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Editor, Classical File
Survey of Anesthesiology



Copyright 1985
Wood Library-Museum of Anesthesiology
Sponsored by
The American Society of Anesthesiologists
515 Busse Highway
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068

All rights reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part of this book may
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any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the
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Made in the United States of America

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Main entry under title:

Classical anesthesia files.

Consists of abridged articles previously published 1955-1980 in the classical file

pages of Survey of anesthesiology.
1. Anesthesia-History-Addresses, essays, lectures. I. Little, David M, (David
Mason), 1920-1981. II. Survey of anesthesiology. [DNLM: 1. Anesthesia-history.
WO 211.1 C614]
RD79.C53 1985 617'.96 85-12088
ISBN 0-9614932-0-8

Composed and printed at the

Waverly Press, Inc.

In years past the Board of Trustees of depth of knowledge apparent in each of his
the Wood Library-Museum of the Ameri- introductory comments preceding each re-
can Society of Anesthesiologists have made print of an historical contribution. His clear
available to persons interested in the origin flowing style of a storyteller transformed
and evolution of anesthesiology selected his pleasure in writing to pleasure in read-
publications and reprints relating to its his- ing. The Subcommittee which assembled
tory. These Trustees believe that the legacy this volume has left Dr. Little's brilliant
to historians left by Dr. David M. Little, introductions untouched. Although most
Jr., in his bimonthly contributions to the of the historical papers have been abridged
Classical File of Survey of Anesthesiology over to conserve pages, the reader has not been
a period of 25 years, should be collected in deprived of their source.
a single volume for preservation, and for The medical profession is indebted to
availability and education of the present the Wood Library-Museum, the Williams
and future generations. Dr. Little culled and Wilkins Company, publishers, and to
medical literature from the 18th century the Waverly Press for their forbearance
through the 1960's for seminal papers and cooperation in assembling this volume.
which led to landmark changes in the evo- Nobody who delves into it will be disap-
lution of anesthesiology. Identifying these pointed. From Dr. Little's descriptions of
important contributions was only the be- the American Revolution to his "Fable of
ginning. What evoked genuine awe of Anesthesia for Our Times", he regales our
Dr. Little's achievements was his originality heritage with fervor and pride.
of concept, breadth of treatment, and



. A::


David M. Little, Jr.

D M L, a New Englander first and always, times a year, in the Classical File pages of
but blessed with just enough extroversion "Survey of Anesthesiology". Through his
and unfailing humor to confound any ster- fascinating and erudite introductions, as
eotype, was born in Boston in 1920. After seen in the following pages, he earned the
attending Middlesex School and Princeton distinction of bringing the past into the
University, he graduated from Harvard orientation of the present. And it was not
Medical School in 1944. During his intern- all pedantic: his personal puckish humor
ship at Hartford Hospital and military ser- allowed him to forge a legacy which will
vice in the U.S. Navy, he developed a pri- not be forgotten.
mary interest in obstetrics which he pur- In the decade following the Second
sued at the Boston Lying-In Hospital. How- World War, D M L sensed in his breadth
ever, his enthusiasm in this area soon of vision that the national organizations of
waned, and later in 1947 he began and Anesthesiology needed support. He be-
completed a residency in Anesthesiology lieved that he could aid in the education
under Dr. Ralph Tovell at Hartford Hos- and upgrading, not only of his fellow anes-
pital. A period of private practice in Stam- thesiologists, but of the specialty of Anes-
ford, Connecticut followed, but, with his thesiology in the eyes of other medical dis-
scholarly background, it was inevitable that ciplines and the public. So he became in-
he test his academic talents. So he traveled volved and soon emerged in a leadership
to nearby Yale University School of Medi- role. At various times in his career he was
cine where he was an Assistant Clinical President of the American Society of Anes-
Professor of Anesthesiology for four years. thesiologists, Secretary and President of
By 1955 he knew where he wanted to be the American Board of Anesthesiology,
and what he wanted to achieve. He re- President of the Academy of Anesthesiol-
turned to Hartford Hospital as a Senior ogy, and President of the New England
Staff Anesthesiologist and remained there Society of Anesthesiologists. In 1979, with
until his untimely death on November 17, the unanimous approval of his peers, he
1981. was presented with the American Society
To picture in words a man of diverse of Anesthesiologists' Distinguished Service
talents is difficult: throughout his too-short Award.
span of time D M L was a teacher, a scholar, Throughout his brilliant and varied ca-
an educator, an explorer, a friend to many, reer, D M L never wavered from his loving
and always a family man. and caring role as a husband and father.
Dave was a sensitive and demanding Those of us who were privileged to visit his
teacher, as those who moved through the home, and there were many, were always
residency program at Hartford Hospital royally entertained by his wife, "Skippy",
know full well. He loved nothing better and their fine children. (However, before
than to have a student or resident with him going "home", one usually was detoured to
"at the head of the table", indoctrinating, make a pilgrimage to the lifelike sculpture
questioning and teaching the art and sci- of Horace Wells in the downtown Hartford
ence of anesthesia. park!)
Yet he never abandoned scholarly pur- The only thing that was little about Dave
suits. He read widely, and particularly ex- was his name.
plored the realm of the development of
Anesthesiology, which he unfolded, six C. R. Stephen, M.D., C.M., F.F.A.R.C.S.
Twenty-five Year Cumulative Index. 1957-1981

VOLUME 1 (1957) June


"The Unreliability Of Cyanosis in the Recognition
of Arterial Anoxemia"
"Insensibility during Surgical Operations Produced American Journal of Medical Sciences, 214: 1,
by Inhalation" 1947.
Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 35: 309, 1846.
GRIFFITH, H. R., AND JOHNSON, G.E. "Continuous Caudal Anesthesia in Obstetrics"
"The Use of Curare in General Anesthesia" American Journal of Surgery, 57: 459, 1942.
Anesthesiology, 3: 418, 1942
SISE, L. F. "Asphyxia as a Consequence of Nitrous Oxide An-
"Pontocain-Glucose Solution for Spinal Anesthesia" esthesia"
Surgical Clinics of North America, 15: 1501, 1935. Medicine, 15: 129, 1936.
"Direct Laryngoscopy and Endotracheal Intuba- "Asphyxia As a Consequence of Nitrous Oxide An-
tion" esthesia"
Medicine, 15: 129, 1936.
Lancet, 2: 660, 1944.

October VOLUME 3 (1959)

HAGGARD, H. W. February
"The Absorption, Distribution, and Elimination of Annotation
Ethyl Ether" "Fatal Application of Chloroform"
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 59: 737, 1924. Lancet, 1: 161, 1848.
December April
"The Absorption, Distribution, and Elimination of WATERS, R. M.
Ethyl Ether" "Cyclopropane as an Anesthetic Agent: A Prelimi-
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 59: 737, 1924. nary Clinical Report"
Current Researches in Anesthesia and Analgesia,
13: 56, 1934.
VOLUME 2 (1958)
WELLS, H. "Hydrochlorate Of Cocaine" (Letters To The Edi-
"A History of the Discovery of the Application of tor)
Nitrous Oxide Gas, Ether, and Other Vapors, to New York Medical Journal, 40: 643, 1884.
Surgical Operations"
J. Gaylord Wells, corner of Main and Asylum August
Streets, Hartford, Connecticut, 1847. COURTIN, R. F., BICKFORD, R. G., AND FAULCONER,
A., JR.
April "The Classification and Significance of Electro-
LUNDY, J. S. encephalographic Patterns Produced by Nitrous
"Intravenous Anesthesia: Preliminary Report of the Oxide-Ether Anesthesia during Surgical Opera-
Use of Two New Thiobarbiturates" tions"
Proceedings of the Staff Meeting of the Mayo Clinic, Proceedings of the Staff Meetings of the Mayo
10: 536, 1935. Clinic, 25: 197, 1950.

October VOLUME 5 (1961)

"Narcosis and Oxidations of the Brain" February
Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B, 112: 60, SIMPSON, J. Y.
1932. "On a New Anaesthetic Agent, More Efficient than
Sulphuric Ether"
December Lancet, 2: 549, 1847.
GOODMAN, L. S. April
"The Lack Of Cerebral Effects Of d-Tubocurarine" BARLOW, R. B., AND ING, H. R.
Anesthesiology, 8: 1, 1947. "Curare-Like Action of Polymethylene Bis-Quater-
nary Ammonium Salts"
British Journal of Pharmacology, 3: 298, 1948.
VOLUME 4 (1960)

February june
"An Account of the First Use of Sulphuric Ether by "Segmental Anesthesia"
Inhalation as an Anaesthetic in Surgical Opera- Revista de Sanidad Militar, 11: 351, 1921.
Southern Medical and Surgical Journal, 5: 705,
1849. BERNARD, C.
"Lecons Sur Les Effets Des Substances Toxique Et
April Medicamenteuses"
LUCKHARDT, A. B., AND LEWIS, D. Paris: J. B. Bailliere et Fils, 1857.
"Clinical Experiences with Ethylene-Oxygen Anes-
thesia" October
Journal of the American Medical Association, 81: BERNARD, C.
1851, 1923. "Lecons Sur Les Effets Des Substances Toxique Et
June Paris: J. B. Bailliere et Fils, 1857.
"Spinal Anaesthesia and Local Medication of the
New York Medical Journal, 42: 483, 1885. "Lecons Sur Les Effets Des Substances Toxique Et
Paris: J. B. Bailliere et Fils, 1857.
VOLUME 6 (1962)
"On Routine Determination of Arterial Tension in
Operating Room and Clinic" February
Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 148: 250, GORDON, R.
"Sleeping Partner"
Punch, October 7, 1953.
HARDY,j . D., VVOLr, H. G., AND GOODELL, H. April
"Studies On Pain. A New Method for Measuring MORTON, W. T. G.
Pain Threshold: Observations on Spatial Sum- "The First Use of Ether as an Anesthetic at the
mation of Pain." Battle of the Wilderness in the Civil War"
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 19: 649, 1940. Journal of the American Medical Association, 42:
1068, 1904.
"Studies in Resuscitation: I. The General Condi- BIER, A.
tions Affecting Resuscitation, and the Resuscita- "Experiments Regarding the Cocainization of the
tio n o f the Blood and of the Heart" Spinal Cord"
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 10: 371, 1908. Zeitschrift fur Chirurgie, 51: 361, 1899.
August VOLUME 8 (1964)
"On Some Fatal After-Effects of Chloroform on February
Children" CLOVER, J. T.
Lancet, 1: 193, 1894. "On An Apparatus for Administering Nitrous Ox-
ide Gas and Ether Singly or Combined"
October British Medical Journal, 2: 75, 1876.
"Depressant Effect of Ether on Myocardium of the CASTILLO, J. C., AND DEBEER, E. J.
Dog and Its Modification by Reflex Release of "The Neuromuscular Blocking Action of Succinyl-
Epinephrine and Nor-Epinephrine" choline (Diacetylcholine)"
American Journal of Physiology, 175: 1953. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Ther-
December apeutics, 99: 458, 1950.
LEDUC, M. S. June
"Production of Sleep and of Local and General
Anesthesia by Means of Electric Current"
"The Grave Spinal Cord Paralyses Caused by Spinal
Comptes Rendus Academie de Sciences, 135: 199,
878, 1902.
Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics, 91: 385, 1950.

VOLUME 7 (1963) August

February "The Air as an Anaesthetic"
ANDREWS, E. Philadelphia Journal of Dental Science, 3: 57, 1876.
"The Oxygen Mixture, A New Anaesthetic Com-
bination" October
Chicago Medical Examiner, 9: 656, 1868. HENDERSON, L. J.
"The Theory of Neutrality Regulation in the Ani-
mal Organism"
The American Journal of Physiology, 21: 427,
"Trichlorethylene as an Inhalation Anaesthetic"
British Medical Journal, 1: 924, 1941.
June December
"Anesthesia of the Brachial Plexus for Operations "Calculation of the Hydrogen Ion Concentration of
of the Upper Extremity" Blood from Free and Bound Carbon Dioxide:
Munchener Medicinische Wochenschrift, 58: 1555, Oxygen Binding as a Function of pH"
1911. Biochemie Zeitschrift, 78: 112, 1916.

VOLUME 9 (1965)
"La Pression Barometrique. Recherches de Physiol- February
ogie Experimentale"
Paris: G. Masson, 1878.
"A New Method for the Production of General
October Analgesia and Anaesthesia with a Description of
BERT, P. the Apparatus Used"
"La Pression Barometrique. Recherches de Physiol- Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, 1: 1,
ogie Experimentale" 1915.
Paris: G. Masson, 1878.
December GELFAN, S., AND BELL, I. R.
BERT, P. "The Anesthetic Action of Divinyl Oxide on Hu-
"La Pression Barometrique. Recherches de Physiol- mans
ogie Experimentale" Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Ther-
Paris: G. Masson, 1878. apeutics, 47: 1, 1933.

June August
"Concerning the Use of Cocaine for Anesthesia of "The Immediate Decrease in Blood Pressure Seen
the Eye" at the Conclusion of Cyclopropane Anesthesia:
Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 34: 1276, 'Cyclopropane Shock"'
1884. Anesthesiology, 8: 15, 1947.

August October
A., BERNSTEIN, E., AND ROVENSTINE, E. A. "Third Stage Ether Anesthesia: A Sub-Classification
"The Fate of Thiopental in Man and a Method for Regarding the Significance of the Position and
Its Estimation in Biological Material" Movements of the Eyeball
Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Ther- American Journal of Surgery, 34: 53, 1920.
apeutics, 98: 85, 1950.
October MENDELSON, C. L.
"The Aspiration of Stomach Contents into The
"The Causation Of Death during the Administra- Lungs during Obstetric Anesthesia"
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
tion of Chloroform"
52: 191, 1946.
British Medical Journal, 1: 817, 1902.

December VOLUME 11 (1967)

EMBLEY, E. H. February
"The Causation Of Death during the Administra- Editorial
tion of Chloroform" "A Fable of Anesthesia for Our Times"
British Medical Journal, 1: 817, 1902. Journal of Community and Social Medicine, 3: 47,
VOLUME 10 (1966)

HICKMAN, H. H. "Succinylcholine Iodide as a Muscle Relaxant. A

"A Letter on Suspended Animation, Containing Report of 500 Surgical Cases"
Experiments Showing That It May Be Safely Em- Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica, 103: 321, 1952.
ployed during Operations on Animals, with the june
View of Ascertaining Its Probable Utility in Sur-
gical Operations on the Human Subject, Ad-
"Concerning a New Method of Local Anesthesia of
dressed To T. A. Knight, Esq., Of Downton
the Extremities"
Castle, Herefordshire, One Of The Presidents Of
Archiv fur Klinische Chirurgie, 86: 1007, 1908.
The Royal Society"
"A Letter To His Most Christian Majesty Charles
X, King Of France" from the souvenir volume of AYRE, P.

the Henry Hill Hickman Centenary Exhibition at "Anaesthesia for Hare-Lip and Cleft Palate Opera-
the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, 1930. tions on Babies"
-- Journal
J-~- --- of S.urgery,
- i
... 131., 1937
. .

"The Action Of Fluothane-A New Volatile An-
"Concerning the Humoral Conduction of Cardiac
Nerve Activity"
British Journal of Pharmacology, 11: 394, 1956.
Pfluger's Archiv gesamte Physiologie, 189: 239,

CRILE, G. W. December
"Phylogenetic Association in Relation to Certain v. EULER, U.S.
Medical Problems" "The Presence of a Substance with Sympathin E.
Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 163: 893, Properties in Spleen Extracts"
1910. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 11: 168, 1946.
VOLUME 12 (1968) June
February "Lumbrosacral Subarachnoid Tap"
DAVY, H. Journal of Urology, 43: 561, 1940.
"Researches, Chemical and Philosophical; Chiefly
Concerning Nitrous Oxide or Dephlogisticated August
Nitrous Air and Its Respiration" SMITH, T.
London: J. Johnson, 1800. "An Examination of the Question of Anaesthesia,
Arising on the Memorial of Charles Thomas
April Wells, Presented to the United States Senate"
ARTUSIO, J. F., JR., VAN POZNAK, A., HUNT, R. E., New York: John A. Gray, Printer, 16 & 18 Jacob
TIERS, F. M., AND ALEXANDER, M. Street (Fire-Proof Buildings), 1858.
"A Clinical Evaluation Of Methoxyflurane In
Man" October
Anesthesiology, 21: 512, 1960. SMITH, T.
"An Examination of the Question of Anaesthesia,
Arising on the Memorial of Charles Thomas
KOSTER, H. Wells, Presented to the United States Senate"
"Spinal Anesthesia. With Special Reference to Its New York: John A. Gray, Printer, 16 & 18 Jacob
Use in Surgery of the Head, Neck and Thorax" Street (Fire-Proof Buildings), 1858.
American Journal of Surgery, 5: 554, 1928.
August SMITH, T.
MCKESSON, E. I. "An Examination of the Question of Anaesthesia,
"Primary And Secondary Nitrous Oxide Saturation Arising on the Memorial of Charles Thomas
for Relaxation and as a Test of the Patient's Wells, Presented to the United States Senate"
Capacity for Operation" New York: John A. Gray, Printer, 16 & 18 Jacob
Canadian Medical Association Journal, 11: 130, Street (Fire-Proof Buildings), 1858.
VOLUME 14 (1970)
McQUISTON, W. O. February
"Anesthetic Problems in Cardiac Surgery in Chil- PLOMLEY, F.
dren" "Operations on the Eye"
Anesthesiology, 10: 590, 1949. Lancet, 1: 134, 1847.
December April
GORDON, R. A., AND GREENWOOD, W. F. "A Molecular Theory of Anesthesia"
"Oxygen Transport and Utilization in Dogs at Low Science, 134: 15, 1961.
Body Temperature"
American Journal of Physiology, 160: 125, 1950.
"Long-Term Follow-Up of Patients Who Received
VOLUME 13 (1969) 10,098 Spinal Anesthetics"
Journal of the American Medical Association, 156:
1486, 1954.
"Clinical Observations on the Introduction of Tra- August
cheal Tubes by the Mouth Instead of Performing GUEDEL, A. E., AND TREWEEK, D. N.
Tracheotomy or Laryngotomy" "Ether Apnoeas"
British Medical Journal, 2: 122, 163, 1880. Current Researchers in Anesthesia and Analgesia,
13: 263, 1934.
GARDNER, W. J. October
"The Control of Bleeding during Operation by GASSER, H. S., AND ERLANGER, J.
Induced Hypotension" "The Role of Fiber Size in the Establishment of a
Journal of the American Medical Association, 132: Nerve Block by Pressure or Cocaine"
572, 1946. American Journal of Physiology, 88: 581, 1929.

December April
"Malignant Cholera Documents. Communicated by "The Origin of the Word 'Anaesthesia"'
the Central Board of Health London. Relative to Boston Medical & Surgical Journal, 197: 1218,
the Treatment of Cholera by the Copious Injec- 1927.
tion of Aqueous and Saline Fluids into the Veins"
Lancet, 2: 274, 1831-1832. June

VOLUME 15 (1971) "Refrigeration Anesthesia for Limb Operations"
Anesthesiology, 4: 12, 1943.
"Letter To The Editor"
Boston Medical & Surgical Journal, 36: 226, 1847. "Myocardial Electrodes and the Danger of Ventric-
ular Fibrillation"
April Lancet, 1: 975, 1961.
R. D.
"N-Allyl Normorphine: An Antagonist to the Opi-
"The Pathological Effects of Atmospheres Rich in
Anesthesiology, 13: 242, 1952. Oxygen"
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 23: 149, 1916.
"Continuous Spinal Anesthesia: A New Method Uti-
"Pain Mechanisms: A New Theory. A Gate Control
lizing a Ureteral Catheter"
System Modulates Sensory Input from the Skin
Surgical Clinics of North America, 25: 834, 1945.
Before It Evokes Pain Perception and Response"
Science, 150: 971, 1965.
"A Study of Deaths Associated with Anesthesia and VOLUME 17 (1973)
Surgery Based on a Study Of 559,548 Anesthesias
in 10 Institutions, 1948-1952, Inclusive"
Annals of Surgery, 140: 2, 1954. WooD, A.,
"Treatment of Neuralgic Pains by Narcotic Injec-
October tions"
British Medical Journal, 2: 755, 1858.
"A Study Of Deaths Associated with Anesthesia and
Surgery Based on a Study Of 559,548 Anesthesias
in 10 Institutions, 1948-1952, Inclusive"
Annals of Surgery, 140: 2, 1954.
"Nitrous Oxide and Oxygen Anesthesia with Curare
December Relaxation"
California Medicine, 66: 67, 1947.
"The Self Regulation of Respiration Mediated by June
the Vagal Nerve"
Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Sciences,
"Local Anesthesia of the Stellate Ganglion"
57: 672, 1868.
La Presse Medicale, 42: 849, 1934.

VOLUME 16 (1972) August

February "Sudden Death under Light Chloroform Anaes-
STRAUSS, R. H. thesia"
"I Think, Therefore:" Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 7:
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 8: 516, 1965. 57, 1914.

October VOLUME 19 (1975)

"Sudden Death under Light Chloroform Anaes- February
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 7: "Incompatible Blood Transfusions during Opera-
57, 1914. tion"
British Journal of Anaesthesia, 31: 217, 1959.
"A Method for the Detection of Atypical Forms of JACKSON, C. T.

Human Serum Cholinesterase Determination of "Letter to Professor L. A. Dugas"

Dibucaine Numbers" Southern Medical and Surgical Journal, 9: 5, 1853.
Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology, June
35: 339, 1957.
"A Narcotic Analgesic and a Butyrophenone with
VOLUME 18 (1974) Nitrous Oxide for General Anesthesia"
Anesthesiology, 24: 336, 1963.
WATERS, R. M. August
"Pioneering In Anesthesiology" APGAR, V.
Postgraduate Medicine, 4: 265, 1948. "A Proposal for a New Method of Evaluation of the
Newborn Infant"
Current Researches In Anesthesia and Analgesia,
Subcommittee on the National Halothane Study of 32: 260, 1953.
the Committee on Anesthesia, National Academy
of Sciences-National Research Council October
"Summary of the National Halothane Study" STARLING, E. H.
Journal of the American Medical Association, 197: "Society of Anaesthetists"
775, 1966. Lancet, 2: 1397, 1902.

June December
Subcommittee on the National Halothane Study of MORRIS, L. E.
the Committee on Anesthesia, National Academy "A New Vaporizer for Liquid Anesthetic Agents"
of Sciences-National Research Council Anesthesiology, 13: 587, 1952.
"Summary of the National Halothane Study"
Journal of the American Medical Association, 197: VOLUME 20 (1976)
775, 1966.
"Of Dephlogisticated Air, and the Constitution of
"Technic of Novocain Infiltration of the Lumbar
the Atmosphere"
Sympathetic Nerves"
Experiments and Observation on Different Kinds
La Presse Medicale, 2: 1843, 1934.
of Air. Vol II. London, 1775.
October April
"A Milestone In Anaesthesia? (d-Tubocurarine "A More Particular Account of Some Processes for
Chloride)" the Production of Dephlogisticated Air"
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, 39: Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds
400, 1946. of Air. Vol. II. London, 1775.
December June


"A Comparative Study of Halothane and Halopro- "Miscellaneous Observations On The Properties Of
pane Anesthesia including Method for Determin- Dephlogisticated Air"
ing Equipotency" Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds
Anesthesiology, 24: 346, 1963. of Air. Vol. II. London, 1775.

August VOLUME 22 (1978)

"General Consideratons On The Nature Of Acids" February
Comptes Rendus, Paris Academy of Sciences on WATERTON, C.
September 5, 1777. "Wanderings in South America."
MacMillan and Company, London, 1879.
"Oxygenation, Hemoglobin and Carbon Dioxide"
Histoire de l'Academie Royale des Sciences. Paris,
Imprimerie Royale, 1777.
"Pharmacological and Clinical Studies on Valium, a
December New Psychotherapeutic Agent of the Benzodiaze-
pine Class."
Current Therapeutic Research, 3: 405, 1961.
"The Method Observed In Transfusing The Blood
Out Of One Animal Into Another" June
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1: JONNESCO, T.
353, 1666. "Remarks on General Spinal Analgesia."
British Medical Journal, 2: 1909.
VOLUME 21 (1977) August
"Artificial Respiration by Direct Intralaryngeal In-
Twenty-Year Cumulative Index, 1957-1976. tubation with a Modified O'Dwyer Tube and a
New Graduated Air-Pump, in its Applications to
Medical and Surgical Practice."
American Medicine, 3: 97, 1902.
"Difluoromethyl 1, 1, 2-Trifluoro-2-Chlorethyl October
Ether as an Anaesthetic Agent: Results with Dogs, COURNAND, A., MOTLEY, H. L., WERKO, L., AND
and a Preliminary Note on Observations with RICHARDS, D. W., JR.
Man". "Physiological Studies of the Effects of Intermittent
Canadian Anaesthetists Society Journal, 13: 233, Positive Pressure Breathing on Cardiac Output
1966. in Man."
American Journal of Physiology, 152: 162, 1948.

GORDH, T. December
"Xylocain-A New Local Analgesic." VAN DYKE, R. A., CHENOWETH, M. B., AND VAN
Anaesthesia, 4: 4, 1949. POZNAK, A.
"Metabolism of Volatile Anesthetics-I Conversion
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HALL, M. ride."
"The Asphyxia of Still-born Infants, and Its Treat- Biochemical Pharmacology, 13: 1239, 1964.
Lancet, 2: 601, 1856. VuLUIVE 23 (1979)

October February
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American Journal of Medicine, 21: 811, 1956.
December LUNDY,J. S. AND GAGE, R. P.
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"The First Anesthesia Records (Codman, Cushing)." tients."
Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, 71: 689, 1940. Modern Hospital, 63: 1944.
June October
"Changing Concepts Concerning Depth of Anesthe- "Thoraco-Lumbar Splanchnicectomy and Sympa-
sia." thectomy. Anaesthetic Procedure."
Anesthesiology, 18: 536, 1957. Anaesthesia, 3:134, 1948.
August December
SICARD, J.-A. "Letter From Dr. W. T. G. Morton of Boston, U.S."
"The Extradural Injection of Agents by the Sacro- Lancet, 2: 80, 1847.
coccygeal Route."
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VOLUME 25 (1981)
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GUEDEL, A. E. "The Closed Circuit Method of Administration of
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tered in Obstetrics. A Preliminary Report." Anesthesia and Analgesia, 9: 198, 1930.
Read before the Indianapolis Medical Society, Oc- April
tober, 3, 1911.
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"The Neuromuscular Blocking Properties of a New
October, 1911.
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Revised by the Author, February, 1912. Pilot Study in Man."
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American Journal of Surgery, 57: 459, 1942. 1064, 1961.

Published February, 1976

The year 1775 was one full of momen- the colonies, for the colonies and the
tous events for America since they led di- mother country had grown further apart
rectly to the American Revolution. But than either had realized in the 150 years
they did not occur suddently and indepen- since the landing at Plymouth Rock. In
dently: they were the results of other events fact, although the colonists still felt "loyal"
which had gone before. to England, their only important need of
Every schoolchild knows the story of the British was for protection: the British
these other events. The British Parliament Navy protected American trade on the
passed a series of laws which laid direct high seas, and British troops helped to
taxes on the colonists, stationed troops guard the colonists' homes from attack by
among them, regulated their trade, and the French and Indians.
closed their frontiers to settlement. The Furthermore, there were aspects of life
colonies resisted, the British passed even in the colonies which were quite frankly
sterner measures, and fighting finally inimical to strong ties with England. Strong
broke out at Lexington and Concord to political assemblies had developed in nearly
start the war. every colony, which had won more and
All true. more control over their own internal affairs
But the laws which the Parliament had to the point that many colonies were, for
passed and which had caused the colonies practical purposes, almost self-governing.
to revolt also applied to other British colo- The British Parliament tried by taxation
nies which did not resist, so the simple and in other ways to regulate the trade of
explanation is not sufficient for the serious the colonies and thereby maintain control
historian. of what went on, but the colonists paid little
No, there were deeper causes. It is nec- attention to trade laws: many kinds of cus-
essary to go back to the beginning. toms duties were freely avoided; and, in
In the course of the 150 years since the fact, often the British themselves made no
first settlements, the British colonies along serious attempt to collect them.
the Atlantic seaboard had developed from Another strain on the loyalty to the
a starving band of pilgrims to a prosperous crown were the perquisites of royalty. The
body of farmers, merchants, planters, and best offices in the colonies were always
laborers. The rice and tobacco civilizations given to friends of the King, for only in a
of the South were thriving enterprises. few of the colonies could the people them-
New England shipmasters docked at every selves elect their governors and counselors,
wharf in the Western Hemisphere. Colo- and this was a continuing source of irrita-
nists in New York and Pennsylvania had tion and complaint. In addition, the Angli-
grown rich supplying flour for bread to the can Church, which was the state church of
British Empire. Land-hungry farmers, England, had become firmly established in
planters, and land-speculators looked long- the South and exerted the state's influence
ingly toward the West, and were impatient there; and those in the other colonies-
that further expansion was blocked by the with their own church allegiances-feared
French and Indians in those territories. its incursion into their way of life and reli-
The French and Indian War was thus al- gion.
most inevitable; and when it was over, the Finally, there were areas of the colonies
French empire in America had been de- where there were no ties to be strained
stroyed. because there were no ties to England at
This event also destroyed the strongest all. Thousands of immigrants, attracted by
tie which remained between Britain and the opportunities of the New World and

driven by unhappy conditions at home, ers, who argued that it would ruin both the
poured into the colonies from Germany shipping and fishing interests, and raise the
and Ireland. They had no attachment what- price of goods in America so much that the
soever to Great Britain, and they built up colonists could not buy them. The next
a sturdy, independent life in newly devel- offensive law was the QuarteringAct, which
oped areas behind the seaboard settle- not only provided for stationing troops in
ments. America, but at the expense of the colo-
It is against all of this background of nists. This law caused little joy in either
increasing independence of the colonies New York or Boston, where it was pro-
from their ties to England that the school- posed to station the troops. The fourth law
boy version of the causes of the Revolution was the infamous Stamp Act which was
can be accepted. For, indeed, at the end of passed in the spring of 1765. It was the
the French and Indian War, the British most devastating in that, while the first 3
found themselves in great debt from the had aroused the ire of individual groups of
war, and with vast new captured territories colonists, the Stamp Act affected all of the
to protect. When George Grenville became colonies simultaneously. It required that
the British Prime Minister in 1763, he rea- every newspaper, every pamphlet, every
soned that the best way to handle the many deed or other legal paper, every license,
colonial problems that peace had brought even every college diploma, must carry a
was to effect a moratorium on settlement stamp costing from a halfpenny to ten
in the new territories until a sound plan for pounds. Stamp taxes had long been in ef-
governing them and protecting them could fect in England, and it was not anticipated
be evolved; and he also thought that, since that any particular opposition should be
the colonies would get the most benefit expected from the colonies. Indeed, Ben-
from both, it was only fair that they should jamin Franklin, who represented the inter-
pay part of the cost. His plan made no great ests of the colonies in London, did not even
change in the legal relationship between bother to protest about it. But the opposi-
Great Britain and the colonies, but it made tion to the Stamp Act in America was both
a very great change in their real relation- immediate and violent. The colonists' cry
ship: i.e., he proposed not only to levy taxes became, "Taxation without representation
but to collect them. In short, the colonists, is tyranny," and they burnt the stamps pub-
who had become almost self-governing, licly. Parliament responded by repealing
suddenly found that the British proposed the Act in March of 1766-although de-
to rule them in fact as well as in law, and claring that it had the right to bind the
this aroused immense resentment-partic- colonies "in all cases whatsoever"-and the
ularly since the first thing hit was the colo- news was greeted with celebrations all over
nial pocketbook. the colonies.
The immediate causes of the war began But England still had to find the money
with Grenville's legislative program. The for the defense of its American colonies,
first of these was the Proclamation of 1763, and within a year a new revenue act had
which closed the territory west of the Al- been passed. Charles Townshend, the
legheny mountains to settlement, to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, persuaded
great chagrin of both settlers and land pro- Parliament to pass 3 bills which came to be
moters. This pronouncement was followed known, not unreasonably, as the Townshend
almost immediately by the Revenue Act of Acts.
1764, which was an interesting law in that The first of these placed import duties
it, in fact, lowered the tax on molasses from on tea, glass, paper, and painter's colors
sixpence to threepence a gallon. However, which were brought into the colonies, and
the law also provided that the tax should the proceeds were to be used to pay the
actually be collected, instead of ignored as salaries of local officials and for the cost of
in the past; and since it additionally placed maintaining troops in America; the second
duties on a number of other commodities, law created a new board of customs com-
it roused the wrath of New England trad- missioners to enforce the revenue act; and

the third one abolished the legislature in entitled "Of Dephlogisticated Air, and of
New York for its failure to obey the Quar- the Constitution of the Atmosphere," from
tering Act! his "Experiments and Observations on Dif-
The colonial resentment of these laws ferent Kinds of Air," is republished below.
was swift and vicious. Richard Henry Lee
of Virginia said of the act suspending the
legislature of New York that it "hangs like EXPERIMENTS AND
a flaming sword over our heads and re-
quires by all means to be removed." Samuel OBSERVATIONS
Adams and James Otis, the foremost lead- ON DIFFERENT KINDS OF
ers of the opposition in New England, AIR
wrote a circular letter which was adopted VOLUME II
by the Massachusetts assembly, and which
urged all the other assemblies to resist the SECTION III
acts. A boycott of British goods was a com- OF DEPHLOGISTICATED AIR,
mon form of resistance, and sometimes en- AND THE CONSTITUTION OF
tire colonies adopted the boycott formally THE ATMOSPHERE
through their legislature. JOSEPH PRIESTLEY, L.L.D., F.R.S.
Given these conditions, a fight between
the colonists and the redcoats could hardly London, 1775
have been avoided; and on the night of
March 5, 1770, it occurred in the form of The contents of this section will furnish
the "Boston Massacre" on King's Street a very striking illustration of the truth of a
(now Washington Street, most appropri- remark, which I have more than once made
ately) in Boston. Some mischievous boys in my philosophical writings, and which can
threw snowballs at a British sentry; an up- hardly be too often repeated, as it tends
roar followed; a mob formed and greatly to encourage philosophical investi-
threatened the British soldiers with clubs gations; viz. that more is owing to what we
and stones; and when the troops had fin- call chance, that is, philosophically speaking,
ished firing at the crowd, 5 of the latter to the observation of events arising from
were dead or dying and 6 others were unknown causes, than to any proper design,
wounded. or preconceived theory in this business. This
The opposition, the violence, and the does not appear in the works of those who
threat to British trade were enough to write synthetically upon these subjects; but
cause the repeal of the notorious Town- would, I doubt not, appear very strikingly
shend Acts, but the duty on tea was main- in those who are the most celebrated for
tained because "there must always be one their philosophical acumen, did they write
tax to keep up the right" (to tax). It led to analytically and ingenuously.
one of the more romantic events precipi-
tating the Revolution, the Boston Tea
Party on December 16, 1773, in which a On the 8th of this month I procured a
band of citizens disguised as Indians and mouse, and put it into a glass vessel, con-
armed with tomahawks, threw the contents taining two ounce-measures of the air from
of 342 chests of tea from British ships into mercurius calcinatus. Had it been common
Boston Harbor. air, a full-grown mouse, as this was, would
Thus the stage was set for the fighting to have lived in it about a quarter of an hour.
start in earnest by 1775, a year of supreme In this air, however, my mouse lived a full
importance in American history. half-hour; and though it was taken out
For the anesthesiologist, the year 1775 seemingly dead, it appeared to have been
has another significance, for that was the only exceedingly chilled; for, upon being
year during which Joseph Priestly pub- held to the fire, it presently revived, and
lished the results of his experiments leading appeared not to have received any harm
to the discovery of oxygen. Section III, from the experiment.

Published April, 1976

There are, for some, no more thrilling words in American literature than those by
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in his poem entitled, "Paul Revere's Ride":
"Listen, my children and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the eighteenth of April in Seventy-five;
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year.
He said to his friend, 'If the British march
By land or sea from the town tonight,
Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry arch
Of the North Church tower as a signal light-
One, if by land, and two, if by sea;
And I on the opposite shore will be,
Ready to ride and spread the alarm
Through every Middlesex village and farm,
For the country folk to be up and to arm,'
Then he said, 'Good-night!' and with muffled oar
Silenty rowed to the Charlestown shore."
The poet's license is abundant. Paul Re- hour, Mr. Daws came; we refreshed our-
vere's own account of his tide, contained selves, and set off for Concord. We were
in a letter he wrote to Dr. Jeremy Belknap overtaken by a young Dr. Prescott, whom
in 1798, is somewhat less romantic, since we found to be a high Son of Liberty .
in point of fact Revere was captured by the "We had got nearly half way. Mr. Daws
British and never did reach Concord. and the doctor stopped to alarm the people
"I set off on a very good horse; it was of a house. I was about one hundred rods
then about eleven o'clock and very pleas- ahead when I saw two men in nearly the
ant. After I had passed Charlestown same situation as those officers were near
Neck . . . I saw two men on horseback Charlestown. I called for the doctor and
under a tree. When I got near them, I Mr. Daws to come up. In an instant I was
discovered they were British officers. One surrounded by four. They had placed
tried to get ahead of me, and the other to themselves in a straight road that inclined
take me. I turned my horse very quick and each way; they had taken down a pair of
galloped towards Charlestown Neck, and bars on the north side of the road, and two
then pushed for the Medford Road. The of them were under a tree in the pasture.
one who chased me, endeavoring to cut me The doctor being foremost, he came up
off, got into a clay pond near where Mr. and we tried to get past them; but they
Russell's Tavern is now built. I got clear of being armed with pistols and swords, they
him, and went through Medford, over the forced us into the pasture. The doctor
bridge and up to Menotomy. In Medford, jumped his horse over a low stone wall and
I awakened the captain of the minute men; got to Concord.
and after that, I alarmed almost every "I observed a wood at a small distance
house, till I got to Lexington. I found and made for that. When I got there, out
Messrs. Hancock and Adams at the Rev. started six officers on horseback and or-
Mr. Clark's; I told them my errand and dered me to dismount. One of them, who
enquired for Mr. Daws; they said he had appeared to have the command, examined
not been there; I related the story of the me, where I came from and what my name
two officers, and supposed that he must was. I told him. He asked me if I was an
have been stopped, as he ought to have express. I answered in the affirmative. He
been there before me. demanded what time I left Boston. I told
"After I had been there about half an him, and added that their troops had

catched aground in passing the river, and Boston who said there were no British
that there would be five hundred Ameri- troops coming. Mr. Lowell and myself went
cans there in a short time, for I had alarmed towards the tavern, when we met a man on
the country all the way up. He immediately a full gallop, who told us the troops were
rode towards those who stopped us, when coming up the rocks. We afterwards met
all five of them came down upon a full another, who said they were close by. Mr.
gallop. One of them, whom I afterwards Lowell asked me to go to the tavern with
found to be a Major Mitchel, of the 5th him, to get a trunk of papers belonging to
Regiment, clapped his pistol to my head, Mr. Hancock. We went up chamber, and
called me by name and told me he was while we were getting the trunk, we saw
going to ask me some questions, and if I the British very near, upon a full march.
did not give him true answers, he would We hurried towards Mr. Clark's house. In
blow my brains out. He then asked me our way we passed through the militia.
similar questions to those above. He then There were about fifty. When we had got
ordered me to mount my horse, after about one hundred yards from the meet-
searching me for arms. He then ordered ing-house, the British troops appeared on
them to advance and to lead me in front. both sides of the meeting-house. In their
When we got to the road, they turned down front was an officer on horseback. They
towards Lexington. When we had got made a short halt; when I saw, and heard,
about one mile, the major rode up to the a gun fired, which appeared to be a pistol.
officer that was leading me, and told him Then I could distinguish two guns, and
to give me to the sergeant. As soon as he then a continual roar of musketry; when
took me, the major ordered him, if I at- we made off with the trunk."
tempted to run, or anybody insulted them, Across the ocean in England in that same
to blow my brains out. year of 1775, when the colonists were en-
"We rode till we got near Lexington gaged in their struggle for independence,
meeting-house, when the militia fired a vol- Joseph Priestley published his epic work
ley of guns, which appeared to alarm them leading to the discovery of oxygen. Section
very much. The major inquired of me how III of Volume II of his Experiments and
far it was to Cambridge, and if there were Observations on Different Kinds of Air was
any other road. After some consultation, republished in February, 1976, in "Classi-
the major rode up to the sergeant and cal File"; Section IV is republished below.
asked if his horse was tired. He answered
him he was-he was a sergeant of grena-
diers and had a small horse. 'Then,' said SECTION IV
he, 'take that man's horse.' I dismounted, A MORE PARTICULAR ACCOUNT
and the sergeant mounted my horse, when OF SOME PROCESSES FOR THE
they all rode towards Lexington meeting- PRODUCTION OF
"I went across the burying-ground and
some pastures and came to the Rev. Mr. JOSEPH PRIESTLY, L.L.D., F.R.S.
Clark's house, where I found Messrs. Han- London, 1775
cock and Adams. I told them of my treat-
ment, and they concluded to go from that
house towards Woburn. I went with them
and a Mr. Lowell, who was a clerk to Mr. I took half an ounce of lead-ore, and
Hancock. having saturated it with spirit of nitre, I
"When we got to the house where they dried it as before, put it into a gun-barrel,
intended to stop, Mr. Lowell and myself filled up to the mouth with pounded flint,
returned to Mr. Clark's to find what was and placed vessels filled with water to re-
going on. When we got there, an elderly ceive the air. The consequence was, that as
man came in; he said he had just come soon as this mixture began to be warm, air
from the tavern, that a man had come from was generated very fast, insomuch that,

being rather alarmed, I stood on one side; It is sufficiently evident from these ex-
when presently there was a violent and loud periments, that dephlogisticated air is pro-
explosion, by which all the contents of the duced from all kinds of earth mixed with
gun-barrel were driven out with great spirit of nitre, only that a greater quantity
force, dashing to pieces the vessels that of air is produced from some than from
were placed to receive the air, and dispers- others; the advantage in this respect being
ing the fragments all over the room; so that on the side of the metallic and calcareous
all the air which I had collected, and which earths.
was about a pint, was lost.

PublishedJune, 1976
Thomas Fleming, an eminent and highly that Bunker Hill, the higher of the twin
literate historian, has recently written of hills where Messrs. Breed and Bunker
the mythology which has developed over grazed their cattle, be fortified. Through
the years on the subject of the American either misunderstanding or stupidity, the
Revolution: detail dispatched from Cambridge spent
the entire night ofJune 16, 1775, fortifying
"1. Lexington-Concord was a vicious,
Breed's Hill, the lower of the peaks. It was
unjustified assault on a peaceful, un-
a military mistake, since Breed's was closer
prepared people, proving that the
to the water, closer to the guns of the Royal
British intended to enslave and hu-
Navy and the batteries in Boston itself, and
miliate all Americans.
also to beaches where British troops could
"2. Both battles-(i.e., Lexington-Con-
land. Nevertheless, the militia dug all night,
cord and Bunker Hill)-were victo-
and when dawn came the British in Boston
ries of amateurs over professionals,
were at first incredulous, and then awes-
of courageous farmers over cow-
truck, that the Charlestown peninsula,
ardly regulars, of spirited patriots
which had been a green, unpeopled knob
over robot mercenaries.
the night before, now swarmed with men
"3. Patriotism, enthusiasm for the cause,
and showed fresh-turned brown earth in
was the key to Revolutionary Vic-
the form of fortifications thrown up in a
tory, assuring the Americans of over-
surprisingly short time.
whelming military superiority." In the second place, it was a military
Fleming continues about these myths: disaster for the colonials the next day-
"George Washington and the men around June 17th-when the battle was actually
him eventually freed themselves of these fought, because they lost the battle despite
illusions. Many other Americans of the what the history books say. But the history
Revolutionary era remained trapped in books are not entirely wrong, because the
them to the end of their lives. More than a farmers actually did achieve a moral victory
o f
feW coiIteiIpo rary AiiieT iCalis arec sill tI U- or sorts. 1 ri se were, aiter
rr_ .11 ...
all, gree-iil
.. . .

bled by them. They think wistfully of the untested troops-if indeed they could even
Revolution as a golden age of effulgent be called troops. Across the harbor on the
patriotism in comparison with our own era Boston waterfront there was a pageant of
of dull, mediocre brass. The cure for this sight and sound as redcoated regulars and
malaise is a strong dose of historical real- the blue-and-red-clad men of the Royal
ism." Regiment of Artillery swarmed into barges
Perhaps the biggest myth of all was about and longboats to the sound of pounding
the Battle of Bunker Hill, which took place drums and the shrilling of fifes in the warm
just 201 years ago this month. air of the brilliant June morning. As the
In the first place, it was the Battle of first wave of red and white moved up
Breed's Hill, not the Battle of Bunker Hill. Breed's Hill, they were greeted by a strange
General Artemus Ward, the senior General and disturbing quiet. Not a shot was fired
of the Massachusetts Army, had ordered from the hilltop redoubt until the British

troops, with bayonets flashing in the bright to be redy to march. At six agreable to
sunlight, were within 15 paces of the lines. orders our regiment preadid and about
This was the true miracle of June 17th: sun-set we was drawn up and herd prayers;
instead of a ragged scattered volley and a and about dusk marched for Bunkers Hill
panicked and frantic retreat, there was a under command of our own Col. Prescott.
spontaneous trigger-discipline until every Just before we turned out of the rode to go
shot counted; and then a ripping volley that up Bunkers-Hill, Charlestown, we was
decimated the invaders and sent them halted; and about sixty men was taken out
pounding back to the beaches and waiting of our battalion to go into Charlestown, I
longboats. A second assault later in the day being one of them. Capt. Nutten heded us
proved an equal slaughter for the British down to the town house; we sot our centres
forces (their casualty lists that day included by the waterside; the most of us got into
1,054 dead and wounded of the 2,300 the town house house but had orders not
troops involved). In the smoky dusk, the to shut our eyes. Our men marched to
British launched an incredible third assault. Bunker-Hill and begun thair intrenchment
This time, there was no ripping volley to and careed it on with the utmost viger all
tear them asunder, and waves of light in- night. Early in the morning I joined them.
fantry, Grenadiers, and line companies, "SaturdayJune 17. The enemy appeared
with bayonets ready and eager for the to be much alarmed on Saturday morning
seemingly inevitable massacre, stormed the when thay discovered our operations and
hilltop redoubt, which by now was virtually immediately began a heavy cannonading
abandoned by the ammunition-less colo- from a batery on Corps-Hill, Boston, and
nials. This was the second miracle of June from the ships in the harbour. We with
17th, as miraculous as the fire control of little loss continued to carry on our works
the first two assaults-the orderly retreat till 1 o'clock when we discovered a large
of spent, untrained colonial militia to the body of the enemy crossing Charles-River
safety of the mainland. from Boston. Thay landed on a point of
In the third place, then, was the myth of land about a mile eastward of our intrench-
the spontaneous qualities of leadership of ment and immediately disposed thair army
the colonial commanders. Not only had for an attack, previous to which thay set
they sent their men to fortify the wrong fire to the town of Charlestown. It is sup-
hill; they had done so with no provision for posed that the enemy intended to attack us
their relief; with no supplies of food and under the cover of the smoke from the
water; and, worst of all, with no reserves of burning houses, the wind favouring them
ammunition. One cannot win wars without in such a design; while on the other side
munitions; and by the time of the third their army was extending northward to-
British assault on Breed's Hill on June 17th, wards Mistick-River with an apparent de-
the colonials had exhausted their powder sign of surrounding our men in the works,
supplies. There was absolutely no alterna- and of cutting of(f) any assistance intended
tive to retreat. "Don't fire until you see the for our relief. Thay ware however in some
whites of their eyes" has come down measure counteracted in this design, and
through the ages as an order given before drew their army into closer oreder.
the first British assault on Breed's. This is "As the enemy approached, our men was
unquestionably part of the myth, because not only exposed to the attack of a very
those Yankee farmers knew how many numerous musketry, but to the heavy fire
rounds they had in their cartridge pouches of the battery on Corps-Hill, 4 or 5 men of
when they started the day-not many- war, several armed boats or floating batter-
and they knew that supply was all that they ies in Mistick-River, and a number of field
were going to have. pieces. Notwithstanding we within the in-
Amos Farnsworth, a Massachusetts mili- trenchment, and at a breast work without,
tiaman, has left an account of the Battle of sustained the enemy's attacks with great
Bunker Hill: bravery and resolution, kiled and wounded
"Friday June 16. Nothing done in the great numbers, and repulsed them several
forenoon; in the afternoon we had orders times, and after bearing, for about 2 hours,

as sever and heavy a fire as perhaps was by respiration, putrefaction, etc. each tem-
ever known, and many having fired away pering the other; so that the purity of the
all their ammunition, and having no rein- mixture may be accurately known from the
forsement, althoe thare was a great boddy quantity and quality of the two kinds of air
of men nie by, ware overpowered by num- before mixture. Thus, if one measure of
bers and obliged to leave the intrenchment, perfectly noxious air be put to one measure
retreating about sunset to a small distance of air that is exactly twice as good as com-
over Charlestown Neck. mon air, the mixture will be precisely of
"N.B. I did not leave the intrenchment the standard of common air.
untill the enemy got in. I then retreated
ten or fifteen rods; then I received a wound
in my rite arm, the bawl gowing through a It may hence be inferred, that a quantity
little below my elbow breaking the little of very pure air would agreeably qualify
shel bone. Another bawl struk my back, the noxious air of a room in which much
taking a piece of skin about as big as a company should be confined, and which
penny. But I got to Cambridge that night. should be so situated, that it could not be
The town of Charlestown supposed to con- conveniently ventilated; so that from being
tain about 300 dwelling-houses, a great offensive and unwholesome, it would al-
number of which ware large and elegant, most instantly become sweet and whole-
besides 150 to 200 other buildings, are some. This air might be brought into the
almost laid in ashes by the barbarity and room in casks; or a laboratory might be
wanton cruelty of that infernal villian constructed for generating the air, and
Thomas Gage. throwing it into the room as fast as it should
"Oh, the goodness of God in preserving be produced.
my life althoe thay fell on my right and and
on my left! 0, may this act of deliverance
of thine, O God, lead me never to distrust The dipping of a lighted candle into a
the(e); but may I ever trust the(e) and put jar filled with dephlogisticated air is alone
confodence in no arm of flesh! I was in a very beautiful experiment. The strength
great pane the first night with my wound." and vivacity of the flame is striking, and
The year 1775 saw not only the Battles the heat produced by the flame, in these
of Concord and Lexington, and of Bunker circumstances is also remarkably great. But
(Breed's) Hill, but also the publication of this experiment is more pleasing, when the
Joseph Priestley's epic work leading to the air is only a little more than twice as good
discovery of oxygen, Experiments and Ob- as common air; for when it is highly de-
servations on Different Kinds of Air. Section phlogisticated, the candle burns with a
III of Volume II was published in February crackling noise, as if it was full of some
issue of Survey of Anesthesiology this year, combustible matter.
and Section IV in the April issue. Section * * * *

V is republished below.
My reader will not wonder, that, after
having ascertained the superior goodness
of dephlogisticated air by mice living in it,
SECTION V and the other tests above mentioned, I
MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS should have the curiosity to taste it myself.
ON I have gratified that curiosity, by breathing
THE PROPERTIES OF it - -. The feeling of it to my lungs
DEPHLOGISTICATED AIR was not sensibly different from that of com-
JOSEPH PRIESTLY, L.L.D., F.R.S. mon air; but I fancied that my breast felt
peculiarly light and easy for some time
London, 1775 afterwards. Who can tell but that, in time,
this pure air may become a fashionable
It is pleasing, however, to observe how article in luxury. Hitherto only two mice
readily and perfectly dephlogisticated air and myself have had the privilege of
mixes with phlogisticated air, or air injured breathing it.


PublishedAugust, 1976
Every area of human endeavor has its The Battle of Saratoga was of massive
status symbols-it has its Tiffany's, or its design, the brain-child of flamboyant Major
Chippendale, or its Beethoven, or its Stan- General John Burgoyne. Except that it did
ley Cup Winners-and the American Rev- not work out the way that he had planned
olution was no different: it had its prestige it.
battles. It was an extravagant campaign to seal
These were, of course, the Battle of Lex- off New England from the rest of the col-
ington and Concord, and the Battle of onies, which would result in "the tons of
Bunker Hill. They are the sentimental fa- supplies and thousands of men that flowed
vorites, treasured in folklore and mythol- out of those . . states (to) dry to a trickle,
ogy. and the spine of the revolution would be
But neither was, in fact, important to the snapped." It was an ambitious plan, bold in
final outcome of the war. Consider, if you concept, and requiring perfect execution
will, the fact that the Colonials lost both of and timing by 3 separate forces: those of
these encounters. History books to the con- General Burgoyne in Canada, those of
trary, the rebels really did not do too well Lieutenant Colonel Barry St. Leger on
at either "the rude bridge which arched the Lake Ontario, and those of Sir William
flood" (i.e., Lexington-Concord) or at Howe in New York City.
Breed's Hill (i.e., Bunker Hill). They did General Burgoyne was to go from Que-
prove their adaptability, their obstinacy, bec down Lake Champlain, capturing Fort
their self-discipline, and their fortitude; but Ticonderoga (which was weakly held by
they did not win either of these contests. 2000 American troops, known to be defi-
People think of the American Revolution nitely substandard in morale, health and
as a collection of episodes which include equipment) on the way, and then cross the
the likes of the Boston Tea Party, Paul narrow land bridge that separated the lake
Revere's Ride, The Battle of Lexington from the upper Hudson River to push glo-
and Concord, the Battle of Bunker Hill, riously on to Albany. At Albany, Burgoyne
Valley Forge, and then July Fourth, the would be joined by St. Leger's mixed body
Declaration of Independence, the Consti- of British, Hessians, Tories, and Indians,
tution, and, wow, The United States of who would have stormed down the Mo-
America. hawk River valley from St. Leger's base at
It wasn't like that at all. Oswego on Lake Ontario. And then, this
It was a long, dirty, painful war, lasting united force of Burgoyne's and St. Leger's
a dreary 7 years. troops would act as the anvil for a smashing
And the turning point, the landmark bat- sledgehammer blow that Sir William
tle, was one that nobody ever speaks about Howe's army was to launch up the Hudson
very much: The Battle of Saratoga. River from New York City. When these
The Battle of Saratoga was the really forces combined at Albany, the British
crucial, really decisive, battle of the Amer- would have complete control of the great
ican Revolution. Crucial because it was the waterway that ran from New York Harbor
first major American victory-and they to the St. Lawrence River, and New Eng-
needed one, badly-and decisive because land would no longer be a factor in the
it brought France into the war on the side war.
of the colonies, and this kept the sea lanes But some funny things happened on the
open. way to Albany.

The first was that St. Leger panicked and out of them, on 2 occasions-Septem-
when scouts reported that Major General ber 19th and October 7th-the victories
Benedict Arnold was marching up the Mo- that were the Battle of Saratoga were fired.
hawk River valley with 3500 Continentals. Burgoyne could not break out of the fields
St. Leger broke camp and started a hasty and clearings of Freeman's Farm; and as
retreat west for his Oswego base. he began to withdraw his tattered forces
The second was that Sir William Howe, toward entrenchment at Saratoga, his
rather than coming north up the Hudson forces were now outnumbered by the Reb-
River valley, decided to head for Pennsyl- els in a ratio of 3:1. The final result was
vania to engage George Washington's the surrender of the 5000 crack British and
forces and smash the Valley Forge army. German troops under Burgoyne's com-
Howe wrote Burgoyne a nice note, say- mand.
ing, almost as an afterthought, "My inten- This was the military significance of the
tion is for Pennsylvania, where I expect to Battle of Saratoga, the total surrender of a
meet Washington, but if he goes north- major British force. But the true signifi-
ward . . and you can keep him at bay, be cance of Saratoga was the impetus given to
assured I shall soon be after him to relieve the momentous decision of Louis XVI of-
you. After your arrival at Albany, the ficially to recognize the new republic and
movements of the enemy will guide yours. to sign a treaty pledging full military sup-
Success be ever with you." This was enough port to the United States.
to rock any general back on his heels. Not That same year of 1777 found another
only was Howe not coming north unless Frenchman involved in two other revolu-
Washington moved there, but Burgoyne tions, one the French Revolution (which
was supposed to bear the brunt of the eventually caused him to be guillotined be-
American blow until Howe, never noted cause he was a tax-collecting official of the
for speed, came to help out. government), and the other the scientific
The third was that "Gentleman Johnny" revolution that was to become the disci-
Burgoyne was having a pretty poor time pline of chemistry. He was Antoine-Lau-
himself. rent Lavoisier, born in Paris on August 26,
Saratoga was never part of the game 1743. He had an embracing education,
plan. It just happened. As a matter of fact, which included the Law, Astronomy, Bo-
the Battle of Saratoga was really a long tany, Chemistry, and Geology. In 1772 he
series of encounters that went all of the way began to study combustion; and after Jo-
from Quebec City to Saratoga itself, and seph Priestley discovered "dephlogisticated
included the capture of Fort Ticonderoga; air," Lavoisier (who called it "oxygen")
the 26 day march through the 20 miles of demonstrated that it is the element that is
steamy, mosquito infested "Drown'd absorbed by metals when they form
Lands" south of Fort Ticonderoga, across "calces" (oxides). He reported his work in
which the British had to build 40 wilderness a presentation before the Paris Academy
bridges to transport their massive artillery; of Sciences on September 5, 1777, under
UI Cniin n Ias theLI Lwin en- LIIC LILIC UI ..UII l.l V 111CI. LLIV 11 V11 L116

gagements attempting to take the vast Nature of Acids," which is reprinted below.
masses of Rebel stores and horses at Ben-
nington came to be known); and the 2
battles of Freeman's Farm. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS
The latter were the true Battle of Sara- OF
toga. Freeman had a farm and clearing THE NATURE OF ACIDS
whose open acres seemed like a gift from
heaven to Burgoyne, a place where his ANTOINE-LAURENT LAVOISIER

troops could operate in the open in true Comptes Rendus,

European fashion, without ambushes and Paris Academy of Sciences, 1777
rifle fire from deep forests and impenetra-
ble woods. But that was an illusion. Because I have in earlier memoirs demonstrated
Freeman's Farm was surrounded by woods; to you as far as it is possible to demonstrate
in physics and chemistry that the purest air, In consequence of these facts, -I shall
that to which M. Priestley has given the henceforth call dephlogisticated air or air
name of "dephlogisticated air", enters as a most suitable for respiration, when it is in
constituent part into the composition of a state of combination of fixity, by the name
several acids, notably of phosphoric vi- of "the acidifying principle", or, if one pre-
triolic and nitric acids. fers the same meaning in a word from the
Greek, "the principle Oxygine".

Published October, 1976

In July of 1775, a remarkable document refused either to see him or to accept the
was sent to King George III of England document. This was therefore the first step
from his American Colonies. on the road to the Declaration of Indepen-
It began: dence.
"To the King's most excellent Majesty It was not an easy road.
"Most gracious sovereign The Tories were not a factor in the equa-
"We your majesty's faithful subjects of tion at all, since they were utterly loyal to
the colonies of New Hampshire, Massachu- the King and had no part in any discussions
setts Bay, Rhode-island and Providence concerning separation. It was within the
plantations, Connecticut, New York, New rebel movement itself that the division was
Jersey, Pennsylvania, the counties of New felt. The Conservatives maintained that the
Castle, Kent & Sussex on Delaware, Mary- colonies could not possibly survive if sepa-
land, Virginia, North Carolina and South rated from England; it would be "like a
Carolina in behalf of ourselves and the child being thrust violently out of his fa-
inhabitants of these colonies, who have de- ther's house." The "Independence men,"
puted us to represent them in general Con- on the other hand, followed their leader,
gress, entreat your Majesty's gracious at- John Adams, completely when he said,
tention to this our humble petition . . . ." over and over, "Nothing can save us but
This was the introductory paragraph to discipline in the army, governments in
the famous Olive Branch Petition, a fluent every Colony and a confederation of the
and obsequious document which was writ- whole . ... A Union and a confederation
ten at the behest of those many who, while of Thirteen States, independent of Parlia-
not Tories, were genuinely distressed by ment, of Minister, and of King."
the thought of a split from the Mother But it was an Englishman who turned the
country. It was signed after the Battles of philosophical battle in the direction of in-
Concord and Lexington, and Bunker hill, dependence.
and the historic document was the colo- Thomas Paine's little 47 page tract,
nists' final effort to settle their differences "Common Sense," was the spark which ig-
with England amicably. nited the Revolution toward indepen-
And it was signed by all of the members dence. It was addressed "To The Inhabit-
of the Second Continental Congress in a ants of America," and spoke out "On the
show of unanimity, although the "Indepen- following interesting Subject":
dence men" realized that in signing it they "I. Of the Origins and Design of Govern-
were wagering that Britain would refuse to ment in General, with Concise Remarks on
accept it and that this would swing the the English Constitution.
conciliatory minority over to the move- "II. Of Monarchy and Hereditary
ment for separation from the Mother coun- Succession.
try. "III. Thoughts on the Present State of
It was a worthwhile gamble on the part American Affairs.
of the "Independence men," because even "IV. On the Present Ability of America,
though the loquacious and placative peti- with some Miscellaneous Reflections"
tion was hand-carried to England by Wil- Paine was a torrid and volatile writer,
liam Penn's grandson Richard, the King and some of his thoughts made even the

most radical colonists wince; but some of requires that they should declare the causes
his phrases also echoed in the minds of the which impells them to the separation.
time with a vibrant beat: "T'is not the affair "We hold these truths to be self-evident:
of a city, a county, a province, a kingdom, that all men are created equal; that they
but of a continent . . . Now is the seed- are endowed by their creator with certain
time of continental union, faith and inalienable rights; that among these are
honor. . . Time hath found us. Time hath life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
found us! O! Ye that love mankind, stand And it ended by saying:
forth . . . Ye that dare oppose not only "And for the support of this declaration,
tyrany but the tyrant, stand forth! 0! re- with a firm reliance on the protection of
ceive the fugitive, and prepare . . . an Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to
asylum for mankind." each other our lives, our fortunes, and our
The last page of Paine's little pamphlet sacred honor."
carried the following sentence in stark, Jefferson labored for 18 days during the
black letters: "THE FREE AND INDE- warm Philadelphian June at his task, and
PENDENT STATES OF AMERICA." when he had finished, he had created a
The debate between Conservative and masterpiece of simple beauty which
Independent roiled and riled, but the tide warmed the hearts of men from New
toward Independence was at flood; and in Hampshire to Georgia. Naturally, the Con-
the early summer of 1776, as couriers from tinental Congress took its turn at changing
the grass-roots Provincial Congresses rode some sentences and paragraphs, cutting
mud-splattered into Philadelphia with res- others, and even adding a few. But when
olutions for the consideration of the Con- the debates were concluded and the final
tinental Congress, it became increasingly vote was taken on July 4, 1776, John
evident that the people wanted indepen- Adams could write to his beloved Abigail:
dence. And perhaps it was the latter which "Yesterday, the greatest question was de-
ultimately produced The Democracy: the cided, which ever was debated in America,
people wanted Independence, and the Con- and a greater, perhaps, never was nor will
tinental Congress listened to them. be decided among men. A resolution was
The Congress appointed a Committee to passed without one dissenting colony,
collate in coherent, proper legal terms the 'That these United Colonies are, and of
separate resolutions of the 13 colonies. And right ought to be free and independent
a top-drawer committee it was, too: Benja- States, and as such they have, and of right
min Franklin of Pennsylvania, John Adams ought to have, full power to make war,
of Massachusetts, Roger Sherman of Con- conclude peace, establish commerce, and
necticut, Robert Livingston of New York, do all other acts and things which other
and Thomas Jefferson of Virginia. They all States may rightfully do.' You will see in a
labored, they all consulted among them- few days a Declaration setting forth the
selves and with the other delegates to the causes which have impelled us to this
Congress, but it was the young Virginian, mighty revolution, and the reasons which
T homasl JTll ron-who, accordUlg to will justify it in the sight of God and man.
John Adams, wrote "ten times better than A plan of confederation will be taken up in
any other man present"-to whom the a few days."
brunt of the burden of penning the Decla- While these momentous events were un-
ration of Independence fell. folding on this side of the Atlantic Ocean,
It began by saying: equally important events-although of an
"When in the course of human events it entirely different nature and embracing an
becomes necessary for one people to dis- entirely different area of human activity-
solve the political bonds which have con- were occurring on the other side of the
nected them to another, and to assume Atlantic. These were, of course, the studies
among the powers of the earth the separate of the great French scientist, Antoine-Lau-
and equal station to which the laws of na- rent Lavoisier, on oxygen, oxygenation,
ture and nature's god entitles them, a de- and respiration which laid the cornerstones
cent respect to the opinions of mankind for our knowledge of all three subjects.
The last issue of Survey reprinted a first Report, in a mephitic state, which is to say,
section of Lavoisier's work under the title incapable of supporting the respiration of
of "General Considerations on the Nature animals, or the ignition or combustion of
of Acids," which he had reported in a pres- matter; 2) that the remainder, meaning
entation before the Paris Academy of Sci- only a fifth of the volume of atmospheric
ences on September 5, 1777. A second air, is respirable; 3) that in the process of
section, entitled "Experiences sur la respi- calcination of mercury this metallic sub-
ration des animaux, et sur les changements stance absorbs the healthful fraction of air,
qui arrivent i l'air en passant par leur pou- leaving behind the mephitic one; and 4)
mon", was published in Histoire de l'Acade- that bringing together these two fractions
mie Royale des Sciences for the year 1777 of air thus separated - the respirable frac-
and is republished in translation below. tion and the mephitic fraction - results in
a reconstitution of air so that it becomes
similar to the air of the atmosphere.

