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NAME ____________________________

DATE _____________________________
CLASS ____________________________

Rewrite the sentences starting with if.

1 .She didnt have the money so she didnt buy the house. Fill in the gaps with the right form of the given verbs.
__________________________________________________ 1. If he ____________________( stop) taking drugs, he
2. He ate too much so he suffered from obesity. ______________( not suffer) from drug addiction.
__________________________________________________ 2. I __________________________(buy) a Ferrari if I
3. She didnt see him so she didnt talk to him. _____________(have) millions of dollars.
__________________________________________________ 3. My teacher _________________(be) very angry if I
4. Mary didnt study. She didnt pass the exam. _____________(not do) my homework.
__________________________________________________ 4. I ______________________(go) to the concert if I
5. She didnt read the newspaper. She didnt see the _________________(buy) a ticket.
advertisement. 5. If I ______________________(not live) in Portugal, I
_________________________________________________ _______________( not learn) Portuguese.
6. You didnt take your umbrella so you got very wet. 6. If you _____________________( miss) the bus,
_________________________________________________ you _________________( not arrive) on time.
7. He arrived late. He didnt play in the party. 7. If they _____________(read) the instructions, they
_________________________________________________ ________________(spoil) the machine.
8. Peter treated his wife badly because he didnt love her. 8. If the sun___________________(shine),
_________________________________________________ we__________________(go) to the beach.
9. He swam in the pool for two hours. He felt tired. 9. If you _______________( pay) the bill, they
_________________________________________________ ____________________( not call) the police.
10. They didnt apply for the job. They werent interviewed. 10. My boyfriend _________________(phone) me if he
_________________________________________________ ___________ (miss) me.
11. If she __________________________(not work)
she________________ ( not earn) enough money.
12. If I ______________________(win) the lottery,
I _____________ (travel) around the world.
13. He _________________(be) happier if his
Matching: parents ___________________(give) him a horse.
14.She _______________________(not feel) miserable
1. Your parents would have been very pleased
if she____________________(see) George Clooney.
2. If I had won the lottery,
3. They would have bought a big house 15. If I _________________________( visit) you, I
4. I would have gone out ________________(give) you a bunch of roses.
5. If you had learnt English,
6. If I had been ill,

a. if I had finished the History project.

b. if they had received the inheritance.
c. I would have gone to the doctors.
d. if you had been promoted.
e. I would have flown to Japan.
f. you wouldnt have needed an interpreter .


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