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4.1Naming Binary Compounds

A. Naming Compounds That Contain a Metal and a Nonmetal

1. Whatisabinary compound?Give three
Binarycompoundis acompound formedfromonlytwoelements.
NaCl, NaI, CaO

2. Whatare the two majortypesofbinary compounds?

Metals and nonmetals

3. In an ioniccompound,the positiveion is called the Proton and the negative ion is

called the Electron.

4. In namingioniccompounds,wealwaysname the Cation first.

5. Althoughwewrite the formulaofsodiumchloride as NaCl, werealize thatNaCl isan

ionic compoundandcontainsno molecules.Explain.
BecauseNaClis a compoundcomposed of metalsandnon-metalsthatisthebasis ofionic
compounds. whereas themoleculeisa group of atoms(at least two) arelinked to each
otherwith a verystrong(covalent) in a specific arrangementandelectrically
neutralandstable enough.

6.Give the nameofeachofthe followingsimple binaryioniccompounds.

a.NaI : Sodium Iodide
b.CaF2 : Calsium Flouride
c.Al2S3 : Aluminum (III) Sulfide (II)
e.SrO : Strontium Oxide
f.AgCl : Silver Chloride
g.CsI : Cesium Iodide
h.Li2O : Lithium (II) Oxide

7.Identifyeachcase in whichthe nameis incorrect.Give the correctname.

a.BaH2, BariumHydride

b. Na2O,DisodiumOxide
c.SnCl4, Tin(IV)Chloride
d. SiO2, Silicon Dioxide
8.Writethe nameofeachofthe following ionicsubstances,usingthe systemthat
includesaRomannumeralto specifythe chargeofthe cation.
a.FeI3 : Iron(III) bromide
b. MnCl2 : Manganese(II) chloride
c.HgO : Mercury(II) Oxide
d. Cu2O : Copper(I) oxide

e.CuO : Copper(II) oxide

f.SnBr4 : Tin(IV) Bromide

9.Writethe nameofeachofthe followingionic substances,using-ousor -icendingsto

indicate the chargeofthe cation.
a.CoCl2 : Cobalt(II) chloride
b. CrBr3 :Chromium(III) bromide
c.PbO :Lead(II) Oxide
d. SnO2 :Tin Dioxide
e.Fe2O3 :Iron oxide
f.FeCl3 : Iron(III) chloride

B. Naming Binary Compounds That Contain

Only Nonmetals (Type III)
10. Name each of the following binary compounds of nonmetallic elements.
a. IF5 : Iodine Pentaflouride
b. AsCl3 : Arsenic Trichloride
c. SeO : Selenium Oxide
d. XeF4: Xeon Tetrafluoride
e. NI3 : Nitrogen Triiodide
f. B2O3 : Boron Trioxide

11. Write the name for each of the following binary

compounds of nonmetallic elements.
a. GeH4 :Germanium Hydride
b. N2Br4 : Dinitrogen Tetrabromide
c. P2S5 : Diphosphorus Pentasulfide
d. SeO2 : Selenium Dioxide
e. NH3 : Ammonia
f. SiO2 : Silicon Dioxide
12. Name each of the following binary compounds, using the periodic table to determine wether
the compound is likely to be ionic (containing a metal and a nonmetal) or nanionic
(containing only nonmetal)
a) B2H6 diboron hexahydride (nonionic)
b) Ca3N2 calcium nitride
c) CBr4 carbon tetrabromide (nonionic)
d) Ag2S silver sulfide
e) CuCl2 copper(II) chloride (ionic)
f) CIF chlorine monofluoride
13. Name each of the following binary compounds, using the periodic table to determine wether
the compound is likely to be ionic (containing a metal and a nonmetal) or anionic (containing
only nonmetal)
a) RaCl2 radium chloride
b) SeCl2 selenium dishloride
c) PCl2 phosphorus trichloride
d) Na3P sodium phosphide
e) MnF2 manganese(II) fluoride
f) ZnO zinc oxide
14. What is an oxyanion? How is the series of oxyanions named? (give an example)
Oxyanions is an ion with generic formula AxOyz- (where A represents a chemical
elements and O represents an Oxygen atom
Example : CO32-(carbonate) and NO3-(nitrate)
15. Which oxyanions of chlorine contains the most oxygen atoms: hypochlorite, chlorite, or
perchlorate (ClO4-)
16. Copy and complete the table by filling in the missing names or formulas of the indicated
BrO- Hypobromite
IO3- Iodate
IO4 Periodate
IO- Hypoiodite
17. Write the formula for each of the following nitrogen-containing ions, including the overall
charge of the ion.
a) Nitrate NO3-
b) Nitrite NO22-
c) Ammonium NH4+
d) Cyanide CN
18. Write the formula each of the following chlorine-containing ions, including the overall
charge the ion.
a) Chloride Cl-
b) Hypochlorite ClO-
c) Chlorate ClO3-
d) Perchlorate ClO4-
19. Write the formulas of the compounds below (refer to your answer to problem 18).
a) Magnesium chloride MgCl2
b) Calcium hypochlorite Ca(ClO)2
c) Potassium chlorate KClO3
d) Barium perchlorate Ba(ClO4)2
20. Give the name of each of the following polyatomic anions.
a) MnO4- permanganate
b) O22- oxygen
c) CrO4 chromate

