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Ajinomoto 11 Horrible Side

Effects (Pragnancy, Cancer, &

The main ingredient of Ajinomoto is MSG, which is used for enhancing the
flavor of food. In the past, it was used in Chinese food but it has shifted from
Chinese restaurants to our kitchen shelves.
Im going to introduce to the side effects of Ajinomoto that includes how it is
bad in pregnancy, and how it is linked to cancer and so on.
Lets start with the Introduction.
What is Ajinomoto

Ajinomoto is one of the crucial ingredients of many Chinese food items. It is

also known as
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG). An awful ingredient found in nearly all fast
food products is the monosodium glutamate (MSG).
This ingredient arrives under the label of Ajinomoto.
Ajinomoto is a Japanese company known as Ajinomoto Corporation, which
manufactures the Ajinomoto food enhancer. The main ingredient of Ajinomoto
is the Monosodium Glutamate often called MSG. This ingredient is more
and more found in numerous packed foods, It improves the taste of the food
MSG is low-priced and easily accessible in the marketplace. It improves the
flavor of food items for the reason that people like it.

What are the Side Effects of Ajinomoto

A study published in the Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism suggests, larger
ingestion of MSG leads to a greater risk of getting metabolic syndrome a
group of issues such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood sugar ,
and excess body fat.
Dr. Mercola suggests, MSG is a silent killer thats worse than
alcohol, nicotine, and drugs is likely lurking in your kitchen
cabinets and even your childs school cafeteria.
the FDA identifies MSG as generally recognized as safe, there happen to be
a wide range of reports of unfavorable side effects from MSG
consumption more than the years.
The side effects of Ajinomoto (MSG) is following-:

1) MSG Symptom Complex

According to Food and drug administration, MSG is safe when you consume in
ideal quantity. It suggests MSG has side effects in case you consume in
excessive amounts, which is originally known as the Chinese restaurant
syndrome, are better introduced as the MSG symptom complex.
MSG symptom complex includes burning sensations in the face and neck,
breathing problem, headache, nausea, vomiting, fast heartbeats and so on.
2) Ajinomoto for Pregnant Women

Is Ajinomoto Bad For Pregnant Women?

For the duration of pregnancy, pregnant women should be cautious about what
they consume, especially when the foods include additives like Ajinomoto.
During pregnancy, the body and the unborn child are more sensitive to food
Sterility in females has been linked with the ingestion of Ajinomoto.
According to, Too much MSG allows a way to free
glutamates in the body. It has an effect on the baby by breaking down the
placental barrier of food supply to the baby.
1. The malfunction of this barrier would imply the baby is uncovered to all
substance in the blood, that includes good as well as bad, in the same
ratio as pregnant women.
2. This might not be healthful for the baby because the immune system of the
baby is unable to combat any external allergens and illness triggering germs.
3. The free glutamates can also get to the brain neurons and induce them.
Neesha Bukht Choksy, who is a nutrition consultant suggests, Increased
quantities of sodium in your diet can lead to water retention and high blood
pressure while pregnant.
Ajinomoto can make food tasty but When you have any kind of hesitation
about the use of Ajinomoto (MSG), it is best to avoid it and stay on the safe
side for the health of an unborn baby.
3) Headaches (Migraine Trigger)
A headache is a typical side effect of MSG, you usually find it. Continue
consumption of Ajinomoto can cause a gentle headache to transform into a
migraine, and it can be critical.
A migraine headache includes intense pain, which commonly happens with
different symptoms, which includes vision changes, sensitivity to sound or light,
or nausea.
4) MSG is Bad for Heart
The side effect of MSG also has an effect on your heart. Ingestion of
Ajinomoto contributes to abnormal heartbeats, chest pains, and cardiac
muscles arrest.
5) Ajinomoto Effects on Nerves
Repetitive consumption of MSG also has an effect on Nerves. Ingestion of
Ajinomoto can lead to problems such as numbness, tingling or burning
sensations in the face and neck.
MSG is a neurotransmitter, which induces the nerves and misbalances the
neurotransmitters. Neurodegenerative disorders including Alzheimers,
Huntingtons, Parkinsons and multiple sclerosis has a connection with
6) Asthma Issues
the FASEB report (1995) came to the conclusion that MSG may cause asthma
problems in a minor subset of people with asthma who are sensitive to the
food additive.
This finding was determined by 2 previous research of MSG ingestion in people
with asthma.

However, the FASEB writers noted a number of deficiencies in the research

methods. Following studies have not proved this connection.
Clinical and Experimental Allergy review determined that the presence of
MSG-induced asthma is not conclusively founded, and more research is
required to identify a feasible connection among MSG and asthma.
7) Weight Gain
Researchers discovered that consumption of more MSG is more probable to
cause overweight or obesity in people. The relation among high MSG intake
and obesity placed even after accounting for the total number of calories people

Ka He, who is a nutrition expert at the University of North

Carolina, Chapel Hill, who led the study, said that although the
risk of weight gain attributable to MSG was modest, the
implications for public health are substantial. Everybody eats
it, He told Reuters Health. [Source: Reuters]

Numerous studies indicate that higher intake of MSG may cause leptin
resistance. Leptin present in your body delivers indication to the brain to stop
eating. As a result, it regulates appetite.

With regards to leptin resistance, leptin is not capable of giving the indication to
your brain, and you cant decide when to stop consuming. It may cause
overeating as well as positive energy balance.
Therefore, More research is required to find the amount of MSG consumption
that will not trigger weight gain in people.
8) Hypertension
According to SFGate, MSG contains about one-third of the sodium found in
table salt.
One research demonstrated that MSG has an effect of increasing the blood
pressure. It noticed that MSG consumption was connected to boost the blood
pressure (mainly in women). At the same time, a bigger connection was
observed between consumption of MSG and boost in the blood pressure in
people who were on antihypertensive medications.
However, numerous research was unable to display the connection between
MSG intake and high blood pressure.

9) Sleep-Disordered Breathing

Sleep disordered breathing itself tell that it is the sleep-related breathing

Research that executed in Chinese people demonstrated that who consumed
an MSG or Ajinomoto including food experienced sleep pattern and
snoring problems. These people were at increased risk of building SDB
(sleeping disordered breathing).
According to research, consumption of MSG may increase the risk of snoring
and sleep-disordered breathing.
10) Sleeplessness
MSG is a nervous stimulant that stimulates the brain cells or neurons, which
causes you to awake at night and triggers insomnia.

11) Ajinomoto and Cancer

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The Second-
leading reason of death among Americans is Cancer.
The author of Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, who is Dr. Russel
Blaylock, claims that excessive ingestion of glutamate enhances cancer
development, and he also highlights the demand for well-investigated studies
into this section.
Despite the fact that the safety of MSG is the topic of discussion more than the
years. The relation among MSG and cancer is determined by anecdotal proof
that does not deliver scientific evidence, the American Institute for Cancer
Research suggests.

There is the lack of evidence that supports MSG has cancer-triggering

capabilities, or consumption of Ajinomoto can raise the chances of cancer.
Without any doubt, When you come across that you are sensitive to MSG, It is
good to avoid it by checking product labels.
All the side effects of Ajinomoto (MSG) indicates that we should avoid and
reduce the consumption of food products that includes Monosodium
Glutamate. In general, research on MSG is not final in both direction, and this
may have an effect on every person in different ways, but the normal lean is
being bad when it comes to MSG
What do you think Ajinomoto is a flavor enhancer or silent killer??

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