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Today, this task of introducing our guest of h o n o r a n d s p e a k e r i s a g r e a t

p r i v i l e g e . I k n o w t hi s i s a di f f i cu l t o n e b ut t h e th o ug ht th a t s he
is a w o m a n o f p a s s i o n a n d d e t e r m i n a t i o n o f h a r d w o r k a n d
perseverance, an inspiration tom all of us, especially to the
w o m e n . I f e e l e l a t e d t o introduce her to everyone today.
Our guest speaker is currently the Program Head of BSIT at DWCB and is
intensely spearheading vibrant changes and setting of new goals and
targets for the improvement and success of the department.
She gained her basic knowledge and skills at Angeles University of
Pampanga, St. Paul College of Ilocos Sur for her high school and college
education and Divine Word College of Bangued for her Bachelor of Science
in Information Technology. She further advanced her studies at
University of the Cordilleras with her Masters in Information Technology.
Our guest speaker is commonly tagged by many as small but terrible.
Why? It is because her height does not reflect how far she could reach
because she just soar high. She has set goals and aspirations and is
steadily and patiently working on to achieve all of these.
As a single parent of 3 children, I can say that she is a super woman. Why?
It is because she single handedly raised her children, working day and
night just to provide for their basic needs. Her experiences with her
battles in life, has molded her into a strong and determined woman,
motivated and inspired to move forward and ready to accept and face the
challenges that life offers.
From a simple and nave persona, she has transformed into a flourishing
and resonant individual. With all the battles she survived and won, I can
say that she now an empowered woman. At this stage of her life and
career, she continues to dream on and pushes to improve and polish her
craft by taking on opportunities for knowledge advancement and
acquisition of new skills and competencies that she could share and
impart to all her students.
Ladies and gentlemen, join me in welcoming a great and amazing woman,

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