Human Rights Resources For Educators Brochure

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Human RigHts education ResouRces

...Only when people are educated about human rights can we hope to prevent human rights violations, and thus prevent conflict as well.
~ Kofi Annan, Dec. 10, 2000

cuRRicuLa and Lesson PLans

Teach about human rights in your classroom with these great FRee resources! All available online at discover Human Rights toolkits: A series of toolkits to help educators teach about important human rights issues within the United States, including the rights of migrants, the right to health, the right to education, the right to housing, and the right to food. Toolkits include lesson plans, fact sheets, quizzes, take action guides, and links to other resources. Download toolkits for free at, and get your students interested and involved in creating positive social change on important human rights issues in the United States. energy of a nation: The newest edition of The Advocates comprehensive curriculum dedicated to the issue of immigration in the United States using a human rights education framework for content and methods. Students learn fundamental concepts and definitions; critical context, such as push and pull factors that contribute to migration; and skills on analyzing difficult social issues. This curriculum and other lesson plans related to immigration may be found at The website also contains further resources and advocacy opportunities. the Road to Peace: This teaching guide features lesson plans on conflict resolution and the restoration of justice in the aftermath of war, emphasizing the processes that countries coming out of conflict undertake to seek resolution, address past human rights abuses, reform their societies, and heal from violence. The Road to Peace challenges students to apply these methodologies to transform conflict in their own lives and stop the cycle of violence. To download or order a copy, please visit

new 3rd edition!

Human RigHts education neWsLetteR

Quarterly newsletter dedicated to human rights education. Rights sites news: A free quarterly newsletter for educators designed to encourage and support human rights education (HRE). Each edition of Rights Sites News highlights a different human rights issue and is packed full of lesson plans, resources, and ideas for teachers who want to incorporate HRE in their classrooms. To receive an e-version of the newsletter, email To view past editions, go to Previous editions include: Getting Started in HRE Bullying and Human Rights The Right to a Clean Environment Human Rights and the Arts Girls Rights
A Pu bli Volum e6 Issue 4 Fal 10 l 20

Human Rights and Service-Learning Scho Facts 5 5 lying Project Ideas Knowledge without action is not knowledge. t Human s Anti-Bul ying osevel uth ha --Hujwiri Simple of Bull in to be ct others nor Ro yo Rights 4 How to Plan a Successful ServiceDonts ren right pe ~Elea 6 6 and ld and Child who the to res Learning Project se has . ty ry chi ng. Education The Dos on Human Rights Education (HRE) ultimately aspires to promote and protect s Eve bullyi d, tho pacted yone nsibili 7 dignity, not merely by valuing and respecting human rights, but by Preventi human Resource ht. of her Ever respo bullie The Advocates ly im ers, an Featured Resource: Teen ACTION n rig ects 7 fostering personal action in order to guarantee these conditions. In addition, the 9 Teac huma ul eff o are gative oth c and 200lying -Bul Curriculum Bullying mi 3 ntal harmf se wh be ne and ineducational FallAnti in order for HRE to be effective, it must not be only theoretical, but also 7 th on tho can lf acade e dame the ent, a programming is 5 Issu for You ks relevant to - students daily lives. As a pedagogical tool, service-learning is a fun e from llying ing on A Stud History poor onese Volume Featured Event: NYLC Service-Learning 7 , is Boo uniquely poised to address these challenges. An overarching goal of serviceive fre to bu is go nce in orders designed to introduce ool Bullied Made 8 Conference posit it Film: That international ers. at sch e and ct learning is to foster the development of citizenship by integrating theory and op oth nfide al dis ow Featured and a Case safe be saf th respe o kn of co ologic s PROMO devel rights and ild Volume ram human ass Ch practice so that students can begin lifelong involvement in social issues and y Service-Learning Curriculum7and Prog School Beingright to es wi se wh a lack psych . TIN 9-11 Issue 8 or har of the e theresponsibilities to an tho public life.ention rol e A 1 Spri and Planning Guides the Prev Publicati an Rights G HU MA ee ensur to bully Rights ng 2011 , and includ ssion minality on Humhts to r K-12 students. 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The process encourages ATION Soci ach r Educ cates fre Human Rights and nou N ed of IN TH increa ional be introspectiveCalendabetter understand their own ideasts attitudes, as well and and must and avons (UN) direct ing ATIO le life in a es, and sfrie indige s we be E CL AS m Example of Human Rights ServiceRights vocat help students includ as e: Advo al reach out to their communities through advocacy and activism to address sex to son of 10-11 EDtio shall iety, haviorS d Na UC sib ld fro The ucation is Human on Learning Projects SROOM s the se, understand and Thiin Issu social problems they see. chi ation, the a socs and be HTite ucatiRights respon y of theand per the C ed mming uce abu In lts RIG Un t man As tect exploit de rod gra Hu common the Are MAN of the Hued child for equalit ups appreciateof er aduofWhatCRand 2-3 or pro d to int al to pro attitu forms man 19 Human Rights Calendar oth 12 ng G HU ticle 29tes fortha of the tolerance, igious gro human values, to 1: llyits? As peop of res atment cifies on and ticle rel m all ,RightsStep an Righ The benefitsasu service-learning are well documented. Studies have shown that Ar oca spe ion ce, bu signe ernati OTIN le me Adv ) de int OM and fro encourage Ar Hum of ers humtion 4-5 alivemaltre ME Adopan al en teach youth. them to Why students become more engaged citizens and demonstrate greater cultural and PR n rights tion of The (CRC e preparat g, pea tional and es, rightent , today, we AT s to s Educaing end din , na ts ensure understanding. They develop n. nam childr ents, apply international 2: Righeducat treatm like any UGH must cons socially, emotionally, and morally because of this work. In addition, a variety Th racial that Step bilitie humaPublica . 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Hum an Squad poses atge and resuffering un nce den Im ticu relati g and ison growinan for wateof Envi ports right r. pro ndar common ed Resou injustices. 8 a direc pleasu can Cale n, it bullyi fat , soils eros sup laugh t ms Environment rce: Center and relig comm erie on for par sitive predictin blehuman valu gram exp rights n efiters ion,ronmenta s, such ntthe yourthre human activfrom all. Im the Based tio tial l, man cati for po me al Educa we ow also U.S. int urag Pro win ), teach rld Do ofthe p pro encoimidae es, to g ben spre HRE essen iall challenge as n getright at at to Im tal ntity. The effects of land catio a wide many quality edu tion The Hu cation s nt the Wo them to appl ways onshi s and y g the follo (HRE llying. adinskills rts, slides, wate Doinclude:laugh lessonfood areand tools on how to Articl 8 Packed g the ideas, resources, to short, plans, range lin impact life, hey ue to conc ial g dese soc full ofedu Edu ct, and d lack of on not uniqions adopted 4,dardinternational t buecos luded: If enablin trop r pollution, water blind, curriculum,mbof universa ofof Curric e: Greening Hunger: Students at a middle soc respe Dont Im shor , relati threatstan citin Sha These y Rights is designe incorporate service-learning into the tage adequate this edition le, Day ucati ut 200 lly yste ulumAgainst a K-12 ges are to their preven portant as ing,ms nship. choose ical storms. , destruct Im a whoto we ,Sites News ishing Allen take ing, rights m s, over hous abo . , lives, shts ed school in Minnesota partnered with Kids ted Nat er 10th Rights the dedicated to helping teachers -fish humanand ion timb and challen As a af, Progra oduce 9-11 rights ace tory nand ps and own imsystem er cit wildn yield their fulto continue Im de result, kin and These nt, the Uni Decemb rights positive rig to supporting nunderst for all.ize education out of teacclassroom and into of forests and ing, flood theirHuma Against Hunger ( pollu to the catio pe our curr Ses an intercommunity and turn s, to intr tional shi n Rights package food for hungry families huma stud develop as cation tion huma lifeparticipabroadthe ws on and ve to help ecosyste ent actio (HRE): rough to ation onal edu h edution, es of (Wove, and es Ne With specexperienceent patteactnational justice. ms, d, habitat. 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S. ents on nations, we shareased s. improvefundamentalto bullyi bilitymunitiesly for a co y. This ate bu (2007). Growing to Greatness 2007. St. Paul, MN: National Youth ally each Council. Eyler, J., certainE., (1999)worlds ecos t respon that hum Leadership declines rights-bcte s, dive le clim helps nsi achievem no .on iet ting commun Sanone envir yste student an-cause year Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Scales, P. C., Roehlkepartain, E. C., Neal, M., Kielsmeier, J. C, & Benson, P. L. (2006). Reducing academic achievement gaps: The ll its New crea respe nitie ate, K-12 framework crea res es. HREem to fulfi learningpo utes are ndati andgsoc envirs is dedicate itiesofand onment, and service learning. 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EDU HTS RIG n Rights AN ma UM es for Hu GH TIN e Advocat MO Th PRO cation of CAT IN ION TH E


