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Published By Mid-Cities Care Corps (MCCC) SUMMER 2009


April is National Volunteer has been a Care Corps volunteer ion representative. They are ac-
Month. Mid-Cites Care Corps for 10 years. He is often referred tive in the Democratic Party and
(MCCC) honored our dedicated to by our Senior Neighbors as have been delegates to the Na-
and compassionate volunteers “the man with the beard”. Dan is tional Convention. “Those folks
with a luncheon on April 30. We willing to drive almost anywhere are so nice” is the common re-
were glad to see so many of our at any time and often ends up frain heard from our schedulers
volunteers at the luncheon. The with some of our most difficult who call to ask if they are availa-
office volunteers especially look drives. Dan is retired from Alcon ble to take a drive. We couldn’t
forward to meeting the voices on Laboratories where he was a agree more! It is exciting to have
the other end of the phone. The chemist. His wife and a friend this husband and wife team as
Volunteer Luncheon is a great “volunteered” him after hearing part of the MCCC volunteer
time to visit and share a story or about Mid-Cities Care Corps at a team!
two about the adventures encoun- church luncheon. He has been The M.A.R.I. Sapphire Award
tered during the year. What a driving ever since. went to an organization that
year it has been!! demonstrated community service
The M. A. R. I. (Making A Real extended to our Senior Neigh-
Impact) Awards are presented bors. MCCC is honored to rec-
each year at the Volunteer Lunch- ognize Mr. C’s Ace Hardware
eon. Named for one of the found- of Hurst. Mark and Jeff Cyrier,
ers of MCCC, Mari Donaldson, brothers and owners, have sup-
the awards recognize volunteers, ported the MCCC Helping
groups and organizations that have Hands, Proactive Program, MARI
exemplified the spirit of Mid-Cities Founders Work Day, and Adopt-
Care Corps. Gloria & Tommy Daves A-Lawn programs by providing
The M.A.R.I. Ruby Award is are our other Ruby Award win- supplies and repairs vital to these
for our Volunteer of the Year. ners. This husband and wife team outreach efforts. When Mr. C’s
The ruby symbolizes energy and are both new volunteers that was announced as the Sapphire
action. We honored three very came to MCCC last fall. Their winner, unsolicited accolades and
special volunteers. Dan Weedon daughter, Chelsea, was a MCCC testimonies were given by the
volunteer but she had to stop
driving because of a shoulder in-
jury. She convinced her parents
to take her place. These folks
have driven over a 1000 miles in
less than a year. Gloria is retired
from Southwestern Bell and is an
active volunteer at her church,
First United Methodist of Euless.
Tommy is a retired Machinist Un-

attendees, confirming the reputation for “service One group scraped and painted Ms. Rudene’s
and helpfulness” that Mr. C’s has in the communi- house in Haltom City while a second group tore
ty. It is an honor to have Mr. C’s as a friend of down two dilapidated sheds for Ms. Carol in
MCCC! Hurst and bundled them for disposal. The group
The M.A.R.I. Emerald Award recognizes a produced startling results for these two daunting
group that reveals hope and optimism for our tasks and did not let the howling winds and unsea-
Senior Neighbors. This year MCCC recognized sonably fridge temperatures throughout the day
Good Shepherd Catholic Community. dampen their spirit to serve. We look forward to
Good Shepherd is one of our sponsor churches continued outreach with Father Richard, Mark
with a long history of supporting our many pro- and all the wonderful parishioners of Good Shep-
grams from Adopt-A-Lawn to Holiday Baskets. herd who volunteer for Mid-Cities Care Corps.
Good Shepherd always says “YES”. This year their Mid-Cities Care Corps would like to thank St.
youth group said “YES” to participating in the Philip Presbyterian Church for providing MCCC
Founder’s Work Day. Thirty plus youth from with office space and use of the Oak Terrace to
Good Shepherd under the leadership of Mark honor our volunteers. Lunch was catered by Ti
Knox, Director of Student Life Ministry, tackled Amo Italian Restaurant in Hurst. We hope you
two major projects for our Senior Neighbors. will join us next year to Celebrate Volunteerism!


Volunteers Submitted by MCCC Volunteer, Harriet A.