HEMOBLOGIN Does it not follow from all these facts

AND CARBON DIOXIDE that eminently respirable air has the prop-
erty of combining with blood; and that it is
ANTOINE-LAURENT LAVOISIER this combination which is responsible for
Histoire de l'Academic Royale des Sciences, the red coloring of the blood? In addition,
Paris, France, 1777 whichever one of the two opinions one
chooses to embrace - whether the portion
Here, then, is the most complete kind of of respirable air combines with the blood
proof that can be calculated by Chemistry: or whether it is changed into aeriform
the decomposition of air and its recompo- chalky acid (carbon dioxide) in its passage
sition. Evidently it comes about, then, 1) through the lung - I am inevitably led to
that five-sixths of the air that we breathe believe that both phenomena occur during
is, as I have already stated in a previous the act of respiration.
* * * *

Published December, 1976

In the end, it was the French Navy which British to occupy Philadelphia, the sweet
won the American Revolutionary War for triumph of the "Green Mountain Boys" at
the colonists. Bennington, the crucial surrender of
This is an unpatriotic, unsentimental, un- Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne at Saratoga,
romantic, and heretical statement. It ig- the disastrous confusion at Monmouth, the
nores the sacrifices, the bravery, the suffer- furious charges on King's Mountain, the
ing, the raw courage, and the almost super- important triumph at Guilford Court
human tenacity against overwhelming odds House, and literally hundreds of other skir-
of 6 years of dirty, painful struggle. It mishes, fights and battles.
completely overlooks the carnage on Lex- The ultimate encounter of the American
ington Green, the bloody assaults on Revolution, however, was the Siege of
Breed's Hill, the guileful capture of Fort Yorktown; and the victory at Yorktown was
Ticonderoga, the shivering winter of star- entirely dependent upon the French Fleet.
vation at Valley Forge, the smarting defeat The story of Yorktown properly begins
at Brooklyn Heights and the American dis- with the signing of the Treaty of Alliance
aster on Long Island (which almost was the between France and the Colonies at Paris
war, right there), the inspired crossing of in February, 1778, because this document
the Delaware for the victories at Trenton immediately changed both the nature and
and Princeton, the twin defeats at Brandy- the complexion of the war. Britain was now
wine and Germantown which allowed the fighting a World War with France, and the

Thirteen States were merely one theater of could offer as little resistance as it had been
action; and for the next two and a half able to mount against the earlier raiding
years, the fight between England and her forces of Matthew and Collier. But now
enemies (Spain had joined the French- General Washington, who was immobilized
American Alliance in 1779, and Holland in his winter quarters at Tappan on Hud-
came in later) was for control of the seas son by the aforementioned necessity of
and was waged in European waters and in keeping a close eye on Clinton in New
the West Indies, where the Caribbean Is- York, saw a chance to kill two birds with
lands represented the richest trading area one stone by trapping the British forces
in the world. against the James River and at the same
On the continent of North America, the time capturing the traitor, Arnold, "an
British shifted their attention to the south- event particularly agreeable to this coun-
ern colonies. There have been many good try." In February of 1781, therefore, he
reasons put forward for this. One was that ordered the young French Marquis de La-
General Washington's main forces were fayette south to Virginia with a picked
tied up on the Hudson watching the army force of 1,200 New England and New Jer-
of Sir Henry Clinton in Manhattan, and the sey troops, to be backed up by 1,200
military strength of the Colonies in the French troops under convoy by Admiral
southern states was far less than that which Destouches and the French fleet from New-
the British command could mount there. port, Rhode Island.
A second was the fact that the Southern Bad weather at sea and the British Fleet
Colonies, and particularly Virginia, were foiled the master plan, however, and Lafay-
vital cogs in the maintenance of the eco- ette was alone in Virginia with 1,200 troops
nomic machinery of the Thirteen States. A against a British array of forces along the
third was the real possibility of knocking James which had swollen to 7,200 men. All
the 4 southernmost states out of the war that Lafayette could do was parry and spar.
entirely, leaving the other 9 states to "go it He wrote to Washington, "Were I to do
alone." And a fourth was undoubtedly the battle, I should be cut to pieces, the militia
need which the British felt to have their dispersed and the arms lost . . . I am
main forces closer to the important actions therefore determined to skirmish, but not
in the West Indies. to engage too far."
Savannah was taken by the British in It was on August 14, 1781, that the
December of 1778; Augusta soon fell and turning point came, and the end of the war
in May of 1780, General Benjamin Lincoln was fore-ordained-almost. On that day a
was forced to surrender his 5,000 Conti- courier arrived at Washington's headquar-
nental troops in the besieged city of ters with the news that the French Admiral
Charlestown, South Carolina. In the mean- Francois Joseph Paul de Grasse "had
time, strong amphibious forces were sent cleared the French West Indies with 28
from New York by Sir Henry Clinton to ships of the line and a cloud of transports
devastate the Tidewater area of Virginia, which carried the Agenais, Gatinais and
which the did ith r-t Scc Encour- Touraine regiments under General the

aged by these and other forays, Clinton Comte de St. Simon."

turned his attention south in earnest-and This news sent the sodium pumps in
the stage was being set for the Siege of George Washington's internuncial neu-
Yorktown. rones working overtime. Lord Charles
Clinton sent the despised American trai- Cornwallis, who had become the overall
tor, Benedict Arnold (who was now a full- British commander in Virginia, could be
fledged British Brigadier General) and pinned against the sea if de Grasse's fleet
1,200 men down to Virginia (Clinton had could reach the waters of Chesapeake Bay
control of the sea along the American and control them against the British Navy,
coast, and could move troops at will) to thus preventing Cornwallis' escape by sea;
establish a raiding base along the James if Washington himself, with his French
River in January of 1781. At first they had compatriot Comte de Rochambeau (with
things all their own way, since Virginia 5,000 crack French troops), could force-

march to Virginia in time; ifGeneral Clin- meaningful event of the American Revo-
ton could be persuaded to stay and defend lution, described in the following account
Manhattan (he was: Washington ostenta- by James Thacher, a Massachusetts sur-
tiously built a complex system of baking geon in the Continental Army:
ovens on the north Jersey shore which "(October) 19th.-This is to us a most
could obviously bake enough bread for a glorious day, but to the English, one of
massive and prolonged assault on Manhat- bitter chagrin and disappointment. Prepa-
tan); and ifthe money could be found to rations are now making to receive as cap-
support the march south, since Washington tives that vindictive, haughty commander
was almost entirely without funds (it was: and that victorious army, who, by their
Rochambeau generously contributed half robberies and murders, have so long been
of his own remaining war chest); and (the a scourge to our brethren of the Southern
final if) ifCornwallis could be prevented states. Being on horseback, I anticipate a
from crossing the York River in small boats full share of satisfaction in viewing the var-
(assuming de Grasse had taken care of the ious movements in the interesting scene.
British fleet) from Yorktown to Gloucester "The stipulated terms of capitulation are
Point, which would have provided the Brit- similar to those granted to General Lincoln
ish with a land-escape route. at Charleston the last year. The captive
All of the "if's" were affirmative, but the troops are to march out with shouldered
crucial one was de Grasse's control of the arms, colors cased and drums beating a
sea lanes. The laconic de Grasse reported British or German march, and to ground
to General Washington before dawn on their arms at a place assigned for the pur-
September 15 (1781) that he was now back pose. The officers are allowed their side-
in Chesapeake waters; that he had met the arms and private property, and the gener-
British Admirals, Hood and Graves; that als and such officers as desire it are to go
they had broken off the engagement and on parole to England or New York. The
scudded north; and that the convoy of West marines and seamen of the king's ships are
Indies regiments was headed for James prisoners of war to the navy of France; and
River anchorages. the land forces to the United States. All
Historians have noted, "That one sea military and artillery stores to be delivered
action, so tersely reported and so little up unimpaired. The royal prisoners to be
noted save in detailed histories, unseen save sent to the interior of Virginia, Maryland
by the relatively few participants, was ac- and Pennsylvania in regiments, to have ra-
tually the one decisive engagement of the tions allowed them equal to the American
war. It is ironic that not a single American soldiers and to have their officers near
soldier had taken part in the sudden climax them. Lord Cornwallis to man and des-
of six years of bitter fighting. Yet there the patch the Bonetta sloop-of-war with des-
record stands. The French had seized that patches to Sir Henry Clinton at New York
one all-important factor that America had without being searched, the vessel to be
lacked from the start, control of the seas, returned and the hands accounted for.
and had been able to hold it just long "At about twelve o'clock, the combined
enough." army was arranged.and drawn up in two
The rest was all downhill for the Ameri- lines extending more than a mile in length.
cans. The Gloucester Point escape route The Americans were drawn up in a line on
was slammed shut for good by a combina- the right side of the road, and the French
tion of the siege lines on Yorktown, the occupied the left. At the head of the for-
Duc De Lauzan's flashy lancers and hussars, mer, the great American commander,
and the Marquis de Choisy's overall lead- mounted on his noble courser, took his
ership. There was fighting left to do-and station, attended by his aides. At the head
bloody fighting, at that (bayonet fighting of the latter was posted the excellent Count
almost always produces gore)-but the Rochambeau and his suite. The French
siege was essentially over. It was mostly a troops, in complete uniform, displayed a
matter of the pomp and panoply of the martial and noble appearance; their bands
Surrender at Yorktown, the last really of music, of which the timbrel formed a

part, is a delightful novelty and produced duty in a very unofficer-like manner; and
while marching to the ground a most en- that many of the soldiers manifested a sud-
chanting effect. The Americans, though den temper, throwing their arms on the pile
not all in uniform, nor their dress so neat, with violence, as if determined to render
yet exhibited an erect, soldierly air, and them useless. This irregularity, however,
every countenance beamed with satisfac- was checked by the authority of General
tion and joy. The concourse of spectators Lincoln. After having grounded their arms
from the country was prodigious, in point and divested themselves of their accoutre-
of numbers was probably equal to the mil- ments, the captive troops were conducted
itary, but universal silence and order pre- back to Yorktown and guarded by our
vailed. troops till they could be removed to the
"It was about two o'clock when the cap- place of their destination.
tive army advanced through the line "The British troops that were stationed
formed for their reception. Every eye was at Gloucester surrendered at the same time
prepared to gaze on Lord Cornwallis, the and in the same manner to the command
object of peculiar interest and solicitude; of the Duke de Luzerne (Lauzun).
but he disappointed our anxious expecta- "This must be a very interesting and
tions; pretending indisposition, he made gratifying transaction to General Lincoln,
General O'Hara his substitute as the leader who, having himself been obliged to sur-
of the army. This officer was followed by render an army to a haughty foe for the
the conquered troops in a slow and solemn last year, has now assigned him the pleasing
step, with shouldered arms, colors cased duty of giving laws to a conquered foe in
and drums beating a British march. Having return, and of reflecting that the terms
arrived at the head of the line, General which were imposed on him are adopted as
O'Hara, elegantly mounted, advanced to a basis of the surrender in the present
his excellency the commander-in-chief, tak- instance."
ing off his hat, and apologized for the non- When, at precisely 2 P.M. on October
appearance of Earl Cornwallis. With his 18, 1781, the British bands struck up the
usual dignity and politeness, his excellency "British march" to which Thacher refers (it
pointed to Major-General Lincoln for di- was a popular air of the day, wildly and
rections, by whom the British army was appropriately titled, "The World Turned
conducted into a spacious field, where it Upside Down"), the sullen redcoats quit
was intended they should ground their their defenses and marched between the
arms. lines of American and French troops to
"The royal troops, while marching stack their arms, it was all over at York-
through the line formed by the allied army, town. That evening an American officer
exhibited a decent and neat appearance, as "noticed that the allied officers and soldiers
respects arms and clothing for their com- could scarcely talk for laughing, and they
mander had opened his store and directed could scarcely walk for jumping and danc-
every soldier to be furnished with a new ing and singing as they went about."
suit complete, prior to the capitulation. But But was it all over elsewhere? George
in their line of march we remarked a dis- Washington, for one, was not at all sure
orderly and unsoldierly conduct, their step that Yorktown was the end. He wrote, "My
was irregular, and their ranks frequently only apprehension is lest the late impor-
broken. tant success, instead of exciting our exer-
"But it was in the field, when they came tions . . should produce such a relaxation
to the last act of the drama, that the spirit in the prosecution of the war, as will pro-
and pride of the British soldier was put in long the calamities of it."
the severest test: here their mortification It was indeed over elsewhere.
could not be concealed. Some of the pla- There were occasional encounters and
toon officers appeared to be exceedingly ragged volleys, but the war was essentially
chagrined when giving the word 'ground,' over with the surrender at Yorktown. The
and I am a witness that they performed this British had no stomach for a continuation
of the conflict. Theirs was a war-weary for the transfusion of blood in his commu-
nation; and when the staggering news of nication, "The Method observed in Trans-
Cornwall's disaster arrived in London, the fusing the Blood out of one Animal into
people called for peace. Commons declared another", a summary of which was con-
that it "would consider as enemies of his tained in the Philosophical Transactions of
majesty and the Country all those who the Royal Society, Monday, December 17,
should advise . . . or attempt the further 1666 (Philosophical Transactions, 1: 353-
prosecution of offensive war on the Conti- 358, 1666) and is reprinted below.
nent of North America." Sir Guy Carleton
replaced Clinton as the Commanding Gen-
eral in America, and promptly proceeded THE METHOD
to evacuate the cities of Savannah and
Charleston "in consequence of an unsuc- OBSERVED IN
Peace negotiators were appointed by OUT OF ONE ANIMAL
both sides (i.e., the British and the allies), INTO ANOTHER
and these commissioners labored through
the summer and fall of 1782 in Paris. The R. LOWER
American Commissioners came to agree-
ment with the British in November of that Philosophical Transactions, 1: 353-358,
year; and when England finally came to 1666
terms with France and Spain, the formal
agreement was signed on September 3, This method was promised in the last of
1783. Thus, more than 8 years after Paul these Papers. It was first practised by Doc-
Revere's Ride, after more than 6 years of tor Lower in Oxford, and by him commu-
bitter fighting, and after more than 2 years nicated to the Honourable Robert Boyle,
of prolonged negotiations, America had who imparted it to the Royal Society.
won her freedom. (There follows a detailed description of
More than a century earlier, one of the transfusing blood from the carotid artery
bulwarks of the conduct of today's anes- of one dog into the jugular vein of another
thetic management came into being when dog, using quills to connect the two vessels).
Richard Lower, of Oxford, laid the basis * * * *


Published February, 1968

It is usual for those writing about the B.C., who used a potion called nepenthe to
history of anesthesia to point to the Old produce insensibility in his surgical pa-
Testament as the first written reference to tients; of Helen of Troy, whose tears con-
surgical anesthesia, and to quote the tained the drug, helenium, which, taken in
twenty-first verse of the second chapter of wine, would "assauge suffering, dispel an-
Genesis: "And the Lord God caused a deep ger, and produce forgetfulness of all sor-
sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept: and he row"; of Pien Ch'iao, the Chinese physician
took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh who performed major operations on pa-
instead thereof." Following this, mentions tients drugged with wine to which hemp
are generally made of Aesculapius in 1200 had been added; of Dioscorides, the Greek

army surgeon in the service of Nero, who him to Bristol, then to London, and, finally,
employed henbane "prepared for lotions to to the Chair of the Royal Society and to a
take away pain, and for sharp and hot Baronetcy.
rhume, and for ear pains and griefs about Bristol was the site of the Pneumatic
the matrix"; of Pliny the Elder, who rec- Medical Institution run by Dr. Thomas
ognized the narcotic properties of mandra- Beddoes, although the practice of pneu-
gora wine; and of Hua T'o the famous matic medicine had passed its peak before
Chinese surgeon, who administered wine the Pneumatic Institution had opened its
containing a soporific effervescent powder doors. Beddoes had heard of Davy,
to patients before major operations to pro- through a mutual friend, as "a very ingen-
duce complete insensibility. But the first ious young chemist," and he negotiated to
true seeds of modern anesthesia as it is have Davy released from his indentures to
known and practiced today sprouted in the Borlase to become an assistant at the Pneu-
brilliant and inquiring mind of Sir Hum- matic Institution. Davy arrived there in
phry Davy. October 1798; and since there were no
Davy was born at Penzance in Cornwall patients as yet, he plunged to work in the
on December 17, 1778, the first of five well-equipped laboratory, experimenting
children born to his parents, Robert and with nitrous oxide and perfecting its manu-
Grace Millett Davy. He was a bright, imag- facture, testing the application of this and
inative boy with a photographic memory, other gases in disease, trying their effects
but he spent his early years at an undistin- on animals and fish, breathing them himself
guished-if not, indeed, a thoroughly and inducing his friends to breathe them,
poor-school, the Penzance Grammar and recording the sensations that he felt
School. As a result, when his father died in and the sensations that his friends de-
1794 and Davy's formal schooling was scribed to him. At the end of almost two
brought to an end by financial necessity, years, the results of his work were pub-
he was forced to begin the task of self- lished in the 600-page treatise, Researches,
education. This he did during his appren- Chemical and Philosophical; Chiefly Concern-
ticeship to John Bingham Borlase, "an ing Nitrous Oxide or Dephlogisticated Nitrous
apothecary and surgeon"; for although Air and Its Respiration. It was not his most
Davy was determined to become medically important work-that was to follow
qualified at Edinburgh, he was indentured later-but it was of outstanding signifi-
to the Penzance surgeon on February 10, cance in relation to anesthesia, as will be
1795, at the age of 16. seen.
His first major area of studious effort Davy's work, both that on nitrous oxide
was poetry, and his verses were surprisingly and that on light and heat, had brought
good, being acclaimed by both Southey and him to the attention of the scientific world,
Coleridge. Indeed, the former published and in 1801 he was called to the Royal
some of them in the "Annual Anthology" Institution of Great Britain as assistant lec-
in both 1799 and 1800; and the latter is turer in chemistry. His style of lecturing
said to have remarked that if Davy had not was brilliant, designed to make science of
been the premier chemist he would have interest to the many; and since the object
been the premier poet of his age. of the Royal Institution was "the promotion
Then, in the winter of 1797-1798, of science, art and manufactures," this
Davey began the study of chemistry. He pleased the Managers of the Institution and
had the most primitive of apparatus and led to Davy's election to Professor of
access to only two textbooks, Nicholson's Chemistry in 1802. The following year,
Dictionary of Chemistry and Lavoisier's Ele- when he was not yet twenty-six, he was
ments; yet within 20 months he had con- honored again by election as a Fellow of
ducted the experiments on the nature of the Royal Society. From that time onward,
light and heat which led him to his extraor- he added some important new achievement
dinary theory of light. In the spring of 1798 or discovery almost every year until his
he became interested in nitrous oxide and position as the foremost chemist of the day
embarked on the studies which were to take was beyond doubt. Among his most impor-

tant contributions were the development direct pertinence, and in Researches, Chem-
of the chemical action of the voltaic battery, ical and Philosophical;Chiefly ConcerningNi-
the discoveries of sodium and potassium, trous Oxide or Dephlogisticated Nitrous Air
the identification of chlorine, and the in- and Its Respiration (London, J. Johnson,
vention of the miner's lamp. His meteoric 1800, pp. 451-465 and 548-559), he
career was recognized when the honor of clearly reports the analgesic properties of
a knighthood was conferred on Davy by the gas in the first of the excerpts reprinted
the Prince Regent on April 8, 1812, at the below and equally clearly suggests its use
age of 34. for the prevention of the pain of surgical
Three days later, Davy married. Lady operations in the second of the excerpts
Davy was a wealthy widow and a brilliant reprinted below.
woman; but it was not a happy marriage,
and Davy's researches suffered from the
domestic discomfort. It is true that the RESEARCH IV. RELATING
invention of the safety lamp occurred in TO THE EFFECTS
the period after his marriage, but Davy's PRODUCED BY THE
character was changing for the worse and RESPIRATION OF NITROUS
Science was becoming far less of a driving
force in his life. Travel and sport, made
possible by his new wealth, claimed an ever- HISTORY OF THE
increasing proportion of his time, although DISCOVERY-
honors still continued to come to him. In EFFECTS PRODUCED BY
1817, the coal owners and miners of the THE RESPIRATION OF
north of England presented him with a DIFFERENT GASES.
service of plate, valued at some 1500
pounds, as a token of gratitude for his great
gift of the safety lamp to their industry. OBSERVATIONS ON THE
The following year, in recognition for this EFFECTS OF
same great benefit to humanity, he was NITROUS OXIDE BY
created a baronet-which, as Cartwright DR. BEDDOES-
has pointed out, was a somewhat empty
honor to a childless man. In 1820, he was
elected the President of the Royal Society HUMPHREY DAVY
by a huge majority, and then was reelected
to the Chair in 1826. But Davy's health was Superintendant of the Medical Pneumatic
failing and his career was at an end. He Institution
delivered his last discourse to the Royal London, England
Society after his reelection to the Chair in in
1826 with great effort, and he was so un-
well afterwards that he was unable to at- PHILOSOPHICAL: CHIEFLY
tend the annual dinner. Two weeks later CONCERNING NITROUS OXIDE
he suffered a stroke which left him with a OR
partial right hemiplegia. He recovered suf- DEPHLOGISTICATED NITROUS
ficiently to go abroad for most of the last AIR
year and a half of his life, but he suffered AND ITS RESPIRATION.
a second stoke and died in Geneva on May
29, 1829. In accordance with the terms of HUMPHREY DAVY
his will (dated, incidentally, one day before (London, J. Johnson, pp. 451-465 & 548-
his death), he was buried there on June 1: 559, 1800)
"I wish to be buried where I die natura
curat suas reliquias." A narrative first person account of
Many of Davy's chemical discoveries Davy's first experiments in breathing ni-
have affected anesthesia, if only indirectly; trous oxide and its subjective effects, as well
but the studies on nitrous oxide have a as his thoughts on its potential usefulness.


Published February, 1966

In 1960, Dr. W. Stanley Sykes published revolutionary idea, should take so little in-
the first of two volumes entitled Essays On terest in its development. It tends to prove
The First Hundred Years of Anaesthesia (E. & that his part in the whole affair was very
S. Livingston Ltd., Edinburgh). It was a small indeed, and that it only assumed im-
unique book: scholarly, witty, original, portance in his eyes when it showed signs
thoughtful, and a delight to read. There of being successful, and possibly lucrative."
had not been before-and has not been Sykes did not give very high marks to Sir
since-anything quite like it written on the James Young Simpson, either, although he
subject of the history of anesthesia. Sykes recognized that Simpson had at least
was dedicated to his subject, unsparing in worked, and in an enlightened manner, for
his research, and fluent and facile with his the cause of anesthesia: "There was no
pen. In 1961, the second volume appeared; originality about him-not as regards an-
and at the time of Sykes' premature death, aesthesia, anyway. He had nothing to do
he had sufficient essays on hand for five with its introduction, which was entirely
more volumes. The literature on anesthesia due to others. His mind was receptive
is a great deal poorer for the fact that these enough, though, and he welcomed the new
planned volumes never reached printer's idea at once. He began to use ether in his
ink. (Volume three is now available, Ed.) obstetric practice as soon as the news
One of the most fascinating of the eight reached him, and liked it. But he did not
essays comprising the first volume (which consider it was perfect, and his enquiring
boasts perhaps the only illustrated preface mind soon began to look around for some-
to a book) is concerned with the men and thing better. He deserves every credit for
the momentous events which they effected this. Moreover he tested drugs on himself,
during the period from 1799 to 1847, and helped by his assistants Keith and Matthew
which culminated in the introduction of Duncan. So he was not deficient in courage.
clinical anesthesia. Sykes has listed the The amount of this work, however, was not
seven pioneers of anesthesia in chronolog- large . . . No, Simpson's outstanding ser-
ical order (Davy, Hickman, Long, Wells, vice to anaesthesia was not his use of chlo-
Morton, Jackson, and Simpson); and then roform, that beautiful, easy and treacher-
arranged them in what he considers to be ous drug, but his energy as a propagandist.
their order of merit for the credit of the Pamphlet after pamphlet poured from his
discovery of anesthesia (Hickman, Wells, vituperative pen in defence of chloroform."
Morton, Davy, Long, Simpson, and "a long Of Crawford W. Long, Sykes says, "[a]
way last," Jackson). His arguments are co- pionneer wh o could easily hav-e held a mu-ch
gent and perceptive. higher place. He had only himself to blame
Charles Thomas Jackson is dismissed eas- . . .Long's place in the ranking order is
ily by Sykes: "He did not have the idea of low simply because of this extraordinary
anaesthesia in the first place. All he did was reticence . . . surely very little vision was
try to cash in upon it when it proved suc- required to realise what a tremendous dis-
cessful. He did no work upon it himself, covery he had made . . . He was beyond
and there is little evidence that he ever doubt the first successful practical an-
used ether at all, although he wrote a book aesthetist the world had ever seen, antedat-
about it. He did not even take the trouble ing Wells by two years and Morton by four,
to see an anaesthetic given until five weeks but, if it had not been for the efforts of
after Ether Day. It is almost incredible that these two men, anaesthesia would have
a man who claimed, or was about to claim, died, as it was born, with Crawford W.
an important part in such an obviously Long."

Sir Humphrey Davy was a chemist, and gets almost full marks for the originality of
he inhaled nitrous oxide on many an occa- his idea, but not quite, say seven out of ten
sion, as well as trying it on animals, birds, . . .he did not think of anaesthesia at all
insects and fish (he was one of the few until he had seen Colton's public exhibition
investigational scientists of the pioneers). of the effect of inhaling nitrous oxide .
He noted well its analgesic properties, and but, given this stimulus and the sight of a
made his now famous suggestion that it man partly under the influence of gas fail-
could be used for surgical operations. But, ing to notice an injury, he saw the possibil-
as Sykes points out, "Having made the sug- ities of it at once, as no one else had done.
gestion he dropped the matter and took no So much so that he arranged for a personal
further steps to follow it up . . . what is trial of it for the very next day . . . after
surprising is that his suggestion was ignored his personal experience of anaesthesia and
by the very people whom it should have a very small practice in administering it to
interested most; that surgeons could have patients-about fifteen cases-he went off
continued, for nearly fifty years longer, to at halfcock and gave his disastrous public
operate upon screaming, struggling pa- demonstration at the Massachusetts Gen-
tients in full consciousness. Surely a lasting eral Hospital in January, 1845. . . his luck
testimonial to their thickheadedness. If he was bad, in that he used a weak and tech-
had only taken a little more trouble, not to nically difficult anaesthetic, and used it pre-
experiment with it in surgery himself, but maturely . . . but nothing can rob Wells
to see that somebody else did so, then the of the honour of being the first person to
whole credit of anaesthesia would have be- use anaesthesia effectively, who at the same
longed to him. He would have gone time tried to introduce his discovery to the
straight to the top of the list without ques- world. The fact that he failed hardly mat-
tion. But he did not do it, and his idea ters."
remained stillborn, which explains his lowly But it was to Henry Hill Hickman that
place in the merit order." Sykes awarded the highest merit for the
William T. G. Morton has to be credited development of anesthesia. Some Ameri-
as the first to publicly demonstrate the clin- cans, noting that the British eventually
ical efficacy of anesthesia during surgical claim almost all innovations and advances
operation. He took the idea of anesthesia in anesthesia for their own shores, might
itself from Wells, with whom he had been argue the point in favor of Wells, or Mor-
in partnership in the practice of dentistry; ton, or Long (it is doubtful that anyone
and his choice of ether was due to luck, would argue for Jackson) depending upon
having been suggested either by Jackson or individual geographical sympathies and
his own knowledge of student "ether frol- sentiment; but alas, we have no Sykes.
ics." But in any event, Morton learned from Sykes' case for Hickman was simply that,
Wells' genius and Wells' impatient failure; "he above all others had the idea of anaes-
he then persisted through experiments thesia most deeply and spontaneously en-
upon animals, himself, some private dental grained in him, and hence he had the most
patients, and some private surgical patients originality of mind . . he alone conceived
of Dr. Henry J. Bigelow; and he came to the idea without external stimulus of any
the Massachusetts General Hospital on Oc- kind."
tober 16, 1846 with a sufficiently powerful Henry Hill Hickman was born in the
drug, enough experience, and enough con- hamlet of Lady Halton, in the parish of
fidence to carry the thing out. As Sykes Bromfield, Shropshire, on January 27th,
says, "To Morton belongs the undoubted 1800. He was the third child of the four
credit of introducing successful anaesthesia born to Sarah and John Hickman, and the
with sufficient publicity to ensure that it only one to survive infancy. He was bap-
immediately achieved worldwide accept- tized in the Parish Church of Bromfield
ance . . . (but he) does not take a high three days later, and then was lost to his-
place for originality." tory's view until he was admitted as a med-
Horace Wells, the Hartford dentist, ical student in Edinburgh. He qualified as
Sykes ranks next to the top, because, "he M.R.C.S. from Edinburgh before he was

twenty-one years of age, and that same year ADDRESSED TO T. A. KNIGHT, ESQ.,
he married Eliza Hannah Gardner of Leigh OF DOWNTON CASTLE, HEREFORDSHIRE,
Court near Worcester and returned to his ONE OF THE PRESIDENTS OF
native county of Shropshire. There he and THE ROYAL SOCIETY
his bride settled down to the life of a coun-
try practitioner, and the card that hung * * * *

outside of his surgery proclaimed, "At A LETTER, ETC.

home, every Tuesday, from 10 o'clock un-
til 4, for the purpose of giving advice, gra- Sir,
tis, to the poor and labouring classes." He The facility of suspending animation by
remained in practice at Ludlow, which was carbonic acid gas, and other means, with-
only two miles from his birthplace, for out permanent injury to the subject, having
about two years. It was in this country town been long known, it appears to me rather
that the main part of Hickman's experi- singular that no experiments have hitherto
mental work was done during March and been made with the object of ascertaining
April of the year 1823; he moved to the whether operations could be successfully
village of Shifnal some time between Janu- performed upon animals whilst in a torpid
ary and August 1824. In that same year, state; and whether wounds inflicted upon
he published his pamphlet entitled, "A Let- them in such a state would be found to heal
ter on Suspended Animation, Containing with greater or less facility than similar
Experiments Showing That It May Be wounds inflicted on the same animals whilst
Safely Employed During Operations On in posssession of all their powers of feeling
Animals, With The View of Ascertaining and suffering. Several circumstances led
Its Probable Utility in Surgical Operations me to suspect that wounds made on animals
On The Human Subject, Addressed To T. whilst in a torpid state, would be found, in
A. Knight, Esq., of Downton Castle, Here- many cases, to heal most readily; and the
fordshire, One Of The Presidents Of The results of some experiments which I have
Royal Society," which is reprinted below. made lead me to think that these conjec-
Hickman waited three years for encour- tures are well founded, and to hope that
agement or practical help from his col- you will think the results sufficiently inter-
leagues, and then took off for France to try esting to induce you to do me the honour
again, for at that time it was Paris, rather to lay them before the Royal Society. The
than London or Edinburgh, which was the experiments were necessarily made upon
center of medical and scientific thought. living animals, but they were confined to
Once there, he addressed himself to King animals previously condemned to death;
Charles X, in a letter that is also repub- and as their lives were preserved, and their
lished below. suffering very slight, (certainly not so great
Both Hickman's famous pamphlet and as they would have sustained if their lives
his letter to Charles X are contained in the had been taken away by any of the ordinary
souvenir volume of the Henry Hill Hick- methods of killing such animals) I venture
man Centenary Exhibition at the Wellcome 1L J LII". L
LI , i 11L . CL 1,5\.CL I III.
Historical Medical Museum in 1930, and received benefit than injury. Subjects of
are reprinted here with the kind permission different species were employed, chiefly
of the Wellcome Foundation and the Well- puppies of a few weeks or months old, and
come Historical Medical Museum. the experiments were often repeated, but
as the results were all uniform, and as my
A LETTER ON SUSPENDED ANIMATION, chief object is to attract the attention of
CONTAINING EXPERIMENTS SHOWING other medical men to the subject, I wish to
THAT IT MAY BE SAFELY EMPLOYED do little more than state the general results.
DURING OPERATIONS ON ANIMALS, Experiment 1st. Dogs of about a month
WITH THE VIEW OF ASCERTAINING old were placed under a glass cover, sur-
ITS PROBABLE UTILITY IN SURGICAL rounded by water, so as to prevent the
OPERATIONS ON THE HUMAN SUBJECT, ingress of atmospheric air, where their res-
piration in a short time ceased, and a part sels; a ligature which secured the main ar-
of one ear of each was then taken off; there tery came away on the fourth day, and the
was no hemorrhage, and the wounds were animal recovered without having at any
healed at the end of the third day, without period shown any material symptom of
any inflammation having taken place, or uneasiness. In this experiment animation
the Animals having apparently suffered any was suspended during seventeen minutes,
pain or inconvenience from the operation. allowing respiration occasionally to inter-
Experiment 2nd. After the same animals vene by means of inflating instruments.
had fully recovered their powers of feeling, Experiment 6th. A dog was rendered
a similar part of the other ear was taken insensible by the means employed in exper-
off; a good deal of blood now flowed from iment first, and an incision was made
the wounds, and some degree of inflam- through the muscles of the loin, through
mation followed, and the wounds did not which a ligature was passed, and made
heal till the fifth day. tight; no appearance whatever of suffering
Experiment 3rd. An experiment was occurred upon the return of animation, nor
made similar to No. 1, in every respect, till the following day, when inflammation
except that the suspension of animation was came on with subsequent suppuration. The
much more suddenly brought on by the ligature came away on the seventh day, and
agency of sulphuric acid and carbonate of on the twelfth the wound was healed.
Lime. The results in this case were not so As the recital of such experiments as
satisfactory; some blood escaped from the those preceding must be as little agreeable
wounds, and a slight degree of inflamma- to you, as the repetition of them has been
tion followed and the wounds did not heal to myself, I shall not give a detail of any
so rapidly as the first experiment. others, but shall only state the opinions
Experiment 4th. Mice, having been con- which the aggregate results have led me to
fined in a glass tube of a foot long, were entertain. I feel perfectly satisfied that any
rendered insensible by carbonic acid gas surgical operation might be performed
slowly introduced in small quantities, and with quite as much safety upon a subject in
one foot from each was taken off; no hem- an insensible state as in a sensible state, and
orrhage took place upon the return of sen- that a patient might be kept with perfect
sation, and the wounds appeared quite safety long enough in an insensible state,
healed on the third day, without the ani- for the performance of the most tedious
mals having apparently suffered pain, when operation.
they were given their liberty.
Experiment 5th. An adult dog was ren- I remain, Sir,
dered insensible by means similar to the Your obedient Servant,
preceding, and the muscles and blood ves- H. H. HICKMAN.
sels of one of its legs were divided. There
was no hemorrhage from the smaller ves- Shiffnal, Aug. 14th, 1824.

183 1 -1 832

Published December, 1970

The history of the development of intra- The story undoubtedly begins in Ox-
venous therapy-the modality which is so ford, England, in 1659, but there are those
completely essential to the modern day who would start the tale several hundred
practice of anesthesiology-is a fascinating miles away and almost two centuries ear-
one. lier-on the banks of the Riber Tiber in

1492. It seems that the Pope, Pope Inno- been posed by no less a mathematician than
cent VIII, had suffered a cerebrovascular Pascal; he wrote extracts on the cycloid; he
accident the previous year, and for some worked on the graphic determination of a
time had fallen into a kind of somnolency, comet's path; and he even proposed ways
which was occasionally so profound that by which to predict the weather.
the whole court believed him to be dead. Like many a genius, Sir Christopher
All means to awaken his exhausted vitality Wren was not a modest man, and in 1665
had been resorted to in vain, when a Flem- he wrote in The Philosophical Transactions
ish doctor proposed to do so by transfusion of the Royal Society of London as follows:
of blood from a younger person, an exper- "Whereas there have lately appeared in
iment which had hitherto only been made publick some Books, printed beyond the
on animals. Accordingly, the blood of the Seas, treating of the Way of Injecting liquors
decrepit old Pontiff was passed into the into Veines; in which Books the Original of
veins of a youth, whose blood was then that Invention seems to be adscribed to oth-
transferred back into the veins of the old ers, besides him, to whom it really belongs
man. The experiment was tried three .... 'Tis notorious, that at least six years
times, and at the cost of the lives of three since (a good while before it was heard off,
boys, probably due to air embolism. The that any one did pretend to so much as
good Pope continued his downhill course thought of it) the Learned and Ingenious
and died anyway. Dr. Christopher Wren did propose in the
The tale is almost certainly apocryphal, University of Oxford (where he is now the
since it is difficult to conceive how blood Worthy Salivian Professor of Astronomy,
transfusion, as the procedure is understood and where very many curious persons are
today, could have been practiced at a time ready to attest this relation) to that Noble
when the circulation of the blood was not Benefactor to Experimental Philosophy,
recognized-and, of course, it was not rec- Mr. Robert Boyle, Dr. Wilkins, and other
ognized until William Harvey published his deserving Persons, That he thought, he
landmark book, De Motu Cordis, in 1628. could easily contrive a Way to conveigh any
In any event, so the tale continues, the liquid thing immediately into the Mass of
three boys and the Pope having died, the Blood; videl: By making Ligatures on the
Flemish physician quickly disappeared! Veines, and then opening them on the side
The far more certain fact is that the of the Ligature towards the Heart, and by
major foundation for intravenous therapy putting into them slender .... Quills, fas-
was laid, as noted above, in 1659 by Sir tened to bladders (in the manner of Clys-
Christopher Wren, undoubtedly England's terpipes) containing the matter to be in-
most famous architect. He was the man jected .. . ."
who was responsible for the reconstruction Thus was the hypodermic needle, the
of St. Paul's Cathedral following The Great basis for all intravenous therapy, invented.
Fire of London in 1666, and, in addition, The second great milestone in the history
he designed a further 52 churches and of intravenous therapy occurred on the
many other buildings in London, including moors of Scotland during the epidemic of
the additions to both Kensington and asiatic cholera in the summer of 1831,
Hampton Court Palaces. Sir Christopher when Thomas Latta, of Leith, first used
was a man of many parts, however, and far the intravenous route to replace lost water
more than just an architect. He held the and salts in order to save life. An editorial
degrees of Bacheolor of Arts, Master of in the June 2nd, 1832, issue of The Lancet
Arts, Doctor of Civil Law, and Doctor of commented-and with remarkable clarity,
Law; and he was at one time a Professor of when one remembers that the year was
Astronomy at Oxford. He invented a corn 1832-upon the effects of dehydration on
planter; he prepared microscopically en- all the body tissues:
larged drawings of insects for Charles II; "Now when we contemplate the phenom-
he evolved a scheme for the graphic con- enon of cholera, when we see the plump
struction of solar and lunar eclipses; he vigorous limbes of youth and adolescence
solved a problem in geometry which had wither in a few hours to the shrunken di-
mensions of emaciated old age, it is impos- RELATIVE TO THE
sible not to conclude that not only has the TREATMENT OF CHOLERA
blood lost much of its water as chemistry
has so satisfactorily ascertained, but that all BY THE COPIOUS
the living solids of the form, the muscles, INJECTION OF AQUEOUS
the nerves, its vascular tunics, and the AND SALINE FLUIDS INTO
membranes have been robbed of the bulk THE VEINS
of fluid essential to the due discharge of
their functions-to the preservation of LATTA, T.
their vital condition. The quantity of water
Lancet, 2:274-277, 1831-1832.
to be replaced is therefore immense and
bears no relation to the presumed quantity A narrative account of Dr. Latta's treat-
of blood which the human body naturally ment of an unstated number of terminal
contains." cholera patients with dehydration and cir-
This comment pertained to the letter culatory collapse by injection of six pints of
from Dr. Latta, "Relative to the Treatment water containing sodium chloride and bi-
of Cholera by the Copious Injection of carbonate at 112 F at no more than three
Aqueous and Saline Fluids into the Veins," ounces per minute. During the course of
which was published in the same issue (Lan- the injections, patients roused and had
cet, 2: 274-277, 1831-1832) and is re- complete relief of symptoms - until the
printed below. diarrhea resumed.


Published February, 1957

In the beginning there was ether. Many but it took Boott only moments to appre-
men and many events contributed to the ciate the implications of the contained
eventual dawning of anesthesia, but Mor- news. He wrote immediately to the Lancet,
ton's classical public demonstration of its enclosing both the elder Bigelow's letter
efficacy on October 16th, 1846, remains and the extract of the son's paper; he wrote
the significant landmark. The chronicles of also to Robert Liston, Professor of Clinical
the incident were not long in appearing. Surgery in the University of London (who
The Wednesday, November 18th, 1846, promptly and successfully employed the in-
issue of the Boston Medical and Surgical halation of ether during two of his opera-
Journal contained, in addition to a disser- tions); and he arranged the performance of
tation on "The Fevers Of The Champlain an operation under ether anesthesia in the
Valley," an account of "Insensibility During study of his own home (for the extraction
Surgical Operations Produced By Inhala- of a molar tooth from one Miss Lonsdale,
tion" by Henry Jacob Bigelow, M.D., a by Mr. Robinson, "without the least sense
surgeon of the Massachusetts General Hos- of pain, or the movement of muscle").
pital. Ten days later, a copy of the Boston The issue of the Lancet that was pub-
Daily Advertiser, containing an extract of lished on January 2nd, 1847 contained,
Bigelow's paper was sent by his father, Ja- under the title of "Surgical Operations Per-
cob Bigelow, Professor of Materia Medica formed During Insensibility, Produced By
at the Harvard Medical School, to an old The Inhalation of Sulphuric Ether," a re-
friend in London, Dr. Francis Boott. Dr. markable documentation of the discovery
Bigelow's letter was three weeks in transit, of anesthesia. It included an extract of

Henry Jacob Bigelow's original paper from Extract from a private letter from Dr. Bi-
the Boston Medical and SurgicalJournal on gelow to Dr. Francis Boott.
the first use of ether anesthesia; Boott's Boston, Nov. 28, 1846.
own description of the first anesthetic ad-
ministration of ether in England; Liston's "My Dear Boott, -I send you an account of
prompt appraisal of the success of anesthe- a new anodyne process lately introduced
sia in alleviating pain during operation; and here, which promises to be one of the im-
a letter from James A. Dorr, Morton's portant discoveries of the present age. It
newly-appointed British agent, which was has rendered many patients insensible to
prophetic of the tragic patent fight which pain during surgical operations, and other
was to bring ruin to the lives of so many of causes of suffering. Limbs and breasts have
the principals involved in one of man's been amputated, arteries tied, tumours ex-
greatest triumphs-the triumph over pain. tirpated, and many hundreds of teeth ex-
tracted, without any consciousness of the
least pain on the part of the patient.
"The inventor is Dr. Morton, a dentist of
this city, and the process consists of the
inhalation of the vapour of ether to the
SURGICAL OPERATIONS point of intoxication. I send you the Boston
PERFORMED DURING Daily Advertiser, which contains an article
INSENSIBILITY PRODUCED written by my son Henry, and which is
BY THE INHALATION OF extracted from a medical journal, relating
SULPHURIC ETHER. to the discovery.
"Let me give you an example. I took my
Lancet, 1: 5-8 (Jan.2) 1847 daughter Mary, last week, to Dr. Morton's
rooms, to have a tooth extracted. She in-
(Communicated by Francis Boott, M.D.) haled the ether about one minute, and fell
To the Editor of The Lancet. asleep instantly in the chair. A molar tooth
was then extracted, without the slightest
Sir, -I beg to call your attention to the movement of a muscle or fibre. In another
report of an anodyne process, by means of minute she awoke, smiled, said the tooth
which surgical operations have been per-
was not out, had felt no pain, nor had the
formed without pain. I think it would be slightest knowledge of the extraction. It
interesting to the profession if published in was an entire illusion.
The Lancet, I also send a letter from Dr.
Bigelow, bearing date more than three "The newspaper will give you the details
weeks after the report drawn up by his son. up to its date, since which other operations
I wish to add, that Dr. Bigelow is one of have been performed with uniform success.
the first physicians of Boston, a professor "Dr. F. Boott."
of the Medical School of Harvard College,
and a man of rreat arrcmnlishmPnt. - The extract of Henrv Jacob
r Rigelnw's nrig-
Yours sincerely, Gower Street, Bedford inal paper from the Boston Medical and
Square, Dec 1846 F. Boott SurgicalJournal then followed.

Published February, 1970

Estimation of the depth of anesthesia has class at the Harvard Medical School the
been a problem ever since that landmark following February, which cost him the
day in 1844 when Horace Wells demon- credit for the discovery of anesthesia. And,
strated the efficacy of nitrous oxide to pro- despite two undoubted scientific additions
duce unconsciousness and analgesia for op- to the art, it is not very much easier today
eration. In fact, it was Wells' inaccurate to decide how deeply the patient is anesthe-
assessment of the depth of anesthesia, in tized than it was a century and a quarter
front of John Collins Warren's surgical ago.
The first of these scientific additions was monkeys as early as 1875, but it was not
the measurement of the actual level of the until 1929 that Hans Berger, the "father of
anesthetic drug in the arterial blood. How- electroencephalography," showed that
ard W. Haggard, in a brilliantly conceived these electrical potentials could be re-
and meticulously executed series of studies, corded by external electrodes placed upon
set the stage for such measurements. He the surface of the head, and it became
injected a 5 per cent solution of ether in possible to study the effects of anesthetic
saline into the carotid artery of a dog at a drugs by electroencephalography in the hu-
rate which was adjusted so that about 0.5 man subject. Several groups of research
gm. of ether per minute was delivered un- workers-including Berger himself, who
interruptedly into the blood stream to the studied the effects of chloroform anesthe-
head. This infusion produced all of the sia-investigated the effects of anesthetics
signs and indications of general anesthesia. upon cortical action potentials, but it was
Blood levels of the anesthetic, immediately Gibbs and his associates who systematically
upon completion of the infusion, showed studied some 20 drugs known to effect the
that the venous return from the head con- central nervous system and described the
tained 0.9 gm. of ether per liter, whereas effects of sedatives and anesthetics on the
arterial blood drawn from the femoral ar- electroencephalogram: "Sedatives cause
tery at the same time contained only 0.03 changes similar to those observed in normal
gm. of ether per liter. This experiment sleep. In place of the fast and rather steady
convinced Haggard that the concentration activity characteristic of the waking state,
reached in the central nervous system was there are slow, large voltage fluctuations
the determining factor in the anesthetic with occasional bursts of fast activity and
action of ether. It was only one step further also short periods in which there are almost
to show that the ether content of the arte- no fluctuations. If sedation is so heavy that
rial blood was the critical factor in deter- the patient cannot be aroused, the bursts
mining the concentration of ether in the of fast activity disappear, and the slow com-
central nervous system, and this Haggard ponents become slower, of larger voltage
did by drawing samples simultaneously and almost continuous. Ether produces,
from the femoral artery, the internal jug- first, a decreased voltage of the lower fre-
ular vein, and the right heart. quencies in the normal record and an in-
The measurement of the actual level of creased voltage of the higher frequencies
the anesthetic drug in arterial blood cor- and, later, large voltage, slow waves with a
relates well with the clinical symptoms and 10 a second rhythm superimposed."
signs of the syndrome of general anesthe- Gibbs and his colleagues also were the
sia, and it is unquestionably the most accu- first to suggest that electroencephalogra-
rate gauge of the different depths of gen- phy might be useful as an estimation of the
eral anesthesia. It has never progressed depth of anesthesia during surgery: "A
from the confining bounds of a research practical application of these observations
tool to widespread usage as a routine clini- might be the use of the electroencephalo-
cal estimate, however, for, although arte- gram as a measure of the depth of anesthe-
rial puncture is far more commonplace sia during surgical operations. The anes-
than it was just a few years ago and al- thetist and surgeon could have before them
though gas chromatography is many-fold on tape or screen a continuous record of
faster than the former chemical analyses of the electrical activity of both heart and
blood levels of anesthetics, the techniques brain." This prediction remained just that,
remain formidable in terms of the day-to- a prediction, until the 1950's when Bick-
day administration of clinical anesthesia at ford, Courtin, Faulconer and their col-
the operating room level. leagues at the Mayo Clinic undertook de-
The second scientific addition to the art tailed studies and classifications of the elec-
of the estimation of the depth of anesthesia troencephalographic changes produced by
has been the electroencephalogram. Caton ether, thiopental and cyclopropane under
had demonstrated the occurrence of elec- actual surgical conditions. Furthermore, in
tric potentials in the brains of rabbits and the case of both ether and cyclopropane,

the various electroencephalographic pat- Today, most practicing clinical anesthe-

terns were correlated with blood levels. siologists still rely on time honored signs to
They were always at pains to point out, estimate the depth of anesthesia. These
however, that they were not measuring include the type, rate and depth of respi-
"depth of anesthesia," but only "estimating ration; pupillary size and eyeball activity;
the degree of cortical electric alteration corneal, conjunctival, pharyngeal, laryn-
associated with the action of anesthetic geal, carinal, cutaneous, peritoneal, and
drugs." various types of autonomic reflexes; pulse
The work of the Mayo Clinic group pre- rate; blood pressure; and muscle tone. By
cipitated a great deal of clinical interest in the use of these signs as guides, it has been
electroencephalography as a guide to the possible to develop various classifications of
depth of anesthesia for a period of several the depth of general anesthesia. Indeed,
years, but although the method is still pur- the first of these, developed on the basis of
sued avidly by certain anesthesiologists, subjective criteria, was published just 31/2
widespread clinical use has dropped off months following Morton's classical public
quite precipitously during the past decade. demonstration of ether anesthesia at the
Faulconer and Bickford themselves, writ- Massachusetts General Hospital on Octo-
ing in 1960, have stated their position on ber 16, 1846. It was contained in a letter
the value of electroencephalography dur- to the editor, written by Dr. Francis Plom-
ing anesthesia: ley on the subject of "Operations Upon
"It is our opinion that electroencephalo- The Eye," and published on pages 134 and
graphy may make an important contribu- 135 in the January 30, 1847, issue of The
tion to anesthesiology when it is applied for Lancet.
the following special purposes and others
like them:
"1. The maintenance of a steady state in OPERATIONS UPON
laboratory investigations in which varia- THE EYE
tions in depth of anesthesia are undesirable. PLOMLEY, F.
"2. The early detection of inadequate
cerebral perfusion during whole body per- Lancet 1:134, January 30, 1847
fusion with extracorporeal circulation.
"3. The teaching of anesthesiology and Dr. Plomley describes three successful
the clinical evaluation of new anesthetic ether anesthetics for operations about the
agents. head. He then assures the readers that
"4. The assessment of damage and recov- ether works well on dogs and describes his
ery after severe anoxic accidents during own experiences with ether inhalation.
anesthesia or cardiac arrest. Based on his own inhalations he describes
"5. The detection of critical changes in an early pleasurable "half intoxication"
amplitude of cortical potentials during hy- stage, followed by one of extreme pleasure
pothermia. with consciousness but with indifference to
"6. The maintenance of a steady state of pain. "The third stage, the only one, I
anesthesia in the operating room when all think, for performing operations is one of
other signs of anesthesia are unavailable." profound intoxication and insensibility."

Published February, 1971

The phenomenon of the doctor turned ben's "Everything You Always Wanted to
popular author is really a fairly common Know about Sex (But Were Afraid to
one, and a number of examples of popular Ask)." Another recent entry would be Dr.
books written by physicians come to mind Michael Crichton's "The Andromeda
readily. Each reader's list of such books will Strain," a remarkable achievement for a
differ, of course, but in this day of women's man who was a full time medical student
liberation probably the most recent on while he wrote it. That Crichton could then
many such lists would be Dr. David Reu- follow with another title on the best seller
list, "Five Patients," within a couple of years a while he was a pupil of James Jackson in
and while still a house officer produces awe Boston.
that is beyond description. "As was the rule in those days for young
My own list necessarily has to include a physicians of means who hoped to rise in
book written a generation ago by a medical their profession, Channing went to Europe
school classmate, Dr. David Bradley, and to complete his education. After some time,
titled, "No Place To Hide," which was the largely devoted to obstetrics, spent in the
log of a doctor assigned to duty with Op- hospitals of London and Edinburgh, he
eration Crossroads, the atom bomb tests at returned in 1812 and entered practice in
Kwajalein Harbor in the Bikinis. My list Boston, where at that time midwifery was
would also have to include two of the most at a particularly low ebb. There were no
famous of the many books popularizing hospital clinics where the young physician
science and medicine, Paul DeKruif's, "Mi- could see and study obstetrical cases-or
crobe Hunters," and Hans Zinsser's, "Rats, for that matter any cases of a medical or
Lice, and History." My favorite, however, surgical nature. Practical experience, for
is "Safe Deliverance," written by Dr. Fred- those who had not been abroad, was de-
erick C. Irving, Professor of Obstetrics at rived solely through the apprentice system
Harvard, while he was a medical student. whereby the youthful doctor, acting as an
"Safe Deliverance" was the fourth vol- assistant in private practice to an older
ume to receive a $2500 Life-in-America practitioner, learned what he could of the
award from Houghton Miflin Company, art and science of medicine from his pre-
and was both a history of the Boston Lying- ceptor. The knowledge and special training
In Hospital and the story of Fritz Irving, acquired by Channing in Europe soon
who was a living legend in his time. It brought him recognition as the ablest ob-
contains a chapter titled, "The Gentleman stetrician in the city. In 1815 he was ap-
in the Beaver Hat," which is devoted to the pointed lecturer in obstetrics in Harvard
subject of anesthesia and is worth quoting Medical School, and in 1818 he became its
at some length: first professor of midwifery and medical
"Possibly Dr. Channing's love of fast jurisprudence, a position that he held for
driving was an escape from the strain of 36 years.
being a New Englander. He was born in "One cannot but speculate upon the cu-
Providence, his maternal grandfather hav- rious association of apparently unrelated
ing been one of the signers from Rhode subjects indicated by Dr. Channing's title.
Island of the Declaration of Independence, Medical jurisprudence, or legal medicine,
and all his life was spent between the shores has had to do with that wide common
of Narrangansett and Massachusetts Bays. ground where law and medicine meet. It
He entered Harvard College in 1804; but concerns not only injuries to the person,
in April 1807, with a group of other stu- deaths from violence, insanity, and malin-
dents he was expelled because he took part gering, but in addition it embraces subjects
in an incipient riot over the quality of the involving the sex relations, such as preg-
food. On this occasion the University au- nancy, illegitimacy, rape, and criminal
thorities reported that the conduct of the abortion-matters which alone in this en-
students was 'disorderly, indecent, an insult tire field can have any possible bearing on
to the authority of the college, and a viola- obstetrics. It is likely that the faculty, hav-
tion of the Laws made for the preservation ing decided that someone should teach
of order and decorum, which ought not to medical jurisprudence to the students, se-
be passed over in silence.' Later, however, lected Dr. Channing, a comparatively
when he became eminent, the College for- young man and the first incumbent of a
gave him and awarded his A.B. as of 1808. newly created chair, as the person who
He studied under Rush, Wistar, and Phys- might offer the least-spirited resistance to
ick at the University of Pennsylvania Med- such an assignment. If one may judge from
ical School, from which he received his a student's notebook of that day, medical
M.D. in 1809; and he was given the same jurisprudence was always with him dis-
degree ad eundem by Harvard in 1812. For tinctly a side issue.

"His outstanding public appearance as a "The catalogue of the Medical School

medicolegal expert was in 1833 at the trial for 1830 states that the department of mid-
of Ephraim K. Avery, a revivalist minister, wifery was provided with 'models from
for the murder of Sarah Maria Cornell, a Florence to illustrate the practice and teach
mill worker who was found hanging on a the anatomy of this branch of the profes-
haystack on a farm in Tiverton, Rhode sion. Besides these it is well supplied with
Island. Dr. Channing appeared for the de- plates and preparations to aid its study.' On
fense; and he was instrumental in securing occasions Dr. Channing produced the
an acquittal by testifying that the fetus models from Florence, dusted them off,
found in Sarah Maria's uterus was of such and invited members of his classes to diag-
an advanced gestational development that nose the presentation and position of the
Avery, who had known the girl only a short artificial fetus in the imitation uterus. For
time, could not have been its father. Most the most part, however, instruction was
people, however, did not agree with Dr. entirely didactic; and although a few stu-
Channing. The newspapers were filled with dents acquired some practical experience
accounts of the trial, broadsides were writ- under the preceptorial wings of practition-
ten about it, and poems were devoted to ers, most of them not only graduated in
the piteous plight of the poor working girl medicine but even attended their first con-
and the brutality of the fiendish revivalist. finement without ever having seen a baby
"To his teaching Dr. Channing brought born.
the enthusiastic interest of an unusually "Dr. Channing was not only the attend-
bright and intelligent mind. In those days, ing physician but also the moving spirit in
now happily past, medical students were the establishment of the Boston Lying-In
not all intellectual paragons; some were Hospital. The members of the Massachu-
indolent and indifferent. The professor was setts Charitable Fire Society and the first
a stimulating lecturer; at times he was clear trustees were his familiar friends. Among
and concise, on other occasions somewhat them was George Hayward, who with Bi-
discursive, but he never failed to hold the gelow, Gorham,John C. Warren, and Ware
attention of his listeners. One of his pupils formed a medical club of which Channing
describes him in 1832: was a member.
"Dr. Channing made two outstanding
He came fresh from his morning's drive,
bright, cheery, and in the best of spirits. The first
contributions to medicine. In his article
impression was a favorable one. He was a fluent, entitled 'Notes on Anhaemia, principally in
at times an eloquent speaker. He graphically de- its connection with the Puerperal State',
scribed the bones of the female pelvis and clothed published in the October, 1842, issue of
them with flesh and blood; he was full of anec- the New England QuarterlyJournal of Med-
dote; his manner was pleasant and interesting. icine, he described for the first time the
The lecture reminded one of a fresh easterly pernicious-like type of anemia which on
breeze on a dry, hot summer day. The hour rare occasions complicates pregnancy; and
passed rapidly away; he briskly put on his coat he reported ten such patients, all of whom
and disappeared as suddenly as he came, leaving
succumbed. Modern treatment, which in-
us almost spellbound.
cludes the use of liver, iron, and blood
"One summer morning Dr. Channing transfusion, has so improved the outlook
was in the midst of a lecture when an organ- that today few women die of the disease.
grinder took his station beneath an open Moreover, once the baby is born the ane-
window. Presently the strains of a popular mia disappears and the patient again be-
air began to mingle with the professor's comes normal. In Channing's day transfu-
description of puerperal convulsions. For a sion had never been successfully per-
while the battle was evenly contested, the formed; for not only was there no method
honors going first to the organ-grinder and to prevent the blood from clotting during
then to Dr. Channing, who, completely its transfer to the patient, but before 1910
drowned out at last, sat down and said, nothing was known about blood grouping,
'Gentlemen, Apollo was the god of music which enables blood from a donor to be
as well as physic.' given to a recipient without causing its red
cells to adhere and lose their hemoglobin, Channing was to obstetric anesthesia in this
thus causing death or serious injury to the country what Simpson had been to obstet-
person whom it was designed to benefit. ric anesthesia abroad.
Channing's prophetic instinct was shown in But despite the prominent part played
this article when he said: 'The question of by Channing, the credit for the introduc-
transfusion has often occurred to me. But tion of obstetric anesthesia in America must
of what possible benefit would be such a go to a dentist, Nathan Colley Keep, who
supply of blood? In a disease so fatal some was the first dean of Harvard's School of
risk might be incurred. But is transfusion Dentistry where he had been one of Mor-
an operation which our present knowledge ton's teachers and, before that, had very
of it would authorize? If safe in itself, how- probably been the man to whom Horace
ever, might not time be gained by the op- Wells had been apprenticed for the study
eration of such functional changes to occur of dentistry. Keep's letter, addressed to the
as would supply healthy blood?' editor of the Boston Medical and Surgical
"Channing's most important contribu- Journal on April 10, 1847, was the first
tion to medicine, however, was the use of American report of obstetric anesthesia
anesthesia in childbirth, for he was the (Boston Med. & Surg. J. 36: 226 (April 14)
earliest prominent American advocate of 1847). It was also, more importantly, the
the employment of ether to assuage the initial description of an attempt to provide
pains of labor and to produce unconscious- a technique of anesthesia particularly
ness during normal or operative deliveries. adapted to obstetrics, synchronizing the in-
His name stands in history beside that of termittent administration of the anesthetic
James Young Simpson of Edinburgh, who with the regularly recurring contractions;
about six months before had applied this and for this reason it is reprinted below.
great discovery, used first in surgery, to the
same purpose."
In fact, the first obstetric operation un-
der anesthesia in America was performed LETTER TO THE EDITOR
by Dr. Channing on May 5, 1847, less than KEEP, N.C.
7 months after Morton's classic public dem-
onstration of ether anesthesia at the Mas- Boston Med. & Surg. J. 36:226, 1847
sachusetts General Hospital on October 16,
1846; and in the following year, 1848, A brief letter describing ether adminis-
Channing published his book, A Treatise on tration to one patient in labor and conclud-
Etherization in Childbirth, reporting the re- ing with "Number of inhalations, five. No
sults in 581 cases gathered from his own unpleasant symptoms occurred, and the re-
experiences and from those of his friends. sult was highly satisfactory."

Published December 1980

The bottom line in the accounting to sum tive-investigations, but we really know
up the worth of any anesthetic agent or surprisingly little about postoperative prob-
technique is necessarily the mortality asso- lems resulting from anesthesia.
ciated with its use; and the subtotal, of On the other hand, we know quite a good
course, is necessarily the morbidity. deal, indeed, about mortalities following
The latter is difficult to quantitate. Cer- anesthesia and surgery from innumerable
tain complications such as nausea and vom- reviews on a subject which is one of intense
iting, postspinal headache, nerve injuries, interest, not only to anesthesiologists, but
muscle pains, phlebitis, sore throat, aspira- to surgeons, the medical profession in gen-
tion of gastric contents, embolism, and so eral, public health officials, even the gen-
forth and so on, have been the subjects of eral public, and, perhaps particularly, to
an inordinate number of retrospective- the ubiquitous lawyers.
and even some fairly imaginative prospec- The incomparable John Snow, in his clas-

sic, On the Inhalation of the Vapour of Ether, These were the most authoritative figures
which was published in 1847, reported the up to that time because of the large size of
first such series of mortalities, having en- the sample.
countered 6 deaths in 78 administrations Another major study was carried out by
of ether. Of these he wrote, "It is very the Committee studying deaths associated
evident, that in none of the six cases that with anesthesia which had been appointed
end fatally, out of the foregoing two lists, by the Council of the Association of An-
can the event have been caused, or in any aesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.
degree promoted by the inhalation of The Committee scrutinized voluntary and
ether, since there are very sufficient and anonymous reports of deaths submitted to
well-recognized causes to account for the it on special forms provided by the Associ-
result." ation; and by April, 1955, at the end of 51/2
Eleven years later, in the posthumous years, it had been notified of 1000 deaths.
publication, On Chloroform and Other An- Out of this number, 598 were concluded
aesthetics, Snow recorded 50 deaths associ- to rank as anesthetic deaths. It was quite
ated with the administration of chloroform. impossible, of course, with this anecdotal
This time there was no question whatso- methodology, to learn anything about
ever that the anesthesia had been involved, death rates, but a tremendous number of
and the usual mechanism of death was car- important points concerning mechanisms
diac syncope. Many of these cases were of anesthetic death were highlighted. Fatal
reported by word of mouth or in the liter- regurgitation and vomiting, for instance,
ature, and were therefore not always as occurred in 110 of the 598 deaths; and of
well documented as Snow's own personal the 29 deaths from obstetric anesthesia, 15,
cases of ether administration had been. or 52 per cent, were due to regurgitation
Nevertheless, it was an important study-- or vomiting. These are sobering statistics.
and the first study-of deaths associated In the series, 107 cases died from circula-
with anesthesia. tory failure immediately following iv. bar-
During the past quarter of a century, biturate injection, and on 72 occasions
several important investigations into the death took place at the onset of induction.
incidence of anesthetic deaths and the fac- Postoperative respiratory obstruction due
tors involved have been undertaken. to pharyngeal relaxation was the cause of
A major review titled, "Study of Deaths death in 23 instances, and probably the
Associated with Anesthesia and Surgery," cause in 11 more. Of considerable interest
was published in the Annals of Surgery for were 5 cases of death attributed to the
July, 1954, and was a survey of the deaths anesthetic apparatus, since this was the first
associated with anesthesia and surgery as time in a large series that any mention at
they occurred in 10 University Medical all was made of any death where faulty
Centers in the United States between Jan- equipment was considered a major factor.
uary 1, 1948, and December 21, 1952. It It must be borne in mind, of course, that
contained data on 599,548 anesthesias ad- this study came at a time when anesthetic
ministered at the University Hospitals in- equipment was beginning to become a
volved in the study. The study was con- great deal more sophisticated and complex
cerned with the role that anesthesia might than in an earlier day.
have played in the total surgical care of the All of the reviews of deaths associated
patients involved and in particular with the with anesthesia point to the indisputable
extent to which anesthesia contributed to fact that human error is the cause of most
mortality in the surgical patient. The death anesthesia-related mortality, but that what
rate, when anesthesia was considered to Gordon Wyant has so elegantly phrased as
have been the primary cause, was 1 : 2,680; the "mechanical misadventures of anesthe-
and the death rate when anesthsia was either sia" account for a solid 8 per cent of these
the primary cause or was an important deaths. Furthermore, the piece of equip-
contributory factor in death was 1 : 1,560. ment most commonly involved has been a
simple piece of equipment indeed-an en- LETTER FROM
dotracheal tube. Indeed, it is the simple DR. W. T. G. MORTON
things which are not in functioning or-
der-or, perhaps more importantly, have
not been checked beforehand to ascertain Lancet, 2: 80, 1847
that they are in functioning order-which "As in everything else new, I had to find
cause many of the mishaps encountered in my way along slowly and cautiously, after
anesthetic practice. Mechanical mishaps discovering the new properties of ether,
and machine failure have been a part of and was for some time greatly embarrassed
the anesthetic scene since the introduction in procuring a suitable apparatus. My first
of ether in 1846, when it was related that attempts were made with a sponge; next, I
the second attempt to induce anesthesia in used a simple conical glass tube, with a
London that year failed because of a faulty sponge in the large end; and after that,
expiratory valve; Morton himself, within 8 other instruments, none of which however,
months of his classic demonstration of the affording but partial success."
efficacy of ether anesthesia at the Massa- Later in the letter, Dr. Morton expresses
chusetts General Hospital on October 16, his dissatisfaction with any type of appara-
1846, gave up the use of formal apparatus tus and describes his return to the sponge.
entirely. He related this in a letter to the "I have found the result more sure and
Lancet on June 30, 1847, in a communica- satisfactory, and the difficulty of inhalation
tion which is cited simply as, "Letter from very much reduced, or entirely removed.
Dr. Morton" (Lancet, ii: 80, 1847) and --- The beauty and importance of this
which is republished below. means is its perfect simplicity."

Published February, 1958

Announcement of the introduction of Wells' use of nitrous oxide in dentistry in
clinical anesthesia electrified the medical 1844, both followed upon the observations
world of 1846. In retrospect, the astonish- of the numbing effects of the inhalation of
ment seems somewhat unjustified; for, as these agents at such "frolics". Long re-
has been true of so many great discoveries ceived no encouragement from either the
and events, the time was ripe and the way local population or the medical profession
had been paved. The thought did not occur in his area, and he failed to even publish
as a single flash of inspired genius in the his work until after the classic public dem-
mind of one man, but lay dormant in many onstration of ether anesthesia by Morton
minds conditioned by the march of the in 1846. Wells, on the other hand, em-
civilization of the day and a variety of hu- ployed nitrous oxide anesthesia more than
man activities prior to that time. Joseph a dozen times with great success in his own
Priestley prepared and described nitrous practice, and decided to give a clinical dem-
oxide gas in 1777, and diethyl ether had onstration of the method before Dr. War-
been described by Valerius Cordus, an as- ren's medical class at the Massachusetts
sistant of Paracelsus, as early as 1540. The General Hospital. The event turned out to
inhalations of both substances were em- be a total fiasco, for Wells failed to secure
ployed, during the early forties of the nine- adequate anesthesia, and he was hissed out
teenth century, at strange parties called of the room as a fraud with shouts of min-
"frolics" to produce an exhilaration, bor- gled scorn and derision.
dering on semi-inebriation, by medical stu- It is one of the fallacies of human nature
dents both in the United States and abroad. to understand only that which it is conven-
It is therefore perhaps more indicative of ient to understand, and none of the prin-
the inevitable progression of civilization cipals involved in the introduction of anes-
than of coincidence that Crawford Long's thesia comprehended that its discovery was
use of ether in surgery in 1841, and Horace inevitable. Following Morton's public dem-

onstration of ether anesthesia in 1846, they OXIDE GAS, ETHER, AND

all struggled long and bitterly for the hon- OTHER VAPORS, TO
ors (and the patents!). Crawford Long's
original administrations were belatedly
brought to public attention, and in 1847 HORACE WELLS
Horace Wells' "A History of the Discovery
of the Application of Nitrous Oxide Gas, Published in Hartford byJ. Gaylord Wells,
Ether, and Other Vapors, to Surgical Op- Corner Main and Asylum Streets, 1847
erations" was published by J. Gaylord
Wells, corner of Main and Asylum Streets "I propose, in the briefest manner possi-
in Hartford. Wells' pamphlet is of tremen- ble, to give, in the following pages, a true
dous interest as the presentation of the and faithful history of the discovery which
man's case in relation to the celebrated is at present causing an unparalleled excite-
controversy. It is of further great interest ment throughout the whole medical world.
in that it describes Wells' appreciation of I refer to the administering of exhilarating
the fact that general anesthetic agents pro- gas, or vapor, to prevent pain in surgical
duce an excitement stage before inducing operations. It is very unfortunate that there
depression, although he wrongly attributed should be more than one claimant for the
the depression to stimulation, rather than honor of the discovery; but so it is: and the
attributing the stimulation to early depres- only alternative now is, for the man who
sion. considers himself entitled to this honor to
present his proofs, that a discriminating
and impartial public may "give credit to
whom credit is due".
A HISTORY OF THE There follows a lengthy discussion of
DISCOVERY OF THE why Wells believed he should be treated as
APPLICATION OF NITROUS the discoverer of anesthesia.

