Lo4 Sam

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A Block

Sam Ehret-Pickett LO2 Feedback. 23/11/17

Current Grade for LO2: Pass

The current grade is calculated on the work that is present on your blog. You may have missing
items, or vastly incomplete sections of work. Please improve this. If you require help with any of
this work, or need to show me work before re-submitting to check the quality, please do so.

Remember, the highest grade you can achieve on this learning outcome is a Merit Grade, even
if you have achieved this, if there are any minor corrections or additions, can you please
ensure these are made.

Please ensure all of the work is uploaded on the blog.

Remember Dont overwrite the blog posts, make new blog posts that are clearly labelled with
the words Re-Submission.

Can you please re-order and label your blog posts and pages correctly.

LO2 Part A. Initial Ideas

Note: This work is technically for LO3 (as it is in the LO3 criteria) However, you cannot do the
subsequent work without this document. Hence why it has been moved.

Some good work here, these show some realistic ideas for the advertisement campaign although
you would benefit from more depth, expand on some elements such as mise en scene, sound
(diegetic and non diegetic).

LO2 Part B. Treatment Proposal

Some good work here. Please also add in some detail on the other elements of the campaign you
would develop (print adverts etc).

LO2 Part C. Campaign Schedule

Good work here. Consider publications and tv channels / social media the audience would use.
Maybe add this in as a way of expanding the campaign.

The resubmission deadline is: 13/12/17

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