10 Years As an artist and painting teacher I have learned that ob-

 Dan Weedon servation is very important to the composition of a painting.
My students are constantly being encouraged to use this
 Mary Christensen
power as they observe their surroundings each day.
 Barbara Hayes As volunteers this same power of observation comes into
 Chris Sims play as we assist our Senior Neighbors. Sometimes the need is
not even voiced by the person we are helping, but through
 Dan Acker
observation we may confirm or “feel” their need. Often the
5 Years challenge is “fixed” by a hug or additional conversation, but
 Jean Ricketts if we see that more is necessary there are other talented vol-
unteers who are ready to help. So don’t be afraid to call the
 Richard Czap
MCCC office and ask if there is someone who can help!!*
 John & Mary Stanley Volunteering is a Blessing!!
 Kimberly Wirt Harriet
 Sue Cada *Harriet stopped by our office after she
observed one of our Senior Neighbors
 Lillian Uzzell struggling to walk down an uneven
and sloping sidewalk. She wondered if
 Darrell & Melanie Reinke
there was anything MCCC could do to
 Bill Evans help. Our team responded within a
week and now Ms. Suzanne has a cus-
 Jim & Kay Lynn Newlon tomized ramp to help make a smooth
 Angela Myers transition to her driveway. Call us (817-
282-0531) if you ever observe a need.
 Wallace Gibbs We will try to help.
Mid-Cities Care Corps Page 3

Colleyville Woman’s Club

In Memory
Mid-Cities Care Corps is saddened by the
Awards Grant to MCCC
recent loss of two of our dearest volunteers, Mid-Cities Care Corps has received a generous grant
Betty Goodspeed and Claudine Wagner. Both from the Colleyville Woman’s Club. The Colleyville
of these outstanding ladies brought much joy Woman’s Club held their annual Circle of Hope Luncheon
to our Senior Neighbors and Volunteers with on May 15 at the Piazza in the Villages of Colleyville.
their sparkling personalities. The Colleyville Woman’s Club has been a consistent
Betty Goodspeed along with her husband and valued supporter of Mid-Cities Care Corps over the
Dick were our Volunteers of the Year in 2006. years. The Colleyville Women’s Club distributed
Betty was a dedicated driver for over 10 years.
$126,000 to 28 organizations selected from numerous
Her true calling was art. Betty’s watercolors
have brightened up many a room. She will be grant applications. Grants are made possible from the
missed by our Senior Neighbors, office staff Colleyville Women’s Club Fashion Show and Holiday
and all those who were blessed by her caring Home Tour. These events are fabulous!! Plan to attend!!
actions. If you know a member of the CWC, please extend a
Claudine Wagner was the voice of MCCC heartfelt “Thank you” on behalf of MCCC. The Circle of
on Thursdays for many years. Her husband, Hope Grant allows MCCC to continue the mission of
Merl, has served on the MCCC Board of Direc- “preserving the independence of Senior Neighbors in
tors. Claudine was a talented pianist and gar- Northeast Tarrant County.”
dener. When her health kept her from coming
to the office, she still brought joy by coordinat- KROGER CARD DONATION PROGRAM
ing the mailing of birthday cards to all of our The Kroger Neighbor To Neighbor Program donates a
volunteers. percentage of your purchase to MCCC but you must update
Our prayers are with Dick, Merl and their your Kroger Card annually. Please link MCCC to your
families. Kroger Card by taking the enclosed flyer with you when you
shop and have the cashier scan the barcode and your card.

MCCC Invited To Join JPS Leadership Council for Senior Citizens

JPS Health Network is the Tarrant County public hospital system that handled over 850,000 patient encoun-
ters last year. Mid-Cities Care Corps was invited to be a member of the JPS Leadership Council for Senior
Citizens formed in November 2008 by then Interim CEO Robert Earley. The objective of the Council is to en-
lighten JPS administrators on senior healthcare needs so to better serve the senior citizens in Tarrant County.
It would have been easy to ignore such leadership opportunities to advocate for our senior neighbors given a
busy schedule and perceptions of public health systems, but MCCC client transportation requests include drives
to the JPS main location in Fort Worth and the satellite locations in Bedford and Watauga. So as the MCCC Exec-
utive Director I was intrigued to learn more and agreed to serve on the leadership council.
My involvement has been enlightening! Robert Earley was recently named CEO, following a process that in-
cluded much media scrutiny about the current “state of affairs” of this public health care system! Robert’s com-
mitment to a patient-centric environment in every aspect of JPS service was evident from the first session. Also
impressive is the genuine commitment and energy of JPS staff to the same focus, revealed in our work sessions.
The task is daunting. In 2008, 46,834 people were enrolled in JPS Connection, the program that provides low-
cost medical care for poor and underinsured Tarrant County residents. In 2009 Connection enrollment increased
to 51,913. Demands from senior citizens are growing at JPS consistent with the growth in the senior population.
Are there issues? Yes, but the new leadership team is aggressively addressing them. Are improvements being
made? Yes, dramatic changes, see the Star-Telegram editorial July 12, 2009. Am I impressed? Yes, I would encour-
age readers to consider the opportunity to get a behind the scenes impression of JPS by visiting their website
(, Get Involved tab). It will certainly change ones perception of JPS in our community, as
participation on this Leadership Council has changed my perception. Look for an additional article about JPS and
services they offer seniors in the fall CONNECTION publication. Duane E. Buuck


