to make it beneficial, how to protect yourself from the detrimental
health effects of electromagnetic radiation created by electrical appliances and devices including
mobile phone towers. This book also shows you how to improve your health and your location.
Clearly, this is a lot to cover and perhaps, to some, this all sounds rather unbelievable. But as Albert
Einstein once said Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance. So I urge you to
stay with me and let me explain it all to you in a logical way.

The best place to start is the power inherent in our thoughts. This is well documented. The power
inherent in your thoughts is perhaps greater than you may appreciate. It is well known that our
thoughts can not only influence the way we feel but also affect our health. A good example is the
placebo effect where patients think they are taking a medicine but the drug has been substituted for
something that just looks like the medicine or drug. Indeed, a 2008 study, which in fact was a
summary of many studies, showed that the placebo effect was shown to account for 81% of the effect
of the drugs. Professor Daniel Moerman gives an excellent account of the placebo effect in his book
Meaning, Medicine and the Placebo Effect. There are many examples of how positive thoughts are
good for us and bad or negative thoughts are bad for us. Scientists found that optimists had a 50%
lower risk of early death than pessimists.

The way we organise our attitudes with our thoughts makes a big difference to our lives. It makes all
the difference between success and failure. Earl Nightingale said Our attitude toward life determines
life's attitude towards us. Charles Swindoll said The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of
attitude on life. Attitude to me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than
education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than success, than what other people think or
say or do. It is more important than appearance, gift, or skill. It will make or break a company...a
church...a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will
embrace for that day. We cannot change our past...we cannot change the fact that people will act in a
certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the string we have,
and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how
I react to it. And so it is with you...we are in charge of our attitudes. We have seen thought can also
affect physical matter.

A long-term research programme called The Global Consciousness Project, using quantum
tunnelling to generate random numbers designed to identify and study the effects of mass
consciousness. found that shared attention and emotion which are generated by events involving the
same emotions in a large number of people such as tragedies or great celebrations, resulted in a slight
but detectable change in structure is imposed on random data. This is evidence that human
consciousness and emotion can affect the physical world.

There is an interesting phenomenon called the Maharishi Effect. This phenomenon was first noticed in
1974 and subsequently reported in a paper published in 1976. The finding was that when 1% of a
community practice a meditation programme with the intention of having a positive effect on the area,
the crime rate was reduced by 60% on average. Since 1976 the meditation programme has been
practised by large groups, on numerous occasions, with the first; the physical analysis of the effect,
published in 1987. This meditation programme was put to the test in Washington DC with results
published in 1987. This showed a decrease of about 11% in crime rates in Washington DC.

Subsequent research has confirmed that the Maharishi Effect is a fact. It has become possible to notify
the police and the mayor of a city that a crime reduction is going to take place and then arrange the
meditation to create the prediction. This was tested by a distinguished and professional review board
in 1993 in Washington, D.C. The maximum decrease in violent crimes was 23.3%. The statistical
probability that this result could reflect chance variation in crime levels was less than 2 in 1 billion.

David Edwards, Ph.D., Professor of Government, University of Texas at Austin had this to say about
the Maharishi Effect: I think the claim can be plausibly made that the potential impact of this
research exceeds that of any other ongoing social or psychological research program. It has
survived a broader array of statistical tests than most research in the field of conflict resolution.
This work and the theory that informs it deserve the most serious consideration by academics and
policy makers alike.

The late Masaru Emoto was an internationally renowned Japanese scientist, a graduate of the
Yokohama Municipal Universitys department of Humanities and Sciences. His research has enabled
him to take pictures of the structures of water at the moment of freezing. In his books there are many
amazing pictures of water crystals clearly demonstrating the effects of thoughts on water. By
photographing the water crystals using high speed photography he has been able to show the direct
consequences of destructive thoughts and the thoughts of love and appreciation on the formation of
water crystals. For example, he placed a label with the words love and gratitude onto a glass of
water and on another one he placed a label with words you fool. When frozen the water taken from
the glass with love and gratitude produced a perfect crystal whilst the one with you fool
produced a very distorted shape. This is just one of thousands of examples. These experiments can be
replicated and clearly demonstrate how the frequencies produced by thoughts and words can
influence physical matter. You can see for yourself by checking online or by reading and having a look
at the stunning pictures in Masaru Emotos books.


Our thoughts, just like radio waves, operate on different frequencies. A good way to explain
frequencies is that when an opera singer sings at a certain frequency she can shatter a wine glass
placed in front of her because a particular note resonates with the glass. Another example of
frequencies: Imagine sitting in the window in a caf next to a busy road. It may take a number of
lorries to drive past before one of them makes the window vibrate. This is because the frequency of
the engine of that particular lorry resonates with that of the glass in the window. A frequency is
usually how many times a wave or an event completes in a second.

Transmitting devices like radios and mobile phones all use different frequencies. Our brains are
electrical and operate on different frequencies. If you go into a hospital they can attach electrodes to
your head to measure your brain frequencies which could be displayed on a monitor next to your bed.
There are 4 different frequencies commonly associated with the brain called the beta, alpha, theta and
delta state respectively. When we are wide-awake and engaged in mental activities our brain is
emitting frequencies around 15 to 40 cycles per second. This is the beta frequency. When we relax
and enter a daydreaming state of mind our brain enters the alpha frequency band and slows down to 9
to 14 cycles per second. When we enter a dream state at night our brain frequencies slow down
further to 5 to 8 cycles per second into the theta state. Whilst we are asleep you may be surprised to
learn that we do not constantly dream. When we enter a dreamless sleep we enter the delta state at
around 1.5 to 4 cycles per second.

Matter is not solid

The fact that quantum science says that solid matter is in fact not solid is an important consideration.
It is asserted that within the building blocks of matter there is a lot of space that can be seen with the
appropriate electron microscope. The eminent scientist Max Planck who specialised in quantum
science said All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this
force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.

By understanding the fact that matter is not solid we can begin to see how thoughts which are
composed of frequencies may be able to affect physical matter. Unspoken thoughts are frequencies
made up of words, so when different words such as hate or love are written on a glass of water and
then frozen to produce good or bad crystals, as in the experiments of the scientist Masaru Emoto, we
can begin to understand how this could happen.
Going back to the beta, alpha, theta and delta brainwave frequencies, the different frequencies could
be attributed to different states and levels of awareness. We could go further and say the beta, alpha,
theta and delta states represent different dimensions. And by accessing the relevant brainwave state
we are able to access the applicable dimension. We could go even further and say that as we move
from the beta towards the delta state our abilities and possibilities increase. For example, if we
equate our conscious mind with the beta state where we are being logical and analytical and have
based our centre of attention firmly in the physical world, we find we can only do one thing at a time.
For example, it is not possible to read a book, speak to somebody and work out a schedule list for

If we equate our subconscious mind with the alpha state, we can see it is doing many things at the
same time. For example, whilst you are reading this, your subconscious mind is looking after every
function in your body of which there must be thousands all happening simultaneously. It is also
looking after your mental processes. For example, imagine sitting in a restaurant engaged in a
conversation with a friend, in the restaurant there are other tables all with people talking to each other
at a normal level of conversation. Now, after a while, somewhere in that room someone mentions
your first name, they do not shout it, but say it at the normal level conversation in the room. Most of
the time you will turn round to see who has said your name, but, think about it for a moment, to have
heard your name your subconscious mind must have heard every conversation in that room but only
informed your conscious mind of your name being spoken at that time. Your subconscious mind
monitored all those conversations and only alerted your conscious mind to the sound of your name. If
it had alerted your conscious mind to all the other conversations, you would simply have blown a
mental fuse!

Do you see how powerful the subconscious mind is now? Therapies which need to access your
subconscious mind to assist in a healing process normally require you to enter at least the alpha state.
If you go and see a hypnotherapist he or she will usually relax you down at least into the alpha state.

Moving up the next level, Theta Healing is an extraordinary energy healing system using the energy of
the creator for what can be instant healing of serious illness. The therapist needs to access the theta
state for this therapy to be effective. The Healing modularity was introduced by Vianna Stibal and is
now a well established alternative therapy world wide. At the time of writing Vianna Stibal has two
books published with practitioner courses in different countries.

The creator is also called God and is often associated with different religions and cultures by
different names. In Theta healing the practitioner relaxes into the theta state in order to communicate
directly with the creator. It is then the creator who in many cases performs instant physical and
psychological healing. The creator has many different names such as Buddha, Shiva, Goddess, Jesus,
Yahweh and Allah, these all lead to the creator at the highest dimension of existence.

Who or what is the creator? The creator is just that, where the lower dimensions including this
physical world, you and me, are created from. So in fact we are all part of the creator and, therefore,
we are all connected to the creator. However, whilst we are all connected to the creator, the
connection in many people can be restricted or corroded!

We come from the creator of all that is and so we are part of the creator. We are, therefore, all in
effect mini creators. If you look at personal development literature, a recurring theme is that we
attract into our lives what we focus upon. If we focus on what we have and what we have is not what
we want, we get more of what we do not want. For example, if you are short of money and you are
continually thinking about being short of money you will continue to be short of money! On the other
hand if you are short of money but instead focus on having sufficient money, your circumstances are
likely to change! But do not take my word for it, I urge you to read and watch well known books and
films on the subject of creating what you want out of life such as: The Secret DVD, the works of Dr.
Wayne Dyer, Earl Nightingale and the all time classic book: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon

So, just as we are all connected to the creator, we are also connected to each other. So to fight
amongst ourselves is the equivalent of the branches or a tree fighting each other. Unfortunately, this
happens all too often as the connection to the creator in most people has become corroded and they
become unaware of their true selves. Most people are even unaware of the creator and that the
connection they have even exists.

Let us go back to frequencies. Earlier I have mentioned how different frequencies could be attributed
to different dimensions with the theta brain wave frequency giving us access to the creator. This is
being utilised in Theta Healing. We also have instances where events are organised for people to go
fire-walking where it is possible by overriding the lower frequencies of physical matter in the
persons body they can walk over hot coals without burning their feet. Fire-walking is documented by
Max Freedom Long in his books documenting his research into the Huna tradition of the ancient

Max Freedom Long has published a number of books on his study of the Kuhunas or keepers of the
secret in Hawaii. The main books were The Secret Science Behind Miracles and The Secret
Science at Work. The Kuhunas used the high self which they called Aumakua meaning the Utterly
Trustworthy Parental Spirit, also, The God who is a father. The Kuhunas could perform
miraculous healing such as the instant healing of broken bones.

Thus, it can be seen that accessing and working with the creator frequencies overrides all other
dimensions and frequencies and, therefore, potentially all other therapies and methods of getting
things done in the physical world. Miracles can literally happen and, indeed, have happened. This
creator frequency can be symbolised as the frequency of unconditional love in the form of the heart
and the heart-shaped symbol representing love and the heart. Cast your mind back a few pages, to
what happened in the experiments with water crystals when the words love and gratitude were
placed on a glass of water.

Working with your own intention and mental powers can get a lot done and is powerful. However,
using your intent to work with and through the creator of all that is and all that can be, is considerably
more powerful.

In the next chapter I will be introducing you to the ancient art of dowsing which can be used to focus
your intent and guide you through the techniques to connect to the creator to make the seemingly
impossible changes you desire.

With some exceptions, dowsing could be described as using an instrument such as a pendulum or rod
to amplify a minute muscular response or movement in your body that would be undetectable without
the use of such an instrument. This movement or response can be in response to a yes/no question or
other command given to an instrument such a pendulum or a movement in response to search
instructions given to angle or Y rods whilst looking for an underground stream, pipe or other target.
The conscious mind does not know the answer to the question or command or the specific location of
the object being searched for, but it gives the instructions to the subconscious mind. The subconscious
mind then connects to wherever it needs to connect in order to get the answer which is conveyed
through the movement of the dowsing device. Well that is one good theory! However, as far as I know
no one has every conclusively shown how dowsing works. The fact that dowsing has been used
successfully since ancient times and is still very much in use today shows that whilst we do not fully
understand how it works nevertheless it does!

Here is a quote by the well known scientist Albert Einstein:

"I know very well that many scientists consider dowsing as they do astrology, as a type of ancient
superstition. According to my conviction this is, however, unjustified. The dowsing rod is a simple
instrument which shows the reaction of the human nervous system to certain factors which are
unknown to us at this time."
Picture 1: Dowsing angle rods and pendulum

The ancient art of dowsing can be traced back 8000 years. In 1949 a party of French explorers found
a massive system of caverns known as the Tassili Caves in the Atlas Mountains in North Africa. They
found that the walls were covered with murals. One painting was of a dowser holding a forked
branch in his hand searching for water, surrounded by a group of admiring tribesmen. The paintings
were carbon dated and found to be at least 8000 years old.

There are etchings on 4000 year old temple walls in Egypt of pharaohs holding devices in their hands
resembling dowsing tools, and ceramic dowsing pendulums can be found in the Cairo museum.

Early written records of dowsing can be found in the bible in the Old Testament. One such record
records in detail how both Moses and his son, Aaron, used a dowsing device referred to as rod to
locate and bring forth water. In Crete 4000 years BC historical records record that dowsing was

In the 16th century miners in Germany were using dowsing to locate veins of mineral ore using forked
twigs. In England Elizabeth 1 urged German prospectors and mining experts to develop the resources
of her land. Along with their expertise in smelting and metal working they also brought their art of
dowsing for metal ores with a forked twig.
Picture 2: A woodcut from the book, de re Metalllica by Agricola published 1556

In more modern times dowsing has been and is still used in many areas of life. It is used for: Finding
underground water supplies, finding underground oil and minerals, health and healing, archaeological
searches, detecting Earth energies, site surveys for buildings, tracing lost objects and people,
Geopathic stress, agriculture and soil testing, fault finding and far more.

Who uses dowsers?

The long list of users of dowsing may be surprising to some of you:

Engineering Companies (e.g. the Bio-Physical Method [BPM] was used in 1971 in the
former USSR to detect water filtering through a dam [C. Bird 1979])
Water Companies (an article in the Daily Mail, dated 20/5/2006, documents how water
companies in the UK use dowsers to find leaks in pipes)
Mining Companies (e.g. documented use for finding ore and petroleum in the USSR
[Bakirov 1973])
Laundries (for water supply)
Breweries (for water supply)
Building Contractors (to locate unknown service pipes on building sites)
Farmers (for water supply)
Government Departments
Police (location of buried items and, it is rumoured, bodies)
Armed Forces (dowsing used by the British Army since Colonial times); dowsing
appeared in USSR army manuals in 1930 for the finding of water in remote areas;
dowsing used by the First and Third US Marine Divisions in Vietnam, 1967, as a
simple, low-cost method for locating Vietcong tunnels, which were used for
communication, storage depots, supply network, command posts, training centres,
hospitals and sally ports for over twenty years (Bossart 1968 in the Project Poorboy
Annual Progress Report [Bird 1979, Chapter 11])

Finding Water

Professor Hans Dieter Betz (professor of physics, Munich University) headed a team of scientists that
investigated the ability of dowsers to find underground drinkable supplies, taking them to 10 different
countries and, on the advice of dowsers, sank some 2,000 wells with a very high success rate. In Sri
Lanka, where the geological conditions are said to be difficult, some 691 wells were drilled for,
based on the advice of dowsers, with a 96% success rate. Geohydrologists given the same task took
two months to evaluate a site where a dowser would complete his survey in minutes. The
geohydrologists had a 21% success rate, as a result of which the German government have sponsored
100 dowsers to work in the arid zones of southern India to find drinkable water.

Dowsing is an ancient art successfully used to locate water for centuries. Professional dowsers may
have a 99% hit rate in locating water, many operate their own drilling rigs on a no find no fee basis.
The average cost to drill is 5000 a time.

In Russia they teach dowsing as a science. Many of the top dowsers are doctors, engineers and
scientists. Professor Alexander P. Dubrov, Professor of Biophysics, Doctor of Geophysics (author of
Geomagnetic Fields and Life) being one of them.

Dowsing has been used in Texas, USA to locate oil wells. Dowsers are called Doodlebuggers. One
of the most successful dowsers is Paul Clement Brown. From his contacts with leading oil and gas
operators over a quarter of a century, Brown learned that many important oil fields were discovered,
not by geological trained technicians, but by gifted dowsers like himself.

US Marines used dowsing to accurately locate Viet Cong tunnels and booby traps.
Hanson Baldwin, the prestigious military expert for the New York Times, sent his paper a dispatch
from Camp Pendleton, the USMC base in southern California. Baldwin wrote:

Coat-hanger dowsers, as they are called here, are not included in Marine Corps equipment
manuals. But, according to Marine officers, they have been used in Vietnam with marked success
in the last year, particularly by engineer units of the 1st and 3rd Marine Divisions, which are
engaged in mine detection and tunnel destruction. The dowsers supplement the familiar battery-
powered mine detector, a complex device that emits a warning signal when it is passed over a
buried metallic object, and the hunt-and-probe methoddetection with bayonets.