Published February, 1961

James Simpson was born in 1811 at the hugely derided by other practitioners and,
little town of Bathgate, in Linlithgowshire particularly, surgeons-who conveniently
County, Scotland, the seventh son and forgot that they themselves had not so long
eighth child of the village baker. He died before been recognizable by a barber's
59 years later in Edinburgh (of the doctor's pole. Nonetheless, when James Hamilton,
disease, coronary occlusion), after having Professor of Midwifery at the University of
served as one of the University of Edin- Endinburgh, died, Simpson set his cap for
burgh's foremost professors, after having the vacant chair. Today, a professor is usu-
been knighted by the Queen of England, ally chosen for the job; but in that age, the
and after having become one of Scotland's man sought the job, and Simpson made
most celebrated sons. In very large meas- application for the Professorship. In that
ure, these honors and fame were due to age, also, the town council had as much-
chloroform. if not, indeed, more-say in the filling of
Simpson was a bright and able schoolboy, the Professorship than did the faculty. The
and the family determined to combine their professors all opposed Simpson, and per-
resources to send him on to a higher edu- haps for that reason the councilors sup-
cation. Consequently, he enrolled in the ported him. The contest for the vacant
arts classes at the University of Endinburgh chair resembled nothing as much as it did
at the age of 14 (!), graduated as a doctor a modern political campaign, with a small
of medicine at 21, and promptly accepted fortune being expended on printing, post-
an assistantship at his alma mater. age, posters and leaflets. Vituperation was
Obstetrics was regarded as an almost vul- rife, and a common charge against Simpson
gar profession in those days, and was was the fact that he was only 28 years of

age. The many who thought him too young and on November 4, 1847, the impatient
referred to him as Young Simpson, and Simpson determined on a trial of a sample
there is the (perhaps apocryphal) tale that prepared in the Department of Chemistry
Simpson obtained immediate revenge by at the University of Edinburgh. Miller,
promptly adding a middle name and sign- Simpson's surgical colleague who lived next
ing himself James Young Simpson. In any door, has described the scene: "They in-
event, the town council prevailed over the haled the vapour and their conversation
faculty, and on February 4, 1840, Simpson became very bright. But suddenly there
was able to write to his mother-in-law: "I was a talk of sounds being heard like those
was elected Professor today by a majority of a cotton mill, louder and louder; a mo-
of one. Hurrah!!!" ment more, then all was quiet, and then-
Simpson was worshipped by women and a crash. On awakening, Dr. Simpson's first
his practice flourished-so, too, did his ac- preception was mental, 'this is far stronger
tive medical mind. When news of Morton's and better than ether' . . . he saw Dr. Dun-
triumph with ether reached the British can snoring loudly; and then his eyes ov-
Isles, he hailed the American discovery as ertook Dr. Keith's feet and legs making
"a glorious thought" and on January 17, valorous efforts to overturn the supper ta-
1847, became the first to employ ether in ble ... Later on, Simpson having regained
obstetric practice. His avowed purpose was his seat, Duncan having finished his unre-
to banish pain from the lying-in chambers freshing slumber, and Keith having come
of the world, and he was not discouraged to an arrangement with the table and its
from his task even by "the murdered spirit contents, the session was resumed ... each
of Lady Eufame Macalyene, who in this expressed himself delighted with this new
very city of Edinburgh had been burnt at agent and its inhalation was repeated many
the stake by the ecclesiastics for attempting times-one of the ladies gallantly taking
to assuage the pangs of labor by artificial her place and turn at the table-until the
means". He was discouraged, however, by supply of chloroform was fairly exhausted."
the slow, uncertain and irritating qualities For many of the particulars in the above
of ether, and he began a comprehensive story of the discovery of the anesthetic
search for a more energetic anesthetic properties of chloroform, Survey of Anesthe-
drug. His method of search was a simple siology and its readers are indebted to Dr.
one, known to generations of anesthetists: W. H. F. Boyd, of Edinburgh; the story of
self-experimentation. He and his two assist- the first surgical uses of chloroform as an
ants, George Keith and Matthews Duncan, anesthetic is best told by Simpson himself,
met in Simpson's dining room each evening and was published in Lancet (Simpson, J.
after their day's work to inhale the vapor Y.: Lancet 2: 549-550, November 20,
of iodoform, benzene, chloride of hydro- 1947), under the title, "On a new anaes-
carbon (ethylene dichloride, or Dutch Liq- thetic agent, more efficient than sulfuric
uid), and various oils and gases, to test for ether."
themselves the anesthetic properties of
these substances; each morning, James ON A NEW ANAESTHETIC
Miller, the Professor of Surgery and Simp- AGENT, MORE EFFICIENT
son's next door neighbour, would look in THAN SULFURIC ETHER
at breakfast time, "just to inquire if every-
one was still alive." J. Y. SIMPSON, M.D.
It was a fellow Scotsman, David Waldie,
like Simpson born in the Royal Burgh of Professor of Midwifery in the
Linlithgow, and at the time chemist at the University of Edinburgh,
Apothecaries Hall in Liverpool, who sug- Physician-Accoucheur to
Her Majesty in Scotland, etc.
gested that the experimenters try "perch-
loride of formyle," or chloroform. Indeed, Lancet, 2: 549-550, 1847
Waldie even offered to prepare some of
the liquid and send it to Simpson for trial,
but the sending of the sample was delayed, "This new anaesthetic agent is chloro-

form, chloroformyle, or perchloride of for- "5. Its perfume is not unpleasant, but the
myle. Its composition is expressed by the reverse, and the odour of it does not re-
chemical formula C 2 HCI 3. main, for any length of time, attached to
the clothes of the attendant, or exhaling,
* * * * in a disagreeable form, from the lungs of
the patient, as so generally happens with
"As an inhaled anaesthetic agent, it pos- sulphuric ether.
sesses, I believe, all the advantages of sul-
* * * *
phuric ether, without its principal disad-
vantages. "6. Being required in much less quantity,
"1. A greatly less quantity of chloroform it is much more portable and transmissible
than of ether is requisite to produce the than sulphuric ether.
anaesthetic effect.
* * * *

"7. No special kind of inhaler or instru-

"2. Its action is much more rapid and ment is necessary for its exhibition.
complete, and generally more persistent.
"I have had an opportunity of using chlo-
roform with perfect success in several sur-
"3. Most of those who know, from pre- gical operations, (removal of tumours, of
vious experience, the sensations produced necrosed bone, partial amputation of the
by ether inhalation, and who have subse- great toe,) and in tooth-drawing, opening
quently breathed the chloroform, have abscesses, for annulling the pain of dysmen-
strongly declared the inhalation and influ- norrhoea and of neuralgia, in two or three
ence of chloroform to be far more agreea- cases where I was using deep and otherwise
ble and pleasant than those of ether. very painful galvano-puncture for the
treatment of ovarian dropsy, and in remov-
ing a very large fibrous tumour from the
"4. I believe that, considering the small posterior wall of the uterus by enucleation,
quantity requisite, as compared with ether, &c.
the use of chloroform will be less expensive "I have employed it also in obstetric prac-
than that of ether. tice, with entire success."


Published February, 1959

There is, today, a salutary trend toward colleagues-as well as pathologists, obste-
a dispassionate evaluation of the factors tricians, pediatricians, internists, and, of
involved in deaths during anesthesia. Com- course, the ubiquitous statisticians-in the
mittees to study anesthesia morbidity and quest for answers. It has become apparent
mortality have been set up in many areas; that a great many deaths that occur during
and in a number of such studies the anes- anesthesia are in no way related to anesthe-
thesiologist has been joined by his surgical sia per se, and it has become equally appar-
ent that a great many deaths that occur in FATAL APPLICATION OF
the postoperative period can trace their CHLOROFORM
origins, directly or indirectly, to the anes-
thesia per se. These realizations have led to Lancet, 1: 161, 1848
significant progress in terms of better pre-
operative preparation, correctly timed pre- "An inquest was held on Tuesday last, at
medication, cautious anesthetic induction, Winlaton, about five miles from Newcastle-
cognizance of the effects of the duration upon-Tyne, on view of the body of HAN-
and the depth of anesthesia, adequate re- NAH GREENER, a girl of 15 years of age,
placement therapy, and meticulous, de- who died on the Friday, under the influ-
tailed postoperative care. In short, the con- ence of chloroform. The case excited great
cept of the "surgical team" is ceasing to be interest.
merely a textbook aphorism, and is becom- "JOHN RAYNE said, the deceased suffered
ing, at last, a reality. a great deal in her feet, and about four
It was not ever thus. For many years the months ago she became an inmate of the
prevalent attitude was that all deaths that infirmary at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, where
occurred during operations were anesthe- she had one of her toe-nails taken off. After
sia deaths and could be attributed to the she left the infirmary she returned to her
anesthetist. When old Blood and Guts father's, but her toes still continued bad.
plunged knife into belly with a roar and Mr. Meggison, surgeon, of Whickham, was
came out with a severed cystic artery, who called in to attend her, and it was consid-
was to demur that this was scarcely an ered advisable to remove the nail from the
anesthetic death? And if, perchance, some great toe of her right foot. Mr. Meggison
enterprising intern, showing more zeal and his assistant attended about one o'clock
than common sense, then went off on his on Friday afternoon last, to perform that
own and obtained permission for an au- operation. No one was present when the
topsy, the ultimate rejoinder to the pathol- operation was performed but Mr. Meggi-
ogist's findings at the surgical death review son, his assistant, and myself. She moaned
would surely be, "well, what do you expect after the nail was off; on which Mr. Meg-
of a man-trying to operate on a moving gison dashed water in her face, when her
target like that?" This attitude (that all op- eye moved. He afterwards put some brandy
erating room deaths were due to anesthe- into her mouth, and she rattled in her
sia) led in time to the ludicrous practice, throat. He also bled her in the arm and
when catastrophe threatened, of hastily neck, but very little blood flowed. She
moving the dying (or dead) patient to the never recovered.
corridor, where death (or the pronounce-
ment of death) ensued.
There was a still earlier time, soon after "The CORONER then addressed the jury,
the introduction of clinical anesthesia, briefly explaining the law of the case. The
when anesthesia was the domain of the JURY then retired, and, after a few minutes'
surgeon: and death during anesthesia was absence, returned with the following ver-
regarded as a complication that could be dict:-"We are unanimously of opinion
laid at the door of no man, but, rather, was that the deceasd, Hannah Greener, died
caused by the anesthetic agent itself. The from congestion of the lungs, from the
first recorded death during anesthesia oc- effect of chloroform, and that no blame
curred on the 28th day of January, 1848, can be attached to Mr. Meggison, surgeon,
and was reported on page 161 of the first or to his assistant, Mr. Lloyd."
volume of Lancet for that year under the- "The inquisition was then made out in
title, "Fatal Application of Chloroform." the usual form, and the jury dismissed."


Published February, 1960

"It has been said that America's greatest ist and geologist, and it was from him that
contribution to medical science was the in- Morton learned of sulfuric ether. Yet in
troduction of anesthesia into surgical pro- spite of these indebtednesses, the fact re-
cedures. If this is true, then the controversy mains that Morton was the man who gave
that followed the Morton demonstration of surgical anesthesia to the world.
October 16th, 1846 is, by way of contrast, Wells' contribution was also of un-
the sorriest contribution America has ever doubted magnitude. The Hartford dentist
made to medical science. Nowhere in the had witnessed the public entertainment
annals of medicine can there be found a during which Colton amused the audience
story more filled with greed, sordidness, with the antics of volunteers who inhaled
chauvinism, and selfishness than this one." "laughing gas," and he perceived instantly
So runs a recent appraisal of the Great the significance of the fact that one of the
Ether Controversy, and there must be few volunteers sustained a severe skin bruise
who have delved into the details of that without feeling pain and even without ap-
dismal saga who would disagree. Indeed, a parent knowledge of the injury. He was
mere two years after the discovery became quick to apply the concept of anesthesia,
generally known, the public was wearied to first to himself and then to his dental pa-
death of the controversy, which continues tients; and, indeed, he was applying nitrous
even today, more than a century later. Each oxide anesthesia almost as a routine in his
of the participants recognized the impor- dental practice nearly two years before
tance of the truly historic event, and each Morton's triumph at the Massachusetts
entered vigorously into the struggle for the General Hospital (Classical File, Survey of
honors and the expected great wealth. The Anesthesiology, February, 1958). It was only
claims and countercharges that were made, the robustness of the patient and the failure
the petty letters and repulsive tracts that to attain a sufficient depth of anesthesia
were written, the bitter enmities that grew, during Wells' own abortive demonstration
all but dimmed the luster of the greatness at Boston that kept Wells from achieving
of the fact. But, perhaps not unreasonably, the public acclaim that Morton won the
each claim was valid in its own way. following year.
Certainly the magnitude of Morton's Jackson, the chemist, was led to press his
contribution can never be held in serious claim because of a fierce and driving envy,
doubt (Classical File, Survey of Anesthesiol- but his was perhaps a lesser contribution
ogy, February, 1957). The Boston dentist than that of any of the others. It is true
did in fact administer the ether at the first thatJackson sllggrsrctPe tue Se of ether to
public demonstration of surgical anesthe- Morton-a fact which Morton never de-
sia; and if he was not the actual discoverer nied-but he did so with tongue in cheek,
of anesthesia, he was, at the very least, secretly believing that its usefulness would
mainly responsible for its introduction into prove to be of little value. It was only post
surgical practice. There is little question facto that Jackson, poisoned with maniacal
that Morton "borrowed" some of his ideas envy, went to the Academy of Arts and
from others. Morton had been Horace Sciences, to the newspapers, and finally to
Wells' student in Hartford, and from him Congress itself, either to obtain recognition
Morton had learned all about nitrous ox- for himself or to prevent it for Morton.
ide, its effects, and its preparation; it was These endeavors were as fruitless as had
this knowledge that put Morton upon the been his previous energies to gain the
trail of anesthesia. Morton had also been a credit for William Beaumont's remarkable
student of Charles Thomas Jackson, chem- researches on the progress of digestion
through the famous gunshot accident to of nitrous oxide gas was introduced in a
Alexis St. Martin, which left a "window" in company of young men assembled at night
the young French-Canadian's stomach; or in this village, (Jefferson,) and several per-
his even earlier attempts to gain the credit sons present desired me to prepare some
for Morse's invention of the telegraph. for their use. I informed them that I had
All three of these men-Morton, Wells no apparatus for preparing or preserving
and Jackson-were to a certain extent es- the gas, but that I had a medicine (sulphuric
sential to the introduction of anesthesia. In ether) which would produce equally exhil-
retrospect, it seems a shame that the bitter erating effects; that I had inhaled it myself,
controversy arose, for there was surely and considered it as safe as the nitrous
credit enough in the presentation of anes- oxide gas. One of the company stated, that
thesia to mankind for all to share. But, in he had inhaled ether while at school, and
fact, the controversy was only just begin- was then willing to inhale it. The company
ning, for Crawford Williamson Long, of were all anxious to witness its effects. The
Jefferson County, Georgia, had, in many ether was introduced: I gave it first to the
respects, the best claim of all. He was fa- gentleman who had previously inhaled it,
miliar with ether, had made observations then inhaled it myself, and afterwards gave
of its analgesic effects that were strikingly it to all persons present. They were so
similar to those made by Wells on nitrous much pleased with the exhilerating effects
oxide, and had administered ether as a of ether, that they afterwards inhaled it
surgical anesthetic as early as 1842. Indeed, frequently, and induced others to do so,
he was to all intents and purposes the dis- and its inhalation soon became quite fash-
coverer of anesthesia, except for one fatal ionable in this county, and in fact extended
mistake-his failure to present his discov- from this place through several counties in
ery to the world. This failure he rectified this part of Georgia.
belatedly, seven years too late, in the South- "The first patient to whom I adminis-
ern Medical and Surgical Journal 5: 705- tered ether in a surgical operation, was Mr.
713, December, 1849, under the title of James M. Venable, who then resided within
"An Account of the First Use of Sulphuric two miles of Jefferson, and at present lives
Ether by Inhalation as an Anaesthetic in in Cobb county, Ga. Mr. Venable consulted
Surgical Operations." me on several occasions in regard to the
propriety of removing two small tumours
situated on the back part of his neck, but
would postpone from time to time having
FIRST USE OF SULPHURIC the operations performed, from dread of
ETHER BY INHALATION AS pain. At length I mentioned to him the fact
AN ANAESTHETIC IN of my receiving bruises while under the
SURGICAL OPERATIONS influence of the vapour of ether, without
suffering, and as I knew him to be fond of,
C. W. LONG, M.D. and accustomed to inhale ether, I sug-
gested to him the probability that the op-
Jefferson, Jackson Co., Georgia
erations might be performed without pain,
South. Med. Surg. J., 5: 705-713, 1849 and proposed operating on him while un-
der its influence. He consented to have one
"For nearly three years, the various med- tumour removed, and the operation was
ical journals have contained numerous ar- performed the same evening. The ether
ticles on the employment of Sulphuric was given to Mr. Venable on a towel; and
Ether by Inhalation, for the purpose of when fully under its influence I extirpated
rendering patients insensible to pain during the tumour. It was encysted, and about half
surgical operations. an inch in diameter. The patient continued
to inhale ether during the time of the op-
eration; and when informed it was over,
"In the month of December, 1841, or seemed incredulous, until the tumour was
January, 1842, the subject of the inhalation shown him. He gave no evidence of suffer-

ing during the operation, and assured me, parts. The patient was insensible to pain
after it was over, that he did not experience during the operation, until the last attach-
the slightest degree of pain from its per- ment of the cyst was separated, when he
formance. This operation was performed on exhibited signs of slight suffering, but as-
the 30th March, 1842. serted, after the operation was over, that
"The second operation I performed the sensation of pain was so slight as
upon a patient etherized was on the 6th scarcely to be perceived. In this operation,
June, 1842, and was on the same person, the inhalation of ether ceased before the
for the removal of another small tumour. first incision was made: since that time I
This operation required more time than have invariably desired patients, when
the first, from the cyst of the tumour hav- practicable, to continue its inhalation dur-
ing formed adhesions to the surrounding ing the time of the operation."


Published April, 1975

Over the course of the last 19 years, never heard from Charles Thomas Jackson.
Classical File has, at one time or another, It is time to rectify that omission.
and in one form or another, republished Jackson was Professor of Chemistry at
writings by all of the participants in the Harvard and one of the greatest chemists
Great Ether Controversy, except one. We of his time; he was also the most insuffera-
have heard from William Thomas Green ble figure in the Great Ether Controversy.
Morton (twice!), in Henry Jacob Bigelow's He had an ego as big as a mountain, and
initial paper on "Insensibility during Sur- he could not live without prestige. There
gical Operations Produced by Inhalation" are 3 uncharming incidents illustrative of
in the November 18, 1846 issue of "Boston this.
Medical and Surgical Journal," and in a The first of these occurred on the trans-
paper written by Morton but published oceanic packet-ship Sully in 1832. The Sully
posthumously by his son WilliamJ. Morton, sailed from Le Havre headed for New York
"The First Use of Ether as an Anesthetic. and, because of constant headwinds, did
At the Battle of the Wilderness in the Civil not arrive there until 40 days later. Jackson
War," in the April 23, 1904 issue of the was a passenger, returning to Boston to
"Journal of the American Medical Associ- establish a practice of medicine after more
ation." vWe have heard from Horace Wells than 2 years of postgraduate study of med-
in his pamphlet, "A History of the Discov- icine at the Sorbonne and continuing re-
ery of the Application of Nitrous Oxide searches in geology (he was, in addition to
Gas, Ether, and Other Vapors, to Surgical being a doctor and a chemist, a thoroughly
Operations," which was published in 1847 competent geologist) at the Ecole des Mines.
by J. Gaylord Wells, corner of Main and Another passenger aboard the Sully was
Asylum Streets in Hartford (right across Samuel F. B. Morse, a brilliantly versatile
from Wells' dental office!). We have heard man who, after studying physics at Yale,
from Crawford Williamson Long in his pa- had pursued a thoroughly successful career
per on, "An Account of the First Use of in portraiture.
Sulphuric Ether by Inhalation as an Anaes- The voyage, as noted above, was ex-
thetic in Surgical Operations," in the De- tended; and since Jackson had purchased a
cember, 1849 issue of the "Southern Med- number of pieces of equipment for his re-
ical and Surgical Journal." But we have search laboratory while in Paris, he used
an electromagnet (which was among these with the brilliant work in Russia by Pavlov
items) in a series of demonstrations of elec- and his pupils.
tricity to amuse his fellow passengers- The incident started innocently enough
and, of course, to make himself the center when Beaumont, who toured with St. Mar-
of attention. Following one of these shows, tin, exhibiting him before various medical
Morse remarked to Jackson at the dinner societies, left some gastric juice with Jack-
table that, if the presence of electricity son in Boston to make a chemical analysis
could be made visible in any part of the of its properties. The supply was small and
circuit, there was no reason why intelli- soon Jackson sought more, when he
gence could not be transmitted instanta- learned to his dismay that Beaumont had
neously by electricity. The idea gripped been ordered to a new post in the West and
Morse and served as the seed for the inven- that therefore St. Martin would no longer
tion of the telegraph, which he and his be available for Jackson's experiments.
collaborators perfected and patented in This prompted the incredible Jackson to
1837. His shipboard notes, following the petition the Secretary of War, with the
chance conversation with Jackson, involved signatures of more than 200 members of
a sending apparatus to transmit signals by Congress, to change the military orders
the closing and opening of an electric cir- which had been issued to Beaumont:
cuit; an instrument for receiving, to record "Being informed that Dr. Charles T.
these signals on a strip of paper fed by clock Jackson, an eminent chemist of Boston, is
movements; and the "Morse code" for en- successfully prosecuting an analysis of the
ciphering letters and numbers into dots and gastric fluid of Alexis St. Martin, the Ca-
dashes. nadian boy attached to Dr. Beaumont, sur-
Morse's success, and patent, devoured geon of the United States Army, and that
the envy-driven Jackson, who promptly as- the analysis cannot be satisfactorily accom-
serted a claim for the invention. In May of plished without the presence of Dr. Beau-
1839, the following item appeared in "The mont and Saint Martin; and regarding the
Boston Post": "We are informed that the case as furnishing a rare and fortunate op-
invention of the electromagnetic telegraph, portunity of demonstrating important prin-
which has been claimed by Mr. S. F. B. ciples in physiology, by which credit may
Morse of New York, is entirely due to our be conferred on the medical science of our
fellow citizen, Dr. Charles T. Jackson, who country and important benefits accrue to
first conceived the idea of such an instru- humanity; also, understanding that several
ment during his return voyage from Eu- scientific bodies are anxious to draw Saint
rope on the packet-ship Sully in October Martin from this country for the purpose
1832." Jackson pressed his claims again in of prosecuting the investigations now mak-
1846, and once again in 1849; but he had ing by one of our countrymen, who is in
become so thoroughly discredited by then every way competent to the work; and per-
that nobody took him very seriously. Morse suaded that the opportunity now afforded,
wrote of the legal deposition made by Jack- if neglected, will be lost to our country
son on the subject, "There was never a forever, we request that the Honorable
more finished specimen of wholesale lying Secretary of War WILL STATION DR.
than is contained in it. He is certainly a BEAUMONT AT BOSTON, OR IN THE
monomaniac, no other conclusion could VICINITY, FOR THE TERM OF FOUR
save him from an indictment for perjury." MONTHS, OR LONGER IF NECES-
The second uncharming incident in- SARY FOR THE OBJECT."
volved the military surgeon Beaumont Only the bureaucracy of Army orders-
who, because of the famous gunshot acci- which already had the good doctor headed
dent to Alexis St. Martin which left a "win- West-saved the credit for his famous dis-
dow" in the young French-Canadian's coveries in physiology to Beaumont, discov-
stomach, made the first important re- eries which Jackson would surely have
searches into the physiology of digestion. claimed!
These were epochal studies, not to be sur- The third uncharming incident con-
passed for almost two-thirds of a century cerned the discovery of anesthesia.

The alleged facts concerning this inci- individual without his suffering pain there-
dent vary; but certain it is that Jackson- from."
by conversation, by chance remark, or by Yet a third version has Morton going to
lecture-turned Morton's attention from Jackson's laboratory to obtain a new bag to
nitrous oxide to ether as a possible form of contain his nitrous oxide, and being told in
anesthesia (the word had not even been an off-hand manner by Jackson that ether
introduced at the time!). One version, very had the same effect on the central nervous
possibly apocryphal, is that Morton actually system as nitrous oxide, and was a good bit
boarded at Jackson's house following his easier to handle.
departure from Hartford to go to Boston, Whatever the truth, there is no question
and that Jackson told him of the anesthetic that Jackson got into the act when it be-
effects of ether when applied to the skin came evident that Morton had achieved an
(undoubtedly a form of refrigeration anes- overnight triumph with ether anesthesia.
thesia from the evaporation). Morton used Jackson sent letters to a friend in the
the method on the tooth of a young French Academy of Sciences which, with-
woman, Miss Parrot, in July of 1844, for a out so much as mentioning the name of
painful filling, and, noting that the sur- Morton, proclaimed himself as the discov-
rounding parts of the face were numbed, erer of anesthesia. He read a paper to the
wondered if the entire system could not be American Academy of Arts and Sciences
brought under the influence of the drug. in which he publicly announced himself as
Another version, probably equally apoc- the discoverer of ether. He petitioned Con-
ryphal, was that Morton chanced upon the gress for a "reward" of 100,000 dollars for
effect of ether by an accident: his contribution to America. He even wrote
"In the winter of 1841-1842, I was em- of his use of ether to cure mental disease.
ployed in giving a few lectures before the He was, in short, in the very midst of the
Mechanics Charitable Association in Bos- Great Ether Controversy.
ton, and in my last lecture, which I think Outside of his claims to the discovery,
was in the month of February, I had occa- Jackson wrote very little about anesthe-
sion to show a number of experiments in sia-which was reasonable, since he knew
illustration of the theory of volcanic erup- so little about clinical anesthesia. He did
tions, and for these experiments I prepared write one piece discussing anesthesia in 11
a large quantity of chlorine gas, collecting different animals; and then the following
it in gallon glass jars over boiling water. letter, which was published in the January,
Just as one of these large glass jars was 1853 issue of the "Southern Medical and
filled with pure chlorine, it overturned and Surgical Journal" (South. Med. Surg. J., 9:
broke, and in my endeavors to save the 5-20), addressed to "Prof. L. A. Dugas."
vessel, I accidentally got my lungs full of
chlorine gas, which nearly suffocated me, LETTER TO THE EDITOR
so that my life was in imminent danger. I
immediately had ether and ammonia BOSTON, October 23d, 1852.
.. 1. . . .. .1 . .. 1 1 "
briougiht, and aiterinately inhiaed them with PROF. L. A. DUGAS:
great relief .... I determined, therefore,
to make a more thorough trial of the ether My Dear Sir-I comply most cheerfully
vapor .... I continued the inhalation of with your request, that I should prepare a
the ether vapor, and soon fell into a dreamy short account of the use of Anesthetic
state, and then became unconscious of all Agents in Surgery and Midwifery for pub-
surrounding things .... Reflecting on lication in your valuable medical journal. I
these phenomena, the idea flashed into my have for some time had it in contemplation
mind that I had made the discovery I had to prepare for the press a volume, contain-
for so long a time been in quest of--a ing all the information that I possess on the
means of rendering the nerves of sensation subject, with a digest of the numerous
temporarily insensible, so as to admit of the works that have been published upon it by
performance of a surgical operation on an distinguished scientific and medical gentle-

men of Europe, but my professional and has been more occupied with the disputes
offical duties have occupied my time so which have taken place here as to the origin
completely as to have prevented my accom- of the discovery, than with the rational
plishing this task; and I should desire to investigation of the principles and practice
visit Europe, in order to collect all the best of Etherization. This, I trust, will cease to
observations, before publishing a work of agitate us much longer; for the question of
so important a character. I have decided, discovery has been passed upon by the
however, to begin here, and to work up highest of scientific tribunals-the Insti-
such materials as are in my hands; after tute of France-and it is no longer open
which, I hope to have the pleasure of con- for discussion, excepting so far as concerns
sulting with my generous friends in Eu- the appropriation of some reward for the
rope, and to collect all the scattered infor- discovery by the Congress of the United
mation of a practical character that may be States, and even that I have not sought,
needed to complete a work worthy of the prefering that the act should emanate spon-
subject, and sufficient to meet the wants of taneously from the councils of the nation.
the medical world. This, the public may France and Sweden have already shewn, by
expect from my hands. liberal acts, their approbation of this dis-
I have now before me a number of books covery, and it is hoped that our own coun-
and pamphlets, on the use of anesthetic try will not long delay that justice which is
agents, which have emanated from the expected from her hands.
presses of Europe-twenty-one of them are
in the German language, one in Latin,
three in French, and one in Italian, while It is well known, that the use of ether
only two or three pamphlets have been vapor for the production of insensibility to
published in England, on Chloroform, and pain in surgical operations was made by
only one regular work on the use of Ether me, and that the Institute of France so
and Chloroform in Child-birth, and a pam- decided, after a full examination of the
phlet on Ether, have, thus far, appeared in claims of numerous contestants for the
America. Unfortunately, the public mind honor of this discovery.


Published August, 1977

There probably is no more pathetic, dis- atrics will assume responsibility for the re-
heartening-and, yes, even terrifying-- suscitation of the newborn!
sight in medicine today than to watch the But who is going to teach these poor,
average pediatric resident or medical stu- benighted pediatric residents and medical
dent attempting to resuscitate a depressed student clerks how to resuscitate the new-
newborn infant. born infant? Not the Professor and Chair-
Her, or his, Chairperson of Pediatrics person of the Department of Pediatrics,
has argued long and loud that the resusci- because there are no Professors and Chair-
tation of the newborn infant is the bailiwick persons of the Department of Pediatrics in
of the pediatrician and, after much vituper- the delivery room at 2:00 A.M. when the
ative declamation, has made the point at depressed infant is born. Not the Associate
numerous Faculty meetings, Dean's Office Professor of Pediatrics, because there are
conferences, or gatherings of the Curricu- no Associate Professors of Pediatrics in the
lum Committee: the Department of Pedi- delivery room at 2:00 A.M. Not the Assist-

ant Professor of Pediatrics, because there out, the ECG electrodes must be applied to
are no Assistant Professors of Pediatrics in the chest.
the delivery room at 2:00 A.M. Not the Then, immediately, the trachea must be
Instructor of Pediatrics, because there are intubated.
no Instructors of Pediatrics in the delivery Well, there really is no point in going on
room at 2:00 A.M.-just the pediatric res- with the sorry tale-by now the reader has
ident and/or medical student clerk as- a mental picture of the dreadful nightmare.
signed to Pediatrics. In point of fact, some years ago Shnider
It is an awe-inspiring scene. laid out a very structured, reasonable, and
A large cart is wheeled in which contains all-inclusive procedure for the resuscitation
all the necessary, or even conceivable, of the newborn:
equipment. I. Establishment and maintenance of an
There is a mask, a bag, and an oxygen airway
tank-which is empty; but this really is not A. Position
important, since the pediatric resident or 1. Keep head lower than trunk
medical student clerk does not know how from birth
to open an oxygen tank, let alone get a flow 2. Hold by feet, with mouth low-
of oxygen out of it. ermost, for best drainage
There is a laryngoscope with an infant 3. In bassinet, keep head down,
blade-which is not checked to see neck extended, body at lateral
whether the bulb will light, that the batter- tilt
ies are not dead, or, in other words, B. Suction of pharynx
whether it is functional. 1. Perform very briefly and gently
There is a collection of various sizes of 2. Avoid prolonged suction; la-
infant endotracheal tubes, ranging in size ryngospasm or bradycardia
from 00, through 0, to 1, but no one looks may result
through the lumens of these tubes to be II. Laryngoscopy and endotracheal suc-
sure that they are patent (and history re- tion, if:
cords that there are a number of ways in A. Meconium is present
which endotracheal tubes can become B. Rales and rhonchi are heard in
plugged). lungs
There are ampules of bicarbonate, epi- C. Blood or other debris is present in
nephrine, glucose, nalorphine, levallor- mouth
phan, naloxone, sodium chloride, et cetera, III. Evaluation of infant
et cetera. A. Determine Apgar score
Then the charade begins. IV. Administration of oxygen (if baby is
The wee bairn is about to be born, but depressed-score of 7 or less)
first the pediatric resident and/or medical A. Mild depression (score 5 to 7)
student clerk must draw up: (1) a syringeful 1. Blow oxygen over face
of sodium bicarbonate; (2) a syringeful of 2. Stimulate feet
glucose; () a syringeful of epinephrie; ()\ 3. Avoid anal dilation

a syringeful of nalorphine, or a syringeful 4. Avoid back slapping

of levallorphan, or a syringeful of nalox- B. Moderate to severe depression
one; et cetera, et cetera. (score 1 to 5)
Meanwhile, back on the delivery table, 1. Administer oxygen by intermit-
the wee bairn is indeed born, and the bairn tent positive pressure via mask
is in a depressed state. or endotracheal tube
The first thing to be done, obviously, is C. Proper ventilation
to fill out the elaborate form which will 1. See chest expand
provide information about every conceiv- 2. Hear bilateral breath sounds;
able factor which might bear on the devel- listen over both lung bases and
opment of fetal depression. stomach
When the form has been properly filled 3. Observe improvement in con-
dition of newborn, e.g., increas- MARSHALL HALL
ing heart rate
4. Avoid excessive pressure Lancet, 2: 601-602, 1856.
(above 25 cm. H 2 0 for more
than 2 seconds) We must remember that the newly-born
V. Administration of sodium bicarbonate infant is a creature of high irritability and
(if Apgar score is under 5 at 5 minutes, low stimulus, and that the foramen ovale
despite adequate ventilation with ox- and ductus arteriosus are open-both
events calculated to protract life and hope
ygen) in the case of apnea; and we must long,
A. Insert catheter into umbilical ar-
tery (under sterile precautions) very long, persevere in our efforts to save
B. Administer slowly sodium bicar- the still-born.
bonate, 2 to 8 mEq. per kg. Resuscitative efforts are directed at 1)
VI. Administration of drugs (Nalline, Lor- measures to induce efficient respiration,
fan, or analeptics are rarely necessary and 2) measures to maintain the circula-
and must be used with caution) tion.
More than a century before the prepa- Treatment may be summarized in the
ration of this lucid, step-by-step list of in- form of Rules:
structions for the resuscitation of the new- 1) Place the fetus on the face.
born by Shnider, Marshall Hall had made 2) Sprinkle the general surface briskly
his own list of what he termed "RULES," with cold water.
which he presented in a paper that he read 3) Make gentle pressure on the back;
before the Harveian Society on Thursday, remove it, and turn the infant on the
November 20th, 1856. This was published side; and again place it prone with
under the title of "The Asphyxia of Still- pressure.
born Infants, and its Treatment" in the 4) Rub the limbs, with gentle pressure,
November 29th, 1856, Lancet (pp. 601- upwards.
602), and is reprinted below. 5) Repeat the sprinkling only now, with
cold and hot water (of the tempera-
tures of 60 and 100 oF.) alternately.
6) Continue these measures, or renew
THE ASPHYXIA OF STILL- them, from time to time, even for
BORN INFANTS, AND ITS hours. The embers of life may not be
TREATMENT entirely extinct.


Published August, October, December, 1961

"But if you are an Indian, and believe patience and cunning instinct, so that they
the things an Indian does and think the may be pulled down from the trees and cut
way an Indian thinks, then the making of a into sections short enough for the curare
batch of curare is a difficult and an awe- pots. Certain plants are hunted and their
some task. To begin with, it takes four or bark removed, since only that part of them
five hard days in the jungle to gather your is used.
materials and prepare them. Certain roots "Meanwhile, you have a selected spot for
are gathered; and certain of the long trail- making the flying death far out in the jun-
ing lianas, or tree vines, are sought for with gle, hidden away from the rest of your

people, for that is custom. It is there you you make the final preparations. The one
store your ingredients as you find them, or more large clay jars with the pointed
and it is there you put the especially made bottoms-the ones you use only for curare
clay pots and lay in a supply of firewood making and which gather strength the
which will keep your curare boiling contin- more times they are used-are carefully
uously for several days. You must do all balanced on the unlit fires made only from
that away from your clanhouse and your three large sticks. The smaller, tradition-
people. You know that if you made the ally bowl-shaped pot for the final thicken-
curare under your own roof all your house- ing of the curare is carefully inspected. It
hold would be weakened and made ill by is very old, and has thickened many batches
its magic, just as you know that the people of curare for you. You feel it is full of
of your household would have a weakening magic, and that it is part of all the other
effect on the drug. jungle magic.
"At last everything is ready in your jun- "After that, you check over the large
gle retreat so that, undisturbed, you can go vine-tied bundles of the mysterious ingre-
through the ritual of making flying death dients with which you are about to work:
... and steep yourself in the ultimate jun- the roots and bark scrapings, and the long
gle magic. twisted sections of tree vines. You name
"You have built a lean-to, for you will them over to yourself carefully, to see if
continue your vigil as a poison maker alone you have missed anything. The names
and away from the world for several days. given them in the ancient lore slip easily
During that time you cannot be with or through your mind, as you look at them:
even-it is better-see your wife; and in the stick-which-catches-fire; the toucan-
your retreat you are happy in the knowl- tongue; the thick-gold-stick; the vine-
edge that the one thing in all the jungle which-is-like-a-frog; the magic-stick-that-
which would most weaken your poison can- grows-beside-big-waters; the black-poison-
not happen: no pregnant woman will come stick; and the stick-which-is-like-a-boa.
within sight of your pots of boiling poison. Sometimes there are other ingredients-
If that should happen, you might as well roots from the plant-which-talks-in-the-
throw the stuff away, for you know, as your wind, for example. Usually there are not.
fathers before you have known, that it But always, since you are of this region,
would be weak and useless and would not you use at least these which you now have
harm the smallest bird that flies in the before you.
jungle. "Patiently you work with the magic
"Also, for a day or so before you are plants. After they have been thoroughly
actually ready to make curare, you have cleaned, they must all be shredded as fine
taken no salt or chicha or any aji, the as possible, so that in their cooking you
violently hot little pepper of which you are may extract the last particle of their magic
so fond at other times. Sometimes you have strength and power. To do this, you beat
not even taken anything containing sugar them for hours, over and over again, a bit
during that per iod, though usually-n this at a time, on a large fliat rock, and are
region-during the actual making of the careful to use only a wooden cudgel so that
poison you are permitted to chew sugar you will not lose a single splinter or a single
cane for nourishment. drop of their potent juices.
"On the very last day before you actually "When you are sure that everything is
begin to make the deadly stuff you eat ready, you may take a long bitter swallow
nothing at all. All that-the fasting and the of the juice of the soul-vine. Then you go
keeping away from your woman and your into your lean-to to sleep with your hunger,
household you call the 'sacrifice,' and you and dream strange dreams about the magic
are proud of having made it. After it is all of curare, and the mighty hunting you will
over, you tell your friends that you have do with this that you are about to make.
been a man . . . and that you make very "Early the next morning, while the mists
good poison indeed. are still on the jungle and before Inti has
"Early in the morning of the day you fast, made you warm, you quickly rinse your
hunger-tasting mouth with the acrid gua- "Quickly, then, you go from fire to fire
yusa and swallow a mouthful of some food and distribute arm-loads of your pounded
which has no salt and chew a bit of sugar ingredients-the roots, the bark, the long
cane. By then you are ready for the actual gnarled liana sections-among your ollas
making. until you have no more left to put in them.
"While your fires are burning up bravely "You have been careful, in the filling of
against the dampness of the dawn mists, your pots, to wave certain bits of the flying
you turn your attention to your shaped-by- death plants three times around your head
magic ollas, or, as you would probably call before you put them in with the rest. Just
them, your jambi-mangacuna, your huge why you do that you have never known. It
clay pots with the pointed bottoms, in is part of the ancient lore, and even your
which your deadly brew will simmer for the father, the aged twisted Old One, could
next two days. By that time you will be not tell you why it was necessary. It is just
ready to bring it to its final state in the that you must do it, and you know that it
small open casserole-sort of cooking vessel. is better that way.
This, until you need it, you keep carefully "Now that you have arranged your dry
covered with a piece of bark cloth so that ingredients, as you have always been
its magic will not escape. taught, you put five or more gallons of the
"Your brittle clay ollas are very old, and water in each great, open-mouthed pot so
have been used-fragile and unwieldy as that it is completely filled.
they are-many times before in the making "Then for two long days and nights you
of curare. They are veterans, and being tend your fires so that the stuff you are
veterans, are better able to resist the spirits cooking will simmer correctly. When it is
of the foaming black magic which will not raining, and your fires are not covered
shortly be in them. When they are new and with their individual canopies of great
untried, you know they are weak in spirit, leaves, you lie beside them-constantly
and are likely, mysteriously as those things awake and watchful-and think of the
happen, to break without warning when things a man should: the meat you will kill
they are on the fire, and let the result of with the poison you are making; the steal-
your hard-worked witchcraft run out on thy walking along hidden game trails; the
the jungle floor in a thick, dark-brown poisoned dart in the blowgun; your lean,
pool. You handle them carefully, for you root-hard body held in patient readiness
respect them as you would respect any jun- for the shot; the eating of much food again
gle comrade.... ... and your woman to prepare it for you
"When you are ready, you rub them ... and then your woman ...
quickly and thoroughly with handfuls of "And when it is raining, you squat in
cuilin leaf, which gives them a smooth wa- sodden stolidness under your lean-to, with
tertight coating on the inside. The cuilin the water streaming out of your ash-
leaf itself is not a magic plant. At other streaked matted hair and over your sud-
times, your woman has used it to line the denly shivering body, and hope that soon
inside of her cooking and chicha pots. Inti will return and help you with your
"Then immediately, while the black fires. Ane even as you hope for Inti, the
juices of the cuilin are still wet on the inside good sun, you hope that Supay, who is evil,
of your ollas, you place the great pots (you will not take it into his mind to make your
are probably starting off with three) on the poison weak and like a woman-thing. You
fires. When they are hot enough, the coat- hope that for your days of labor and your
ing of cuilin juices will be as hard and shiny sacrifice you will get a pound of fine strong
as thin black lacquer. After they have been curare out of the many gallons which are
on the fires awhile, you spit carefully into boiling in front of you.
the hollow cone of their bottoms. If the "By late afternoon of the second day,
slight crackle you hear above the sound of when the shadows-dark as the brown-
the fire seems right to your sensitive ears, black stuff you have been boiling for so
you hastily throw about a quart of water long-fall slanting across your ollas and
into each pot to hold them atjust that heat. across your hands, which have become

tired from fanning fires with a feather fan, "In all the ancient lore which has come
you see that it is time for another step. By down to you by word of mouth from so
now the good jungle strength has been many fathers of fathers, there has never
extracted from your ingredients. So, being been anything about white-tiled laborato-
very careful not to inhale their magic, you ries, and undeviatingly-accurate toxicity
fish them, hot and steaming, out of the pots tests, and the careful computation of ani-
and throw them away in the bush, covering mal protocols resulting from those tests.
them well with leaves so that others will not You have your own jungle-rigid means of
see them. After that, the amount of liquid proving that your poison is strong and
remaining is so small that, strained two or deadly, that, when it is made and you have
three times through a piece of hand-beaten coated many arrows with it, it will kill for
bark cloth, it can all be put in one pot. you with a sureness which may save your
"Arranging the single, pointed-bottomed own life.
olla on a fresh fire directly in front of your "The lore of the poison tells you there
lean-to, for another night you squat sleep- are only three animals on which you may
less beside it, fanning it and tending it. And try it ... that you may try only its foam
as you chew your bit of sugar cane and wolf before the jambi itself is completed . .. and
down a meager handful of unsalted yucca, that the trial must be made on the first of
you look out past the small fire into the three animals you see during your hour's
greatness of the night. The loneliness of walk away from the fire.
your vigil and the emptiness of your hunger "Possibly you may see, and succeed in
bring before you the spirits of the Beings catching, a large water toad. That is one of
of the ancient lore which you have heard the animals. If you do, you will hold him in
at so many night-fires. Somehow you con- one hand, and force deeply into the delicate
fuse them with the sounds the jungle makes white underskin of a hind leg the poisoned
at night. tip of one of your darts. Then you will put
"When the mist-broken light of the third him on the ground and prod him so that
day filters down to where you are squatting he will jump, and your eyes will glitter with
on the floor of the jungle, you see that the the hope that your work has been good.
amount of liquid in the olla is now about The toad must collapse, completely para-
one syrupy, foam-covered gallon. The lyzed, within six to eight jumps. You count
foam is a dirty amber in color, and as thick them carefully, "Shuc ... ishcai . .. quimsa
as beaten white of egg. When you see it, ... chuscu ... pichca ... sucta! YAH!
you say 'Yah ... !' to yourself with satisfac- YAH!.. .!'
tion, for it is a sign that the poison will be "Or-and you would rather have it hap-
good. Also, it is important to you at the pen this way-when you walk through the
moment, for with it you make the first real bush you suddenly see, high up in the
test of your jambi. branches ahead of you, a large toucan or,
"Carefully you skim it off with half of a darting behind the long extended roots of
sun-hardened gourd which has holes in its a tree, you see a pavo del monte (a grouselike
bottom so that the liquid will run out and bird). In either event, you and your long
the foam will remain. When you have col- tapering blowgun are suddenly no more
lected the foam and placed it in another than a noiseless jungle shadow, as you glide
small gourd, you dip half a dozen blowgun as close as possible to the bird you have
darts in it, and then hastily dry their poi- seen. Then in complete silence, you blow
soned points before the fire. your dart and watch again to see if your
"After that, and after you have arranged magic has been good. If the bird, feeling
your fire so it will burn evenly for at least the prick of the small dart, flies at once a
an hour, you take your blowgun, and the few feet to the branch of another tree,
freshly-coated darts, and slip off into the and-even as it is alighting on the
jungle to see if the magic of your jambi will branch-quivers and falls, your curare is
be good, or if it will be a weak thing and strong and is a man-poison.
shame you when you return to the house "You return to your fire contented with
of your family. the flying death you are making, and re-

freshed with having hunted and killed. Be- the time you and your people most need.
fore night comes again you will have fin- You carry it home with pride through the
ished and, carrying your jambi-mangacuna bush to the place where your yucca is
and your new curare, you will return to planted, and where your house is, and
your house and to your woman. where your woman is waiting for you ..."
"When there is no more foam and the Thus runs the description of curare mak-
thick molasses like liquid has been reduced ing in Richard Gill's fascinating volume,
to less than two quarts, you transfer it to White Water and Black Magic (New York:
the small olla, which you have unwrapped Henry Holt and Company, 1940). Gill's
and prepared. All through the middle of account retains all the mystery and voodoo
the day you sit beside the small cooking that Gill himself has done so much to dispel
pot, impatient and restless, but more care- by his arduous journeys into the jungle and
ful with your fire than you have been at his procurement of botanical specimens
any time before. which permitted "the medical civilizing of
"While the hot black stuff is simmering curare."
down to about the volume of a pint, it must Almost a century earlier, the genius of
not be allowed to scorch. Guarding your Claude Bernard had done equally as much
hand with a thick green leaf, you anxiously to dispel the mystery surrounding the
remove individual embers from the fire or, mechanism of action of the flying death in
if you think best, shove them closer to the a series of elegantly-conceived and meticu-
pot and blow gently on them. It is your lously-executed experiments, which he re-
only means of temperature control in the ported in his lectures at the College of
most delicate and nerve-racking procedure France, where he held the chair of medi-
in all the jungle ... and the most exacting cine. Survey and its readers are indebted to
work which you, a jungle man, will ever the Williams & Wilkins Company-the
have to do. publishers of Survey-for the translation
"But you have been careful and precise, into English of lectures seventeen through
and your magic has been good. As the twenty-six from Bernard's book, Legons Sur
afternoon wears on, and the poison in the Les Effects Des Substances Toxiques Et Medi-
jar looks more than ever like melted pitch, camenteuses (Paris: J. B. Balliere et Fils,
you commence to touch its surface with the 1857). These lectures will be published in
tip of a blowgun arrow. Suddenly, one of this and the succeeding two issues of the
the times you touch it, a long, sticky black Journal.
thread rises up behind the arrow's tip. It
has come to its 'point.'
"Quickly you lift the little jar from the
fire and, before it has time to cool and LEMONS SUR LES EFFECTS
harden, you pour the thick black syrup into DES SUBSTANCES TOXIQUES
a gourd or a long thin tube of bamboo. If
you intend to trade it with others who do ET MEDICAMENTEUSES
not know the secret of making it, you may
divide it among several small clay pots, each CLAUDE BERNARD
of which holds about three ounces. As soon
as it has congealed, you carefully cover the J. B. Bailliereet Fils, Paris, 1857
mouth of the container with a bit of leaf
which you size down with a thread of pita LESSON SEVENTEEN
"You have finished. The sacrifice has May 9, 1856
been good, and the jambi is good. It is the
flying death, and it will kill much meat for Summary: Physical and chemical properties
you and your family or, if you trade-it is of curare ....Extraction of its active princi-
valuable among those Indians who do not ple.... Boussingault and Roulin, Pelletier
make it-it will bring you much flake gold and Petroz, etc ....Chemical characteristics
or animal skins or whatever it is you feel at ofcurarine.... Chemical antidotes to curare.

LESSON EIGHTEEN tor nerves are two distinct properties.-Exper-

May 16, 1856 iments relating to this subject.

Summary: Physiological action of cu- LESSON TWENTY-TWO

rare .... Facts reported by authors (Brodie, May 30, 1856
Watterton).... Our first experiments
(1844).... Conclusions.... Differences in Summary: Curare acts on the nervous sys-
absorption of curare by the various mucosal tem.-It must not be thought that it acts, si-
surfaces .... Its quite special effect on the ner- multaneously and in the same way, on the
vous system. sensory and the motor properties.-Its transi-
tory action excludes the idea of an anatomical
LESSON NINETEEN lesion.-Difference between its effects and an-
May 21, 1856 esthetic effects.-On the dosage of curare and
of medicaments in general.
Summary: Experiments on the absorption of
curare.-Curareis not changed by the gastric
juice.-It is not absorbed by the mucous mem-
branes, gastric, vesical, or conjunctival.-It is June 4, 1856
absorbed by the rectal mucosa, but especially Summary: Curare acts exclusively on the
by the respiratory mucosal surfaces and by motor nerves .... Experiments .... It leaves
glandular surfaces.-The intestinal mucous intact the sensory nerves, the muscles, and all
membrane of birds and reptiles absorbs cu- the other tissues of the body. . . . Experiments
rare.-The lack of absorption by the gastric on muscular respiration.... Special indepen-
mucous membrane of mammals is not an ab- dence of the movements of the heart; their
solute fact.-The skin of mammals and of relationswith the nervous system. . . . An anal-
birds does not absorb curare.-That of frogs ogous phenomenon seems to be produced in
absorbs it under certain conditions. other muscular movements.

June 11, 1856
May 28, 1856
Summary: Galvanization of the pneumogas-
Summary: Curare is without effect on the tric nerve arrests the movements of the heart:
active organs of the circulation, and it does experiments with the cardiometer .... It no
not take away from the blood its physiological longer stops them in an animal poisoned with
properties.-Effect of curare on the nervous curare.... The near mechanism of death by
system: it abolishes the manifestations of the curare is asphyxia through cessation of the
nervous system and leaves the muscular system respiratorymovements. . . . Curareconsidered
intact.-By this, it can be proved that muscu- as a medicament. . . . It cannot be regarded as
lar contractility and the excitability of the mo- the antidote to strychnine.


Published August, October and December, 1969

This fall-December tenth, to be pre- It was in the evening of that day that
cise-marks the one hundred and twenty- Horace Wells and his wife, Betsy, went to
fifth anniversay of the discovery of anesthe- Union Hall in Hartford (Connecticut) to
sia. hear the itinerant showman, "Professor"

Gardner Quincy Colton, lecture on the tender ere long appeared in the person of
marvels of the new science, chemistry. And W. T. G. Morton, who has been, and is,
it was during the course of that lecture and seeking to arrogate the fame of this great
demonstration that the shrewd Yankee discovery, and to appropriate all the re-
mind of Horace Wells deduced the concept wards which public gratitude should doubt-
of general anesthesia. This fact has not less accord to it. This he attempted both at
been popularly acknowledged by all men the first and second sessions of the Thirty-
in all places. It is not acknowleged in Jef- second Congress; and being then a member
ferson, Georgia. It is not acknowledged in of the U. S. Senate, and conversant with all
upper New York state. It is not acknowl- the facts, I felt it to be my duty to oppose
edged in certain parts of the United King- to his claims an uncompromising, as I did
dom. And it is most ceratinly not acknowl- a successful, resistance.
edged in Boston. But facts are facts; and "This put an end to the efforts of Mor-
the facts on the matter are that the evi- ton, so far as Congress is concerned; but
dence in support of Wells' claim as the within a few weeks, he has made his ap-
discoverer of anesthesia is overwhelming. pearance in this city, and has been address-
The Honorable Truman Smith, United ing appeals to the municipal authorities for
States Senator from Connecticut in the grants of public moneys, on the ground
thirty-second Congress of the United that he alone should be recognized as the
States, was the most vigorous advocate of author of Anaesthesia. Having finished the
Wells' rightful claim, just as History has work here, it is understood he is then to
been the most effective. Smith collected carry his appeal elsewhere, and thus obtain,
and collated all of the pertinent informa- if possible, universal recognition and a
tion concerning this claim, and drew atten- great national reward.
tion to his brief in an address to a distin- "Under the influence of precisely the
guished group of Hartford women which same motives which prompted my course
was published in 1858. at Washington, I have felt it my duty to
"Ladies: I venture to address you on a stand up again in opposition to pretensions
subject in which I have been led to take a which I verily believe to be founded on
deep interest, and which can hardly fail, on imposture, and the result is a 're-presenta-
being properly presented, to arrest your tion' of the case of Dr. Wells in the accom-
attention. Are you aware that the city of panying publication, to which I respectfully
Hartford was a few years since the theatre invite attention.
of one of the most wonderful discoveries "But up to this date the contest has been
of modern times? In the month of Decem- an unequal one. Morton has been sustained
ber, 1844, the late Horace Wells, of your by the most ample pecuniary resources,
city, a dentist of great intelligence and re- obtained from one Tuckerman, now justly
spectability, conceived the idea of throwing incarcerated at Wethersfield for robbing
the human system, by the use of certain the U. S. mail. The case of Dr. Wells has
means, into a state of insensibility to pain, had little other support than my humble
under the most severe dental or surgical advocacy, much indebted, I admit, for its
operations.This, by a bold experiment intelligence to Dr. Ellsworth, of your city,
which he caused to be tried on himself, he and for publicity to Mr. Joseph Wales, a
soon ascertained could be done; and thus near relative of Dr. Wells.
originated, on the banks of your beautiful "But that publicity has been, and must
river, the modern art of Anaesthesia, which continue to be, very limited without some
early attracted the attention of learned men assistance. Ought not the facts to be
everywhere, and was ere long introduced known? Should not imposture and fraud be
into practice throughout the civilized put down, and truth and justice vindicated?
world. It has occurred to me that an appeal could
"But notwithstanding the facts alluded to be addressed to you, ladies of Hartford,
were notorious in your city, and a whole with propriety and success; to you who can
cloud of witnesses can be, and, indeed, have so readily ascertain the facts, and who, in-
been called to establish their truth, a pre- deed, know them already; to you whose

hands are ever prompt and ready for every under the influence of nitrous oxide, the
work of beneficence, and whose hearts thought flashed to his mind that nitrous
never fail to beat in unison with the oxide might be such a substance; that he
promptings of humanity and the sugges- then immediately arranged an experiment
tions of rectitude. I venture, therefore, to upon himself to prove his point; and that
make to you that appeal, but ask no higher the successful result of the experiment was
appreciation of the case than is consistent not just a fortuitous coincidence, but
with other obligations and other claims. that-as indicated in the further extracts
For wise purposes, God has apportioned to of the depositions from Dr. Riggs and Mrs.
your sex the larger share of the pain and Elizabeth Wells, and the depositions of Dr.
anguish incident to our common humanity. E. E. Marcy, Dr. P. W. Ellsworth, Dr. John
It seems to me, therefore, that you may B. Terry, John Braddock, the Honorable
well feel that something is due to the mem- James Dixon, Edward W. Parsons, Francis
ory of the man who discovered the means C. Goodrich, John Gaylord Wells, William
not merely of alleviating but obliterating H. Burleigh, Norman A. Goodrich, Horace
both the one and the other." E. Havens, Thomas Martin, and Franklin
The re-presentationto which the Senator R. Slocum-nitrous oxide was indeed an
referred was published in book form by effective pain reliever in dental surgery.
John A. Gray, Printer, 16 & 18 Jacob Street The final set of excerpts, indicate that
(Fire-proof Buildings), New York, in 1858, the new pain-relieving substance, nitrous
under the title, "An Examination of the oxide, was as effective during surgery as
Question of Anaesthesia, arising on the during dentistry.
Memorial of Charles Thomas Wells." It was
directed "to the United States Senate, Sec- AN EXAMINATION OF THE
ond Session, Thirty-second Congress, and
Referred to a Select Committee, of Which
The Hon. Isaac P. Walker is Chairman." ANAESTHESIA,
Because of its length, parts of it only will ARISING ON THE
be reproduced here and in the subsequent MEMORIAL OF
2 issues of Survey of Anesthesiology. CHARLES THOMAS
These excerpts established-from the HON. TRUMAN SMITH
depositions made by Dr. Linus T. Brockett,
David Clarke, Elizabeth Wales, Dr. John DIRECTED TO A SELECT
M. Riggs, and Gardner Q. Colton-that COMMITTEE OF THE
Horace Wells, as early as 1840, had envi- UNITED STATES SENATE,
sioned some substance which might be em- 32ND CONGRESS.
ployed to allay pain in dentistry; that dur- JOHN A. GRAY
ing the moment in which he perceived that
%,i.. young
V... pharmacy
rl ... .... J clerk,
V..1\. Cooley,
, had
.... Printer,

injured himself without knowing of it while 16 & 18Jacob St, N.Y., 1858

PublishedFebruary, 1973
European countries are generally far in for the community, a tacit admission, per-
advance of the United States in the matter haps, that no one regarded the one form
of the development and design of ambu- of transportation as being really very dif-
lances that are equipped to provide imme- ferent from the other.
diate and comprehensive treatment for pa- In Europe, on the other hand, the am-
tients who are being transported to hospi- bulance has become a highly sophisticated
tal. Indeed, less than a generation ago it vehicle which contains all of the life-sup-
was not uncommon in this country for the port systems that would be available in a
local hearse to also double as the ambulance well equipped and efficient Emergency

Room or Accident Ward. In some in- hypertonic solution, 4); isoproterenol, 9;

stances, they are virtually operating rooms meperidine, 8; muscle relaxants, 8; epi-
on wheels, complete with a stretcher capa- nephrine, 5; phenothiazines, 5; cortisone,
ble of acting as an operating table and the 2; and atropine, 2 (Can. Anaesth. Soc. J.,
facilities (lights, suction, instruments, and 15: 15, 1968).
the like) to cope with life-threatening situ- Now the British have gone one step fur-
ations during the trip from the site of the ther and are advocating the use of Entonox
accident to the hospital. in the ambulance service. Entonox is the
These ambulances also, of course, have trade name for a mixture of 50 per cent
all of the necessary equipment and facilities nitrous oxide and 50 per cent oxygen,
for both respiratory and cardiac resuscita- available premixed in cylinders, which is
tion-oxygen cylinders, oxygen inhalers, widely used in England for obstetrics (Lan-
portable hand-operated self-inflating bag cet, 2: 964, 1961; Br. Med. J., 1: 732, 1964;
and mask units with connections for oxy- Lancet, 1: 1229, 1965) and postoperative
gen, various sizes of Guedel airways, oro- analgesia. The concept of premixed gases
tubes for mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, is not new, having been suggested by Bar-
emergency intubation sets, emergency tra- ach and Rovenstine as early as 1945 as a
cheostomy sets, a hard flat surface for the means of obviating the hazards of anoxia
thoracic portion of the stretcher to permit during nitrous oxide anesthesia (Anesthe-
closed cardiac compression, cardiac stimu- siology, 6: 449, 1945), and has the great
lants, cardiac puncture cannulae, defibril- advantage of having the nitrous oxide used
lators, and in some instances an electrocar- for analgesia made inseparable from a safe
diograph. proportion of oxygen by a process which
In addition, there is a vast amount of depends neither on a mixing device nor on
miscellaneous equipment, including special two cylinders with different rates of emp-
sets of instruments for venous cutdown, tying. There are still dangers, of course,
emergency amputation, puncture of a ma- since at low temperatures there may be
jor cavity (pneumothorax needles, etc.), partial liquefaction of the cylinder contents
and a complete array of drugs and intra- (Br. Med. J., 2: 915, 1963, ibid, 1: 732,
venous infusions. 1964) and as the cylinder is emptied the
These vehicles have proven their worth oxygen concentration falls until in severe
in terms of saving lives and lowering mor- cases the final portion of the cylinder con-
bidity. A recent review of 200 emergency tents may consist of an hypoxic mixture.
calls responded to by the ambulances of the This hazard can be prevented by storage
University Hospital of Mainz is quite re- in a horizontal position, and the British
vealing when broken down according to Oxygen Company (B.O.C.) provides Ento-
the admitting service at the hospital: 32.2 nox in cylinders with rounded bottoms, so
per cent were surgical, 37.5 per cent were that they cannot be stored vertically; the
medical, 5.7 per cent were obstetrical, 3.1 B.O.C. also advocates that all cylinders
per cent were psychiatric, 3.5 per cent were which are delivered in cold weather should
pediatric, 12.2 per cent were poisoned, and be kept in a room in which the temperature
the rest were in miscellaneous categories. will not fall below 5 C. for 24 hours before
Oxygen therapy was employed 63 times, use (Br. Med. J., 2: 715, 1968).
intubation performed 57 times, artificial The use of this nitrous oxide mixture for
ventilation was necessary 46 times, external pain relief during the ambulance trip was
cardiac compression was applied 29 times, the subject of a pilot trial in South Glou-
endobronchial suction was used 28 times, cestershire in 1969, starting with 9 ambu-
artificial airways were inserted 23 times, 4 lances and being expanded to the whole
pneumothoraces were decompressed, and county (26 ambulances) the following
2 obstetrical procedures were performed. year. Strict precautions were necessary and
Also of interest was the variety of drugs observed. An absolute essential was that
administered: intravenous solutions, 82 the men be fully trained; no one was al-
(dextran 6 per cent, 46; glucose 5 per cent, lowed to supervise the administration of
14; sodium bicarbonate, 13; plasma, 5; and the gas until he had received full instruc-

tion, including lectures and practical dem- in 1855. Wood made his discovery known
onstrations on the basic properties, phar- first in a short notation under the proceed-
macology and action of Entonox. The prin- ings of Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edin-
ciple of self-administration was particularly burgh in the Monthly Journal of Medicine in
emphasized, since with this technique it January, 1855, and then published a
becomes highly unlikely that the patient lengthier version under the title, "Treat-
will become unconscious and lose his pro- ment of Neuralgic Pains by Narcotic Injec-
tective laryngeal reflexes, or become diso- tions," in the August 28, 1858 issue of the
riented and uncooperative by entering the British MedicalJournal. The latter paper is
second stage of anesthesia. Similarly, the republished below with the kind permission
possibility of carbon dioxide retention and of the publishers.
narcosis occurring due to the administra-
tion of a high concentration of oxygen to a
chronic bronchitic is avoided by self-admin-
istration. Careful contraindications were
also observed, and no Entonox inhalations TREATMENT OF
were offered to patients with head injuries NEURALGIC PAINS BY
if there was impairment of consciousness NARCOTIC INJECTIONS
or disorientation, patients with maxillofa-
cial injuries, or in cases of drunkenness ALEXANDER WOOD, M.D.
(Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 65: 7, 1972). Edinburgh
The results were excellent. Marked pain
Br. Med. J., 2: Aug. 28, 1858
relief was obtained in 195 cases (64 per
cent); partial relief in 99 (33 per cent); and
no relief in only 11 (3.5 per cent). Not only
was the pain relief convincing, but both the "A lady, troubled with neuralgic pains,
ambulance men and the receiving casualty had been punctured upwards of one
officers remarked on the improvement in hundred times, always in different places;
peripheral circulation in many of the but no sooner had the pain been driven
shocked cases, no doubt due to the combi- from one spot, than it took up its seat in
nation of good analgesia and oxygen ther- another. At last, I had expelled it from
apy. Furthermore, the shortcomings of every part of the body, except a corner of
what must be considered the mainstay an- the head, and there I was puzzled how to
algesics, the opiates, were avoided. These deal with it. The fact was, I could detect
include the respiratory and cardiovascular no painful point in the scalp. I would im-
depression and the unreliable absorption press upon you that the instrument is not
and excretion which are associated with to be put into the place where the patient
these drugs and which are accentuated in complains of the pain, but into the spot
the accident and emergency situation. where you find you can awaken the pain
In this country, however, the opiates, upon pressure. Well, I could find no pain
despite their shortcomings, remain the by pressinnn upon anv part The lady's huis-
principal analgesics for accident victims band, a medical man, took her to the Ger-
and emergency situations. Morphine and man baths, in the hope that they might
meperidine are the standards, adminis- furnish what was wanting to the cure. She
tered either intramuscularly or intrave- resided there for several months, but with-
nously. In fact, these drugs, administered out the slightest benefit; and at length her
by these routes, are so common that it is husband brought her back to me, saying,
hard to conceive of treating the accident he was satisfied unless I could cure her,
patient without them, and we sometimes nobody else could. I twice examined the
forget that such therapy was not possible part of her head affected; once more, the
until the invention of the hypodermic sy- second time, I succeeded in finding out the
ringe by Pravaz in 1853 and the invention point where the needle should be inserted;
of the hollow needle by Alexander Wood introduced the instrument; and from that

day she has never had a touch of neuralgia means of bringing the patient almost di-
again, though she has suffered from rheu- rectly under the influence of opium. It is
matic gout. truly astonishing to see how rapidly it af-
"Another lady, also the wife of a medical fects the system. If you throw in a large
man (and I take these cases, because on that quantity, you will see the eyes immediately
account I am better able to get at the injected, and the patient narcotised; and,
symptoms), was suffering from very intense in a few minutes afterwards, you will see
neuralgia in the forehead, which had him in a profound sleep.
lasted, at irregular intervals, for ten days. * * * *
The pain was so severe that it rendered her
completely useless. I at once inserted the "The instrument is of the simplest con-
needle; the pain became instantly relieved, struction, and is a modification of Mr. Fer-
and soon left entirely. Since then it has guson's already alluded to. It consists of a
never returned. small glass syringe graduated like a drop
measure, and to this is attached a small
needle, hollow, and having an aperture
"I believe the remedy I have been speak- near the point like the sting of a wasp. The
ing of acts in two ways. First, the injection painful point being ascertained, the sy-
into the cellular tissue in the neighborhood ringe, being charged, is pressed firmly in
of the nerve, the needle being charged with to such a depth as to reach the nerve, when
narcotic solution, affects the nerve. In the the piston being shoved home, the charge
second place, I believe it acts by being is delivered. No haemorrhage follows; and,
passed into a part which rapidly absorbs the in the many cases in which I have operated,
medicine and sends it through the system, I have never seen any disagreeable local
thus producing an almost instantaneous ef- effects, except a slight blush of urticaria
fect. In this little instrument we possess the round the wound".