d) Cr2O72- dichromate
e) NO3- Nitrate
f) SO32- sulphite
21. Name each of the following compounds, which contain polyatomic ions.
a) Fe(NO3)3 iron(III) nitrate
b) Co3(PO4)2 cobalt(II) phosphate
c) Cr(CN)3 chromium(III) cyanide
d) Al2(SO4)3 Alumunium sulfate
e) Cr(C2H3O2)2 chromium(II) acetate
f) (NH4)2SO3 Ammonium sulfite
22. Give a simple definition of an acid.
acid is a compound which have pH less than 7, sour taste, and releases hydroxyl
ions in water
23. Beberapa asam mengandung unsure Halogen selain hidrogen
24. Nama tiap senyawa asam berikut:
a. HCl = hydrochloric acid
b. H2SO4 = sulfuric acid
c. HNO3 = nitric acid
d. HI = hydroiodic acid
e. HNO2 = nitrous acid
f. HClO3 = chloric acid
g. HBr = hydrobromic acid
h. HF = hydrofluoric acid
i. HC2H3O2 = acetic acid
C. Menulis rumus dari nama
25. Tulis rumus setiap senyawa ionik biner yang sederhana berikut.
a. Litium oksida = Li2O
b. Alumunium iodida = AlI3
c. Perak Oksida = AgO
d. Kalium Nitrida = K3N
e. Kalsium fosfida = CaF2
f. Magnesium florida = MgF2
g. Natrium sulfida= Na2S
h. Barium hidrida = BaH2
26. Tulis rumus setiap senyawa biner dari unsur non logam.
a. Karbon dioksida = CO2
b. Sulfur dioksida = SO2
c. Dinitrogen tetraklorida = N2Cl4
d. Karbon tetraiodida = CI4
e. Fosfor pentaflorida = PF5
f. Difosfor pentoksida = P2O5
27. Tulis rumus setiap senyawa berikut yang mengandung ion poliatomik. Pastikan menyertakan
ion poliatomik di tanda kurung jika lebih dari satu ion tersebut dibutuhkan
a. Kalsium fosfat = Ca3(PO4)2
b. Ammonium nitrat = NH4NO3
c. Alumunium hydrogen sulfat = Al(HSO4)3
d. Barium sulfat = BaSO4
e. Besi (III) nitrat = Fe(NO3)3
f. Tembaga (I) hidroksida = CuOH
28. Tulis rumus setiap senyawa asam berikut
a. Asam sianida = HCN
b. Asam nitrit = HNO2
c. Asam sulfat = H2SO4
d. Asam posfat = H3PO4
e. Asam hipoklorit = HClO
f. Asam hidrobromida = HBr
g. Asam Bromida = HBr
h. Asam Hidroflorida = HF
29. Tulis rumus setiap zat/senyawa berikut
a. Litium klorida = LiCl
b. Cupro karbonat = Cu2CO3
c. Asam hidrobromida = HBr
d. Kalsium nitrat = Ca(NO3)2
e. Natrium perklorat = NaClO4
f. Alumunium hidroksida = Al(OH)3
g. Barium hidrogen karbonat = Ba(HCO3)2
h. Besi (II) sulfat = FeSO4
i. Diboron heksaklorida = B2Cl6
j. Fosfor pentabromida = PBr5
k. Kalium sulfit = K2(SO3)
l. Barium asetat = Ba(C2H3O2)2
30. Sebelum sebuah elektrodiagram (ECG) tercatat pada jantung pasien, timbal ECG biasanya
dilapisi dengan sebuah pasta lembab yang mengandung natrium klorida. Apa wujud sebuah senyawa
ionik seperti NaCl yang sedang digunakan?
- Na+ and Cl-

31. Apa itu senyawa biner? Apa itu ion poliatomik? Apa itu oksianion?
- Binary compound : compound that contain 2 elements