In Baldwins presence, Major Nelson Hardacker, commanding officer of the 13th Engineer
Battalion, 5th Marine Division, demonstrated the dowsing technique to a group of Marine
officers. He pinpointed a tunnel and determined the angle of its slope. A lieutenant colonel who
did not know where the tunnel was also found it, with the help of coat-hanger rods. Finally,
Baldwin himself tried the rods and located a tunnel unknown to him.

As you can see dowsing has many uses, it tends to work best when we have a need to use it to help us
in some way. I always say to my students that dowsers are similar to doctors in one respect, in the
fact that they tend to specialise in a particular field of dowsing just as doctors often specialise in a
particular medical field. So many dowsers use the art to help them in their work or hobby or interest.
It is also a valuable tool to help with lifes problems such as locating lost objects, faultfinding and
health matters. It may also save your life; if you find yourself in a dangerous situation such as the US
marines did in the Vietnam War!

Closer to home it certainly helped me when I was lost in the mountains of Wales. I will tell you what
happened: I was doing some research on old stone circles and standing stones on a remote mountain
in Wales in the UK when the cloud came down, but it was not a problem because I had a compass.
However, I did not trust the compass (you only make this mistake once) and got totally lost in the
cloud. I used my mountaineering whistle but of course no one could hear it except the sheep! I
wandered around for a while with a sense of panic setting in. What could I do? Getting lost on a
mountain can be very dangerous! Well I had my dowsing rods with me which I had been using to
locate the stones so I decided there and then that I would use them to show me the direction in which
to walk. This time dowsing had to work, there could be no error. I had not used dowsing in this way
before but I knew the method and it had to work or I would be in big trouble! So I proceeded to
dowse following the direction indicated by the rods and walked until they took me to a fence. I then
asked the rods to show me which direction I was to follow the fence, I then followed them until I
came to a remote track, again I asked them to indicate which direction I should take and proceeded
along the track until I came to a hut where I was able to rest and establish my location on the map.

Here is another short story. Many years ago whilst I was living in Wales, I happened to be walking
down the high street of a small town called Aberdovy. Along came a water utility van, two workmen
got out and to my surprise, proceeded to walk up the high street dowsing with a pair of home made
angle rods, no doubt looking for a leak! Obviously they were very familiar with the technique and it
was much quicker than digging up the whole road! So you see dowsing works best if there is a real
need or interest.
Ok let us get started with making and using the pendulum.

Making a Pendulum

What is a pendulum? A pendulum is simply a weight on the end of a piece of string, making it a
simple device to make. First we must find a suitable weight to use that we can attach a piece of string
to. You need a weight that will make your pendulum well balanced, something like a builders plumb
bob not a large bunch of keys - visualise a pendulum in a large Grandfather clock and how perfectly it
is balanced.

You can buy dowsing pendulums from shops or perhaps more conveniently, online. Most pendulums
these days tend to be made out of pear shaped crystals with a chain but you can also find them made
out of wood or metal. Pendulums are relatively easy to make for hardly any cost at home. If you
would like to try this, I would suggest that to start with, you go to a fishing tackle shop and buy a lead
sinker fishing-weight weighing between half an ounce and two ounces, the sinker should be round or
pear shaped with a hole through it to thread string or fishing line. You will find lightweight nylon
fishing line may be easier to use than string.

Thread your string or nylon line through your weight making it secure at the end, so your weight is
firmly held in place at the end of your string or nylon. The total length of your pendulum from bottom
of the weight to the end of the string or line should be no more than 8 inches or 20cm

Holding the Pendulum

Hold the pendulum between your finger and thumb about half way down the string or line, giving a
total pendulum length of about 6 inches or 15cm. Now swing the pendulum gently, and adjust the
length of the string/line until the least effort is required to move the pendulum. With the correct
adjustment, after the initial effort to get the pendulum moving is given, no effort should be needed.
You will find that the shorter the length of the pendulum, the quicker and more responsive it becomes.
Picture 3: Holding the pendulum

The Movement of the Pendulum

To start practicing with your pendulum you will need to sit at a table with the following: A ruler, a
sheet of A4 blank paper with a circle about five inches in diameter drawn on it, and your pendulum.

1. Hold your pendulum in the position as shown in the photo above and place the ruler in a
vertical position lying flat on the desk in front of you. Hold the pendulum over the
centre of the ruler and ask it to follow the length of the ruler. You may need a little
effort to get the pendulum moving, but after the initial effort you should need no effort at
all. Now turn the ruler so it is horizontal to you, hold your pendulum in the centre of the
ruler again and ask it to follow the ruler as it did when the ruler was in its vertical
position. Again after the initial effort to get your pendulum moving you should need no

2. Now take away the ruler, hold your pendulum over the table and ask it to move
backwards and forwards in a strait vertical line, and then ask it to do the same from left
to right. It will always help if you make the initial movement to get the pendulum
moving, but after that no conscious effort should be given.

3. Now place your sheet of paper with the circle drawn on it in front of you. Hold your
pendulum over the centre of the circle and ask it to follow the outline of the circle in a
clockwise direction, make the initial effort to get the pendulum moving if you feel it
will help. Now repeat in an anticlockwise direction. For a stronger reaction, you could
substitute the drawing of the circle for a round object such as a large round plastic lid
for example.

4. Now take the paper/round object away and ask your pendulum to rotate clockwise, then
anticlockwise, just give it the initial push to get it moving, then it should move without
you making any conscious effort.

Practice the various moves of the pendulum until you feel comfortable with them.

The Yes and No Response

The pendulum can give you a yes or a no answer in response to your question. So you need to know
which movement of the pendulum means yes and which movement means no. The pendulum can
also indicate when a task is complete, more about that later, for now let us start with the yes/no

Many of you may have heard how the brain is like a computer and the analogy of how programming a
computer is a bit like programming your mind. Giving instructions to your pendulum is a bit like
sitting down in front of your computer screen and typing the program on the keyboard. It helps if you
can visualise your pendulum as a separate part of you. You may even find it helps to imagine you are
talking to your pendulum as if it were your household pet if you need help separating the pendulum
from yourself.

Now imagine that the programming part in the above paragraph I equated with typing your instructions
into a keyboard is equivalent to you concentrating intensely on your instructions to your pendulum.
The period of concentration only needs to be sufficient for you to be clear what the task is about and
in reality it only takes a few seconds. Now imagine pressing the enter or return button on your
keyboard and at this point you relax. The only degree of concentration now required is simply to
remember what you are doing. Remember, after hitting that symbolic enter/return button, Relax!

So you need to find your own yes/no responses. Sit at your table again and write the word "YES" on
one piece of paper and the word "NO" on another piece of paper.

A. Hold your pendulum over the "YES" piece of paper and strongly visualise everything
you associate with YES. This should be everything positive and masculine. Now tell
your pendulum to show you "YES", your pendulum should move in a way, which means
yes. You may need to give it an initial push to overcome any starting friction.

B. Now hold your pendulum over the "NO" piece of paper and strongly visualise everything
you associate with NO. This should be everything negative and feminine. Now tell your
pendulum to show you "NO", your pendulum should move in a way which means no.
You may need to give it an initial push to overcome any starting friction.

Your pendulum may rotate clockwise for no and anticlockwise for yes or it may rotate for yes
and move forward and backwards for no. It has a choice of four movements; clockwise,
anticlockwise, vertical or horizontal. Its reaction to yes or no varies from person to person.

Your pendulums response to yes or no may reverse from time to time. So if yesterday your
response to no was a vertical movement and your response to yes was a clockwise rotation.
Today they may have reversed, so now a vertical movement means yes and a clockwise movement
means no. So every time, before you ask your pendulum a question, say to it: Show me yes, it
will then show you which movement means yes. Do the same to find the no response.

So every time before you dowse say to your pendulum:

Show me yes. Show me no.

You can then proceed to ask your questions.

Starting friction

Your pendulums reactions can be speeded up by simply giving it a slight nudge by moving your hand
or arm slightly, this will help break the starting friction when waiting to see how it responds to your
questions or instructions

Information Dowsing With Your Pendulum

You now have the basic movements of your pendulum for dowsing: The YES/NO, response. I will
now go over the steps for dowsing with your pendulum.

1. Hold your pendulum as shown in the photo on page 21. If you are sitting down do not
cross your legs.

2. Clear your mind of any thoughts not concerned with your dowsing

3. Ask your pendulum to show you the yes response and then the no response.
(Remembering to help break the starting friction described above under the header:
Starting friction).

4. Concentrate hard on your question so it is clear in your mind exactly what you are
asking. The question must be able to be answered with a yes or a no.

5. After you have concentrated on your question and it is clear in your mind, put your
question to the back of your mind and relax a little. The only concentration you now
require is to stop your mind wandering while you are waiting for your pendulum to
respond with a yes or no response.

6. Your pendulum should now slowly change from its slight wobble you gave it in your
attempt to break the starting friction to a yes or a no movement. Giving you the answer
to your question. This is the important stage where you must have the right balance of
mind between trying and not Trying.

7. Practice the above steps asking questions you know the answers too. Such as: Is this
wood? Is this water? Is this milk? And so on but remember you can only ask questions
that can be answered yes or no. If you asked is this wood or water? The answer you get
would be meaningless.

You can ask your pendulum questions that can be answered with a yes or no about virtually anything
but be careful, decide first if it is appropriate to ask before you go ahead. Why not start by asking
which foods in your cupboard or fridge are bad or good for you? You will learn more questions
which you can ask by using your pendulum as you progress through this book.

So I have now introduced you to information dowsing. Let me now introduce you to how your
pendulum can be used to monitor the progress of a task which you will find helpful as you progress
through this book. Let me explain below:

Dowsing With Your Pendulum to Monitor Work in Progress

I will explain fully the practical uses of this technique as you progress through this book. There are
different types of work in progress that we could monitor but for now, purely to help me explain the
concept to you, consider the following examples:

1. Imagine you had a kettle which you had to fill through the spout because the lid could not
be removed and the water level indicator was not working. How do you think you
could use your pendulum to let you know when the kettle was full as you filled it from
the tap?

2. Imagine you were an energy healer such as a Reiki Master and you are transferring
healing energy through your hand into your patients body. If you had a pendulum how
would you use it to let you know when your patient was fully charged with energy?

3. Imagine you were a priest and you had a number of bottles of communion wine that
needed to be blessed by your God. How would you use your pendulum to focus your
intent and let you know when the blessing process was complete?

In the above examples, we need to know when a process that we cannot see is complete and needs to
stop. For example, when the kettle is full, the patient has had enough energy and when the blessing
process has been completed. If you were using your concentration or intent such as guiding and
focusing the energy entering the patients body, it would be good to have some help focusing your
intent. Your pendulum can help!

Try the following exercises:

Sit down without crossing your legs and hold your pendulum as before between your thumb and
forefinger. Start your pendulum moving in a straight line towards and away from you. If you have a
problem getting it to move, place a ruler in front of you and ask it to follow the ruler. For this exercise
remember that the movement you are now practicing is totally separate from the yes or no response
you have previously experienced. Your pendulums movement in this exercise means neither yes nor
no, it is simply showing work in progress and serving to help you focus your intent.

So sitting down again, imagine your feet growing roots which move down deep into the Earth, when
the roots reach the centre of the Earth start swinging your pendulum back and forth.

Now imagine energy rising into your feet up from the Earth, flowing up through your legs, and into
your body. Now look at your pendulum swinging backward and forward and tell it that it will stop
moving and come to a standstill when your body has charged itself with sufficient energy. It helps to
visualize this as an image in your mind rather than just say the words. So in your minds eye see the
energy in the form of white light or however you want to visualise it, rise up through the earth and up
through your body and when in your minds eye you see your body full of light see your pendulum stop
its swing. This new use for your pendulum is what we will call working mode as it monitors work in
progress. Remember this work in progress is separate from the yes and no response you learned
earlier. You will be able to practice this pendulum technique as you progress through this book where
you will gain experience of the practical use of this technique. But please feel free to practice now
before moving on!
Dowsing with Angle Rods

So far I have explained how pendulum dowsing can be used to obtain a yes or no answer in response
to your question and to monitor work in progress as described above. However, if we are looking for
a particular spot on the ground such as the location of underground water, an underground pipe or
particular energy pattern, an instrument called a dowsing rod is often more practical than the
pendulum and so it is frequently used by professional dowsers.

As we discussed in pendulum dowsing, the dowsing rods also amplify your bodys small muscular
responses to influences around you. These responses are so small that we would not notice them if we
did not use an instrument. Again, it is not scientifically possible to explain dowsing with rods, suffice
it to say that dowsing has been practised for many thousands of years and it works! We can say,
however, that as described in pendulum dowsing, it involves communication between your conscious
and subconscious mind, so the state of your mind when dowsing with rods is also important.

By the end of this section on angle rod dowsing you should at the very least be able to locate
underground water pipes and work out their depths - dowsing is a practical skill just like learning to
ride a bike, the more you practice the better you get! There is no right way or wrong way to dowse
just the way that works best for you, there are many variations and if you feel uncomfortable with
what you are instructed to do, try something else until you find an approach that feels right for you.
But it is much easier at the beginning to pretend that there is just one right way to dowse, since we
must start somewhere!

Exercise 1: Make a Pair of Angle Rods

The traditional dowsing tool is, as you probably know, the V shaped twig. But as this is difficult to
use most dowsers today use what we call angle rods also called L-rods, because of their L-shape.

To make a pair of L-rods you need two unused wire coat- hangers and a pair of strong pliers. Hold
one of the coat hangers upright with the long base facing down. On one side, just before the base
starts to curve, cut with the pliers. You are now left with only one side connected to the hook. Cut the
wire again about 2 inches away from the hook. Now pull down the shortest arm to make an Lshape.
Repeat this to make a second L-rod. See figure 1. As a rough guide, the short arm (to be held when
dowsing) should be about 5 inches (12 centimetres) and the long arm about 16 inches or 40

After you have cut and shaped your rods I suggest you use a file to smooth down the edges of your
two rods as these can be sharp after you have cut them.
Picture 4: How to make an L-rod

Picture 5: How to hold L-rods

Exercise 2: How to hold the L-rods

Hold the shortest arm of each rod loosely in your clenched fist, with your thumb resting on top. So the
rod passes over the finger you normally point with and under your thumb. Hold both your rods
horizontal with the long part of each rod pointing away from you. The rods should be about 6 inches
apart (depending on your physique) pointing directly in front of you. The rods should be pointing just
below the horizontal if you hold them too low they will not respond easily and if you hold them too
high it will be hard to hold them still. Make sure that you are holding the rods so that they are able to
move freely from left to right. With the rods now pointing directly in front of you, you are now in what
we call the neutral position; the rods are in a state of neutral balance and will thus amplify and make
obvious any small movement of your wrists. See picture 5: Holding L-rods.

Exercise 3: L-rod responses

Still holding the rods in the horizontal position, about six inches apart, rotate your wrists slightly to
the left. Both rods will turn to the left. Now turn your wrists slightly to the right. Your rods will turn
to the right. Turn your wrists inward. The rods will cross over. Turn your wrists outward both rods
will move apart - Remember the rods should point just below the horizontal to get the easiest
movement. See picture 5 again if you are unsure. Continue to practice to get familiar with the different
What we are doing here is practising the various moves your rods can make when you are using them
to dowse. Your wrists only have to move very slightly for you to see a movement in your rods as the
rods amplify your wrist movement. In the next exercise you will be getting your rods to move in
response to your command, as if they were moving by themselves.

Exercise 4: Subconscious Movement of Your Rods

Hold your rods so they are in a state of neutral balance as in Exercise 2 and picture 5: Holding L-
rods. But this time do not look at or concentrate on your hands or arms, instead focus on the end of the
rods and relax. Now imagine the rods moving to the left, now ask the rods to move to the left. Don't
force them to move by consciously moving your wrist. Remember to keep focusing your attention on
the tips of the rods and not your hands. Now ask them to move back to the centre (neutral position).
Now ask them to move to the right. Now ask them to return to the centre. When they are in the centre
ask them to cross over each other.

What we are doing here is very similar to learning to ride a bicycle if you think too much about what
your feet are doing or whether you are balancing, you are likely to fall off. If you instead concentrate
on where you are going and treat the bicycle as an extension of yourself you are less likely to fall off.
So we use the rods as an extension of ourselves and just as riding a bicycle becomes something we
do automatically without thinking, so will using the L-rods.