Published February, 1963

Dr. Edmund W. Andrews was a man of ment of the University of Michigan in
many parts, but without question his most 1852. He then served his alma mater as a
important accomplishment was his epochal demonstrator in anatomy until 1855, when
work in anesthesia. he was appointed professor of anatomy at
He was born in Putney, Vermont, on Rush Medical College. The state of medical
April 22, 1824, to a family that was theo- education at Rush was at a low ebb at that
logically inclined on the paternal side and time, however, and the "diploma mill" en-
medically inclined on the maternal side. His vironment disgusted Andrews so much
boyhood was a nomadic one, since his fam- that, in company with a number of others,
ily moved successively westward from Ver- he founded the Chicago Medical College,
mont to West Bloomfield, to Mendon and which ultimately became the Northwestern
to Pittsford, New York; and to Armada, Medical School. During the Civil War, he
Michigan. He matriculated at the Univer- served the North in the campaigns against
sity of Michigan and was graduated (A.B.) Shiloh, Corinth, and Vicksburg, and was in
in 1849. He proceeded on into medicine the personal service of both General Sher-
and graduated from the medical Depart- man and General Grant. Following the

War, he resumed practice in Chicago, taminate their hands by even touching

where he spent almost 50 years of profes- these parts, and wrote a scientific treatise
sional activity before dying in 1904 at the on rectal diseases. He made a monumental
ripe old age of 80. contribution to medical education when,
So much for the biographical facts; they with N. S. Davis, father of the American
tell little of the catholicity of interest and Medical Association, he helped to establish
profound accomplishments in diverse fields the first graded curriculum in the United
that characterized the man. He was an ex- States.
cellent sholar, an effective speaker and a His interest in nitrous oxide anesthesia
succinct writer. He was a talented artist arose from his observation of the painless
who illustrated his own scientific articles, extraction of teeth under the influence of
painted ornithologic pictures and, while undiluted nitrous oxide gas as administered
with General Sherman, painted numerous by dentists; and that interest was whetted
scenes around Memphis and Vicksburg. He further by a statistical study which indi-
designed his own book plate and a church cated that the mortality from chloroform
organ, and even built the latter. He was an was about eight and a half times greater
all around naturalist, well grounded in than by ether, and that nitrous oxide was
botany and zoology, but particularly inter- the safest of the three agents. He felt that
ested in geology. He was one of the foun- the availability of nitrous oxide anesthesia
ders of the Chicago Academy of Sciences in the field of general surgery would be a
and it was before that body that he first great step of progress, but he was well
proposed a scientific explanation of the aware of the asphyxial nature of the undi-
intermittent eruption of geysers. He wrote luted gas. This led him to experimentation
a book and a number of geologic papers on and clinical trial of the addition of oxygen
glaciers and the sequelae of their action, to the inhaled anesthetic mixture, a mile-
based in part on observations made in the stone of incalculable importance in the his-
Georgian Bay region of the Great Lakes, tory of anesthesia. These investigations
where for many years he camped during were published under the title, "The oxy-
the summer. He read Latin, Greek, and gen mixture, a new anaesthetic combina-
Hebrew fluently; and not only translated tion," in The Chicago Medical Examiner (9:
Latin and Greek Poems into English, but 656-661, November, 1868) and are re-
even wrote his own poems in these lan- printed below.
All of this he accomplished while pursu-
ing his profession as a physician and sur- THE OXYGEN MIXTURE,
geon. He developed increasing interests in
both genito-urinary and orthopedic sur-
gery, and invented a number of useful sur- COMBINATION
gical instruments, important implements of
traction and several types of urethral dila- E. ANDREWS, M.D.
tors. His operative work was done at Mercy Ili. i I IiL L.el3 II
Hospital in Chicago or in the homes of his Practice of Surgery,
patients, as was customary at that time. In Chicago Medical College
the absence of either chemical or patho- Chicago, Illinois
logic laboratories in the hospitals of those
days, he performed diagnostic urinalyses The Chicago Medical Examiner, 9: 656-661,
and surgical pathology in his own home. November, 1868
While serving with the Army of the North,
he introduced a system of case records of
military surgery and wrote the first mono- "I have for some time been experiment-
graph on the mortality of military surgical ing, to see whether by the addition of free
diseases. He acquired an extensive knowl- oxygen to the nitrous oxide, a mixture
edge of anal and rectal diseases at a time would not be obtained, by which a patient
when most doctors were unwilling to con- might be anaesthetized for an indefinite
period without danger of asphyxia, and Mixture, is certainly available for a large
thus render gas available for the most pro- part of our operations, and that for pleas-
longed operations of surgery. These exper- antness, and probable safety, it is infinitely
iments are not yet finished, but they have superior to chloroform, ether, or unmixed
advanced far enough to show that the prep- nitrous oxide".
aration, which I have named the Oxygen

Published December, 1971

Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, is not about the nature of things, but he, with
usually associated with respiratory physiol- every young man he could win over to the
ogy, and yet he made perhaps the first task, set himself to classify and compare
recorded scientific experiment on the things. Plato says in effect: 'Let us take
ventilatory aspects of respiration. hold of life and remodel it'; this soberer
Aristotle was a man of prodigious talents. successor: 'Let us first know more of life,
His work covered all of the branches of and meanwhile serve the king."'
human knowledge extant in his times, and It is ironic that Aristotle's logic led him
estimates of the number of books which he to the wrong interpretation of the results
wrote range from an astounding 400 up to of his major experiment in respiratory
an incredible 1000. The scope of his con- physiology. He made the correct observa-
cerns was equally incredible and included tion that animals in airtight boxes soon
not only the field of logic, for which, of died, but he incorrectly ascribed their
course, he is best known, but also natural deaths to the inability of the animals to cool
science, basic metaphysics, ethics and poli- themselves. This was not, on the basis of
tics, and rhetoric and poetry. the state of knowledge in the fourth cen-
Aristotle was born in Stagira, on the Ae- tury B.C., an entirely illogical conclusion,
gean seacoast, in 384 B.C. His father, Ni- since up until the time of Harvey's an-
chomachus, was court physician to Amyn- nouncement of the discovery of the circu-
tas II, the grandfather of Alexander the lation in 1615, respiration was considered
Great. Aristotle's childhood included a a mechanism for keeping the body cool.
thorough-going education in the natural Knowlege of respiratory physiology has
sciences at the hands of his father, and then developed slowly over the course of the 23
at the age of 17 he went to Athens, where centuries since Aristotle's time, and much
for 20 years he studied philosophy with of that knowledge has only come in the past
Plato. Inevitably, he acquired many of the few hundred years. Leonardo da Vinci
thought processes of his famous teacher; (1452-1519), another intellectual giant,
but although he respected Plato's theories, recognized that fire consumed something
he was also allowed to disagree with them. in air and that animals could not live in an
Aristotle's philosophy differs from Pla- atmosphere which could not support a
to's in that it is far more systematic and flame, but it was more than another 250
more reconciled with the material world as years before Priestly discovered oxygen,
it exists. He delved at length into the phi- and even then he did not grasp its true
losophy of logic, and he examined in detail relationship to respiration.
the form of reasoning known now as syllo- Knowledge of the control of respiration
gism, or deductive logic; e.g., all animals has been even more recent and in fact is
which produce milk to feed their young are still developing. A major milestone in this
mammals, the whale produces milk to feed area was the identification of the mecha-
its young, therefore the whale is a mammal. nism of the Hering-Breuer reflex. This
H. G. Wells, writing in The Outline of His- work was reported in detail by Breuer to
tory, said, "He (Aristotle) anticipates Bacon the Academy of Sciences in Vienna on No-
and the modern scientific movement in his vember 5, 1868, but a preliminary report
realization of the importance of ordered was published earlier that year in the Pro-
knowledge. He was the first natural histo- ceedings of the Imperial Academy of Sci-
rian. Other men before him had speculated ences by Hering under the title, "The Self-

Regulation of Respiration Mediated by the Hering states that most of the confusion
Vagal Nerve" (S. B. Akad. Wiss. Wien., 57: regarding the role of the vagus in regula-
672-677, 1868). Survey and its readers are tion of respiration arises from experiments
greatly indebted to Dr. Ernest O. Hen- which stimulate the central end of the cut
schel, Chairman of the Department of vagus.
Anesthesiology at The Medical College of He then notes the differences in the res-
Wisconsin (formerly Marquette University piratory pattern of patients suffering dysp-
School of Medicine) for the translation nea from pneumonia contrasted with dysp-
which is published below. nea of tracheal stenosis. He cites the obser-
vations on the respiratory effort of animals
THE SELF-REGULATION OF with tracheotomy when the trachea is oc-
cluded at end-expiration contrasted to oc-
clusion at the end of inspiration, and com-
THE VAGAL NERVE: pares both of these with the respiratory
REPORT OF AN effort of the animal when breathing an
INVESTIGATION CARRIED oxygen free gas mixture.
OUT BY He postulates: "These remarkable phe-
DR. JOSEPH BREUER nomena have found their explanation in
the fact that the neural center for respira-
tory movement, by way of the vagal fibers
FOR PHYSIOLOGY ending in the pulmonary parenchyma, is in
OF THE IMPERIAL AND a continous dependency on the state of
ROYAL JOSEPH'S ACADEMY distension of the lung: In other words, that
the respiratory movements are influenced
HERING, E. by the degree of distension of the lung."
S. B. Akad Wiss. Wien., 57: 672-677, 1868.


Published February, 1964

The advent of thiopental, and its ardent and carefree for the anesthetist to accom-
support in such influential journals as plish.
McCall's and Good Housekeeping, have made It was not always thus. There was a time
the rigors of a good old-fashioned inhala- when the induction of general anesthesia
tion induction merely a memory from a was a suffocating, fiendish nightmare for
bygone era. Induction today is as pleasant the patient, and a perspiring ordeal of com-
for the patient as a single pin-prick, and as batting secretions, coughing, breath-hold-
simple for the anesthetist as the perform- ing, cyanosis, and laryngospasm in a thrash-
ance of venipuncture. But even before the ing patient, for the anesthetist. Untold
introduction of thiopental, the sport was numbers of patients suffered the tortures
going out of induction. An agent such as of the damned during induction, and
nitrous oxide, or ethylene, or cyclopro- countless anesthetists grayed prematurely
pane, would usually produce a compara- from the tribulations of the second stage.
tively rapid and pleasant induction for the The man who changed all of this was Jo-
patient, and one which was relatively simple seph Thomas Clover.

Clover was born on February 28, 1825, Syme. He next was appointed Resident
in the town of Aylesham, Norfolk County, Medical Officer, a post which he held for
England. The Clover family was descended five years, during which he administered
from sound Yeoman stock and had long many anesthetics and showed that interest
been established in Norfolk. Clover's great in anesthesia which was to shape his future
uncle had been a distinguished veterinarian career. John Snow, in his classic work On
surgeon there in the city of Norwich, and Chloroform and Other Anaesthetics, mentions
had devoted his life to veterinarian science: Clover's ability as an anesthetist in the dis-
he invented an apparatus for the cure of cussion of a fatal case which had occurred
broken tendons and bones in horses, and at University College Hospital: "this plan
was the discoverer of the manner in which of administering chloroform with the head
larvae of bots (a disease caused by the botfly and shoulders of the patient covered with
in horses, cattle and sheep) are conveyed a towel, was introduced by Mr. Clover, who
from the coat of a horse into its stomach. was for several years a resident officer of
These qualities of creator, inventor, and the institution; and it is right to state that
investigator, appeared again in the same it led to no accident in his hands; in those
family in the person of Clover himself. of his successors it was, however, less suc-
Clover was the third of the six children cessful; three accidents having occurred in
(two sons and four daughters) born to John a little more than a year and a half."
Wright Clover, who had married Miss E. Clover passed his final F.R.C.S. exami-
M. A. Peterson. He was educated at the nations in 1850, and began private practice
Gray Friars Priory School at Norwich. He in 1853, at the age of 28 years. He prac-
then was apprenticed to Mr. Gibson of ticed as a general practitioner, but contin-
Norwich and in 1842 became a dresser at ued interest in, and the administration of,
the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Two anesthesia. The sudden death ofJohn Snow
years later, at the age of nineteen, he pro- in 1858 was one of the factors which led
ceeded to University College, London, and Clover to specialize almost entirely in an-
University College Hospital. esthesia, and he was in due course ap-
These were momentous times in medi- pointed Lecturer in Anaesthetics to Uni-
cine, and Clover was in the midst of the versity College Hospital, Chloroformist to
inception of great happenings. Joseph the Westminster Hospital, and Administra-
Lister was a fellow student, the renowned tor of Anaesthetics to the London Dental
Robert Liston and the equally renowned Hospital.
James Syme were among his teachers, and Among Clover's great contributions to
he was present at the advent of anesthesia anesthesia were his inventions for im-
in Europe when Liston performed his first proved techniques of administration, and
surgical operation upon a patient under he had a workroom in his residence, com-
ether on Monday, December 21, 1846: "I pletely equipped with benches, tools and
was a junior student at University College lathes, where he spent a great deal of his
when Ether was first used there and saw spare time inventing and perfecting origi-
Liston amputate a man's thigh under its nal apparatus to improve anesthetic admin-
influence. I was also present when the same istration. He developed a chloroform bag
surgeon brought some chloroform and inhaler, which enabled the administrator to
gave it by means of a glass breast pump. provide a mixture of air containing a defi-
The chloroform took the place of ether nite proportion of chloroform-similar in
immediately, and until the fatal case oc- principle to the present-day method of in-
curred in the practice of Sir John Fife of jecting a measured amount of halothane
Newcastle we were unanimous in prefer- from a calibrated syringe into a closed re-
ring chloroform." breathing system to produce a precise con-
Clover showed great aptitude for clinical centration of halothane. He also developed
work as a student, and he became house an ingenious portable bellows which en-
surgeon to Morton and then in 1848 to abled him to charge the bag of the inhaler

with a measured dose of chloroform. By countryman who had practiced in the

1868, Clover could report to the Odonto- French capital as a dental surgeon for some
logical Society of Great Britain that he had years, and instructed Evans how to prepare
used his apparatus in 1,802 cases, "not only and administer nitrous oxide gas. Evans was
without any fatal results, but with uniform an apt and enthusiastic pupil, and used the
success, in the induction of complete anes- agent for the extraction of teeth with great
thesia", including an administration of an- success. In March, 1868, Evans went to
esthesia to Her Majesty Queen Alexandra, London and gave several demonstrations
when Princess of Wales, for an operation at the National Dental Hospital. Evan's
on the knee. demonstrations were attended by the lead-
Despite Clover's personal record of ing metropolitan anesthetists and dentists
safety, by 1863 the number of cases in of the day and were described by Clover:
which death could be positively assigned to "the results of his cases were on the whole
the inhalation of chloroform had reached in favor of the gas but the appearance of
the formidable total of 123, and many of the patients, their lividity and convulsive
these occurred during the performance of movements, were regarded as alarming,
trivial or minor surgical operations. The and a few of his patients were insufficiently
medical profession was becoming increas- narcotized.... Dr. Evans brought the gas
ingly disturbed, and this led the Royal Med- in a large India rubber bag which was
ical and Chirurgical Society to appoint a placed on the floor, a tube of several feet
committee in 1864 "to give their anxious led from this to the mouthpiece-a flat
attention to devise means for obviating piece of ebonite which was placed between
such accidents." The findings of the com- the patient's teeth." It was while attending
mittee were unequivocal in stating that Evan's demonstrations that Clover's genius
ether was a much safer and quite as effi- foresaw the possibility of modifying his own
cient an anesthetic as chloroform but, "it's chloroform apparatus to permit the patient
odor is disagreeable, it is slow in operation, the pleasantness of induction with nitrous
and gives rise to greater excitement than oxide and the potency of anesthesia with
chloroform." The committee went on to ether-and "gas-ether" was born. It was
advise the use of chloroform mixtures, such the major contribution of a career which
as A.C.E. mixture which contained one had, in the words of the British Medical
part alcohol, two parts chloroform, and Journal, "during the past twenty or thirty
three parts ether. It was at this point that years done more for the benefit of the
Clover, who was not favorably impressed world's suffering millions than almost any-
by either the safety or the value of the one of his generation." Clover's paper was
chloroform mixtures, began his long but published in the July 15, 1878, issue of that
successful search for a method by which journal under the title of, "On an apparatus
ether could be used efficiently. for administering nitrous oxide gas and
After the tragic failure of the demonstra- ether, singly or combined" (Clover, J. T.:
tion by Horace Wells of nitrous oxide at Br. Med. J., 2: 75-77, July 15, 1876), and
the Massachusetts General Hospital in is reprinted below:
1845, this agent fell into disrepute and was
not employed for many years. However, its
use was revived by Colton, and with great ON AN APPARATUS FOR
success, in 1862. Colton had amassed an ADMINISTERING NITROUS
experience of 24,000 cases at the Colton OXIDE GAS AND ETHER,
Dental Association in New York City,
which was established as an institution de-
voted exclusively to the extracting of teeth J. T. CLOVER, F.R.C.S.
with nitrous oxide anesthesia. It was at this
time that Colton visited Paris to attend the Br. Med.J., 2: 75-77, 1876
International Exhibition and the First In-
ternational Medical Congress. While in "For several years, my attention has been
Paris he met Dr. T. W. Evans, a fellow directed to the improvement of the way of

administering ether. At first, I spared the to ether. By the first plan, I simply ex-
patient the unpleasant choking sensation of changed the gas-inhaler for the ether-in-
ether by first getting him asleep with chlo- haler as soon as the patient was uncon-
roform. My next plan was to dilute the scious. By the second, I caused the current
ether-vapour with a known proportion of of gas to pass through a vessel of ether,
air, the supply of ether-vapour being ren- after the first three or four respirations of
dered more uniform by attention to its pure gas had made the patient indifferent
temperature, which was kept within limits about its taste. This plan answered very
by causing the expired air to pass through well for cases not requiring more than
the ether-vessel in a kind of worm. I called three or four minutes' anaesthesia; but I
this the double-current apparatus, and found it difficult to supply sufficient air to
showed it at the meeting of the British prevent muscular twitching, without ad-
Medical Association in London, in 1873. mitting enough to cause a return to partial
At the same time, I explained the two meth- consciousness".
ods I had used for giving gas preparatory


Published August, October, December, 1963

Oxygen is transported in the blood by oxygen diffusion into poorly perfused and
the hemoglobin of the red cells, and only anoxic tissues is enhanced. For while the
negligible amounts are carried as physically red cells act as floating storehouses for
dissolved oxygen in the plasma. In a patient oxygen, the rate at which oxygen will dif-
with a normal hemoglobin level, breathing fuse from the blood through the capillary
air at atmospheric pressure, arterial blood wall to the tissue fluids, and hence to the
contains about 19.5 volumes of oxyhemo- cells of the part, depends upon the partial
globin per 100 ml. of blood, while only pressures between the plasma and the tissue
approximately 0.25 volumes per cent of cells.
oxygen is carried in the blood in simple These facts have allowed Boerema and
physical solution in the plasma. The latter his colleagues to dilute the circulating
is of special importance, however, because blood of the pig, using plasma and ma-
it is in physical solution, and its level can crodex to replace the removed whole
be raised simply by raising the ambient blood, until only 0.4 per cent of the original
pressure. If the patient is placed in a pres- hemoglobin remained. The blood at this
sure chamber and administered oxygen un- dilution was a clear liquid and the animals
der 2 atmospheres of pressure, the amount were a startlingly pale color, but in oxygen
of oxygen in solution in the plasma is raised under 3 atmospheres of pressure they
from 0.25 to 4.2 volumes per cent, or more maintained normal electrocardiograms
than 16 times the normal level, and the throughout the experiment. On the con-
oxygen content of the blood is therefore trary, breathing 100 per cent oxygen but
raised from less than 20 volumes per cent at normal atmospheric pressure, the he-
almost up to 25 volumes per cent-a quite moglobin could be reduced only to 11 or
considerable increase. However, in addi- 12 per cent in the animals before abnor-
tion to this there is a further potential malities were observed on the electrocar-
benefit, for by increasing the tension of diogram.
oxygen in the blood stream the rate of This ability of hyperbaric oxygenation to

saturate the whole body, the blood plasma, jury to the main vessels to a limb, has been
the intercellular fluid, and the cells them- treated in the hyperbaric chamber with
selves with a very high level of physically promising results, the immediate danger of
dissolved oxygen has been under intense gangrene being averted until sufficient col-
study as a therapeutic tool by Boerema and lateral circulation could develop to main-
his associates in Amsterdam and Illing- tain the vitality of all or most of the part.
worth and Smith in Glasgow for much of Chronic arterial insufficiency and soft tis-
the past decade, and enthusiastic interest sue necrosis have been treated with hyper-
spread to this country about 2 years ago. baric oxygenation and have shown im-
The original investigations were of use as provement in the healing ability of soft
an aid to open-heart surgery, but they soon tissues in patients with chronic arterial in-
proved to be of value in a number of other sufficiency not correctible by surgery. Pa-
areas. tients with chronic obliterative disease of
As might be anticipated, drenching the the lower extremity, such as atherosclerosis
body with oxygen has been particularly and thromboangiitis obliterans, do not, of
beneficial in the treatment of anaerobic course, show improvement of the gross or-
infections. In the therapy of Clostridium ganic vascular changes, but in many such
welchii infections, hyperbaric oxygenation patients the severe rest-pain-often severe
has resulted in detoxication within 24 enough to prevent sleep-was relieved.
hours, and has permitted postponement of The initial research studies and clinical
radical amputations and the subsequent experiences from the group in Glasgow
sparing of many extremities. Antibiotics indicate a possible potential in the treat-
have been administered against secondary ment of extensive myocardial infarction.
infection, but the use of anti-gas-gangrene They ligated the main left coronary cir-
serum has not been necessary. Of 26 such cumflex artery in the dog, and were able
patients treated in Surgical University to reduce the mortality rate from 50 to 60
Clinic in Amsterdam, in only one patient per cent in unprotected dogs to 10 per cent
was death clearly due to gas-gangrene, and in the animals breathing oxygen at 2 at-
in one other patient the cause of death was mospheres pressure. The therapy has been
indirectly related to the infection. applied to human beings for periods up to
One of the most obviously logical appli- 32 days with complete recovery and with
cations of oxygen under high pressure no evidence of subsequent hemodynamic
(OHP) has been the treatment of carbon failure.
monoxide poisoning. Hyperbaric oxygen- The Glasgow group also has investigated
ation at 2 atmospheres of pressure has been the effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on
shown to be far more effective than either cerebral vascular occlusion in the dog by
5 per cent or 7 per cent carbogen mixtures occluding both carotid and both vertebral
or 100 per cent oxygen at ambient pres- arteries low in the neck. When this was
sure. This form of treatment has rapidly done at atmospheric pressure, signs of cer-
corrected the anoxia and increased the ebral anoxia developed rapidly, the electro-
speed at which carbon monoxide was re- encephalogram showing deterioration
moved from the blood and tissues. Of 22 within 15 seconds, and a complete loss of
patients with severe carbon monoxide in- cortical rhythm within 1 minute. By con-
toxication admitted directly to the Western trast, when the clamps were reapplied dur-
Infirmary, Glasgow, during a 12-month pe- ing full oxygenation at 2 atmospheres of
riod, all recovered completely, despite the pressure, the electroencephalographic rec-
fact that the carboxyhemoglobin content ord remained normal throughout the ex-
averaged 40 per cent and ranged as high perimental period of about 30 minutes.
as 69 per cent on admission. These observations could have important
Hyperbaric oxygenation has been em- clinical implications in relation to cerebral
ployed rather extensively in the treatment disease and in relation to operations on the
of peripheral vascular insufficiencies. brain.
Acute arterial insufficiency, caused by in- The potential value in open-heart pro-
cedures, as already mentioned, underlies versity of Akron, and published by the
much of the recent interest in hyperbaric College Book Company, Columbus, Ohio,
oxygenation. As an adjunct in major sur- in 1943. Three sections of "Title II. In-
gery for patients with increased cardiac creased Pressures" in Bert's book (Bert, P.:
risk, it is of proven value, for the patient's La Pression Barometrique, Recherches de
state of oxygenation can be improved im- Physiologie Experimentale, pp. 1168, G. Mas-
mensely before surgery. Reduction of car- son, Paris, 1878.)-Chapter II, "Low Pres-
diac irritability and the prevention of ven- sures" (under 2 atmospheres), Chapter III,
tricular fibrillation has been demonstrated "Theoretical Explanations and Experi-
by Boerema's group, and they have been ments," and Chapter IV, "Summary and
operating on deeply cyanotic children with Conclusions"- will be published in this
congenital heart disease who would have and the succeeding 2 issues of Survey of
been inoperable otherwise. Anesthesiology.
The most longstanding of the newer ap-
plications of hyperbaric oxygenation has
been its use as an adjunct to radiation in
the treatment of malignant tumors. Hy-
poxia reduces the sensitivity of tumor cells LA PRESSION
to radiation and many viable tumor cells BAROMETRIQUE,
are probably rendered hypoxic because of RECHERCHES DE
inadequate blood supply. In the past, at-
tempts have been made to return anoxic PHYSIOLOGIE
tumor cells to full radiosensitivity by the EXPERIMENTALE
inhalation of oxygen at atmospheric pres- PAUL BERT
sure. Hyperbaric chambers are now being
utilized as a means of increasing the oxygen G. Masson, Paris, 1878
tension in tumors and thus increasing the
radiosensitivity of the tumors. In the three chapters from Title II, In-
In view of these many possible uses of creased Pressures, originally published in
oxygen under pressure, it is interesting to Survey, Bert reviews the existing literature
recall the statement made by Sir Michael thoroughly and draws numerous apt con-
Foster that science travels in circles: the clusions.
concept followed yesterday may be In the summary and comments, attention
dropped today and rediscovered tomor- is drawn to the phenomena due to com-
row. This suggestion has certainly been pression: pains in the ears; the rise in pitch
true of hyperbaric therapy as a clinical tool of the voice; the enlargement of the thorax
in medicine. More than a century ago, a and slowing of the respiratory rate; the
number of health spas in Europe offered decrease in pulse rate; and the changes in
hyperbaric therapy for a variety of ills; Paul the central nervous system.
Bert's classic volume on the physiologic During decompression, the necessity to
effects of barometric pressure which was be slow is emphasized. Up to 2 atmospheres
published in 1878 describes a number of no symptoms are evident, but beyond that
these facilities and their therapeutic en- cutaneous itching, painful swelling of the
deavors. During World War II, it became muscles, and periarticular pains appear.
of first importance to the Allies that this Above 3 atmospheres, symptoms appearing
great classic on pressure physiology should after decompression include sensory dis-
be made available in the English language turbances, blindness, deafness, paralysis of
to the flying personnel of our armed forces. the lower limbs, cerebral disturbances, loss
Accordingly, it was translated by Dr. Fred of consciousness, and even death.
A. Hitchcock, Associate Professor of Phys- The cause of the severe disturbances
iology at the Ohio State University, and his were not known at that time. But conjec-
wife, Mary Alice Hitchcock, formerly Pro- tured were visceral congestions of blood
fessor of Romance Languages at the Uni- and the escape of free gases from the blood.


Published February, 1978

The first written reference to curare -a perpetual war, but they assisted at the
word for the arrow poison which has en- death of only one woman, who was unwill-
dured such indiscriminate variations as ur- ing to undergo the cure; the women fight
ari, uirari, ururara, uirary, urali, ourari, by their husbands' sides. Nobody has been
wourari, wourali, woorari, woorara, cur- able to extort from them the secret of this
ara, curari, and others, depending upon antidote."
the region, the date, and mere quirk-is Some 80 years later, Sir Walter Ra-
probably contained in the great book on leigh-who was both a soldier and sailor
the New World, De Orbe Novo, written by (General and Admiral, respectively), a trea-
the Italian monk, Peter Martyr d'Anghera, sure hunter and a pirate, a courtier, a poet,
in 1516: a historian, and who introduced potatoes
"They like to use bows and poisoned and tobacco to the Western World-wrote
arrows. They poison their arrows with the in 1595:
stings of scorpions, the heads of certain "There was nothing whereof I was more
ants, poisons which they manufacture, and curious, than to finde out the true remedies
those little plums I have mentioned, as well of these poisoned arrowes, for besides the
also as the juice they distil from certain mortalitie of the wound they make, the
trees in which they dip their arrows. But partie shot indureth the most insufferable
everybody is not permitted to make this torment in the world, and abideth a most
mixture. There are certain old women vgly and lamentable death, sometimes
skilled in the art, who are shut in at certain dying starke mad, sometimes their bowels
times and furnished with the necessary ma- breaking out of their bellies, and are pres-
terials; during two days these women watch ently discolored, as black as pitch, and so
and distil the ointment. As soon as it is vnsauery, as no man can endure to cure,
finished the house is opened, and if the or to attend them; And it is more strange
women are well and not found lying on the to know, that in all this time there was
ground half dead from the fumes of the never Spaniard, either by gift or torment
poison, they are severely punished, and the that could attaine to the true knowledge of
ointment is thrown away as being valueless; the cure, although they have martyred and
for the strength of the poison is such, that put to inuented torture I know not how
the mere odor of it, while compounding many of them. But euery one of these
almost kills its makers. Indians know it not, no not one among
"Whoever is wounded by one of these thousands, but their soothsaiers and priests,
poisoned arrows dies, but not instantly, and who do conceale it, and only teach it but
no Spaniard has yet found a remedy for from the father to the sonne.
such wounds. The natives know some, but "Those medicines which are vulgar, and
the remainder of one's life, after being serue for the ordinarie poison, are made of
cured, is sufficiently disagreeable; for it is the iuce of a roote called Tupara: the same
necessary to abstain from many things one also quencheth maruellously the heate of
likes. First of all from sexual pleasure for burning feauers, and healeth inward
two years, and afterwards, during a life- wounds, and broken veines, that bleed
time, from liquors, excessive pleasures of within the body. But I was more beholding
the table, and all exertion. Otherwise death to the Guianians than any other, for An-
quickly follows. Our monks have seen many tonio de Berreo told me that he could
wounded Indians, for they live in a state of neuer attaine to the knowledge thereof,

and yet they taught me the best way of ist who created one of the first bird sanc-
healing as wel thereof, as of al other poi- tuaries by surrounding Walton Hall's 300
sons. Some of the Spaniards have been acres by a three-mile wall, six feet high, to
cured in ordinary wounds, of the common keep out the poachers and foxes. He was
poisoned arrowes with the iuce of garlike: totally without fear of animals, including
but this is a generall rule for all men that reptiles: it is recounted that he once cap-
shall hereafter trauell the Indies where poi- tured a cayman (crocodile) by jumping on
soned arrowes are vsed, that they must its back and riding it to captivity. On an-
abstain from drinke, for if they take any other occasion, he is said to have 'climbed
licor into their body, I say, if they drink into a cage with a not-too-well-schooled
before the wound be dressed, or soone orangutan, and inspected its hands and
upon it, there is no way with them but teeth, whereupon the ape did the same for
present death." him, and added greatly to the amusement
Within 24 years of the discovery of of the spectators by commencing a careful
America, the potency of the Indian arrow and critical study of the Squire's hair!"
poison had made such a fearsome impres- "Waterton's family owned estates in what
sion upon the early explorers of the New is now British Guiana, and from 1804 to
World that they were convinced of the 1812 Waterton himself aided in the admin-
following: (1) that there were several vari- istration of these interests. During this time
eties of arrow poisons-which was true; (2) he made expeditions into the interior from
that one variety was obtained by distilla- which he gained firsthand knowledge of
tions of certain trees-which was also true; wourali poison, its use in hunting, and
(3) that the arrow points broke off on hit- something of its concoction; and he col-
ting the target-which was sometimes true, lected specimens of it which he brought
depending upon the marksman, the quality back to England upon his return."
of the arrow, and the target; (4) that the Waterton's account of his adventures,
darts were made of palm wood-which was told with charm and lucidity, were con-
certainly not necessarily true, but rather tained in his book, Wanderings In South
concerned the availability of types of wood America, published by MacMillan & Com-
in the geographical area under discussion; pany, London, in 1879, of which pages
(5) that the natives knew an antidote-- 126-144 are reprinted below without the
which was almost certainly not true; and permission of either the author or the pub-
(6) that cauterization of the wound caused lisher.
by a poison arrow was practiced by the
Indian-which was sometimes true and
sometimes untrue, depending, again upon
the place from which the statement ema-
Many of these so-called established facts CHARLES WATERTON
were, therefore, myths and legends, re-
shaped and misshaped in the telling and Chapters II and III, pp. 126-144
retelling of the tales. The way that the
MacMillan and Company, London, 1879.
apocryphal tale of the "old women" became
gospel, for instance, was a feat in the "hard
sell" which modern day Madison Avenue "Grammatici certant, et adhuc
could envy. sub judice lis est."
The man who did much to separate these The Macoushi Indians-Poison vendors-
facts and unfacts from fancy, myth, and Apparent failure of poison-Collecting
legend was Charles Waterton, the Squire materials for wourali-poison-Preparing
of Walton Hall. "He was at one and the the poison-Superstitions-The blowpipe
same time a charming Victorian and a thor- gun-The Ourah-The Samourah-Silk-
ough-going eccentric. He was an expert grass-Acuero fruit-Coucourite palm -
ornithologist, a taxidermist, and a natural- Wild Cotton-Arrows-Quivers-Jaw of

Pirai-Packing the arrows-Cotton bas- The bow-Ingenious arrows-Small quiv-

ket-Gun sight made of Acouri teeth- ers-A wild hog shot Utilization of indig-
Poisoned fowl-Suspending the guns- enous products.
* * * *


Published February, 1969

Several years ago, Noel Gillespie's classic tion. Intubation removes this cause, and
volume on Endotracheal Anesthesia (Madi- the following advantages result:
son, Wisc., University of Wisconsin Press, "With a tube in place in the trachea,
1941), only one of a number of significant spasm of the larynx, should it occur, cannot
contributions to the specialty to emanate interfere with the efficacy of respiratory
from the Department of Anesthesia at the exchange. Laryngeal spasm may be the re-
University of Wisconsin, was beautifully sult of direct irritation of the glottis by too
updated and revised by Karl Siebecker and sudden a concentration of a pungent vapor,
Betty Bamforth. They managed to retain by a drop of mucus, or by an ill-fitting
the style and flavor of the original text, pharyngeal airway. If its onset is recognized
while at the same time making the many it can usually be abolished by finding the
changes and additions which had become cause and removing it. Once spasm is estab-
necessary since the publication of the first lished, however, intubation is usually the
edition in 1941. One need only read Gil- only effective treatment. Reflex glottic
lespie's original section on the advantages spasm is often initiated by surgical stimulus
of endotracheal anesthesia to realize how in light anaesthesia, and therefore safety
far the technique has progressed in the demands either a degree of anaesthesia suf-
mere span of a generation or so: ficiently profound to abolish the glottic re-
"It is evident from the literature that flex, or else intubation as a means of main-
many of the objections expressed in the taining a plane of anaesthesia which is both
past have been directed, not at endotra- light and safe. Although any intense surgi-
cheal anaesthesia itself, but at some partic- cal stimulus may cause reflex glottic spasm,
ular route or technique of which a given it occurs most frequently during abdominal
author disapproved. It must therefore be operations. Unless the plane of anaesthesia
stressed at the outset that this consideration is sufficiently deep to cause paralysis of the
of its advantages and disadvantages applies glottis, reflex spasm usually results from
to any form of endotracheal anaesthesia, the stimulus of traction on the peritoneum
provided that it is competently adminis- or of palpation of the structures adjacent
tered. to the diaphragm. This spasm, in turn,
"The arguments in favor of endotracheal causes a lack of oxygen which enhances the
anaesthesia fall into three main groups: tension of the unrelaxed muscles, and
freedom of airway, the control of intrapul- makes the surgeon's task difficult if not
monic pressure, and artificial ventilation. impossible. Until the spasm is relieved and
"Endotracheal anaesthesia procures an respiratory exchange is re-established it is
absolute freedom of the patient's airway impossible to deepen the anaesthesia. This
which is mechanically assured. All authori- vicious circle is familiar to all surgeons as
ties are agreed that the most frequent cause well as to anaesthetists. As long ago as 1903
of difficulty or danger in the administration Kuhn pointed out that in abdominal oper-
of an anaesthetic is obstruction of respira- ations intubation promoted smoother an-
aesthesia, and urged this argument in its If the patient has been intubated, this can
favor. Cotton and Boothby were inclined be done without any interruption of the
to favor intubation for sub-diaphragmatic administration of the anaesthetic.
operations. Their surmise was confirmed a "Closely allied to the foregoing advan-
generation later by Boyle and Hewer. This tage is the ability to prevent the aspiration
has in recent years been the common ex- of vomitus, blood, mucus, or pus into the
perience of almost all anaesthetists. lower respiratory tract. 'Aspiration pneu-
"If a free airway for the patient is as- monia' was a fairly frequent sequela of any
sured, it becomes superfluous for the an- operation upon the upper air passages in
aesthetist or his apparatus to remain in days before intubation was currently used.
close juxtaposition to the patient's head; The aspiration of foreign fluids can always
and he can safely withdraw to a distance be prevented during operation by the skil-
without losing anything of his accurate con- ful use of endotracheal methods. This fact
trol of the administration, provided that he is of importance not only in operations
uses a stethoscope and blood-pressure cuff upon the upper respiratory tract but also
fitted with sufficient lengths of tubing to in any condition liable to cause the patient
permit of close and constant observation of to vomit during anaesthesia.
the behaviour of the patient's cardio-vas- "Intubation of the trachea enables the
cular system. The movements of the anaesthetist to remove fluids easily, and at
breathing bag will naturally provide him any time, from the bronchial tree by suc-
with the necessary information as to the tion through or alongside the endotracheal
character of the patient's respiration. So tube. This applies not only to an excess of
long as the anaesthetist's hands and appa- mucus secreted by the trachea and bronchi,
ratus, neither of which could be kept ster- but also to blood or pus. The latter are
ile, perforce encroached on the surgical usually seen only during pulmonary oper-
field at intervals, no true asepsis was possi- ations, but unless they can be rapidly re-
ble in any operation upon the head. A tube, moved they are a grave menace to the
once in place, can be treated as part of the patient. Certain precautions, however, are
surgical field, and remains undisturbed expedient when applying either negative
during the operation. In this way endotra- or positive pressure deep in the respiratory
cheal anaesthesia has made a definite con- tree.
tribution to the recent advances in plastic "It has long been recognized that certain
and cerebral surgery. positions of the patient upon the operating
"In almost all the operations of oto- table, although necessary to the operation,
rhino-laryngology, if anaesthesia by inha- greatly impede the mechanics of normal
lation is employed, a conflict of access to respiration. The chief offenders in this re-
the operative field takes place between the spect are the prone position, the steep
anaesthetist and the surgeon, because the 'Trendelenburg' position, and any ar-
upper air passages are themselves the site rangement of the patient which involves
of the operation. This very difficulty was raising of a 'bridge' beneath the lower
the stimulus which excited the work of ribs. Not only is respiratory movement
Kuhn, and he solved it by using intubation, hindered, but in these positions it is often
as he says, 'for the purpose of bringing the difficult if not impossible to prevent upper
air in the trachea into direct contact with respiratory obstruction, especially in ana-
the outside air.' This 'exteriorization of the tomically 'difficult' subjects. Several early
larynx' enables the surgeon to work unfet- workers with endotracheal anaesthesia re-
tered by the necessity either of maintaining ported that the incidence of 'operative
a free airway himself or of being inter- shock' was lower when this technique was
rupted periodically by the anaesthetist's ef- in use and suggested that this more favor-
forts to do so. In certain operations inside able condition was due to an absence of
the thorax or upon the stomach it is some- exertion during respiration in the intu-
times a help to the surgeon if an oesopha- bated patient. Even the very experienced
geal bougie or stomach tube can be passed. anaesthetist occasionally encounters pa-

tients so anatomically abnormal that he is racic operations, which enjoyed a consid-

unable to maintain unobstructed respira- erable vogue at the beginning of this cen-
tion with the aid of an artificial airway in tury, have disappeared from use. Increas-
the pharynx. In these rare cases intubation ing experience has thus clearly shown that
will remove the obstruction to respiration an appropriate form of endotracheal an-
where all other measures fail. aesthesia is both the simplest and the most
"Finally endotracheal methods are of efficient method of avoiding the difficulties
great value in those rare cases in which a and dangers inherent in the condition of
mechanical obstruction to respiration is pneumothorax.
either present or anticipated. The least un- "Centuries before the discovery of anaes-
common of these is probably thyroidec- thesia the resuscitative value of mechanical
tomy undertaken for the relief of obstruc- ventilation was demonstrated . . . and the
tive symptoms. Naturally intubation must ability instantly to transmute the mainte-
then be accomplished with a tube certain nance of anaesthesia into the process of
to remain patent under any pressure to resuscitation is a great safeguard to the
which it may be subjected, and of sufficient patient. To such an extent is this true that
length to reach beyond the point of con- within the space of a few years the 'apnoea'
striction of the air passages. which but recently was the terror of the
"If the pleural cavity is opened, the lung anaesthetist has under certain circum-
which it contains collapses. This collapse stances become an accepted technique of
can be prevented or remedied by raising anaesthesia. Intubation is no more essential
the pressure inside the lung. The simplest to controlled respiration than to control of
way to do this is to apply positive pressure intrapulmonic pressure, for adequate res-
to the anaesthetic vapor. The mechanical piratory exchange can usually be effected
means of doing this are discussed on pages with a bag and a facepiece. Yet when the
112-115 and 153-154. The application of maintenance of this exchange is essential to
positive pressure can often be achieved by life, and obstruction of the air passages may
the use of an accurately fitting facepiece. at any moment interrupt it, intubation of-
If, however, glottic spasm occurs, or the fers too valuable a safeguard to be ne-
patient vomits during anaesthesia, it will be glected.
impossible to control the intrabronchial "Operations in the course of which res-
pressure. If the glottis is intubated, on the piratory failure may occur were formerly
other hand, spasm cannot occur, and vom- embarked upon with trepidation. If intu-
iting, with suitable precautions, need not bation is resorted to in such cases, the sur-
disturb the control of the intrapulmonic geon can proceed secure in the knowledge
pressure. that, should respiratory failure occur, the
"Atelectasis may occur during anaes- anaesthetist is in a position to substitute
thesia. If it is diagnosed, the presence of a effective manual exchange of gases for
tube in the trachea renders its immediate spontaneous respiration.
treatment possible, by suction drainage of "Writing at a time when specialist an-
the tracheo-bronchial tree and gentle man- aesthetists were all but unknown, Kuihn
ual reinflation of the lungs. said that intubation enabled the surgeon
"The complete collapse of one lung is 'Herr der Lage zu sein and zu bleiben' (to
occasionally desirable during the perform- become and remain master of the field).
ance of certain modern operations upon This is indeed the only possible concise
the lung itself. This condition can be se- statement of the advantages of intubation:
cured by the intubation of a main bronchus that it makes the anaesthetist master of
with a tube carrying a cuff which, when every mechanical aspect of respiratory ex-
inflated, occludes the bronchus of the dis- change, under any circumstances of func-
eased side. Respiration is then carried on tional disturbance, and for any period of
by the sound lung only. time."
"The complicated positive and negative The technique of endotracheal intuba-
pressure cabinets designed for the purpose tion, as we know it today, was introduced
of preventing pneumothorax during tho- in Glasgow in 1880. In that year, William

MacEwen, a Scottish surgeon, published his Prior to this, attempts at orotracheal and
epochal paper, "Clinical Observations on nasotracheal intubation of the larynx to
the Introduction of Tracheal Tubes by the treat respiratory obstruction of recent on-
Mouth Instead of Performing Tracheot- set had been largely unsuccessful, although
omy or Laryngotomy" (Br. Med. J., 2: 122- mechanical dilation of chronic tracheal ste-
124, 163-165, 1880), which is republished nosis had been successfully performed.
below. MacEwen reports on successful orotracheal
intubation of four patients using his finger
CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS as a guide. Two patients suffered from
ON THE INTRODUCTION tumor of the pharynx, one of burn and one
of infection, all with recent onset of partial
OF TRACHEAL TUBES BY respiratory obstruction. His last of ten de-
THE MOUTH INSTEAD OF ductions states, "Such tubes may be intro-
PERFORMING duced in operations on the face and mouth,
TRACHEOTOMY OR in order to prevent blood from gaining
LARYNGOTOMY access to the trachea, and for the purpose
of administering an anaesthetic; and they
MACEWEN, W. answer this purpose admirably."
Br. Med. J., 2:122-124, 163-165, 1880


Published August, 1964

During the past decade, a considerable ute volume exchange of 10 liters per min-
interest has been generated in the use of ute. She believed that the use of a negative
hyperventilation as a technique in anesthe- phase during expiration was an essential
sia. There have been two main applications part of the technique, and that it signifi-
of this technique in clinical practice: first, cantly aided in reducing venous bleeding,
the use of hyperventilation as a means of since it favored the maintenance of nega-
reducing brain volume during neurosurgi- tive pressure in the thorax, which otherwise
cal procecures, particularly craniotomies; would tend to become positive and lead to
and, second, the use of hyperventilation to an increase in venous pressure, which in
produce a quieter operative field and to turn would be transmitted to the brain.
decrease the quantities of anesthetic and Slocum and his colleagues, at the Walter
muscle relaxant drugs required during Reed Hospital in this country, have em-
other types of surgery, particularly intra- ployed a similar technique to relieve brain
abdominal operations. swelling during neurosurgery, but have not
One of the first reports concerning the included a negative phase of respiration,
use of hyperventilation in neurosurgery to believing that venous pressure could be
decrease brain volume was that by Furness, controlled by gravity through the use of
which appeared in the British literature in the headup or sitting position during sur-
1957. She reported her empirical experi- gery. It has been the opinion of these
ences in 100 neurosurgical procedures, em- groups on both sides of the Atlantic that
ploying a combination of thiopental-nitrous hyperventilation is superior to induced hy-
oxide-curare and hyperventilation pro- potension, hypothermia, or chemical de-
duced with a mechanical ventilator of the hydration as a technique to produce a "re-
positive-negative type, set to deliver a min- laxed" brain and good operating conditions

with a minimum of physiologic morbidity. illaries at the tip of the electrode, or actual
Rosomoff, however, has recently reported disruption and damage of the tissue.
studies which challenge whether hyperven- It is rather intriguing to realize that the
tilation in fact does reduce brain volume. present widespread interest in hyperventi-
His data indicate a decrease in intracranial lation was preceded by a similar period of
blood volume and a compensatory increase interest when hyperventilation was intro-
in cerebrospinal fluid volume; no change duced as an anesthetic technique by a Phil-
was seen in either brain water or brain adelphia dentist more than 80 years ago.
solids, nor was there a decline in cerebro- Survey and its readers are indebted to Dr.
spinal fluid pressure. He concluded that J. Alfred Lee, of Southend-on-Sea, Essex,
observations to the effect that the brain is England, and Dr. David A. Davis, of Chapel
smaller because it "appears to be slack" Hill, North Carolina, for bringing the writ-
during hyperventilation are illusions of the ings of Dr. W. G. A. Bonwill to the atten-
human eye, and that in fact a reduction of tion of "Classical File." Two of Dr. Bon-
intracranial tension is produced by hyper- will's contributions to the literature are
ventilation only if hypercarbia due to un- reprinted below. The first, "The air as an
derventilation was present before the onset anaesthetic", was published in the Philadel-
of artificial ventilation. phia Journal of Dental Science, volume 3,
The use of hyperventilation during other pages 57-61, in 1876; the second, "Rapid
types of surgery has been championed by breathing as a pain obtunder in minor sur-
the Liverpool school of anesthetists, under gery, obstetrics, the general practice of
the leadership of Professor T. Cecil Gray, medicine and of dentistry", appeared in
as a technique which will decrease the need Scientific American Supplement, No. 275,
for both general anesthetic and muscle re- pages 4386-4389, April 9, 1881.
laxant drugs. Gray has pointed out that,
when relaxant drugs have been adminis-
tered, the degree of abdominal relaxation RAPID BREATHING AS A
will be influenced by the efficiency of pul-
monary ventilation: if this is inadequate, PAIN OBTUNDER IN
the hypercarbia which results will stimulate MINOR
the respiratory center, more frequent im- SURGERY, OBSTETRICS,
pulses of greater intensity will pass down THE GENERAL PRACTICE
the motor nerves to the muscles, and a OF MEDICINE AND
larger dose of relaxant will be required to
produce a given degree of paralysis or re-
laxation. Others have suggested that hy- W. G. A. BONWILL, D.D.S.
perventilation achieves its relaxing effect
not by hypocarbia, but by inhibition of Scientific American Supp.,
abdominal muscle reflexes. Still other No. 275, 4386-4389, 1881
workers have implicated hypoxia as the
reason for deepening of anesthesia and the "Through the kind invitation of your
decrease in the requirement for anesthetic directors, I am present to give you the
drugs: hyperventilation is known to pro- history of "rapid breathing" as an analgesic
duce cerebral vasoconstriction and in- agent as well as my experience therein since
creased cerebrovascular resistance; and in I first discovered it.
one study, cerebral oxygen tension, as
measured by an oxygen electrode, dropped
markedly during hyperventilation. Caution "I think we are now prepared to show
must be exercised in the interpretation of clearly the causes which effect the phenom-
results obtained from the use of oxygen ena in rapid breathing.
tension electrodes on the surface of, or "The first thing enlisted is the diversion
within, the brain, however, as artifact may of the will force in the act of forced respira-
be present from either compression of cap- tion at a moment when the heart and lungs
have been in normal reciprocal action (20 which excess of carbonic acid cannot escape
respirations to 80 pulsations), which act in the same ratio from the lungs, since the
could not be made and carried up to 100 heart does not respond to the proportion-
respirations per minute without such con- ate overaction of the lungs.
centrated effort that ordinary pain could "Third.-Hyperaemia is the last in this
make no impression upon the brain while chain of effects, which is due to the exces-
this abstraction is kept up. sive amount of air passing into the lungs
"Second. There is a specific effect result- preventing but little more than the normal
ing from enforced respiration of 100 to the quantity of blood from passing from the
minute, due to the excess of carbonic acid heart into the arterial circulation, but
gas setfree from the tissues, generated by this draws it up in the brain with its excess of
enforced normal act of throwing into the carbonic acid gas to act also directly upon
lungs five times the normal amount of ox- the brain as well as throughout the capillary
ygen in one minute demanded, when the and venous system, and as well upon the
heart has not been aroused to exalted ac- heart, the same as if it were suspended in
tion, which comes from violent exercise in that gas outside the body".
running or where one is suddenly startled,


PublishedJune, 1965
Cocaine hydrochloride is a white crystal- The action of cocaine on the medulla re-
line powder that is freely soluble in water sults in rapid, shallow breathing, and the
and is fairly stable, decomposing only vasomotor and vomiting centers share in
slightly except on prolonged boiling. It is the stimulation. Depression then replaces
the benzoic acid ester of the base ecgonine, the central stimulation, and unconscious-
which in turn is esterified with methyl al- ness ensues; eventually the depression in-
cohol. It is obtained from the leaves of the cludes the vital medullary centers, and
Erythroxylon coca, a small shrub with vivid death results from respiratory failure.
green leaves which is indigenous to the Cocaine also has effects upon the sym-
Andes mountains of Chile, Bolivia and pathetic nervous system activity, but not
Peru, where for centuries the native In- direct effects on sympathetically innervated
dians have chewed coca leaves to increase structures. It does, however, have the prop-
their physical strength and endurance. erty of potentiating both excitatory and
Cocaine stimulates the central nervous inhibitory responses of muscles and glands
system from above downward. In animals, to epinephrine or adrenergic nerve im-
the cortical action is manifested mainly by pulses, perhaps by preventing the destruc-
increased motor activity, which is coordi- tion of epinephrine since it inhibits amine
nated at first, but is characterized by oxidase, the enzyme concerned with the
tremors and convulsive movements as the oxidation of epinephrine.
dose is increased, and eventually leads to Cocaine is a marked pyretic, and hyper-
clonic and tonic convulsions. In man, the thermia is often a striking feature of co-
first action on the cortex appears as garru- caine poisoning. Pyrexia probably results
lity, restlessness, and euphoric excitement. from increased heat production as a result

of the muscular activity attending central CONCERNING THE USE OF

stimulation, from decreased heat elimina- COCAINE FOR ANESTHESIA
tion due to vasoconstriction produced by OF THE EYE
central vasomotor stimulation, and perhaps
from a direct effect on the heat regulating DR. KARL KOLLER
centers. Assistant Physician of the
The effects of cocaine upon the cardio- Royal Imperial General Hospital,
vascular system vary with the dosage. Vienna
Bradycardia may result from small doses
due to central vagal stimulation, but as the Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 34:
dose is increased a definite tachycardia is 1276-1278, 1309-1311, 1884
produced. This tachycardia, coupled with
vasoconstriction due to central vasomotor
stimulation, causes a pronounced increase "At the outset, I considered using co-
in blood pressure. In addition to this vaso- caine therapeutically in two ways: first, as a
constriction of central origin, the applica- narcoticfor painful eye ailments and second,
tion of cocaine to blood vessel walls will as an anestheticfor operations on the eye.
produce direct vasoconstriction. The ad- "As to the first usage, I expected to gain
ministration of a large intravenous dose of much from its effect, especially on corneal
cocaine may result in immediate death and conjunctival ailments associatedwith pain
from cardiac failure due to a direct toxic and photophobia. I used cocaine (in 2% so-
action on heart muscle. lution) in a large number of patients with
The effect of cocaine on skeletal muscle
conjunctivitis lymphatica with eruptions
has been the subject of considerable inves-
and ulcerations on the cornea and on one
tigation because of its well known reputa- patient with vascular banding. All of the
tion for relieving or delaying fatigue from patients so treated stated that they felt far
physical exertion. There is no evidence,
better a few minutes after the instillation:
however, that cocaine increases the the pain subsided and the photophobia de-
strength of muscular contraction, and it has
creased considerably. Correspondingly,
been concluded that central stimulation however, the patients complained that 2 to
and euphoria simply mask the sensations of 3 hours after the instillation pain and pho-
tophobia returned.
By far the most important action of co-
* * * *
caine is its ability to block nerve conduction
when brought into direct contact with "I now come to the second way of using
nerve tissue. It was this property from cocaine, that is as an anestheticfor operations
which the entire field of regional, nerve on the eye. Cocaine is first rate for removal
block, and conduction anesthesia grew. of foreign bodies from and out of the cornea,
The development and use of cocaine as a often difficult because of the patient's rest-
local anesthetic was chiefly the work of Karl lessness. I have set about establishing an-
Koller, who reported his investigations to esthesia in a goodly number of these pa-
the Ophthalmological Congress held in tients (about 30 cases) by having the pa-
Heidelberg on September 14 and 15, 1884. tient, who was sitting or standing, look at
His studies were published under the title the floor while I put 2 drops of a 2%
of "Ueber die Verwendung des Cocain zur solution on the cornea; the instillation was
Anasthesirung am Auge." Wiener Medizin- repeated once again in 3 to 5 minutes. All
ische Wochenschrift 34: 1276-1278, 1309- of the patients stated that they had lost the
1311, 1884. Survey and its readers are in- feeling of a foreign body; at removal of the
debted to Dr. Carl S. Hellijas of the De- fragment from the cornea with a needle,
partment of Anesthesiology, Hartford Hos- all patients kept the globe motionless and
pital, for the English translation of this on questioning about what they felt, all
article which is reprinted below. answered that they felt nothing at all".

PublishedJune, 1959
The history of anesthesia abounds with sively also in laryngology and rhinology,
proof that great discoveries and events do and for operations in the male urethra.
not usually occur unexpectedly as the result Very obviously, the thought of applying
of sudden inspiration in the mind of one cocaine directly to a nerve trunk by injec-
man, but rather proceed logically and al- tion was the next logical and inevitable
most inevitably from preceding events and step, and on November 22, 1884, within
discoveries. It is therefore perhaps also in- ten weeks of the public demonstration of
evitable that the thought which kindled a the local anesthetic properties of cocaine at
great discovery often occurred in more Heidelburg, Dr. W. C. Burke, Jr., of South
than one man's mind at almost the same Norwalk, Connecticut, wrote to the Editor
instant in time. The introduction of direct of the New York Medical Journal:
nerve block anesthesia is a cogent example. "A.B., a phlegmatic German, about 40
The pertinent preceding events in this years of age, on Friday, the 14th instant,
instance were, of course, the development while cleaning a revolver, accidentally shot
of the syringe and hollow needle, and the himself in the right hand. The ball (.22
discovery of the local anesthetic properties caliber) entered the palm of the hand op-
of cocaine. The former occurred in 1853 posite the third carpophalangeal articula-
when the Scotsman, Alexander Wood, de- tion, and, passing outward under the flexor
vised the modern type of metallic hollow tendons of the hand, lodged against the
needle at the same time that the French- first phalanx (inner surface) of the little
man, Charles Gabriel Pravaz, attached an finger, about half an inch in front of the
improved hollow needle to a specially con- articulation with the corresponding bone.
structed syringe, called, on the continent Twenty-four hours after the accident the
of Europe, the "Pravaz syringe," in honor man came to my office to have the wound
of its inventor. dressed. At that time the hand, which nat-
The discovery of the local anesthetic urally was very large and thick, was consid-
properties of cocaine was made in 1884 by erably swollen and inflamed; there was also
Carl Koller, but might well have been at- considerable pain. I gave him a hypodermic
tributed rather to the great psychoanalyst, injection of 5 minims of a 2-per-cent solu-
Sigmund Freud, had not Freud's romantic tion of the hydrochlorate of cocaine on the
interest taken him away on a holiday to back of the hand, at the inner side of the
meet his fiancee at that time-perhaps last metacarpal bone-deeply injected, so
lending support to Freud's later thesis that as to bring the drug as near as possible to
sex is the dominant force in man's activities. that branch of the ulnar nerve supplying
As it was, Koller's discovery that the appli- the inner side of the little finger. Five min-
cation of a few drops of cocaine solution to utes later another hypodermic of the same
an animal's eye would render that eye in- amount was given along the back of the
sensitive to mechanical, chemical, thermal first phalanx of the little finger, the solution
and faradic stimulation, was demonstrated being thrown in as the needle was with-
in a human patient at a congress of oph- drawn. He said that the introduction of the
thalmology which met at Heidelburg on needle the second time gave not the slight-
September 15, 1884. The news traveled est pain, the first one having hurt him and
like wildfire and the use of cocaine for eye been followed by smarting (probably due
surgery was so enthusiastically accepted to the alcohol). After waiting five minutes
and extolled that one medical editor was longer, I made the necessary incision, an
constrained to write: "The loneliest doctor inch or an inch and a half long and quite
in the world is the ophthalmologist who deep, owing to the size of his finger and its
hasn't written an article on cocaine." Nor swollen condition. Neither the cut or the
was the use of the drug confined to eye subsequent manipulation in the removal of
surgery, for the drug was employed exten- the ball, nor the dressing, gave him any

pain whatever. He described his sensations HALL, R.J.

in the hand as being 'numb or asleep."'
Four days later, on the 26th of Novem- New York MedicalJournal, 40: 343-349
ber, Dr. R.J. Hall of the Roosevelt Hospital (Dec. 6) 1884
in New York City, also wrote to the Editor
of the New York Medical Journal to de- Dr. Hall described a number of experi-
scribe the experiments and clinical trials ments made by Dr. Halsted and himself
which he had been carrying out in conjunc- injecting a four percent solution of cocaine
tion with Dr. William S. Halsted on the subcutaneously and noting the resulting
injection of cocaine for direct nerve block. sensory anesthesia. In addition to the area
Rightfully or wrongfully, the names of of anesthesia, "marked constitutional symp-
Burke and Hall have been relegated to toms appeared", including giddiness, nau-
lower-case type in the histories of local an- sea, and cold perspiration. Hall reported
esthesia, and the name of William Stewart on the successful administration in a num-
Halsted has been placed in capital letters as ber of cases in the outpatient department,
the man who introduced nerve block an- and in addition had persuaded his dentist
esthesia with cocaine. Nevertheless, Hall's to use it on himself.
letter to the Editor must stand as one of In addition, the lead article in the journal
the published landmarks of regional anes- reviewed the introduction of this new tech-
thesia: entitled "Hydrochlorate of Co- nique for inducing anesthesia. In conclu-
caine," it was published in the December 6, sion, it stated, "no doubt much yet remains
1884, issue of the New York Medical Journal to be done in the way of experiment and
and is reproduced below, together with the observation before the precise sphere of
Editorial entitled, "The New Local Anaes- the new anesthetic can be defined, and it
thetic," which appeared in the same issue. would be prudent for those who may un-
dertake to furnish us with these data not to
count too much upon the innocuousness of
the drug, for it should be noted that Dr.
LETTERS TO THE Hall experienced marked consitutional
EDITOR symptoms from an injection of 32 minims
of a four percent solution of the hydro-


PublishedJune, 1960
The claim for the introduction of a new February, 1960). The history of the devel-
technique in medicine frequently is subject opment of conduction anesthesia contains
to revision following more arduous search no such celebrated disputation as that
by medical historians into the dusty ar- Great Ether Controversy, but a number
chives of the past. This situation most cer- of differing interpretations of historical
tainly has been true in the field of anesthe- facts have been developed as unbiased (or
sia, the most celebrated example being, of perhaps more biased) historians have
course, the notorious Ether Controversy unearthed older and older records.
involving Morton, Jackson, Wells and One prime prerequisite to the develop-
Crawford Long (Survey of Anesthesiology, ment of conduction anesthesia, for in-
stance, was the hollow needle, and this in- anatomic premises, since he believed that
vention is generally credited to the Scots- cocaine injected into the region between
man, Alexander Wood, in 1853; however, two spinous processes would be absorbed
the first hollow needles were quills, of the by the circulation and "transferred to the
type used by Sir Christopher Wren around substance of the cord, and give rise to
1656 for his intravenous injections of anesthesia of the sensory and perhaps mo-
opium, and probably also by Sigismund tor tracks of the same." He did, however,
Elsheltz in 1665 for his injections of opi- clearly suggest the possibilities of the utility
ates. A second prerequisite for the devel- of a form of spinal anesthesia for surgery,
opment of conduction anesthesia was cer- whether or not he realized the importance
tainly the discovery of a local anesthetic of the subarachnoid space in the produc-
agent, which is generally credited to Karl tion of spinal anesthesia as it is defined
Koller following his demonstration of the today. His original observations were pub-
anesthetic properties of cocaine before the lished under the title, "Spinal Anaesthesia
Ophthalmologic Congress held in Heidel- and Local Medication of the Cord," in the
burg on September 15, 1884; however, as October 31, 1885, issue of the New York
early as 1860, Albert Niemann, who ob- Medical Journal.
tained the alkaloid of cocoa leaves in crys-
talline form and named it "cocaine," re-
ported the numbing effect of this drug on
the tongue; and in 1873, Alexander Ben- SPINAL ANAESTHESIA AND
nett demonstrated the anesthetic proper- LOCAL MEDICATION
ties of cocaine. Even the penultimate step OF THE CORD
in the development of conduction anesthe-
sia, the actual injection of a local anesthetic J. LEONARD CORNING, M.D.
agent to produce anesthesia, generally
New York Med. J., 43: October 31, 1885
credited to William S. Halsted in 1884, had
been taken by Vasili Konstantinovich von
Anrep as early as 1878, when he injected a
weak solution of cocaine under the skin of "Experiment I. This was performed on a
his own arm, experienced a sense of warm- young dog. At ten o'clock, a. m., I injected
ness which was followed by anesthesia that twenty minims of a two-per-cent solution
lasted for about half an hour, and sug- of the hydrochlorate of cocaine into the
gested the possibility of the employment of space situated between the spinous proc-
cocaine as a local anesthetic agent. esses of two of the inferior dorsal vertebrae.
But perhaps the chief disagreement in Five minutes after the injection there was
the interpretation of historical facts relative evidence of marked inco-ordination in the
to the development of conduction anesthe- posterior extremities; the dog threw his
sia concerns the introduction of spinal an- hindlegs about aimlessly, holding them far
esthesia. August Bier is generally consid- apart, much after the manner of some
ered to have performed the first spinal ataxic patients. A few minutes later there
anesthesia in man in 1898. There is little was marked evidence of weakness in the
doubt that it is to Bier that credit must be hind-legs, but there were no signs whatever
given for endowing surgery with the of feebleness in the anterior extremities. I
method of spinal anesthesia, but in point of now tested the condition of sensibility by
fact it was James Leonard Corning who means of a powerful faradaic battery, one
performed the first injections of cocaine of the conducting cords of which was at-
into the human spine in 1885. Whether tached to a fine wire brush. When the wire
Corning had obtained true spinal anesthe- brush was applied to the hind-legs, there
sia at this time, or merely had produced was no reflex action whatever on the part
epidural anesthesia, remains a debated of the latter, at least such was the case
question. Certain it is that Corning's exper- except when the most powerful currents
iment was based on faulty physiologic and were employed. But, on the other hand,

when I applied the wire brush to either of fact that the action of the anaesthetic was
the anterior extremities, the limb was practically local, being confined, for the
drawn away violently, and the animal set most part, to that portion of the cord situ-
up the most dismal howls. Similar effects ated immediately beneath the point of in-
were observed on pinching and pricking jection. It is conceivable, however, that,
the limbs. had the quantity of anaesthetic fluid in-
"These phenomena persisted for a con- jected been greater, the anterior limbs
siderable length of time, and traces of inco- might also have been affected. An absolute
ordination were observed two hours after localization of the anaesthesia is indeed
the injection had been made. After the hardly within the range of possibilities, on
lapse of about four hours, however, the account of the numerous blood-vessels. It
dog seemed to have recovered his usual is true, nevertheless, as we have seen, that
health, and walked about without diffi- the local action of the drug is greatly fa-
culty. vored, at least, so far as the inferior seg-
"During the duration of the experiment ment of the cord is concerned, by reason
nothing of an abnormal nature was ob- of the lethargy of the circulation at this
served in the fore-legs. I infer from this point".


