Organizational Behaviour: Abroad Unified Pathway Program

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Organizational Behaviour

Organizational Behaviour is a field of study that

investigates the impact that individuals, groups
and structure have on behaviour within
organizations for the purpose of applying such
knowledge towards improving an
Organizations effectiveness.

Stephen P Robbins defined the study of

Organizational Behaviour as the study that
helps in improving the organizations behavior.


Shaping Behaviour

An employee has to amend his\her behaviour according to the situation or the

organization they are engaged in. Establishing a behaviour that is acquired or
learned according to the situation is known as Shaping Behaviour. Reinforcing
to acquire new traits to uplift their personality and manage to grow as an
individual, this is also known as Successive approximations. Steps involved in
Shaping Behaviour.

For starters, reinforce any behavior that is even remotely close to the
desired, target behavior.
Next step, reinforce the behavior that is closer to the target behavior. Also,
you shouldnt reinforce the previous behavior.
Keep reinforcing the responses/behaviors that resembles the target behavior
even more closely. Continue reinforcing the successive approximations until
the target behavior is achieved.
Once the target behavior is achieved, only reinforce the final response.
Roles of Groups in Organization

In an Organization a person has to work with different people with different employees
that needs an effort to cooperate with different personalities. In Organization there are
different teams that are assigned to different job and are responsible to execute their
duties for smooth functioning of the organization. Main teams that are essential for an
organization are:

Department Teams
Virtual Teams
Problem Solving Teams
Cross-functional Teams
Self Managed Teams


Departmental teams: These Teams are one of the essential teams and traditional
teams that are needed to handle situation and job in the organization according to
their roles and responsibilities assigned. These teams ensure that their respective
departments are meeting their goals and are enjoying their duties.
Departmental Teams are permanent and typically work on ongoing projects.

Problem-solving teams: These types of teams are usually temporary and focus on
solving a specific issue.

Virtual teams: A virtual team can be of any type that converses digitally. Virtual
communication broadens the boundaries and brings in the world that can be reached
physically for the growth of the organization.

Cross-functional teams: In most business settings, permanent team members are

going to collaborate with other departments to tackle certain events for the company
such a new product launch. In these situations, communication between internal
departments is crucial in order to address the project goals.

Self-managed teams: These teams are the most empowered, as they have the
authority to make decisions by themselves as they have no senior authority to report.
The team members have specific key skills that make them an essential part of the
team and with their investment, they achieve their goals assigned by the

There is special team in the organization that are known for their Brainstorming skills.
Brainstorming is the technique that innovates new and unique ways to solve a problem.
Employees that can think out of the box and can execute thing the right but on in
traditional ways to solve a specific problem through unique thoughts. In Osborns Theory
by Mr. Osborn claimed that two principles contribute to "ideative efficacy," these being :
Defer judgment
Reach for quantity

There are generally four reasons that people turn to brainstorming:

You need ideas.
You have a problem to solve.
You are looking to improve creative thinking.
You want your team to work together better.


Management has been termed as a process involving responsibility for planning &
regulating an operation within an enterprise in the fulfillment of given purposes. It is a
dynamic process consisting of various elements and activities. Activities differs for every
department and operative teams in the organization like marketing, finance, purchase etc.
Rather these steps and procedure are common to each and every manger irrespective of
his level or status.

1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Staffing
4. Directing
5. Controlling

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