If you are having difficulty getting the rods to move of their own accord you are probably trying too
hard. Don't try, just let it happen. When looking at the tip of your rods imagine you are talking to your
household pet and you are giving it instructions to move in the desired direction. It helps to get the
rods to move if you move around a little as this tends to break any starting friction. Go over Exercise
4 until you begin to get the sense that the rods are moving of their own accord. If you are having
difficulty you are trying too hard, just let it happen.
Your State of Mind
As I have previously explained, your state of mind is very important, as dowsing involves
communication between your subconscious and conscious mind. What we are looking for is a state of
mind between the two. Your conscious mind can interfere with your dowsing and movement of your
rods. We use our conscious mind to give the instructions then we switch it off and let our
subconscious do the work. It is a little like programming a computer then letting it get on with your
instructions. After giving your rods their instructions you then switch to a "not trying" state of mind
and relax, this lets your subconscious mind take over unhindered.

Exercise 5: Starting To Dowse

1. Place a length of wood or similar marker such as a small pipe, about a metre/2 feet,
across the floor and once again assume the neutral position with both rods pointing
directly in front of you (read Exercise 2 again if you are unsure if you are holding your
rods correctly). Now look at the end of your rods and concentrate hard. Tell them they
will cross over when your feet walk over the piece of wood or marker and, in your
mind, visualise this happening.

2. When you have concentrated and visualised your task for a few seconds, STOP. Put your
task to the back of your mind. Your mind is like a computer; you have now programmed
that computer so all you have to do now is simply remember what you have set out to
do in the back of your mind. The only concentration you now require is to stop your
mind wandering whilst you are walking waiting for them to cross over.

3. So now you have programmed yourself for the task in hand and with that task now put to
the back of your mind, make sure you are relaxed and slowly walk towards the length
of wood or marker. They should cross over the marker when you walk over it. But, at
first some people may find that the rods cross just before or just after the marker on the
floor, this is to be expected. You will find after practice your rods will cross directly
over the marker. Remember to walk slowly.

Exercise 6: Finding an Underground Pipe

Now using what you have learned in the previous exercises we are going to go outside and find an
underground pipe, most likely a water pipe. When you are ready, go outside your house or building
and find an area where there are most likely to be underground water pipes such as your cold water
supply or pipe that takes away your wastewater.

A. Once again assume the neutral position with both rods pointing directly in front of you.
Now look at the end of your rods and concentrate hard. Tell them they will cross over
when your feet walk over a pipe and in your mind visualise this happening.
B. When you have concentrated and visualised your task for a few seconds, STOP, put your
task to the back of your mind. Your mind is like a computer, you have now programmed
that computer, so all you have to do now is simply remember what you have set out to
do in the back of your mind. The only concentration you now require is to stop your
mind wandering while you are looking for your pipe

C. So now you have programmed yourself for the task in hand and with that task now put to
the back of our mind and the rods in neutral position, we are ready to go and find a
pipe. Now walk slowly across the area you have chosen to look for the pipe, as you
approach an underground pipe your rods should slowly turn inwards towards each
other, eventually crossing over each other as your feet pass over the pipe. When they
have crossed over you should be standing over the pipe. X marks the spot! Do not
forget there may be more than one pipe to find, so expect the rods to cross over a few

In this exercise we have set out to look for a specific change or discontinuity in the ground below us,
caused by a pipe. We have not concerned ourselves with anything else like the stones under our feet
for example. We did this by programming our rods and our self to only respond to a pipe. When the
rods responded to the pipe they crossed over because we had earlier programmed them to do this. If
we had programmed them to open outwards when we crossed over the pipe they would have done

In this chapter I have covered the basics of pendulum and angle rod dowsing and explained about
some practical applications. You may well have thought of more practical applications! I will cover
more practical applications of dowsing as you progress through this book. So keep practising what
you have learned so far, you cannot beat practice!

Did you know we can only live without water for on average three days? Water is essential to all life.
There are of course different types of water, for example, the mineral content can vary so we can have
soft or hard water coming out of our taps depending on where we live. Mineral water is different to
tap water in that it has no chemicals added like chlorine or fluoride.

Water quality has always been of immense importance. A very long time ago in New Zealand there
was a tribe called the Rapuwai, they moved unhindered through the territories of other tribes. Their
job was to test the water for all the other tribes. They were the modern equivalent of our water
scientists. They understood that some water was wai maori which meant that it was life giving and
that some water was wai mate which meant the water was likely to cause illness and death. Their job
was to test all the waters in the land and create for each spring, stream, river or lake a song that told
the story of those waters. This huge task took many generations. Their techniques were founded on
countless generations of observation and experience.

Water also has a memory effect in that it can carry information. This may seem a strange concept if
you are not familiar with it. However, homeopathy works by storing the information of the substance
in the tablet. By far the best examples of the memory effect of water can be found in the work of
Masaru Emoto which I introduced you to in Chapter 1. Masaru Emoto was a scientist who developed
a technique to photograph water crystals.

Before freezing the water he would give it information by simply placing a label on the glass
container. For example, he labelled one container with the words love and gratitude and on another he
used a label with the word hate. When subsequently frozen, and then photographed, the crystals from
the container labelled love and gratitude formed perfect symmetric shapes whilst the crystals from the
container labelled hate formed horrible distorted crystals. There are many fantastic pictures of
water crystals using this technique to be seen in Masaru Emoto books which include The True
Power of Water and Messages from Water. However, for now why not have a look on the internet
by searching for water crystals/Masaru Emoto. Right now, perhaps, you could visit Google Images
for quick look.

The other components of water to consider are frequencies, pollutants and its life force or energy
Hado medicine

The fundamental principles of Hado medicine, practiced in Japan, are vibration and resonance.
Disease is a sign that part of our body has a disturbed cellular vibration or frequency. Water is given
the information or the frequency to correct the disturbed cellular frequency/vibration in the body.

There was an experiment at Lake Biwa in Japan which began at 4.30 am on July 25th 1999. At that
time Lake Biwa was much polluted and had lost most of its beautiful reeds. During the summer
months a non native algae from Canada would grow and give off a foul smell. On that morning about
350 people had gathered to attempt to purify the water with the power of Hado led by Dr. Shioya who
led the people in reciting the Great Declaration ten times. One month later the Kyoto newspaper had a
big article with the heading: No more abnormal growth of non native algae this summer, zero
odour. The article included this paragraph:

However, there are hardly any colonies covering the surface of the lake this year and there is no
complaint about odour due to the small Canadian algae. The amount of algae reaped this time last
year reached about 1,500 tons, but this year, including the other kinds of algae, it remains at about 110
tons. The person in charge of the section (the prefectures eco-life promotion section) commented, I
cant think of any case where the amount was so low. We are planning to ask experts opinions and
look into the causes.

Before the experiments look place in July 1999 pictures were taken of the water crystals in the usual
manner and appeared terribly distorted. After the experiment partially formed crystals could be
photographed and after 6 months more perfectly formed crystals could be photographed.

Information in water has a frequency so the water would have a frequency. We can check energy
levels, pollutants, frequencies by dowsing with our pendulum and then make the necessary

Now might be a good time to think about the quality of the water you drink. Is it straight from the tap?
Do you filter your tap water or perhaps you only drink bottled water? But the right question may be
what do you drink your water, tea or coffee out of? A strange question you may be thinking? But,
consider this: What did the scientist Masaru Emoto write on his containers of water to obtain perfect
ice crystals representing a high good frequency? Yes, that is right love and gratitude. So what if you
did the same to your cup or glass? Maybe that would improve your water, tea or coffee and, as we are
comprised of mostly water, your health and well being too. The heart symbol could be used to
symbolise love and gratitude. And connect to the high good creator frequencies. That is why my
favourite cup I always use at home looks something like the one in the next picture!
Picture 6: Picture of cup with heart/love symbol

Exercise checking tap water, mineral water and river water etc.

Finding the energy level of water

To check the energy level of the water I would suggest you visualize the water you want to test in your
cup or container as brightly illuminated in white light when at maximum charge and different shades
of grey for a lesser charge.

Hold your pendulum as shown previously and on the next page at the bottom centre of the chart. Now
with your pendulum at a standstill give your hand a jolt to break the starting friction and then let your
pendulum swing back and forth and tell your pendulum to move in the direction over the relevant part
of the scale to indicate the waters energy level. If it moved over the white section that would
indicate the highest energy level. Increasingly darker shades of grey would indicate progressively
lower energy levels.
Picture 7: Showing pendulum in action over a grey scale pendulum chart

You could also check for the percentage of pollutants by using the pendulum technique above starting
with white to indicate no pollutants.

There is a grey scale pendulum chart in the appendix of this book for you to use.

Finding the frequency of the water

Different colours vibrate at different frequencies so it makes sense to use your pendulum over
different colours to find which frequencies the water is vibrating at. You could use your pendulum
with a number scale to dowse for frequencies but you will most likely find it easier to use the
coloured pendulum chart I have provided for you. See the next picture. A full sized coloured
pendulum chart for you to use can be found in the appendix of this book.

Picture 8: Coloured pendulum chart

Hold your pendulum in the centre of the chart and ask it to move in a linear direction over the colour
representing the frequency of the water in the container you are testing.

Crystal Remedies

Water can be used with crystals to make a crystal remedy. Crystal remedies are made by transferring
the frequencies from the crystal or crystals to the water. Somewhat like a homoeopathic remedy, once
bottled, it can be a taken by drops on the tongue, applied to the skin, added to bathwater or sprayed in
the air. If you would like to experiment with crystal remedies I recommend you get expert advice such
as that found in the book Gem Water by Michael Gienger and Joachim Goebel or Judy Halls book
Crystal Prescriptions because a very small number of crystals could make a toxic remedy if the
remedy was made with direct contact with the water. Using the above information, once you have a
reasonable collection of crystals you will always have remedies to hand that will never run out. You
will save a lot of money too!

Special Places

Some places where you come across water can be very special sacred spaces these tend to be special
healing wells such as the Challis Well in Glastonbury, waterfalls, lakes and of course, the sea. These
are areas which produce an abundance of negative ions which have a relaxing calming effect on the
body. On the other hand, positive ions found in our homes, cities and towns for example, tend to have
the opposite effect.

I remember, some time ago, whilst exploring the Lake District (in England UK) with my family, we
walked up to a great waterfall called Aira Force near Ullswater. Leaving our car in the car park we
walked up through the rocky valley through the trees and arrived at the waterfall. It was early evening
and as we were in a wooded valley the sun had just gone down behind the trees. We stood on a small
stone bridge looking up at the waterfall. I took out my camera, however, my daughter who was about
six at the time, demanded I give it to her. Which of course I did, as being a daddys girl she usually
got what she asked me for! Anyway I had recently ditched my old film camera and purchased a new
(at the time) digital camera. This meant that she would not waste costly film. If you remember back in
time when you had to go to a shop and take in the film from your camera to get it developed you
would have appreciated then, as I did, that you could instantly see what you had photographed.

Having given my camera to my daughter who seemed content to take pictures of the water, I
eventually managed to retrieve my camera from her. Upon reviewing the pictures that she had taken I
couldnt help noticing that there appeared to be water droplets or dust on the pictures. However, after
inspecting the lens and finding it to be clear, I took a closer look at the pictures on the screen and
could clearly see the particles in the picture were round and had an
inside structure to them resembling orbs. Intrigued, I aimed my camera at the water and for each
picture I took I managed to take pictures of more orbs. Getting excited at this, I noticed that another
family had a camera so I asked them to take pictures of the water to see if they could pick up the
same. I should mention that it was not possible to see the orbs with the naked eye, only on the digital
camera viewfinder.

Anyway, the other family got quite excited because they too were taking pictures of these invisible to
the naked eye, orbs. Along came another family who unfortunately, did not speak English. I did,
however, using sign language manage to get them to take some pictures! They too managed to take
pictures of the orbs. Even though I could not understand them, it was clear by their jumping up and
down movements that they too were very excited! The pictures shown next show what we

Picture 9: Orbs at Aira force waterfall Lake District England

In the midst of this excitement, I had the crazy idea of trying to communicate with the orbs. So I
walked up on to the small stone bridge and facing the waterfall I said to them: I want to communicate
with you, show me! The next pictures I took of the orbs were glowing red! See the picture below!

Picture 10: Red Orbs at Aira force waterfall Lake District England

What are these orbs? Where do they come from? Well, I cant say for sure but they clearly have some
sort of intelligence and like the energy given off by the water at this type of location. So my best guess
would be some type of spirit. Perhaps a nature spirit or water elemental, you may have some ideas?
Why not find a waterfall and go out with your camera!

Orbs have also been photographed at other locations mostly at night.


By far the most common application of dowsing is not water divining for which, perhaps, it
is best known, but aspects of personal health and diet, people finding out what works best
for themselves.

Dowsing is used extensively by some alternative health practitioners. It can be helpful in

finding deficiencies in such things as nutrients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids and
enzymes. A full list of nutrients could be up to nearly 100 so it is best to use a list. Food
intolerances and geopathic stress could and should also be checked. More about geopathic
stress later in this book. It is advisable not to dowse for a specific illness. It is also
possible to check for toxins and parasites. Clearly, you need to have the appropriate
medical and nutritional knowledge so you can ask the right questions and make the correct
diagnosis and prescriptions. However, we can all use dowsing to help our health at a basic
level which we will cover in exercises in this chapter. Dowsing at this level includes
dowsing for homeopathic, Bach flower and aromatherapy remedies, all of which we will
cover. However, a word of warning! Never exceed the maximum recommended dose.

Basic applications of dowsing for health covered in this chapter:

Finding what supplements you and others need

Selecting homeopathic remedies
Finding flower essences to help your emotions and moods
Using dowsing to select the right foods
Using dowsing to detect additives and toxins in your food
Using dowsing to make the right dietary choice
Detecting allergies
Finding the best essential oils for you to use
Checking your aura
Finding the right crystal for you

Try dowsing the items on the list in the exercises below using the methods taught in Chapter 2. You
will need to follow the procedure fully using the helpful tips listed with each exercise. The full
procedure for pendulum dowsing is summarised below:
Hold your pendulum as shown in Chapter 2. If you are sitting down do not cross your legs.

1. Clear your mind of any thoughts not concerned with your dowsing. Look at your
pendulum and ask it to move in its neutral position.

2. Hold your pendulum over the item you are dowsing or place your free hand over the item
you are dowsing and ask it to show you the Yes response and the No response.
Then let it go back to its neutral movement.

3. Focus your mind on the question you are going to ask your pendulum. Now ask your
pendulum: Can I get an answer to this question? May I get an answer to this question?
(You may shorten this to: Can 1? and May 1?) If you get two positive answers let your
pendulum resume its neutral movement.

4. Look at the pendulum swinging in its neutral position and concentrate hard on your
question so it is clear in your mind exactly what you are asking. The question must be
able to be answered with a yes or no.

5. After you have concentrated on your question and it is clear in your mind, put your
question to the back of your mind and relax a little. The only concentration you now
require is to stop your mind wandering while you are waiting for your pendulum to
respond with a yes or no response.

6. Your pendulum should now slowly change from its neutral movement to a yes or a no
movement giving you the answer to your question. This is the important stage where
you must have the right balance of mind between trying and not trying, as you learned
when dowsing with your angle rods.

When you are dowsing the items below you can hold your pendulum directly over the item you are
dowsing or place your free hand just over the item instead. You may also hold the item to help you
tune into it better.

It is always very important that you transform your question into a picture in your mind. Always
visualise the question.

If you are dowsing over a series of similar items at the same time, for example a row of food items or
supplements you only need to ask CAN I & MAY, and ask the pendulum to show you which direction
is YES & NO once before dowsing the first item in that series or group of items.

Exercise 1: Food and Drink

You could check if an item of food or drink is suitable for you or your children. When visualising the
question in Step 4 above, hold your hand or pendulum just above the item and visualise what good
would be like if you consumed the food or drink. See yourself feeling good if you consumed the food
or drink and ask YES? or NO? You could of course, instead visualise yourself feeling bad if you
consumed the item and ask YES? or NO? You would arrive at the same answer. To dowse for
someone close to you, simply replace the visualisation of yourself with the person in question.

Is this good for me?

When visualising the question in Step 4 above, hold your hand or pendulum just above the item and
visualise what good would be like as the above exercise. It is always very important that you
transform your question into a picture in your mind.

Is this food off?

I do this all the time! Just imagine you open the fridge door and take something off the shelf and you
notice it has been there for some time. Is it safe to eat? Use your pendulum!

Place the food in front of you, hold your pendulum in one hand and with your other hand touching the
questioned food item or hold your hand very close to it, visualise yourself eating the food item and
see in your minds eye yourself feeling well and healthy (remember you must convert your question to
a picture) then ask Yes? No? It is always best to touch the food if possible (in its packaging is ok) to
get an accurate reading.

Has this got any additives?