Published August, 1962

Chloroform has so many admirable fea- concentrations of oxygen are possible in
tures as an anesthetic drug that it has stayed the inhaled mixture. It is chemically stable
around considerably longer than would and easily preserved. It is so inexpensive
seem justifiable on the basis of its clinical that a total anesthesia may cost only a mat-
record for mortality. It has a sweet, not ter of cents. In fact, on a number of counts
unpleasant odor, and is only mildly irritat- it comes close to the ideal inhalation anes-
ing on inhalation. It is a fully potent drug, thetic-except for the mortalities.
and provides a rapid and usually smooth The mortalities from chloroform began
induction which does not require the use to occur soon after the introduction of the
of a preliminary induction drug such as drug into clinical anesthetic practice by
nitrous oxide or ethylene. One needs only Simpson in 1847. Hannah Greener was the
the simplest of equipment for its adminis- first, a brief 10 weeks after Simpson's initial
tration-a piece of lint and a dropper bot- report on the use of chloroform for anes-
tle. It can provide magnificent muscular thesia; but she was only the beginning. The
relaxation: certain Canadian anesthetists redoubtable John Snow, at the time of his
refer to it as "The Great Softener" because death in 1856, had collected 50 deaths
of its ability to render the most robust Cape from chloroform; and in view of the small
Breton coalminer as limp as a rag in a number of operations at the time, this was
matter of breaths. It is totally nonflamma- no mean mortality rate. A quarter of a
ble, permitting the use of electrocoagula- century later, in 1882, Henry M. Lyman
tion and electronic equipment without fear devoted 50 pages of his book on anesthesia
of fire or explosion. Very low concentra- to case reports of 393 chloroform deaths
tions are required for even the most pro- collected from a variety of sources: a small
found anesthesia, so that extremely high number had died at the beginning of the
inhalation, a large number before complete dren's Hospital, so he was particularly well
insensibility, another large number during situated to bring to light this obscure con-
maintenance, and a goodly number post- dition, which mostly affected children. This
operatively. On this side of the ocean, Ed- he did in 2 articles entitled, "On Some Fatal
mund Andrews of Chicago reported 43 After-Effects of Chloroform on Children,"
deaths in 117,078 chloroform anesthesias, which were published in the January 27
or a mortality rate of 1 :2723. The mor- and February 3, 1894, issues of Lancet
talities continued down through the years: (Guthrie, L. G.: Lancet, 1: 193-197, Janu-
during one very black week in 1899, no ary 27, and 257-261, February 3, 1894),
fewer than 9 deaths under chloroform and which are reprinted below.
were reported in a single issue of the Lan-
cet-2 from Liverpool, 4 in various Lon-
don hospitals, 2 in military hospitals, and
one at the county borough of Dudley. Even
as recently as 1956, Siebecker and Orth at AFTER-EFFECTS OF
the University of Wisconsin reported 2 CHLOROFORM ON
deaths from 7 chloroform anesthesias for CHILDREN
thoracic surgery, both from fatal hepatic
damage, and 2 other patients also had se- LEONARD G. GUTHRIE, M.A.,
vere hepatic damage which, however, was M.D. OxoN., M.R.C.P. LOND.,
not fatal. Assistant Physician and Pathologist
The role of hepatic damage in the pro- (Late Chloroformist),
duction of death following chloroform an- Paddington-Green Children's Hospital;
esthesia went unrecognized for many years. Assistant Physician,
In fact, it was not recognized until chloro- Northwest London Hospital;
form had been in use as an anesthetic in Physician; Regent's Park Hospital
England for 47 years, and chloroform was for Epilepsy and Paralysis
used in almost every patient during that
time. Leonard George Guthrie was the Lancet, 1: 193-197 and 257-261, 1894
man who put Delayed Chloroform Poison-
ing on the map. (He was, incidentally, no Ten children are described in whom the
relation to Samuel Guthrie, of Sackett's administration of chloroform for operation
Harbor, Long Island, who shares the credit was followed in all but one with death.
for the chemical manufacture of chloro- After a thorough analysis, including
form with the German, von Liebig, and the autopsy in those who succumbed, it was
Frenchman, Soubeiran, all 3 men having concluded that: the deaths were primarily
discovered the drug independently in due to autointoxication; a fatty condition
1831). Leonard Guthrie was born in 1858, of the liver existed before the operation;
qualified at Oxford in 1888, and died on and chloroform and operative shock
Christmas Eve, 1919, aged 61. He was phy- combined to aggravate the condition
sician and pathologist, and formerly chlo- already present.
roformist, to the Paddington-Green Chil-


PublishedJune, 1962
August Bier was one of the last of the Surgery at the University of Berlin, had
great German Geheimrat Professors of extolled the new miracle: "A dream has
Surgery, but when he died in his 88th year come true. Pain has been conquered!"
on March 14, 1949, it was his contribution Some fifty years later, Bier gave this truth
to anesthesia that was most prominently a new impetus through the introduction of
featured in his obituaries. spinal anesthesia. In 1891, Quincke had
Bier was the son of a surveyor, Thedor described the technique of lumbar punc-
Bier, and was born in 1861 at Helsen, a ture and demonstrated its usefulness as a
small town on the Wesser between West- diagnostic procedure. Quincke had appar-
phalia and Hesse-Nassau. He attended the ently been unaware of the possibilities of
local village school and continued his edu- spinal anesthesia, but he had shown that
cation at the Gymnasium in Korbach, the the introduction of a needle through the
chief city of the former principality of Wal- dura was feasible; and this revelation in
dek. He then faced the perplexing problem itself was enough to fire the imagination of
of choosing a career. His great love of wood August Bier. The report of Bier's earliest
and field made it difficult to decide studies is fascinating, not only as the mile-
whether to become a forester or a doctor, stone marking the clinical introduction of
but he finally chose medicine. He studied spinal anesthesia, but also because it con-
in Berlin, Leipzig, and Kiel, and came un- tained a clear and precise description of
der the influence of both Karl Friedrich postspinal headache, including even the
Wilhelm Ludwig, one of the most impor- probable etiology and treatment! Survey of
tant physiologists of the last century, and Anesthesiology and its readers are indebted
Professor Friedrich von Esmarch, who had to Associate Editor, Dr. Gertie Marx, for
won his fame with the elastic rubber ban- the translation into English of Bier's paper,
dage for "bloodless" operations. Bier com- "Versuche uber Cocainisirung des Riick-
pleted his studies in Kiel with distinction in enmarkes," which was published in the
1886, took his doctoral examination in Deutsche Zietschrift fur Chirurgie, 51: 361-
1888, became an assistant of Esmarch's, 369, 1899, and which is reprinted below.
and qualified as an instructor in 1889.
From then on, Bier's career in medicine
became one of increasing distinction. He
was a man of intuition, quick decision, had EXPERIMENTS REGARDING
the courage of his convictions, and became THE COCAINIZATION OF
a surgeon of towering stature. He was a THE SPINAL CORD
bold and rapid operator, with a quick rec-
ognition and evaluation of the pathologic PROFESSOR DR. AUGUST BIER
problem at hand. He was an inspiring
teacher. On the podium he was a magnet-- The Royal Surgical Clinic of Kiel
kept his listeners fascinated, enlivening Zeitschrift fur Chirurgie, 51: 361-369,
even the dryest subject. He had the great April, 1899
gift of simplication, his epigrammatic sen-
tences often humorously revealing the core
of things. "I have attempted to render large areas
Shortly after the discovery of general of the body insensible to pain by introduc-
anesthesia, Diffenbach, one of Bier's pred- ing cocaine into the spinal cord. This was
ecessors in the Chair of the Department of carried out in the following way: with the
patient lying on his side, lumbar puncture and probably on the ganglia as well. I would
is performed according to the familiar like to use the words, "cocainization of the
method of Quincke. The needle should be spinal cord" with this meaning in mind; I
very fine. After the subarachnoid space is chose these words because of their brevity.
entered, the stilet of the needle is removed;
the opening is immediately covered by the
finger so that very little cerebrospinal fluid "These experiments proved to us that an
can escape. The desired amount of cocaine exceedingly small quantity of cocaine
is then injected with the help of a "Pravaz" (0.005 gm.) injected into the intrathecal
syringe, which fits the needle tightly. Of space can narcotize two-thirds of the body
course, one has to add the volume of co- to such a degree that major surgery can be
caine held by the injecting needle (with our performed painlessly. Loss of sensation de-
needles, this equals 1/2 lines on the velops in the legs 5 to 8 minutes after
"Pravaz" syringe). To prevent absorption injection. Most likely, the effect of cocaine
of cocaine by adjacent tissues, the needle is on the sheathless nerves, the nerve-roots
with the syringe is left in situ for two min- and the ganglia, rather than on the spinal
utes, after which it is removed. The punc- cord itself. The area of numbness gradually
ture is sealed off with collodion. increases; with a small dose and in a large
person numbness results as far as the nip-
ples (Case 1, 2, 5, and Dr. Hildebrandt). A
"The cocaine spreads in the cerebrospi- dose which is greater in relation to the size
nal fluid and comes in contact not only with of the body causes anesthesia of the entire
the surface of the spinal cord, but also with body with the exception of the head (Case
the non-myelinated nerves passing through 4: 0.005 gm. cocaine given to an 11-year-
the subarachnoid space and with the gan- old boy). With smaller doses (0.005
glia. I believe that paralysis of pain sensa- adults) anesthesia lasts for about 45 min-
tion following intrathecal injection of a utes; then sensation returns slowly (Dr. Hil-
small quantity of cocaine is due to the ac- debrandt)".
tion of the drug on these sheathless nerves
* * * *


Published August, 1979

Nobody knows for certain whether the where he attended the University of Hei-
"local medication of the spinal cord" which delberg and then obtained the degree of
Corning reported in the October 31st, doctor of medicine from the University of
1885, issue of the New York MedicalJournal Wurzburg in 1878. He returned to the
was spinal or epidural analgesia. United States and specialized in neurology,
Check that. A lot of people know for becoming a member of the New York Neu-
sure that it was spinal analgesia, and a lot rological Society and practicing in and
of other people know for sure that it was around New York City-he was a member
epidural analgesia. It is just that not every- of the medical staffs of the Hackensack, St.
body can agree. Francis, and St. Mary's Hospitals. As a neu-
James Leonard Corning was born in rologist, Corning became interested in the
Stamford,Connecticut, in 1855, and re- effects of cocaine upon the central nervous
ceived his medical education in Germany, system, the same interest which led Sig-

mund Freud to collaborate with Carl Koller tinence, "although usually accompanied by
in research, which eventually led to the considerable pain, remained almost unper-
discovery of cocaine as a local anesthetic ceived, and an urethral electrode caused
and thereby opened up the entire field of no inconvenience, even when strong cur-
conduction anesthesia which developed be- rents were used." Corning concluded that,
cause of that discovery. "whether the method will ever find an ap-
Corning's avowed purpose when he un- plication as a substitute for etherization in
dertook "local medication of the spinal genitourinary or other branches of sur-
cord" was to determine whether or not gery, further experience alone can show."
anesthetization of the spinal cord, using the Some authorities state quite unequivoc-
hydrochlorate of cocaine, "was within the ably that, whatever the result, it clearly was
range of practical achievement;" and he not Corning's intention to deposit a local
established that clearly it was. The experi- anesthetic agent in the subarachnoid space.
ment which he performed on a young dog He deposited approximately 120 mg. of
consisted of the injection of 20 minims of cocaine, dissolved in 4 ml. in 2 doses, within
a 2.0 per cent solution of the hydrochlorate slightly more than 10 minutes, near the
of cocaine into the space between the spi- lower thoracic region of the spinal canal.
nous processes of 2 of the inferior dorsal Had this drug been deposited in the sub-
vertebrae. Within 5 minutes there were arachnoid space, it seems more than likely
evidences of marked incoordination in the that he would have observed the rapid on-
posterior extremities; and within 10 min- set of analgesia which should have included
utes there was no response to electrical the upper extremities, which it did not.
stimulation of the hindlegs, whereas when Other observers, however, believe just as
the wire brush was applied to the anterior strongly that Corning did indeed produce
limbs the leg was withdrawn violently and true spinal analgesia, and point out that, in
"the animal set up the most dismal howls." the dog experiment, only about 40 mg. of
The incoordination was still present at the cocaine dissolved in about 2 ml. was in-
end of 2 hours, but by 4 hours the dog jected and this was both an insufficient dose
appeared to have recovered completely and and an insufficient volume of solution to
walked about without difficulty. produce such widespread analgesia of the
Corning next performed the experiment hindquarters of the animal had the drug
on a patient by injecting 30 minims of a 3.0 been deposited in the epidural space. In
per cent solution of the hydrochlorate of further support of their contention that
cocaine into the space between the spinous Corning's injections were in fact spinal (in-
processes of the 11th and 12th dorsal ver- trathecal), they stress the occurrence of
tebrae. At the end of about 8 minutes, headache as a sure sign that there must
there was no numbness, tingling, or other have been a subarachnoid puncture.
evidence of modified sensibility, so Corning In any event, 2 French physicians, Jean-
injected another 30 minims of the solution Althanase Sicard and Fernand Cathelin,
in the same place and in the same manner. reported experiments within 1 week of
This time he was rewarded, after about 10 each other which clearly identified the ex-
minutes, by the patient stating that his legs tradural space and the feasibility of per-
"felt sleepy" and by discovering that the forming injections into it via the caudal
sensibility to both pinprick and electrical canal. Sicard's paper, "Les injections med-
stimulation was greatly impaired in the icamenteuses extradurales par voie sacro-
lower extremities, whereas full sensation coccygiene", was published in Comptes ren-
and muscle activity were present in the dus hebdomadairesdes seances et mimoires de
upper extremities. The patient subse- la Societd de biologie, 53: 396-398, Apr. 20,
quently experienced some vertigo and 1901; and Cathelin's report, "Une nouvelle
headache, but otherwise there were no con- voie d'injection rachidienne. Methode des
stitutional symptoms. The passage of a injections epidurales par le procede du
sound to treat the patient's seminal incon- canal sacre. Applications a l'homme," was
published in the same journal the following may present certain difficulties.-Conse-
week, 53: 452-453, Apr. 27, 1901. Trans- quently, we have sought another proce-
lations of both are reprinted below. dure, one which is completely harmless and
which allows us to reach, by means of liquid
injection, the nerve trunks at the sites of
THE EXTRADURAL their exit from the spinal cord. The extra-
INJECTION OF AGENTS dural space, located between the dura
mater and the bony canal, presents itself
BY THE for this purpose.
SACROCOCCYGEAL ROUTE "The trials (in the dog, cadaver and pa-
tients) have demonstrated that next to the
liquid subarachnoid space there is a cellulo-
Laboratory of Professors adipose space, extending between the dura
Raymond and Brissaud mater and the bony wall, which is readily
Salpetriere Hospital, accessible by the sacrococcygeal route. So-
Paris, France lutions injected at this level diffuse easily
along the various spinal regions, and bathe,
Comptes rendus hebdomadaires
more or less immediately, the nerve trunks
des seances et memoires de
traversing the extradural space. The dura
la Socitei de biologie, 53: 396, 1901
mater presents an effective barrier to the
"Unfortunately, there is no doubt that passage of such solutions into the subarach-
the subarachnoid injection of cocaine noid space."


Published August, 1978

I was on a troop train heading for the the Yellow Hordes. What we had not
United States Marine Corps base, Camp counted on in planning that reunion week-
Pendleton, California, at the precise mo- end was the RNA virus of the picorna
ment when my college roommate was dying group and poliomyelitis.
of bulbar poliomyelitis in the Army Hos- If I had known then what we know today,
pital at Colorado Springs, just 90 miles and if that troop train had been 90 miles
north of the railroad tracks over which the north of where it was, Vaughan need not
troop train was traveling. have died that August night during World
I did not know this at the time, of course, War II, and Nancy would not have become
but in retrospect it was one of life's bitter a war widow. There are 4 chances out of 5
ironies. I had introduced Vaughan to his that my roommate's life could have been
wife, and he had introduced me to mine: saved with today's knowledge and thera-
because of the exigencies of war, neither pies, because he would have been "intu-
of us had been able to attend the other's bated and placed on a ventilator," a routine
wedding. But we had planned a real whing- procedure which we blithely carry out
ding reunion and weekend in New York thousands of times a day in hospitals all
for the 4 of us when the war was over and over the world, and in all kinds of hospital
we had made the World Safe for Democ- locations-recovery rooms, intensive care
racy by annihilating the Fascist Pigs and units, coronary care units, emergency

rooms, medical wards, surgical wards, pe- postoperative controlled respiration to

diatric units, even in the obstetric suite, to combat respiratory insufficiency and chest
name but a few. Where there is respiratory complications after operation, clearly show-
distress, be it acute or chronic, the estab- ing the wider field of usefulness of this
lishment of a secure airway and artificial therapy. There was still, however, the (pos-
ventilation of the lungs is the first order of sibly) apocryphal story of the eminent sur-
business. geon in a major medical center who, on
But as short a time as 25 years ago, this being informed by the nurse anesthetist
type of treatment was infrequent. For one that the patient had no heart beat or blood
thing, ventilators were rare commodities. pressure, and had stopped breathing, left
Most large hospitals, and some small hos- the operating room, still fully gowned and
pitals too, in this country had one or more gloved, to call the Fire Department: after
Drinker "iron lungs" stored in a basement all, the Firemen had the pulmotors and
corridor gathering dust, except during a knew how to use them.
poliomyelitis epidemic and occasional use It was the magnitude of the catastrophic
for other respiratory situations in certain 1952 poliomyelitis epidemic in Denmark
hospitals. For another thing, intubation of which really changed things around, how-
the trachea was seldom undertaken, except ever, since the experiences in Copenhagen
in operating rooms or as a rare emergency established indisputably that tracheostomy
tracheotomy performed in other parts of with a cuffed rubber tube and manual ven-
the hospital in desperate circumstances. In- tilation with a bag and a mask was far
deed, aside from the anesthesiologists and superior in terms of mortality to the use of
the EENT men, there were precious few the prone position, postural drainage, and
physicians who knew how to intubate a pa- tank or cuirass respirator.
tient-which explains, on an historical The epidemic was overwhelming: be-
basis, why the anesthesiologist became so tween July 24 and December 3, 1952, some
intimately associated with the first respira- 2,722 patients with poliomyelitis were ad-
tory care wards, the first intensive care mitted to the Blegdam Hospital in Copen-
units, and became among the first of the hagen alone: 866 of these patients had pa-
pioneers in the emerging specialty of criti- ralysis, and 316 of the paralytic patients
cal care medicine. required special measures, specifically tra-
There were also the first inklings of to- cheotomy and artificial ventilation. The
day's mandatory approach to respiratory enormous clinical load is illustrated by the
problems by the establishment of a secure fact that in 4 months the staff of the Bleg-
airway and the ventilation of the lungs as dam Hospital treated 3 times as many pa-
early as 40 years ago. In England, Lord tients with respiratory insufficiency, paral-
Nuffield had had the foresight to establish ysis of the ninth, tenth, and twelfth cranial
the Nuffield Department of Anaesthetics nerves, and involvement of the bulbar res-
in the University of Oxford in 1937, and 2 piratory and vasomotor centers, as in the
years later he donated a Both type "iron preceding 10 years. During the week of
lung" to every Commonwealth hospital re- August 28 to September 3, the Blegdam
questing one, thereby precipitating the de- Hospital admitted 335 patients, or nearly
velopment of specialized units for respira- 50 daily. Lassen, the Professor of Epide-
tory care. In this country, the prototypes miology in the University of Copenhagen,
of such ventilators as the Emerson, the Van and the Chief Physician in the Department
Bergen, and the Morch were being put of Communicable Diseases at Blegdam
together and tried out in clinical situations, Hospital, wrote on December 7, 1952:
and the concept of a respiratory care unit "During these months we have in fact been
was evolving with each poliomyelitis epi- in a state of war, and at the beginning we
demic which occurred. A little later, the were not nearly adequately equipped to
Swedish surgeons Bjork and Engstrom pop- meet an emergency of such vast propor-
ularized the prophylactic use of prolonged tions."
Indeed, at times there were as many as in the success of coping with the crisis in
70 patients requiring artificial respiration, Copenhagen during the summer of 1952
and the great number of severely ill pa- was incalculable. The fact of the matter is
tients pouring in made therapeutic im- that the job could not even have been ap-
provisations a necessity. At the beginning proached without them. During several
of the epidemic, one tank respirator (Emer- weeks of the summer and fall there were
son) and 6 cuirass respirators were avail- 40 to 70 patients in Blegdam Hospital re-
able, which proved wholly insufficient quiring continuous or intermittent bag ven-
when the epidemic progressed into a major tilation, and it was necessary to employ
catastrophe; and as a result, the mortality about 250 medical students daily, working
rate during the first month was 85 to 90 on 8 hour shifts in relay, to do this. Some
per cent in patients with respiratory paral- of the patients in the epidemic were treated
ysis and/or pharyngeal and laryngeal pa- by manual artificial ventilation for up to 3
ralysis. At this point, the Anaesthesia De- months, and in all some 1,500 medical stu-
partment instituted what became the treat- dents went without formal classes for up to
ment of choice: namely, tracheotomy just 8 months. It was indeed war.
below the larynx, with insertion of a cuffed It was a triumph for the Department of
rubber tube into the trachea, and manual Anaesthesia that so many medical students
positive-pressure ventilation with a reser- could be trained in such a short time to
voir bag. (i.e., bag ventilation). maintain adequate ventilation for such long
Early tracheostomy was considered to be periods by a method in which over-venti-
of decisive importance, because when man- lation, under-ventilation, or circulatory dis-
ifest hypoxia and/or retention of carbon turbances from excessive positive pressure
dioxide, in combination with latent or clin- could so easily occur. When the true un-
ical vasomotor shock of even short duration derstanding of the Danish experience sank
appeared, it led to disastrous effects upon into the minds of the European medical
the nerve cells already damaged by virus community at large, and they came to re-
infection, and to a distinctly worse prog- alize that their own countries were as ill-
nosis. The first step of the operation was equipped in the event of such catastrophe
tracheal intubation through the mouth, so as Denmark had been, plans for ventilators
that tracheotomy could be performed un- began flowing off drawing boards like
der controlled conditions, allowing effec- spring freshets. Almost invariably, the ven-
tive aspiration of secretions during the sur- tilator so planned was referred to as the
gical procedure and adequate ventilation "mechanical student."
with oxygen. Cyclopropane was always The real importance of the experiences
used, although ether was considered an of the 1952 poliomyelitis epidemic in Den-
adequate alternative. Under no circum- mark, however, lay in the firm establish-
stances was an intravenous anesthetic or ment of the fact that the methods employed
sedative to be used, even in irrational and by the anesthesiologist in the operating
apprehensive patients, before adequate room, to establish a secure airway and
ventilation was secured. The tube was con- maintain ventilation by intermittent posi-
nected to a soda-lime absorption cannister tive pressure, could be transferred out of
(Waters to-and-fro) with a reservoir bag, the operating room to other parts of the
then to a good humidifier (since otherwise hospital with stupendous benefit.
incrustation of secretions could occur), and In retrospect, it is ironical that the basic
finally to a source of gas mixture consisting tenets of "Let's intubate him and put him
of 50 per cent oxygen and 50 per cent on a ventilator" had been offered to the
nitrous oxide. The final link in the chain medical profession some 75 years ago by a
leading to adequate manual ventilation was renowned New Orleans surgeon and had
a medical student to squeeze the reservoir lain fallow for the better part of the 50
bag. years preceding the Copenhagen catastro-
The importance of the medical students phe. In the January 18, 1902, issue of

American Medicine, Rudolph Matas pub- air into and out of the lungs. But we soon
lished his paper titled, "Artificial Respira- found out that there were many serious
tion by Direct Intralaryngeal Intubation obstacles in the way of the successful appli-
with a Modified O'Dwyer Tube and a New cation of this duplex principle, and the
Graduated Air-Pump, in Its Application to most important of these was the damage
Medical and Surgical Practice" (Am. Med., done by the suction force exercised by the
3: 97-103, 1902), which is republished be- aspirating cylinder in expiration.-It is for-
low. tunate-that the expiratory part of the res-
piration aid is unnecessary in practice, and
that all that is required, so far as the expi-
ration is concerned, is that the apparatus
ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION used shall insufflate air into the lungs in
BY DIRECT sufficient quantity and under proper pres-

MODIFIED O'DWYER TUBE "If we now summarize the peculiarities

AND A NEW GRADUATED of this apparatus for artificial respiration,
AIR-PUMP, IN ITS we will state-
APPLICATIONS TO 1. That it is a graduated pump which can
MEDICAL AND be readily adjusted to any.quantity of
SURGICAL PRACTICE air required, from 1 to 700 cm. (or 1 to
43 cubic inches).
RUDOLPH MATAS 2. That it is provided with a mercurial
manometer, which indicates the intra-
New Orleans, Louisiana
pulmonary pressure and is an index of
Am. Med., 3:97-103, 1902 the peripheral resistance which is over-
come by the inflation.
* * * * 3. That it is provided with an automatic
cut-off which effectively prevents any
"In order to investigate with any degree of
backward leakage of air into the cylin-
accuracy the effects of pulmonary inflation
der, and thus puts the inspiratory infla-
by the intralaryngeal method upon the
tion of the lungs under the control of
lungs in normal and pathologic conditions,
the operator.-The duration of each
the first requisite was a suitable apparatus
inspiratory insufflation will be con-
which would indicate the positive and neg-
trolled by the finger of the operator,
ative variations in the intrapulmonary pres-
which closes the outlet in the handle of
sure during insufflation (inspiration and
the canula. So long as the thumb oc-
expiration), and that would also provide a
cludes this outlet the insufflated air will
measure and means of controlling the
be retained in the chest;-when the
quantity of air injected into the trachea.-
thumb is lifted from the opening the
An entirely new apparatus, based on the
imprisoned air in the lungs escapes and
principle of the pump, would have to be
expiration takes place.
4. It is provided with an air filter inter-
* * * *
posed between the larynx and the
pump, which purifies the air injected
"When the large duplex pump had been
completed it was utilized in our preliminary through the pump.
experiments on dogs and human cadavers "The opportunity has not yet presented
to familiarize ourselves not only with the itself to apply this pump on the living sub-
technic of insufflation, but to test the prac- ject, but our experience with it on the
tability of automatic respiration in which cadaver and dog fully demonstrates its
the cylinders were used to alternately pump practical working capacity."

Published December, 1962

Time, the weekly newsmagazine, carried duces no convulsions, loss of memory or
the following item in its January 27, 1961 even headache. Its price: $150. Com-
issue: mented the first patient: "I didn't feel a
Relaxed from a tranquilizer, the 65- thing."
year-old woman, an abdominal cancer Time was careful not to state that this was
victim, lay quietly on an operating table the first electrical anesthesia in the United
in the University of Mississippi's Medical States, although it was the most spectacu-
Center. Anesthesiologist Leonard Fabian larly successful and it did represent a giant
opened her mouth, sprayed a local anes- step along the trail toward physical, rather
thetic on her throat, inserted an "airway than chemical, methods of producing an-
tube" to ensure unobstructed breathing. esthesia. Chemoanesthesia, the dominant
Under the watchful eye of Surgeon approach for over a century now, has in-
James Hardy, Dr. Fabian attached a tiny herent drawbacks (physiologic depression,
electrode to each of the woman's tem- the burden of the metabolism or detoxifi-
ples. At his signal, a technician turned a cation or both of the drugs employed, and
control on the face of a small box from slow recovery, to mention but a few) and
which wires trailed out to the electrodes. physicians have long been intrigued with
Within 60 seconds the woman was sound the idea of finding a safe and effective
asleep, and the operation began-first nonchemical method of anesthesia. There
ever performed in the United States un- have been sporadic attempts to produce
der electrical anesthesia. general anesthesia by the use of an electric
Because sending electric currents current since as early as 1875, but a major
through the brain can produce death and problem in this approach has always been
convulsions, scientists have long sus- the question of the proper combination of
pected that they could anesthetize surgi- voltages, current and frequency. This
cal patients by some precise combination problem was first seriously studied by the
of voltage, current and frequency. To Frenchman, Leduc, and his colleagues, be-
the U.S. Army, the idea was especially ginning in 1902. Survey and its readers are
attractive: it was hunting for a safe, sim- indebted to Miss Harmona Potter, Assist-
ple way to anesthetize battlefield patients ant Librarian at the Hartford Medical So-
without the use of bulky, expensive gas ciety, for the translation into English of
equipment. With Army funds, doctors at Leduc's articles on "production du sommeil
the University of Mississippi, experi- et de I'anesthesie generale et locale par les
menting with dogs and monkeys, set out courants electriques" which were published
to construct a cheap mobile unit that in Paris in 1902, (Leduc, S.: Compt. rend.
could be used to shock human patients acad. d. sc., 135: 199, 1902; 135: 878,
to sleep. 1902) and which are reprinted below.
"Most of the difficulty arises in the fine
line that separates anesthesia from con-
vulsions," says Lieut. Colonel John Mon-
crief, who monitored the project. The PRODUCTION OF SLEEP
Mississippi machine, although still exper- AND OF GENERAL
imental, looks promising: it puts the pa-
tient to sleep, keeps him under as long
as the current remains constant, permits OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS
him to awaken within 60 seconds after M. STEPHANE LEDUC
the juice is turned off. It uses 22-30
volts, 50 milliamperes, and a frequency Compt. rend. acad. d. sc., 135: 878, 1902
that is brought up from 0 to 700 cycles
to put the patient under. It causes some "In a preceding note (Comptes Rendues,
spasms, which drugs easily stop, but pro- July 1902), we indicated the manner in

which inhibition of the cerebral hemi- achieved; at the same time, the results are
spheres in animals could be achieved, and all the more successful when the electro-
induction of sleep and general anesthesia motive power used is the lowest possible.
brought about by means of 10 to 30 volts "By the use of a power reducer without
and by currents interrupted 150 to 200 self-induction, in such a manner as to in-
times per second. The procedure had the crease evenly the electromotive power in 3
disadvantage of giving rise to clonic con- to 5 minutes to the required figure, the
tractures or seizures, raising the blood pres- animals slip smoothly, progressively, with-
sure, causing urination and defecation, and out any movements of defense or flight,
bringing about a momentary respiratory without a murmur, without any change in
arrest. respiratory or cardiac movement, from a
"These disadvantages are offset by the state of wakefulness into a state of quiet,
use in the circuit of a rheostat without self- even sleep, and of complete general anes-
induction which permits, through a gradual thesia. The dog's head bows as in drowsi-
increase, the attaining of the necessary in- ness, then he sits down on his haunches,
tensity in 3 to 5 minutes. This method lies over on his side, and goes off into an
requires preliminary placement in the cir- apparently restful sleep, without giving the
cuit of an electromotive power equivalent, slightest sign of protest or pain."
at least, to the maximum power to be

Published October and December, 1965

In the first 10 years following the intro- quently kills by inducing syncope. They
duction of clinical anesthesia, John Snow also suggested the use of mixtures of chlo-
collected a list of 50 deaths which followed roform and ether, with or without the ad-
the administration of chloroform. In 5 of dition of ethyl alcohol, as being safer than
these patients, he could unearth no descrip- chloroform alone, since the stimulating ef-
tion of the clinical status immediately prior fect of ether would offset the sedative ac-
to death; but in all of the patients (i.e., 45) tions of chloroform (shades of today's
in whom the signs which occurred at the Fluether azeotrope!).
time of death were detailed, there was rea- Despite the arduous labors and lengthy
son to conclude "that death took place by report of the Chloroform Committee of
cardiac syncope, or arrest of the action of 1864, deaths from chloroform anesthesia,
the heart." and particularly during the induction pe-
By 1863, the Royal Medical and Chi- riod, continued to accumulate at a rapid
rurgical Society (the ancestor of the present rate. Indeed, by 1882, Henry M. Layman's
Royal Society of Medicine) could list 123 book, Artificial Anaesthesia and Anaesthetics,
deaths attributable to the inhalation of could devote well over 50 pages to case
chloroform, and anxiety over these trage- reports of 393 chloroform deaths and 17
dies, many of which occurred "during triv- from mixtures or sequences containing
ial operations, which, without chloroform, chloroform. The majority of these patients
are not attended with risk to life," led to died at the beginning of the inhalation, or
the appointment of a committee "to give before complete insensibility was achieved,
their anxious attention to devise means for seemingly bearing out the findings of the
obviating such accidents." This Chloro- Committee relative to the development of
form Committee of 1864, as it has come to cardiac syncope.
be known, made a great many experimen- Then an extraordinary thing happened.
tal observations on dogs, and came to con- The February 23, 1889, issue of the Lancet
clusions that were almost identical to those carried a report of Prize Day at the Hyder-
which had already been reached by Snow abad Medical School, where the prizes had
some 10 years earlier: i.e., that chloroform been distributed by their Royal Highnesses
depresses the action of the heart, and fre- the Duke and Duchess of Connaught; and
where Surgeon-Major Lawrie, M.D., of the in human beings, and which it is almost
Bengal Army Medical Service and the Prin- impossible to remedy. While welcoming the
cipal of the School, had made some brief attention paid to the subject by the Hyder-
remarks, "in the course of which he said abad Commission, we cannot but feel that,
the male and female students at that insti- should the Commission inculcate a disre-
tution enjoyed, in many respects, practical gard of the heart as a factor in chloroform
advantages of which very few European dangers, it will do harm and provoke a
schools could boast. They had made exper- slipshod carelessness in the use of that val-
iments with reference to the effects of chlo- uable anaesthetic, which must in the long-
roform, which had conclusively decided a run do damage to the cause the Commis-
question which had been in dispute ever sion has espoused."
since chloroform was first introduced. The acrimonious character of the ex-
They had killed with chloroform 128 full- change was stepped up by Lawrie's reply in
grown pariah dogs averaging over 20 lb. the May 11, 1889 issue: "In the Lancet of
weight each. What they found was that, no March 2nd, 1889, page 438, there is an
matter in what way it was given, in no case annotation criticising certain remarks of
did the heart become dangerously affected mine on the subject of chloroform.... I
in the 40,000 or 50,000 administrations have no wish to say anything to give offense
which he had superintended, he had never to those who hold the same views as the
seen the heart injuriously or dangerously writer of the annotation, but I hold that
affected by chloroform." these views are wrong, and that there is no
The Lancet, of course, was not about to such thing as chloroform syncope." The
sit still for this type of nonsense, and edi- Lancet came right back: "It is a matter of
torialized in the March 2, 1889 issue: "In a regret that, instead of complying with our
report of the recent prize distribution at request for fuller information, Mr. Lawrie
the Hyderabad Medical School ... we has contented himself with mere dogmatic
learn that a commission had been ap- assertion and iteration of his former state-
pointed to investigate the action of chlo- ments. Whatever may be the value of the
roform, and the result of the researches work done by the Hyderabad Commis-
made upon pariah dogs was that these ani- sion-and Mr. Lawrie seems inclined to
mals were killed from respiratory failure, accept the conclusions arrived at, rather
and in no case did cardiac syncope occur than those of well-known and tried scien-
directly. (Editor's Note: this commission tists-it is quite impossible for those who
was appointed in 1888 by the Nizam of have neither seen the experiments to which
Hyderabad's Government at Lawrie's re- Mr. Lawrie refers, nor received an author-
quest, and has come to be known as the itative statement as to the methods em-
First Hyderabad Commission.) Unfortu- ployed and precautions taken, to accept as
nately Mr. Lawrie contents himself with evidence the results to which he refers. No
bare statements of results, adding that mere ipse dixit can shake the weight of the
these results tally with his own experience, large accumulation of facts of which we are
which he believes to be uniquely large .... now possessed concerning the depressant
All those who are familiar with chloroform action of chloroform upon the heart."
are well aware that syncope, when primary, The Nizam's supply of diamonds, rubies,
as a rule supervenes in the initial stages of and gold was apparently sufficient to the
inhalation, while secondary syncope due to occasion, however (it should have been-
respiratory embarrassment is the result of 20 years ago his worth was estimated at
accumulation of chloroform in the blood $300,000,000!), for the July 13, 1889 issue
leading to paralysis of the medullary of the Lancet stated: "We have received a
centres, and occurs in a late stage of the telegram from Surgeon-Major Lawrie to
administration. The primary syncope it is the effect that his Highness the Nizam of
rarely, if ever, possible to induce in dogs, Hyderabad offers to place the sum of 1000
although, unfortunately, it is this form of pounds from his private purse at our dis-
chloroform heart failure which does occur posal that we may send one or two repre-

sentatives of the Lancet to Hyderabad to Chloroform Commissions, as might be ex-

repeat the experiments made by the Hy- pected, caused a very considerable com-
derabad Chloroform Commission ... and motion. The Lancet refused to believe the
to make any others which we may suggest." data produced by its own hand-picked in-
The Lancet chose Dr. T. Lauder Brun- vestigator, and promptly appointed an-
ton, who was a well known pharmacologist other, Dudley Wilmot Buxton. Buxton sent
with an international reputation, and (per- questionnaires to individual doctors and to
haps more importantly to the Lancet) whose every hospital of over 10 beds in the United
book, Pharmacologyand Therapeutics, stated Kingdom, as well as to the larger hospitals
that one of the dangers resulting from chlo- on the Continent, in the Colonies, the
roform was death by stoppage of the heart. United States, and India. The tabulations
Imagine the shock in London when the from these questionnaires showed that "the
Lancet received the following telegram larger proportions of deaths are reported
from Lauder Brunton in Hyderabad: "Four as having resulted from initial heart failure,
hundred and ninety dogs, horses, monkeys, in opposition to the view to which the phys-
goats, cats, and rabbits used. One hundred iological researches of the Hyderabad
and twenty with manometer. All records Commission have led." This pronounce-
photographed. Numerous observations on ment failed to impress the opposition, how-
every individual animal. Results most in- ever, and the beliefs of each of the two
structive. Danger from chloroform is as- schools of clinical thought as to the mech-
phyxia or overdose; none whatever heart anisms of the danger of chloroform anes-
direct." The Lancet was incredulous: thesia remained essentially unshaken.
"These results apparently indicate such a At this point, the controversy was re-
complete reversal of the view held by Dr. moved to the physiology laboratory, where
Lauder Brunton at the time he left England it had belonged in the first place. A number
... that the details of the experiments of distinguished workers entered into the
made by Dr. Brunton, and the reasons for fray-Gaskell and Shore of the University
the conclusions he has evidently arrived at, of Cambridge, J. A. MacWilliams of the
will be awaited with the greatest interest by Institutes of Medicine of Aberdeen, Leon-
the profession." ard Hill of the London Hospital, Augustus
The report of the Second Hyderabad D. Waller of St. Mary's Hospital Medical
Chloroform Commission was published in School, and even a new Chloroform Com-
sections in the January 18th, February mittee appointed in 1901 by the British
22nd, March 1st, and June 21st, 1890, Medical Association-but perhaps the
issues of the Lancet. It supported all of most important experimental work which
Lawrie's original contentions, for Brunton served to clear up the state of confusion as
concluded that failure of the respiration to the physiologic action of chloroform was
was the only way in which the heart's safety that performed by Edward Henry Embley,
was jeopardized and that the heart never Honorary Anaesthetist to the Melbourne
stopped before respiration. He even added Hospital. Indeed, about the only important
a further interesting fillip by stating that point that Embley missed was the occur-
the effect of chloroform upon the vagus rence of ventricular fibrillation from chlo-
was beneficial rather than detrimental: roform anesthesia. His brilliant experimen-
"The theory which has hitherto been ac- tal observations were published in three of
cepted is that the danger in chloroform the April, 1902, issues of the British Medical
administration consists in the slowing or Journal under the title of "The Causation
stoppage of the heart by vagus inhibition. of Death during the Administration of
This is now shown to be absolutely incor- Chloroform" (Embley, E. H., Brit. M. J., 1:
rect. There is no doubt whatever that the 817-821, April 5; 885-893, April 12; and
controlling influence of the vagus on the 951-961, April 19, 1902), and they are
heart is a safeguard, and that it is the ex- reprinted below and in the next issue of
haustion of the nerve which is dangerous." Survey ofAnesthesiology.
This Report of the Second Hyderabad
ADMINISTRATION OF "1. Chloroform has an immediate and
CHLOROFORM progressively paralytic effect upon the
heart muscle. There is no preliminary pe-
E. H. EMBLEY, M.D. riod of stimulation. There is no abrupt
change in the rate or efficiency of the heart.
Honorary Anaesthetist to the Melbourne
* * * *
(From the Physiological Laboratory of the Summary of Conclusions of the
University of Melbourne) Effect of Chloroform upon the
Br. Med. J., 1: 817-821, 855-893 and CardiacInhibitory Mechanism
951-961, 1902 * * * *

* * * * "1. A heart which has been poisoned by

inhalations of chloroform of strength 2 per
cent, and upwards can always be perma-
"Particular attention was devoted to re- nently inhibited by stimulation of the vagi
cording changes in the circulation during with the faradic current when the blood
the early period of chloroform administra- pressure has fallen to about 40 to 50 mm.
tion in animals which had not previously of mercury pressure.
received chloroform. This was accom- 2. Chloroform raises the excitability of
plished in two ways: the vagus mechanism, particularly in the
1. By performing all operative proce- early part of the administration.
dures necessary for studying the circulatory 3. The increased excitability of the va-
changes under morphine narcosis, either gus mechanism is due to the action of chlo-
alone or with curare. roform on the vagus centres, and the inhib-
2. By inserting the cannulae, etc., under itory action is more intense from being
ether anaesthesia, and eight or twelve exercised upon a heart whose spontaneous
hours after, when the effects of the anes- excitability is diminished by the action of
thetic had passed off, connecting with the the chloroform upon it.
recording apparatus. The chloroform was 4. Chloroform administered to mor-
administered off a towel. phinized dogs in air containing not more
"In consequence of the known liability of than 1.5 per cent. of the vapour, after a
dogs to die suddently in the early stage of period of mild excitation, slowly depresses
chloroform anaesthesia, when the chloro- vagus excitability. The excitability may
form is given by the towel method-a lia- again be raised with more or less readiness
bility to which human beings are also sub- according to the duration of the adminis-
ject in a less degree-these animals were tration and the endurance of the vagi, by
chosen for the experiments. increasing the percentage strength of the
"In the whole investigation 289 dogs chloroform, or by asphyxia.
were employed, and 284 graphic records 5. Vagus inhibition is, in dogs, the great
were obtained. factor in the causation of sudden death
from chloroform.
6. Dangerous inhibition is liable to occur
CONCLUSIONS REGARDING THE whenever the strength of chloroform in the
EFFECTS OF CHLOROFORM ON air inhaled rises above 2 per cent."

Published October, 1975

A few years ago, at the Annual Meeting gists, a self-evaluation program in cardio-
of the American Society of Anesthesiolo- pulmonary resuscitation was offered which

presented a unique opportunity for mem- failed the overall test. (On the other hand,
bers, their familes and guests to evaluate 89 answered "no," but 23 of these passed
their abilities in both cognitive and per- the overall examination with flying colors.)
formance skills in resuscitation. Each ex- In reply to the question, "Is the Depart-
aminee was able to demonstrate his or her ment of Anesthesiology in your institution
knowledge, using a confidential self-evalu- responsible for CPR, 78 answered yes, 50
ation examination dealing with basic and answered no, and 43 indicated that they
advanced measures in resuscitation and were partially involved.
emergency cardiac care. They were also This showing by those who should be
able to test their performance skills of basic leading the way for the rest of the profes-
resuscitation on an automated mannikin. sion is pretty dismal. If this is the way the
Both examinations were scored on the spot anesthesiologists perform in CPR, what
and immediate feedback to the participant about the internist? The surgeon? The der-
was provided by physician experts from the matologist? The radiologist?
American Society of Anesthesiologists and In May, 1973, a National Conference on
the American Heart Association. Standards for Cardiopulmonary Resuscita-
The standards by which competence was tion (CPR) and Emergency Cardiac Care
judged were admittedly rigorous, but (ECC) was held and reported in a special
nonetheless the results were anything but supplement of the Journal of the American
reassuring. In all, 209 people completed Medical Association, which was sent to ev-
both the examination and the mannikin ery member of the AMA. Part II of this
performance test. A majority of the exam- report is on Basic Life Support and contains
inees were active members of the ASA, but sections on Artificial Ventilation, Artificial
there were also resident members, wives Circulation (External Cardiac Compres-
and guests included in the total number. sion), Precordial Thump, and a special sec-
Of these 209 examinees, 52 (or 25 per cent) tion titled, "Pitfalls in Performance of
passed; 22 (or 10 per cent) passed, but had CPR":
produced damage (improper ventilation- "When CPR is performed improperly or
to-chest-compression ratios, bad hand po- inadequately, artificial ventilation and ar-
sitions, or poor ventilation) in the conduct tificial circulation may be ineffective in pro-
of the resuscitation; and 135 (or 65 per viding basic life support. Enumerated be-
cent) failed outright. These are sobering low are important points to remember in
figures for a specialty so intimately involved performing external cardiac compression
in CPR. There were 92 examinees who and artificial ventilation.
demonstrated inadequate knowledge of "1. Do not interrupt CPR for more than
how to open up the airway (sic!), while 101 five seconds for any reason, except in the
employed improper hand positions as following circumstances.
shown by marks or sensors. And among (a) Under emergency conditions, en-
those 135 failing outright were 3 Chairmen dotracheal intubation usually cannot be ac-
of University Departments of Anesthesiol- complished in five seconds. However, it is
ogy. an advanced life support measure and
Furthermore, as if all this were not bad should be performed only by those who are
enough, the anesthesiologist's involvement well trained and well practiced in the tech-
in teaching CPR did not correlate with his nique and only after the victim has been
or her ability to pass the overall examina- properly positioned and all preparations
tion. In reply to the question. "Do you made. Even under these circumstances, in-
participate in cardiopulmonary resuscita- terruptions in CPR for endotracheal intu-
tion in your practice?," 9 said "no" and 159 bation should never exceed 15 seconds.
said "yes"-yet 110 of these 159 failed the (b) When moving a victim up or
overall examination. In reply to the ques- down a stairway, it is difficult to continue
tion, "Do you teach CPR in your institu- effective CPR. Under these circumstances,
tion?," 86 replied "yes"-yet 56 of these 86 it is best to perform effective CPR at the
head or foot of the stairs, then interrupt wheeled litter, the rescuer must be on a
CPR at a given signal and move quickly to step or chair or kneeling on the bed or
the next level where effective CPR is re- litter. With a low-wheeled litter, the res-
sumed. Such interruptions usually should cuer can stand at the victim's side. Prob-
not exceed 15 seconds." lems arise with the use of low-wheeled lit-
"2. Do not move the patient to a more ters in ambulances. Special arrangements
convenient site until he has been stabilized must be made for proper positioning of the
and is ready for transportation or until rescuer based on the design of the ambu-
arrangements have been made for uninter- lance."
rupted CPR during movement." "9. The lower sternum of an adult must
"3. Never compress the xiphoid process be depressed 12 to 2 inches by external
at the tip of the sternum. The xiphoid cardiac compression. Lesser amounts of
extends downward over the abdomen. compression are ineffectual since even
Pressure on it may cause laceration of the properly performed cardiac compression
liver, which can lead to severe internal provides only about one quarter to one
bleeding." third of the normal blood flow."
"4. Between compressions, the heel of "10. While complications may result
the hand must completely release its pres- from improperly performed external car-
sure but should remain in constant contact diac compression and precordial thumps,
with the chest wall over the lower one half even properly performed external cardiac
of the sternum." compression may cause rib fractures in
"5. The rescuer's fingers should not rest some patients. Other complications that
on the victim's ribs during compression. may occur with properly performed CPR
Interlocking the fingers of the two hands include fracture of the sternum, costochon-
may help avoid this. Pressure with fingers dral separation, pneumothorax, hemotho-
on the ribs or lateral pressure increases the rax, lung contusions, lacerations of the
possibility of rib fractures and costochon- liver, and fat emboli. These complications
dral separation." can be minimized by careful attention to
"6. Sudden or jerking movements details of performance. It must be remem-
should be avoided when compressing the bered, however, that during cardiac arrest,
chest. The compression should be smooth, effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation is
regular and uninterrupted (50% of the cy- required even if it results in complications,
cle should be compression and 50% should since the alternative to effective CPR is
be relaxation). Quick jabs increase the pos- death."
sibility of injury and produce quick jets of The above demonstrates that the tech-
flow; they do not enhance stroke volume niques of CPR have become precise, ra-
or mean flow and pressure." tional, and, with proper instruction, under-
"7. Do not maintain continuous pressure standable and performable by almost any
on the abdomen to decompress the stom- group of people. This development is fairly
ach while performing external cardiac com- recent, for up until less than a century ago,
pression. This may trap the liver and could asystole was thought to be synonymous
cause it to rupture." with death. Indeed, it was almost three-
"8. The shoulders of the rescuer should quarters of a century ago that the first
be directly over the victim's sternum. The successful cardiac massage-at least during
elbows should be straight. Pressure is ap- anesthesia and surgery-was reported in
plied vertically downward on the lower the literature by Ernest Henry Starling, in
sternum. This provides maximally effective an account to the Society of Anaesthetists
thrust, minimal fatigue for the rescuer, and in the November 22, 1902, issue of Lancet
reduced hazard of complications for the (2: 1397, 1902). This event is reprinted
victim. When the victim is on the ground below with the kind permission of the pub-
or floor, the rescuer can kneel or stand at lishers.
his side. When he is on a bed or a high-

SOCIETY OF ANESTHETISTS any effect; the surgeon (Mr. W. A. Lane)

introduced his hand through the abdomi-
Lancet, 2: 1397, 1902 nal incision and felt the heart through the
diaphragm; it was quite motionless; he gave
* * * *
it a squeeze or two and felt it re-start beat-
"-Dr. E. A. Starling (Tunbridge Wells) ing, but as the voluntary respirations were
then read the report of his case of Reflex still suspended artificial respiration was
Inhibition of the Heart during the Admin- continued and other restorative measures
istration of Ether in which manual com- were adopted; the artificial respiration had
pression of the heart was successful in re- to be continued for about 12 minutes when
storing the circulation. The patient was a natural respiration re-commenced with a
male, aged 65 years, and the operation was long sighing inspiration. The operation was
abdominal section for adhesion about the completed without any more anaesthetic,
colon. The usual preparations were made there being slight movement while the skin
and ether was given by a Hewitt's large- sutures were being put in. Except for a
bore inhaler preceded by gas. The patient little pain about the diaphragm for two days
was of the thin, nervous type and had a the patient made a good convalescence. Dr.
muffled bruit of the first sound at the apex; Starling said that he had brought the case
otherwise he was healthy. The induction of before the society, not only because of the
anaesthesia was easy and normal. The ap- successful treatment by direct stimulation
pendix being found unhealthy was re- of the heart, but because he thought it was
moved; then the pulse immediately began somewhat unusual for a patient fairly under
to flag; the respiration, which had been the influence of ether to suffer to such an
shallow, was not affected; more ether was extent from reflex inhibition; and further,
given, but during the trimming of the though the stimulus to the heart was
stump both pulse and respiration stopped enough to re-start it, yet the steady persist-
together. Artificial respiration by compres- ence with artificial respiration was essential
sion of the chest was started at once without to the recovery."


Published August, 1960

Clinical monitoring of the surgical pa- low, in the first published account of Mor-
tient during anesthesia has been part and ton's triumph, drew attention to both the
parcel of the anesthetist's technique of ad- rate and quality of the pulse: "The pulse
ministration since the time of Crawford has been, as far as my observation extends,
Long, Horace Wells and Morton; and it unaltered in frequency, though somewhat
goes without saying that an evaluation of diminished in volume, but the excitement
the integrity of cardiovascular function has preceding an operation has, in almost every
been a major concern of such monitory instance, so accelerated the pulse that it has
since those earliest days. The monitoring continued rapid for a length of time."
consisted almost exclusively of the anesthe- Thomas Nathaniel Meggison, whose pa-
tist's use of his own five senses and powers tient suffered the first recorded death from
of observation, and palpation of a periph- chloroform anesthesia, pinpointed the role
eral pulse was the anesthetist's main clue to of monitoring the pulse in catastrophe: "I
cardiovascular status. Henry Jacob Bige- seated her in a chair, and put about a

teaspoonful of chloroform into a table- chanced upon a practical indirect method

cloth, and held it to her nose. . . . I told her of measuring blood pressure, he was quick
to draw her breath naturally, which she to apply it to the surgical patient. This
did, and in about half a minute I observed major contribution to the monitory of car-
the muscles of the arm become rigid, and diovascular function during anesthesia was
her breathing a little quickened, but ster- published in the Boston Medical and Surgical
terous. I had my hand on her pulse, which Journal, 148: 250-256, March 5, 1903,
was natural, until the muscles became rigid. under the title, "On Routine Determina-
It then appeared somewhat weaker-not tions of Arterial Tension in Operating
altered in frequency. I then told my assist- Room and Clinic."
ant, Mr. Lloyd, to begin the operation,
which he did, and took the nail off. When
the semicircular incision was made, she ON ROUTINE
gave a struggle or jerk ... her mouth was DETERMINATIONS
open, and her lips and face blanched ... OF ARTERIAL TENSION IN
the last time I felt her pulse was immedi- OPERATING ROOM AND
ately previous to the blanched appearance CLINIC
coming on, and when she gave the jerk."
But for all that, it was obvious that the HARVEY CUSHING, M.D.
pulse per se was a relatively inadequate sign.
Associate in Surgery,
The illustrious John Snow, in his classic, On
Chloroform and other Anaesthetics, published the Johns Hopkins Hospital
Baltimore, Md.
in 1858, wrote: "I have not mentioned the
state of the pulse in the above description Boston Med. Surg. J., 148: 250-256, 1903
of the effects of chloroform, for it affords
no criterion of the amount of narcotism, "There has been a long-felt want in the
and it was better therefore to reserve it for surgical operating room, possibly even
a separate notice. It is nearly always in- more than in the clinic, for some practical
creased both in force and frequency, more form of apparatus which will give with fa-
especially at the early part of the inhalation. cility numerical equivalents for variations
After the patient has become quite insen- in pulse tension, and by means of which
sible, the pulse indeed generally settles consecutive observations on this quality of
down nearly to the natural standard, and the pulse may be diagrammatically charted.
in the middle of the most formidable op-
erations, it is often beating with natural
volume and force .. ." "Two years ago, while on a tour among
Despite the obvious inadequacy of the the Italian University towns, I had the good
pulse as a monitor of cardiovascular func- fortune in Pavia to be shown through the
tion during anesthesia, the clinical anesthe- medical wards of the old Ospidale de S.
tist had little else to rely on for this purpose Matteo by Dr. Orlandi, a colleague of Riva-
during the course of the next fifty years. It Rocci, and to my great interest found that
was at the turn of the century that the a simple "home-made" adaptation of the
incomparable Harvey Cushing, during a latter's blood-pressure apparatus was in
period of study in Europe, established the routine daily use at the bedside of every
relationship between blood pressure and patient.
intracranial pressure in the experimental
animal. The importance of blood pressure
determination during neurologic surgery "Thanks to Dr. Orlandi, I was given a
was readily apparent to Cushing's genius, model of the inflatable armlet which they
but the direct intravascular manometry em- employed, and practically the same form of
ployed in the physiologic laboratory was apparatus which was in use in Pavia has
obviously an unreasonable routine in the been utilized at the Johns Hopkins Hospital
human patient. When, therefore, Cushing with increasing satisfaction ever since.

"The instrument, in part, consists of a pressure of the air in the cylinder necessary
distensible cylinder or tire of thin rubber to obliterate the pulse.
covered with a linen jacket. This cylinder,
while encircling an extremity, preferably "The particular form of the instrument
the upper arm, is inflated by means of a I have to demonstrate is somewhat more
double cautery bulb until the pulse-wave, carefully constructed than the home-made
peripheral to its seat of application, be- ones we have heretofore employed, and
comes no longer palpable. Inserted in the possesses the advantage, following a sug-
course of the rubber tubing, which con- gestion of Dr. H. W. Cook, of having a
nects the bulb and tire, is a simple upright disjointed manometer tube, enabling it to
mercury manometer, which records the be enclosed in a smaller compass."
* * * *


Published April, 1962

The Battle of the Wilderness was by no dead, 12,037 wounded and 3,383 missing;
means the most important or famous of the the Confederates suffered about 7,750
War Between the States, but the true Civil killed and wounded.
War buff ranks it close to such well-known But it was not over: there was more to
battles as Gettysburg, Antietam, Bull Run, come. Grant slipped to his left, moving
Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Shiloh, southeasterly off Lee's right toward Spot-
Chickamauga and the Siege of Vicksburg. sylvania Court House. Major General R.
In 1863, the North adopted a new plan H. Anderson with Longstreet's corps got
for the war known as the "anaconda pol- there first and faced the Army of the Po-
icy," after the great snake called the ana- tomac. The armies locked in battle, and it
conda which squeezes its victims to death: became almost like the trench warfare of
the army in the west was to move eastward World War I days. There followed 13 days
from the Mississippi, while the Army of the of assaults, fighting and dying in the woods,
Potomac was to press down upon Rich- small meadows and secondary growth. A
mond. The Battle of the Wilderness was stubborn Grant telegraphed Halleck in
General Ulysses S. Grant's first important Washington, "I propose to fight it out along
battle as supreme commander of the Union this line if it takes all summer." There were
armies, and it marked the opening of his tremendous Federal losses-and Confed-
Richmond campaign. Grant's army of erate losses, too: only about a third of those
118,000 entered "the wilderness"-the of the North, but much harder to replace.
low, tangled underbrush and swampy lands In the period from May 5 to May 12, the
in Virginia to the west of the Chancellors- Union suffered 26,815 killed and wounded
ville battleground of the previous year- and 41,183 missing in action, or 263 cas-
on May 4, 1864. They were opposed by ualties out of every thousand effectives, a
the Confederate Army of Northern Vir- ratio of one to four.
ginia, numbering about 62,000, under Literally hundreds of the wounded in
General Robert E. Lee. The battle began these campaigns received anesthesia at the
on May 5 and raged for two days without hands of one of the most famous anesthe-
conclusive result, but with 2,246 Union tists of all time, William T. G. Morton, who
18 years earlier, at the classic public dem- himself relates instant recognition and a
onstration of anesthesia on October 16, hearty welcome by Grant on the basis of a
1846, had given the world one of man's previous introduction in Washington. Mor-
greatest triumphs-the triumph over pain. ton's own description of his activities dur-
Morton's desire to minister to the sick ing the Battle of the Wilderness was not
and dying was very nearly rebuffed by published during his lifetime, but an ab-
Grant himself, according to an incident stract from it was furnished by his son, Dr.
related by Dr. John H. Brinton: "Let me, Wm. J. Morton of New York City, many
from personal reminiscence, relate an an- years later. It was published in the Journal
ecdote in point: in the early summer of of the American Medical Association under
1864, during the fierce contest in the Vir- the title "The first use of ether as an anes-
ginia Wilderness, I was present officially at thetic. At the Battle of the Wilderness in
the headquarters of Lieutenant-General the Civil War," (Morton, W. T. G.:
Grant, on whose staff I had previously J.A.M.A., 42: 1068-1073, April 23, 1904)
served. When in conversation with him, an and is reprinted below.
aide approached and said to him that a
stranger, a civilian physician, wished to see
him for the purpose of obtaining an am- THE FIRST USE OF ETHER
bulance for his personal use in visiting the
field hospitals. The answer of the General AS AN ANESTHETIC AT
was prompt and decided: "The ambulances THE BATTLE OF THE
are intended only for the sick and WILDERNESS IN THE
wounded, and under no circumstances can CIVIL WAR
be taken for personal use." This response
was carried as given to the waiting appli- W. T. G. MORTON
cant, a travel-stained man in brownish Boston, Massachusetts
clothes, whom at the distance I thought I
recognized. I went to him and found that J.A.M.A., 42: 1068-1073, April 23, 1904
he was Dr. W. T. G. Morton. I asked him
to wait a minute, and returned to the Gen- "On previous occasions it had been my
eral. On repeating his request, I received privilege to visit battlefields, and there to
the same answer. 'But, General,' I ventured administer the pain-destroying agent which
to say, 'if you knew who that man is I think it pleased God to make me the human
you would give him what he asks for.' 'No, agent to introduce for the benefit of suf-
I will not,' he replied, 'I will not divert an fering humanity. How little did I think,
ambulance to-day for any one; they are all however, when originally experimenting
required elsewhere.' 'General,' I replied, 'I with the properties of sulphuric ether on
am sure you will give him the wagon; he my own person, that I should ever success-
has done so much for mankind, so much fully administer it to hundreds in one day,
for the soldier; more than any soldier or and thus prevent an amount of agony fear-
civilian has ever done before, and you will ful to contemplate.
say so when you know his name.' The Gen-
eral took his cigar from his mouth, looked
curiously at the applicant, and asked, 'Who "Having been assigned quarters in a fine
is he?' 'He is Dr. Morton, the discoverer of old mansion, I commenced going the
ether,' I answered. The General paused a rounds of the buildings used as hospitals,
moment, then said: 'You are right, Doctor, to administer anesthetics. There was at first
he has done more for the soldier than any- a lack of supplies, and many of the
one else, soldier or civilian, for he has wounded, who had been jolted over hard
taught you all to banish pain. Let him have roads some eight and forty hours, were in
the ambulance and anything else he a bad condition. Several hundred, packed
wants.'" into a church or hall, without change of
Possibly the tale is apocryphal: Morton clothing or washing, made the atmosphere

unbearable almost, and gangrene and ery- burg. The nature of the operations to be
sipelas began to make their appearance, but performed on the others was then decided
this was soon remedied. on, and noted on a bit of paper pinned to
"One of the principal hospitals was the the pillow or roll of blanket under each
Baptist Church, which was literally packed patient's head. When this had been done I
with wounded. The tank intended for im- prepared the patients for the knife, pro-
mersion was used as a bathing tub, and the ducing perfect anesthesia in an average
operations were performed in the pastor's time of three minutes, and the operators
small study, back of the pulpit. followed, performing their operations with
dexterous skill, while the dressers in their
turn bound up the stumps. It was surprising
"On the arrival of a train of ambulances to see with what dexterity and rapidity
at a field-hospital the wounds were hastily surgical operations were performed by
examined, and those who could bear the scores in the same time really taken up with
journey were sent at once to Fredericks- one case in peaceful regions."


Published December, 1960

There is the very definite belief in certain criminations which so often surround the
quarters that the incidence of surgical car- subject, it should be pointed out that,
diac arrest is on the increase. This belief whether or not the actual frequency of
extends beyond the simple statistical fact cardiac arrest is increasing, certainly the
that the number of surgical operations has physician's awareness of the problem is on
increased greatly in the past two decades, the increase. An almost deafening testi-
and embraces the proposition that the rel- mony to this fact may be heard from the
ative frequency of arrest actually has risen speaker's podium of almost any medical
enormously in recent years. A number of meeting; and mute, but equally convincing,
explanations have been offered: operations testimony is apparent from the veritable
are more extensive and difficult today than flood of papers and even books on the
ever before, and include invasion of the subject which have been published in the
body's most hidden recesses, including the past few years. Indeed, it would appear that
heart, brain and endocrine glands; an in- at least one such contribution is the mini-
creasing geriatric population sends to the mal requisite for advancement of the rising
operating room more patients with severe young surgeon, and at least collaboration
intercurrent and degenerative disease on one such contribution the requirement
processes; more infants and newborns, for the rising young anesthesiologist. Med-
many with dangerous congenital anoma- ical students come to internship prepared
lies, are being operated upon; there is a to slash a chest at the drop of a systole, and
salutary willingness to undertake the oper- it is a timid house officer indeed who com-
ation that is known to be a calculated risk pletes his training without ever having at
in the patient who is otherwise doomed; least "almost" resorted to pen knife or razor
the growing number of anesthetic drugs blade to effect massage in some out-of-the-
has led to a malevolent polypharmacy; and way corner of the hospital.
so forth. This awareness of the problem of cardiac
Without entering into the bitter re- resuscitation is all to the good. Cardiac
arrest is not something that permits a lei- STUDIES IN
surely browsing in the library post facto to RESUSCITATION:
search for the proper course of therapy, I. THE GENERAL
except as a preparation for the next case.
It is now recognized that severe hemor-
rhage, by depleting coronary flow, can se- RESUSCITATION, AND THE
riously interfere with the chances of cardiac RESUSCITATION OF THE
resuscitation, and should be treated with BLOOD AND OF
whole blood transfusions, preferably by the THE HEART
intra-arterial route; or that coronary flow
can be maintained by crossclamping the F. H. PIKE, C. C. GUTHRIE
aorta, as is done in some instances of heart AND G. N. STEWART
surgery, with intra-aortic injection above
Physiological Laboratories of
the site of clamping. It is also recognized
Western Reserve University
that direct massage through a thoracotomy
and the University of Chicago
wound is a far more certain method of
resuscitation than squeezing the heart J. Exper. Med., 10: 371-378, 1908
through the intact diaphragm via an ab-
dominal incision. It is further recognized
that no amount of cardiac massage can
prevail unless proper oxygenation of the
blood is achieved by the concomitant per- "Our results may be briefly summarized:
formance of artificial ventilation. It is rec- 1. Blood, when defibrinated, soon loses
ognized, too, that electrical stimulation its power to maintain the activity of the
may be an important adjunct in maintain- higher nervous centers, and its nutritive
ing cardiac action after stoppage of the properties for all tissues quickly diminish.
heart, and that this can sometimes be effec- 2. Artificial fluids, as a substitute for
tive without opening the chest: i.e. with blood, are not satisfactory.
external electrodes. Finally, within the past 3. The proper oxygenation of the blood
several months a method of extrathoracic is an indispensable adjunct in the resusci-
massage (by squeezing the heart between tation of an animal.
the vertebral column and the sternum with 4. The heart usually continues to beat
downward pressure of the hands on the for some minutes after it ceases to affect a
latter structure) has been described which mercury manometer, and resuscitation of
may permit cardiac resuscitation without it within this period by extra-thoracic mas-
thoracotomy and direct massage. sage and artificial respiration is sometimes
It is of perhaps more than just passing successful.
interest that every one of these points was 5. Resuscitation of the heart by direct
also recognized and carefully documented massage is the most certain method at our
more than 50 years ago by Pike, Guthrie command.
and Stewart in the report of their superb 6. A proper blood-pressure is an indis-
investigations entitled, "Studies in Resusci- pensable condition for the continued nor-
tation: I. The General Conditions Affect- mal activity of the heart.
ing Resuscitation, and The Resuscitation of 7. Anaesthetics, hemorrhage and in-
the Blood and of the Heart", which was duced currents applied to the heart render
published in The Journal of Experimental resuscitation more difficult than asphyxia
Medicine, 10: 371-418, May, 1908, and is alone.
reprinted here.

