Informative Speech ELC590

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A very good morning to my lecturer Madam Christine and my fellow friends.

Today I would like to

grab your attention to share a topic that I think would blow your mind which is Cybercrime in India. Surely
you guys are wondering why in India? The reason Ive picked India is because it has been stated by the
news that Indian cybercrime has soars 350% in 3 years. To start of my speech, I would like to ask all of
you, what is cybercrime? Cybercrime is defined as a crime in which a computer is the object of the crime
such as hacking, phishing, spamming or is used as a tool to commit an offense including child pornography
and social abuse. As I continue it would like share a little fact on cybercrime. According to the Interpol,
cybercrime is rated as a fast-growing area of crime. More and more criminals are exploiting the speed,
convenience and anonymity of the Internet to commit a diverse range of criminal activities that know no
borders, either physical or virtual, cause serious harm and pose very real threats to victims worldwide.
The increase of crime rates cases worldwide contributed to a lot of negative effects to government, society
and individual.

May I point your attention on the graph, there is a sharp increase of spam attacks from the year 2012 to
2014. The highest rate of attack that was reported was spam attack which was in 2014 with 85,659
reports. Also, according to the graph there was a gradual increase of cyber security incidents reported
from 2011 to 2015 which then drastically decline from 49,455 to 14,363 reports. From my point of view,
this contribute to negative effect such as increase in information theft. Criminals can trawl the web or
other public databases for information about someone's date of birth, social security number and
address and then use that to apply for credit cards and run up huge bills. In 2013, a Bengaluru-based IT
company came to know that information related to around 1,000 of its employees had been stolen. As
for the website hacking it is showed that in the graph it steadily increases from 21,700 of report in 2011
to 32,323 reports in 2014 which then resulted to a downswing in 2016 with a number of 8,056 report.
Considering to the reports, I can conclude that this has effect greatly on the loss in revenue for the
government and companies. This is due to the hackers tends to hack government and bank website.
There are reported a lot of cases whereby fraudster mimic official email account of company to convince
customers and bankers. According to a report commissioned by the Delhi High Court, cybercrimes has
cost India $4 billion in 2013.

Next, were going to look on the next slide where Ill present a chart of cybercrime arrests by age
group in 2013. This chart breaks down to the number of cybercrime arrest by age group in 2013 with a
range from 0 years old to 60 years and above. The highest percentages of cybercrime arrest fall on the
range between 18-30 years old group which was with 11,638 arrest out of 3,301 in total. At this range of
age they may be influenced by friends from social media to commit cybercrime. The next highest
percentage of cybercrime is followed by the range age of 30-45 with a number of 1,325 arrests. From my
point of view, at this range of age they abuse social media information to exploit for their own interest or
just to have fun. There are a lot of cases whereby government site was attacked with virus and no
information were stolen. This can give a bad influence to a younger generation whereby they would find
that hacking information to be a dream job and would affect the millennial generation to be at its worst.
The lowest number of arrest falls on the age range of 60 and above which was 18 number of arrests.

In conclusion, the negative effect of cybercrimes are increase in information theft, loss in revenue
for the government and companies, and millennial generation to be at its worst. One recommendation
that can be made is that the government to develop a more powerful and secure antivirus to eradicate
the risk of cybercrime attack.

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