If the label is missing or if the list of ingredients is missing you can use your pendulum to check for

You would have to picture in your mind what an additive looks and tastes like. Then ask yes or no as
above as you hold or place your hand close to the item in question.

Exercise 2: Allergies

If you suffer from an allergy or intolerance you could find what is giving you the allergy or
For this exercise place any substances you suspect may be harmful to you on the table in front of you.
Holding your pendulum in one hand, at Step 4 on page 46, picture in your mind bad associated with
YOU and ask yes/no? How you visualise is an individual thing. Personally I would see an area of
black in my stomach area to symbolise bad for me then ask is this bad for me?

We get an allergic response when our immune system reacts to a substance as if it were toxic, so our
immune system overreacts. It can overreact to things in our diet, the air we breath, anything we touch
and we can experience rashes, poor digestion, sinus irritation and more. In essence, allergies are
disorders in our relationship with things around us.

Allergic reactions show up very rapidly after taking the food

Sensitivities may only show up much later as the food passes through the intestines.

When dowsing for food you may have asked: Is this food or drink good for me?, now change the
question to: Am I allergic to this food? There is a subtle difference between these two questions.
A substance may be poisonous, or toxic, to you with out causing allergic responses. Compare your
answers. Are they the same? Do they conflict? Is something good for you even though you are
apparently allergic to it? If this is the case do not assume your dowsing is poor. You may have a weak
allergic reaction to something but the positive properties of the substance outweigh the negative

Food Sensitivities
Now repeat your dowsing test, this time asking: Am I sensitive to this food? Remember that food
sensitivity means that food will affect you adversely during its digestion. Now compare your answers
to the questions:

Is this food good for me?

Am I allergic to this food?

Am I sensitive to this food?

It is worth noting that some foods you like the most, to which you may seem to be addicted, may
be causing you an allergic reaction.

Possible Food Allergens

Alcohol, caffeine, corn, dairy produce, soya, sugar, wheat, chocolate, tomatoes and tea.

You can also have a problem with environmental allergens such as:
Fertilizer, glues, fungicides, herbicides, industrial chemicals, insecticides, exhaust fumes, paints,
solvents, varnishes and electromagnetic radiation. Animal hair, feathers, house dust, house dust mite,
human hair mould, pollen and insect bites.

Exercise 3: Vitamin Selection and Supplements

Which vitamin does your body need at this time? How many tablets does it need?

You will need a selection of the vitamins and any other supplements in front of you. Holding your
pendulum in one hand, hold the supplement or vitamin container in your other hand, visualise yourself
putting the tablets into your mouth and ask yes/no? If you get a yes reaction with your pendulum, take
out a tablet or measure in front of you if the unit or measure is a liquid. Now hold your pendulum over
the tablet or measure and start it moving in your NO position. Now in your minds eye see yourself
taking the tablets or units counting each one. See your pendulum changing to your yes position when
you have counted the right number of tablets or units you need to take now.

So to summarise:
Have a selection of the supplements in front of you.
Establish if you need any of them.
Count how many units or tablets you need at this time.

Warning! Never exceed the maximum recommended dose.

The main minerals we require are: Chloride, Chromium, Calcium, Copper, Iodine, Iron,
Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Selenium, Sodium, Zinc

The main Vitamins we require are: Vitamins A, B12, C, D, E, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin,
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6), Folic acid

Exercise 4: Homeopathic Medicine Selection, Herbs, Bach Flower Selection and


Have a selection of the remedies in their bottles in front of you and use your pendulum over them to
find the right remedy for you. Use the above procedure for vitamin selection adapting it to the item
you are dowsing.

The Bach Flower Remedies

The Bach Flower Remedies are used mainly for influencing feelings and emotions. Dowse with the
labels hidden for best results. Dowse whether flower essences would be helpful in dealing with your
current problem not forgetting to check your yes and no response and ask Can I? and May I? as
shown above. Dowse over the actual bottles if possible rather than a list if you are new to dowsing
flower remedies. If you get a response from more than 5 remedies check the degree of response and
use the 5 ones with the strongest reactions. Leave the bottles in the box and touch the bottles one at a
time with your finger using the other hand for dowsing.

Now dowse for the number of doses per day that will be necessary. This would normally be between
one and four. Finally check the number of drops of medicine to take on each occasion. Again this
would normally be between one and four.

The Bach remedies are usually taken in a little water, preferably before rather than after a meal. If one
is in a hurry the medicine can be dropped directly on to the mouth.

For more information there are many good books on The Bach remedies available.


Dowsing can be used in selecting the most appropriate essential oils, whether for general well being,
to restore balance or to actively aid in a healing process. Start by asking the following questions:

Would aromatic oil be helpful in balancing and restoring my health at this time?

Would a combination of aromatic oils be best?

If you find oils are suitable then dowse with you pendulum over a selection of oils, if you have a
large selection, you can save time by dividing the oils into two piles and ask: do I need any oils in
this pile?

Once you have selected your oil/s ask: Is one drop of this oil sufficient? Two drops? Three drops?
And so on until you find the right dosage for you. You can also dowse from a list of oils.

Dowsing from a list

Cooking right ingredients

Selecting the right ingredients and in the correct quantities
Selecting food on the menu
If you are in a restaurant looking at the menu and not quite sure what to order, by pointing to various
items on the menu and using your pendulum you may be able to select the best foods for you.

Dowsing from a list is best done after you have successfully completed the above exercises and
developed your visualisation skills. You would place the list in front of you. When you get to Step 4
concentrating on your question, do your best to actually picture the item or ingredient as you ask
yes/no. Dont forget if you are dowsing over a series of similar items at the same time, on this
occasion a written list, you only need to ask CAN I? & MAY? and ask the pendulum to show you
which direction is YES & NO once before dowsing the first item on that list or menu.

Crystal selection

If you work with crystals you can use your pendulum to help find the right crystal.

Visualise what a good crystal may look and feel like and either holding or placing your hand over the
crystal ask: Is this crystal the right one for me? You could also see in your mind using the crystal in
whatever way you intend and ask your question.

So now, hopefully, you can see how dowsing can help with your health and your familys health. You
could keep a selection of homeopathic, and or other remedies for when you need them and then dowse
over them to find the correct one and how much of it you need. A word of warning here: At this stage
of your learning I recommend you seek the advice of a qualified medical practitioner before using
your dowsing if you or your family are ill. I would recommend that you start by dowsing over
homeopathic remedies if you become ill as these are readily available and are unlikely to cause any
harm if you simply ask which one you need and stick to the recommended dose on the label.

Dowsing Auras

Every living thing has an aura or energy field around it. This field can be photographed using a
technique called Kirlian photography or high voltage photography. The Scientist Harry Oldfield has
also invented devices capable of seeing and capturing auras. A good way to practise dowsing auras is
to go outside with your angle rods and find a large tree, now with your rods in their neutral position
and looking at the tree from a short distance, in your minds eye visualise a haze or mist around the
tree and see your rods crossing over when they get to the edge of the mist. Now relax and walk
towards the tree. Your rods should cross over before you walk into the tree!

Now get a partner and ask them to stand still in an area free of furniture or other obstacles. Now with
your rods in the neutral position you again visualise a mist, haze or fog around them and visualise
your rods crossing over when you get to the edge of the mist, haze or fog. Now walk towards them.
Again your rods should cross over before you walk into them!

The width of our aura will change according to our state of mind our emotions and our health. So try
the following:

Get your partner to imagine something that makes them angry then dowse the width of their aura.

Get them to imagine standing under a bright ray of sunlight and feeling happy and vibrant. Now dowse
their aura again.

Can you see the different widths? When they were angry did their aura shrink?

The subject of auras is a large one and if you study it further you will find that the aura is constructed
of different layers and densities. There are many books available on the subject.

Picture 11: The above photo taken by the author of a tree aura using an Oldfield Filter at Avebury UK


When saying the words to a blessing (you can do this silently) it is important to have a firm intent that
it will happen. Just saying the words will not be enough. You also need to add pictures in your mind
to those words. In other words, you need to visualize (see) the processes happening. Observing a
blessing in progress and then seeing it complete is an important part of an effective blessing.

Addressing the creator

How you address the creator, the creator of all that is or God, is up to you. It will depend on your
background, experiences and what you feel comfortable with. There is no one way or one right way.
The term Dear God is often used as in Dear God Please bless this food.

Another form of address is It is commanded such as Creator, it is commanded that this food be
blessed. Like me, at first, you may be uncomfortable using It is commanded maybe because it
sounds like you are demanding a blessing. However, it is important to realise that command and
demand have totally different meanings, the former being positive and the latter being negative.

The dictionary definition of command is to overlook, to have at ones disposal like for example;
command of language. The definitions include: to deserve and receive due observance and a signal to

The sub words in the word command are:

Co: In Latin the meaning is an intensive with, as in cooperate.

Com: To invite to unite or join with, as in come.

Man: Creator, found in other words such as:

Manifesto: Public declaration of intent or principles.

Manifold: Multiply, of many kinds, a whole made at of diverse elements.

Mandala: A design symbolising the universe.

Mandible: Lower part of jaw, which is necessary in speaking; we create with words.

Mandare: (Latin) to order.

Therefore, it is clear that the word command is positive and connects you in a positive way with
the creator and is about empowering you with the creator. Now let us look at the word demand: de
in the Latin form means to oppose, reverse, remove and reduce.

It is important when asking for a blessing from the creator to have no doubt in your mind as to your
worthiness and as to whether the blessing will be given. When using the word command in your
blessing this goes a long way to removing any doubts as to your own self worth and gives you every
confidence that the blessing will take place.

You could, of course, address the creator by saying Dear God, it is commanded that

The choice is yours; see how you feel about it.

It is important to remember that we are all part of God the creator of all that is. Therefore, we are all
connected. I have heard it said that to fight amongst ourselves is like the branches of a tree fighting
each other. Our spirit or soul originally came from the creator and, therefore, we are part of the
creator this means we have a constant connection to the creator. However, in most people the
connection has become weak and the person is normally unaware that they have that connection.

I once heard of a famous Guru stand up on stage in front of his audience and say to them I am God!
After a stunned silence which lasted a few moments, the Guru continued and then said to the audience
and so are all of you! We are all part of the creator and so are all mini creators ourselves. If you
have any doubts, reread the introduction of this book on the power of your thoughts. The next time you
are in any type of emotional distress or stress, stop what you are doing, grab a moment to yourself,
close your eyes and say in your mind to yourself I am God. Repeat this a number of times whilst
imagining a shaft of white light coming down from the creator connecting to your heart centre. Imagine
becoming at one with the creator. You will be amazed at how much better you feel in a very short
space of time.

Suggested blessing for food

Dear God,

Please bless this food, charging it with your energy and dissolving all material that is detrimental to
humans. Please charge this food with the goodness of the Earth.

In your minds eye see pink hearts mixed with white light coming down into the food, dissolving any
blackness and charging the food with energy represented by the bright light and the pink hearts.
Finally see brown and green colours coming up from the Earth into the food.
Say it is done, and then thank God the creator


Dear God,

It is commanded that you please bless this food, charging it with your energy and dissolving all
material that is detrimental to humans. Please charge this food with the goodness of the Earth. In your
minds eye see pink hearts mixed with white light coming down into the food, dissolving any
blackness and charging the food with energy represented by the bright light and the pink hearts.
Finally see brown and green colours coming up from the Earth into the food.

Say it is done, and thank God the creator

Suggested blessing for water

Dear God

Please bless this water, charging it with your energy and dissolving and transforming all harmful
elements and pollutants. In your minds eye see pink hearts mixed with white light coming down into
the water from God, dissolving any blackness and detrimental elements and charging the water with
energy represented by the bright light and the pink hearts.

Say it is done and thank God the creator


Dear God,

It is commanded that you please bless this water, charging it with your energy and dissolving and
transforming all harmful elements and pollutants. In your minds eye see pink hearts mixed with white
light coming from down into the water from God, dissolving any blackness and detrimental elements
and charging the food with energy represented by the bright light and the pink hearts.

Say it is done, and thank God the creator

Using dowsing to help focus your intent on the blessing processes

To help with the above process we can use the dowsing techniques I have covered in the chapter on
dowsing, in the section on dowsing, with your pendulum to monitor work in progress. After a bit of
practice you may wish to dispense with the using your pendulum especially when in public,
especially if you feel you may get embarrassed!

Water blessing with help from your pendulum

Hold your pendulum over the water in question and address the creator asking the creator to bless the
water in front of you. Now place your pendulum over the water with your pendulum swinging back
and forth and say "Dear God Please bless this water, charging it with your energy and dissolving and
transforming all harmful elements and pollutants".

In your minds eye see pink hearts mixed with white light coming down into the water from God,
dissolving any blackness and detrimental elements and charging the water with energy represented by
the bright light and the pink hearts. Now look at your pendulum swinging backward and forward and
tell it that it will stop moving and come to a standstill when the blessing process is complete. When
the pendulum stops say It is done and thank the creator.

Food blessing with help from your pendulum

Hold your pendulum over the food in question and address the creator asking the creator to bless the
food in front of you. Now place your pendulum over the food with your pendulum swinging back and
forth and say Dear God Please bless this food, charging it with your energy and dissolving all
material that is detrimental to humans. Please charge this food with the goodness of the Earth. In your
minds eye see pink hearts mixed with white light coming down into the food, dissolving any
blackness and charging the food with energy represented by the bright light and the pink hearts.
Finally see brown and green colours coming up from the Earth into the food. Now look at your
pendulum swinging backward and forward and tell it that it will stop moving and come to a standstill
when the blessing process is complete. When the pendulum stops say It is done and thank the

A blessing really works!

A well-known retired professional dowser friend of mine went on the trip of a lifetime to Egypt.
Knowing that the water could cause stomach upsets and that of the food could also be contaminated,
he made sure he blessed all his food and water on his travels. Whilst doing this he noticed that a
significant number of his travelling companions suffered from stomach upsets, he, however, managed
to stay free of all stomach upsets. That was until sitting on his plane on the way back home; he forgot
to bless his food and water and promptly went down with a stomach bug!

In this chapter I will introduce and explain about electromagnetic radiation and how it affects your
health. I will also explain how to detect and protect yourself from this harmful radiation in its various
forms including the microwave frequencies associated with mobile phones, mobile phone towers,
smart meters and broadband routers.

Power frequencies

Electric power systems work at around 50 Hz just above the naturally occurring frequency of around
7.83 Hz generated by the Earth. Our bodies are tuned into this low frequency so any frequency close
to this is going to interfere with us, such as the 50 Hz AC mains power system used in the UK. ELF
(Extremely Low Frequency) electromagnetic fields vibrating from 0.5 to 100 Hz, even if they are
weaker than the Earth's field, interfere with the cues that keep our biological cycles properly timed.
Chronic stress And impaired disease resistance results

The frequencies that electrical mains systems use are very close to the natural brain rhythms of
cerebrate creatures such as man. The pineal gland is the principal structure in the brain that is directly
sensitive to the Earth's magnetic field. As a result it functions abnormally when exposed to abnormal
fields close to its own. Because the pineal gland produces a host of psychoactive chemicals (such as
melatonin, dopamine, serotonin and others) its abnormal functioning can cause neurological and
behavioural problems.

If you spend long periods of time close to a wiring circuit or appliance with a strong field such as a
heater, clock radio or electric blanket you may be at risk. You may also be at risk if you live close to
high voltage power lines (above and below ground) and their distribution transformers. The probable
safe level for constant exposure, now being discussed, is 1 milligauss (less for children). It would
seem appropriate to exercise "prudent avoidance" and limit the exposure to you, your family and
work colleagues wherever possible.

Radio frequencies & microwaves

In addition to the aforementioned lower frequencies from our mains supply and appliances, we now
have health dangers from radio frequency devices such as WiFi, smart meters, mobile phone masts
and mobile and cordless phones.

What can the biological effects be?

Power frequencies
An electromagnetic field associated with power frequencies affects growing cells and acts as a
cancer promoter. Cancer cells can increase their rate of growth significantly and develop more
malignant characteristics. It also affects learning ability and behavioural and psychological
mechanisms, increasing the incidence of depression and suicide. Chronic exposure may lead to an
increase in the incidence of brain tumours. Your brains EEG rhythms change when a light switch is
operated nearby. A stress response occurs which, if prolonged, can lead to an immune-system
deficiency, resulting in an increased incidence of infectious diseases and cancers. Because of the
effects on growing cells, young children and babies are especially at risk. The link with cot death has
been debated in Parliament. Studies have shown that risks of childhood cancer could increase.

