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XYZ Company Pvt Ltd XYZ-MR-MOM

Minutes of Management Review

Sl No Points Discussed Action Plan Responsibility Target Date

1. Follow up of pending points of previous Management Review.

This is the first Management Review Nil Dept Heads Next review
meeting being conducted after Period
implementation of ISO 9001:2015

2. Changes in External & Internal Issues which affect the QMS.

External Issues
a) BESCOM Power Problems. The Management has considered the Management Dec-2016
b) Non-Payment of bills from external issues which are affecting the
customers. performance of QMS.
c) Market competition. a) The power situation may
improve in the coming
months. The management has
plans to provide D.G.Backup.
b) It has been decided to follow-
up with all customers for
c) To overcome market
competition, the Management
has decided to closely monitor
the performance with each
Internal Issues
a) Training needs. The management has reviewed all the Dept Heads. Next Review
b) Manpower requirements. internal issued identified and has Period.
c) Availability of Raw Material. requested the process owners to come
d) Payments to be made to out with action plan by next review
suppliers. period.
The Management has reviewed the
action taken for all the internal issues
discussed in the previous Management
Review and is satisfied with the same.
3. Performance & Effectiveness of QMS.
The QMS was implemented on 1-04- Management Next Review
2016 and the performance of the QMS period
will be reviewed next year. The QMS
system implemented is found to be
XYZ Company Pvt Ltd XYZ-MR-MOM
Minutes of Management Review

Sl No Points Discussed Action Plan Responsibility Target Date

4. Customer Satisfaction
The customer feedback for the review Management has reviewed the customer Dept Heads Next Review
period JAN-2016 to APR-2016 is obtained feedback from all customers and has period
for all customers in the formats LEW- informed all departments to work towards
MKT-CSQ. The same has been reviewed the enhancement of customer
and analysed. satisfaction. The same will be monitored
for next review period
5. Feedback from relevant interested parties
Currently the employees, customer and The Management has reviewed the Oct-2016
suppliers are our interested parties. feedback from all interested parties. The
The feedback is obtained through Quality following action plan is proposed.
objectives, Customer satisfaction survey a) Improve the performance of all
and supplier performance evaluation. suppliers whose performance is
below 80%
b) Provide training to employees
c) Implement Continual
Improvement Projects for
6. Quality Objectives
The detailed analysis of quality objectives The Management has reviewed the Production Next Review
is evident in format LEW-MR-QOM. quality objectives w.r.t targets. The action Incharge Period
plan is as below.

a) To improve delivery performance for

next review period.
b) To monitor supplier performance
closely for next 3 months.
c) The CIP is undertaken to reduce the
7. Process Performance & Product Conformity.
The targets and actual results of each The Management has reviewed the Dept Heads Next Review
process is presented in the trend charts performance of each process and has Period.
for each department. instructed all process owners to work
towards achievement of targets and
maintain the same.

8. Non-conformities & Corrective Actions.

There are no non-conforming products Management has requested all the dept Quality Dept Sep-2016
for the last review period. heads to maintain the same for the next
review period.
The trend for NC Products has been
presented in the trend graph. Management has reviewed the trend of
NC products and has requested the
process owners to come out with action
plan for the same.

Management has reviewed the action

XYZ Company Pvt Ltd XYZ-MR-MOM
Minutes of Management Review

plan for all NCs observed in the previous

review period and the corrective action
taken is found to be effective.
XYZ Company Pvt Ltd XYZ-MR-MOM
Minutes of Management Review

9. Monitoring & Measurement Results.

The QMS Processed were monitored as The Management has reviewed all the Dept Heads Next review
per the dept objectives and the results results of dept objectives and has Period
are presented during the MRM requested the dept heads to evolve an
action plan for the same.

10. Audit Results.

Internal audit was carried out on dd- Management has reviewed the action Dept Heads Next review
mm-yyyy and there were 4 OFI and 2 plan to close all the NCs Period
The CA taken for the closure of all the
NCs are found to be effective.

11. Performance of External Providers.

The performance of external providers Management has reviewed the Quality / Next Review
like our suppliers and outsourced service performance of all external providers Purchase Dept Period
providers are presented in the excel file. and has requested the quality and
purchase departments to work towards
the improvement of the same
XYZ Company Pvt Ltd XYZ-MR-MOM
Minutes of Management Review

Sl No Points Discussed Action Plan Responsibility Target Date

12. Adequacy of Resources.

The details of utilization of resources are Management has reviewed the Management Sep -2016
presented to management for review. utilization of man power and it has been
decided to continue the same for next
review period.

Management has decided to add 2

operators and 1 quality inspector for
next review period.
13. Effectiveness of action taken on Risks & Opportunities.
The risks that occurred in last review The Management has reviewed the risks Management Next review
period and opportunities that were lost and opportunities that came up during Period.
were presented to top management the last review period. The management
will study the same and come up with an
action plan separately by next review

14. Opportunity for Improvements.

The dept heads informed the Nil Dept Heads. Next review
management that they are working on period
continual improvement projects and will
come out with an action plan shortly

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