PublishedJune, 1967
The last several years have seen wide- "An experience of 50 intravenous ex-
spread interest in, and extensive use of, tremity blocks with 46 cases of successful
intravenous regional analgesia. In fact, the anesthesia (92 per cent) is presented. The
literature for the years 1963 through 1966 procedure has been shown to be simple,
includes about 40 papers on the subject. In rapid, effective, and reliable."
most instances, these reports have been On the other hand, not all of the expe-
laudatory; and in some instances they have riences have been so fortunate:
been downright glowing: "Intravenous administration of local an-
"Regional anaesthesia for surgery of the esthetic drugs is not without hazard. In
extremities was produced by intravenous Case 1, the amount of lidocaine hydrochlo-
injection of lignocaine into the limb ... to ride introduced into the limb was grossly
514 patients between the ages of 41/2 and excessive. Abrupt release of the tourniquet
86 years, the dose varying from 60 mg. to at the end of operation permitted sudden
800 mg. ... Of the group receiving 20 cc. access of this amount into the systemic cir-
of one per cent lignocaine, 92 per cent had culation; convulsions resulted. In Case 2,
good analgesia, while fewer than one per the dosage was appropriate, but the technic
cent had poor analgesia .... This method was faulty: with the tip of the plastic cath-
of anaesthesia of the extremities is recom- eter lying in the vein proximal to the tour-
mended for the efficient operation of a niquet, the lidocaine hydrochloride was in-
casualty theatre service." jected directly into the general circula-
"The technique of intravenous regional tion .... It is apparent that this technic
anaesthesia was carried out in 64 patients should only be employed by or in the pres-
between the ages 6 and 60 years . . .a new ence of physicians versed in resuscitative
local anaesthetic. . . . Citanest was used ... methods and that adequate equipment for
in a dosage range of 75 mg. to 800 mg. For resuscitation must always be at hand."
this dosage range, 86 per cent had good "A clinical trial was made of intravenous
analgesia, 11 per cent moderate, and 3 per regional analgesia using lignocaine in 77
cent poor, providing 97 per cent adequate patients undergoing operations on the
anaesthesia in the series." hand. The average dose of lignocaine ad-
"The effectiveness of this method in the ministered was 182.5 mg., and the average
production of anaesthesia cannot be time between injection and release of the
doubted. Only ten patients out of 128 in tourniquet was 261/2 minutes. . . . Good an-
this series required additional anaesthesia algesia was obtained in 85 per cent of pa-
for the completion of a surgical procedure tients and good operating conditions in 91
... it is probable that the method as de- per cent. Neurological side-effects oc-
scribed will be completely successful if the curred in seven patients, two of whom be-
following points are remembered: (1) the came unconscious after release of the tour-
anaesthetic solution shpuld always be in- niquet. Cardiovascular side-effects also oc-
jected into a vein on the back of the hand- curred, a fall in blood pressure and slowing
if this is not possible, the most distal fore- of the pulse rate being frequently noted.
arm vein should be chosen; and (2) it is Seven patients were found to have arrhyth-
unreliable for procedures in the territories mias or other changes in the ECG and one
of the intercosto-brachial, lower lateral cu- patient developed cardiac arrest in asystole
taneous, and posterior cutaneous nerves of which was treated successfully with cardiac
the arm." massage.... The previous literature on in-
"Intravenous regional anesthesia for up- travenous regional analgesia is reviewed.
per extremity surgery is described. In a In conclusion, we do not feel justified in
series of 114 patients, it was characterized continuing to use this technique with lig-
by ease of administration, effective anesthe- nocaine in view of the high incidence of
sia, and relative absence of complications toxic phenomena."
or side effects observed clinically." These conflicting experiences and view-
points were the subject, last September, at
a symposium on intravenous regional an-
"The blood was first expressed as much
algesia which was held in Worcester, Mas-
sachusetts, under the sponsorship of Astra as possible from the extremity from the
Pharmaceutical Products, Incorporated. fingers to above the elbow joint with an
All of the participants owed their presence Esmarch bandage. Then tourniquets were
placed four fingerbreadths above and be-
at such a meeting to the pioneer work of
August Bier, who published the original low the elbow.
paper on the subject, "Concerning a New "The median vein of the elbow was dis-
Method of Local Anaesthesia of the Ex- sected free, using Schleich's method of in-
tremities," in 1908 (Bier, A.: Ueber einen filtration anesthesia, and, as for intrave-
neuen weg local anasthesia an den glied- nous infusion, a cannula was introduced
maasen zu erzeugren. Archiv fur Klinische distally through a slit in the vein and su-
Chirurgie, 86: 1007-1016, 1908). Survey tured fast. The vein was ligated proximal
and its readers are indebted to Doctor Carl to the opening. 100 cc. of an 0.25% solu-
S. Hellijas of the Department of Anesthe- tion of novocain were injected into the vein
siology at Hartford Hospital for his trans- with an ordinary syringe. The solution pen-
lation of Bier's paper. etrated easily, without encountering resist-
ance from venous valves, into the section
of arm constricted at either end. Directly
after the injection was completed, the stiff
CONCERNING A NEW joint, which previously had been extremely
METHOD OF painful on any attempt at motion, could be
LOCAL ANESTHESIA OF bent to a right angle with no pain.
THE EXTREMITIES "I started the resection immediately. The
incisions through skin, muscle and perios-
PROF. DR. AUGUST BIER teum were wholly without pain, as was the
resection itself. At first the patient com-
Arch. Klin. Chir. 86: 1908 plained on forceful lifting of periosteum,
but after a few minutes she made no fur-
"Gentlemen: ther comment during this procedure, dur-
The allegedly more complicated opera- ing extirpation of the capsule, sawing of
tions on the extremities, in particular re- ends of bones or scraping and excision of
sections of joints, transplantations of ten- fistulous tracts. It should be noted that the
dons and extensive debridements, can be patient was very sensitive, reacting with a
performed under neither infiltration nor loud cry to the needleprick for induction
conduction anesthesia. I have, therefore, of the Schleich type of anesthesia.
used a new avenue, the blood vessel, to get "Sensation below the distal tourniquet
the anesthetic agent to the end apparatus was tested at conclusion of the resection
of the nerves as well as to the nerve trunks. (one-quarter hour after the injection of
According to my experience, this approach novocain). There was no feeling in this
appears to fill the gap I have mentioned. I whole section of the arm, but capability of
believe I can best make this very simple motion was preserved. This anesthesia was
procedure understandable by describing to then used to make the finger joints mobile
you a selected case of resection of an elbow once again by forceful flexion and exten-
which I performed with this method, and sion, which procedure was rather complete
by pointing out to you on the human arm and quite painless."
some of the necessary steps: * * * *


PublishedJune, 1978
It can safely be stated that there are not containing the dissolved drug. We found
many anesthesiologists who have not, at that this procedure gave surgical anesthesia
one time or another during their profes- almost up to the level of the nipples and
sional careers, produced spinal anesthesia allowed any operative procedure on all
to a level that was considerably higher than structures below the diaphragm."
was either necessary or desirable. These It was not, however, his ultimate tech-
unintentional "high spinals" have often nique.
been accompanied by varying degrees of "Occasionally in doing multiple opera-
hypotension, respiratory depression, nau- tions . . . e.g., women in whom it is neces-
sea, and other unpleasant and unwanted sary to do a cholecystectomy and appen-
sequelae; and the memory of these inad- dectomy and then perhaps some form of
vertent administrations would undoubtedly suspension and perineal repair. . .the spinal
be a source of great personal chagrin if anesthesia did not last long enough to allow
there were not so many of us. However, for completion of the entire procedure and
our numbers are so legion that it is really a it was found necessary to finish under gas-
matter of "Welcome to the Club." oxygen-ether. The addition of the general
Consider, then, if you will, those intrepid anesthesia was very unsatisfactory and we
individuals who have purposefully set out began to search for a method of prolonging
to produce total spinal anesthesia. Their the spinal anesthesia. We began by gradu-
aim was to achieve precisely those levels of ally increasing the dose of anesthetic sub-
spinal anesthesia that the rest of us try so stance injected into the subarachnoid space
desperately to avoid, and to attain levels of and we found that the anesthesia was pro-
hypotension which the rest of us abhor. longed slightly. When the dose was dou-
The Brooklyn surgeon, Koster, for in- bled, we prolonged the anesthesia almost
stance, amassed an astounding experience 100 per cent."
with intentional high spinal anesthesia Koster also found that doubling the dose
which he documented for an incredulous produced a rather different type of spinal
medical audience in 1928 in the American anesthesia than the original technique
Journal of Surgery under the title of which he employed: "During the course of
"Spinal Anesthesia. With Special Reference the operation the patient asked for some
to its Use in Surgery of the Head, Neck water which he was allowed to drink. A
and Thorax." complaint that he could not feel the water
The first paragraph of his report began passing through his pharynx stimulated us
by stating, "The purpose of this paper is to to test out the level of the anesthesia of this
describe a technique for safely producing particular individual and we found, much
spinal anesthesia of the entire body by the to our surprise, that it extended over the
injection of an anesthetic solution into the entire body, including the scalp. Upon fur-
subarachnoid space." ther questioning the information was elic-
The second paragraph then detailed the ited that although the patient knew that
technique: "Our method in brief, consisted fluid was passing down his gullet, he could
of a spinal puncture between the second not feel it in the pharynx. Repetition of the
and third lumbar vertebrae, the withdrawal method in other patients confirmed the
of 4 c.c. of cerebrospinal fluid into an am- original observation that anesthesia of the
pule containing 0.1 gm.of neocaine, thor- entire body was produced. Since that time,
ough mixing to produce rapid solution and we have used this method for operating on
then reinjection of the cerebrospinal fluid all parts of the body above the diaphragm,

for such conditions as empyema, carcinoma esthesia is particularly valuable.... We do

of the breast, diseases of the thyroid, tumor not believe that the ordinary cited contrain-
of the tongue, operations on the scalp and dications should be seriously regarded as
skull. We have also used this form of anes- such. The best example can perhaps best
thesia experimentally in the last 200 lapa- be found in hypotension cases. Recognition
rotomies for the purpose of testing the of the 'modus operandi' by which the
efficacy of the method. The level of anes- blood-pressure fall is occasioned in spinal
thesia was determined by piercing the fore- block and the use of Trendelenburg posi-
arm, ear lobe and skin of the forehead with tion for gravity drainage to the heart elim-
a needle. In all of these cases the test dem- inates hypotension as a contraindication to
onstrated complete surgical anesthesia. In the use of spinal anesthesia."
none of these cases have untoward effects In evaluating his technique, Koster asks,
been noted. Contrary to the hitherto gen- "Is the anesthesia safe? We have not as yet
erally accepted idea of the effects of anes- had a fatality directly attributable to the
thetics on the upper portion of the spinal anesthesia"; but he does describe 4 deaths
cord and medulla there have been neither on the operating table ("He was so dehy-
respiratory nor cardiac embarrassments." drated and so highly toxic that only with
Koster then went on to describe his final reluctance, and because of the minimizing
technique in some detail, and in so doing effect of spinal anesthesia on operative
demonstrated his appreciation of the im- trauma, was the operating undertaken")
portance of position in the successful per- ("During the course of a guillotine opera-
formance of lumbar puncture, as well as a tion at the middle third of the thigh, his
knowledge of the fine art of wrestling: "All pulse suddenly became imperceptible and
patients . . . are placed on the operating stimulation failed to restore the circula-
table in the lateral prone position and an tion") ("During the resection her life ebbed
assistant secures flexion of the trunk by out") ("After the dressings were applied,
approximating the head and knees. Since and as the patient was about to be trans-
cooperation of the patient is not always ferred to the stretcher for transportation
procurable it is wise to be prepared to from the operating room, she ceased to
maintain the trunk flexion while the spinal breathe suddenly ... ")due to the fact that
puncture is being done. It is possible for an "in each instance the patient was highly
individual of average strength to maintain toxic and ... there was marked anhydre-
such flexion easily by applying a well- mia."
known wrestling principle. With the patient The list of advantages was also extensive,
on the left side, the head approximating but the two clinchers were undoubtedly
the knees, and the arms extended over- that, first, "Any one who can do a lumbar
head, if the assistant stands on the side of puncture can induce spinal anesthesia; the
the table facing the patient, places his right method is reasonably 'fool proof'"; and,
arm round the neck and his left arm around second, "Beside the already enumerated
the knees, both from behind forward so advantages it should be remembered that
that the hands can be clasped in front of this form of anesthesia can be administered
the patient, the latter is rendered helpless." and induced very rapidly, and by its use the
His list of contraindications was not long surgeon is freed from the vagaries of dif-
("As yet we have not found any contrain- ferent anesthetists. This emancipation in
dications to its use"), but his list of indica- itself is a definite advantage."
tions was fairly extensive: "Patients in very Some 20 years prior to Koster's pa-
early childhood and advanced age tolerate per, another intrepid surgeon, Professor
it as well as young adults. Individuals with Thomas Jonnesco of Bucharest, had dem-
endocardial and myocardial changes, with onstrated how one's enthusiasm for his own
renal diseases, respiratory diseases and met- technique can often exceed his discretion
abolic disturbances are particularly suited in a paper entitled, "Remarks on General
for this type of anesthesia .... These are Spinal Analgesia," which appeared in the
some of the conditions in which spinal an- November 13th, 1909 issue of the British

Medical Journal and which is reprinted be- and second dorsal vertebrae, and dorso-
low. lumbar between the last dorsal and first
lumbar vertebrae are easy, and suffice to
obtain analgesia of all regions of the body."
REMARKS ON GENERAL A series of 398 operations is reported,
performed under spinal analgesia over a
SPINAL ANALGESIA period of eight months in 1908-09. Fifteen
PROFESSOR THOMAS JONNESCO of these patients were under 10 years of
age. High dorsal analgesia was used in 103
Bucharest, Romania patients for operations on the skull (14),
operations on the face (45), operations on
Br. Med. J., 2: November, 1909
the throat (23), operations on the thorax
(7), and operations on the upper limb (14).
"The fundamental principles in spinal
Dorsolumbar analgesia was used in 295
analgesia are that puncture of the arach-
patients for intraabdominal, perineal, and
noid may be performed at all levels, and
lower extremity operations.
that to the anesthetic, whether stovaine,
"During analgesia patients retain full
tropacocaine, or novocain, strychnine
should be added. Puncture of the arach- consciousness, and I am in the habit of
noid at whatever level is harmless, and the speaking to them to divert their attention
from the operation, of which the majority
fear of picking the cord unfounded; even
if it happens it is not harmful. However, are unaware. -A patient may be heard to
with the patient in the sitting position, su- ask after an operation is finished when it is
perior dorsal puncture between the first to be begun."
* * * *


PublishedJune, 1966
The anesthesiologist today speaks often eral desirable, and indeed necessary, char-
of "balanced anesthesia," and his listeners acteristics of full anesthesia. Analgesia, or
have no difficulty in understanding his the obtundation of pain, is an integral com-
meaning. He is referring to a form of gen- ponent, and can be provided, in the in-
eral anesthesia which, with certain individ- stance of the more superficial surgical ven-
ual variations, consists of a short acting tures, merely by the inhalation of nitrous
barbiturate (usually thiopental), an inhala- oxide in combination with oxygen. Deeper
tion mixture (often nitrous oxide-oxygen- probings of the scalpel will require more
halothane), and a muscle relaxant (gener- intense analgesia, either by inhalation of
ally d-tubocurare or one of its congeners.) the more potent volatile or gaseous drugs
It is safe to say that much of the general (such as ethylene, cyclopropane, ether, or
anesthesia administered in this country at halothane), or by the intravenous adminis-
the present time is composed of this or a tration of minimal doses of the analgetic
rather similar combination of drugs. drugs, such as morphine, Demerol, Nisen-
The rationale of "balanced anesthesia," til, Dromoran, Methadon, or other such
of course, is based upon the fact that the related compounds. Relaxation of muscles
anesthetic state must provide a good deal is a third factor in the anesthetic equation,
more than mere unconsciousness. It has at least for major operations within the
been recognized for years that uncon- abdomen; to achieve it, one requires the
sciousness, or hypnosis, is only one of sev- use of a muscle relaxant drug, high concen-
trations of the potent volatile or gaseous fects of ether, have been related in the
drugs, or conduction anesthesia to block medical journals, and also cases in which
the spinal nerves. The final requirement of the surgeon was enabled, by means of it, to
the anesthetic state is the obtundation of reduce strangulated herniae with the taxis,
noxious reflex activity; and the latter is also where, otherwise, an operation would have
perhaps the most ill-defined of the various been required. In case 7 of the second list,
components of anesthesia. Noxious im- farther on, the ether superseded one of the
pulses of several different kinds-includ- most difficult operations in surgery and
ing somatic, sympathetic, and parasympa- enabled Mr. Liston to get a catheter into
thetic-are recognized but not necessarily the bladder without using the knife.... It
distinguished; only on occasion does the is very evident, a priori, that an agent
anesthesiologist identify the specific reflex which so alters the circumstances of the
that is present and employ a specific block- patient, cannot be without its effects on the
ing drug to prevent further manifestations ultimate results of capital operations: and
of such activity. In most instances, the com- since severe pain generally exerts a delete-
bination of a hypnotic, an analgesic, and a rious influence on the economy, and the
muscle relaxant suffices to provide an an- use of ether in thousands of trivial opera-
esthetic cover which obtunds noxious re- tions has shown it, when properly managed,
flex activity. to be attended, either with no danger, or
Thus, "balanced anesthesia," in essence, the least conceivable amount of it, it seems
is a form of the practice of clinical phar- to follow that etherization must lessen the
macology which employs several drugs to danger of serious operations, unless we
achieve anesthesia, each drug being em- think (with one or two renowned doubters,
ployed for a specific purpose and in the who seem to look upon a surgical operation
exact quantity necessary to attain that pur- as a natural process, in which pain plays
pose. This is a far cry from the days when some essential part), that the sufferings of
a single, fully potent anesthetic drug was the patient in some way aid his recovery,
employed to provide all of the several at- instead of being deleterious to him."
tributes of the anesthetic state, and yet the The bridge between the use of a single
concept that anesthesia must do more than drug to provide all of the various attributes
render the patient unconscious is scarcely of anesthesia and "balanced anesthesia" as
a new one. Almost a century and a quarter we know it today was made of several
ago, the ever-astute John Snow wrote, strong planks. Not the least of these was
"Ether contributes other benefits besides the concept of Anoci-Association, enunci-
preventing pain. It keeps patients still, who ated by the late George Crile senior and
otherwise would not be. I gave it lately, for contained in his Ether Day Address, "Phy-
this object alone, to a child on whom Mr. logenetic Association in Relation to Certain
George Pollock operated for cataract by Medical Problems." This paper was pub-
drilling. The child was perfectly quiet, and lished in the December 15, 1910, issue of
the eye and eyelids were quite passive. It The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal,
had been operated on before, and without volume 163, pages 893-904, and is re-
the ether would have made all resistance in printed below.
its power . . . the relaxing effects of ether
are much greater than those of the warm-
bath, and emetics. In the case, No. 40 of PHYLOGENETIC
the list subsequently to be given, Mr. Ta-
tum reduced a dislocation of the shoulder ASSOCIATION
of ten weeks' duration, in a muscular man, IN RELATION TO CERTAIN
under the influence of ether, when it was MEDICAL PROBLEMS
observed, before the traction was exerted,
that the muscles were completely relaxed, G. W. CRILE, M.D.
and the arm much more moveable than Cleveland,Ohio
before the inhalation. Other cases of re-
duction of old dislocations, under the ef- Boston Med. Surg. J., 163: 893-894, 1910

"The discovery of the anesthetic prop- if no anesthetic had been given. The ex-
erties of ether and its practical application haustion is, therefore, of the same nature
to surgery must always stand as one of the as that from overexertion.
great achievements of medicine. It is emi- But if the nerve paths connecting the
nently fitting that the anniversary of that field of operation and the brain be blocked,
notable day, when the possibilities of ether then there is no discharge of nervous en-
were first made known to the world, should ergy from the trauma, and consequently
be celebrated within these walls, and what- no exhaustion however severe or pro-
ever the topic of your Ether Day orator, he longed the operation.
must fittingly first pause to pay tribute to
that great event and to the master surgeons
of the Massachusetts General Hospital. On "What is the practical application of this?
this occasion, on behalf of the dumb ani- In operative surgery there is introduced a
mals as well as on behalf of suffering hu- new principle, which removes from surgery
manity, I express a deep sense of gratitude much of the immediate risk from its trauma
for the blessings of anesthesia. Two years by establishing anoci-association;it places on
ago an historical appreciation of the discov- a physical basis certain of the phenomena
ery of ether was here presented by Profes- of fear; it explains to us the physical basis
sor Welch, and last year an address on for the impairment of the entire individual
medical research was given by President under worry or misfortune; the daily noci-
Eliot. I, therefore, will not attempt a gen- associations of the individual as a social
eral address, but will present an experimen- unit; or a noci-influence of a part of the
tal and clinical research. body. On the other hand, it explains the
power of therapeutic suggestion and other
influences which serve for the time to
RECAPITULATION change the noci-integration, and physical
"The following are the principal points basis for the difference between hope and
presented: In operations under inhalation despair; it explains some of the phenomena
anesthesia the nerve impulses from the of Graves' disease, of sexual neurasthenia,
trauma reach every part of the brain,-the possibly of hay fever and the genesis of the
cerebrum that is apparently anesthetized as common cold. The principle is probably
well as the medulla that is known to remain equally applicable to the acute infections
awake, the proof being the physiologic ex- whose chemical noci-association gives rise
haustion of and the pathologic change in the to many of the phenomena of the disease
nerve cells. Under ether anesthesia the and explains their cure by natural immu-
damage is at least four times greater than nity and by vaccines; it should teach us to
under nitrous oxide. Inhalation anesthesia view our patients as a whole; and especially
is, therefore, but a veneer, a mask that should it teach the surgeon gentleness. It
"covers the deep suffering of the patient." should teach us that there is something
The cause of the exhaustion of the brain is more in surgery than mechanics; and some-
the discharge of nervous energy in a futile thing more in medicine than physical di-
effort to energize the paralyzed muscles in agnosis and drugs."
an effort at escape from the injury just as * * * *


PublishedJune, 1963
Man uses his arms and hands constantly. The combination of Man's prehensility
He peels potatoes, slams doors, climbs and his unflagging appetite keeps a steady
trees, lights stoves, plays baseball, opens flow of patients with injured upper extrem-
cans, sharpens knives, hammers nails, baits ities and full stomachs streaming into hos-
fishhooks, chops kindling, carves meat, sets pital emergency rooms. This is why the
traps, closes trunks, operates drill presses, brachial plexus is so frequently the anesthe-
shoots guns, whittles sticks, drives tractors, siologist's favorite group of nerves.
renovates furniture, starts outboard mo- The brachial plexus is formed by the
tors, fixes washing machines, splices rope, union of the anterior primary divisions of
sets off firecrackers, and seemingly is incap- the lower four cervical and first thoracic
able of resisting signs which say "Danger- nerves. It receives contributions from the
High Voltage." As a result he exposes his second and third thoracic nerves, and oc-
arms and hands to injury constantly: to casionally from the fourth also. The plexus
burns, cuts, amputations, abrasions, frac- extends from the lower part of the side of
tures, contusions, dislocations, tears, and the neck to the axilla. After leaving the
half a hundred other results of trauma. intervertebral foramina, the fifth and sixth
Man also eats constantly. When he is cervical unite to form a trunk, the upper
growing up, in a well regulated household trunk; the eighth cervical and first thoracic
at least, he eats three well balanced meals also unite to form one trunk, the lower
at regular and set intervals three times a trunk; and the seventh cervical runs alone
day. Or so his mother thinks. She doesn't as the middle trunk. As these three trunks
know about the fireball at recess, the lico- pass beneath the clavicle, each splits into an
rice after lunch, the milkshake at the drugs- anterior and posterior division. The ante-
tore on the way from school, the ginger ale rior divisions of the upper and middle
and cookies on arriving home, the Milky trunks unite to form the lateral cord, so
Way when supper is over, the glass of milk designated because it is situated on the
before bed, or that candy left over from lateral side of the second part of the axillary
Halloween for a reassuring bite after the artery. The anterior division of the lower
bed is tucked in and the goodnights said. trunk passes down on the medial side of
The habit becomes ingrained, and when the artery as the medial cord. The posterior
Man leaves mothers's well-regulated house, divisions of all three trunks unite to form
with three balanced meals at regular and the posterior cord which is situated behind
set intervals three times a day, he goes right the second portion of the axillary artery.
on eating. There is breakfast, of course. From the anesthesiologist's point of view,
Then a Danish at coffee-break. Luncheon. the brachial plexus can be divided into two
A hamburger and frappe in mid-afternoon. portions: a cervical or supraclavicular, and
Beer and pretzels after a hard day at the an axillary or infraclavicular portion. The
plant. Dinner. Popcorn during the movie. supraclavicular portion of the plexus has
A pizza after the show. A quick raid of the the shape of a triangle, having its base
icebox before turning in. In point of fact, attached to the cervical vertebral column
except between the hours of about 3 and 7 and its apex at the clavicle. The infraclavi-
in the morning. Man's stomach is never cular portion consists of the component
really empty-proof perhaps, as some nu- parts of the plexus forming a close fasces
tritionists have claimed, that it never should around the axillary artery, lying on the
be, that nature intended frequent small outer side of it. The plexus can therefore
feedings and not three squares a day. be blocked by the paravertebral approach,

through the axilla, by the infraclavicular OPERATIONS OF THE

access, or by the supraclavicular route. UPPER EXTREMITY
And in fact, of course, all four methods
have been employed clinically. The para- PRIVAT DOZENT DR. GEORG HIRSCHEL
vertebral route was employed by Kappis; Munch. med. Wschr., 58: 1555-1556, 1911
the axillary route was used by Hirschel; the
infraclavicular route was developed by
Louis Bazy; and the supraclavicular route "As far as the technique of the injection
was popularized by Kulenkampff. Kulen- is concerned, the following remarks should
kampff described the supraclavicular route be added:
in 1912, and in time it became the most The arm is placed in marked abduction
widely used method of blocking the brach- and a gauze wad is placed in position. This
ial plexus. Within the past few years, how- exerts a moderate pressure on the easily
ever, there has been a tremendous resur- palpable blood vessels. This gauze wad
gence of interest in, and employment of, must be placed under the pectoral muscles
the axillary route, both because of the sim- as far upward into the axilla as possible in
plicity with which the block can be per- order to permit enough room for the ap-
formed by this technique, as well as because proach. One fixes the artery with one hand
the complications are so much less frequent and inserts the needle as far upward as
and formidable. It is of some interest, in possible under the pectoralis major in the
retrospect, that the axillary technique of direction of the arm. (Figure 1). As the
blocking the plexus was described by Hir- needle is inserted, Novocain is injected in
schel a year before Kulenkampff published order to avoid the vessels and to prevent
his supraclavicular technique. Survey of injury to them. In this way one bathes the
Anesthesiology and its readers are indebted median nerve above and the ulnar some-
to Dr. Aaron Bobrow for the translation what more anteriorly with a few injections.
into English of Hirschel's article which Another injection under the artery at about
originally appeared in the July 18, 1911, the level of the latissimus dorsi is necessary,
issue of the Munich Medical Weekly under in order to anesthetize the radial nerve. So
the title, "Die Anasthesierung des Plexus the artery is encircled, and with a bit of
brachialis bei Operationen an der oberen care injury to it or to the vein will be
Extremitat" (Hirschel, G.: Munch. med. avoided.
Wschr., 58: 1555-1556, 1911), and which It is important to reach as high as possible
is printed below. in the direction of the first rib with the
injection, since otherwise the axillary and
the musculocutaneous nerves will be


Published October, 1979

Arthur Ernest Guedel was a giant reputation which was recognized by the
amongst the pioneers of anesthesiology, presentation of the Henry Hill Hickman
not only in this country but throughout the medal by the Royal Society of Medicine of
world, for he achieved an international London in 1941-the first outside of the

British Isles to be honored with this pres- Company, because there were no funds
tigious award. In 1951, his own Society, available for a high school education. Typ-
the American Society of Anesthesiologists, ical of this extraordinary man, he borrowed
presented him with the Distinguished Ser- books, had one of the high school teachers
vice Award, the highest tribute the Society advise him, and gave himself a high school
can pay an anesthesiologist for his merito- education. His lack of a formal accredited
rious service and achievement in the course high school education frustrated his ambi-
of a career in anesthesia. Over and above tion to attend medical school only momen-
his scientific accomplishments and clinical tarily, because he had the family doctor,
contributions (which have become legend- one Dr. Brocking, talk to his good friend
ary), however, was Guedel's personality-- the Dean of Medical College of Indiana.
warm, kindly, full of friendliness and good The result of that little chat was that Ar-
humor; a man of whom it was said that he thur Guedel took and passed an entrance
had more friends than anybody else in anes- examination and matriculated to the med-
thesiology. ical school in 1903.
Guedel was born in Cambridge City, In- He graduated as a first honors student in
diana* on June 13, 1883, and he was always 1908, took his State Board Examinations
proud to proclaim that he had one-eighth the same year, and started a 6 month in-
Cherokee Indian blood, "just like Will ternship at City Hospital, Indianapolis.
Rogers." His early schooling was at the This was the start of his career in anesthe-
South Side Grade School in Indianapolis, sia, because he was required to administer
where his father worked for the Atkins Saw ether and chloroform anesthesia, and his
Company; and it was while helping his fa- feeling of ignorance initiated his studies
ther at the plant at the age of 13 that he correlating the eye signs with the depth of
lost 3 fingers of his right hand while dusting anesthesia. The next year, 1909, he started
a machine. This fact did not deter him from an office for general practice, but his inter-
later teaching himself to play the piano, est in, and facility at, anesthesia soon made
and Ralph Waters has written: "An athlete this a predominant part of his practice.
of the first order, he swam with endurance When the United States entered World
and was adept in the manly art of self- War I, Guedel volunteered but was re-
defense, yet no physician I have ever jected because of his hand disability. He
known had the delicate coordination of the persisted, however, and eventually was as-
smaller muscles that was his. He played the signed to the Roosevelt Hospital Unit as
organ and piano with the skill of a natural anesthetist, sailing for Europe in July,
artist. Many of the pieces of anesthetic ap- 1917.
paratus which have come from his hands To quote Ralph Waters, (again and ex-
bear witness to this delicacy of touch." tensively, because he and Guedel were very
After graduation from grade school, real and close friends, who exchanged sev-
Guedel went to work for the Atkins Saw eral long letters a month for many years)
on the subject of Guedel's career during
* Ordinarily, the place of a person's birth is of the war: "Before the first World War the
interest only to the person herself/himself, immigra- number of true specialists in anesthesia in
tion officials, astrologers engaged in the preparation the U.S.A. could almost be counted on the
of an individual's horoscope, or those endless bureau- fingers of one's two hands. In March, 1918,
cratic governmental questionnaires and forms which one of these (Leslie Burwell of New Ro-
the rest of a long-suffering citizenry must fill out chelle, New York) reported for duty at the
promptly and correctly under threat of fine, imprison- Medical Headquarters of an American unit
ment, or both. The fact that Guedel's birthplace was at Vittel in the Vosges, France. Upon his
in Indiana, however, brings up an interesting fact
insistence that he wished to be assigned to
about the contribution of the Midwest as a cradle of
work for which he was particularly fitted,
pioneers and leaders of anesthesia in this country: 9
Midwestern states served as the birthplaces of 14 of the medical officer in command said, 'You
the first 42 Presidents of the American Society of will have to see Guedel. He runs the An-
Anesthesiologists, and of 15 of the 33 recipients of esthesia in this region. He blows in here
the Distinguished Service Award. every day or two, like a wild Indian, on a

motorcycle. Wait for him.' Sure enough, of Anesthesia. He pointed out that the very
the next afternoon, with a roar and a put- first sentence of John Snow's 2 famous
put the motorcycle arrived in a cloud of books (On The Inhalation of the Vapour of
dust. Ether, London, 1847; and On Chloroform
"Burwell's curiosity, as to how an an- And Other Anesthetics, London, 1858) runs:
aesthetist could function on a motor-bike, "The point requiring the most skill and
was soon satisfied. The several hospitals in care in the administration of the vapour of
the neighborhood could be visited fre- ether is, undoubtedly, to determine when
quently only by such means. The scarcity it has been carried far enough."
of anaesthetically minded medical officers Sir Robert went on to say: "Guedel's
had made it necessary to assign non-profes- chart first appeared in a medical journal in
sional, inexperienced persons to duty as 1920, but its value was appreciated at the
anaesthetists. The manner of teaching and time by relatively few. It made a telling
directing such personnel under these cir- impact, however, when it was included in
cumstances is an illustration of the amazing his one and only book written in the easy,
versatility and resourcefulness of Arthur chatty style so characteristic of the man
Guedel. He was forced to devise not only himself. The publication of Inhalation An-
simple methods of teaching these willing esthesia in 1937 could hardly have been
though inexperienced people but also more timely because the second World War
quick and reliable ways of checking the was imminent, and it became imperative to
accuracy and safety of the dosage of ether train more anaesthetists; and this no doubt
which they were able, as a result of his accounted in large measure for the demand
teaching, to maintain in the operating for twelve reprints in as many years. Since
rooms of the several hospitals. The diffi- the publication of this popular book, I don't
culties which Guedel surmounted during suppose the subject of signs of anaesthesia
the first World War were of immense bene- has been written about or discussed without
fit to military surgeons and soldier-patients, mention of Guedel's name and chart.
it is true, but what greater value were his "The name of Guedel is known to an-
experiences there to all of us-teachers aesthetists throughout the world because
and pupils alike-all over the world! He of his chart; but to a privileged few of the
insisted that during ether anesthesia move- older generation who knew him, the name
ment of the patient's eyeball was a sign recalls much more. Friendship came natu-
which could be checked quickly and which rally to him. He had the rare and happy
the enlisted-man technician could observe gift of making his visitors feel welcome;
readily and reliably. How often since, have that their opinions mattered, and that his
we older teachers found the observation time was freely at their disposal. How com-
valuable, and even essential, in trying to fortably he fitted into that distinguished
help medical students and young physicians and friendly group on the North American
safely to administer anaesthetics. Guedel's Continent which included Ralph Waters,
chart of physical signs of ether anaesthesia Wesley Bourne, Emory ('Rovey') Roven-
was born in the military hospitals and while stine, Paul Wood and Harold Griffith.
riding army motor-bikes over the rough Their one objective seemed to be to further
roads between them. I presume we might the progress of anaesthesia; and in the proc-
even say that the book, later published by ess they put their knowledge to the com-
Macmillan, as Inhalation Anesthesia, A Fun- mon good and liberally dispensed good fel-
damental Guide, had its foundation built in lowship."
Guedel's mind in the military hospitals and Geoffrey Kaye, one of the great pioneers
along the shell-shattered roads of France, of anesthesia in Australia, has said of In-
during the first war." halation Anesthesia: "I received my copy of
Sir Robert Macintosh, the first Nuffield this book from Dr. F. H. McMechan, on
Professor of Anaesthetics at the University behalf of the I.A.R.S., at the New York
of Oxford, must also be quoted extensively Congress of 1938. The book impressed me
on the subject of Guedel's Stages and Signs greatly. Certainly, it had not a great deal
to say about the technique of anaesthetic more complication of methods and con-
administration; rather did it deal with the cepts. This is well illustrated in a letter
pitfalls which await the novice-anaesthetist. which he wrote to Ralph Waters in 1938:
Its precepts were full of what R. M. Waters "Self administration of nitrous oxide in
describes as 'mule-sense,' the mule being a labor is O.K. I told you that some twenty
more sagacious animal than the horse. Im- years ago. However, I do not like the idea
pressive, and in many ways revolutionary, of strapping a mask on the patient's face.
was Guedel's presentation of the 'signs of There is too much danger of aspiration of
anaesthesia.'" vomitus. And even of asphyxia if the gas
Kaye went on to list some of Guedel's mixture goes wrong. Before I stopped
other contributions to anesthesia: "The doing obstetric anesthesia I had gone to the
Cuffed Tube. The cuffed endotracheal old McKesson machine because we had one
tube arose, I think, from true collaboration at the hospital. I later developed a spring
between Waters and Guedel. It was Waters release mask for the Heidbrink but did not
who sent me materials for the making-up like it as well.
of the first cuffs. Later, I saw a reenactment "For a number of years I spent a lot of
of the famous 'experiment of the dunked time telling the patient just what to do and
dog' at Wisconsin in 1938. News of the how to do it. Later I got tired of telling
cuffed tube spread around the world with and there developed for me the best tech-
great rapidity. One was reminded of the nique that I found. I would push the gas
spread of ether anaesthesia itself, first dem- machine up to the patient, set the oxygen
onstrated publicly in Boston on October for twenty to thirty percent and tell the
16, 1846, and in use in Her Majesty's re- patient to take as much as she wanted when-
mote penal colony of Van Dieman's Land ever she wanted it. For the first twenty-
in June, 1847. minutes or half hour they would be taking
"The Pharyngeal Airway. Guedel's 'air- it for most of the time whether they needed
way' was a definite advance upon those of it or not. But they would do that anyway
Hewitt or Phillips. It was soft, atraumatic under the "Telling" system so it did not
and of low respiratory resistance. It was so matter. After they had become sedated by
well-shaped anatomically that it was toler- the N 20--after twenty minutes or half-an
ated at a light plane of anaesthesia, without hour-they would sleep between pains,
provoking 'gagging.' We used to demon- awakening at the beginning of the pain.
strate this fact to students at the University They would then put the mask to their face
of Melbourne by passing the airway upon and breathe like the devil for a few
ourselves in presence of the class! breaths-six to twelve-and go to sleep
"'Controlled Respiration.' Essentially, until the next pain. I would let this go on
the Guedel Technique was one of 'control for hours, in some cases up to the point of
of depth of anaesthesia,' rather than 'con- actual delivery, when I would take over.
trol by acapnia.' The former rather fright- They would take care of their own anesthe-
ened me as coming too close to the histo- sia better and more safely than I could do
toxic zone of the anaesthetics of that day. it for them. After it was all over-the next
Unless I err, the acapnic technique was put day-they would invariably report that
forward by R. M. Waters, with Guedel a they were in labor but a short time. The
ready convert to it." hours were not noticed and they were
Guedel's fertile and energetic mind was happy. Keep the oxygen up. Don't strap
into many other subjects pertaining to an- the mask to their face. I used to strap it to
esthesia, and his bibliography was abso- their hand with adhesive tape so that they
lutely gold-plated: there were no "pot-boil- could find it easily when they wanted it.
ers" in it anywhere. His observations and And don't pay too much attention to
opinions were checked and rechecked be- them."
fore he expressed them, so that he need Guedel's first published paper, in fact,
not withdraw them later. He was also im- was on the subject of the self administration
mensely pragmatic, and tended towards of nitrous oxide in labor. It was entitled
practical simplification rather than towards "Nitrous Oxide-Air Anesthesia. Self Ad-

ministration in Obstetrics. A Preliminary practice, and the encouraging results of its

Report." Guedel read this paper before the application.
Indianapolis Medical Society, October 3,
1911, and it was printed in the Indianapolis
Medical Journal for October, 1911. It is "The extreme rapidity with which a state
reproduced below. of analgesia closely followed by complete
unconsciousness is produced, combined
with its very transitory effect, -make it
NITROUS OXIDE-AIR particularly applicable in this work. It has
ANESTHESIA. a not unpleasant odor, and is not at all
irritating to the mucous membranes of the
respiratory tract .... The only post-anes-
OBSTETRICS. A thetic effect is a pleasant restful drowsiness,
PRELIMINARY REPORT nausea and vomiting being indeed rare.
Also it is conceded, that, of all anesthetics
now in use, nitrous oxide is by far the safest,
Indianapolis, Indiana both primarily and secondarily. -Another
characteristic of the gas which makes it
Read before the Indianapolis preferable to other anesthetics in obstet-
Medical Society, rics, is that it does not cause muscular re-
October 3, 1911 laxation.
Printed in the Indianapolis The administration of nitrous oxide and
Medical Journal, air is very simple-the writer has secured
October, 1911 in all but one case of normal labor, excel-
lent results by allowing the patient herself
Revised by the Author, to handle the inhaler. -The patient soon
February, 1912 learns that her relief depends upon the
result of a race between the action of the
"The following report deals with the ac- gas and the approaching pain, with the gas
tion of the gas (nitrous oxide) in obstetrical winning always if given an equal start."


Published August and October, 1973

Faithful readers of "Classical File" will duction of chloroform as an anesthesic, ex-
recall that an inquest was held at Winlaton, cited great interest because it was the first
about 5 miles from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, mortality recognized as being due to anes-
on Tuesday, February 1st, 1848, to inquire thesia.
into the death of Hannah Greener, a 15 Although her general health was de-
year old girl who had died the previous scribed as being good, Hannah had a good
Friday during a chloroform anesthesia. deal of trouble with her feet; and in the fall
Hannah's death, which occurred just 15 of 1847 she had become a patient in the
months after Morton's classic public dem- infirmary at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, where
onstration of the efficacy of ether anesthe- one of her toenails was removed under
sia at the Massachusetts General Hospital, ether anesthesia. She had made a reasona-
and just 2 months after Simpson's intro- ble recovery from the anesthesia and op-
eration, but had complained for a number effect. I then gave her some brandy, a little
of days of a "heaviness in her head," "fret- of which she swallowed with difficulty. I
ted" a good deal while in the infirmary, then laid her down on the floor, and at-
grew thinner while there, and continued to tempted to bleed her in the arm and jugu-
grow thinner after being discharged, and lar vein, but only obtained about a spoon-
complained of pain in the chest, which she ful. She was dead, I believe, at the time I
had never done prior to her hospitalization. attempted to bleed her. The last time I felt
Her stepmother attributed her ill health to her pulse was immediately previous to the
the fact that she continued to suffer "much blanched appearance coming on, and she
pain in her toes .... I think it was the pain gave a jerk. The time would not be more
being so great prevented her thriving." than 3 minutes from her first inhaling the
By January of 1848, the pain in Hannah's chloroform till her death."
toes was sufficient to again warrant medical Mr. Lloyd confirmed Meggison's state-
attention, and Mr. Thomas Meggison, a ments, and then Sir John Fife reported the
surgeon at Wickham, was called into the autopsy which he had performed. His prin-
case. He recommended that the toenail of cipal findings consisted of "a very high state
the right big toe be removed, and the fate- of congestion" of the liver, kidneys, spleen,
ful operation was arranged for Friday, Jan- and brain, but particularly the lungs: "In
uary 28th, 1848. Meggison has left us a my opinion the cause of death was the
description of the events: congestion of the lungs; and that conges-
"Hannah Greener died under my hands tion I ascribe to the inhalation of chloro-
on Friday, while under the influence of form."
chloroform, which I had given her for the The jury agreed with Sir John: "We are
purpose of producing insensibility during unanimously of opinion that the deceased,
the operation of removing one of her toe- Hannah Greener, died from congestion of
nails. She was suffering from onychia. She the lungs, from the effect of chloroform,
never complained of pain in the chest to and that no blame can be attached to Mr.
me. The pain in her toes might cause her Meggison, surgeon, or to his assistant, Mr.
to become thinner. I seated her in a chair, Lloyd."
and put about a teaspoonful of chloroform The ink was scarcely dry on this descrip-
into a tablecloth, and held it to her nose. tion of the inquest in the February 5th,
After she had drawn her breath twice she 1848 issue of the Lancet before Dr. Simp-
pulled my hand down. I told her to draw son had sprung to the defence of the anes-
her breath naturally, which she did, and in thesic drug which he had introduced. In an
about half a minute I observed the muscles article titled, "Remarks on the alleged case
of the arm become rigid, and her breathing of death from action of chloroform" in the
a little quickened, but not stertorous. I had February 12th, 1848 issue of the Lancet,
my hand on her pulse, which was natural, Simpson wrote that he had "no desire to
until the muscles became rigid. It then ap- throw any-the very slightest-blame
peared somewhat weaker-not altered in upon Mr. Meggison. Nothing could be pos-
frequency. I then told Mr. Lloyd, my as- sibly further from my wishes and inten-
sistant, to begin the operation, which he tion"; and then he proceeded to belittle
did, and took the nail off. When the semi- both Meggison and the coroner's jury.
circular incision was made, she gave a strug- "The attempt at swallowing mentioned in
gle or jerk, which I thought was from the the evidence was, I have no doubt, an at-
chloroform not having taken sufficient ef- tempt at breathing only, or at breathing
fect. I did not apply any more. Her eyes combined with swallowing. But it was im-
were closed, and I opened them, and they possible for the patient, in her weak and
remained open. Her mouth was open, and torpid state, to inspire through a medium
her lips and face blanched. When I opened of water and brandy, any more than it
her eyes they were congested. I called for would have been possible to inspire if the
water when I saw her face blanched, and I whole head and face had been inevitably
dashed some of it in her face. It had no submersed in the same fluid..,. the morbid

appearances were not those resulting from roform and to administer as little of the
chloroform; they were those resulting from vapor as possible at all times, but sudden
asphyxia; and as I have already stated, the chloroform deaths continued to occur. Silk,
verdict should not have been, 'Died from in 1892, presented statistics to show that
the effects of chloroform,' but, 'Died from between 20 and 36 deaths from chloroform
the effects of means used to restore her had occurred annually in England alone
from the state of anaesthesia."' from 1880 to 1890, and these figures did
Within a fortnight, however, on Febru- not include the deaths in Scotland or Ire-
ary 23rd, a second death during chloro- land. Hayward wrote, "The truth is, that
form anesthesia occurred, this one in chloroform, when inhaled, acts on the sys-
America, when a Mrs. Simmons in Cincin- tem in a way that is not well understood,
nati, Ohio, died within a matter of minutes and may destroy life in spite of the utmost
after commencing the inhalation of chlo- caution. Its effects are so sudden, that no
roform for dental anesthesia. Professor foresight can prevent a fatal result."
Simpson's glib explanation of the mecha- In was, in fact, almost three-quarters of
nism of Hannah's demise began to be a century after Hannah Greener's death
doubted in a number of quarters. John before the true explanation of sudden chlo-
Collins Warren, who had played such an roform deaths was demonstrated. Dr. A.
important role in the Morton demonstra- Goodman Levy performed a brilliant series
tion of ether anesthesia, wrote, "We were of researches which he summarized in a
soon awakened from our dreams of the presentation to the Section on Anaesthetics
delightful influence of the new agent (chlo- of the Royal Society of Medicine on May
roform), by the occurrence of unfortunate 1, 1914, titled, "Sudden death under light
and painful consequences, which had not chloroform anaesthesia" (Levy, A. G., Proc.
followed in this country on the practice of Roy. Soc. Med., 7: 57-84, 1914). The first
etherization." part of this paper is reprinted below, and
Other deaths continued to occur, and by the second part will be published in the
1858, John Snow had collected and ana- October issue of Survey.
lyzed 50 cases of death from chloroform.
The striking feature of some 40 of these
deaths was the suddenness with which they
occurred-early in the administration, and SUDDEN DEATH UNDER
after only a "few drachms" of the drug. LIGHT CHLOROFORM
Reams were written in attempts to explain ANAESTHESIA
the mechanism of sudden death during
chloroform anesthesia, almost always end- A. GOODMAN LEVY, M.D.
ing up with the same conclusion-overdos-
age. From their experience with ether, Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 7:57-84, 1914
most anesthetists realized that, if that drug
were given to excess, respiration would
cease and death would occur from as- "Death from ventricular fibrillation un-
phyxia; but the heart continued to beat der chloroform may be observed under any
after respiration ceased, so resuscitation of the following and applied clinical con-
was possible by stopping the administra- ditons:-
tion. However, this sequence of events did (A) During the induction and early stages
not apply to the sudden chloroform deaths, of the administration of chloroform, and
so the overdosage explanation had to be exceptionally later in the administration: (i)
altered to envision a sudden deep inspira- during struggles and excitement; (ii) on
tion, which would develop a high concen- removal of the chloroform; (iii) on abrupt
tration of vapor in the lungs, sufficient to re-administration of chloroform after re-
cause overdosage and death. moval, or its sudden increase during a pe-
Anesthetists went to great lengths in at- riod of very light anaesthesia; (iv) by any
tempts to limit the concentration of chlo- combination of these occurrences.
(B) During operation. By strong sensory chloroform, specially after a short opera-
stimuli under light anaesthesia. tion."
(C) After operation. On removal of the * * * *


Published February, 1965

Carbon dioxide holds unique positions in serious import. These sometimes contra-
the life cycles of the flora and fauna of our dictory findings result from significant el-
planet, and indeed is essential to cellular evations of both epinephrine and norepi-
and multicellular organisms in both aquatic nephrine levels, since carbon dioxide stim-
and atmospheric environs. The geologic ulates the sympathoadrenal system to
origin of carbon dioxide goes back well release catecholamines. In similar fashion,
over a billion years, and the substance the pituitary is stimulated by carbon diox-
abounds in the earth's atmosphere, its riv- ide (and the epinephrine which it releases)
ers and lakes, its soil and its seas. The to increase the blood level of ACTH; and
carbon dioxide of the atmosphere may this, in turn, increases steroid production
have had its source from volcanoes or hot by the adrenal cortex and raises the con-
springs, or it may have been of biologic centration of arterial plasma 17-OH corti-
origin (if life, in fact, had its own origin in costeroids. Carbon dioxide increases cere-
an anaerobic world). In either event, dur- bral blood flow and decreases cerebral vas-
ing the course of evolution, carbon dioxide cular resistance, but high concentrations
became an essential part of the internal decrease the metabolic rate of brain tissue
environment of all organisms; and some in response to the narcotic effect of carbon
organisms which were unable to satisfy dioxide upon cerebral cells.
these internal needs by endogenous pro- These physiologic effects can be of some
duction of carbon dioxide became depend- considerable concern during the adminis-
ent upon the external carbon dioxide of tration of anesthesia. Some provide defense
the atmosphere. Thus, the substance plays against the chemical disturbances, while
a crucial role in the photosynthesis of others are antagonistic reactions which
plants, and an equally crucial role in the tend to check or limit the primary action.
physiology of the more complex mamma- It remains a moot point, however, whether
lian organisms. moderate, short term degrees of hypercar-
In man, carbon dioxide excess provokes bia are entirely harmful, for the homeo-
physiologic changes that can be of consid- static responses to carbon dioxide are cer-
erable moment. Respiratory stimulation is tainly usually effective in the presence of
among the most prominent effects, and hypercarbia of an extent ordinarily found
increasing the carbon dioxide content of in man during general anesthesia. Indeed,
the bloodstream increases both the rate and within the memory of a good many readers
the depth of respiration, presumably due of Survey is the era when the anesthetized
to excitation of the respiratory center(s). patient breathed spontaneously through-
Carbon dioxide excess produces crisp and out operation and the application of a hand
consistent tachycardia and hypertension, to a rebreathing bag was almost a sin! This,
myocardial depression, increased cardiac of course, was a sin in itself, and in time
output, and on occasion arrhythmias of came to be recognized as such; but in any

case, the advent of new and potent drugs aesthesia with a Description of the Appa-
made it mandatory to aid the body to rid ratus Used" (Jackson, D. E.: J. Lab. & Clin.
itself of carbon dioxide, since this could not Med., 1: 1-12, 1915), and are reprinted
be accomplished by a drug depressed res- below.
piratory center and a paralyzed thorax.
The anesthetist has accomplished this by
assisting or controlling respirations to
maintain sufficient alveolar ventilation to A NEW METHOD FOR THE
remove carbon dioxide excess from the PRODUCTION OF GENERAL
blood stream, and by developing methods ANALGESIA AND
to then remove the carbon dioxide from ANAESTHESIA WITH A
the atmosphere within the anesthetic ap- DESCRIPTION OF THE
The anesthetist's interest in carbon diox- APPARATUS USED
ide goes back to the time of John Snow, D. E. JACKSON, M.D., PH.D.
who recognized that expired air contained
carbon dioxide, and that breathing from a St. Louis, Missouri
closed container made it necessary to re-
move the carbon dioxide. Snow self-exper- J. Lab. & Clin. Med., 1: 1-12, 1915
imented briefly with the concept of carbon
dioxide absorption during respiration from "In the following paragraphs there will
a closed system; but throughout most of be described a method for the production
anesthesia's first seven decades, administra- and maintenance of prolonged general an-
tion was from open or semi-open systems, algesia or anaesthesia by means of nitrous
and the problem of carbon dioxide accu- oxide, ethyl chloride, ether, chloroform,
mulation was ignored-presumably be- ethyl bromide, "somnoform," etc., with ox-
cause it was unrecognized. In 1915, how- ygen. The method involves a continuous
ever, Dennis E. Jackson, a pharmacologist process of rebreathing of the gaseous or
concerned with the cost of research, devel- volatized anaesthetics from which the ex-
oped a method of removing carbon dioxide haled carbon dioxide, etc., have been re-
from exhaled atmospheres of gaseous or moved and to which oxygen is constantly
volatilized anesthetic drugs which permit- added in proportions suitable to maintain
ted continuous rebreathing from a closed the patient in a satisfactory condition. The
container by the experimental animal, and method involves the use of special appara-
which, incidentally, lowered the cost of ni- tus which is so arranged as to give the
trous oxide-oxygen anesthesia in Jackson's anaesthetist complete control of every
laboratory from about $2.50 per hour to phase of the anaesthesia at all times. In the
32 cents per hour. His studies were the apparatus here described great care has
immediate forerunners of the development been taken to provide safety devices. So far
of closed carbon dioxide absorption sys- I have had an opportunity to try this
tems as they are known in clinical anesthe- method only on animals, but there seems
sia today, and in 1963 the American Soci- to be good reason to expect that in man
ety of Anesthesiologists presented its Dis- results entirely comparable to those pro-
tinguished Service Award to Dr. Jackson in duced in animals may be readily obtainable.
signal tribute to the significance of his con- It is chiefly with this object in view that I
tribution. His investigations were published have carried out a long series of experi-
under the title, "A New Method for the ments by this method."
Production of General Analgesia and An- S* * *


Published October and December, 1964

The adequacy of ventilation during an- and one that was rarely performed except
esthesia has become of widespread concern as a research exercise: it required an arte-
only during the last 20 years or so. Prior rial sample of blood; a long and tedious
to that time, the mere presence of sponta- analysis of the blood by a laboratory tech-
neous respirations was often the major in- nician; and calculations, that were often
terest; and even the extremes of respiratory beyond the ken of many of those who were
rate-profound bradypnea or profound administering the anesthesia, for the inter-
tachypnea-were not always cause for ur- pretation of the results. As more and more
gent alarm. Thanks to Guedel, consider- such studies were performed, however, it
able attention was paid to the rhythm of became evident that here was information
respiration, the type of breathing, and the of inestimable value in the conduct of clin-
extent of intercostal as compared to dia- ical anesthesia. Anesthesiologists came to
phragmatic activity; but this was more to realize that knowledge of the acid-base sta-
judge the depth of anesthesia than it was a tus of the anesthetized patient's blood was
concern over satisfactory respiratory ex- a sensitive indication of the adequacy of
change. alveolar ventilation, and that deviations
Today, the adequacy of ventilation dur- from normal could provide an early and
ing anesthesia is a matter of great concern, reliable warning of future trouble. Now,
and it is a poorly equipped operating room with the development of electrodes to
suite that does not have facilities for the measure pH, pCO 2 and pO2, blood gas
actual measurement of respiratory param- analysis has been tremendously simplified,
eters. It is true that there are some anes- and monitory of the acid-base status of the
thesiologists-particularly those of the anesthetized patient has become a more
older school-who regard anesthesia as an commonplace procedure. This change rep-
empirical art and who are content to make resents a major advance in the application
very few measurements of any type, rely- of objective measurement to clinical anes-
ing, rather, on experience, intuition, and thetic practice and a giant step forward in
the feel of the bag; but the trend is away the care of the surgical patient during op-
from "flying by the seat of the pants" in eration.
anesthesia as it is in aviation, and the pres- Behind this development, and indeed
ent day anesthesiologist tends to seek a fundamental to understanding the concept
more scientific basis for his anesthetic prac- of acid-base equilibrium and its regulation,
tice and more objective means of following is the Henderson-Haselbalch Equation.
and controlling the progress of his patients. Two of Henderson's papers, entitled,
As a result, scientific tools that were the "Concerning the Relationship Between the
province of those engaged in research but Strength of Acids and Their Capacity to
a few years ago have become clinical tools Preserve Neutrality" (Henderson, T. H.:
that are now in daily use in the operating Am. J. Physiol., 21: 173-179, 1908), and
room. "The Theory of Neutrality Regulation in
The tools which measure the adequacy the Animal Organism" (Henderson, L. J.:
of ventilation, and more specifically the Am. J. Physiol., 21: 427-448, 1908), are
adequacy of alveolar ventilation, are a reprinted below. A translation of Hassel-
prime example. Only a few years ago, the balch's contribution, entitled, "Die Bere-
determination of pH, carbon dioxide ten- chnung der Wasserstoffzahl des Blutes aus
sion, and oxygen saturation in an anesthe- der freien und gebundenen Kohlensaure
tized patient was a formidable procedure, desselben, und die Sauerstoffbindung des

Blutes als Funktion der Wasserstoffzahl" "II. We now had to know the dissociation
(Hasselbalch, K. A.: Biochem. Zeitschr., 78: of carbonic acid at 38 o. That carbonic acid
112-144, 1916) will be published in the at 38 is significantly more dissociated than
December issue as the final "Classical File" at 180 we found to be in good agreement
in this year's volume of Survey of Anesthe- with Jul. Thomsen's thermochemical meas-
siology. urements.
"III. Bound CO 2 in blood is available
solely as bicarbonate. With falling CO 2 ten-
CALCULATION OF THE sion, bound CO 2 decreases principally be-
cause oxyhemoglobin is to be considered a
HYDROGEN ION stronger acid in the presence of an alkaline
BLOOD FROM FREE AND "IV. The amphoteric character of oxy-
BOUND CARBON DIOXIDE; hemoglobin in particular and, to a small
OXYGEN BINDING AS A degree, of the remaining blood proteins
provides the uncommonly great stability of
blood against shifts of pH. This stability
K. A. HASSELBALCH applies as much to addition of acids as to
influence of temperature and becomes
From the Laboratories of the Finsen even more important physiologically be-
Institute, Copenhagen cause the acid effect of oxyhemoglobin in
Received 7 October, 1916 the circulation due to increasing CO 2 ten-
With 12 Figures sion is diminished by partial conversion to
reduced hemoglobin.
Biochem., Zeitschr., 78:112-144, 1916 "V. Using a larger human sample, we
confirmed the correlation which Peters and
Barcroft had demonstrated in one case be-
tween pH and constant K of Hill's formula
for oxygen binding of blood. This principle
"I. The hydrogen ion concentration of apparently varied to some extent for beef,
blood can be calculated more accurately by pig and pigeon blood.
gas analysis, from the quantities of free and "Reduced pH (pH at 40 mm, CO 2 ten-
bound carbon dioxide, than by electrome- sion) is decreased by about 0.03 in the
try. Normally it is 10-7-" at 40 mm. CO 2 blood of pregnant women."

Published October, 1972

Joseph Priestley was one of those who associates of the French Academy of Sci-
believed in the phlogiston theory. ences and a member of the Imperial Acad-
Priestley was an erstwhile Unitarian min- emy of Sciences at St. Petersburg. Which
ister who was driven from his pulpit-and brings us back to the phlogiston theory.
his service to the church was abruptly ter- The phlogiston theory, which was plau-
minated-by riots in which his house was sible, but erroneous, was first evolved by
pillaged and burned because of his known Joachim Becher in the latter half of the 17
sympathies for the French Revolution. He century, and then was warmly championed
eventually fled from England and settled and elaborated upon by his pupil, Georg
in Northumberland, Pennsylvania, but not Ernst Stahl. The theory postulated the ex-
until after he had been elected 1 of the 8 istence of a mysterious element, "the ma-
terial of fire," which was dubbed phlogiston it might be made available in general sur-
by Stahl and which was supposed to be gery. The patient usually goes under the
the essential constituent of all combustible influence in 30 or 40 seconds, and wakes
bodies and play a part in respiration also. with equal promptness, without vomiting
The fact that both life and combustion or other unpleasant symptoms, all of which
eventually became extinct in a confined is in striking contrast with the slowness, the
space was held to be due to the air becom- nausea, and the discomforts of chloroform
ing completely saturated with phlogiston! and ether. There have been, however,
Priestley, like many of the physiologists, great obstacles to the use of the gas, owing
chemists, and philosophers of that day and to its evanescent action. The oxygen con-
age, subscribed wholeheartedly to the phlo- tained in it is in a state of chemical combi-
giston theory; in the summer of 1774 he nation, so that it is not available for oxy-
performed a series of experiments in which genation of the blood; hence if any attempt
he produced an "air" by focusing a burning- is made to continue its action, the patient
lens onto a sample of mercuric oxide en- becomes purple in the face, showing all the
closed in a glass vessel inverted over mer- signs of asphyxia; subsultus tendinum then
cury: "By means of this lens, air was ex- supervenes, and shortly after he almost
pelled from it (the mercuric oxide) very ceases to breathe, and, if allowed nothing
readily. Having got about three or four but pure nitrous oxide, would doubtless die
times as much as the bulk of my materials, in a few minutes."
I admitted water to it, and found that it He went on to say, "I have for some time
was not imbibed by it. But what surprised been experimenting, to see whether by the
me more than I can well express, was, that addition of free oxygen to the nitrous ox-
a candle burned in the air with a remarka- ide, a mixture would not be obtained, by
bly vigorous flame." which a patient might be anaesthetized for
He continued his experiments through an indefinite period without danger of as-
the fall and winter, and by March of 1775 phyxia, and thus render gas available for
he was investigating the respirability of the the most prolonged operations of surgery.
"new" air. He discovered that, not only ... It seems probable that the oxygen mix-
would a mouse live longer in the "new" air ture will enable us to anaesthetize a patient
than in an equal volume of "common" air, for the longest as well as for the shortest
but that there was "a diminution of 2/9 in surgical operations, and that it is safer and
a short time" of the residual air which the pleasanter than any anaesthetic known."
mouse had breathed. He concluded that The absolute necessity for oxygen during
this superiority of the "new" air lay in a general anesthesia, particularly general an-
greater capacity for absorbing phlogiston, esthesia produced by nitrous oxide, was
and he reasoned that the gas originally documented in Courville's monograph-
contained less phlogiston than common air: length classic in Medicine, "Asphyxia as a
accordingly, he named it dephlogisticated Consequence of Nitrous Oxide Anesthe-
air, and a letter from Priestley about de- sia," which was published in 1936. Cour-
phlogisticated air was read to the Royal ville was a neuropathologist of great re-
Society on March 23, 1775. pute, and his descriptions of the pathologic
It remained for Lavoisier to name the lesions following anoxia are beyond com-
"new" air oxygen, and to show it was con- pare. He was smart enough to recognize
sumed during respiration; but it was almost that there were a number of predisposing
a century before its importance in anesthe- influences (idiosyncrasy, thymus lymphati-
sia was recognized, when, in 1868, Edmund cus, alcoholism, robust build, pulmonary
Andrews, a Chicago surgeon, wrote the conditions, heart disease, anemia, cerebral
following. "Every surgeon has seen the disease, and reflex effects) and also factors
prompt and pleasant anaesthetic action of involved in the administration (impurities
the nitrous oxide gas, so much used by of the nitrous oxide, defects in the appa-
dentists, and has wished that in some way ratus, poorly trained anesthetists, and ob-

struction of the upper airway), which could THE PATHOLOGICAL

lead to anoxemia during nitrous oxide an- EFFECTS OF ATMOSPHERES
esthesia. However, despite his brilliant ac-
count of the pathologic changes produced,
Courville made the mistake of believing HOWARD T. KARSNER, M.D.
that the anoxemia state was an integral part
of nitrous oxide anesthesia; for although it From the Nutrition Laboratory
was some years before Faulconer proved it, of the Carnegie Institution
anesthesiologists knew nitrous oxide was of Washington, Boston,
not inherently anoxic and that it was the the Laboratories of Pathology
amount of oxygen administered along with of the Harvard Medical School,
it which determined the anoxemic state. Boston, and the School of
There then followed the "if-a-little-oxy- Medicine of Western Reserve
gen-is-a-good-thing-why-then-a-lot-of-it-is- University of Cleveland
even-better" era of oxygenation. An oxy- J. Exper. Med., 23: 149, 1916
gen tent was better than a nasal catheter
because it promised higher tensions of in-
haled oxygen, and an oxygen mask was best
of all because it promised the most oxygen. CONCLUSIONS
In the same vein, cyclopropane was a much "In spite of numerous abnormalities or
better anesthetic than nitrous oxide or eth- non-experimental lesions in the rabbit cer-
ylene because good anesthesia was obtain- tain facts can be considered as established.
able at the same time that high concentra- It has been known for many years that
tions of oxygen were being administered. pneumonia is produced by the more or less
One hundred per cent oxygen was the ul- prolonged inhalation of high partial pres-
timate in oxygen therapy; when the intern- sures of oxygen. The studies herein re-
ist ventured into the operating room ported show that atmospheres containing
(which he seldom did), he was absolutely 80 to 96 per cent oxygen under normal
delighted to see the anesthesiologist "giving barometric pressure produce in 24 hours,
all that oxygen." or more commonly 48 hours, congestion,
The High Oxygen Era lasted until edema, epithelial degeneration and desqua-
Terry's description of retrolental fibropla- mation, fibrin formation, and finally a
sia, and the role which oxygen played in its pneumonia, probably of irritative origin
production, in 1942. At that point, some and to be described as a fibrinous broncho-
caution began to be practiced in regard to pneumonia. The important new points are
the long term treatment of the premature the time relations of these changes and
newborn infant with 100 per cent oxygen; definition of the type of the pneumonia.
however, it was not really until the resur- Other studies have noted slight passive
gence of hyperbaric oxygenation in the congestion, but it is now established that
1950's that oxygen toxicity became more this is to be accounted for in most cases by
than an academic and/or military curiosity. dilatation of the right side or of both sides
It was then recalled that Paul Bert com- of the heart. This congestion affects all the
mented upon the toxic effects of oxygen in abdominal viscera and is accompanied by
several different passages in his monumen- certain secondary changes such as cloudy
tal book, Barometric Pressure, which was swelling of the parenchymatous organs and
published in 1877; and that Lorraine phagocytosis of erythrocytes by endothelial
Smith published a dissertation on the cells of the mesenteric lymph nodes.
pathologic effects of increased oxygen ten- Although deficiency of oxygen may af-
sion in 1899. Perhaps the most comprehen- fect the hematopoietic system, the animals
sive description of the pathology of oxygen subjected
to high oxygen percentages
toxicity, however, was Howard Karsner's failed to show any demonstrable
paper, "The Pathological Effects of Atmo- changes in blood, spleen, lymph nodes, or
spheres Rich in Oxygen" (Karsner, H. T.: bone marrow, except for the presence of
J. Exper. Med. 23: 149, 1916), which is congestion."
reprinted below.


Published October, 1966

The syndrome of general anesthesia is cording to depth of anesthesia. Within
characterized by a set of signs and symp- about 3 months of the introduction of an-
toms which generally are rather constant. esthesia, Francis Plomley, in the January
On occasions, however, as is true of other 30, 1847, issue of the Lancet, described one
clinical entities, the signs and symptoms of the earliest classifications of depth of
may vary widely from patient to patient. anesthesia, which was based in large meas-
Furthermore, they may also vary in the ure on subjective mental sensations. He
same patient from time to time, owing to divided ether anesthesia into three
modification produced by premedication, "stages": "The first is merely a pleasurable
the anesthetic drugs administered, the type feeling of half intoxication; the second is
of operation and the extent of the surgical one of extreme pleasure, being similar to
stimulation, the effects upon respiration the sensations produced by breathing ni-
and circulation, and a large number of trous oxide, or laughing gas .... The third
other factors. These inconsistencies in the stage, the only one, I think, for performing
signs and symptoms of the syndrome of operations in, is one of profound intoxica-
general anesthesia, which are particularly tion and insensibility." Within a matter of
apparent when modern drugs and tech- months after Plomley's communication,
niques of anesthesia are employed, have John Snow carefully divided the course of
led many to abandon attempts to analyze etherization into five "degrees," the first
the depth of anesthesia (which is an ill- three of which occurred during induction
defined concept, at best) and simply to eval- and the other two during the period in
uate anesthesia as "too light, too deep, or which the patient was unconscious and
just right." quiet (i.e., during "surgical anesthesia").
This type of clinical intuition represents Snow's classification relied upon the anes-
the art practiced by the experienced anes- thetist's objective observations of physical
thesiologist, and is sufficient for his pur- signs, and it is to Snow that we owe our
poses. It lacks the precision necessary, how- recognition of the conjunctival reflex, deep
ever, if anesthesia is to advance beyond art and regular automatic breathing, the
to embrace science; and, more importantly, movement of the eyeballs, and the inhibi-
it does not provide aid or succor to the tion of the activity of the intercostal mus-
inexperienced anesthetist who has not de- cles.
veloped such clinical intuition. The need, Snow's classification has been improved
as Ralph Waters once stated it, is for "a upon but never really replaced, and from
simple and rapid means of teaching physical the time of Snow until World War I it was
signs and danger signals which could be customary to divide anesthesia into four
readily grasped by the uninitiated." This stages:
need to define the various "stages" of an- 1. Induction. From the beginning of the
esthesia and the signs by which they might administration until the loss of conscious-
be recognized has been understood from ness.
the very beginning. At the time of Morton's 2. The stage of struggling, or breathholding,
classic public demonstration of the efficacy or delerium, or dreams. From the loss of
of ether anesthesia, both Warren and Bi- consciousness to the onset of surgical an-
gelow made note of the character of the esthesia.
pulse, the pupils, and the respiration, and 3. Surgical anesthesia. Characterized by
of the behavior of the central nervous sys- deep, regular, automatic breathing and loss
tem and the musculature, although no at- of the corneal reflex.
tempt was made to classify these signs ac- 4. Overdose, or stage of bulbar paralysis.

-------- r----------- --------------- --------

Stages of Respiration Eyeball Pupil

Anesthesia Anesthesia going i Without With
Down Up ; Morphin
Stages . . .----.....----...---
First I
Stages ; ;I

FIG. 1. Schematic chart showing the significance of certain reflexes under various stages of
ether anesthesia.

Shallow, irregular respirations, and dilated REGARDING THE

pupils which no longer react to light. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE
The exigencies of war brought great re-
finement to this broad and general classi- POSITION AND
fication. Arthur E. Guedel, "the father of MOVEMENTS OF
modern anesthesia," found himself a mem- THE EYEBALL*
ber of the medical corps of the A.E.F.,
riding up and down the western front on a
motorcycle from base hospital to base hos- Indianapolis, Indiana
pital, attempting to instruct and supervise
untrained, inexperienced enlisted men in Am. J. Surg., 34:53-57, 1920
the art of anesthesia. To do this required
abandonment of his own highly developed
clinical intuition in favor of a charted set "VALUE OF EYEBALL AND PUPIL
of physical signs and danger signals which In my experience, which includes over
could be utilized by his uninitiated person- 10,000 cases conducted personally and by
nel. These were published, in part, after
my assistants in France, the eyeball with its
the war under the title "Third Stage Ether: position and movements has afforded a sign
a Subclassification Regarding the Signifi- which, in proper classification, is reliable
cance of the Position and Movements of and cannot be ignored. The oscillation
the Eyeball," (American Journal of Surgery, marks the stage of ideal anesthesia after the
34: 53-57, 1920), and are reprinted below first ten or fifteen minutes of administra-
with the kind permission of the publisher.
tion has elapsed.
* Read before the Indianapolis Medical Society,
THIRD STAGE ETHER April 1919; the Indiana State Medical Association, at
Indianapolis, September, 1919, and the Sixth Annual
ANESTHESIA: Meeting of the Interstate Association of Anesthetists,
A SUB-CLASSIFICATION at Cincinnati, September 15-17, 1919.
I have divided third stage ether anesthe- 2. It is a plea for better teaching of
sia into four strata. The accompanying anesthesia in our medical schools and hos-
chart presents a correlation of the various pitals.
signs found in the different strata of the 3. As long as we note any movement or
third stage. Attention is called in this paper eccentric position of the eyeball, aside from
only to the third stage, inasmuch as there that which might be normal for the occa-
is nothing new to be said of the first, second sional patient, that patient has not had too
and fourth stages. The chart consists of much anesthetic; but after anesthesia has
columns A, B, C, D, E and F, and takes been well inaugurated, he has had quite
into consideration various signs separately enough.
and in conjunction with each other." 4. The upper part of the third stage,
namely, the first stratum, is anesthesia en-
tirely as satisfactory to the surgeon as the
second, third or fourth stratum of the third
"1. This is a plea for lighter and better stage."


Published August, 1968

It is intriguing how frequently the clini- induction of anesthesia; occasionally, as
cal usage of a drug may change with the much as 0.25 gm. is required, rarely as
passage of time. much as 0.5 gm .... Once anesthesia has
Thiopental, for instance, is seldom em- become established and the incision has
ployed by the competent anesthesiologist been made, it is not difficult to maintain
today except as a hypnotic to induce anes- anesthesia by injection of 1 or 2 cc. of the
thesia. Through the years it has come to be solution whenever the patient phonates or
recognized that thiopental is not only not a moves. The largest doses that we have used
good analgesic, but is even antanalgesic- have been in operations on the brain.
a most unfortunate term, but one which In one case a dose of 33 grains (2.2 gm.)
nevertheless manages to convey the mes- was used and in two other cases, 45 grains
sage. Furthermore, it does not produce (3 gm.). The operation in each case lasted
muscular relaxation, for although the phar- about three and a half hours."
macologist has been able to demonstrate Succinylcholine is another drug whose
an action at the myoneural junction in the usage has changed over the course of the
laboratory animal, this effect is of abso- years. When succinylcholine was intro-
lutely no clinical significance or usefulness. duced, it was hailed as the ideal muscle
Finally, thiopental, rather than obtunding relaxant because its brief and fleeting ac-
noxious reflex activity-as a good anes- tion allowed it to be employed in a dilute
thetic should-actually enhances it, at least infusion to provide controllable muscle re-
under certain clinical circumstances. laxation. The latter persisted as long as the
Yet when thiopental was introduced, it infusion was flowing, could be increased by
was advocated as, and employed for, total speeding up the infusion, and terminated
anesthesia. One of the early authoritative when the infusion was discontinued. One
writings stated: of the first clinical reports stated:
"From 2 to 5 cc. of a 2.5 per cent solution "The techniques by which succinylcho-
of pentothal sodium often is sufficient for line has been employed have varied accord-

ing to the degree and duration of muscular longer acting relaxant such as curare (for
relaxation desired. Herein lies the great which there is a reliable antagonist) for the
advantage of the drug-almost absolute maintenance of relaxation.
controllability of both the degree and du- It has been suggested that the recovery
ration of relaxation. Muscular paralysis from dual block may be just as rapid as that
may be kept at a level just below that of from depolarization block, and that pro-
normal muscular tone, may be carried to longed recovery is due not to the dual block
apnea and total flaccidity, or to any inter- but to frank overdosage. It has been fur-
mediate stage. Similarly, the desired degree ther suggested that frank overdosage can
of relaxation may be maintained for a min- be avoided by routine monitoring of the
ute or two, or may be sustained for many magnitude of the block with a peripheral
hours, and perhaps even longer." nerve stimulator. This development could
The first change in the use of succinyl- lead to yet a third change in the use of
choline came when a number of cases of succinylcholine-a trend back to the con-
prolonged postoperative apnea began to be tinuous infusion technique!
reported. These observations caused con- Nitrous oxide is still another drug em-
siderable concern; and when it was dem- ployed in anesthesia whose usage has
onstrated that succinylmonocholine, one of changed drastically in the course of time.
the breakdown products of the hydrolysis Nitrous oxide today is employed as a vehi-
of succinylcholine by plasma pseudocholin- cle gas and for its analgesic properties, for
esterase, was in itself a muscle relaxant it is recognized that it has limited potency
(much less potent, but much longer acting and is not a total anesthetic. There was a
than succinylcholine), some anesthesiolo- time, however, when it was used as the sole
gists arbitrarily set a limit on the amount anesthetic agent to produce total anesthe-
of succinylcholine which might be safely sia-including all of the facets of anesthe-
infused. The concept was that, as more and sia: hypnosis, analgesia, muscular relaxa-
more succinylcholine was infused, more tion, and obtundation of noxious reflex
and more succinylmonocholine was pro- activity. The technique by which this end
duced and "piled up" in the bloodstream, was accomplished was known as "secondary
all of which resulted in a prolonged neu- saturation": it was described by McKesson
romuscular block. At first the limit was set in a paper entitled, "Primary and Second-
at 1 gram an hour; then it became 0.5 gram ary Nitrous Oxide Saturation for Relaxa-
an hour; and finally it became 250 milli- tion and as a Test of the Patient's Capacity
grams an hour. for Operation" (McKesson, E. I.: Can. Med.
At this point, a second change in the use Ass. J. 11: 130-136, 1921) and is reprinted
of succinylcholine began to become evi- below with the kind permission of the pub-
dent. It was demonstrated that, with con- lishers.
tinued administration of the drug, the char-
acter of the block produced at the myoneu-
ral junction changed from a phase I to a PRIMARY AND SECONDARY
phase II block, and it was considered that NITROUS OXIDE
this change could account for the pro- SATURATION FOR
longed responses to succinylcholine which
were sometimes encountered. The subse-
quent publication of data suggesting that TEST OF THE PATIENT'S
phase II block (dual block, desensitization CAPACITY FOR
block) existed from the onset of the use of OPERATIONS
a drug such as succinylcholine led some
anesthesiologists to abandon the use of the McKESSON, E.J.
continuous infusion technique altogether Can. Med. Assoc. J., 11: 130-136, 1921
and to use succinylcholine only for brief
periods of relaxation (such as to facilitate A remarkable paper which begins with
endotracheal intubation), relying on a "In the primary, or induction stage of ni-

trous oxide oxygen anaesthesia, it is the muscles, and in all other tissues, consider-
usual practice to administer 100 per cent able volumes of nitrogen and oxygen,
nitrous oxide to produce unconsciousness which in the early minutes of narcosis, en-
as soon as possible by a primary saturation ter the blood stream and dilute the nitrous
of the blood with the anaesthetic gas. Very oxide, thereby preventing deeper anaes-
soon however, a small amount of oxygen thesia. In order to displace more of the
must be mixed with the nitrous oxide to nonanaesthetic gases in the body with ni-
prevent the jactitations and other manifes- trous oxide, the technic to be described as
tations of acute anoxaemia. Now, if some secondary saturation has been devised."
fixed proportion of oxygen is decided upon These clinical observations on the uptake
it will be found too small for some and too and distribution of N 20 antedate the chem-
great for others, since patients differ in ical studies of Haggard on distribution of
their mixture requirements." . . . "In a pri- ether in the dog. The anesthetic technique
mary saturation only the actively circulat- described provided the case material for
ing blood is saturated before oxygen must Courville's monograph on the pathologic
be administered. There remains in the brain lesions of hypoxia.