Volume 7 Issue 2 Fall 2011





A Publication of The Advocates for Human Rights


ga yin Bull


ma and Hu respected.

be 2-3 In This t to the Righ e Has 4 Ever yon Lesson: School at 4 Safe Bullying To Stop ying 5 Tips on Bull istics s ol Rule and Stat

Service-Learning: Taking Action for Human Rights

In This Issue:
Lesson: Rights and Responsibilities 2-4 in Action


Getti ng d Starte

The Clean Right to a Enviro nmen t


Human Rights Heroes Service-Learning Child Soldiers The Rights of Workers The Right to Health

teacHeR tRainings

Interactive workshops and presentations for you and your students. The staff and volunteers of The Advocates for Human Rights provide tailored lectures and workshops for students and teachers on various human rights issues. Each presentation is adapted to suit the needs and interests of the audience. Past workshops and lectures have included such topics as: Human Rights Education (HRE) Introduction to Human Rights Immigration 101 for Educators Peace and Conflict Resolution Service-Learning and HRE ELL Teachers as Advocates

So much of what we are asked and required to teach students will make not one bit of difference in their lives if they are unable to see themselves as part of a world community, as citizens with the right and responsibility to treat all human beings with respect and dignity....If there is one thing that I do that makes me proud of my work as an educator, it is human rights education. ~ High school teacher, St. Paul, MN

To schedule a professional development training, please submit an online request at or contact us at (612) 341-3302.

Human RigHts education onLine tooLs

Check out the Human Rights for Educators section of for additional resources, including: Classroom success stories Recommended curricula and lessons Human rights web links by issue area Youth-appropriate web resources Human rights calendar Service-learning ideas Human rights book lists Human rights films

Since 1992, The Advocates for Human Rights has been a local and national leader in bringing the principles of international human rights to the classroom and the community. We partner with schools to provide training and support on how to incorporate human rights into the school curriculum. We also create, pilot, and disseminate curricular resources for use in human rights education. We believe that educating about human rights and responsibilities is the most important way to ensure long-term improvements in respect for human rights in the United States and around the world.
The Advocates for Human Rights 330 Second Avenue South, Suite 800, Minneapolis, MN 55401, USA 612-341-3302

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