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In designing a good queuing system, it is necessary to have good information about the model. The
characteristics listed below would provide sufficient information.
The arrival pattern.The service mechanism.The queue discipline.The number of customers allowed
in the system.The number of service channels.
The Arrival Pattern
How customers arrive e.g. singly or in groups (batch or bulk arrivals)How the arrivals are distributed
in time (e.g. what is the probability distribution of time between successive arrivals (the inter-arrival
time distribution))Whether there is a finite population of customers or (effectively) an infinite
The simplest arrival process is one where we have completely regular arrivals (i.e. the same constant time
interval between successive arrivals). A Poisson stream of arrivals corresponds to arrivals at random. In a
Poisson stream successive customers arrive after intervals which independently are exponentially distributed.

The Poisson stream is important as it is a convenient mathematical model of many real life queuing systems
and is described by a single parameter - the average arrival rate. Other important arrival processes are
scheduled arrivals; batch arrivals; and time dependent arrival rates (i.e. the arrival rate varies according to the
time of day).

The Service Mechanism

A description of the resources needed for service to beginHow long the service will take (the service
time distribution)The number of servers availableWhether the servers are in series (each server
has a separate queue) or in parallel (one queue for all servers)Whether preemption is allowed (a
server can stop processing a customer to deal with another "emergency" customer)
Assuming that the service times for customers are independent and do not depend upon the arrival process is
common. Another common assumption about service times is that they are exponentially distributed.

The Queue Discipline

In the queue structure, the important thing to know is the queue discipline. The queue discipline is the order or
manner in which customers from the queue are selected for service. There are a number of ways in which
customers in the queue are served. Some of these are:

(a) Static queue disciplines are based on the individual customer's status in the queue. Few of such disciplines
If the customers are served in the order of their arrival, then this is known as the first-come, first-
served (FCFS) service discipline. Prepaid taxi queue at airports where a taxi is engaged on a first-
come, first-served basis is an example of this discipline.Last-come-first-served (LCFS)--
Sometimes, the customers are serviced in the reverse order of their entry so that the ones who join
the last are served first. For example, assume that letters to be typed, or order forms to be
processed accumulate in a pile, each new addition being put on the top of them. The typist or the
clerk might process these letters or orders by taking each new task from the top of the pile. Thus, a
just arriving task would be the next to be serviced provided that no fresh task arrives before it is
picked up. Similarly, the people who join an elevator last are the first ones to leave it.
(b) Dynamic queue disciplines are based on the individual customer attributes in the queue. Few of such
disciplines are:
Service in Random Order (SIRO)-- Under this rule customers are selected for service at random,
irrespective of their arrivals in the service system. In this every customer in the queue is equally
likely to be selected. The time of arrival of the customers is, therefore, of no relevance in such a
case.Priority Service-- Under this rule customers are grouped in priority classes on the basis of
some attributes such as service time or urgency or according to some identifiable characteristic, and
FCFS rule is used within each class to provide service. Treatment of VIPs in preference to other
patients in a hospital is an example of priority service.
For the queuing models that we shall consider, the assumption would be that the customers are serviced on
the first-come-first-served basis.

The Number of Customers allowed in the System

In certain cases, a service system is unable to accommodate more than the required number of customers at a
time. No further customers are allowed to enter until space becomes available to accommodate new customers.
Such type of situations are referred to as finite (or limited) source queue. Examples of finite source queues are
cinema halls, restaurants, etc.

On the other hand, if a service system is able to accommodate any number of customers at a time, then it is
referred to as infinite (or unlimited) source queue. For example, in a sales department, here the customer orders
are received; there is no restriction on the number of orders that can come in, so that a queue of any size can

The Number of Service Channels

The more the number of service channels in the service facility, the greater the overall service rate of the
facility. The combination of arrival rate and service rate is critical for determining the number of service
channels. When there are a number of service channels available for service, then the arrangement of service
depends upon the design of the system's service mechanism.

Parallel channels means, a number of channels providing identical service facilities so that several customers
may be served simultaneously. Series channel means a customer go through successive ordered channels
before service is completed. A queuing system is called a one-server model, i.e., when the system has only
one server, and a multi-server model i.e., when the system has a number of parallel channels, each with one

(a) Arrangement of service facilities in series

(1) Single Queue Single Server

(2) Single Queue, Multiple Server

(b) Arrangement of Service facilities in Parallel

(c) Arrangement of Mixed

Service facilities

Arrangements of Service Facilities (a, b, c)

Attitude of Customers

Patient Customer: Customer arrives at the service system, stays in the queue until served, no matter how
much he has to wait for service.

Impatient Customer: Customer arrives at the service system, waits for a certain time in the queue and leaves
the system without getting service due to some reasons like long queue before him.

Balking: Customer decides not to join the queue by seeing the number of customers already in service system.

Reneging: Customer after joining the queue, waits for some time and leaves the service system due to delay in

Jockeying: Customer moves from one queue to another thinking that he will get served faster by doing so.v

Congestion Management and Queuing Methods

The various queuing methods available on Cisco routers are

1. FIFO Legacy queuing method

2. Priority Queuing Legacy queuing method
3. Customer Queuing Legacy queuing method
4. Weighted Fair Queuing Legacy queuing method
5. Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing Newer queuing method
6. LLQ Newer queuing method

All these congestion management tools are only activated if the interface or the link is experiencing
congestion, if there is no congestion then the packets are sent out of the interface as soon as they arrive.
Essentially there are two processes involved in handling the packets when there is congestion Queuing
and Scheduling. Both of these processes are complimentary to each other. Scheduling is a process which
handles the packets exiting out of the device, and queuing is the process which handles the incoming
packets into the device. Assuming that there is congestion on the output interface then on the input
interface the packets are queued into various queues and then given to the output interface where the
scheduler processes the queues in order of priority.

