4000 Classroom Management Plan 1

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Classroom Management Plan

I. Philosophy of Classroom Management

I believe the teacher has the primary responsibility for influencing student behavior. The goal for

classroom management is to have less redirecting in order to maximize student learning.

Classroom management impacts instruction because the less you have to redirect students the

more instruction time a teacher has to implement lessons and the more students have the

opportunity to work together. The connections I can make with the NIET Best Practice Rubrics

is The way I view time spent on management issues and problems is how it can waste my time

as well as take time from other students. Based on the management system I set, I would like for

students to be able to relate with each other in being respectful of the system and not contribute if

one of their peers is not respectful of the system. Legal and Ethical issues to consider when

managing my classroom is

II. Classroom Expectations/ Rules

My classroom expectations/rules regarding behavior is pretty standard; stay on task and follow

directions; respect self, everyone else and classroom (this has a range of expectations such as:

listen to teacher and peers, wait your turn to talk, raise your hand, keep hands feet and objects to

self, clean up after yourself, take care of supplies/manipulatives); do your best; be honest; the

Golden Rule; be responsible (come to class on time and ready to learn, turn in assignments in a

timely manner, have supplies ready). It is important to set these classroom expectations at the

beginning of the school year, make sure they are consistent, and referred to occasionally

especially during misbehavior. Depending on the grade level will determine how the

expectations are taught. For lower grade level its important that the expectations are written in a

kid friendly way so that they can understand. Perhaps having the expectations written and

pictures that represent each would help the lower grade level students. At this grade level, the

expectations should be referred to frequently since it is so easy for them to forget the

expectations. It may be beneficial to review these expectations daily at the beginning of class and

after recess until they become more familiar with the expectations. As far as upper grade levels,

students are already familiar with expectations and have been taught if not the same almost the

same expectations year after year. Since they are older they tend to see how far they are able to

get with teachers and which expectations they are able to break. So it is crucial that these

expectations be consistent and followed through with a consequence shall a student decide to

break any expectation. With this being said, a consequence for each expectation/ rule broken

should be developed. The consequence type should be appropriate based on the expectation/ rule

that is broken. Sometimes as teachers, its easy to have a consequence that fits all types of rules

broken, therefore, we should hold ourselves accountable for making proper judgements on the

type of consequence given. Even though these upper grade level students are familiar with

expectations/ rules, they still need reminders, so its important to occasionally refer to them,

twice a week depending on the type of students I have should be good. Its a good idea to

develop a social contract giving the students an opportunity to say how they think the classroom

environment should be. This way students are basically coming up with expectations to abide by.

III. Classroom Procedures

At the beginning of class students will come in and put their stuff up, turn in their homework in

the homework basket, turn in their take home folder in a different basket, depending on the

subject we normally begin with will determine the supplies they are supposed to gather and

sharpen any pencils at that time. My helpers will pass out morning work that students will work

on. The morning work will be in a designated spot so that the helpers always know where its at.

There will always be two helpers for the week so if one of the helpers isnt there, theres another

one. Normally theres a time to submit roll check so depending on that is when I will turn it in.

After assignments are completed there will be a turnover time for distributing graded work

between 1-2 days. Those assignments could be homework or assignments that are not multiple

choice and require written responses. There may be times where I would have students grade

their assignment right after finishing it. These assignments could be multiple choice or group

activities. I will create daily folders that include extra copies of assignments for the day and they

will be accessible for students who have missed work or have been absent. These folders will be

for upper grade level students (4-5) and it will be their responsibility in getting those assignments

from the designated spot. For lower grade level students, I will create absent dividers/folders and

place work for students who have missed an assignment or was absent. For both grade levels I

will set time to go over the work missed. We will have routine bathroom breaks and students will

be required to go then in order to eliminate bathroom breaks during class. If students are having

an emergency bathroom request students will be allowed to go, however, if its not an emergency

and student decided not to go during our routine bathroom break, then student will not be able to

go. They will have to wait until instruction is done and they have started on their activity/

assignment. If students are requesting to go to the nurse and I dont notice any physical proof

such as a headache, then I would just have them get some water and I would just continue

monitoring them. I will only send students to the nurse if I notice something is truly wrong with

them of if they continue saying something hurts or bothers them. Class helpers would only be the

ones to run errands and it will be done during an appropriate time. In order for assignments and

announcements to be communicated to students, they will have an agenda to make note. Helpers

will pass out any flyers needed. The assignments and any announcements will be written on the

board for students to copy and will have a designated spot for it. So for example, if there was

reading homework the assignment would be written on board under Reading block. When

transitioning from assigned seats to special activities within the classroom, its important that this

is done in an organized fashion otherwise students will make this an opportunity to get out of

hand. So what I have noticed works is calling on tables or students who are quiet. By doing this,

Im setting an example for the students who arent doing what theyre supposed to be doing and

they know they need to be quiet so they can get called on. Before the transition, students need to

know the expectations for when they move so as they move they know exactly what they should

be doing.