- polyatomic ion : a charged chemical species (ion) composed of two or more atoms covalently
bonded or of a metal complex that can be considered to be acting as a single unit. The prefix poly-
means "many," in Greek, but even ions of two atoms are commonly referred to as polyatomic.
- Oksyanions : an ion with the generic formula AxOyz (where A represents a chemical element and O
represents an oxygen atom). Examples: Nitrate (NO3-), Nitrite (NO2-), sulfite (SO32-)

32. Nama senyawa berikut

a. AuBr3 = gold (III) bromide
b. Co(CN)3 = cobalt (III) cyanide
c. MgHPO4 = Magnesium hydrogen phospate / magnesium biphospate
d. B2H6 = Diboron Hexahydrogen
e. NH3 = Ammonia
f. Ag2SO4 = silver (I) sulfate
g. Be(OH)2 = Berylium (II) hydroxide

33. Ammonium carbonate

Ammonium bicarbonate
Calcium Phosphate
Sulfurous acid
Manganese dioxide
Iodic acid
Potassium hydride

34. Potassium Oxide K2O

Manganese(II) Oxide MnO
Iron(II) Oxide FeO
Iron(III) Oxide Fe2O3
Zinc(II) Oxide ZnO
Lead(II) Oxide PbO
Aluminum Oxide Al2O3

Column1 F e2 A l3 N a C a2 NH4 F e3 N i2
Iron(II) Aluminum Sodium Calcium Ammonium Iron(III) Nickel(II)
Carbonate Carbonate carbonate Carbonate carbonate Carbonate carbonate
CO32 FeCO3 Al2(CO3)3 NaCO (CaCO3) (NH)CO Fe2(CO3)3 NiCO3
Iron(II) Aluminum Sodium Calcium Ammonium Iron(III) Nickel(II)
Bromate Bromate Bromate Bromate Bromate Bromate Bromate
Br O 3 Fe(BrO3)2 Al(BrO3)3 NaBrO Ca(BrO3)2 NH4BrO3 Fe(BrO3)3 Ni(BrO3)2
ron(II) Aluminum sodium Calcium Ammonium Iron (III) Nickel(II)
C2 H3 Acetate Acetate acetate Acetate Acetate Acetate Acetate
O2 Fe(C2H3O2)2 Al(C2H3O2)3 (NaC2H3O2) Ca(C2H3O2)2 NH4C2H3O2 Fe(C2H3O2)3 Ni(C2H3O2)2
Iron(II) Aluminium Sodium Calcium Ammonium iron(III) Nickel(II)
hydroxide hydroxide hydroxide hydroxide hydroxide hydroxide hydroxide
OH Fe(OH) Al(OH) (NaOH) Ca(OH) NH4OH Fe(OH)3 Ni(OH)
Iron(II) Aluminum Iron(III) Nickel(II)
Calcium Ammonium
Hydrogen Hydrogen Sodium Hydrogen Hydrogen
bicarbonate bicarbonate
Carbonate Carbonate bicarbonate Carbonate Carbonate
HC O 3 Fe(HCO3)2 Al(HCO3)3 NaHCO Fe(HCO3)3 Ni(HCO3)2
Iron(II) Aluminium Sodium Tricalcium Ammonium Iron(III) Nickel(II)
Phosphate phosphate Phosphate Phosphate Phosphate Phosphate Phosphate
PO43 Fe3(PO4)2 AlPO4 Na3PO4 Ca3(PO4)2 (NH4)3PO4 FePO4 Ni3(PO4)2
Iron(II) Aluminum Sodium Ammonium Iron(III)
Calcium Nickel(II)
Sulfite Sulfite sulfite Sulfite Sulfite
Sulfite CaSO3 Sulfite NiSO3
SO32 FeSO3 Al2(SO3)3 NaSO (NH4)2SO3 Fe2(SO3)3
Iron(II) Aluminum Sodium Calcium Ammonium Iron(III) Nickel(II)
Perchlorate Perchlorate perchlorate Perchlorate Perchlorate Perchlorate Perchlorate
Cl O 4 Fe(ClO4)2 Al(ClO4)3 NaClO Ca(ClO4)2 NH4ClO4 Fe(ClO4)3 Ni(ClO4)2
Iron(II) Aluminium Sodium Calcium Ammonium Iron(III) Nickel(II)
sulfate sulfate Sulfate sulfate sulfate sulfate sulfate
SO42 FeSO Al(SO) Na2SO4 CaSO4 (NH)SO Fe(SO) NiSO4
Calcium Ammonium
Iron(II) oxide Iron(III) Nickel(II)
Aluminium Sodium peroxide Oxide
FeO oxide FeO oxide NiO
O2 oxide AlO oxide NaO CaO2 (NH4)2O
Iron(II) ALUMINUM Sodium Calcium ammonium Iron(III) Nickel(II)
Cl chloride CHLORIDE chloride chloride chloride chloride chloride
FeCl AlCl3 NaCl CaCl2 NH4Cl FeCl NiCl