First In First Out (FIFO) is a Fair Queuing method, the first packet to get to the router will be the first
packet to be sent out.There is only one queue with FIFO, One Queue for received traffic and one queue
for traffic being sent out of the router. This is essentially the best effort queuing strategy which gives no
priority to any traffic types and is not recommended for voice and video applications deployments.

Priority Queuing:
There are 4 Queues of Traffic in Priority queuing, and you define what type of traffic goes into these
queues. The 4 types of Queues are based on Priorities which are High, Medium, Normal and Low Priority
This is how Priority Queuing works, as long as there is traffic in High Queue, the other Queues will be
neglected, the next to be processed will be traffic in Medium Queue and as long as there is traffic in
Medium Queue, the traffic in normal and low queues will be neglected. Also, while serving the traffic in
Medium Queue, if the router receives traffic in High Queue, then High Queue will be processed and
unless all traffic has cleared the High Queue the router will not go back to Medium Queue. This could
result in resource starvation for the traffic arriving and sitting on the lower priority queues like the normal
and low queues.
Priority Queuing is a strict Priority method, which will always prefer the traffic in High Priority Queue to
other queues, and the order of processing is
High Priority Queue > Medium Priority Queue > Normal Priority Queue>Low Queue
So, Priority Queuing can give delay guarantee to traffic in high Queues, but can also lead to resource
starvation to traffic in other queues.

Custom Queuing:
There are 16 Queues defined in Custom Queuing. Custom Queuing works in a round robin method, there
are 16 queues where you define which traffic will go in which queue. It starts from clearing the traffic in
the first queue then it will jump to next queue and clear all traffic in the second queue then jump to next
queue and clear the traffic and so on,, and then when all queues all sent, it will go back to the first queue
and start the process all over again. This queuing will make sure that no traffic queue will ever have a
resource starvation but at the same time it cannot give delay guarantee so its not recommended for voice
and video traffic. When implementing custom queuing you can define which traffic and how much metrics
to each queue which will be processed before jumping to next queue, for an example you can say Queue
1 Http traffic 10000 Kb, then Q2 FTP traffic 8000 Kb .. and the custom queuing will follow this order in a
round robin fashion.

Weighted Fair Queuing:

The number of Queues are defined per flow. This is also the default queuing method Cisco has for most
serial links. The low talkers get priority over the high talkers in WFQ method what this means is that
the flow which has least traffic will get preference over flow which has more traffic (voice and video might
not be filling up the bandwidth but they will have steady flow of traffic, so the traffic in this flow will be
considered as top talker again may not necessarily be taking up all bandwidth) There is no bandwidth
guarantee and no delay guarantee over the WFQ. It is not recommended for the voice and video traffic
because even though the voice or video packets are small they are always sending some packets
(always talking) and so they are considered high talkers per flow, so if someone does a telnet or ssh in
between then those packets will get priority as they are considered low talkers per number of flows.

Class Based Weighted Fair Queuing (CBWFQ):

CBWFQ defines up to 256 classes of traffic. This is the new Queuing method which can be deployed
using the Cisco MQC. Again there is no delay guarantee on this method as well, but there is bandwidth
guarantee. In this method you can use class-maps to define upto 256 classes of traffic and assign how
much percentage of bandwidth each class is guaranteed to get. You can define all the traffic classes and
assign the bandwidth percentage guarantee to each class, and then there is a class-default which is the
default class, all traffic which did not match into your custom defined classes falls in this class-
default bucket, within this default class the traffic is treated with WFQ. CBWFQ is a huge improvement
over all other earlier congestion management techniques but is still not recommended for voice and video
as there is no delay guarantee.

Low Latency Queuing (LLQ):

The only queuing method which can be used for voice and video traffic.
This queuing method is a combination of Priority Queuing and CBWFQ.
What this does is as an example, Voice will be in the Priority Queue with a bandwidth limit which is
policed (Ex 800 K) and the rest of the traffic will be CBWFQ where each application will get its percentage
of bandwidth guarantee (Ex Email 20%, HTTP 20% etc).
So essentially there is a Priority Queue which can be used for Voice which gives us delay guarantee and
the bandwidth guarantee as we can specify how much bandwidth to give to this Priority Queue which
ensures that this Priority Queue is not taking up all the bandwidth. Also for other applications we have
the CBWFQ where we can define the mission critical applications and allocate the remaining bandwidth
percentage to them, and at the end what ever traffic which does not match the user defined classes in the
CBWFQ will automatically match the class default and will be treated with WFQ method.

Note: That LLQ defines using only 1 Priority Queue for a traffic Type, if you define more than One Priority
Queue using the LLQ, then the High Priority Queue will be processed first and until the High Priority
Queue is not empty the other Queue will not be processed, but the CBWFQ classes will be processed in

LLQ Guidelines
Priority Queue = 33% (Voice and Video)
Sum of all Guarantees = 75% (this includes the 33% for the Priority Queue)
This is to make sure that 25% is left for the Default Class (everything else).

End-to-End QoS Network Design: Quality of Service for Rich-Media & Cloud Networks (2nd Edition)
(Networking Technology)

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