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The OET Listening sub-test comprises of two parts and has 20-28 question items.

The topics are related

to generic healthcare interest and are accessible to candidates across all professions. In each OET
listening part, the candidates will hear a recorded speech of about 15 minutes. The test takers are
expected to listen and write relevant answers beneath the headings provided. There will be pauses to
allow candidates to write their answers. The purpose of the OET listening sub-test is to assess the
listening, understanding and writing abilities of the test takers.

In OET Listening part A, you will listen to a healthcare professional- patient consultation. The duration of
the OET listening Part A is to assess the ability of the test takers to listen and follow facts during a
consultation. In this sub-test, you will listen to a consultation recording and are expected to complete the
note-taking task, guided by relevant headings.

A wide range of task types are included in the OET listening sub-test to assess the listening abilities of
the test takers. Various task types are-

Multiple Choice Questions

Short-Answer Response Questions
Listen for specific information- complete notes, tables or complete sentence or circling boxes or lists, etc.

Assessment of OET Listening Sub-test

OET Listening sub-tests are marked by qualified and highly trained assessors. The response of the
candidate is assessed against an established marking guide. During the marking session, problematic or
unforeseen answers are referred to a sub-group of senior Assessors for guidance.
OET Listening Part A Transcript

Doctor- Hello Peter, How are you feeling after the surgery?

Patient I feel terrible. I cant stop shivering, my whole body is aching. My mouth is dry and eyesight is
blurry. I am feeling extremely tired and weak.

Doctor- Okay, that is expected after an operation.

Patient I know. My body is burning like a hot iron and my skin feels itchy. I feel like I have a fever.

Doctor- You could have a fever or maybe an infection. Can you describe where you are aching the

Patient I think my legs and back hurt the most. I feel throbbing sensation and think they are swollen.

Doctor Okay, How does your stomach feel?

Patient My stomach is cramping. I cant eat or drink anything without vomiting.

Doctor Okay. I am going to check your temperature and your pulse. You may need an antibiotic if you
have an infection.

Patient Yes, please. Can you give me something for pain? My whole body is sore and head is aching.

Doctor Yes, I will prescribe something for the pain. This medicine is for one day only. Take this dose
before you sleep at night.

Patient What should I eat doctor?

Doctor You should eat only light food. You can take fresh fruits, soup or milk also.

Patient Ok Doctor, Thank You.

Doctor You are welcome.

OET Listening Part A Questions

The listening transcript you read above will be in audio form. The test takers are required to complete the
information beneath the headings as they listen to the recording. There will be pauses allowing
candidates to complete their notes.

Below mentioned is a list of several questions that you can expect in OET listening Part A. Please note
that this is just an example to help candidates understand what kind of conversation they can expect in
the OET listening part. The conversations and questions may vary in the real OET exam.
Q- What symptoms a patient is having after the surgery?

Q- Which body parts of the patient are aching the most?

Q- Is there anything wrong with his stomach? If yes, what?

Q- What doctor has suggested the patient to eat?

Q- Has doctor given any instructions to eat the prescribed medicine?

We have given headings in the questions form, you can expect them direct form as well. The candidates
are required to complete/write the information beneath headings or questions as they listen to an audio

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