Radio frequencies & microwaves

Many very eminent scientists across the world believe that there are biological changes and adverse
health effects on people, animals and plants at levels of microwaves millions of times lower than
recommended by the current regularity bodies. Have a look at the warnings in the small print of your
mobile phone manual. Research has shown that microwave frequencies associated with radio
frequencies can disable the blood brain barrier. Various researchers have also found that mobile and
cordless phone frequencies affect brainwave activity and effect serious changes in human blood cells.

What are the risks?

Electricity and the appliances we use are part of our daily life. We are constantly using electrical
appliances at home and at work, such as computers, photocopiers, clock radio alarms, electric
blankets, microwave ovens - all with the necessary AC mains transformers and wiring. We are also
exposed to radio frequency fields from mobile phones and their associated masts, WiFi from many
sources including broadband Internet, cordless phones and other devices. Existing research indicates
that it would be prudent that we take steps to reduce our exposure, where possible, to these fields.

A Small Selection of Studies and Reports

Power frequencies
The biological and medical data currently available showing the danger of ELF AC mains power
frequency magnetic fields is as conclusive as the data relating to cigarette smoking and lung cancer.

The European Parliament has passed a motion for a resolution on combating the harmful effects of
electromagnetic fields (non Ionising radiation).

Since September 1992 Sweden has officially acted on the basis that there is a connection between
exposure to power frequency magnetic fields and the incidence of cancer, in particular childhood

In 1990 the United States Environmental Protection Agency stated: "In conclusion, after an
examination of the available data over the past 15 years, there is evidence of a positive association of
exposure to magnetic fields with certain site-specific cancers, namely leukaemia, cancer of the
central nervous system and, to a lesser extent, lymphomas. This is supported by many studies of
children and adults across many different populations and subgroups."

Radio frequencies & microwaves

A report by German doctors on a group of 1,000 patients in the town of Naila showed a threefold
threshold of increased risk of cancer in those living within 400 metres of a mobile phone base station,
when compared to people living further away.

Professor Darius Leszczynskis team at the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority reported
in June 2002 that exposing human cells to one hour mobile phone radiation triggered a response
which normally only occurs when cells are been damaged, allowing tiny molecules to pass through
the blood brain barrier into brain tissue. He said: If this were to occur repeatedly over a long period
of time it might cause brain tissue damage. Leszczynski continued: We need further studies looking
at real people to see if the blood brain barrier is affected If it does happen it could lead to
disturbances such as headaches, feeling tired or problems with sleeping. He added: What I believe
is that we will find these leaks occur in humans.

Dr Ray Tice and Graham Hook, of Integrated Laboratory Systems in North Carolina, found serious
changes in human blood cells following exposure to four different types of cell phone signals. The
nuclei of many red blood cells had been split into little bits known as micronuclei - direct evidence
of genetic damage to the cells. This was a well controlled and repeated set of experiments that
showed a two to eightfold increase in micronuclei in the blood after exposure to cell phone type
microwave radiation for 24 hours. The relationship between the presence of micronuclei and cancer
is so strong that doctors around the world use tests for micronuclei to identify patients likely to
develop cancer.

Electro-sensitivity is a condition which can develop when people are exposed the electromagnetic
fields (EMFs) or things like mobile phones, mobile phone masts, power lines, substations, computers,
WiFi wireless networks, domestic wiring, DECT cordless phones and other household appliances.

Symptoms of electro-sensitivity
Electromagnetic fields are what can provoke electro-sensitivity. The most common symptoms are
head/ear pain when using a mobile phone, redness and burning on the face or arms when using the
computer or headaches and sleep disruption when living near a mobile phone mast, sleeplessness,
lethargy, even miscarriages and depression living near power lines. Other symptoms include skin
tingling, burning sensations, concentration, memory problems, muscle and joint pains, cardiac
palpitations, fatigue, irritability and erratic high blood pressure.

For further information and help on Electro-sensitivity you can visit Electro-sensitivity UK an
independent charity at


The physicist Alan Hall author of the book: Water Electricity and Health, discovered the
phenomenon of vortices generated in the environment and nature. Where these vortices have been
found to be beneficial they display a clockwise rotation. In his book Alan Hall says In any living
organism there will be a multitude of path curve surfaces all of which have clockwise vortices over
them. If the organism is affected by a vibrating magnetic field the vortices will narrow as the strength
of the field increases until the point is reached where the rotation reverses and the vortex is reduced
to a very narrow column.

Most electrical devices and appliances contain electrical coils. Alan Hall continues every single
coil brings about a degenerate vertical column like an anticlockwise rotating vortex.

Therefore, the components of magnetic fields seem to be comprised of the direct magnetic field and
the vortices which extend much further than the direct magnetic field. The direct magnetic field can be
measured on conventional magnetic field meters but not so the vortex field which extends much
further. This second component of the magnetic field, the vortex, can be detected by dowsing and
picked up as a stress response with muscle testing. Dowsing rods will show an anticlockwise

The vibration of this anticlockwise vortex can be transferred by water. If the water is in a living
organism a stress response can occur when the anticlockwise detrimental vortex interacts with the
beneficial clockwise vortex of the living organism. This means You!

So when dowsing, remember clockwise is good and anticlockwise is bad. I will show you how to use
your rods to detect vortices Later.

The direct effects of power frequencies, radio frequencies and microwaves can be picked up and
monitored by conventional scientific metres. However, the vortex field which extends much further
cannot. There are two ways that I am currently aware of that can be used to detect these vortices one
is kinesiology or muscle testing and the other is dowsing. Let us start with kinesiology.

Kinesiology/muscle testing

The principle here is that when an external force stresses and weakens the body it also weakens the
bodys muscles. Therefore, if you are in an area which is producing a stress response on your body
this can be detected by a weakness in your muscles. Thus, a simple muscle test using an accepted
kinesiology technique usually indicates if you are in an area which is detrimental to your health.

Kinesiology was developed by Dr George Goodhart in 1964 since then other disciplines have
developed including Health Kinesiology, Applied Kinesiology and Clinical Kinesiology. However,
here, we are simply concerned with measuring the effects of any detrimental frequency stressing your

The Muscle Testing Method

This test requires two people, the person doing the test and the person being tested. The person being
tested needs to stand upright and hold one arm out horizontally straight; this can be done either to their
front or to their side. (See the picture below)

Picture 12: Muscle testing using Kinesiology

The person doing the testing then applies a gentle downward pressure on the extended arm whilst the
person being tested attempts to anchor the arm in its initial position. If the person being tested is
standing in a detrimental area they will be able to offer little resistance and the person doing the
testing will be able to push their arm down with relative ease. If the same procedure is attempted in a
good or neutral area which offers little stress to the person being tested, they should be to resist or
offer more resistance to the downward pressure on the arm by the tester. Thus they will exhibit a
strong or stronger resistance to the downward pressure exerted by the person doing the testing.
Therefore, if the person being tested offers a weak resistance a detrimental frequency is stressing
their body.

It is important to note that should the person being tested have a device on their body which is
emitting a detrimental frequency such as a mobile phone this may be causing a continual detrimental
effect on the body and therefore a muscle test could produce a weak response. So to perform a simple
test now, hold your switched on mobile phone in your heart area and ask someone to perform a
muscle test as described above. Note the result and try again standing at least a metre away from your
mobile phone, in an area which you believe to be neutral or beneficial. You may notice that your
resistance to the downward pressure on your arm is considerably more difficult when holding a
mobile phone!

There may be some occasions when muscle testing will not work on an individual. This could be
because the person being tested is dehydrated in which case; offer them a drink of water! Another
reason could be their bodys energy system is out of balance. In which case you could try asking them
to imagine their feet growing roots into the ground and imagine connecting with the centre of the Earth
in order to attempt to balance their energies. Also, some people are so stressed and in such poor
health that their muscle resistance is too weak to make a realistic muscle test.


Kinesiology as described above uses the fact that when anything stresses the body it has an effect on
the persons muscles. The dowsing rods and pendulums serve to amplify a very small muscle
response. We can, therefore, use dowsing to detect the vortices given off by electromagnetic
radiation. There are two methods you could use. The first one, which is my preferred method, is to
use one of the dowsing angle rods you used on the chapter on dowsing. The method is as follows:

Place a switched on electrical device on the table in front of you.

This could be your mobile phone. However, to start with I would suggest you start with a device
which constantly transmits at a higher power such as the base station of your cordless house phone as
this may give you a stronger dowsing response when you practice for the first time.

Stand a couple of metres away from the device in front of you

Hold one of the L-rods you have made, or used previously in the chapter on dowsing, out in front of
you in the position as shown below:

Picture 13: Holding L rod in the search position (one rod)

Look at the end of your L-rod and in your minds eye (imagination) see yourself walking towards the
device and as your rod moves over the centre of the electrical device see it responding by moving in
the direction of the force field/pattern/spiral given off by the electrical device which should be either
a clockwise or anticlockwise force field, pattern or spiral. Therefore, as your rod approaches the
device and moves over it, if it turns leftwards it indicates an anticlockwise direction and if it turns
rightwards it indicates a clockwise direction.

Picture 14: Dowsing with L-rod over mobile phone for spiral/vortex

I personally prefer to use the L-rods to dowse an energy pattern, however, another method you could
possibly use which may even work better for you, would be to hold your pendulum over the same
electrical device, give it a slight shake to break the starting friction and ask it to move in the direction
of spin found on the device which will of course be clockwise or anticlockwise.

Picture 15: Using a pendulum to determine the direction of a spin of a spiral or vortex.

A clockwise direction would indicate that the frequencies and energies are beneficial. Whilst an
anticlockwise direction would indicate the frequencies and energies are detrimental. Unless you have
done something to the device to change the frequencies and energies you would most likely find a
detrimental anticlockwise spiral or vortex.

So now you have two methods using dowsing and kinesiology to check if your health is at risk from a
device which is emitting electromagnetic radiation. You could of course buy scientific meters, as I
have, to monitor sources of this magnetic and microwave radiation but these do not detect the vortex
component of the field which extends much further and seems to carry the detrimental part of the field.

I would suggest you now put this book down for a little while and experiment with your dowsing rods
and/or pendulum and kinesiology/muscle test with a partner on devices around your home.

Okay, so we have found detrimental frequencies what we do about them? Electrical radiation is
difficult to screen against. There are screening materials available but using them can be expensive
and difficult to implement. Some people who suffer from electrosensitivity find that the most effective
solution is to install a Faraday cage which is effectively a metal cage that shields against all
electromagnetic and radio-frequency radiation.
In Chapter 1, you may recall, I talked about how the scientist Masaru Emoto was able to photograph
water crystals and how the power of thoughts, symbolised by the word written on the containers of
water before the water was frozen, affected the formation of the water crystals. In one series of the
experiments he and his scientists experimented with the effects of electromagnetic radiation on water
and the crystals they formed. His scientists found that water exposed to electromagnetic radiation
from devices such as microwaves, mobile phones, television sets and personal computers produced
much distorted crystals and often no crystals at all.

Here is a quote from his book: The True Power of Water:

The first case was with a cellular phone. We put distilled water into a bottle and tied a cellular
phone to it with a string. Then we rang the cellular phone and kept the line on in silence for a
minute and repeated the process 10 times. The next experiment involved a television set. We left a
bottle of distilled water next to a television set that was on for four hours. Similarily, we put a
bottle of distilled water next to a personal computer for four hours. The results showed horrible
effects on the water crystals. Just as with a microwave oven, water exposed to a cellular phone,
television set, and a personal computer did not yield water crystals. The only patterns that
appeared were ugly circular shapes. I understand clearly how negatively electromagnetic waves
affected the quality of water.

As our bodies are mostly made up of water you can appreciate how we might be adversely affected
by such radiation. However, do not despair! Through their experiments Masaru Emoto and his
colleagues also came up with a simple way of how we might protect ourselves from the detrimental
effects of electromagnetic radiation.

They found that if they prepared bottles of distilled water and labelled them love and gratitude and
repeated the above experiments in the same controlled conditions, exposing them to the same source
of electro-magnetic radiation, the water labelled love and gratitude showed hardly any negative
effects and formed good crystals. Strangely, Masaru Emoto found that whilst electromagnetic
frequencies under normal circumstances had a detrimental effect on water crystals, the information
being transmitted over the device can have an effect. An example being, if a television channel is
transmitting positive loving information despite the electromagnetism, the water will still produce
good crystals.

Therefore, it would seem that the type of information being carried by the electromagnetic waves can
have an effect. It would, therefore, be bad to have an argument on your mobile phone. Perhaps you
should save such conversations for your land-line using a corded phone!

So you can see how the information being carried by an electrical device could also have an effect
which could be a positive one if the right information is being carried or transmitted. I have seen
some symbols which come with instructions to stick to your mobile phone which allegedly protects
you from their detrimental frequencies. Depending on what those symbols represent (as symbols
equate to words, for example love and gratitude) those sticky labels attached to your mobile phone
with their symbols may well protect you! Or maybe you could open the battery compartment and put
in sticky label with love and gratitude written on it and save yourself some money!

Muscle testing and dowsing would show the before and after effect. You could muscle test using the
techniques from kinesiology I have talked about in this chapter and you could dowse to see if the
vortex coming off the device is clockwise or anticlockwise. Clockwise, as I have already mentioned,
is positive and an anticlockwise vortex will have a detrimental health effect.

There is, however, another very effective way of imparting and imprinting positive information into
an electrical device, this is called a blessing. We talked about blessings in the chapter about health. It
has been found that when an electrical device has been blessed the detrimental anticlockwise vortex
switches to a beneficial clockwise vortex. And the muscle test gives a strong resistance when the
person is in close proximity to the electrical device. You can of course, bless all kinds of different
objects and they will affect you in a positive manner indicated by a strong muscle test.

I have found, through my own experience and that of other people, that the standard blessing given to
electrical equipment, including equipment transmitting radio-frequency signals such as phones and
mobile phone towers, wears off after about a month. Such a standard blessing for mobile phone tower
may go along lines of:

Dear God it is commanded that you please bless this mobile phone tower and all the devices on
this tower with your energy so all frequencies transmitted by this towers devices are beneficial to
the local area/community.

Please transform all detrimental energy coming from this tower and its devices into beneficial
energy to heal and balance and enhance all human and other energies physically, mentally and
spiritually within its range.

Thank you.

Or for devices in your home a variation would be:

Dear God it is commanded that you please bless this electrical device with your energy so all
frequencies transmitted by this device are beneficial to me and my family.
Thank you.

You could use your pendulum to focus your intent and to know when the blessing process is complete
as shown in the chapter on dowsing where I showed you how to use your pendulum to monitor work
in progress.

In this case you could adapt it as follows: Sit down without crossing your legs and hold your
pendulum as before between your thumb and forefinger. Start your pendulum moving in a straight line
towards and away from you. Tell it that while the blessing is in progress it will carry on swinging
back and forth and when the blessing process is complete it will come to a standstill. So with your
pendulum swinging back and forth address the creator and ask the device to be blessed, taking care to
picture the process in your minds eye. For example, seeing the device transmitting small pink heart
shapes, which represent a good frequency being transmitted.

Remember, that the effects of blessings on electrical equipment tend to wear off after about a month,
so I have developed a more permanent solution. You will most likely find use for this on devices that
transmit radio-frequencies such as mobile phones, broadband routers, smart meters, cordless house
phones and mobile phone masts. I recommend using the blessing below. This blessing is a bit more
involved and you need to take time to visualise each stage. I recommend using your pendulum to
monitor work in progress as in the above paragraph.
Transmitting Device Continuous Blessing

1. With your pendulum in working mode swinging forwards and backwards in your minds
eye, look at the Creator and say: It is commanded that this device be continually

2. In your minds eye /imagination seeing a hollow pink tube coming from the Creator going
into the device and returning to the Creator. The complete tube circuit resembles an egg
shape. (Your pendulum is moving in working mode)

3. Now see the device as a solid black object in the shape of the device.

4. Now see pink hearts from the Creator, flowing in pink water in the pink tube, enter the

5. As the hearts and pink water enter the black object (device) see the device turning pink.

6. When the device has completely changed from black into a vibrant pink, see the pink
water and hearts flow out into the return tube back to the Creator.

7. See a continuous flow of water and hearts in a circuit through the Creator and device.

8. Say to the Creator: It is commanded that all energies radiating from this device be
blessed so that they become beneficial to humans.

9. See device radiating and transmitting hearts.

10. In order to keep recharging the device with the blessing See a very small part of the
device turn black and then be instantly charged as hearts and pink water convert it back
to pink. Repeat this visualisation a couple of times.

11. See the surplus pink water and hearts flow out into the return tube back to the Creator.
12. Wait for your pendulum to confirm the blessing process is complete and say: Thank you
Creator, it is done.