When Mid-Cities Care Corps an- opportunities to volunteer. We have been able
nounced our Founder’s Work Day this spring, assist clients by providing volunteer and mis-
we intended for it to be a seasonal outreach sion opportunities for:
to spruce up clients’ yards. MCCC received
over sixty requests for help. We have been  The Crossroads Youth Choir from
steadily working through our work orders, First Baptist Church of Hurst
thanks to the help of many groups. After our  Youth Interns from Gateway Church
initial work days in March with Treetops
School, Compass Christian Church, and  North Texas Volunteer Center
Good Shepherd Catholic Community,
MCCC has continued to work with other It was exciting to be invited by the North
groups to complete the projects at hand. We Texas Volunteer Center to be one of three
would like to recognize Pathways Unitarian non-profits in Tarrant County to provide a
Church of Southlake who, through coordina- worksite for the inaugural 2009 North Texas
tion with their team leader Stan, have dedicat- Volunteer Challenge! MCCC had requested
ed several Saturdays to taking care of numer- and hoped for 20 volunteers for the July 11th
ous minor home repair projects on our list. workday. We were blessed with 30 volunteers
Handy Helpers, another team from First from throughout the Metroplex. Special thanks
Baptist Church of Hurst, has tackled several to the corporate teams from Aetna Insurance
projects, including a stubborn washing ma- and Alcon Laboratories who were teamed
chine drain that required multiple trips. up with MCCC and individual volunteers who
Thanks to these groups for making the signed up for the Challenge through NTVC
Founder’s Work Day a successful endeavor! ( It was particu-
Spring gave way to summer, and there larly exciting to have several families involved
was still more to do as client requests contin- in the workday. These families of adults,
ued to come in. We have been blessed to teens and young adults were a source of posi-
have MCCC volunteers step up to the plate as tive energy and encouragement to all!!
Team Leaders who work with larger groups The volunteers were “challenged” with
and provide on-site coordination. These lead- painting and scraping, trimming hedges and
ers had their own work day, putting the finish- bundling the clippings at Ms. Ione’s home in
ing touches of paint on Ms. Juanita’s house. Haltom City. The temperature reached above
The photo below shows that you are never to 100 degrees, but this amazing group of volun-
old to volunteer! James Driskell, father of one teers demonstrated their caring commitment
of our Team Leaders, turned out to help the through their sweat equity for the “Extreme
group complete the project. Makeover” at Ms. Ione’s residence!
Word is spreading. The MCCC office con- The work done for our Senior Neighbors
tinues to receive inquires from groups about has been transforming not only for the seniors
but those who volunteered their time and tal-
ents. As a result, this seasonal program has
evolved into a year-round outreach focused
“on preserving the independence of seniors in
N.E. Tarrant County.” The reward? The sim-
ple gratitude of the seniors expressed with a
“thank you” and hug!
Mid-Cities Care Corps Page 5

First Baptist Church of Hurst Gateway Church of Southlake


Painting Trimming

Sharing smiles with Ms. Ione Celebrating “a job well done”!!



Ms. Catherine had shared with her children, who are located throughout the country, how important
MCCC is to her by providing transportation to medical appointments. Recently diagnosed with glaucoma, Ms.
Catherine, a resident of Hurst, is unable to drive the distance and fight the heavy traffic on the freeways to
make the necessary appointments with a specialist in Grapevine. MCCC has been responsive to her trans-
portation requests.
Ms. Catherine’s son, John, who lives in Hollywood, Florida, was so impressed with the support and ser-
vices Mid-Cities Care Corps volunteers provided for his mother that he has started a similar outreach
through his church in Hollywood! During a Mother’s Day get-together with all her children in Arizona, her
son, John, was telling them about the outreach that he has started at St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Hol-
lywood. Though the outreach is small, the demand is growing, and many of his fellow church members have
stepped in to help.
Ms. Catherine shared this story during a recent MCCC ride. Since then our staff has been in contact with
John sharing our legacy of experiences at Mid-Cities Care Corps. It is exciting to know how MCCC volun-
teers touch senior neighbors in our community in a meaningful way. We regularly receive acknowledgements
from clients for the caring service received from MCCC volunteers. We just never imagined we would make
such a splash in HOLLYWOOD!