IV Discussion of Appropriate Behavior

Appropriate behavior in the classroom is behavior that will not distract anyone in the classroom

and behavior that will not affect anyone from learning. Additionally, appropriate behavior is

behavior that complies with expectations/rules set forth. Rewarding systems that I have seen and

proven to be effective are setting up a classroom store in which students can earn money for

good behavior and at the end of the month or week (for lower grade levels) theyre able to buy

things such as candy, stickers, pencils, erasers or they can buy pet time, chew gum in class,

homework pass, lunch with the teacher and etc. Having this store setup is a great rewarding

system and continues to encourage students to do good. This system will be discussed with

students at the beginning of the year. Students are constantly reminded about their behavior

whenever they see someone get their money taken up or even when money is being passed out to

good students, because as easily as it can be earned, it can be taken up just as easy. This system

should also be communicated as the end of the month gets closer, by letting students know the

store will be opening soon.

V. Discussion of Inappropriate Behavior

My goals for dealing with inappropriate behavior depend on how inappropriate the behavior is

and to take care of the issue ASAP with minimal disruption. I consider three levels to

inappropriate behavior. So an example of level one would be a student/s talking when a theyre

not supposed to and dealing with this could be as simple as a reminder not to talk while the

teacher or their peer is talking, if its several students in the class talking when they shouldnt

then table points will be deducted and can result in loosing time off recess or specials provided

that there was a warning. An example of level two would be off task not completing work and

this could result in Dojoing parents and having to complete work during recess or specials. If

the students parents dont have Dojo then I would talk to them after school or send a note home

that requires parent signature. Level three would have to be something very inappropriate that

could include fighting in which the students would be sent to the office and parent conference.

The impact on individual student factors I have on how I handle misbehavior varies because

some students are okay with a warning and thats all they need, other students will try and see

how far they can get before getting in trouble and thats where the levels of inappropriate

behavior come in and how they are handled. For the students who do not respond to the

established classroom management system I have, will vary depending on what they do. Again,

this is where the levels of inappropriate behavior and the consequences come in. Alternative

strategies depend of the student. If I notice a pattern of inappropriate behavior and the

consequences I implement arent working, then an alternative strategy could be putting the

student on a behavior plan where I assign goals that the students needs to meet daily in order to

get a sticker and at the end of the week if that student meets his/her goals then theyll receive an

incentive which could be classroom money or any other inventive I have for students.

VI The Monitoring/ Documentation System

The system I plan on implementing in order for me to monitor their behavior is using a behavior

color chart system; Blue (excellent effort), Green (ready to learn), Yellow (make better choices),

Orange (teachers choice which would be taking away recess or specials), and finally Red

(parent contact). This will be a way to monitor behavior in the classroom, students will be

required to take their behavior fold home in which will show they color they got for that day and

require parent signature. This system works for the lower elementary students. For the higher

grades, I would start students off with a green sticky note that will be placed on their desk.

Depending on their behavior it could either stay on green or move to yellow for (make better

choices) or red (parent contact/ detention), however, if they get on yellow or red they have the

opportunity to get it back to green before the day is up. I think having this where the students can

see it at all times will motivate them to stay on green. They will take their folder home with their

behavior recorded in it. This system will be used daily. I will document the type of behavior they

had, and I will include any notes such as really good behavior or inappropriate behavior.

VII Involving Families

I will have a parent conference and discuss inappropriate behavior as well as have any records of

the type of behavior such as a copy of the behavior chart they take home daily or even a record

of moving the students seat. I will present parents with an action plan in order to help the student

improve. The students will take home their behavior folder daily and get it signed every day.

Each week students will take home graded work that has been done during the week. If their

grades werent good, then parents will be required to sign in their agenda that they saw the work.

The purpose is that students will do better for those who are rushing through assignments and not

turning in quality work. This will be an opportunity for me to encourage tutoring based on if the

student is doing their best, but not doing well.

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I would like to take the time and inform you of our classroom expectations. My expectations

regarding behavior is pretty standard; stay on task and follow directions; respect self, everyone

else and classroom; do your best; be honest; maintain the Golden Rule; and be responsible. If

students choose not to follow these expectations, then consequences will be enforced. Students

will take home a daily behavior folder that entails their behavior for each day, please sign or

initial daily so that Im aware you have seen it. I will include any notes regarding inappropriate

behavior in hopes that itll be addressed at home. I do like to leave positive notes if students did

an outstanding job, so look out for those . I also use a system called Dojo in which parents

can keep in touch with each other as well as with me. This system is a way that I can quickly get

in touch with parents letting you know if your child is having a not so good day or if theyre

having a great day. Please encourage your child to have a good day as Dojo points can be

accumulated for an incentive. Graded work will go home weekly, this will be an opportunity to

see how hard your child is working and how much theyre growing. Please go over these

assignments with your child and ensure they are doing their absolute best. If you have any

questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to a great year with your child.


Behavior color system:

Agenda with homework:



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