Whilst the above blessing is suitable for transmitting devices which you can identify, there are
currently so many transmitting devices such as Wi-Fi devices and appliances, mobile phone masts,
smart meters, mobile phones and cordless house phones that we currently live in electromagnetic
smog. For example, you only have to do a search on your computer for a Wi-Fi signal to connect to
the Internet and you see a number of your neighbours Wi-Fi devices transmitting into your home.
There is almost certainly electromagnetic smog in most, if not all, urban areas. Because of this I
would suggest it is prudent to create a personal shield for your protection. There are some devices on
the market which claim to be able to do this.

The only device I have currently tested to see if it works is orgonite, for personal protection you
would need an orgonite pendant, more about this later. However, the good news is, you do not need to
spend any money on a device to protect yourself from electromagnetic smog. Do you remember,
earlier I explained how the scientist Masaru Emoto was able to protect water crystals from the
negative effects of electromagnetic radiation using positive words/frequencies? Well your body
consists of mostly water and so we can mimic this effect by using a blessing from the creator, this
being the most positive frequency of all!

I would suggest getting into a routine, performing a blessing on ourself every night before you go to
sleep. You will find that you have to remind yourself the first four weeks but after that your body
develops a habit and will automatically remind you to do the blessing before you fall asleep. So here
is the blessing to use below, simply make sure your not going to get disturbed and are comfortable
before you begin.

I should add, at first glance the meditation/blessing below may look a little in-depth so you may want
read it over a couple of times before you begin in order to memorise it. However, for quick
protection anytime, you could simply request that you be blessed. I remember one time I was about to
get on a train aware of the likely radiation bouncing off the windows from people's mobile phones in
the carriage so I just simply addressed the creator and requested the blessing and visualised it taking
place by seeing pink hearts coming down from the creator saturating my body. Anyway, the
meditation/blessing below should protect you for at least 24 hours, most likely longer.

Creator Meditation for personal protection including Oval Crystal

Sit or lie down in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for 15mins

Close your eyes.

Part 1: Tune in to the creator

Take a moment to think about how you might visualise the Creator or God

Perhaps you will see the creator as a benevolent being surrounded in strong brilliant white energy
high up in the sky.

See the Creator as a peaceful loving being full of unconditional love for all and allow that
unconditional love to flow towards you. Relax and soak up that unconditional love seeing and feeling
it as a soft pink energy full of small pink heart shapes. Now think about how you feel about the

Part 2: Address the Creator for oval crystal

Now see yourself standing in front of the Creator and now speaking to the Creator say: It is
commanded that you create an oval egg shape around my body made of clear crystal, this crystal is to
be the most appropriate type for protecting me against electromagnetic, radio fields and all other
harmful frequencies.

Now visualise yourself with your arms extended to the right and left of yourself, inside an upright
oval hollow egg shape crystal covering your whole body from the end of your arms to 2 ft or 60cm
above your head and 2 ft or 60cm below your feet. If you are aware of your bodys energy centres
adjust if necessary the diameter of the oval egg shaped crystal to cover them.

See your crystal oval shape filtering all negative electromagnetic and radio waves. See the radio
waves and electromagnetism as black, jagged, ugly looking sharp lines a bit like forked lightning
mixed with negative energy symbolised as evil looking ghostly skulls if you would like to visualize
this negative radiation in a different way do so now

Now as this negative energy hits your crystal and moves through it see it transformed into a
harmonious good energy. See it changing into a nice, harmonious colour. Decide what that nice,
harmonious colour is for you and see it now

Imagine what any other harmful frequencies may look like and see them being transformed into nice,
harmonious colours as they move through your oval shaped crystal.

Part 3: Blessing yourself inside your crystal

Address the Creator and say it is commanded that all parts of my body be blessed on every dimension
and level of existence.

Now see a tube or shaft of energy, consisting of a mixture of white and pink light or energy filled with
pink heart shapes, coming down from the creator and flowing through the top of your oval crystal into
the top of your head and contained in the form of a small tube of energy into your heart area.

Now allow this wonderful energy to saturate your heart area. You may notice the increased warmth in
your heart area.

Now see this energy from the Creator filling your central body column, when you feel that this has
taken place see the energy from the Creator fill your legs and feet and then your hands and arms and
then finally your head. Allow your entire body to soak up this wonderful pink unconditional love

Finally, let the energy from the Creator saturate your oval crystal.

Part 4: Thank the Creator and witness that it is done

Address the Creator and say: Thank you, it is done, it is done. Now imagine stepping outside of
yourself and see your crystal oval working to protect you. Now see your body inside blessed with the
energy of the Creator and see the whole process as complete.

Finally, once again thank the Creator.

You could of course adapt the above blessing/meditation to suit your personal taste but I would
recommend you use the muscle testing method I described earlier in this chapter using a kinesiology
technique to check on the effectiveness of your protection using the blessing/meditation. But
remember it is your intention that is important.

You may find it helpful to record the above meditation to some relaxing background music to help you
remember and guide you through the process.

Where we ask the creator to create a crystal, in part two of the meditation above, it is a crystal
created by non physical matter such as etheric or astral material, a kind of virtual crystal with all the
properties of a crystal materialised on the physical plane.

Physical protection methods


The organite story starts with Dr Wilhelm Reich in the 1930s and 1940s. Dr Reich was born on
March 24th 1897 in Austria. In 1918 he entered the University of Vienna and completed his 6 year
medical degree in 4 years. He subsequently worked with Professor Sigmund Freud considered to be
the father of Psychoanalysis. From 1924 until 1930 Dr Reich was Director of the Seminar for
Psychoanalytic Therapy and the first clinical assistant at Freuds Psychoanalytic Polyclinic in Vienna.
Dr Reichs research at that time was in the social causation of neuroses. He founded and directed
mental health consultation centres in Vienna and Berlin. From 1934 until 1939 he lectured on
Biophysics at the Psychological Institute of the University of Oslo where he did his research on his
discovery of the biological and cosmic energy which he named Orgone Energy.

In 1939 Dr Reich moved his laboratory to the United States and from 1939 to 1941 he was Associate
Professor of Medical Psychology at the New School for Social Research, New York City. He
founded the Orgone Institute in 1942 set in a 280 acre estate in Rangeley Main. The Wilhelm Reich
foundation was established in 1949 by students and friends to preserve his work and safeguarded the
discovery of orgone energy. Dr Reich subsequently discovered that the energy was not electrical but
rather biological organic type energy and hence that is where the name orgone came from.

The basis of Dr Reichs discovery of orgone energy was the orgone accumulator box that consisted of
alternate layers of organic and inorganic layers which were fibreglass (organic) and steel wool
(inorganic). Using the orgone accumulator box he was successfully able to heal patients of various
serious ailments by having them sit inside the box for periods of time.

Dr Reichs work was continued in the 1960s by some Russian scientists such as Dr. Nickolai
Kozyrev (1908 to 1983) who scientifically proved the existence of orgone type energies discovered
by Dr Reich.

Dr Reichs laboratory in United States was in a remote location because he found that orgone can
manifest as a positive life beneficial form which he called OR or POR and a harmful negative
energy form which he called DOR. Dr Reichs laboratory was in an area free of DOR, this was
important because his orgone accumulator boxes would indiscriminately collect either positive or
negative orgone depending on the area surrounding the accumulator. Examples of bad areas where
negative DOR will be collected will be nuclear power plants and mobile phone transmitter towers.
Mobile phone towers and other radio frequency transmitters, in their various forms, can be found
over much of the developed world today.

Orgone energy is also known by other names, it is an unseen universal energy. In modern science we
also call it dark matter, vacuum flux or zero point energy. It is also known as life force energy, prana
or chi. I am sure you may come across other names used over many years in different cultures.
Here in the UK many earthen mounds sometimes called burial mounds (although they may have been
used for other purposes) can be found made out of alternate inorganic and organic layers. These
mounds are often associated with the Earth energies and Ley lines and seem to act like Earth energy
capacitors. Examples would be Silbury Hill in Wiltshire and Badbury Rings in Dorset. So it would
seem the principals of the orgone chamber were known to ancient but not so primitive man!

Dr Reich also invented the cloud buster which consisted of a bank of metal pipes aimed at the sky and
connected by rubber tubing to a body of water for energetic grounding. One of the uses for this was a
form of weather control where one could dissipate clouds and end drought conditions. When in use
there was a risk that this cloud buster could collect a harmful negative energy form which he called
DOR and there are reports of operators inadvertently being made ill or paralysed by touching the
metal pipes when they were charged with DOR, the harmful version of orgone.

Okay, so now you have some background information, let us move on to modern times. In 2000 Don
and Carole Croft found that if they mixed organic fibreglass resin and inorganic metal shavings, then
poured them into moulds such as paper cups, letting the resin set, they could produce a substance
which acted in the same way as Dr Reichs orgone accumulators. This, of course, would attract both
negative (DOR) and positive energies (OR/POR) depending on the surroundings, which could be a
problem for people in close proximity, if it attracted DOR. However, the Crofts found that by adding
a quartz crystal to the centre of the mixture, when the mixture set, forming what was called orgonite,
any negative DOR attracted to the orgonite will be transformed by the crystal into positive OR.
Orgonite thus acts as a transformer of negative energy into positive energy. This orgonite will work
continuously transforming negative DOR into positive OR. Orgonite, therefore, represents a
considerable improvement on Dr Reich's work.

Orgonite is particularly useful at removing the harmful effects of electromagnetic and radio frequency
radiation. You just need to place orgonite in close proximity to the offending device such as a Wi-Fi
transmitter or mobile phone tower. There is even a gifting movement which can be found on the
Internet where people place orgonite at the bases of mobile phone towers to negate the harmful effects
for the benefit of the community.

You can make orgonite yourself or you can buy ready-made orgonite, mostly on the Internet. You can
purchase orgonite that has been enhanced by the use of different crystals and copper coils for
purported greater efficiency. Please see the resources section of the end of this book.

Orgonite, therefore, is helpful in transforming negative energy into positive/healthy energy and can,
therefore, be used in any area where there is an excess of negative energy (DOR). You will recall, I
told you about Dr Reich's invention of the cloud buster. Well, by immersing a bank of copper pipes in
a bucket size mould of orgonite this acts as an improvement to Dr Reichs cloud buster but in this case
it transforms negative DOR energy in the atmosphere into harmless beneficial positive orgone energy.
It, therefore, effectively acts as a transformer by transforming negative energy into positive energy in
a similar way to orgonite as documented above. Unlike, Dr Reichs cloud buster there is no risk to
health involved in touching metal pipes when the device is in operation. Again, you can make these
devices or purchase them. Please see the resources section this book. You may be doing great service
to yourself and local community installing one in your garden or next to where you live! The orgonite
version of Dr Reichs cloud buster is commonly known as a chembuster maybe because it is also
well-known for removing the harmful effects of chemtrails.


On the surface of the Earth subatomic particles called free electrons exist. If you imagine the Earth as
a beehive and the electrons as bees buzzing around it, you will get an idea what I am talking about.
Electrons are negatively charged subatomic particles.

The surface of the Earth has an electrical charge of zero volts. As you rise off the surface of the Earth
the positive electrical potential rises by about 200 volts per metre so there are about 250,000 to
500,000 volts per metre in the upper atmosphere.

Like the Earth, your body is made up of water and minerals, therefore your body is an excellent
conductor of electrons from the surface of the Earth.

Your body needs electrons! As part of its normal immune system response and cell reproductive
process it produces free radicals these are positive charged molecules which are short of one or more
electrons and so will strip your body of free electrons. Part of your immune response may be an
inflammatory response.

So, I will repeat, your body needs a good supply of electrons! The surface of the Earth has an
abundant supply and we are on the Earths surface so as we are made up of water and minerals we
can conduct these electrons up into our body. Well, that was the case when we walked around
barefoot or used plain leather soles. But not now, the soles on our footwear are made up of material
like plastic and rubber that insulates us from the flow of the Earths natural healing electron flow.
This works in the same way that the plastic around electrical wires keeps the electricity in the wire. It
is believed by some experts that being insulated from the earth is the cause of many inflammatory
diseases like arthritis.

Coming back to the modern problem of man-made electro-pollution and electromagnet radiation and
its potential for negative health effects, it is important to differentiate between the Earths natural
static direct current electric field and man-made alternating current electromagnetic fields. However,
if we become grounded by having direct contact with the Earth we connect with the Earth and draw
and circulate its unlimited supply of electrons. This means that no natural positive static charge and
no man-made electromagnetic field can stick to you. You are in fact shielded and earthed by the flow
of the Earths free electrons. Your body will of course use these to replenish its loss of electrons to
free radicals as discussed above.

You may by now be thinking about the practicalities of earthing or grounding? It goes without saying
that you should walk or sit barefoot whenever possible. However, this, of course, for most of us will
not be practical for most of the time. Fortunately, there is a modern solution to this in the form of
earthing mats and sheets so you can be earthed/grounded whilst you sit and whilst you sleep. They are
made of a conductive material connected by a wire to a special plug that plugs in to your electrical
socket on the wall. Only the earth connection is present in the plug that makes a connection with your
electrical grounding system. These plugs are designed so they are perfectly safe, so you will not get
electrocuted! It is, however, also possible to install a separate grounding rod.

The sheets normally take the form of a half sheet to go over the part of your mattress where your
naked skin would make contact with where your skin is not covered by your nightwear. Earthing mats
are connected in the same way and can be used on the floor on which to place your feet when you are
sitting or as wrist rests for when you are working on your computer.

There are also other grounding/earthing devices available and, in addition to protecting against
electromagnetic radiation, experts in earthing claim earthing helps with numerous physical illness and
ailments. Pioneers and experts in earthing include Clinton Ober, Stephen T. Sinatra MD and Martin
Zucker. I would suggest you read their book appropriately called Earthing, the most important health
discovery ever? I would also suggest you visit the Earthing Institute website at

You can also purchase a meter to check your electrical earth system in your home and to check if your
earthing mat is working. A simple good test to see if your earthing mat is working and earthing you, is
to measure the change in your AC body voltage induced by the electrical wires in your house using a
multi-meter that has a 6 or 10 or 20 AC volts setting. As soon as you touch the working earthing mat
you should see a drop in your AC body voltage you have picked up down to virtually zero!
Picture 16: Earthing sheet on a bed

Using scientific meters

You can of course, also, as I do, use scientific meters to check levels of electromagnetic and radio
frequency radiation in order to help determine if the level of radiation in your location is likely to be
detrimental to your health.

You will need to measure electric field levels, magnetic field levels and radio frequency field levels.
Electric and magnetic fields mostly originate from the mains electrical wiring and electrical devices
whilst radio frequencies mostly originate from transmitting devices such as mobile phone towers,
mobile phones, cordless house phones, WiFi and smart meters. Therefore, potentially, you will need
three separate meters. However, combined meters which measure both electric and magnetic fields
are available.

What are safe levels? Well that is debatable, it is probably best to exercise prudent avoidance and
keep exposure as low as possible. For electrical fields, some studies show it is best to try to aim as
low as possible and no more than 10 V/m for long term exposure such as where you sleep. The same
goes for magnetic fields which ideally should not be above 0.5 milligause or 0.05 microtesla.

For radio frequencies some studies advise 0.05 V/m as a maximum safe level.

For more information on using scientific meters, scientific studies and safe levels, an excellent source
of information is Powerwatch which is an independent organisation run by Alistair and Jean Phillips
devoted to disseminating research and information on the safety of electromagnetic fields, their
website is

In the previous chapter I talked about the type of energy known as electromagnetic radiation, you may
also recall I talked about a more subtle form of energy manifesting as vortexes associated with
electromagnetic radiation. In this chapter I am going to discuss this more subtle form of energy in
more detail in relation to the energies and frequencies associated with Earth energies and geopathic
stress. Just like electromagnetic radiation, a great deal of research has taken place regarding the
negative effects of geopathic stress.

First of all I will explain about geopathic stress and secondly, I will tell you what can be done about
it, the last thing I want to do is leave you with problems and no solutions! I will also explain how to
generally improve the energies in your home environment to make you feel much better and to protect
your health. The subject of geopathic stress is interrelated to Earth energies so I will also discuss
these. Whether you spend your time in good or bad Earth energies may have a dramatic effect on your
health and overall well-being.

Geopathic Stress

In many European countries having a survey for Geopathic stress before buying a house is
automatically undertaken just as in this country (UK) we automatically engage the services of a
surveyor before buying a house.

What is Geopathic Stress?

