Interview Questions For Nurses

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Tell me about yourself

I am a fast learner and a responsible person. People tend to trust me easily. I am very good at
communicating with both medical personnel and patients. I worked in the medical field for 8
years. I know the importance of patient care. I've successfully faced [] 160 cases of cardio-
pulmonary arrest and [..] vehicle extrication. I always try to improve and learn new techniques
in emergency care from other doctors.
2. Why do you want to work here?
I want to improve my skills and learn from the best. [...]
3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself as a high performing nurse. I will train new staff, mentor the junior nurses. My
trademark will be a very good reputation in this field and recognition from my peers.
4. If we hire you, what will you bring to our facility?
Highlights to your job and how it would be applicable to this [..]
5. How do you handle stress?
I am very good at working under stressful situations. I can keep my calm and take logic
decisions. To relax, I listen to classical music in my free time. I also like to practice sports like
running, swimming, jiu-jitsu.
6. What do you know about the patient population at our hospital?
Check website and look at technology, research
7. Why are you leaving your current job?
I want to follow my dream. I always wanted to come to Great Britain and I think this is a great
opportunity. [about royal monarchy, prince Charles in Romania joke]
8. How have you handled failure?
I try to learn with each opportunity. I learn from other people's mistakes and from my own.
9. What did you like and dislike about your previous/current job?
I do not like it when people bring negative drama to work. I think it brings down the team, so I
try to help them overcome the moment. I try to lead by example, so I leave everything at the
door when I come to work and dedicate myself to the cases.
I like my boss, my co-workers. We work well together as a team. In this field, teamwork is very
important. A good and efficient team can handle the case better and faster.
10. Do you have any questions for me?
What will be the schedule ?
How long is your orientation period?
What do you typically offer for new staff?
11. Why do you want to work in this industry?
I love working as a nurse. My interest in this field started when I volunteered at [] Seeing so
many people that needed help, inspired me to choose a job where I can care for others. It is
amazing to be able to save lives and bring a positive contribution to society.
12. What do you think of your previous boss?
I learned from him/her the importance of time management. He/she is a very deadline-driven
person. This pushed me to work harder and manage my case work more efficiently
13. imobilizeaza fracturi, descarcerare, manevre de prim ajutor
Immobilize Fractures:
First Aid: Broken Bones
A broken bone, or a fracture, can occur during an athletic competition, accident, or some kind of
trauma. Broken bones are usually not life threatening, but they do require immediate medical care.
Signs of a broken bone include one or more of the following:
intense pain at the site of the injury that worsens with movement
swelling, numbness, or bluish color of the injured area
deformity of the limb or joint if the injury occurred in the arm or leg
bone protruding through the skin
heavy bleeding at the injury site
First Aid Care
If the person is unconscious and/or not breathing or moving, call 911 for medical help and begin CPR.
Stop any bleeding. Apply pressure to the wound with a sterile bandage, a clean cloth, or a clean piece
of clothing.
While waiting for medical care, give first aid treatment for shock if the victim has symptoms such as
dizziness, weakness, pale and clammy skin, shortness of breath, and increased heart rate. The person
should lie quietly with the feet elevated about 12 inches. Cover him or her with a blanket to maintain
body warmth.
Immobilize the injured area if you will be moving the victim. Do not move them if there is a back or
neck injury. Make a splint by folding a piece of cardboard or newspaper or a magazine, then placing it
gently under the limb. Carefully tie the splint to the injured area with pieces of cloth.
Apply a cold compress or ice in a plastic bag to the injured area. Make sure to place a cloth between the
skin and the ice so you dont damage the skin.


First aid maneuvers:

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