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Harmony & Counterpoint - Species Rules and Recommendations

First, Second and Third Species Rules

All strong beats must be consonant
Perfect intervals must be approached by contrary or oblique motion (not similar or consecutive
Repetition of the same perfect interval is not permitted (i.e. consecutive octaves and 5ths)
Avoid sequential repetitions where the sequence involves both voices. (Two or more notes)
Dissonance must be approached and quit by step
Repeated notes are forbidden in the added part
You can begin with a minim rest but the first note must form a perfect consonance with the CF
Start and end with unison to CF
Crotchets 1 and 3 must be consonant.
Crotchets 2 and 4 may be dissonant but only if they are passing notes (PN) or lower neighbour
notes (LNN).
Less than 25% of your added part should move by leap.
Avoid direct repetition of the same LNN.
Do not change direction more than three times in the space of six crotchets.

First Species Recommendations

Aim to have a mixture of imperfect and perfect intervals (or mostly imperfect)
avoid having more than three consecutive perfect intervals in a row
Avoid having both parts skipping (in either direction) at the same time, except when one part
leaps a third (preferably in contrary motion)
Change direction after a large skip (fifth or more) and move by step; in general,try to come
back within a leap

Second Species Recommendations

Unisons on strong beats should only be used at the start, end and on weak beats
The same vertical interval should not be used in more than four successive semibreve beats.
The rule from first species regarding not having more than two (and definitely three) perfect
intervals in a row still applies, although now it applies to minims.

Third Species Recommendations

Do not leap up to crotchets 2 or 4, and do not leap down to crotchets 1 and 3
Avoid having a temporary melodic climax on a weak crotchet
Unisons are possible on crotchets 2, 3 and 4
Leaps of a fourth or more are to be used rarely
Avoid overusing the same vertical interval
Avoid having consecutive octaves or fifths on successive strong beats
Fourth Species Rules
Consonant minims 1 or 3 are prepared by consonant minims 2 or 4; resolution reverts to
second species (i.e. may be consonant; or may be dissonant but only as a passing note)
Dissonant minims 1 or 3 are also prepared by consonant minims 2 or 4; resolution involves
falling by step to an imperfect consonance.
Do not suspend a diminished fifth
Introduce second species to avoid an extended chain of suspensions
The cadential suspension may only be 7-6 above or 2-3 below the CF
Use idiomatic suspensions at cadence points only

Fourth Species Recommendations

Have more dissonant suspensions than consonant suspension or second species.
Unisons are possible on minims 1 and 3 (but only in fourth species)

Fifth Species Rules

When a consonant minim on a strong beat (whether sounded or tied from the previous beat) is
followed by two stepwise descending crotchets, the first of these crotchets may be dissonant
When two crotchets on a strong beat are followed by a minim, that minim must be consonant
A dotted semibreve can only be placed on a strong beat
The dotted minim can only be used on a minim beat, and it must be consonant (Never tie a
shorter note value to a longer one)
Never tie from a weak crotchet
Only use note values that you can express with a dot
Quavers may be used in pairs on the weak crotchet beats (2+4) but only as passing notes or
lower neighbour notes

Fifth Species Recommendations - Rhythm

Avoid repeating rhythmic patterns
Avoid changing note values on a strong beat
First species should only be used at the start of your added part
You should begin with larger note values and move gradually to shorter ones (i.e. start slow
and build up the speed)
Use no more than 14 crotchets, or 7 minims, or 3 syncopated semibreves in a row. This is to
keep the rhythmic interest alive
The pair of quavers should only be used rarely, in particular as part of a decorated cadential
If you use a dissonant suspension, the resolution should last for at least a minim.

Fifth Species Recommendations - Melody

Your added part should span the modal octave every 68 notes of the CF (Dorian excerpt)
You should avoid patterns where rhythm and melody are the same
You should not use crotchets or quavers to break up consecutive / parallel perfect intervals

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