Geopathic stress is the effect of detrimental earth radiation and electromagnetic radiation on the
health of your body. The Earth has a natural magnetic field; it acts as though it has a large magnet at its
centre. The rotation of the earth creates electrical currents in the molten metals found within its core,
thereby producing a magnetic field. Human beings have evolved with this background magnetic field;
they are accustomed to living within its presence. Geopathic stress occurs when the Earth's magnetic
field is disturbed, either naturally or artificially, and the background field we normally experience is
changed. This can happen when the natural radiations which rise up through the earth are distorted by
weak electromagnetic fields created by subterranean running water, sewers, drains, certain mineral
concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities. Natural radiation disturbed in this way can
become harmful to humans. Mining can cause man-made disturbances to the Earths magnetic field as
can foundations for tall buildings, quarrying, underground transport systems and public utilities such
as sewage, water pipes.
Geopathic stress is not only electromagnetic in origin. Geopathic stress can be caused by energies
emanating from the earth, vibrating at a level beyond the electromagnetic spectrum, currently
recognised and detected by conventional science and technology. These energies are often referred to
as Earth energies and can be bad, good or neutral. Earth energies have many different features but
most problems are caused by underground water streams and straight energy lines often referred to as
Ley Lines, Curry Grid Lines and Hartman Grid Lines. Curry Lines were discovered by Dr Manfred
Curry and Dr Wittmann as a global grid network, as was the Hartmann global grid network
discovered by Dr Ernst Hartmann. It is mainly the crossing points on the Curry or Hartmann lines that
cause health problems. Any feature which affects the Earth's natural magnetic field will most likely
also affect the Earth energies as these are linked in some way.

What are the effects of Geopathic stress?

Spending long periods of time over a detrimental area produces a stress reaction in the human body.
This is the same as stress produced by any other means. The effect is gradual, involving a slow
deterioration in health. The body becomes more and more debilitated by the on-going effect of the
stress and the person becomes ill. Blood pressure may remain inappropriately raised; excess acid
may be produced by the stomach, leading to stomach ulcers; decreased activity by white blood cells
will lead to less effective resistance to viruses and bacteria. The person may have difficulty in
sleeping as the body is on continuous alert. In this situation the body becomes undermined reducing
resistance to colds and flu and more serious illnesses such as cancer. It is possible that geopathic
stress might be a significant factor in the onset of cancer.

Effects of Underground water

The effects of underground water are evident up to several floors up. The adverse health effects may
include deprivation of regenerating sleep resulting in arthritis, cancer, enhanced production of
microbes encouraging mould and rot, degenerative diseases and rheumatism. The molecules of
moving underground water interact with the structure of the strata it is flowing through, producing a
positive vertical electric field, a DC generated magnetic field, radio frequencies ranging from 87-101
MHz and ultra-short waves which are organized into narrow bands about 6-8 cm wide.

Where can it occur and what are the indications?

People sleeping above an area of geopathic stress often have disturbed sleep patterns and wake up
feeling tired and irritable. Babies and children do not sleep well and this causes problems for both
themselves and their parents. Because we spend about a third of our lives in bed, negative energy in
this area can cause serious complaints. The atmosphere in the home or part of it may be depressive or
gloomy or may just not seem right. There may be something people just do not like about the house,
even though they cannot put their finger on it". Certain houses may be difficult to sell. Geopathic
stress can affect the fabric of the building. Pavements and walls may crack, plaster become damp and
light bulbs blow for no apparent reason. Redecorated rooms still feel gloomy and not quite right.

Shops do not prosper if built on geopathically stressed ground because prospective customers will
not want to stay on the premises. Offices or places of work may have an unusually high absentee or
sickness rate compared to average. In fact anywhere where we spend a significant amount of time,
geopathically stressed ground will effect our well being.

Although detrimental energies affect our health, there are certain organisms which prosper above
these energies; examples of these are: cherry, nectarine, peach and elderberry, mistletoe, fir and oak
trees, cats, bees, ants, insects, bacteria and parasites. Alternatively, along with us humans, the
following are examples of organisms which suffer from being exposed to detrimental energies: apple,
pear, nut, beech and plum trees; currant bushes, lilacs and sunflowers; dogs, horses, cows, pigs,
chickens and birds. So, for example, wherever your dog likes to rest is a good place for you. Cats on
the other hand indicate the opposite.

Dr Paul G. Seeger, Former Chief of Cancer Research, Charite Hospital, Berlin, Germany said: No
serious-minded criticism, be it ever so prejudiced, can afford to ignore proofs of the existence of
pathogenic telluric influences. Hundreds of cancer institutes all over the world have spent billions
without having found any convincing proof of cancers cause. Why has it not been possible to spend a
few million of that huge sum for a thorough investigation of telluric radiation as a prime cause of
cancer in human beings? Why has this newly discovered continent of knowledge not been applied to
cancer prevention?

These are the details of a few of the many research projects and studies that have taken place:

In 1989, a group of researchers in Austria completed a two-year study on the short-term consequences
of human association with detrimental earth radiation sites. Some 985 people were tested with
462,421 measurements recorded from 6,943 tests. The working party was headed by Dr Otto
Bergsmann (Internal Medicine), a professor at the University of Vienna. A 158 page report gave
details of changes in the serum values of serotonin, zinc and calcium after being exposed to these
noxious fields for a period of ten minutes. There were many other altered states to biological
functions noted as a result of short-term exposure to these forces. This group has now linked with two
universities in Austria studying the effects of disturbed zones on the immune system. Indications thus
far support the findings of Dr Ernst Hartmann who claimed that the protective role of the immune
system was undermined when immersed in emissions of detrimental earth radiation.

In 1929 German aristocrat Von Pohl selected the Bavarian community of Vilsbiburg with 8300
inhabitants. Under the supervision of the mayor and the local police who signed a protocol describing
the survey (1.1000 map), he dowsed the underground water veins he claimed were likely to cause
cancer. His map was compared to plottings of cancer deaths in houses by the towns medical officer.
The beds of the cancer patients were confirmed to have stood directly above the water veins he
indicated. Cancer specialists scoffed at his report because they said cancer in the town was high and
the town was small so it was a coincidence. So Von Pohl asked the Bavarian office of statistics for
the name of the town with the lowest incidence of cancer, Grafenau in the Bavarian Forest. On the 4th
and 5th of May 1930 he made a dowsing survey to find that each of the persons who had died of
cancer during the previous 17 years had been sleeping over noxious zones that he had indicated. 1.5
years later a second check determined that 10 more cancer victims had died.

Von Pohls work stimulated extensive action within the central European medical professions. In
Stettin, the Medical Officer, Dr Hager, undertook his own city survey of 5,348 cancer cases, the
outcome of which did much to account for the widespread acceptance on the continent of the
geopathic influence on cancer and other illnesses caused by detrimental earth radiation.

In 1976, Kthe Bachler, a teacher, dowser and author of the book Earth Radiation; a bestseller in
Europe, made a study of the importance of sleeping in a safe place, free from natural radiation. In
over 11,000 cases she was able to show a strong correlation between beds over dangerous radiation
and learning difficulties, illness and cancer.

Dr Ernst Hartmann, well-known originally for his discovery of the global grid system (the Hartmann
Grid), researched the effects of earth rays on humans for well over thirty years; his experience led
him to produce a six hundred page report stating that disease was a problem of location. He found one
of the first things to be adversely affected was the immune system, as a result of which, individuals
placed above an area of geopathic disturbance soon lost the ability to defend themselves against
harmful bacteria that previously they were able to withstand. There was also a very firm link with the
development of cancer in people who slept or worked above the crossing points of earth ray systems
for lengthy periods of time.

Pierre Cody a French engineer used an electrometer to check the concentration of ions over
underground water steams. 7000 cancer beds were checked. Lead sheets became blue or yellow
indicating that they were blocking radioactive radiation. When patients beds were removed or lead
sheets placed under them, their health eventually improved. But the lead sheets had to be replaced
about every 7 months or the patients got ill again. Cody's work was supported by the eminent
physicist and director of the Duke Louis de Broglies Laboratory, Louis Leprince-Ringuet.

What some doctors say:

Just because we have insufficient knowledge of the physical nature of earth rays is no reason
for us to ignore a phenomenon that is at least a century old for, after all, most therapeutic methods
in medicine were developed empirically through practical experience and only theoretically
explained in the laboratory much later on.

Dr Wilhelm Von Gonzenbach, Professor of Hygiene and Physician-in-Chief for the City of
Zurich, Switzerland

In the not-too distant future, it should be possible to draw up regulations making mandatory the
examination of existing and future building sites to discover whether they are affected by
pathogenic telluric influences. No hospital or school should ever be constructed without checking
for subsurface water currents below its prospective foundation. An effort must be made to
introduce the concept of geohygienic planning to the world. If this can be accomplished, I believe
we shall witness a marked decline in degenerative disease.

Dr Joseph Kopp, Consulting Geologist, Ebikon, Switzerland

I am prepared to point out cancer-producing geopathic zones to the most confirmed sceptic and
let him juggle generations of tragic statistics. I will further introduce patients who have shed
ailments and diseases after they were removed from the influence of telluric zones. The health and
well-being of human beings is intimately tied to the earth on which they live and to its radiation.
Once this is clearly understood, a door will be opened to a healthier, happier existence for
everyone and diseases which threaten them like nightmares will disappear

Dr Ernst Hartmann, Founder and Editor, Wetter, Boden, Mensch (Weather, Soil, Man).

What can we do?

First of all we should pay particular attention to where we spend a large proportion of our time. The
most important place is our bed where we spend about a third of our lives, followed by for example,
our work place, school, college, favourite chair or kitchen. We need to be able to be aware of any
detrimental area and avoid it wherever possible, by, for example, moving our bed or chair. How do
you know if an area is detrimental or not? As most of the energies involved are not yet detectable by
scientific instruments, dowsing and muscle testing as discussed previously are the main techniques

It makes sense to focus on where you spend most of your time, this will obviously be your bed and
then secondly, any other place where you spend a lot of time, this may be your favourite chair or
office desk. There can be a number of different features to check for on a geopathic survey. However,
the main features causing geopathic stress are underground streams and energy lines often referred to
as Ley lines. However, there are many different types of energy lines and, therefore, it can get very
confusing and time-consuming locating them. So for the purpose of checking for geopathic stress, it is
a good idea to focus only on finding energy lines which are detrimental to your health and ignoring all
other energy lines.

Ok, it is time to do some more dowsing, you may want to read through and re-cap on the chapter on
dowsing again and go and find your dowsing rods. You will remember how you practiced finding an
underground pipe in Exercise 6 (page 33); well we will follow the same instructions, but replace the
instruction to find the pipe with that of an underground stream or energy line.

First of all, decide the area you want to search. So if you would like to survey your house or place
where you live, it will be easier to firstly walk around the outside walls, this way you can quickly
find where underground streams or detrimental energy lines enter your building and then pick them up
from the inside and track them across the room to see if the underground stream or energy line crosses
an area where you or your family spend a lot of time. You can, of course, simply start by walking
around your bed, why not try this now?

Underground streams
It has been shown that water carries information. This means apart from the detrimental effect caused
by the mechanical force of the water running underground, the water could be carrying detrimental
frequencies from an area it has passed through. The physicist Alan Hall author of the book: Water,
Electricity and Health, found that underground streams can carry detrimental anticlockwise spirals
downstream from an electrical source such as an electrical transformer above it on its path.

I have recapped the procedure to follow with your dowsing rods below. So let us start by looking for
underground streams and remember their effects can rise vertically up through a multi-storey building.

A. Once again assume the neutral position with both rods pointing directly in front of you.
Now look at the end of your rods and concentrate hard. Tell them they will cross over
when your feet walk over an underground stream and in your mind visualise this
happening. Take your time to visualise what an underground stream might look like
underground and imagine dipping your feet in the water of this underground stream and
the sensation of the water on your naked feet, taking time to visualise what you are
looking for will assist the dowsing process.

B. When you have concentrated and visualised your task for a few seconds, STOP put your
task to the back of your mind. Your mind is like a computer, you have now programmed
that computer, so all you have to do now is simply remember what you have set out to
do in the back of your mind. The only concentration you now require is to stop your
mind wandering while you are looking for an underground stream.

C. So now you have programmed yourself for the task in hand and with that task now put to
the back of our mind and the rods in neutral position we are ready to go and find an
underground stream if it is there. Now walk slowly across your search area, as you
approach an underground stream your rods should slowly turn inwards towards each
other, eventually crossing over each other as your feet pass over the underground
stream. When they have crossed over you should be standing over the stream. X marks
the spot! If there is no underground stream your rods should not cross, so if you walk
across an area and your rods remain in a neutral position that should indicate that the
area you have just surveyed is free of the detrimental effects of underground streams.

If you have found an underground stream you need to check its width by repeating the above steps but
this time programming your rods to cross over on the edge of the stream.

Underground streams seem to have a force field either side of the actual stream itself that can usually
be dowsed as spirals either side of the actual stream. You could think of this as like a force field
around bar magnets which will attract iron filings into the shape of the force field. Professional water
dowsers have to be very careful they do not pick up the force field of the water rather than the water
itself. If they do so, when they drill the well they will get a dry well. As most professional water
dowsers work on a no find no fee basis they will quickly go broke if they are not careful! The reason
I mention the force field of the underground stream is that it can have as much of a detrimental effect
on your health as the actual water itself. Therefore, if you find an underground stream with your
dowsing I recommend you work with a partner and try muscle testing in the area to firstly ascertain if
the underground stream is detrimental and secondly, its area of influence. See the previous chapter on
electromagnetic radiation for instructions on how to do muscle testing, also known as Kinesiology. By
the way, if you want to track the course of an underground stream, after locating it with your rods
stand in the middle of it, move your rods into their neutral position and then ask your rods to show the
direction of the stream, they should point to the direction as you walk along the path of the stream,
keep your eyes on the far end of the rods and walk in the of the direction indicted by the end of the

Energy lines
Having checked for underground streams you can now check for energy lines. As I stated previously,
there are many different kinds of energy lines, making it potentially very confusing. So for the purpose
of this exercise we are only looking for detrimental energy lines, by that I mean just energy lines that
will affect your health in a negative way. Unlike underground streams which can change their
direction, energy lines by their very nature move in a straight line so are much easier to track once
they have been found.

I have recapped the procedure to follow with your dowsing rods below:

A. Once again assume the neutral position with both rods pointing directly in front of you.
Now look at the end of your rods and concentrate hard. Tell them they will cross over
when your feet walk over an energy line and in your mind visualise this happening.
Take your time to visualise what an energy line might look like if you could see it. I
imagine a detrimental energy line as a black slightly transparent line suspended in the
air. But use whatever image works best for you. You could also use an image of a line
filled with skulls and crossbones to symbolise a harmful line.

B. When you have concentrated and visualised your task for a few seconds, STOP, put your
task to the back of your mind. Your mind is like a computer, you have now programmed
that computer, so all you have to do now is simply remember what you have set out to
do in the back of your mind. The only concentration you now require is to stop your
mind wandering while you are looking for a detrimental energy line.

C. So now you have programmed yourself for the task in hand, and with that task now put to
the back of your mind and the rods in neutral position, we are ready to go and search
for an energy line if it is there. Now walk slowly across your search area, as you
approach an energy line your rods should slowly turn inwards towards each other,
eventually crossing over each other as your feet pass over the line. When they have
crossed over, you should be standing over the line. X marks the spot! If there is no
energy line your rods should not cross, so if you walk across an area and your rods
remain in a neutral position that should indicate that the area you have just surveyed is
free of detrimental energy lines.

If you find a line, it would also be a good idea to find its width by asking your rods to cross on each
side of it on its edge. Having found a line you should work with your partner again using muscle
testing, as we previously discussed, to see if the energy line is detrimental to your health.

OK, if you have found an underground stream or an energy line, what can you do about it? If you have
not already done so, muscle test over the area you located with your dowsing and note the result. Was
it easy or hard to resist the downward pressure exerted by your partner on your arm? If it was hard to
resist the downward pressure and, therefore, your resistance was weak, something is clearly exerting
a detrimental influence on your body where you are standing.

I would, of course, recommend that for comparison you muscle test over a few different areas which
hopefully are good or neutral, so you can get an idea of what your muscle resistance is like in a
location that is neutral or good.

So if you have found an area that is detrimental to your health, the first thing you should do, if
possible, is to move from or avoid the area concerned. So, for example, if an underground stream or
detrimental energy line is going under your bed, move the bed out of its influence. In some cases this
may mean just moving the bed around the room out of the detrimental area. If the detrimental area
covers your favourite chair often this may mean moving your chair only by a couple of feet. As a
geopathic stress consultant, I always recommend that the first course of action to take is to move from
the detrimental area that has been located. Fortunately, in most cases it is not necessary to move
house! However, it is often the case, particularly in bedrooms, that it is not possible to move the bed
or move it sufficiently to avoid the detrimental area which would usually be an underground stream or
energy line. The next best thing to do is to attempt to correct the detrimental area.