39. Al Al3+ + 3
S +2 S2-
Cu Cu+ +
F + F-
Zn Zn2+ +2
P + 3 P3-

40. Beryllium oxide

Magnesium iodide

Sodium sulfide

Aluminium oxide

Hydrochloric acid

Lithium fluoride

Silver sulfide
Calcium hydride

41. For the following pairs of ions, use the principle

of electrical neutrality to predict the formula of
the binary compound that the ions are most
likely to form.
a. Na2S e. CuBr2
b. KCl f. AlI3
c. BaO g. Al2O3
d. MgS h. Ca3N2

42. Give the name of each of the following simple

binary ionic compounds.
a. BeO = Berillium Oxide e. HCl = hydrochloric acid
b. MgI2 = Magnesium Iodide f. LiF = Lithium flouride
c. Na2S = Sodium disulfide g. A g2 S = Silver disulfide
d. A l2O3 = Alumunium oxide h. Ca H2 = Calsium hidride

43. In which of the following pairs is the name

a. SiI4, silver iodide ( incorrect ) Silicon tetraiodide
b. CoCl2, copper(II) chloride ( correct )
c. CaH2, hydrocalcinic acid ( incorrect )
d. Zn( C2H3O2 )2, zinc acetate ( incorrect ) Zinc ( II ) acetate
e. PH3, phosphoric trihydride ( correct )

44. Write the name of each of the following ionic

substances, using the system that includes a Roman
numeral to specify the charge of the cation.
a. FeBr2 = Iron ( II ) bromide d. Sn O2 = Tin(IV) oxide
b. CoS = Cobalt ( II ) sulfide e. H g2 Cl2 = Mercury ( II ) dichloride
c. Co2S3 = Cobalt (III) sulfide f. HgCl2 = Mercury (II) chloride

45. Name each of the following binary compounds.

a. Xe F6 = Xenon hexaflouride d. N2 O 4 = Dinitrogen tetraoxide
b. OF2 = Oksigen diflouride e. Cl2O = Dichlorine oxide
c. AsI3 = Arsenic triiodide f. SF6 = Sulphur hexafluoride

46. Name each of the following compounds.

a. Fe( C2 H O2 )3 = Iron (III) acetate d. SiB r4 = Silicon tetrabromide
b. BrF = Bromine fluoride e. Cu(Mn O 4 ) 2 = copper (II) permanganate
c. K2O2 = Pottasium peroxide f. CaCrO4 = Calcium cromate

47. Name each of the following compounds, which

contain polyatomic ions.
a. LiH2PO4 = Lithium dihydrogen phosphate d. Na2 HPO4 = Sodium hydrogen phosphate
b. Cu(CN )2 = Copper (II) sianida e. NaClO2 = Sodium chlorite
c. Pb(N O3 )2 lead (II) nitrate f. C o2 (S O4 )3 = Cobalt (III) sulphote

48. Write the formula for each of the following

simple binary ionic compounds.

a. calcium chloride : CaCl2

b. silver(I) oxide : AgO

c. Aluminum sulfide : Al2S3

d. Beryllium Bromide : BeBr2

e. Hydrosulfuric acid : H2S

f. Pottasium hydride : KOH

g. Magnesium iodide : MgI2

h. Cesium fluoride : CsF

49. Write the formula for each of the following

binary compounds of nonmetallic elements.
a. SO2

b. N2O

c. XF4

d. PCl5

e. SF6

f. NO2

50. Write the formula for each of the following

ionic substances.
a. NaH2PO4

b. LiClO4

c. CuCO3


e. Ba(OH)2

f. Cs2SO3

51. Write the formula for each of the following

compounds, which contain polyatomic ions. Be
sure to enclose the polyatomic ion in parentheses
if more than one such ion is needed to
balance the oppositely charged ion(s).
a. silver(I) perchlorate (usually called silver
b. cobalt(III) hydroxide
c. sodium hypochlorite
d. potassium dichromate
e. ammonium nitrite
f. iron(III) hydroxide
g. ammonium hydrogen carbonate
h. potassium perbromate

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