Some of you have received a “Save the Date” reminder in the mail. Others might be looking
at a packet that includes information on Sponsorships or Donations. For some this might be
the first time you have heard the term “Festival of Friends”. Planning for the Festival is
underway with a little over three months until the festive event. The Festival of Friends is
Mid-Cities Care Corps annual (and only) fundraiser. We rely on proceeds from this event to
support our mission “to preserve the independence of Senior Neighbors in Northeast Tarrant
There are many ways to help. The simplest is to buy a ticket and attend, enjoy a dinner, and
take part in the silent and live auctions. Invite a friend or two to join you. Perhaps you have a
connection to solicit donations for the silent auction? A personal connection to a local business
goes a lot farther than an impersonal letter when it comes to seeking a donation. Perhaps you
have a special talent or artistic flair and would like to donate an item. The final way would be
to become a sponsor. Sponsorships start at $250 and include tickets, reserved seats and
recognition in the program and on our website. Please call the office at 817-282-0531 for more
information about supporting the Festival of Friends. Please join in the celebration Nov. 5th.
Mid-Cities Care Corps Page 7

Johnny Bench, a 1989 inductee into the Baseball Hall Of Fame, was an entertaining speaker at a confer-
ence I recently attended. He was full of sage tidbits. One tidbit was “growing old is mandatory, growing up
is optional”. This tidbit was particularly poignant because of a philosophical discussion I was involved with
the same week. The discussion was about the three stages of life: learning, earning and returning and how
unfortunate it is that so many folks forget about the “returning” part until it is too late. As Johnny noted it is
optional in life to grow up and to give back!
One of the rewards from my vantage point at Mid-Cities Care Corps is the privilege to observe individu-
als, of all ages, who demonstrate a caring attitude and give back to the community through MCCC and our
mission “to preserve the independence of senior neighbors in N. E. Tarrant County”. This caring attitude is
captured in “The Power of Observation” written and submitted for this publication by Harriet, a MCCC vol-
unteer, who went the “extra mile” for Ms. Suzanne. Over 200 volunteers of all ages and from various groups
throughout the community (most of the volunteers new to MCCC) cared enough to give back through the
Founder’s Work Day program initiated this spring. These efforts are keeping us scrambling in a positive way
and have extended the intended Spring outreach to our senior neighbors into a year round program!!
Harriet nailed it “Volunteerism is a Blessing”!
Thanks to all the caring MCCC volunteers who “give back” to the community by volunteering through
MCCC. Please be an ambassador for MCCC. Share your rewarding experiences as a MCCC driver and/or
Helping Hands volunteer with friends and associates and encourage them to give this prescription for life a
try. The blessings from volunteerism are countless and a sure prescription to remain “young at heart” by
touching the hearts of seniors throughout our community!
Duane E. Buuck
Please express my appreci- I recently received a beautiful devotional from a Care Corps provided me
ation to your volunteers for volunteer that came from the Daily Word. I thought with a lovely well qualified
taking me to my Dr. office. it expressed MCCC ’s volunteers sentiments well. escort. She could not have
I have such bad eyesight been nicer. Thank you so
now that I am unable to “I believe that every act of kindness flows from
much and I will be calling
drive or even read my own the spirit of God within the people who are being
again. HB
handwriting. Thank you kind. The gentle touch of those who care about oth-
so much. DG ers and do something to help them get through a
time of challenge is something that helps make a
Brother Duane,
Friends, difference in the world.
I just want you to know
To all who so kindly helped Acts of kindness come in many forms: A
how very much I truly ap-
with the yard work and thoughtful deed, some tender attention and encour- preciate all the hard work
your organizations fellow- aging words are just a few acts of kindness that you went through to find
ship. You have been such a bless the person who is giving them and the person such a wonderful group of
blessing. I was in the hos- receiving them. young people that came
pital when you came and I listen to every whisper from God because my together and did such a
have been very sick. Every Creator is always revealing ways that I can bless wonderful job in the back-
little bit of help is appreci- yard. God will bless you in
people by being kind and compassionate, helpful and
ated. Thank you for the may ways. Thank you once
considerate. Life is so rewarding because I am kind
loving act of kindness. ZG again. CB
to my self and others.”
Hurst, TX 76053
Permit No. 9
U. S. Postage Paid 745 W. Pipeline Road
Non– Profit Organization Mid-Cites Care Corps



Dinner, Silent & Live Auction
Entertainment & Fellowship
November 5, 2009
St. Philip Presbyterian Church
745 W. Pipeline Road
Hurst, TX 76053

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