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Excel Formulas

Sr No. How to use Formula

1 To know real time Ctrl+shift+:; 6:39 PM
2 To know real Todays date Ctrl+:; 2/19/2017
3 To know formula used different varaince Ctrl+~
AIT+5 Refresh pivot table
4 Combine or Split the text Err:511 jinesh dedhia
jinesh dedhia
5 Upper , Lower ,First Letter Upper(proper) upper() JINESH DEDHIA
Lower() jinesh dedhia
Proper() Jinesh Dedhia

Will get to know the formula

This is used to combined 2 Text in different cell jinesh dedhia

This is used to combined 2 Text in different cell
This is used to combined 2 Text in different cell
Jinesh Dedhia
Jinesh Dedhia
jinesh dedhia

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