Amethyst Crystal
Picture 17: Amethyst crystal

The first and simplest method is to use amethyst crystal. This type of crystal by the way of its
molecular construction sweetens the energy. By that I mean it acts as a transformer of energy. So as
the detrimental energy from the underground stream or energy line passes though the amethyst it
changes the energy to a non-detrimental energy. How much amethyst should you use? That is a good
question! It would depend on how strong the detrimental energy manifested by the line or stream is.
Start with the principal of you can never have too much and keep adding to it until your muscle testing
goes from weak to strong. You can go on adding separate pieces of amethyst until you have sufficient.

I remember a particular case when working as a geopathic stress consultant, I was surveying a house
for a lady who sold crystals. Whilst surveying I had found a particularly strong and detrimental
underground stream which made me feel quite ill. Where the stream entered the house there was
mould growing on the vines on the outside wall which had stunted growth in the place where the
stream passed through it. This is an environmental indictor of a geopathically stressed area. When I
moved inside the house following the path of the underground stream my dowsing rods indicated I
was over the stream. However, I felt ok, the ill feeling had gone. This did not make any sense! Then I
noticed where the stream entered the room the lady who sold crystals had placed a large basket of
amethyst crystals in its path completely transforming the detrimental energies of the underground
stream! Clearly she was using her intuition!

You place the amethyst crystal in the path of the underground stream or line. So you will need to use
your dowsing rods to locate where the stream or detrimental energy line enters your building, house
or room. The idea is then to place the amethyst crystal in the path of the stream or line where it enters
and leaves the house or room. It is best if you can place the amethyst where the stream enters the
property then you cover the whole house building where you live.

If you know the direction of the underground stream you could just place the amethyst over the side
where the flow enters the building only. There is a method to do this taught in my Dowsing for
Beginners course. Please see the appendix for details.

Energy lines can reverse their direction of energetic flow, sometimes reversing at sunset so you
should always place the amethyst at both points where the line enters the building or room. Unless
you are sure of the direction of flow of the underground stream you should place the amethyst at both


Picture 18: Orgonite

Orgonite, which I covered earlier, should also offer some protection against underground streams and
detrimental energy lines. It would also help in any area suffering from detrimental energy.

More on energy lines

If you find an energy line which is detrimental, you should find out if it is part of the Earths own
energy grid system or is man-made. I will cover man-made lines later. How can you do this? Use your
The Earth has its own energy system just like we do with our meridians, acupuncture points and
chakras or energy vortices. You only have pick up a book on Chinese acupuncture and look at a
diagram of the bodys acupuncture points and meridians to see and understand this. So if you detect an
energy line with your dowsing as your rods cross, it would be a good idea to stay on that spot, get out
your pendulum and ask if the energy line is part of the Earths own energy system.

How do you do this? Follow the instructions previously given on pendulum dowsing. So, with the
question you are going to ask in mind, ask: Can I dowse this?, May I dowse this? and Show me
yes and no. So having done this, you now need to visualise your question. We would all do this
slightly differently. However, I would picture a human making the energy line and ask if this was the
case. The pendulum would then give a yes or no response to my question and I would know the

I cover Earth energies in more detail in my forthcoming book dedicated to that specific subject.
Please see

An interesting discovery
Whilst running a dowsing course in 2005, following energy lines led to some interesting discoveries!
I wrote the following for the British Society of Dowsers Journal in December 2005

My story starts in early April 2005 when I was filming for a forthcoming course at Knowton Henge
with my friend Tim Chaloner and his son 11 year old son Remy. Remy was interested in photography
and had with him an old SLR manual camera (using film) with which he went off on his own and took
many pictures around the site.

Three weeks later, after examining the

photographs taken by Remy, an energy line was discovered on three of the photographs much like a
ghost but in the form of a line. The three photographs of the energy line appeared all in the same
location on the far side of the henge.
Picture 19: Knowlton energy line at the base of the fence

Later on in May 2005 I was running one of my dowsing courses at Knowlton Henge and asked Tim
and his son to come along and match the photos of the energy line to the correct location on site,
which they managed to do. I then decided to get my students to dowse the energy line seen in the
photographs, on tracking the line one of my students, Al Urquhart, tracked the line over what appeared
to be a small flat stone but when the weeds were pulled away, Al found a large standing stone, now
fallen down, lying flat in the ground. In a subsequent article in the British Archaeology magazine the
stone was described as a rectangular slab around 1metre by 40cm. Apparently this was the first
article on finding artefacts by dowsing in the British archaeology magazine at that time!

Interestingly, I found another stone, which appeared to be buried in an upright position with just its
top showing, in the bank close to the fallen one.

I have found that the general consensus amongst local dowsers is that the ancient site, most likely, had
many standing stones before they were knocked down or destroyed when the now ruined Norman
church was erected on what was originally an ancient henge. Two such stones can be seen in the
church itself. One, the alter stone and the other clearly in the base of the tower.

The churchs northeast buttress acts like a standing stone and Tom Graves, in his book Needles of
Stone Revisited, documents its bands of energies, the 5th band having the ability to spin a sensitive
person away from the stone.

Since we discovered the stone we have received a lot of media interest, which has included articles
in the local paper, British Archaeology magazine, Antiquarian magazine and the Ley Hunter
Newsletter. I was also interviewed by BBC Television for their programme Inside Out which goes
out on BBC South in which they have an archaeology slot.
Filming with the BBC was not what I had expected! A very laid back bunch, the cameraman was a
dowser and the researcher was a dowser, as I took the researcher, a lady named Jane, around the site
before filming she was able to dowse and feel the energies. That left the presenter and on the actual
day of filming she looked at my rods with horror! But fortunately, the wind picked up all of a sudden
which gave me 5 minutes alone with her while they went to change the microphone. In this time, I do
not know how I did it, but I taught her to dowse! So as we walked around the site she was able to
dowse an energy line for real on camera! When I subsequently watched the programme, there she was
with the rods crossing over the fallen stone. Very good press for us dowsers!

When we are ill and not feeling well this indicates there is something amiss with our energies in our
body. It also follows that the Earths own energy system can become out of balance often due to
human activity! Can you imagine the effects of roads, buildings and earthworks/quarrying over the
Earths energy lines? So the natural energy line you have found could be functioning ok as part of the
Earths own system or it could be disturbed or tainted in some way.

The subject of man-made energy lines is an interesting one. I first came across it when I read an
article about the research of Dr Nils O. Jackobson and Dr Jens A. Tellefsen which won the first prize
in a parapsychological contest and was subsequently published in the journal of the Society for
Psychical Research in January 1994. The subject was dowsing along the PSI line which essentially
documented how when a person thinks of a person or object, an energy line which can be dowsed can
be found between the person and the target of the persons thought. They used this to find lost objects
very successfully. This method is covered further in my Dowsing for Beginners course on Many of my students have achieved excellent results with this method.

I had an interesting experience of a man-made energy line when working as a geopathic stress
consultant. The client was a property developer who had a large house. The house was very long with
many rooms surrounded by a large garden. The clients bedroom was at the top of one end of the
property and his office was at the other end on the ground floor. I found a detrimental energy line
running though the garden, through his chair in the office and through his bed. I later found out that the
president of my local dowsing group had previously found this and not told me. It later transpired that
the client, through his intense negative thoughts, had attracted this line into the location where he spent
the majority of his time, namely at his desk where he worked and his bed where he slept. I have
subsequently found that clients with a depressive, brooding nature will attract a detrimental line. The
Earth, it seems, will supply what energies we ask for, albeit on our part mostly, subconsciously.

The belief that planet Earth has a consciousness has been around since ancient times, this includes for
example, the acknowledgement of nature spirits and elementals. So it could be said that the planet has
a consciousness as a whole but can also be broken down into different levels or layers such as water,
air and earth, for example, but in reality much more. Another way to look at the subject of Earth
consciousness, which may seem a little strange to some people, is to picture two different entities
namely energy and the creator (God). Energy is stored in matter so energy and matter equate to the
same thing.
If you then think of different levels with the creator of all that is and all that can be at the top level at
the top of the spirit world where no matter or energy exist. Then moving down we have the astral and
then etheric levels (or planes) where the templates of physical matter begin and are formed and then
finally, actual physical matter. The template for all that can be found on the physical plane originates
from the creator and is stored as consciousness or spirit as it descends through the planes to the
physical plane. Therefore, whilst it may seem that the Earth and water is just that, there is a small
amount of the creator/consciousness present in the Earth, water or physical matter.

What happens to us humans is very similar in that our spirit or soul is a fragment of the creator and as
it is moves down through the planes and into the physical plane with our template for this life, we
forget who we really are, we forget we are connected to everything and each other through the
creator. However, the fact that we are connected through the creator means we can communicate
easily with the consciousness of the Earth or parts of it. It, of course, follows that we can also
communicate directly with the creator, as previously discussed, when requesting blessings for

This knowledge gives us a powerful tool to deal with imbalances in the Earth which can take the form
of detrimental energy lines.

Working with the Earth to balance disharmony

So if you find a detrimental energy line, stand over it with your pendulum and connect to the Earths
own consciousness by visualising yourself contacting the Earths own consciousness. There are many
different ways to do this and you will use a way that is right for you. For me, I visualise a group of
elders at one of my favourite sacred Earth energy sites (the elders symbolise the management
consciousness of the Earth) and address them as follows: If it is your will, please correct the
disharmony in this energy line and bring its energies to perfect balance so it is harmonious to the
people who live here. The pendulum normally swings in working mode until the task is complete.

This is a particularly powerful and relatively effortless way of making corrections because the Earth
is doing all of the work. This is in contrast to when a dowser is attempting to correct geopathic stress,
using their own mental effort to correct imbalances.

It is, however, important to note that energy of a particular frequency which seems to be in
disharmony to us humans, may be in perfect harmony to the Earths own energy system. Therefore, it
would not be appropriate that any corrections be made. This is why when addressing the Earth we
begin the process by saying If it is your will. This means that if an energy line (or whatever Earth
energy feature you are dowsing) is actually in harmony with the Earth itself, the Earth will not make
any changes.

This means that a small number of detrimental energy lines (or other Earth energy features you are
dowsing) may not change because they are a natural part of the Earths own energy system which is in
harmony. If this happens you should respect that and move out of the affected area. However, as a
geopathic stress consultant, I have found that most of the time it is possible to make some positive
changes for my clients and using this method often enables me to make some big changes and get a lot
done in a very short space of time.

Creating a good space

In my story about the property developer you will recall how he had attracted a detrimental (to him)
energy line. Well, the good news is we can also interact with the Earth to do the opposite, by that I
mean to attract a positive Earth energy feature to the place where we spend the most of our time. All
you need to do is to connect with the Earths consciousness, as I have previously described, and
request it creates a positive and harmonious (to you) energy feature for your health and well-being at
the place you spend most of your time. This could be your office desk or bed. Use your pendulum in
working mode as described in the chapter on dowsing to determine when it is done. I would
recommend you dowse your space before and after you ask the Earth make changes. But the ultimate
test is of course muscle testing as discussed previously.

Another method of creating a good place, whether it is a particular spot or your whole house, flat or
building, is to communicate with the creator and use the blessing process along the lines discussed in
the previous chapter. Simply address the creator and ask that the space be blessed and the energies
and frequencies be made harmonious to you and your family. Personally, for this method, I imagine
lots of small pink heart-shapes flowing down from the creator and infusing with the building and see
the energies coming into harmony for the benefit of all occupants. You may need to repeat this at
regular intervals as the blessing effect tends to wear off eventually. There is no harm in getting into
habit of doing this every night before you go to sleep. This will be a good time to include your
physical body in the process by also including a personal blessing to balance your energies before
going to sleep. If you have a family or partner you can of course include them as well.

The blessing process described above will also serve to remove any negative imprints in the fabric
of the building which may have arisen from negative emotions, often from the previous occupants, that
have imprinted themselves into the fabric of the building.

Feng Shui
The practice of Feng Shui principles also helps maintain a nice harmonious, beneficial and gentle
flow of energy throughout the place where you live. There are many books written on the subject so I
will not elaborate any further here. However, one aspect of Feng Shui I would like to elaborate on,
which is not always covered in Feng Shui books, is the subject of clutter. Clutter is what makes your
dwelling look untidy which includes all those items which perhaps you should have tidied away,
thrown away, given away or sold a long time ago. Why not have a good clear out and tidy up right
now? You will notice how much better your home feels afterwards! An excellent book on this topic
which I can wholeheartedly recommend is Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui or Clear Your
Clutter with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston.
Using the dowsing effect to cut your heating bill

Picture 20: Solar energy and dowsing book

Dowsing can help in many areas and is adaptable to our current needs in these worrying times. And
surprisingly, it can be used to increase the temperature of your home thus saving you money on your
fuel bills! In 1982 the late A. P. Tabraham published a booklet on Solar Energy & Dowsing in the
Isles of Scilly. This was followed by an addendum in 1992.

The booklets document the research and methods used by farmers to raise the soil temperature in
order to get their flowers to bloom in time for the lucrative Christmas market. Traditionally they had
burnt straw in mid summer on the growing area and for an unknown reason this had the desired effect.
Eventually this became uneconomical and they experimented with other methods such as using gas
burners and polythene sheeting with limited success, the research continued and it was found that
using dowsing rods it was possible to detect the areas that had been burnt over in June when dowsing
in January to the exact inch! Experiments found an increase in soil temperature in these areas of plus 2
degrees F. They were able to confirm through research that the dowsing effect was linked to the
temperature rise in the soil and that it was long lasting into the winter. After an unusual period of
snow, they came to the conclusion that the dowsing effect caused the temperature rise and was able to
protect the plants during cold weather. It was also found that metal could conduct this dowsing effect
and could drain it away.
As it was now clear the dowsing effect was causing the rise in temperature. Research into dowsing
literature was conducted and it was discovered that all that is required is to draw out a five-sided
figure, a pentagon. It can be drawn with a pen on paper, a stick on the ground or just by marking five
points on the ground to form the outline of a pentagon while walking round a large field or the outside
of your home and/or garden. The essential thing is that the first point must be touched again to
complete the pentagon; if even the smallest gap is left no dowsing effect is produced. So check it
immediately with your dowsing rods. One pentagon equals one burning over (see history above)
which produces a temperature rise of 2 degrees F. To gain the maximum temperature raise a total of
five pentagrams need to be created covering the same area and your house and garden will be warmer
in 7-14 days with the maximum temperature raise after 14 days. However, you need to beware that
sticking a mercury thermometer or a ferrous metal object into the ground may remove part or all of the
dowsing effect as discovered by the Scilly Isles farmers.

I have used this method with other dowsers over the years on and off and usually managed a 2
degrees F temperature increase but havent always made the 5 pentagrams. Often it is not possible to
walk right around your home on the outside if it is semi detached or a flat for example, in which case
draw a plan of your building then draw in the pentagram enclosing the area you wish the temperature
raised, following the same rules making sure there are five points and they all join precisely then
repeat four more times and keep your plan somewhere safe. Then check with your rods on site to
make sure the dowsing effect is detectable on the area covered in your plan. Whether you make your
pentagram on site or on your plan it does not have to be symmetrical you just need five points all
joined, not forgetting to touch the first point again when you finish, either on site or on your plan. You
will need to repeat the process every year.

So there you are, go and try it! It works for the Scilly Isles farmers and helps them get their flowers to
market early. The scientific evidence is documented in the booklets already mentioned. This is a
strange but effective way to save on your heating bills!

Ok, over to you now, time to use the information in this chapter to safeguard and improve your

It is easy to read this book and put it down with the aim of getting around to trying out some of the
tools and techniques covered when you have time but never getting round to it. Hopefully, that is not
you and you have already done a bit of experimenting! If so, it would be great to hear how you got on.
The pendulum charts are at the end of this appendix.

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Below I have given you some resource information which you may find helpful:

Books & Websites:

Chapter 1
Theta Healing, Introducing an Extraordinary Energy Healing Modality by Vianna Stibal

Chapter 2
Dowsing for Beginners Home Study Course by Paul Craddock

The British Society of Dowsers:

Chapter 3
The True Power of Water and Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto

Water, Electricity and Health: Protecting Yourself from Electrostress at Home and Work by Allan

Gem Water by Michael Gienger and Joachim Goebel

Chapter 5
The Powerwatch Handbook by Alasdair & Jean Philips. Lots of information also at:

Electro-sensitivity charity website:

Chapter 6
Heal your Home by Adrian Incledon-Webber

Geopathic Stress, How Earth Energies Affect our Lives by Jane Thurnell-Read

The Future Is Yours Do Something About it by Raymon Grace

Dowsing a Path to Enlightenment by Joey Korn

Earth Radiation by Kathe Bachler

Creating Sacred Space with Feng Shui by Karen Kingston

Solar Energy and Dowsing in the Isles of Scilly by A. P. Tabraham

Picture 21: Gray Scale Pendulum Chart
Picture 22: Colour Pendulum Chart

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