Published October, 1967

The existence of neurohumoral trans- substances such as ammonia or lactic acid
mitter substances at the myoneural junc- formed at the surface of the nerve endings.
tions of skeletal muscles, between auto- Then, in 1901, Langley pointed out that,
nomic nerves and their effector cells, and when adrenal extracts were injected, the
even within the central nervous system it- effects appeared to mimic the effects pro-
self, is generally accepted by the majority duced by the stimulation of sympathetic
of physiologists and pharmacologists; and nerves. Three years later, in 1904, T. R.
the theory of neurohumoral transmission Elliott hypothesized that sympathetic nerve
(that is, the concept that nerves transmit impulses release minute amounts of an epi-
their impulses across most synapses and nephrine-like substance in immediate con-
neuroeffector junctions by means of spe- tact with effector cells, and that this sub-
cific chemical agents, called neurohumoral stance was the chemical step in the process
transmitters) is the basis for the administra- of transmission.
tion of a considerable number of drugs On the other side of the autonomic sys-
employed today in the clinical practice of tem, Langley, in 1904, on the basis of his
anesthesiology. studies with pilocarpine, and Dixon, in
In actual fact, however, the existence of 1907, in more detailed studies with mus-
these neurohumoral transmitters is knowl- carine, recognized that the effects of these
edge of comparatively recent origin. Until drugs mimicked the effects of stimulation
the turn of the century, it was largely sup- of the parasympathetic nerves. Dixon pos-
posed that the transmission of excitation tulated that "excitation of a nerve induces
from the nerve terminals to effector cells the local liberation of a hormone which
was an electrical action current. One bit of causes specific activity by combination with
evidence in opposition to this concept, how- some constituent of the end-organ, muscle
ever, was the "synaptic delay" which clearly or gland."
occurs and is difficult to explain in terms It was the brilliant researches of Otto
of an electrical impulse. The first reference Loewi, however, which established the first
to the possibility that chemical substances real proof of the chemical mediation of
might be concerned was contained in the nerve impulses by the peripheral release of
suggestion by Dubois-Reymond in 1877 specific chemical agents; and he has de-
that transmission of the nerve impulse scribed the circumstances surrounding the
might be produced either electrically by performance of the classical experiments
action currents or chemically by exciting which earned him a Nobel Prize in his

autobiography which was published in OF CARDIAC NERVE

1960, the year before his death: ACTIVITY
"As far back as 1903, I discussed with
Walter M. Fletcher from Cambridge, Eng- COMMUNICATION BY O. LOEWI
land, then an associate in Marburg, the fact
that certain drugs mimic the augmentory Performed with the Support of
as well as the inhibitory effects of the stim- the Prince Liechtenstein Foundation
ulation of sympathetic and/or parasympa- (With five illustrations;
thetic nerves on their effector organs. Dur- received March 20, 1921)
ing this discussion, the idea occurred to me
that the terminals of those nerves might Pfliiger's Arch. ges. Physiol., 189: 239-242,
contain chemicals, that stimulation might 1921
liberate them from the nerve terminals,
and that these chemicals might in turn
transmit the nervous impulse to their re-
spective effector organs. At that time, I did "Discussion of Results. The experiments
not see a way to prove the correctness of show that, after stimulation of inhibitory
this hunch, and it entirely slipped my con- and excitatory nerves, substances are dem-
scious memory until it emerged again in onstrated in the perfusion fluid of the heart
1920. which have the same type of effect as does
"The night before Easter Sunday of that nerve stimulation itself. Thus, under the
year, I awoke, turned on the light, and influence of nerve stimulation, these sub-
jotted down a few notes on a tiny slip of stances are formed or given off, or they are
thin paper. Then I fell asleep again. It formed beforehand and only then do the
occurred to me at six o'clock in the morn- cells become responsive to them. There are
ing that during the night I had written two possible explanations for the meaning
down something most important, but I was of these substances. They may arise as a
unable to decipher the scrawl. The next direct result of nerve stimulation independ-
night, at three o'clock, the idea returned. ent of the type of cardiac activity and may
It was the design of an experiment to de- in their turn initiate specific cardiac reac-
termine whether or not the hypothesis of tivity to the nerve impulse, which would
chemical transmission that I had uttered therefore be effective only indirectly. If
seventeen years ago was correct. I got up their effect in this experimental design lags
immediately, went to the laboratory, and quantitatively behind that of nerve stimu-
performed a simple experiment on a frog lation, it should be no surprise, for one
heart according to the nocturnal design." must assume that only an infinitesimal
This experiment, which became the amount of the substances formed in or on
foundation of the theory of neurohumoral the cells, or given off by them, is transmit-
or chemical transmission of nerve impulses, ted to the perfusing fluid; in addition, this
was described in Loewi's famous paper, produces marked dilution. There is the
"Uber humorale Ubertragbarkeit der second possibility that the substances are
Herznervenwirkung" (Pfluger's Arch. ges. only products of the particular type of car-
Physiol., 189: 239-242, 1921). "Classical diac activity initiated by nerve stimulation;
File" and its readers are indebted to Dr. in this case, the identity of their effect with
Carl S. Hellijas of the Department of Anes- that of nerve stimulation would, to a certain
thesiology at Harford Hospital for his extent, be fortuitous.
translation of this paper, which is printed "Regarding the nature of these sub-
below. stances, the only thing we can exclude at
the moment with respect to the products
of vagal stimulation is potassium, because
enhanced potassium activity is not inhibited
CONCERNING THE by atropine, which was effective in our

PublishedJune, 1961
Spinal analgesia, as an anesthetic tech- extended (except by the use of continuous
nique, has enjoyed varying degrees of pop- techniques or vasopressors) when the op-
ularity that have alternated from overly eration outlasts the anesthesia. Spinal an-
enthusiastic acceptance to complete and to- esthesia may also be uncontrollable as to
tal rejection. Curiously enough, there is the extent of block, and both respiratory
nothing either strange or incongruous depression (from high motor block) and
about this cyclical history of the popularity distressing circulatory changes (from auto-
of spinal as a form of anesthesia, for it is nomic block) may result from its adminis-
the direct result of the fact that the tech- tration. The most malevolent disadvantage
nique possesses, at one and the same time, of spinal anesthesia, however, is the occur-
both superb advantages and devastating rence of postoperative neurologic changes,
drawbacks. which may range all the way from simple
Each wave of enthusiasm and acceptance postspinal headache to cranial nerve pal-
has been generated by the very real bene- sies, cauda equina syndrome, and ascend-
fits that spinal anesthesia can contribute to ing myelitis.
the operative care of the surgical patient. The frequency of untoward results,
From the surgeon's point of view, perhaps either immediate or late, following spinal
no other form of anesthesia can provide anesthesia, is inversely proportional to the
such excellent muscular relaxation for pel- intelligence of application and the meticu-
vic and intraabdominal surgery, for not lousness of attention to detail employed by
only is the reflex arc interrupted and the the anesthetist administering this form of
muscles of the abdominal wall paralyzed, anesthesia. The fact that spinal anesthesia
but the gut is vigorously contracted by sym- has persisted in the anesthetist's armamen-
pathetic blockade. From the patient's point tarium for over sixty years, despite occa-
of view, spinal anesthesia not only permits sional untoward results and subsequent
the retention of consciousness (which some waves of rejection, only serves to emphasize
patients dread to lose), but it also precludes the inherent great advantages of the tech-
the occurrence of secretions, excitement, nique.
postanesthetic nausea and vomiting, and It is not surprising, then, that another
somnolence during the immediate postop- regional technique, possessing many of the
erative period that may be associated with inherent advantages of spinal anesthesia,
general anesthesia. From the anesthetist's yet obviating a number of the more dis-
point of view, spinal anesthesia permits an tressing and dire disadvantages, has be-
approximate maintenance of the physiolog- come increasingly popular and in many
ical status quo since it is accomplished by instances has supplanted spinal anesthesia.
little disturbance of most metabolic proc- The reference, of course, is to epidural
esses; it also is nonflammable and so per- anesthesia, which was employed with vary-
mits the use of cautery, x-ray, and other ing degrees of success by such men as Corn-
electrical appliances; and it is inexpensive ing, Sicard, Cathelin, Tuffier and Heile in
in comparison with some other anesthetic the period from 1885 to 1913, but was
agents and techniques of administration. really developed by the Spaniard, Fidel
Nevertheless, and despite these very sub- Pages, working at the General Hospital of
stantial advantages, spinal anesthesia has Madrid in 1920 and 1921. Survey of Anes-
been accompanied on occasions by unto- thesiology and its readers are indebted to
ward results which, when they have oc- Dr. Gordon P. Lowther and Dr. Juan Es-
curred frequently, have ultimately led to a cudero for the translation into English of
wave of rejection. Spinal anesthesia may be Pages' article on spinal epidural anesthesia,
quite uncontrollable as to duration of entitled "Anestesia Metamerica", which
block, so that on the one hand it cannot be was published in the June and July, 1921,
terminated when deleterious effects do oc- issues of Revista de Sanidad Militar (Pagies,
cur; nor, on the other hand, can it be F.: Rev. san. mil., Madrid, 11: 351-365,

June; 385-396,July, 1921) and is reprinted "This result encouraged us to study the
below. method further and we called it "Segmental
Anaesthesia" since the loss of sensation
could be confined to a limited number of
SEGMENTAL ANAESTHESIA spinal segments, leaving those above and
below unaffected by the block."

General Hospital, Madrid

Rev. san. mil. Madrid, 11: 351-365 SEGMENTAL
and 385-396, 1921 ANAESTHESIA TO DATE
Repair of inguinal hernia ................... 18
"Last November, whilst giving a spinal Repair of femoral hernia ................... 3
anaesthetic, it occurred to me to block the Appendicectomy ......................... 4
nerves between the intervertebral spaces Gastroenterostomy ........................ 2
and the meninges rather than pierce the Gastrectomy ............................. 1
dura. Instead of using the Stovaine which Freeing of adhesions following appendicectomy 1
I had ready, I used a Type A Novocaine- Cholecystectomy & exploration of common bile
adrenaline preparation containing 375 mg. duct .................................
Nephroplexy ............................
of Novocaine and 25 ml. of normal saline
Resection for drainage of effusions etc. (anaes-
in a galley pot, injecting it through the
thesia inadequate in one case)..............
needle which was lying between the 2nd Operation on calcaneum ...................
and 3rd lumbar vertebrae. Amputation of thigh ......................
"On testing sensation five minutes later, Arthrotomy of knee .......................
pain appreciation was clearly reduced, Dislocated shoulder (anaesthetic failure) .......
commencing below the umbilicus and Haemorrhoidectomy ......................
spreading to the antero-lateral surfaces of Hydrocoele .............................
the lower limbs. At this time, however, Block dissection of glands of neck (analgesia com-
there was no loss of sensation over the plete but patient collapsed) ................ I

perineum and posterior surfaces of the Total ............................... 43

lower limbs or the soles of the feet. Anal-
gesia gradually increased until, twenty min- "These results, considering that they rep-
utes after the injection, it was sufficient to resent the first cases in which segmental
permit the repair of a right inguinal hernia anaesthesia has been employed, are to my
without the patient experiencing any dis- mind acceptable and justify further inves-
comfort. tigations."


Published April, 1960

The florists of Chicago found carnations shipments to Chicago. The carnations
in curiously short supply in 1908. It was which had been shipped to Chicago and
not that it was a "bad year" for carnations, placed in greenhouses seemed to "go to
for the growers had produced even more sleep." Buds of flowers which at the time
than in previous years, but the carnation of shipment showed petals and seemed des-
growers had met with serious losses on their tined to open into full bloom in the imme-
diate future failed to do so. This strange studies to other animals, to Carter and him-
behavior on the part of apparently normal self, and to other volunteer workers. Luck-
carnations piqued the scientific interest of hardt and Carter reported their prelimi-
but few, although it was of considerable nary experiences with ethylene as a gaseous
financial interest to the bewildered carna- anesthetic early in 1923, but the classic
tion growers. Two botanists of the Hull account of ethylene anesthesia was pub-
Botanical Laboratory, however, William lished by Luckhardt and Dean Lewis later
Crocker and Lee Irving Knight, did go to that same year in thejournal of the American
work on the problem of these ailing flow- Medical Association, 81: 1851-1857, De-
ers. Considerable research demonstrated cember 1, 1923, under the title of "Clinical
that it was the illuminating gas which was Experiences with Ethylene-Oxygen-Anes-
used to heat the greenhouses into which thesia."
the carnations were shipped from the grow-
ers that was the offender; and Crocker and
Knight demonstrated further that ethyl-
ene, which comprises about 4 per cent of CLINICAL EXPERIENCES
illuminating gas, was the major culprit. WITH ETHYLENE-OXYGEN
The solution of this mystery received but ANESTHESIA
passing attention, and then was buried deep
in the pages of the Botanical Gazette. Bur- ARNO B. LUCKHARDT, PH.D., M.D.
ied, but not forgotten: for a decade later, AND DEAN LEWIS, M.D.
Arno Benedict Luckhardt, University of
Chicago physiologist, became intrigued Chicago
with the fatal effects of ethylene on carna- J.A.M.A., 81: 1851-1857, 1923
tions, castor oil plants and sweet pea seed-
lings. Because of these toxic effects of eth-
ylene on plants, Luckhardt began to study "Several months ago, a preliminary re-
the effects of the drug on animals. These port was published on the use of ethylene
researches were interrupted temporarily by gas as an anesthetic in a series of 106 op-
the Great War, but when resumed there- erative cases. A previous report presented
after, in collaboration with J. B. Carter, a rather detailed study of the physiologic
confirmed the exciting discovery that eth- action of the gas on the usual laboratory
ylene did not kill, only anesthetized ani- animals, including a number of normal
mals. men. Since that time the number of oper-
In retrospect, perhaps the discovery ations performed at the Presbyterian Hos-
should not have caused that amount of pital, Chicago, has risen to some 800. In
excitement: Ludimar Hermann noted a the preliminary communication on the clin-
mildly intoxicating action of ethylene as ical phases of the work, certain important
early as 1864; Eulenberg presented exper- facts received no mention at all, and others
imental evidence of the anesthetic qualities were ascertained only as the work pro-
of ethylene in 1876; and Sir Benjamin gressed. Our attention was furthermore
Ward Richardson found ethylene to be an called to some earlier literature on ethylene
admirable agent for general anesthesia. which we had overlooked in spite of what
Nevertheless, these reports were either hid- we considered a thorough search. These
den away in the German literature or had reasons have prompted us to issue this re-
not been formally published; so Luckhardt port."
was excited and sufficiently so to extend his * * * *


Published October, 1957

The clinical utility of anesthetic agents THE ABSORPTION,
usually has been appreciated months, years, DISTRIBUTION,
or even decades, before the modus oper-
andi of those agents has been understood.
It has been for this reason that the Art of ETHYL ETHER
anesthesia has remained in the ascendancy HAGGARD, H.W.
over the Science of anesthetic administra-
tion, even today. One of the problems ac- J. Biol. Chem., 59: 737-770
counting for this unfortunate state of af- (April) 1924
fairs in the past has been the lack of facili-
ties, personnel, and adequate support, for J. Biol. Chem., 59: 771-802
the detailed laboratory investigations nec- (April) 1924
essary to elucidate all the actions of a new
drug before its introduction to clinical Haggard's series of 5 papers dealt with
practice. A second, and equally important the absorption, distribution, and elimina-
problem, has been the physician's reluc- tion of ethyl ether.
tance to deny his patient the known bene- The sections were as follows:
fits of a new drug, pending the total inves-
I. "The Amount of Ether Absorbed in Relation to
tigation of all of its attributes. Both of these the Concentration Inhaled and its Fate in the
problems, naturally, were more intense at Body" in which the laws governing the concen-
the time of the introduction of clinical an- tration of ether in air and its distribution between
esthesia in 1846; but even the most desul- air and blood are discussed. Measurements were
tory scan of the current literature on such made of the concentration of ether in the arterial
agents as Viadril, Fluothane, the Phenothi- blood and in the urine.
azine derivatives, and such muscle relaxant II. "Analysis of the Mechanism of Absorption and
drugs as Mylaxen, suggests that both of Elimination of Such a Gas or Vapor as Ethyl
these problems are still present today to Ether." A diagram illustrates the relations of res-
plague the anesthesiologist in clinical prac- piration, circulation, and body tissue, the factors
concerned in the absorption and elimination of
ether. Mathematical analyses and the underlying
In the case of ether, and despite the principles were discussed. In addition, the in-
remarkably keen clinical observations of crease in rate of induction and elimination of
such men as Snow, it was almost a century ether when used in conjunction with carbon diox-
before the fundamental physical and phys- ide was described.
iologic mechanisms of action were docu- III. "The Relation of the Concentration of Ether or
mented by sound scientific investigation. any Similar Volatile Substance in the Central
The 1924 volume of the Journal of Biolog- Nervous System to the Concentration in the Ar-
ical Chemistry contained Howard Hag- terial Blood, and the Buffer Action of the Body."
gard's brilliant series of articles on "The Measurement of the ether tension in the arterial
blood and in the internal jugular vein is an index
Absorption, Distribution, and Elimination of basic concentration reached in the central ner-
of Ethyl Ether." They are papers which vous system which is the determining factor in
stand out as one of the landmarks of the the anesthesia action of ether.
introduction of scientific reasoning and un- IV. "The Anesthetic Tension of Ether and the Phys-
derstanding into the administration of clin- iological Response to Various Concentrations."
ical anesthesia. When the body is in complete equilibrium with
any inhaled concentration, the ether content was thesia is undesirable; by increasing the concentra-
shown to be similar in blood drawn from any site tion, the induction can be greatly accelerated.
in the body. More dilute concentrations of ether may be used
V. "The Importance of the Volume of Breathing to avoid pulmonary irritation, but the volume of
during the Induction and Termination of Ether alveolar air exchanged will be increased by the
Anesthesia" Prolonged induction of ether anes- addition of dilute carbon dioxide."


Published December, 1979

A good many anesthesia residents begin- subsequent venipuncture-never crosses
ning their education today have the strange the resident's mind. The idea is completely
notion that anesthesia can only be induced foreign to the thinking of the resident, who
with an i.v. drug. It is not strange that they has been imbued with the concept that,
have this strange notion, since almost all of first and foremost, a venous line must be
the inductions which they have observed established. This is a dictum with which
have been accomplished by the i.v. injec- there can usually be little or no quarrel
tion of a drug such as thiopental, or diaze- (there are, of course, exceptions to every
pam, or Innovar, or ketamine, or droperi- rule); but the resident has not yet learned
dol, or morphine, or the like; and they that the when of the initiation of a venous
therefore quite naturally assume that this line is not carved in granite, nor cast in
is the way that anesthesia is induced. As a bronze, as having to be prior to the induc-
result, having failed in the initial attempt tion of anesthesia.
at venipuncture, they will stab endlessly at One of the reasons-probably the rea-
the poor defenseless, insufficiently medi- son-that the resident does not consider
cated, scared-to-death, and vasoconstricted an inhalation induction is that she or he has
patient in futile attempts to establish an i.v. not become sufficiently confident of an
line into which they can inject whichever ability to maintain an airway with just a
of the above listed drugs they have chosen mask and a pair of hands, aided and abetted
for the purpose of inducing anesthesia. perhaps with a pharyngeal airway. There is
While the resident struggles to achieve ven- a prevalent belief abroad in the land of the
ipuncture, the patient becomes increas- novice resident that an endotracheal tube
ingly-and quite justifiably-upset; and is essential to the maintenance of the anes-
the surgeon, fully gowned and gloved, thetic state, and that, if an endotracheal
paces the periphery of the operating room tube is not in place, it cannot be true gen-
and also becomes understandably upset. eral anesthesia. The use of massive doses
Soon the rest of the surgical team, also fully of narcotics and muscle relaxants in today's
gowned and gloved, naturally begin to anesthesia makes this concept true in a
share in the concern; and, in time, the great many instances, of course; but until
feeling of tension in the room reaches the these drugs are used, and an endotracheal
anesthesia resident, who becomes so frantic tube must be in place, the resident must be
in his probings with the needle that every capable of maintaining an airway with the
attempt is doomed to failure. mask, a pharyngeal airway, and 2 hands.
The idea of a mask induction to produce However, if anesthesia is to be induced
light inhalation anesthesia, with its abun- successfully with a mask and maintained
dant vasodilation-and an amazingly easy without an endotracheal tube, the resident

must have considerable visual knowledge They are rather the work of my friends, and mine all
of what constitutes normal respiratory run together.
movements, with the chest and abdomen It is too bad that our necessity for earning the
dollar prevents us from getting together oftener. I
rising in a smooth, synchronous fashion
have missed the contacts more and more because I
without either intercostal or xiphoid re- have been able to attend meetings less and less. I
traction. Only when this happy state of promise myself that I will get around, and then when
respiratory affairs is appreciated can the the time comes I find an excuse to stay at home. My
changes produced by inhalation anesthe- loss.
sia-and therefore the respiratory signs of I have often thought and I believe more as I study
inhalation anesthesia-be put to use in the the question that your description of Ascending Res-
management of the anesthetic state. piratory Paralysis was one of the most helpful pieces
Knowledge and appreciation of the res- of work we have had in this generation. I appreciate
piratory signs of inhalation anesthesia it very much.
Thanks again for your generosity, and with best
evolved rather slowly. The incomparable
wishes and highest esteem, I am
John Snow, in his classic 1858 volume, "On Sincerely
Chloroform and Other Anaesthetics: Their Art Guedel"
Action and Administration," pointed out
that in deep chloroform anesthesia "the The observations by Miller to which
breathing is rendered difficult, feeble, or Guedel was referring in his letter were
irregular, and is sometimes performed only presented in an article titled, "Ascending
by the diaphragm, whilst the intercostal Respiratory Paralysis under General Anes-
muscles are paralyzed." thesia," which was published in the January
Guedel, in his classification of the signs 17th, 1925 issue of the Journal of the Amer-
of inhalation anesthesia which he presented ican Medical Association (84: 201) and is
in 1920, wrote: "There is no regularity or reprinted below.
rhythm to the respiration of the second, or
stage of excitement. From experience we
recognize the transition from the second to
the third stage, by the inauguration of res- ASCENDING RESPIRATORY
piration that is rhythmical and exagger- PARALYSIS UNDER
ated. The exaggeration is marked and con- GENERAL ANESTHESIA
tinues so, almost without change, provided
there is a continuance of sufficient ether to ALBERT H. MILLER
carry the anesthesia progressively down- Providence, Rhode Island
ward throughout the first, second and third
strata of the third stage. However, as the J.A.M.A., 84: 201, 1925
fourth or deepest stratum of this stage is
entered, the respiration shows beginning "Under general anesthesia, the following
depression. This depression continues pro- types of respiration are to be noted: Exag-
gressively downward through the fourth gerated Thoracic Type (T.+). -Inspiration
stratum until its complete cessation marks is produced by expansion of the chest with-
the transition into the fourth stage." out movement of the diaphragm or abdom-
The man, however, who made the most inal wall, or with retraction of the abdom-
precise and detailed analysis of the respi- inal wall. This type of respiration -has
ratory movements during inhalation anes- been noted in some cases in which inflam-
thesia was Albert H. Miller of Providence, matory lesions affecting the peritoneum of
Rhode Island. Guedel wrote to Miller con- the diaphragmatic region were present.
cerning the latter's contribution in relation "Mixed, or Usual, Type (M.). -During
to ascending respiratory paralysis: inspiration there is a synchronous expan-
"Dear A.H.: sion of the chest and protrusion of the
Thanks many times for sending me the R. I. Jour- abdominal wall.
nal, and for your generous reference to my work. I "Delayed Thoracic Type (D.T.). -The
do not feel that these stages of anesthesia are my work. chest expands during inspiration notably

later in the respiratory cycle than occurs During each inspiration, the abdominal
the contraction of the diaphragm. wall rises while the chest retracts. Expira-
"Abdominal Type (A.). -Inspiration is tion is marked by retraction of the abdom-
brought about entirely by the contraction inal wall and expansion of the chest.
of the diaphragm, with protrusion of the "These types of respiration, in the order
abdominal wall but without movement of given, result from a progressive ascending
the chest. paralysis of the respiratory muscles."
"Exaggerated Abdominal Type (A.+). -


Published August, 1981

There was a time, not much more than Technical Simplists had history on their
a generation ago, when the use of more side. First there was nitrous oxide, then
than 2 drugs during the administration of sulphuric ether, then chloroform, and then
anesthesia was accused of being polyphar- chloric ether-each given singly as the sole
macy; and not only was polypharmacy con- and only anesthetic drug. Nitrous oxide
sidered to be bad, it was considered to be was administered as the pure gas; whereas
very bad. One could not tell what effects ether, chloroform and chloric ether were
one was obtaining from which drug; and, vaporized in air. This state of affairs per-
much more importantly, one could not sisted for almost a quarter of a century,
know when it was appropriate to add more until 1868, when Edmund Andrews, who
of this drug, or less of that one. The Phar- was the Professor of the Principles and
macological Purists howled that polyphar- Practice of Surgery at the Chicago Medical
macy was like the old-fashioned shotgun College, advocated the addition of oxygen
prescription, which threw in a pinch of to nitrous oxide. "I have for some time
most of the then-current pharmacopia in been experimenting," he wrote, "to see
the hope that whatever the diagnosis might whether by the addition of free oxygen to
in truth be, one of the many ingredients of the nitrous oxide, a mixture would not be
the prescription would halt the disease obtained, by which a patient might be anes-
process. thetized for an indefinite period without
The Technical Simplists had a different, danger of asphyxia, and thus render gas
but still accusatory, attack. They moaned available for the most prolonged operations
that polypharmacy made the administra- of surgery. These experiments are not yet
tion of anesthesia too complex, and that finished, but they have advanced far
the complex in medicine is often more dan- enough to show that the preparation, which
gerous in the hands of the inexperienced I have named the Oxygen Mixture, is cer-
and unknowing than is the simple. This is, tainly available for a large part of our op-
of course, patently true; but it is less an erations, and that for pleasantness, and
argument against the use of several drugs probable safety, it is infinitely superior to
during the administration of anesthesia chloroform, ether, or unmixed nitrous ox-
than it is an argument-and a very good ide."
one, too-against the inexperienced and Polypharmacy had begun!
unknowing as the purveyors of anesthesia It can be argued, quite justifiably, that
in any form. the addition of oxygen to nitrous oxide
The Pharmacological Purists and the administration is really not a mixture of

anesthetic agents. Probably the first true mixtures until 1864, when the Committee
combinations were the various prepara- of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical So-
tions which incorporated both chloroform ciety advocated a trial of George Harley's
and ether, with or without the addition of famous A.C.E. mixture: alcohol, 1 part;
ethyl alcohol. Such a mixture was suggested chloroform, 2 parts; and ether, 3 parts. By
by John Gabb, of Bewdley, in the Lancet in the 1880's, this combination had attained
May of 1848, just a few months after the a considerable popularity. Indeed, the
introduction of chloroform. He proposed A.C.E. preparation was the first anesthesia
that it might be, "desirable to add a little known to the Mayo Brothers, as William
of the stimulating effect of the ether to the Mayo has described: "My brother and I
directly sedative influence of the chloro- were brought up in medicine as farm boys
form ... Could this not be done by mixing are brought up on the farm. As fast as we
the two agents in properly ascertained pro- were old enough, we were given tasks that
portions? I should think ... about one part had to do with medicine ... Even at that
ether to two parts chloroform would be the time I helped Father with his surgical op-
best proportion for the majority of cases." erations, acting as first assistant, and Char-
An almost immediate reply in a subsequent lie, at the ripe age of twelve, was forced
issue of the journal by Vaughan Jones, of into giving the anesthetic, the old ACE
Westminster, stated, "the administration mixture . . . He was initiated at an opera-
... would not be found practicable, on tion for removal of a large ovarian tumor.
account of the difference in specific gravity Father was one of the first surgeons in
of the two agents." America to undertake these operations.
The incomparable John Snow made the The operation in question was done in a
same point about a year later: "As the most private home, an old house with a stone
desirable strength of a volatile narcotic liq- barn about two miles southeast of Roches-
uid, not requiring great care in its use, is ter on what is now Highway 52. In the
between that of chloroform and that of midst of the operation, the doctor who was
sulphuric ether, it might be supposed that giving the anesthetic fainted. Charlie
by mixing the two medicines the desired climbed up onto a cracker box and gave
end would be attained: but such is not the the anesthetic, and he did so well that from
case: they have been so mixed by some that time on he was the family anesthetist."
practitioners, and I have tried them to- The A.C.E. mixture led in a rather roun-
gether, but the result is a combination of dabout way to the most important anes-
the undesirable qualities of both, without thetic combination developed during the
any compensating advantage. Ether is first hundred years of anesthesia, the ni-
about six times as volatile as chloroform trous oxide-ether (or "gas-ether") se-
... When the two liquids are mixed, al- quence.
though they then evaporate together, the In the 1860's there was considerable con-
ether is converted into vapour much more cern in England over the mortality rates
rapidly; and in whatever proportions they associated with the administration of chlo-
are combined, before the whole is evapo- roform anesthesia; and, in fact, this was
rated the last portion of the liquid is nearly precisely why the Committee of the Royal
all chloroform; the consequence is that at Medical and Chirurgical Society had been
the commencement of the inhalation the appointed. It was the Committee's charge,
vapour inspired is chiefly ether, and to- "to give their anxious attention to devise
wards the end nearly all chloroform; the means for obviating such accidents;" and,
patient experiencing the stronger pun- as we have seen, they came up with the
gency of ether when it is most objectionable A.C.E. mixture as an alternative to chlo-
and inhaling the more powerful vapour at roform. Their suggestion of the mixture,
the conclusion, when there is the most need however, was inherently a suggestion for
to proceed cautiously." using ether as an auxiliary to chloroform,
Snow's authoritative condemnation and this very much served to turn the at-
served to dampen any enthusiasm for such tention of anesthetists back to ether, a drug
which they had known since the halcyon drews, as we have already noted, had ad-
days of the 1840's. vocated the "oxygen mixture" of nitrous
Also at this time, Europe was introduced oxide and oxygen as early as 1868, and
to the revival of nitrous oxide as an anes- Clover had followed with the introduction
thetic. After the tragic failure of the dem- of the nitrous oxide-ether sequence in
onstration of nitrous oxide at the Harvard 1876. What was missing was the mechani-
Medical School in 1845, the drug fell into cal apparatus by which the 3 drugs could
disrepute and was not employed for many be administered in combination. Sir Fred-
years. However, its use was revived by erick W. Hewitt, in 1887, devised a ma-
Gardner Quincy Colton with great success chine for the administration of nitrous ox-
in 1862. Colton amassed a vast experience ide and oxygen; but it was not until 1892
of 24,000 cases at the Colton Dental Asso- that he introduced the first practical gas
ciation in New York City, which was estab- and oxygen apparatus. The S. S. White
lished as an institution devoted exclusively Dental Manufacturing Company produced
to the extraction of teeth under nitrous the first machine for anesthesia by the
oxide anesthesia. In 1867, Colton visited "non-asphyxial" method of Hewitt, and this
Paris to attend the International Exhibition became the prototype necessary for the
and the First International Medical Con- development of apparatus for the adminis-
gress. While in Paris, he met T. W. Evans, tration of the gas-oxygen-ether sequence.
a fellow countryman who had practiced in GOE was the most important combination
the French capital as a dental surgeon for of inhalation agents employed during the
some years, and he instructed Evans in the first half of the present century and domi-
preparation and administration of nitrous nated the anesthetic scene for most of that
oxide. Evans was an apt and enthusiastic time.
pupil, and he soon accumulated his own The most important non-inhalation drug
experience of upwards of 1,000 cases using used in anesthetic mixtures was morphine.
the agent for dental extractions. The fol- The morphine story is told separately be-
lowing year, in March of 1868, Evans went cause it is different in both texture and
to London and gave several demonstra- substance. On the one hand, the drug was
tions at the National Dental Hospital. undoubtedly the first to be used intention-
These demonstrations were attended by ally for preanesthetic medication; and on
the leading metropolitan anesthetists and the other hand, its use during general an-
dentists of the day, including, of course, esthesia can arguably be said to represent
Joseph Clover, who had succeeded John the first inkling of what we now call Bal-
Snow as the dominant figure in British anced Anesthesia-although admittedly its
anesthesia. use during anesthesia at that time was
Clover was an original genius, like Snow; scarcely thought of in terms of the prop-
but whereas Snow's greatness lay in his erties of hypnosis-analgesia-muscle relaxa-
power to grasp and formulate the physio- tion-obtundation of reflex activity which
logic processes of anesthesia, Clover's lay we consider to be Balanced Anesthesia to-
in his resourcefulness and his inventiveness day.
in devising apparatus and methods of ad- Keys states that W. W. Greene, of the
ministration based on scientific principles. Maine Medical School, was the first to ad-
It was while watching Evan's demonstra- vocate, in 1868, the use of morphine dur-
tions of nitrous oxide that Clover foresaw ing inhalation anesthesia as a procedure to
the possibility of modifying his own appa- prevent shock, delerium and nausea, and
ratus to permit the patient the pleasantness to shorten the anesthetic influence. How-
of induction with nitrous oxide and the ever, Barbara Duncum records that, as
potency of anesthesia with ether-and early as 1864, Nussbaum of Munich acci-
"gas-ether" was born! dentally discovered that an injection of
It was not a long step-although it took morphine appeared to intensify and pro-
a long time-from "gas-ether" to the classic long chloroform anesthesia: " ... he had
gas-oxygen-ether sequence, or GOE. An- already given chloroform for about an

hour, during the extirpation of a malignant smaller quantity of the latter is needed. In
tumour, when, fearing to prolong the in- this way one obtains anesthesia without so
halation, he decided to substitute the use pronounced a stage of excitement and
of morphine. The subcutaneous injection above all without running so great a risk of
of 1 grain in solution not only provided accident as one does with large and re-
satisfactory anaesthesia for the completion peated doses of chloroform." These advan-
of the operation, as Nussbaum expected, tages, Bernard thought, should recom-
but it also produced a long period of post- mend the method, which he termed "mixed
operative tranquillity. Nussbaum was much anesthesia," to surgeons.
struck by this latter phenomenon and de- The philosophy inherent in "mixed an-
cided to turn it to account in future oper- esthesia" was carried one step further when
ations. The technique which he developed the late George Crile, Sr., propounded his
was first to establish chloroform anesthesia Theory of Anoci-Association in 1911.
and then to inject, hypodermically, half a Crile, reasoning along physiologic lines, ar-
grain of acetate of morphine. This, he gued that, not only must the brain be pro-
claimed, gave 'five or six hours of tranquil tected against destructive psychic strain by
sleep' post-operatively, during which the the use of general anesthesia, but that local
patient was spared both pain and restless- anesthesia must also be employed to ex-
ness. A report on Nussbaum's work was clude noxious impulses arising from the site
made by a special committee appointed by of surgical interventions. He pointed out
the Versailles Medical Society. After exper- that, although such double protection
imenting on dogs the committee pro- could be achieved by deep general anesthe-
nounced itself satisfied 'that the prolonga- sia produced with a single drug such as
tion of chloroform anesthesia by means of chloroform or ether, the cost to the patient
hypodermic injections of the salts of mor- in terms of deranged metabolism could be
phia may be regarded as an established horrendous.
fact.'" It remained for John Lundy, who
It was the great French physiologist, adopted a similar line of reasoning, to coin
Claude Bernard, however, who did the de- the term, "Balanced Anesthesia," which he
finitive investigations on the use of mor- employed to designate the use of a combi-
phine in conjunction with inhalation anes- nation of anesthetic drugs and methods so
thesia. A chloroformed dog on which he balanced that the burden for the relief of
was experimenting recovered conscious- pain would be borne in part by the prelim-
ness, and Bernard injected what he knew inary medication, in part by regional anes-
to be an anesthetic dose of morphine. The thesia, and in part by general anesthesia.
animal not only became unconscious but, Lundy first published the term, "Balanced
even more surprisingly, showed signs of Anesthesia", in a paper under that title in
renewed chloroform anesthesia. He re- Minnesota Medicine in 1926 (Lundy, J.S.:
peated this experiment several times with Balanced anesthesia. Minnesota Med, 9:
the same results, and then he reversed the 399, 1926). It is reprinted below with the
process: i.e., he injected the morphine first kind permission of the publisher.
and then induced chloroform anesthesia.
"When one begins with chloroform," he
stated, "the unconsciousness produced is BALANCED ANESTHESIA
long drawn out as a result of the influence
of the morphine, but by giving the mor- JOHN S. LUNDY
phine first ... scarcely is the inhalation of Rochester, Minnesota
chloroform interrupted before sensibility
returns. Thus one had a rapid means alter- Minnesota Med., 9: 399, 1926.
natively to suspend and reestablish sensibil-
ity and this is important in certain cases... "The average healthy man, other things
In giving an injection of morphine first and being equal, thrives on a balanced diet. No
then administering chloroform a much one food will satisfy all his requirements

and yet any one food taken in excess ulti- any marked reaction to the drug; nitrous
mately produces untoward results. The av- oxide or ethylene anesthesia may next be
erage healthy man is likewise usually able superimposed on the foundation provided
to take into his system a small dose of any by the preliminary hypnotics and the local
of the anesthetic agents commonly used anesthesia and not be carried to the point
without untoward results, but a very large where the patient's natural color changes;
amount of any of these anesthetic agents to these agents ether may then be added in
ends unpleasantly. It seems logical that a sufficient quantity to produce the desired
combination of the various agents might be relaxation.
used, each one in small enough amount so "It is proposed that anesthesia in this case
that it would produce no unsatisfactory be produced by the combined effects of a
effect: whereas collectively these agents moderate amount of preliminary hypnotic,
produce a balanced anesthesia after the a moderate amount of local anesthetic, a
fashion of a good diet. moderate amount of nitrous oxide or eth-
"Balanced anesthesia for an average ylene, and an amount of ether sufficient to
healthy man might be as follows: for an obtain the desired result. It is assumed that
hour or an hour and a half before operation this person will have very little untoward
his nervous system is quieted by means of effect from any one of the anesthetics here
preliminary hypnotics without overdosage; employed, but that when combined they
at the time of operation sufficient local will usually produce satisfactory anesthe-
anesthetic may be employed either region- sia."
ally or by infiltration without producing


Published April, 1972

The first issue of the New EnglandJour- in 1827; and Baltimore entered the jour-
nal of Medicine and Surgery and the Collat- nalistic lists with its short-lived Medical and
eral Branches of Science appeared in January Physical Recorder which appeared in 1809),
of 1812. It contained "Remarks on Angina but it was the first journal of medicine in
Pectoris," by Dr. John Warren: "Remarks the country, if not the world, which has
on the Morbid Effects of Dentition," by Dr. continued, despite changes of form and
James Jackson; "Case of Apoplexy with Dis- name, in uninterrupted existence until the
sections," by Dr. John C. Warren; "Treat- present day.
ment of Injuries Occasioned by Fire," by The Editorial Board of the New England
Dr. Jacob Bigelow; and "Remarks on Dis- Journal of Medicine and Surgery and the Col-
eases Resembling Syphilis," by Dr. Walter lateral Branches of Science contained some
Channing. unforgettable names of Boston Medicine:
It was not the first journal of medicine Dr. John Collins Warren, Dr. James Jack-
in this country (the Medical Repository was son, Dr. John Gorham, Dr. Jacob Bigelow,
published in New York in 1797 and contin- Dr. Walter Channing, Dr. George Hay-
ued for some 20 years; the Medical Museum ward, Dr. John Ware, and Dr. John W.
was Philadelphia's contribution in 1804, Webster. The 8 men formed a club which
discontinuing publication in 1813, only to met each month to dine together and to
be revived in 1820 and changed to the read the papers submitted.
current AmericanJournal of Medical Sciences In 1824, the Editorship passed into the

hands of Drs. Walter Channing and John zation into the New EnglandJournalof Med-
Ware-and capable hands they were, too. icine, since it was the official organ of not
Dr. Channing had been born in 1786, had only the Massachusetts Medical Society, but
graduated from Harvard College in 1806, also of the Boston Surgical Society, the
and in medicine from the University of New England Pediatric Society, the New
Pennsylvania in 1809. In 1815 he was ap- Hampshire Surgical Club, and the New
pointed the first professor of obstetrics and Hampshire and Vermont Medical Socie-
jurisprudence (what a combination of cog- ties. As Dr. Robert M. Green wrote of it in
nizances!) in the Harvard Medical School, 1923, "It represents the worthy survival of
a post which he held until 1847. Dr. Ware the fittest from the past of medical jour-
was born in 1795, received his degree in nalism in New England. It derives its form
medicine from Harvard in 1816, and was from the Medical Intelligencer, its substance
the Hersey Professor of the Theory and from the New EnglandJournal of Medicine
Practice of Physic at Harvard Medical and Surgery, its spirit from both." It has not
School from 1856 until 1858. betrayed this heritage, and today the New
The New England Journal thrived under England Journal of Medicine is widely ac-
the Channing-Ware Editorship for only 3 knowledged as one of the leading publica-
years, when it combined with The Boston tions in medicine in the world.
Medical Intelligencer in 1828 to become the On December 29, 1927, in the very last
Boston Medical And Surgical Journal. The volume of the Boston Medical and Surgical
Boston Medical Intelligencer was one of the Journal before it become the N. E. J. M.,
first two medical weeklies in the world- there appeared an article of uncommon
the other was The London Lancet, under the semantic interest to the anesthesiologist. It
Editorship of the incomparable Thomas was the President's Address, read at the
Wakley-and was conducted by Jerome V. Fourth Annual Meeting of the Eastern So-
C. Smith from April 29, 1823 until Feb- ciety of Anesthetists, at Detroit, Michigan,
ruary 12, 1826. The third volume was ed- October 3 to 7, 1927. It was entitled, "The
ited by James Wilson and the fourth and Origin of the Word 'Anaesthesia,' (Boston
fifth by John G. Coffin, who continued as M. & S. Journal, 197: 1218-1222, Decem-
proprietor and editor until the last issue of ber 29, 1927) and is reprinted below with
the Intelligencer, which appeared on Feb- the kind permission of the publishers.
ruary 12, 1828.
The latter contained the following an-
nouncement: "On Tuesday next week, will
appear the first number of the Boston Med- THE ORIGIN OF THE
ical and SurgicalJournal, as a continuation WORD "ANAESTHESIA"
of this paper. When we consider the num- ALBERT H. MILLER, M.D.
ber, the talents and experience of the Edi-
tors of the forthcoming journal, and their Boston Med. Surg.J., 197: 1218, 1927
abundant resources for matter, we cannot
doubt that this paper will prove generally "The word Anaesthesia is of Greek der-
acceptable, because we feel an assurance ivation and signifies lack of feeling or sen-
that it must be interesting and useful." sation. In 1718, it was used by J. B. Quis-
Interesting and useful it was, publishing torpius in the title "De Anaesthesia". It first
a number of milestones in medicine, not appeared in English in N. Bailey's Diction-
the least of which was Dr. Henry Jacob ary of 1721 :-"Anaisthesia, a loss or Defect
Bigelow's "Insensibility During Surgical of Sense, as in such as have the Palsy, or
Operations Produced by Inhalation" in the are blasted".
Wednesday, November 18, 1846, issue.
But it also outgrew the confines of Boston,
and in 1920 the Council of the Massachu- "Parr's Medical Dictionary, 1819, de-
setts Medical Society entered into negotia- fined "Anaesthesia-Insensibility or loss of
tions for the purchase of the Boston Medical feeling, by touch. A resolution of the
and SurgicalJournal, and for its reorgani- nerves occasioning a loss of feeling, gener-
ally a symptom of palsy, the same as Stu- means employed would be properly called
por." the anti-aesthetic agent. Perhaps it might
There follows a detailed description of be allowable to say anaesthetic agent, but
the events leading up to the successful eth- this admits of question.
erization on October 16, 1846, at the Mas- "The words, antineuric, aneuric, neuro-
sachusetts General Hospital. In November, leptic, neuro-lepsia, neuro-etasis, etc., seem
following a conversation with Dr. Morton, too anatomical; whereas the change is a
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote Morton physiological one.
a letter, as follows: "I would have a name pretty soon, and
consult some accomplished scholar, such as
"Boston, Nov. 21st. 1846. President Everett or Dr. Bigelow, senior,
"My Dear Sir:-Everybody wants to have before fixing upon a term, which will be
a hand in a great discovery. All I will do is repeated by the tongue of every civilized
to give you a hint or two, as to names, or race of mankind. You will mention these
the name, to be applied to the state pro- words which I suggest for their considera-
duced and the agent. tion; but there may be others more appro-
"The state should, I think, be called 'An- priate and agreeable.
aesthesia.' This signifies insensibility, more
particularly (as used by Linnaeus and Cul- "Yours, respectfully,
len) to objects of touch. (See Good-No- "Dr. Morton."
sology, p. 259.) The adjective will be "An-
aesthetic." Thus we might say, the state of * * * *

anaesthesia, or the anaesthetic state. The

Published February, 1979

A rather undistinguished-and, in fact, ated Press, the United Press, the Interna-
an even less than mediocre-career as a tional News Service, the All-American
football player came to an abrupt and in- Board, the Collier's Magazine (for which
glorious end one bright Saturday afternoon Grantland Rice made the annual All-Amer-
in October of my senior year in high school ican selections); and that he was to receive
when I was tackled from the side while the 1941 Knute Rockne Memorial Trophy
returning a punt in the open field and my from the Touchdown Club of Washington
leg was broken. Athletic injuries in high as "the nation's outstanding college line-
school football are a dime a dozen, of man of the year." It has always been my
course, but there were 2 rather distinctive contention that, if one is going to do any-
features about this particular injury (quite thing as stupid and dull as having a leg
apart from the fact that it was my leg being broken in a high school football game, it
broken) which raised it a bit above the might just as well be broken by the best,
ordinary, plebeian high school athletic in- someone with class, style, and pinache.
jury. The second distinctive feature about the
The first was the fact that the tackle was injury was the nature of the injury itself,
made, and the leg broken, by Endicott because Chub not only broke the leg but at
"Chub" Peabody, who 25 years later was to the same time he also tore the medial me-
become the Governor of the Common- niscus in that knee. The leg healed quickly
wealth of Massachusetts. Chub's subse- (it was just a fracture of the fibula), but that
quent Governorship was not the important medial meniscus remained torn, and by the
point in making the injury distinctive, how- time the hockey season rolled around that
ever. What made it so was the fact that, 4 winter the knee took to "locking" in the
years after he had broken my leg, Chub most frivolous of circumstances-while
was to play guard on a very good Harvard skating forward, while skating backward,
football team and was to be named to the while checking, while being checked, with
1941 All-American Team by the Associ- an opponent being around, without an op-

ponent being around, you name it. Whis- was published the following month (April
pered consultations between my family and 1847) in Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des
a great friend of theirs, who was also an seances de l'Academie des sciences: "I wanted
orthopedic surgeon and physician for Har- to investigate the possibility of bringing
vard's athletic teams, decreed that the of- ether into the organism by another way
fending piece of cartilage must be re- than through the lungs, in order to avoid
moved, and removed quickly "before ar- the inconveniences of the latter method.
thritis set in." It was therefore decided that The experiments on three dogs and a rab-
I would not spend Spring Vacation hitch- bit showed that ether injected into the rec-
hiking to Fort Lauderdale in Florida with tum was absorbed rapidly and caused a
my buddies, but in a hospital having the deep anesthesia.
operation performed. "The change in color of the arterial
Why it was also decided that the opera- blood which accompanies the inhalation of
tion should be performed under general ether and which indicates the depth of the
anesthesia, rather than spinal anesthesia, in anesthetic plane did not take place when
this healthy 17 year old undergoing a knee ether was administered via the rectum.
operation was never discussed in my pres- "Research on a Dog. I injected 15 gm. of
ence, but that was the decision. In any ether mixed with 15 gm. of water (by shak-
event, when the appointed day came, I was ing intensively) into the rectum of a small
given rectal Avertin and went off to sleep dog. The animal had been fasting for seven
like a baby. As a subjective experience, the to eight hours. At the end of one minute
Avertin was several cuts above my previous there was a strong odor of ether on the
exposure to anesthesia in that same hospi- animal's breath; a pronounced foamy sa-
tal, which had occurred when my tonsils livation was observed. Four minutes later
were removed at age 5 and the anesthetist (from the beginning of the experiment) the
had handed me a balloon, told me to "take animal appeared to be completely inebri-
a big, big breath and blow up the balloon," ated and was unable to stand on its feet,
and arranged to have the big, big breath but could still drag its body on the floor.
consist of straight ether vapor. By way of There was a complete loss of sensitivity of
contrast, the Avertin was pure nectar, and the skin, brought into evidence when the
I became an immediate and ardent devotee skin was pierced with a needle. The skin
of rectal anesthesia, a devotion which lasted was incised with a knife, and incision did
until I became an anesthesia resident. But not produce any reaction of pain.
that is quite another story. "After eleven minutes the dog was still
The origins of rectal anesthesia go back inebriated; however, it tried to stand on its
a long way before the great events of the feet. At each attempt to walk the joints
1840's and the discovery of anesthesia, at gave way. At the end of eighteen minutes
least as far back as the Middle Ages, when sensitivity of the skin was still absent-the
the administration of narcotics by rectum walk was steadier, but there was still some
was known to the School of Salerno. The in-co-ordination-slowly, sensitivity of the
formally documented history of rectal an- skin returned, and there was a slight motor
esthesia, however, began a few months reaction when the skin was pierced with a
after Morton's epochal public demonstra- needle. The animal remained indifferent
tion of the efficacy of ether anesthesia on to stimuli.
October 16, 1846. The following winter-- "Twenty-two minutes later sensitivity of
just 5 months to the day-on March 16, the skin returned to normal and the dog
1847, Marc Dupuy (subsequently and fre- could walk as usual, giving no further sign
quently misspelled as "Duprey"), an intern of muscular in-co-ordination. It vomited a
of the Hospitals of Paris, presented a paper small amount of a foamy liquid, examina-
at the session of the Academie Nationale tion of which disclosed nothing of signifi-
de Medecine titled, "On the Effects of the cance.
Injection of Ether Into the Rectum," which "During the experimental period there
was no discharge from the anus. The secre- agent producing asphyxia before loss of
tion of saliva was increased, and the animal consciousness would occur. Yet vaporized
was swallowing continuously. At the end of ether would be of no more value here than
the experiment the dog started to eat ea- would any other asphyxiating gas.
gerly all the food given to him. "It seems to be the idea of these investi-
"It was concluded that the injection of gators that the primary cause of insensibil-
ether and water caused only a slight irrita- ity is asphyxia, and that ether facilitates
tion of the mucous membrane of the large asphyxia by displacement of oxygen in the
bowel, since symptoms referable to the respired air. I do not deny that asphyxia is
large bowel were at a minimum. in point of fact an excellent method of
"Research on a Rabbit. I injected 10 gm. producing unconsciousness, but I doubt
of ether mixed with 10 gm. of water in to very much whether anyone will be tempted
the rectum of a rabbit. Three minutes later to try it out even once, for fear he might
the animal was completely unconscious. I not have a second chance.
decided to examine the blood, and there-
fore I exposed and divided both femoral "Summary
arteries. The blood was perfectly normal 1) Loss of consciousness is produced by
in appearance. Afterward, I opened the injecting ether into the rectum.
abdomen by an incision reaching from the 2) The onset of the narcotic action of
thorax to the symphysis. Just as I was fin- ether given by rectum is as rapid as when
ishing the incision, the animal started to it is administered by inhalation.
move a little, which suggested that anesthe- 3) There were no manifestations of as-
sia was waning. I repeated the injection of phyxia.
ether and water and obtained a most per- 4) Rectal injection is a safer method of
fect anesthesia during the remaining ex- administration than that which consists in
perimental period. The bowel was removed inhalation of vaporized ether.
from the abdominal cavity, and the aorta "On this occasion M. Lallemand re-
was exposed and cut through. The blood marked that the opiates administered in
was flooding out of the vessel and was of a the same manner have, as already noted by
bright red color. I opened the thorax; the Dupuytren, a prompter and better action
heart was still beating weakly, the lungs than when given by mouth, since they are
were pink and exhibited not the slightest absorbed more rapidly and are not submit-
amount of congestion. The spleen, liver ted to any changes by the various digestive
and kidneys appeared normal. There was glands."
only a small amount of gas in the intestines, Almost simultaneously-and quite cer-
and the mucous membrane of the rectum tainly without any knowledge of Dupuy's
did not show any vascular congestion. communication-Nikolai Ivanovitch Piro-
"I think this proves quite conclusively goff published a paper in the same journal
that asphyxia is not a prerequisite of anes- the next month (May, 1847) on rectal an-
thesia, as some workers believe. The anes- esthesia entitled, "A New Method of An-
thesic effects of the inhalation of ether are esthetizing, with Ether Vapor, Patients Un-
not caused by suppression of oxygenation dergoing Surgical Operations":
of the venous blood in the lungs. The find- "This method consists of the administra-
ing of some investigators that arterial blood tion of ether by rectum. I was encouraged
becomes dark under the inhalation of ether by the results obtained from experiments
is simply an indication of incipient asphyxia with animals to use this method for surgical
due to insufficient aeration of the lungs. operations, even in cases in which the in-
However, these investigators claim that an- halation of ether did not exert the least
esthesia is preceded by the conversion of effect on patients.
arterial blood to venous blood. "The lower part of the large bowel was
"If this were true, the color of arterial cleaned by an enema and an elastic tube
blood would have to be modified by an was introduced into the rectum. A locking

syringe of the kind I use for the transfusion truncorum arteriorum et fasciarum fibrosa-
of blood is adapted to the distal part of the rum, not only brought him world-wide rec-
tube. This syringe is built in a sheet-metal ognition, but did much to make anatomy
container which is filled with water heated the basis of surgery. It is little wonder, then,
to 50 0 C. Due to this warm-water case, the that the name of Pirogoff is immediately
liquid ether, which is aspirated into the associated with such an innovation as rectal
syringe, changes instantly from the liquid anesthesia, and that only serious medical
to the vapor form, and it is this evaporated historians have ever heard of Dupuy.
ether which enters the rectum by the elastic There was a second important difference
tube. between the 2 contributions quoted above,
"The advantages of this method are ob- however, in addition to the comparative
vious: the organs of respiration are unaf- professional stature between intern and in-
fected. Ether anesthesia is completely in- ternationally renowned Professor: Dupuy
dependent of the patient's will power, and used liquid ether, while Pirogoff employed
the action is much faster. I have the impres- ether vapor. Dupuy won this one hands
sion that this method will replace the in- down. The trail of the use of rectal ether
halation of ether completely, which is very vapor is strewn with bloody diarrhea, ab-
often inconvenient and disagreeable to the dominal pain and distension, rupture of the
patient. Operations which are very difficult intestine, colonic ulceration, and purulent
to do when anesthesia is produced by the peritonitis, not to mention respiratory de-
inhalation method, such as operations on pression, hypotension, and death. Little
the face and mouth and in children, can be wonder that the history of rectal anesthesia
performed very easily with my method of consists of so many rejections of the tech-
anesthesia. nique, followed some years later by enthu-
"The quantity of ether did not exceed siastic rediscovery and then further rejec-
11/2 to 2 ounces in all cases that I have tion. Indeed, it was not until Gwathmey's
observed to date. Full anesthesia was ob- introduction of oil-ether rectal anesthesia
tained after three to five minutes. No com- in 1913 that the rectal route became widely
plications have been observed so far." accepted, and the installation of a liquid
No useful purpose will be served by at- anesthetic agent-be it ether, tribromo-
tempting to assign, from this distance in ethanol, trichloroethanol, paraldehyde,
time, priority in the discovery and applica- chloral hydrate, or the barbiturates-be-
tion of the method of rectal anesthesia as came firmly established as being far pref-
between Dupuy and Pirogoff. Dupuy was erable to the rectal installation of a vapor.
an intern who was never heard from before Of all the drugs tried, Avertin (tribro-
or after his historic paper. Pirogoff was an moethanol in amylene hydrate) proved to
important Professor of Clinical Surgery in be the most manageable and useful; and
St. Petersburg, internationally known, and for a period of some 20 years, during the
perhaps the most famous surgeon whom 1930's and 1940's, Avertin enjoyed great
Russia ever produced. Indeed, it has been popularity. It was ultimately displaced by
said, with a good deal of truth, that Russian thiopental as an induction agent because
surgery consists of 2 parts-pre-Pirogoff the latter was less cumbersome and more
and post-Pirogoff. Pirogoff made numer- manageable, while at the same time the
ous original contributions to surgery, par- barbiturate earned great patient (and
ticularly in the handling of amputations, therefore surgeon) acceptance.
gunshot wounds, and the surgery of bones. Two papers published on consecutive
His name lives in the Pirogoff amputation, pages in the April 22nd, 1927 issue of
a method of osteoplastic amputation of the Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift, one
foot, which he devised in 1854; the Piro- dealing with the pharmacology of Avertin
goff amputation for hernia; and the Piro- (Eichholtz, F. "Rectal Anesthesia with Av-
goff (venous) angle. One of his great inter- ertin (E 107) Pharmacologic Aspects," and
ests was topographic anatomy; and his fa- one dealing with its clinical uses (Butzen-
mous research work, Anatomia chirurgica geiger, O. "Clinical Experience with Aver-
tin (E 107)," (Deutsche med. Woch., 1: 712, out his knowledge that the procedure will
1927) served to introduce the drug to the result in anesthesia, since enemas are in-
medical community. The latter paper is cluded in the routine preparation of pa-
reprinted below. tients for an operation. I believe that for
this reason the procedure promises great
advantages for Graves disease.
"Other advantages of the method are the
CLINICAL EXPERIENCE absence of postanesthetic vomiting in most
WITH AVERTIN (E 107) patients (this was true of 80 per cent of our
patients, even after abdominal operations)
and the relative well-being after the anes-
Medical Director, Saint Mary's Hospital, thesia and a remarkable amnesia for the
Elberfeld, Germany preceding event."

Deutsche med. Woch., 1:712, 1927

"Although I have great confidence in the
"The following remarks may be made method described, because I think its ad-
about the use of E 107 anesthesia. The vantages represent an important step for-
procedure offers the great advantage of an ward, I should like to emphasize the fact
absolutely pleasant induction of anesthesia, that each session of anesthesia actually is
which is not only not exciting but is also not a harmless incident, and that it must be
directly tranquilizing.-It is therefore of managed with the greatest caution.-My
particular advantage in children and in pa- own decision, for the present, is that I shall
tients who fear anesthesia more than the not attempt to achieve complete surgical
whole operation. The induction of anesthe- anesthesia by means of E 107 until more
sia can be started in the form of an enema and broader experience shall have accu-
administered to the patient in his bed, with- mulated."


PublishedJune, 1968
It is not entirely clear whetherJ. Leonard few minutes later there was marked evi-
Corning or August Bier deserves the credit dence of weakness in the hind legs, but
for the first spinal anesthetic. Corning was, there were no signs whatever of feebleness
of course, attempting to produce epidural in the anterior extremities" (Survey of Anes-
anesthesia; but there are those who believe thesiology, June, 1960). August Bier, on the
that he obtained spinal anesthesia instead, other hand, was quite frankly in the busi-
and they quote his first animal experiment ness of gaining access to the cerebrospinal
in proof: "This was performed on a young fluid: "I have attempted to render large
dog. ... I injected twenty minims of a two- areas of the body insensible to pain by
per-cent solution of the hydrochlorate of introducing cocaine into the spinal cord.
cocaine into the space situated between the This was carried out in the following way:
spinous processes of two of the dorsal ver- with the patient lying on his side, lumbar
tebrae. Five minutes after the injection puncture is performed according to the
there were evidences of marked incoordi- familiar method of Quincke. The needle
nation in the posterior extremities.... A should be very fine. After the subarachnoid

space is entered, the stilet of the needle is thoroughly bemuddled and langorous." In
removed; the opening is immediately cov- point of fact, any who gave anesthesia at
ered by the finger so that very little cere- the Grace Dart Home Hospital with
brospinal fluid can escape. The desired Bourne in those days can vouch that the
amount of cocaine is then injected with the latter is an understatement: if the patient
help of a 'Pravaz' syringe, which fits the could reply to "good afternoon" when he
needle tightly" (Survey of Anesthesiology, was wheeled into the operating room suite,
June, 1962). he immediately received another 1/6 gr. of
Since the pioneer work of these two phy- morphine and /150 gr. of scopolamine in-
sicians, the popularity of spinal anesthesia travenously on the spot! But perhaps the
has undergone a number of ups and downs, most important part of the technique was
varying from wildly over-enthusiastic ac- the fact that all of these patients had pha-
ceptance to total rejection. These waves of ryngeal and laryngeal topical analgesia ap-
opinion have continued right up to the plied in the medical ward prior to coming
present day: the wave of rejection has al- to surgery, and artificial respiration with
most always followed adverse experiences oxygen via an endotracheal tube was con-
with the technique, and the wave of ac- tinued throughout the operation.
ceptance has almost always followed the Another example of intentional high
"rediscovery" of the technique after a pe- spinal anesthesia was as a technique of "con-
riod of disuse. One of the causes of rejec- trolled hypotension" employed by John Gil-
tion, of course, has been neurologic seque- lies and his colleagues in Edinburgh. The
lae. Another has been the consequences basic features of total spinal block as
following inadvertent high spinal anesthe- evolved by these workers consisted of a
sia. minimal injection of thiopental to induce
The word "inadvertent" is most impor- hypnosis, the establishment of high spinal
tant, for intentional high spinal has found block by 150 to 300 mg. of procaine or 1.5
its advocates and its uses. Wesley Bourne to 3.0 mg. of nupercaine administered in-
and his colleagues in Montreal employed trathecally, and maintenance of light gen-
high spinal anesthesia quite intentionally eral anesthesia with nitrous oxide or cyclo-
for rib resections in the performance of propane. The patient was positioned metic-
extrapleural thoracoplasty and the induc- ulously to permit the operative site to re-
tion of extrapleural pneumothorax. They main superior, so that bleeding was mini-
performed the Etherington-Wilson tech- mal and the patient's blood volume re-
nique: "In practice the chosen quantity of mained constant. Since there was general-
percaine solution, 1: 1500, warmed to the ized arteriolar and postarteriolar dilation
patient's temperature, is injected slowly, with considerable pooling of blood in the
continuously, and evenly, while the patient dependent portions of the body, emphasis
sits as erect as possible. The injection should was placed on the fact that the anti-gravi-
take from 20 to 25 seconds. The total time tational resistance to venous return must
should be watched very accurately and must not be allowed to be too great, lest the vis
be from the beginning of the injection to the a tergo (already considerably reduced) be
end of the sitting up. At the end of the incapable of coping with the additional
allotted number of seconds, the upright load. Venous return could be improved
position is quickly changed to that of re- whenever clinical assessment of the state of
cumbency and the head of the table tilted the circulation dictated by altering the pa-
slightly downwards." They considered pre- tient's position (particularly by raising the
medication vital to the success of the tech- legs or tilting the table into Trendelenburg
nique: "Perhaps the most important part of or reverse Trendelenburg, as the situation
the preparation of a patient for regional required), or by abolishing the vasodilation
anesthesia is adequate sedation. We have by the use of vasoconstrictor drugs which
made a habit of giving 'A gr. of morphine acted peripherally. As the vasoconstrictor
with 1/100 gr. scopolamine 90 minutes be- paralysis wore off, normotension was re-
fore the time of operation and repeating established: if this did not occur prior to
these 60 minutes later if the patient is not closure, a vasoconstrictor drug was em-

ployed to reveal potential bleeding points. To prolong spinal anesthesia for abdom-
Gillies and his coworkers were the first to inal operations, the author doubled the
refer to their technique as "physiologic tres- dose and volume of injection of neocaine
pass"; but they could also point to hugely and discovered his patients had "complete
successful results when the technique was surgical anesthesia" without "respiratory
carried out in proper fashion. nor cardiac embarrassment." He therefore
But perhaps the most incredible experi- used the technique for radical mastectomy,
ence with intentional high spinal anesthesia thyroidectomy, excision of tumors of the
was that amassed by the Brooklyn surgeon, head, rhinoplasty and even mastoidectomy
Koster. This work was published under the (performed by colleagues). Unfortunately
title, "Spinal Anesthesia. With Special Ref- he does not include the frequency with
erence to its Use in Surgery of the Head, which these operations were performed. Of
Neck and Thorax," in the December, additional interest are his descriptions of
1928, issue of the American Journal of Sur- operating room deaths he attributes to pa-
gery (Koster, H.: Am. J. Surg., 5: 554-570, tients' disease and the neurologic sequelae
1928) and is reprinted below with the kind he considers of little consequence. He con-
permission of the publishers. cludes, "Besides the already emunerated
advantages it should be remembered that
this form of anesthesia can be administered
SPINAL ANESTHESIA WITH and induced very rapidly, and by its use the
surgeon is freed from the vageries of dif-
SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ITS ferent anesthetists. This emancipation in
USE IN SURGERY OF THE itself is a definite advantage. All other fac-
HEAD, NECK AND THORAX tors remaining constant, the fewer the links
in the operative team, the fewer the
chances of trouble arising."
Am. J. Surg. 5:554-570, 1928


Published October, 1970

The anesthesiologist learns during his ical school days, the anesthesiology resident
first month of residency training that, fol- will remember that the explanations for
lowing the administration of spinal anesthe- these phenomena are that nerve fibers can
sia, the sympathetic blockade extends more be divided into 3 major groups according
cephalad than does the sensory loss, and to fiber size, and that fiber size can be
that the sensory loss, in turn, extends more correlated-to an extent, at least-with
cephalad than does the motor paralysis. fiber function. He will also remember that
Block of the preganglionic sympathetic fi- local anesthetic drugs generally block trans-
bers results in a diffuse peripheral sympa- mission most easily in the smaller fibers,
thetic vasodilation which generally extends such as the thinly myelinated B fibers which
some 2 to 4 segments .oove the sensory carry sympathetic impulses, and the non-
level; and it is usually the first block in myelinated C fibers which carry impulses
onset and the last to disappear. The motor arising in response to pinprick, whereas the
block, on the other hand, is generally 1 or A fibers, which subserve motor and pro-
more segments below the sensory loss. prioceptive functions, are the largest and
If he was a good student during his med- the last to be blocked. Thus, sympathetic

and slow pain sensation are usually blocked and then went to the department of phar-
first in spinal anesthesia, followed by sen- macology at Washington University in St.
sory block and motor paralysis, in that or- Louis. He was appointed Professor of Phar-
der. macology there in 1921. In 1931 he was
If he was an exceedingly astute and in- appointed Professor of Physiology at Cor-
terested medical student, he may even re- nell University Medical College in New
member that the fact that nerve fibers are York City, and from 1935 to 1953 he was
divided into 3 major groups on the basis of Director of the Rockefeller Institute for
fiber size was demonstrated by Gasser and Medical Research.
Erlanger, employing the cathode ray oscil- It was while Gasser was in the depart-
loscope to record the spike potentials from ment of pharmacology at the school of
a mixed nerve. medicine at Washington University in St.
Joseph Erlanger was the son of Herman Louis that he and Erlanger had such a
and Sarah Erlanger and was born in San fruitful collaboration on the problems of
Francisco on January 5, 1874. He received the electrophysiology of nerves-so fruit-
a B.S. degree in chemistry from the Uni- ful, in fact, that in 1944 they shared the
versity of California, and the M.D. degree Nobel Prize. A major basis for that award,
in 1899 from the Johns Hopkins Univer- and one of the outstanding results of their
sity. After a year of internship at the Johns collaboration, was a masterly piece of work
Hopkins Hospital, he was appointed to the published under the title, "The Role of
department of physiology at the Johns Fiber Size in the Establishment of a Nerve
Hopkins Medical School as an assistant. Block by Pressure or Cocaine" (Gasser, H.
During the next 6 years he was promoted S. and Erlanger, J.: Am. J. Physiol., 88: 581,
rapidly, first to instructor, then to associate, 1929), which is reprinted below with the
and finally to associate professor. In 1906, kind permission of the publisher.
he left his alma mater to become the first
Professor of Physiology in the newly estab-
lished medical school at the University of
Wisconsin. In 1910, Erlanger moved on to THE ROLE OF FIBER SIZE
the Professorship in Physiology at the re- IN THE ESTABLISHMENT
organized Washington University School OF A NERVE BLOCK BY
of Medicine in St. Louis, where he re-
mained until his retirement as Professor
Emeritus in 1946. GASSER, H.S. AND ERLANGER, J.
Herbert Spencer Gasser was born the son
of Herman Gasser and Jane Elizabeth Gris- Am. J. Physiol., 88:581, 1929
wold Gasser in Platteville, Wisconsin, on
July 5, 1888, just 141/2 years, to the day, This classic paper refutes the idea that a
after Erlanger had been born. He attended differing chemical composition of various
the Wisconsin State Normal School and the nerve fibers accounts for the differential
University of Wisconsin, from which he effect of cocaine and other local anesthetics
received his A.B. degree in 1910 and his on the modalities of sensation lost when
A.M. degree in 1911; it was at this time applied to a mixed nerve. By relating fiber
that he first met and studied physiology size, measured by conduction velocity, to
under Erlanger. In 1912 he began his med- rate of loss of nerve transmission, the au-
ical school course at Johns Hopkins, receiv- thors clearly show that cocaine acts first on
ing the M.D. degree in 1915. He returned smaller fibers and that fiber size explains
to Wisconsin for a year in pharmacology, the order in which nerve functions are lost.


Published February, 1981

During each of the past 2 years, there ease. In fact, high flow N 20-0 2 halothane
has been a Refresher Course Lecture pre- anesthesia was undoubtedly the simplest
sented at the ASA Annual Meeting on the type of inhalation anesthesia to administer
subject of low flow anesthesia and closed that the anesthetist had ever known. The
systems; in addition, a book titled, "Low second property was the minimal analgesia
Flow and Closed System Anesthesia," has which halothane produced, at least in the
recently been published; and even an In- low concentrations which were used to
ternational Symposium on Low Flow and avoid the dose-related adverse cardiovas-
Closed System Anesthesia has been held. cular and respiratory effects. The tremen-
To those of us who received our resi- dous amount of analgesia added by the
dency training in the late 1930's, the N 20 in this high flow technique was beau-
1940's, or the early 1950's, the reaction to tifully demonstrated in a classic study of
all of this is, "for goodness sakes-what's the MAC of halothane, which was con-
all the fuss about?" We grew up with low ducted by Saidman and Eger many years
flow, closed, CO 2 absorption anesthesia, ago. Patients who received only halothane
and it is as usual as putting the cat out at and 02 had a MAC for halothane of 0.74
night and as comfortable as an old shoe. In volumes per cent. If morphine was given as
fact, some of us still become a bit miffed to premedication prior to halothane-O2 anes-
see a resident giving anesthesia day after thesia, the MAC was reduced to 0.69 vol-
day from an anesthesia machine with a umes per cent. However, if the morphine
canister in which the upper layers of soda premedication was omitted, but N 20 was
lime are purple-blue and therefore partially added to the 02 as the carrier gas for
exhausted. Why in heaven's name doesn't halothane, the MAC fell to 0.29 volumes
the resident change that soda lime? What per cent. This change represented a 61 per
happened to soda lime and the closed, CO 2 cent decrease in the MAC of halothane
absorption inhalation anesthesia system when N 20 was used as compared to the use
anyway? of halothane alone with 02, and made the
What happened was that halothane was combination of N 20's analgesia and halo-
introduced. thane's potency the ideal anesthetic mix-
When halothane burst upon the anes- ture in the minds of a good many people.
thetic scene in 1956, the anesthesiologist The use of high flow, semiclosed or non-
was presented with a fully potent, nonex- rebreathing techniques, however, has cer-
plosive, volatile anesthetic agent-and he tain inherent drawbacks. They are expen-
took it and ran with it. Within a matter of sive, since both the carrier gases and the
a few short years, halothane was involved volatile agent are vented from the system
in about 80 per cent of all of the general and must be replaced with fresh carrier
anesthesias administered in this country, gases and vapor with each breath. They
and it was administered in a semiclosed or entail losses of heat, which not only is a
a nonrebreathing system, with high flows considerable physiologic cost to the body,
of N 2 0-0 2 as the carrier gases. but requires the use of expensive accessory
Two properties of the drug dictated equipment such as blood warmers and hy-
these techniques. The first was halothane's perthermia mattresses. High flow tech-
immense potency, which made it possible niques also entail large losses of body water,
to deliver precise amounts from a metered which must be replaced, and again with the
vaporizer into a large volume of carrier use of added equipment in the form of
gases with great safety and consummate humidifiers. The waste gases and vapors

pose a health hazard (perhaps) to the op- chief interests in this work was in reducing
erating room personnel, and this problem the expense of running his laboratory, since
entails still further expense in the form of continuous rebreathing from a closed con-
scavenging systems. There is a final cost to tainer lowered the cost of N 2 0-0 2 anesthe-
the patient-which will be hotly denied by sia in the laboratory animals from about
every anesthesiologist, but by only some $2.50 per hour to 32 cents per hour. How-
with complete justification-of loss of ever, his studies were the immediate fore-
breath-by-breath attention to the patient's runners of the development of closed, CO 2
condition once the airway is secured, the absorption systems as they are known in
ventilator properly set, and the vaporizer clinical anesthesia today, and in 1963 the
and flow meters dialed to safe and reason- American Society of Anesthesiologists pre-
able concentrations and amounts. All of sented its Distinguished Service Award to
these disadvantages are negated by the use Jackson in signal tribute to the significance
of low flow anesthesia and the closed sys- of his contribution.
tem, the keystone of which is CO 2 absorp- Ralph Waters, some 8 years later, de-
tion. signed a clinical apparatus based on the
It was just 3 years after the signing of the physiologic principles inherent in Jackson's
American Declaration of Independence in laboratory mechanism, and successfully
1776 that the Abbe Felice Fontana an- used a closed, CO 2 absorption technique to
nounced that he had "discovered a new anesthetize human patients. Waters' appli-
method of procuring to a sick person the ance consisted of a mask with a well fitting
benefit of breathing any quantity of de- rubber face cushion, a cylinder of granular
phlogisticated air (i.e., 02) at a cheap rate." soda lime 31/2 inches in diameter and 4
He went on to describe the use of a solution inches long, and a rebreathing bag with a
of lime for the purpose of absorbing what tail, to which was attached tanks of N 20
he called the "fixed air". This was probably and 02. The patient inhaled from the res-
the first reference-or at least one of the ervoir bag through the canister into the
first references-to the clinical use of CO 2 lungs, and then exhaled through the can-
absorption. ister back into the bag; and therefore, not
In 1849, Regnault and Rieset passed a unreasonably, his technique became known
current of 02 into a small chamber, in as the "to-and-fro" CO 2 absorption system.
which an animal was confined for the pur- Waters pointed out the several practical
pose of analyzing the changes produced in advantages arising from this type of CO 2
the air by the respiration of the animal. filtration: the economy of anesthetic
They used a strong alkaline hydroxide so- agents, the conservation of body heat and
lution to absorb the CO 2 output of the moisture, and the fact that there was no
animal, 02 being added from a constant waste of drugs into the operating room-
pressure reservoir. These principles were and therefore the disagreeable odors of
used by practically all workers studying res- drugs, such as ether and ethylene, could be
piratory metabolism thereafter. kept away from the surgical team, and ex-
Three-quarters of a century later, in tremely volatile agents such as ethyl chlo-
1916, Dennis Jackson, a pharmacologist at ride were more easily controlled.
the Washington University Medical School Waters noted that the limitations in-
in St. Louis, described a method by which cluded the need for an extremely "tight
he kept dogs anesthetized for long periods connection with the air passages," and the
by filling a cabinet with N 20, a pump being fact that the design was therefore not suit-
attached to circulate the N 20 through an able for nose and mouth work. Brian
alkali which absorbed the CO 2. A tank of Sword, Waters' good friend, noted other
02 was attached, which added 02 slowly pertinent limitations: the fact that having
and thereby took care of the metabolic the canister and the rebreathing bag at the
needs of the dogs as to 02. The dogs could patient's face was unwieldy, too close to the
remain in the chamber in good condition field of operation, and inconvenient for
for long periods of time. One ofJackson's repositioning the head during operation in
the interests of maintaining the airway. nected by a "Y", so that it may be applied
Sword therefore designed, with the aid of to a mask. The tubes (two feet in length
Richard Foregger, the closed, "circle" CO 2 and three quarters of an inch in diameter)
technique, which was reported in the Sep- are attached to a cannister by means of
tember-October, 1930, issue of CurrentRe- flutter valves. At the bottom of the cannis-
searches in Anesthesia and Analgesia under ter a rebreathing bag is placed. The soda-
the title, "The Closed Circle Method of lime in the cannister should be dry and size
Administration of Gas Anesthesia" (Sword, for 8 x 10 mesh.
B.C.: Anesth. Analg., 9: 198-202, 1930),
and is reprinted below.
"After the patient has reached the stage
of surgical narcosis,-the closed circle
method of anesthesia is operated best be-
THE CLOSED CIRCLE tween 300 and 400 cc. of oxygen per min-
* * * *
GAS ANESTHESIA "I have used this method in about twelve
hundred cases. Advantages:
BRIAN C. SWORD 1. Ease and rapidity of induction.
New Haven, Connecticut 2. Flexibility.
3. The margin of surgical narcosis seems
Anesth. Analg., 9: 198, 1930 greater thereby insuring a smooth
third stage of anesthesia.
"By the closed circle method of anesthe- 4. Simplicity.
sia, an apparatus is so constructed that the 5. Economical.
inspiratory and expiratory phase run in the 6. The ease in changing from one anes-
same direction. This requires a separation thetic to another.
by means of valves and two tubes, one for 7. The removal of the bag and cannister
inspiration and one for expiration con- from the field of operation."


Published October, 1959

As might be expected, perhaps, the ether by the French physiologist Flourens: "In
had scarcely dried from Long's towel and ordinary asphyxia the nervous system be-
Morton's sponge before speculation arose comes paralyzed through the action of...
as to the mechanisms involved in the pro- blood deprived of oxygen; during etheriza-
duction of the anesthetic state. A great deal tion the nervous system becomes paralyzed
of specious reasoning was done, and a fa- primarily through the direct action upon it
vorite analogy was that between etheriza- of this singular agent."
tion and asphyxia. It is an analogy that still There followed, through the years, a
finds occasional supporters even today number of attempts to define the mode of
(sometimes with good reason!), but it was action of anesthetic drugs on the basis of
actually disposed of early in 1847 by the chemical or physical properties. One of the
important series of experiments carried out first of these was propounded indepen-

dently in two separate laboratories by as magnesium chloride and certain anes-

Meyer (1899) and Overton (1901). The thetic drugs, decreased both activity and
Overton-Meyer Lipoid Solubility Theory permeability. Again, however, the theory
was based upon the presumption that drugs failed to stand up under careful inspection,
having anesthetic action must be soluble in for there is little evidence that anesthesia
the fatty material or lipoids of the brain, invariably is accompanied by a decreased
and that their activity depended upon their permeability.
high s6lubility in such lipoid material in There were numerous other theories
relation to their solubility in water: i.e. on which also attempted to explain the nature
their oil-water solubility ratio. The objec- of anesthesia on the basis of chemical or
tions to this theory have been numerous, physical properties; but it became increas-
including the complaint that water is not ingly evident that no single property was
comparable to blood or lymph, and that shared by all drugs possessing narcotic ac-
olive oil is not comparable to the body fats; tivity which could serve as the basis for an
but the major failure of the Lipoid Solubil- explanation of such narcotic activity, and
ity Theory has been that it holds true for the necessity for a new approach to the
aliphatic compounds only, and does not problem began to focus attention upon the
explain the action of numerous other biological actions of anesthetic agents. Ver-
chemicals which possess narcotic action, in- worn, as early as 1909, had noted that
cluding heterocyclic substances, alkaloids narcosis was accompanied by diminished
and inorganic substances (such as bromide cellular oxidation, and at about the same
and magnesium). time Warburg had also demonstrated that
A rather different explanation of anes- anesthetics inhibit oxidation; but the pi-
thetic action was encompassed in Traube's oneer studies which really established the
Surface-Tension Theory (1904), based relationship between cellular metabolism
upon the parallelism which exists between and narcosis, and which led to much of the
the ability of drugs to lower the surface current work in this field, were those of J.
tension of a cell and their narcotic activity. H. Quastel and A. H. M. Wheatley, which
He was able to demonstrate, in a series of, were published in the Proceedings of the
alcohols, that there was a striking correla- Royal Society, Series B, 112: 60-79, Novem-
tion between depressant activity and ability ber, 1932, under the title of "Narcosis and
to lower surface tension. The objections to Oxidations of the Brain."
this theory have also been numerous, the
most important one being the fact that
there are substances which produce anes-
thesia which are surface-inactive, while at NARCOSIS AND
the same time there are many substances OXIDATIONS OF THE BRAIN
which lower surface tension (such as deter-
gents) which have no anesthetic activity.
A third important theory of narcosis, the
Cell-Permeability Theory, was first sug- Proc. Roy. Soc., London,
gested by Hober in 1907, but really cham- Series B, 112:60-79, November, 1932
pioned by Lillie during the following dec-
ade. This theory was based upon the fact A series of experiments were described
that excitation could be shown to be accom- in which the uptake of oxygen by brain
panied by an increase in cell permeability, tissue was observed under various condi-
particularly to certain ions, and it was rea- tions and in the presence of a variety of
soned that depression would be accompa- narcotic agents. The conclusion was
nied by a decrease in permeability. In fact, reached that narcotics have the general
Lillie, using Arenicola larvae, demon- property of inhibiting the oxidation by
strated that certain substances that caused brain of glucose, lactate and pyruvate,
muscular contraction also caused an in- while leaving certain other oxidations un-
crease in permeability to an intracellular affected. "It is suggested that a view of the
pigment, while depressant substances, such mechanism of narcosis which fits most
closely to the facts, is that the narcotic is or activation of oxygen is quite unimpaired,
absorbed from the blood at a specific area but the diminished ability of the cells to
or centre of the nervous system. Here it oxidise glucose or lactic acid results in a
brings about a diminution of the ability of lowering of the amount of energy available
the cells constituting the nervous centre to for the cells to accomplish their functional
activate lactic or pyruvic acid, in this way activities. Narcosis- or depression of the
inhibiting the oxidation by these cells of normal functional activity of the nervous
glucose, lactic and pyruvic acids. The access centre in question- may then ensue."


PublishedApril, 1965
Diethyl ether, which is as old as the his- sea and vomiting are frequent, particularly
tory of anesthesia itself, is a symmetrical, if ether vapor is swallowed. It is a fully
aliphatic organic oxide. It is a colorless, potent drug that can produce full muscular
highly volatile liquid, which boils at relaxation even in the presence of high
36.5 C. Its molecular weight is 74, and its concentrations of oxygen, but which also
specific gravity is 0.718 at 15oC., so that in can produce severe physiologic disturban-
liquid form it floats on water. It has an oil/ ces.
water solubility coefficient of 3.2, an oil/ Ethylene, on the other hand, a drug
blood solubility coefficient of 3.3, and an whose anesthetic properties were recog-
Ostwald, or blood/gas, coefficient of 15.08. nized only rather recently (in 1923), is an
It is highly flammable, with a flash point unsaturated (double bonded) aliphatic hy-
below 32 F.; and the range of flammability drocarbon, the simplest member of the ole-
of ether is from 1.83 to 48.0 per cent when fine series. It is a colorless gas whose odor
mixed with air, from 2.10 to 82.5 per cent has been variously described as "sweetish,"
when mixed with oxygen, and from 1.5 to "musty," "nauseating," "ethereal," "pun-
24.2 per cent when mixed with pure ni- gent," and "foul." Its molecular weight is
trous oxide. Ether oxidizes slowly in the 28, and its specific gravity 0.97. It has an
presence of oxygen to form ethyl and other oil/water solubility coefficient of 14.4, an
peroxides. It does not react with alkalis, oil/blood solubility coefficient of 9.3, and
and is not altered by soda lime or barium an Ostwald coefficient of 0.140. It is highly
lime mixtures. The inspired concentration flammable, with a flash point below 32oF.;
for surgical anesthesia varies from 3.5 to and the range of flammability of ethylene
4.5 per cent by volume, and the blood is from 3.05 to 28.6 per cent when mixed
concentration necessary to produce (sec- with air, from 2.90 to 79.9 per cent when
ond plane) surgical anesthesia has been var- mixed with oxygen, and from 1.90 to 40.2
iously estimated as from 50 to 130 mg. per per cent when mixed with nitrous oxide.
100 ml. in man. Ethylene may contain contaminants of
Ether inductions are slow and unpleas- manufacture such as carbon dioxide, nitro-
ant, its vapor being irritating to the respi- gen, oxygen, or, most dangerously, carbon
ratory tract and producing breath-holding, monoxide. It is chemically stable under
coughing, laryngospasm, and secretions. most circumstances, and is not altered by
Emergence is also slow, being the mirror soda lime or barium lime mixtures. The
image of induction, and postoperative nau- inspired concentration for surgical anesthe-

sia is 75 to 80 per cent, and the blood of divinyl oxide in animals.J. Pharmacol. &
concentrations during (first plane) surgical Exper. Therap., 47: 5, 1933), and are re-
anesthesia average from 120 to 180 mg. printed below.
per 100 ml.
Ethylene inductions are rapid, since it is THE ANESTHETIC ACTION
a comparatively nonirritating gas to inhale. OF DIVINYL OXIDE ON
Recovery is also rapid, with minimal nausea HUMANS
and vomiting. Muscle relaxation is insuffi-
cient for major surgery, however, and as- SAMUEL GELFAN
phyxia is always a hazard since the concen- AND IRVING R. BELL
tration necessary to produce surgical anes- From the Department of
thesia may cause suboxygenation. In the Physiology and Pharmacology,
absence of the latter, though, it produces University of Alberta,
no deleterious effects on the circulatory, Edmonton, Canada
respiratory, or other systems or organs.
The gas is somewhat more potent than Received for publication
nitrous oxide, and is therefore easier and April 5, 1932
safer to administer.
Chauncey Leake, after considering both J. Pharmacol. Exper. Therap., 47:1, 1933
the chemical structure and the anesthetic
properties of each of these general anes-
"Divinyl oxide was first administered,
thetic drugs, came to the conclusion that a
compound incorporating the structural very lightly and cautiously by the drop
characteristics of diethyl ether (CH 3 - method, to one of us (S.G.) for a period of
CH 2 -O-CH 2-CH 3 ) and ethylene ten minutes. Nine minutes after the begin-
(CH 2 =CH 2) would be a valuable anesthetic
ning of the introduction the subject was
drug. Such a compound, divinyl ether, had completely unconscious. A partial analgesia
been vaguely described by Semmler in was present four minutes after the begin-
1855 as having been isolated from a species ning of induction, and complete analgesia
of allium, but it had never been synthesized after seven minutes. There was practically
and there was not even certainty that it had complete muscular relaxation in the arms
really been isolated. The problem was un- and legs after ten minutes, at which time
dertaken for Leake by two graduate stu- the anesthetic was discontinued. Two min-
dents in the Department of Chemistry at utes after the removal of the mask, the
Princeton University, Randolph Major and subject had fully recovered and was able to
W. T. Ruigh, who were able to produce converse intelligibly. He immediately rose
impure samples of the drug; and then, and walked about very briskly with perfect
later, when they became associated with coordination. The pulse remained normal
Merck & Company, they prepared pure throughout. The breakfast, taken two
divinyl oxide which they furnished to hours before the anesthesia, was retained
Leake for pharmacologic study and clinical with no discomfort. Eight minutes after the
trials. The reports of these investigations removal of the mask, 150 cc. of water was
were published in the January, 1933, issue ingested and retained. There was no nau-
of The Journal of Pharmacology and Experi- sea or vomiting at any time. About one
mental Therapeutics (Gelfan, S. and Bell, I. hour later, lunch was taken with normal
R.: The anesthetic action of divinyl oxide appetite and with no after effects. About
on humans.J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 20 cc. of the anesthetic was used during the
47: 1, 1933; Leake, C. D., Knoefel, P. K. ten minutes."
and Guedel, A. E.: The anesthetic action * * *

THE ANESTHETIC ACTION advantages over ether which recommend it

OF DIVINYL OXIDE as a general inhalation anesthetic agent for
clinical evaluation. It is more volatile than
IN ANIMALS ether and more powerful and rapid in its
C. D. LEAKE, P. K. KNOEFEL anesthetic action. It is less irritating than
AND A. E. GUEDEL ether and its general physiological actions
are less severe. It has no significant patho-
From the Pharmacological logical effect when administered without
Laboratory of the anoxemia. Recovery is more prompt than
University of California from ether and apparently less attended
Medical School, with nausea or other evidence of physiolog-
San Francisco, California ical distress. It may be administered by any
Received for publication technique used for ether. On the basis of
April 5, 1932 the experimental evidence so far accumu-
lated, divinyl oxide deserves clinical study
J. Pharmacol. Exper. Therap., 47:5, 1933 to determine whether or not it has practical
clinical advantages over the anesthetics
now in common use. Divinyl oxide, on ex-
posure to light and air, may polymerize or
partially decompose with the appearance of
SUMMARY formaldehyde and formic acid. Such ma-
"Pure divinyl oxide, although inflamma- terial, of course, would be dangerous for
ble and explosive like ether, has definite anesthetic purposes."

Published October, 1981

Dr. Philip Bromage, whose almost 4 dec- important site of action of epidural block-
ades of experience with the technique and ade.
whose 2 books (the most recent weighing "Epidural analgesia has been practiced,
in at 746 pages) on the subject, have made by one technique or another, since 1901
him a world's authority on epidural anal- when Sicard and Cathelin of France inde-
gesia, has this to say of the history of the pendently popularized the caudal ap-
method: proach. After the favorable reports of Si-
"Corning has been credited with being card and Cathelin, Tuffier attempted epi-
the first to use epidural analgesia in 1885. dural analgesia by the lumbar approach
Corning had the idea that medications in- later in the same year, but his lack of suc-
jected within the spinal canal might be cess, and the natural difficulties of locating
taken up by the rich plexuses of blood a narrow space 2 to 4 mm. wide at a depth
vessels in the neighborhood and be carried twenty times that amount, discouraged all
into the substance of the spinal cord, thus further attempts for many years. In 1913,
allowing direct medication of the cord, Heile tried to revive the idea of high epi-
either for treatment of neurological disease dural blocks by entering the spinal canal
or for providing surgical analgesia. How- laterally through the intervertebral foram-
ever, from his own description of the two ina instead of by midline puncture. Heile
experiments he carried out, it is evident used this approach for surgical and thera-
that he neither intended nor achieved a peutic purposes, but his method does not
genuine epidural injection. Nevertheless, it seem to have had much following outside
is ironic that Corning's hypothesis of spinal Germany. In the meantime, the caudal
cord uptake was discredited and dismissed route became established as the only safe
as unscientific. After the passage of nearly approach to the epidural space, and there
100 years, the original idea now seems re- was a tendency to limit the field of analgesia
markably close to the truth, and all the to the area supplied by the cauda equina
available evidence points to the cord as an (Lawen, 1911), since efforts to carry the

block higher met with variable results, ow- what inexplicably, made it their hobby"
ing to the individual differences in the anat- (Bromage, P. R.: Epidural Analgesia. Phil-
omy of the sacrum and its foramina. adelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1978, pp. 1-2).
"This state of affairs continued until In the meantime, there was a growing
1921 when Fidel Pages renewed interest in concern over the dangers of general anes-
the midline lumbar approach, pointing out thesia in labor. The British reported a
the increased ease of access and wider ap- death rate from aspiration of vomitus as
plicability of this route as compared with high as 1:3380 obstetric anesthetics; while
the caudal route. Pages' method of iden- a similar study in the United States showed
tifying the epidural space was primarily a maternal death rate of 1: 20,304 directly
tactile, demanding great dexterity from the attributable to anesthesia, of which one-
operator in order to detect the "feel" of the third were due to the inhalation of vomitus
needle passing from the ligamentum fla- during general anesthesia, and about one-
vum into the epidural space. The degree quarter the result of spinal anesthesia. In
of skill required for Pages' method was this country, Hingson led an almost-evan-
clearly a limiting factor to the technique, gelical crusade to popularize caudal anal-
and other workers set about establishing gesia as an effective and safer alternative
mechanical substitutes for manual dexter- to general analgesia and anesthesia in ob-
ity. These refinements gradually devel- stetrics. The technique became hugely pop-
oped, and it is now possible to obtain a very ular in certain sections of the country; but
high success rate in lumbar epidural anal- a 15 per cent failure rate, in the best of
gesia without possessing an unusual sensi- hands, because of both the variations in the
tivity of touch. anatomy of the caudal canal and the diffi-
"Although the mode of action of epidu- culty-indeed, often the impossibility-of
ral blockade remained conjectural, there identifying the caudal hiatus in the partu-
was not lack of theories for its possible site rient at term made it something less than a
of action, and for many years the technical panacea.
aspects of epidural analgesia were dictated Furthermore, while successful caudal an-
by clinical impressions and qualitative ob- algesia would produce perineal anesthesia
servations rather than by systematic meas- and anesthesia of the lower birth canal, it
urements. There were notable exceptions did not provide relief from the pains of
to this, particularly in the works of Dog- uterine contractions unless large doses
liotti (1939) and Gutierrez (1939), but the were used, which added both to the possi-
bulk of the literature on the subject was bility of toxic effects from the local anes-
based on clinical results, without too much thetic drug and to the likelihood that the
attention being paid to careful analysis of higher level of anesthesia attained would
the many variables encountered between greatly slow-or perhaps even stop-the
different drugs and different patients; progress of the first stage of labor. Spinal
therefore, it was not surprising that confu- analgesia, which also could guarantee an-
sion and disagreement arose over details of esthesia of the perineum and of the lower
technical management when the funda- birth canal, also would slow or even stop
mental principles underlying these matters labor when the level of anesthesia was suf-
were so poorly understood. ficient to control the pains of uterine con-
"Thus, because the majority of practic- tractions.
ing anesthesiologists came to regard the The fact of the matter was that the lack
method as unreliable and even frankly dan- of definite knowledge concerning the paths
gerous in unskilled hands, it was relegated of afferent nerves of the uterus to the cord
to the status of a museum piece, to be prevented the scientific application of re-
dusted and shown the light of day from gional as an alternative to general anesthe-
time to time at examinations and scientific sia for the problem of obstetric analgesia
meetings, but for the most part not to be and anesthesia. Today's highly successful
regarded too seriously except perhaps in answer to this problem, continuous lumbar
the hands of a few enthusiasts who, some- epidural analgesia, rests firmly on the little-
recognized but absolutely fundamental contraction may be abolished without af-
studies by Cleland, which specifically iden- fecting the contractions by paravertebral
tified, for the first time, the pain pathways block of only two adjacent nerves."
of labor. In a large number of complicated and
Cleland began his 5 years of researches meticulously-performed experiments in
at McGill University in 1927, and then dogs and cats, it was shown that "afferent
carried them to completion and conducted fibers from the uterus enter the spinal cord,
the clinical applications at the University of in the dog, through the first and second
Oregon and the Oregon City Hospital. His lumbar roots."
investigations showed that the pain path-
ways for uterine contractions were T-11,
12 and those for cervical dilation were S-
"Although the analogy of the arrange-
2,3,4. He reported his landmark work in
ment of afferent nerves in dog and man
the July, 1933, issue of Surgery, Gynecol-
was well substantiated, the hypothesis that
ogy and Obstetrics under the title of, "Para-
vertebral Anaesthesia in Obstetrics. Exper- the lumbar nerve roots were numbered two
higher in the dog than in man required
imental and Clinical Basis" (Cleland, J. G.
P.: Surg. Gynecol. Obstet., 57: 51-56, 1933), experimental proof." This was ascertained
which is reprinted below. in further experiments associated with af-
ferent impulses from the fallopian tube of
the dog. It could be deduced that the uter-
ine afferent roots in the human are the
PARAVERTEBRAL eleventh and twelfth thoracic.
ANAESTHESIA IN Clinical studies were carried out in five
OBSTETRICS women in labor to corroborate the experi-
EXPERIMENTAL AND mental findings. Local anesthesia was pro-
CLINICAL BASIS vided with procaine or nupercaine.
Typically, once labor pains were estab-
J. G. P. CLELAND lished, an area of hyperalgesia was found
Department of Physiology, in the lower abdomen, the upper transverse
University of Oregon, and boundary of which was one-third the dis-
Oregon City Hospital tance from the umbilicus to the pubis, and
the lower boundary of which was at Pou-
Surg. Gynecol. Obstet., 57: 51, 1933 part's ligament, that is, the eleventh and
twelfth thoracic.
"The purpose of this paper is to survey When the eleventh and twelfth thoracic
the present status of our knowledge of uter- nerve roots on each side were injected para-
ine afferent nerves, to present experimen- vertebrally with a local anesthetic, the pain
tal proof via visceromotor reflexes of the of the uterine contractions ceased, and the
location of these paths in the dog, to cor- area of hyperalgesia had disappeared,
relate these findings in man, to explain the being replaced with analgesia.
error of conclusions hitherto accepted, and The pain of dilation of the birth canal
to demonstrate that the pain of uterine was abolished by a caudal block.


Published April, 1959

Over the course of the years, cyclopro- with just enough gas to keep the patient
pane has been many things to many men: asleep";
To the German chemist, August von To insurance underwriters, cyclopro-
Freund, who first prepared and identified pane has been a considerable hazard in the
the compound in 1882, cyclopropane was operating room, capable of lethal explo-
an isomer of propylene, made by reducing sions from a small static spark;
trimethylene dibromide with sodium in an To hospitals, cyclopropane has been a
alcoholic solution; considerable expense, not alone because it
To the Canadian pharmacologists, Dr. is an expensive gas to manufacture, but
Velyian E. Henderson and Dr. G. H. W. even more importantly because of the tre-
Lucas, cyclopropane was a contaminant of mendous costs of making all operating
the propylene which they were employing suites conform to the code for the preven-
as an experimental anesthetic, and suspect tion of fires and explosions;
as the cause of the severe cardiac disturb- To Dr. Ralph M. Waters and his associ-
ances that they were encountering during ates at the Winconsin General Hospital in
those laboratory trials-when they had the early 1930's, cyclopropane was an an-
synthesized and purified the compound, esthetic drug with enough promise to war-
they discovered its anesthetic properties, rant careful clinical trials; these were re-
and then spent five years in carrying out a ported by Drs. Stiles, Neff, Rovenstine, and
sufficiently diversified series of animal ex- Waters under the title, "Cyclopropane as
periments to demonstrate the characteris- an anesthetic agent: a preliminary clinical
tics of the drug; report" in Current Researches in Anesthesia
To patients, cyclopropane has been a and Analgesia, 13:56 to 60 (Mar.-Apr.)
relatively rapid and pleasant way to go to 1934.
sleep, free from the terrifying, choking sen-
sation that some had experienced with
ether, and also, perhaps, free from the The present day anesthetist who is inter-
protracted sickness that some had suffered ested in reading a republication of the first
following ether anesthesia; clinical report on cyclopropane will likely
To surgeons, cyclopropane has been an be interested in some aspects of its back-
anesthetic that provided moderately good ground including significant, but little
working conditions, and has been particu- known, cooperative efforts between its Ca-
larly useful in the shocked or bad risk pa- nadian discoverers and American workers.
tient; Little did any of us realize the profound
To the resident in the beginning phases impact the introduction of cyclopropane
of his training in anesthesiology, cyclopro- anaesthesia would have in changing the
pane has been a tricky and terrifyingly po- attitude of American Medicine toward the
tent agent, capable of taking the patient to anaesthetist as a medical specialist.
the depths in a matter of a few breaths; Ralph M. Waters, always endearingly re-
To the trained anesthesiologist, cyclo- ferred to by his former residents as the
propane has been an anesthetic of preci- "Chief," is in stature everything which the
sion-refined, advanced, civilized: "My term implies. Even though, at his insist-
conception of anesthesia with the older ence, his name appears last on this impor-
gases is that we administer the gas plus tant document, he did in fact engineer the
enough oxygen to keep the patient alive entire project. As the junior resident in the
and in good condition. With cyclopropane, department at the time, whose name more
on the other hand, we administer oxygen properly should have been last on this pa-
per, I feel qualified to clarify certain mat- studies as rapidly as possible and publish on
ters of interest. what they believed to be the most promis-
The anaesthetic properties of cyclopro- ing inhalation anaesthetic of the time. Once
pane had been demonstrated to Dr. Waters again the discoverers of the anaesthetic
on animals (cats) by Henderson, Lucas and properties of ethylene were obliged to look
Brown in the Pharmacology Laboratory of elsewhere for the clinical establishment of
the University of Toronto and he was quick cyclopropane, whose anaesthetic qualities
to appreciate its clinical potentialities. In they discovered while purifying still an-
fact, he was so impressed by the demon- other unsaturated hydrocarbon anaes-
strations that, immediately upon his return thetic, namely, propylene.
to the University of Wisconsin, he initiated It is very difficult to express in words the
measures for procuring cyclopropane. The spirit of friendly cooperation which existed
first cyclopropane was very limited in between the Canadian discoverers and the
amounts and, even by today's standards, American workers. The important thing
very expensive. for the record is that it did exist.
Perhaps for the first time anywhere the
departments of pharmacology, physiology,
anaesthesia and surgery cooperated fully in
a combined experimental and clinical un-
dertaking. Dr. Walters and his residents CYCLOPROPANE AS AN
worked in the departments of physiology, ANESTHETIC AGENT;
pharmacology or experimental surgery
after completion of the clinical surgical
schedules. Dr. M. Seevers, the well known TRIAL
pharmacologist, also had had clinical ex- STILES, J.
A., NEFF, W. B.,
perience in anaesthesia under Dr. Waters. ROVENSTINE, E. A.
The opportunity arose for me to make AND WATERS, R. M.
an "all expense paid" business trip back to
Montreal. Because of this I was commis- Anesth. Analg., 13: 56-60
sioned to stop over in Toronto and discuss (Mar.-Apr.) 1934
cyclopropane developments with Brown,
Henderson and Lucas. Dr. Waters had This preliminary report described the
gone far enough with clinical studies to administration of cyclopropane to 447 pa-
realize that cyclopropane would be a very tients by the carbon dioxide absorption
important anesthetic. If conditions at the technique. It was found to produce ade-
University of Toronto had changed, Dr. quate muscle relaxation. Although explo-
Waters was anxious that the first clinical sive, it was considered to be less so than
reports should emanate from that institu- ethylene, a commonly used anesthetic, and
tion. The Toronto group assured me that the incidence of postoperative complica-
the same resistance by their surgical and tions compared favorably with other
anaesthesia departments to the clinical em- agents, particularly ether. The authors con-
ployment of ethylene precluded the intro- sidered cyclopropane to be an experimen-
duction of cyclopropane into the surgical tal drug and believed it necessary to have
theatres in the forseeable future. Further- a full year of carefully controlled observa-
more, they requested that the Wisconsin tions before it could be introduced into
group under Dr. Waters proceed with their general use.

PublishedJune, 1973
"Daddy Warbucks lay close to death. at work inside his friend's body which were
"Punjab stood guard at the doorway, ut- slowly disrupting the delicate balance
terly helpless to combat the chemical forces within the nervous system which is essential

to life. The great Swedish neurophysiolog- the propagated action potentials along the
ical specialist was even then winging his postganglionic neurones.
way across the ocean; but it was doubtful The concept of ganglionic transmission
that he could arrive in time, or that he began with John Newport Langley, who
could stem the forced march of the Grim was born in 1852 and who died in 1926.
Reaper even if he did arrive in time. Ger- Langley "went up" to Cambridge Uni-
maniotti's plot this time had been so devil- versity in 1871 with the intention of read-
ishly clever that all of the vast and far-flung ing mathematics and history, but he soon
Warbuck's industrial complex was impo- turned to natural sciences, probably influ-
tent to combat it. The enemy's ruthless enced by the great physiologist, Foster:
scientists and henchmen had combined to "Langley first attended Foster's lectures
strike down the world's most powerful man and practical classes in May of 1873 ...
in one tantalizingly-brief second, and now from that month until his last days, without
he was fighting for every breath. any break or important pause ... he gave
"The doctors had explained the-situation all of his working life to the service of
to the Asp, and he in turn had tried to physiology. In 1875 he took his B.A. de-
make Annie understand the enormity of gree and became demonstrator in physiol-
the danger. The powerful ray gun, care- ogy, and in 1903 he succeeded Foster to
fully concealed under the back seat of the the chair of physiology. Though Langley
Warbucks limousine and activated by the was above all known as a prominent phys-
opening of the back door, released a stream iologist, he also dealt with pharmacological
of Zirconium atoms which paralyzed the problems. His two main fields of research
transmission of acetylcholine within the au- were the mechanism of secretion, and the
tonomic nervous system ganglia, and the anatomy and function of the autonomic
pre-ganglionic cholinergic impulses could nervous system."
no longer activate the synapses to produce And, of course, it was his concerns with
the propagated action potentials along the the autonomic nervous system which are of
post-ganglionic neurones. interest to "Classical File."
"The cunning in Germaniotti's scheme In 1889, Langley and Dickinson pub-
lay in its simplicity and finality. There was lished a paper in the Proceedings of the Royal
no known (at that time) antidote to the Society entitled, "On the Local Paralysis of
effects of the Zirconium atom, and only the Peripheral Ganglia, and on the Connexion
most transitory exposure was necessary to of Different Classes of Nerve Fibers with
produce almost total autonomic paralysis. Them," and which eventually led Langley
Furthermore, once the process was begun, to the Nobel Prize which he shared with
it was self-perpetuating, a vicious circle in Gaskell in 1918:
which initial paralysis begat further paral- "Hirschmann has shown that after a
ysis until, in time, paralysis was indeed total moderate dose of nicotin, stimulation of
and cellular respiration ceased." the sympathetic nerve in the neck causes
The Germaniotti Incident, as it was to no dilation of the pupil. He concludes that
become known to the followers of Harold nicotin paralyses the endings of the dilator
Gray's comic strip, "Little Orphan Annie," fibres in the pupil ... it occurred to us that
was neither the first nor yet the last science- the action of nicotin might be due to a
fiction episode in which the little redhead paralysis of the nerve cells of the superior
and her faithful dog Sandy would be in- cervical ganglion, and not to a paralysis of
volved, but it was one based on firm phar- the nerve endings of the sympathetic nerve.
macologic principles-up to the point of On testing this view, by stimulating the
the stream of Zirconium atoms, at least. sympathetic above and below the superior
Acetylcholine does indeed facilitate trans- cervical ganglion after injection of nicotin,
mission within the autonomic ganglia; the we found that, whilst stimulation below the
preganglionic cholinergic impulses do in- ganglion produced no effect, stimulation
deed activate the synapses; and this activa- above the ganglion produced a dilation of
tion of the synapses does indeed produce the pupil and a constriction of the vessels
of the ear, as if no nicotin had been Assistant Librarian at the Hartford Medical
given. ... If the alkaloid produces its effect Society, for the translation which is pub-
by acting upon the nerve below the gan- lished below.
glion in consequence of any peculiarity of
structure obtaining there, the local appli-
cation of nicotin to the nerve should abolish
its irritability. If, on the other hand, it LOCAL ANESTHESIA OF
produces its effect by acting upon the nerve THE STELLATE GANGLION
cells in the superior cervical ganglion, the
local application of nicotin to the nerve RINI FONTAINE
should have very little effect upon the
nerve irritability, but the local application Presse Medicale, 42: 849-850, 1934
to the ganglion should abolish the effect of
stimulating the nerve centrally of the gan- "During the past nine years, we have
glion..... In making the experiment on carried out more than 200 procedures in-
these lines, we isolate the sympathetic nerve volving local anesthesia of the stellate gan-
in the neck ... and ... an inch and a half glion, sometimes for diagnostic purposes
or so of the nerve is brushed over with a and sometimes for therapeutic purposes.
1% solution of nicotin. ... The central part "After numerous trials, we have adopted
of the nerve is stimulated several times at the following technique:
intervals of about two minutes; it produces
Anesthesia Technique for the
the usual dilation of the pupil and constric-
Stellate Ganglion
tion of vessels of the ear. The ganglion and
the filaments proceeding from it are then "The patient is placed on a table, a pillow
brushed over with 1% nicotin; the sympa- at the nape of the neck, and the head is
thetic in the neck is again stimulated; it is turned in the opposite direction from the
found to be completely without effect; stim- injection. The mid-clavicle is marked off
ulation of the filaments running from the and at this point, skimming the upper edge
ganglion to the arteries produce the normal of the bone, a flexible platinum needle, 8-
action. Hence, nicotin paralyses the cells of 10 centimeters long and with a 6/io diame-
the superior cervical ganglion." ter is inserted in the direction of the trans-
The existence of ganglionic blocking verse process of the 7th cervical vertebra.
drugs was a hugely useful experimental When contact is made with the bone, the
tool, but remained essentially of little ther- needle is moved in two directions. The hub
apeutic value until 1946, when Acheson is moved cephalad until the point of the
and Moe published their definitive analyses needle has slipped in a downward direction
of the effects of tetraethyl ammonium chlo- the depth of one vertebra, and, at the same
ride (TEA) on the cardiovascular system time, the hub is directed 30 laterally. At
and autonomic ganglia. In the meantime, this moment, the needle is in contact with
however, a technique of conduction anes- the stellate ganglion, and the injection of
thesia was described which made it possible 10 cc. of 1% novocaine will produce anes-
to block the transmission through auto- thesia.
nomic ganglia by the injection of local an- "In the cadaver, one can confirm this
esthetic drugs. The regional anesthetic technique by injecting 10 cc. of methylene
block of the stellate ganglion was described blue to color the stellate ganglion.
by LeRiche and his co-worker, Fontaine, in "In the living patient, a well-performed
the May 23rd, 1934 issue of La PresseMed- anesthesia of the stellate ganglion will,
icale (LeRiche, R., and Fontaine, R.: L'A- within a few minutes, produce the Claude
nesthesie Isolee Du Ganglion Etoile. Sa Bernard-Horner Syndrome, which will last
Technique, Ses Indications, Ses Resultats. from one half hour up to several hours. At
La Presse Medicale, 42: 849-850, Mercredi, the same time, one will note vasodilatation
23 Mai, 1934). Survey and its readers are and hyperthermia of the ipsilateral half of
deeply indebted to Miss Harmona Potter, the face and of the hand.

"These physiologic manifestations are so infiltration of the stellate ganglion is cor-

constant that, if they are not present, the rectly performed only when it is followed
anesthetic procedure must be considered by the Claude Bernard-Horner Syndrome
to have been unsuccessful. In other words, and by vasodilatation of the face."

Published August, 1974

When John Newport Langley won the the stream of vasoconstrictor impulses.
Nobel Prize in 1918, it was largely as a Central vasomotor depression of this type
result of his paper which was published in occurs to some degree with most narcotic
the 1889 issue of the Proceedingsof the Royal and hypnotic drugs, and is known to occur
Society titled, "On the Local Paralysis of quite consistently during deep levels of gen-
Peripheral Ganglia, and on the Connexion eral anesthesia.
of Different Classes of Nerve Fibers with Reflex inhibition of the vasomotor cen-
Them." His interest in ganglion blockade ters (or stimulation of the vasodilator cen-
was for its use as a physiologic and phar- ters) will tend to detract from the effect
macologic tool; but since that time, gan- that vasoconstrictor impulses have upon
glion blockade has also become an impor- the peripheral vessels, and so will cause an
tant diagnostic and therapeutic measure, increase in the cross-sectional area of the
particularly in relation to the control of vascular bed and a fall of blood pressure.
blood pressure. This is apparently the mode of action of
Peripheral resistance resides mainly in the veratrum alkaloids.
the variably contractile arterioles and, to a Sympathetic blockade produced by
lesser extent, in the capillaries and veins. blocking the preganglionic sympathetic fi-
The degree of contraction or tone of the bers as they emerge from the spinal cord
arterioles, and probably also of the small by one of the techniques of conduction
veins, is maintained and controlled by sev- anesthesia (spinal, epidural, or caudal an-
eral factors, of prime importance among esthesia) has proven to be one of the most
which is the continuous stream of vasocon- useful methods of reducing peripheral re-
strictor impulses which arise within the sistance.
brain and pass down the spinal cord and Sympathetic blockade also may be ef-
out over the sympathetic fibers to the pe- fected by blocking the sympathetic ganglia
ripheral vessels. The peripheral resistance, themselves, either by paravertebral sym-
therefore, can be reduced by an interrup- pathetic ganglion blockade (which actually
tion of this pathway at any point in its blocks the postganglionic, as well as the
course: by suppressing the formation of preganglionic, fibers) with a local anes-
vasoconsrictor impulses, by blocking their thetic drug, or by the use of such systemi-
pathway to the peripheral vessels, or by cally acting drugs as tetraethylammonium
preventing the response of effector cells at bromide or diiodide, hexamethonium salts
the termination of the pathway. (C6), pentamethonium salts (C5), mecamyl-
Depression of the autonomic centers amine hydrochloride (Inversine), Pempi-
which are located in the midbrain will re- dine tartrate (Perolysen), Pendiomide,
sult in a decrease in the number and fre- pentolinium tartrate (Ansolysen), phenac-
quency of constrictor impulses arising in tropinium chloride (Trophenium), tri-
those centers; and it has been postulated methaphan camphorsulfonate (Arfonad),
that drugs such as hydralazine act in just and similar drugs.
this way-although present evidence sug- Sympathetic activity can also be inter-
gests that a major action of hydralazine may rupted at the sympathetic nerve endings as
also be direct relaxation of the smooth mus- they terminate in the walls of the blood
cle of the vessel wall. vessels by adrenergic blocking drugs.
Depression of the vasomotor center in These compounds act by imposing a spe-
the medulla oblongata also will suppress cific blockage between the effector cells
and either the hormones of the adrenal cholamines from peripheral nerve endings
medulla or the adrenergic mediator of the in blood vessels, brain, heart, and from
postganglionic nerves (i.e., 1-epinephrine or platelets (rauwolfia alkaloids).
l-norepinephrine). Dibenamine and Diben- While the anesthesiologist has utilized
zyline are examples of this type of drug. many of these methods of interrupting the
The response at the termination of the continuous stream of vasoconstrictor im-
sympathetic pathway can be prevented by pulses-and particularly, perhaps, the gan-
the direct action of drugs (such as the ni- glion blocking drugs-he is historically as-
trites or nitrates, and certain ergot prepa- sociated with paravertebral lumbar sympa-
rations) on the smooth muscle of the vessel thetic block. He has performed this block
walls themselves. These drugs are without both for diagnostic purposes and in the
adrenergic blocking properties, do not treatment of a variety of peripheral vascu-
block sympathetic or parasympathetic gan- lar disorders. Rene Leriche described its
glia, and have no effect on the hypothala- use in the latter group of disease entities,
mus or cortex. The site of action can be and his technique, in an article which ap-
demonstrated by the intra-arterial injection peared in the November, 1934, issue of La
of nitrites into a sympathectomized limb, Presse Medicale (Leriche, R. and Fontaine,
and the recording of skin and muscle cir- R., Technic of Novocain infiltration of the
culation. lumbar sympathetic nerves. La Presse Med-
Finally, there are 2 other classes of com- icale 42: 1843, 1934). Survey and its readers
pounds which should be mentioned for the are deeply indebted to Miss Harmona Pot-
sake of completeness. They are the group ter, Assistant Librarian of the Hartford
acting by the inhibition of catecholamine Medical Society, for the translation which
synthesis (alpha-methyl-dopa), and those is published below.
compounds acting by depletion of cate-

TECHNIC OF NOVOCAIN lasts longer than Novocain anesthesia. It

INFILTRATION OF THE frequently lasts for several hours; and by
repeating the infiltrations, longer thera-
peutic action can be obtained. This fact has
NERVES already been pointed out in speaking of
RENE LERICHE AND anesthesia of the stellate ganglion.
RENE FONTAINE "We have employed infiltration of the
lumbar sympathetic nerve in varying situ-
Presse Medicale, 42: 1843, 1934 ations:
a. In cases of arteritis, to alleviate pain
"Anesthetic infiltration of the lumbar and improve circulation.
chain produces in a few seconds both a b. In case of femoral embolism, where
subjective and an objective warming of the we have seen it cause disappearance of
foot and leg, an increased oscillometric cir- threatening and painful incidents-in a
culatory reading. To these indications of woman with cardiac embolism-to a point
successful anesthesia there are almost al- where it was no longer necessary to oper-
ways added special sensations that patients ate.
describe as a feeling of warmth going down c. In cases of postoperative phlebitis,
into their legs. At the same time, pain if where it alleviated pain and caused the
there is any, is considerably alleviated, or edema to recede.
disappears, and vasomotor disturbances are d. In post-traumatic vasomotor syn-
modified. Movements of the toes and of dromes with cyanosis, cold, functional dis-
the feet become easier and greater-if they turbance, even osteoporosis, it has made it
had been either sluggish or limited-of possible for us to avoid a periarterial sym-
course to the exclusion of any form of pathectomy.
paralysis. e. In cases of painful arthritis, where it
"The effect is unilateral. But there is stops pain and contractures.
reaction on the opposite side, and we were f. In cases of painful stumps, where its
able to produce relief of pain phenomenon therapeutic effect is sometimes remarkable.
located on the right side by infiltrating the g. In cases of delayed resumption of
left sympathetic nerve, a fact common to function after operation on the lower ex-
all sympathetic nerve activity. tremity (operations on joints, ablation of
"The effect is temporary. However, it the meniscus, etc.)."

Published August, 1970

The informed and experienced anesthe- 90 cm. of water. The pressure produced in
siologist is well aware that there are harm- the lungs during manually controlled res-
ful effects associated with the use of con- piration, even with vigorous squeezing of
trolled respiration, and that the technique the reservoir bag, seldom approaches these
involves considerable deviation from the figures-it is more often in the range of
normal physiologic mechanism of respira- 40 to 60 cm. of water. However, when
tion. mechanical ventilators are employed to
The most obvious of these harmful ef- produce controlled respiration, the possi-
fects is damage to the lungs because of the bilities of mechanical derangement make
increased intrapulmonary pressure inher- the danger of inadvertently high pressures
ent in the method. In the absence of pul- and pulmonary damage very real.
monary bullae or blebs, and with properly More subtle are the harmful effects upon
performed manual controlled respiration, the cardiovascular system. Valsalva was the
the danger is not great; in fact, the danger first to recognize the connection between
is probably less than during the simple act increased intrathoracic pressure and de-
of coughing in which the intrapulmonary creased venous return: his seventeenth cen-
pressure developed may be as high as 80 to tury experiment, still known to all second
year medical students as "the Valsalva ma- the last quarter of a century. Prolonged
neuver," clearly demonstrated that trying respiratory assistance through endotra-
to expire against a closed glottis caused cheal or tracheostomy tubes has saved lives
marked distension of the peripheral veins which otherwise may have been lost. Con-
of the head and neck; and it is now well trolled respiration, properly applied, can
understood that, if continued, this exercise guarantee efficient ventilation, and the ef-
will cause a fall in blood pressure and even fects of respiratory depression can be off-
loss of consciousness as a result of cerebral set, and life sustained, for days, weeks,
ischemia. Furthermore, not only does the months, and even years. It is no exaggera-
increased intrapulmonary pressure de- tion to say that controlled respiration has
crease venous return, but the loss of the taken the anesthesiologist out of the oper-
usual negative pressure during inspiration ating room and made him the primary phy-
abolishes the so-called "thoracic pump" sician in the practice of acute medicine,
mechanism which sucks the blood from which is a role for which he is eminently
outside the thorax into the great thoracic suited.
veins and the heart. The loss of this nega- All of these developments began simply
tive pressure, which at the height of inspi- enough as just a means of providing a quie-
ration amounts to -10 cm of water, further ter operating field in abdominal surgery-
contributes to the decrease in venous re- which specific work then was largely ig-
turn. Cardiac output suffers, not only be- nored for a number of years. In 1934,
cause of these factors decreasing venous Guedel and Treweek published their arti-
return, but also because of a tamponade cle, "Ether Apnoeas," in the November-
effect upon the heart, since during the December issue of Current Researches in
inspiratory phase of controlled respiration Anesthesia and Analgesia (13: 263-264,
the heart itself is compressed to some ex- 1934), which is reprinted below with the
tent between the inflating lungs. Finally, as kind permission of the publishers.
the alveolar pressure rises above atmos-
pheric, the pulmonary capillaries will also
suffer compression, and the pulmonary ETHER APNOEAS
capillary circulation will be decreased, put- GUEDEL, A. E.
ting an extra burden on the right ventricle. AND TREWEEK, D. N.
The other unpleasant effects which may
be produced by controlled respiration are Curr. Res. Anesth. Analg., 13: 263-264,
related to overventilation, or its converse, 1934
underventilation. Overventilation will
cause a fall in carbon dioxide tension and This paper, based entirely on clinical ob-
a rise in pH, or in other words, a respiratory servations, describes the relationship be-
alkalosis. Overventilation also leads to cer- tween blood levels of ether and carbon
ebral vasoconstriction and a potentiation of dioxide in maintaining spontaneous respi-
the anesthetic state, and although the ration during ether anesthesia. With higher
mechanism whereby overventilation causes ether levels higher carbon dioxide levels
cerebral vasoconstriction is not entirely un- are required to stimulate respiration. Using
derstood, it is undoubtedly to a large extent a carbon dioxide ' absorption system, the
dependent upon the reduction of the level authors describe two methods for obtaining
of carbon dioxide in the blood. high blood levels of ether and then reduc-
Despite this impressive list of harmful ing the carbon dioxide stimulus by "passive
effects which may be associated with the ventilation" which maintains apnea during
use of controlled respiration, there is little ether anesthesia. They conclude "ether ap-
question that the method represents one of neas are of no advantage except they pres-
the striking advances in anesthesia during ent a quieter abdominal field...."


Published April, 1958

The combination of an animal waste sulphur for the oxygen on the urea carbon
product and an acid derived from apples in the barbituric acid molecule, giving rise
to form barbituric acid was first effected to a homologous series of thiobarbiturates
almost a century ago in the historical city with distinctive pharmacological properties
of Ghent by Adolf von Baeyer, the young of unique use in anesthesia. It probably
assistant of the great chemist, August Kek- cannot be said that the thiobarbiturates
ule. It was forty years thereafter, however, revolutionized the practice of anesthesia to
before the sedative actions of the barbituric the extent that the muscle relaxants did,
acid derivatives were appreciated: in 1903, but it can be said they changed the practice
two of the titans of German organic chem- of anesthesia in drastic fashion. The first
istry-Emil Fischer and Joseph Von Mer- detailed notice of the ability of the thiobar-
ing-discovered the effectiveness of one of biturates to effect such a change was con-
these compounds, diethylbarituric acid, in tained in the paper by Lundy which was
putting dogs to sleep. published in the August 21, 1935 issue of
That discovery opened the floodgates, the Proceedings of the Staff Meetings of the
and within months after the publication of Mayo Clinic.
their report, on "A New Class of Sleep-
Inducers," the barbiturates began the as- INTRAVENOUS ANESTHESIA:
cent to a pinnacle of popularity that now
finds American physicians prescribing an
estimated three billion doses each year. OF THE USE OF TWO NEW
More than twenty-five hundred different THIOBARBITURATES
barbiturates have been synthesized during LUNDY, J. S.
the past half century, and of these perhaps
two dozen have achieved established posi- Proc. Staff Meet., Mayo Clinic, 10: 536-543
tions in medicine. One of the most signifi- (Aug. 21), 1935
cant of these roles has been the intravenous
use of the barbiturates for the production The intravenous use of two new barbi-
of anesthesia. Pernoston (or Pernocton), turates was reported. While the intrave-
which was introduced in Gemany in 1927, nous administration of barbiturates had
was the first barbiturate to become widely been found useful during general anesthe-
employed as an intravenous anesthetic. So- sia for certain types of operations, the
dium Amytal, which was first synthesized agents available were unsatisfactory be-
in 1923, was used by Zerfas and McCallum cause of their prolonged duration of action.
of Indianapolis in 1929, and became the One of these new agents (Barb. A.) is simi-
most successfully employed intravenous an- lar to pentobarbital with the exception that
esthetic on this side of the ocean. In 1931, the oxygen molecule is replaced by sulfur.
Lundy reported the intravenous adminis- The advantages of the short-acting barbi-
tration of Nembutal as an hypnotic agent; turates was described and a table listed the
and the following year, Weese and Scharpff types of operations in 700 cases in which
of Germany introduced Evipan (Evipal), a "Barb. A" was used intravenously. It was
compound which represented a great im- concluded that the ideal agent for routine
provement over the other barbiturates intravenous anesthesia has not been found
available for intravenous anesthesia. yet but the available agents have been
The significant event from the anesthetic found to be satisfactory in certain types of
point-of-view came with the substitution of cases.

PublishedJune, 1957
The word "anesthesia" denotes, by its the length of the spinal cord, the volume
very definition, a reversibility of action; the of the cerebrospinal fluid, and the curva-
connotation of the word has come to im- tures of the vertebral column.
ply-to the clinical anesthesiologist, at any The paper published by Sise, in the De-
rate- a controllability of action as well. cember 1935 issue of the Surgical Clinics of
Much of the anesthetic progress of the past North America, described the Lahey Clinic
century has been in the achievement or technique for spinal analgesia, a technique
improvement of this controllability, and which utilized pontocaine to provide a du-
the trend has been greatly accentuated dur- ration of action sufficient for the contem-
ing recent years. The development of plated surgical procedure and employed
short-acting anesthetic agents, such as cy- the effects of gravity on a weighted solution
clopropane, pentothal, and succinylcho- to provide control over the ascent of the
line, represents increased controllability level of anesthesia. It was by no means the
from the pharmacological point-of-view; first description of either the use of pon-
and the utilization of induced hypotension, tocaine for such a purpose or the employ-
hypothermia, extracorporeal circulation, ment of baricity to control the extent of
and mechanical ventilation during anesthe- spread of the local anesthetic solution; it
sia, is an attempt to attain such controlla- was, however, a concise, clear, and rational
bility from the physiological standpoint. description of a technique that has become,
The trend is scarcely new, however; con- perhaps, the most important single method
trol has been the concern of the anesthe- of producing spinal analgesia.
siologist in regard to spinal analgesia for
seventy years now. Of particular moment
have been the duration of action of spinal
anesthesia, and the extent of spread of the
local anesthetic agent that is injected into SOLUTION FOR
the subarachnoid space. The duration of SPINAL ANESTHESIA
spinal analgesia depends chiefly upon the SISE, L. F.
chemical nature of the local anesthetic drug
and the dose in which it is employed, and Surg. Clin. North America, 15: 1501-1511
to a much lesser extent upon the concen- (Dec.), 1935
tration of the solution in which it is em-
ployed-although the concentration of the Pontocaine solution is weighted with
drug is of great importance in relation to 10% glucose to make it easier to control
the intensity of anesthesia. Control of the the level of anesthesia produced by ponto-
level of spinal analgesia, on the other hand, caine. The technique involved the use in
depends upon a large number of factors, patients who are to be in a supine or head-
including the volume of the solution in- down position, and the diffusion of the
jected, the specific gravity of the solution, local anesthetic agent in the subarachoid
the position of the patient after injection, space is described.
the site of injection, the dose of the drug,


Published October and December, 1958

For a variety of reasons, nitrous oxide dentistry, traveled around the country with
comes very close to being the ideal anes- a troup of performing canaries, and
thetic agent. It is nonirritating and free reached the depths when he was jailed after
from disagreeable odor, and it provides a bespattering a New York prostitute with
rapid and pleasant induction. It is not only sulphuric acid!
hypnotic, but in addition is an excellent The lack of potency of nitrous oxide led
analgesic. It does not increase capillary the great French physiologist, Paul Bert, to
bleeding. It diffuses rapidly through alveo- his classical experiments in the effects of
lar membranes, which permits a moment- barometric pressure upon nitrous oxide an-
to-moment control of the depth of anesthe- esthesia. He had, in 1878, completed a
sia. It is excreted from the body rapidly series of researches on the physiologic ef-
and unaltered in structure, so that toxic fects of variations in barometric pressure
degradation products do not form and ac- on the gases of the blood. He believed that
cumulate in the body. It produces no sig- the technique of administering 100 per
nificant changes in heart rate, blood pres- cent nitrous oxide in order to achieve ade-
sure, cardiac output, or myocardial con- quate anesthesia, which was the generally
tractility. It does not depress the respira- accepted technique of the time, made as-
tory center, nor depress or exaggerate the phyxia inevitable; he suggested that if the
respiratory movements. It has no signifi- gas, instead of being administered at nor-
cant effects upon liver function, renal activ- mal atmospheric pressure, were adminis-
ity or metabolism in general. Postanesthetic tered under a positive pressure of two at-
nausea and vomiting are unusual following mospheres, then 50 per cent air could be
its administration. It is nonexplosive and combined with 50 per cent nitrous oxide
noninflammable with either oxygen or air. and adequate anesthesia without asphyxia
It is inexpensive and fairly simple to manu- would be possible. The result of this sug-
facture. It can be stored without undergo- gestion was the construction of a mobile,
ing chemical changes. It possesses, in fact, compressed air chamber serving as an op-
only one serious drawback: it is not a potent erating theater in which a mixture of ni-
agent. trous oxide and oxygen could be adminis-
This lack of potency has been of tremen- tered to the patient under positive pressure
dous importance throughout the history of (the surgeon and his assistants were also
nitrous oxide anesthesia. Among other subjected to the increased atmospheric
things, it led Horace Wells to suicide. After pressure); this "anesthetic car" traveled
a number of successful uses of nitrous oxide around between the various hospitals in
anesthesia in his own dental practice in Paris for some time before it was aban-
Hartford, Wells was invited in 1845 to go doned as inexpedient.
to the Massachusetts General Hospital to Finally, and perhaps most importantly,
demonstrate the method for the students the lack of potency of nitrous oxide led to
of Dr. Warren's Harvard Medical School the development of the technique of "sec-
class. Because the drug is not fully potent, ondary saturation," a method of controlled
Wells failed to secure adequate anesthesia asphyxia that employed anoxia to compen-
in the robust male patient being employed sate for the deficiency of lack of potency of
for the demonstration and the event turned the drug. The technique achieved tremen-
out to be a total fiasco. He returned home dous popularity and widespread utilization,
a shamed and disgraced man, broken in and represented an almost tacit admission
health and spirit. Eventually he gave up by anesthetists that at least some of the

anesthetic activity of nitrous oxide, when cerebrate rigidity." Delayed symptoms may
the drug was employed for total anesthesia, occur in the form of a psychosis, a parkin-
was dependent upon an anoxic action. The sonian symptom-complex or disturbances
vast dangers of such anoxia were admitted, of special sensation, particularly in the form
and then dismissed; but a gnawing aware- of a partial or complete amaurosis. The
ness that anoxia was truly intolerable to the patient may recover entirely after an an-
patient's safety grew and grew as anesthe- oxemic episode, may survive for a variable
siology began to blossom into a specialty. period with residual symptoms or may die
It remained for a neuropathologist to bring within a few days. In fatal cases, death
matters to a head by demonstrating that usually occurs within 2 to 7 days, but may
the lack of potency of nitrous oxide led to occur only after an interval of weeks or
disasters which simply prohibited its contin- months. Examples of each of these varia-
ued use as a sole anesthetic agent; this tions are to be found in the series of cases
Courville did in his superb monograph, described herewith.
"Asphyxia as a Consequence of Nitrous "Anoxemia following administration of
Oxide Anesthesia," which appeared in Med- nitrous oxide may be the result of an im-
icine, 15: 129-245, May, 1936. pure gas, a faulty apparatus, or a preexist-
ing or suddenly developed pulmonary le-
sion. The possibility of faulty administra-
ASPHYXIA AS A tion of the anesthetic and of individual
idiosyncracy to this gas are also to be con-
CONSEQUENCE OF sidered. Several factors may be present in
NITROUS OXIDE a single case, all contributing to production
ANESTHESIA of the cerebral lesion. Regardless of the
exact source of the trouble, the clinical
symptoms and the pathologic findings are
Department of Neurology, the effect of asphyxia and are not due to
College of Medical Evangelists any toxic effect of nitrous oxide itself.
and Cajal Laboratory of Neuropathology, "The mechanism in most instances seems
Los Angeles County Hospital to be one of two types,-(a) sudden circu-
latory and/or respiratory failure with con-
Medicine, 15: 129-145, 1936 sequent cerebral damage due to the im-
mediate utilization of the remaining small
* * * * amounts of available oxygen or (b) pro-
longed exposure of the brain to a danger-
ous degree of oxygen want.
SUMMARY "The resulting cortical lesion necessarily
"This study is concerned with the prob- depends upon the degree of anoxemia and
lem of cerebral asphyxia or anoxia as a its duration. There may be (a) a sclerosis
result of nitrous oxide anesthesia. It is of scattered pyramidal cells, (b) an occur-
based upon clinical and pathologic obser- rence of discrete pale areas (Herde) in the
vations in a series of 13 cases, 9 of which cortex, (c) a patchy necrosis of superficial,
terminated fatally. In all the fatal cases an intermediate or deep, or all cortical layers,
autopsy was obtained and a more or less (d) a subtotal destruction of the cortex, or
critical examination of the cerebral tissues if the patient survives for a sufficient inter-
was made. val, (e) a vascular scar may result due to the
"Cerebral manifestations following inha- formation of new blood vessels. Changes in
lation of nitrous oxide have been recog- the nerve cells may be described as (a)
nized for almost a hundred years. The im- sclerotic, (b) acute degenerative, (c) is-
mediate nervous manifestations usually chemic, and in chronic cases (d) "calcified"
consist of generalized convulsive seizures, nerve cells. Lipoidal degeneration (e) is also
muscular rigidity and persistent coma, at a common form of cellular change.
times terminating fatally with signs of "de- * * * *

"A study of the brain in fatal cases dis- difficulty in evaluating all the possible caus-
closes several interesting facts. Not all por- ative factors. The earliest lesions are found
tions of the cortex are uniformly or sym- about the pericellular and pericapillary
metrically involved. This no doubt explains spaces, which would suggest that the injury
the variable clinical picture found in those is a result of "tissue respiration"-a dis-
cases surviving for several weeks or more. turbed carbon dioxide-oxygen exchange
While it is possible to predicate the char- between the tissue fluids and the cellular
acter of the lesion from the clinical history, elements."
one cannot always be sure of the severity * * * *
of cortical damage. This is due to the great


Published August, 1967

For many years prior to the advent of larly infants, are not merely smaller edi-
pediatric surgery as a specialty, tonsillec- tions of adult man. In 1903, Kopetzky, who
tomy, appendectomy, and a variety of or- then was anesthetist to the Harlem Hospital
thopedic procedures were just about the in New York, wrote in the Medical Record,
only operations which were commonly per- "In selecting the anesthetic to be given to
formed on children; and these procedures children, the anesthetist and the surgeon
were performed with the methods used on are confronted with a problem of grave
adults and by surgeons more accustomed import.... those who use chloroform con-
to adult patients. The same situation held tinuously are most emphatic in warning
true regarding the anesthesia employed: against its dangers generally and especially
reliance was placed upon the drugs, tech- in the hands of the inexperienced. The
niques, and methods used for adults, and it many operations to which children must
was administered by personnel who were frequently submit and which the general
more accustomed to adult patients. Indeed, practitioner performs himself, with the aid
in the first textbook of anesthesia, On The of another no more qualified in its use than
Inhalation of The Vapour of Ether in Surgical himself, cause the lives of these little pa-
Operations, which was published in 1847, tients to be endangered by the unhesitating
John Snow wrote, "I am not aware that any acceptance of this too generally advocated
state of the patient with respect to procedure.... While it is true that the
age... .contraindicates the use of ether greater vascularity of the nervous system
during a surgical operation. The patients in children, combined with their inferior
whom I have given it have been of all ages, muscular development, as compared with
from early childhood to nearly eighty the adult, would seem to render chloro-
years ... .the size of the patient is the only form safe, yet the element of fear with its
circumstance which I have observed con- series of vasomotor phenomena is more
stantly to influence the quantity of ether than enough to counterbalance this. Chil-
required to produce insensibility." In a dren over two years of age are invariably
much more recent text, published in 1943, frightened.... In the administration of
Sir Robert MacIntosh and Freda Bannister ether, we are met at the outset with a series
wrote, "The drugs used to produce anes- of objections. It is more disagreeable to
thesia and the methods of their administra- administer. The irritation caused by it ex-
tion are the same for children as for adults." cites a flow of mucus which in the smaller
There was, however, a gradual aware- bronchi of children is apt to cause obstruc-
ness of the fact that children, and particu- tion and consequent danger."
The gradual awareness of the special divided into two phases-the nitrous-ox-
problems of pediatric anesthesia found sta- ide-oxygen phase and the oxygen-ether
tistical documentation in the Beecher- phase. In all cases the babies were intubated
Todd report: "The anesthesia death per- by the endotracheal technique of Dr. Ma-
centage is disproportionately high in the gill, wide-bore rubber catheters being in-
first decade of life. This indicates a great serted through the mouth into the trachea
need for an attack on the anesthesia prob- just beyond the laryngeal opening. No es-
lems of infants and children ....Perhaps pecial difficulty was experienced in carry-
their immature organs are less able to with- ing out this procedure, except that on a
stand the stress of anesthesia than are those few occasions the catheter entered a bron-
of healthy young adults. Doubtless, prob- chus; this was manifested clinically by la-
lems of ventilation are involved." The lat- boured respiration and jerky movements
ter point had been brought up earlier by of the diaphragm. On slightly withdrawing
Gwathmey in his textbook on Anesthesia in the catheter, the breathing became normal.
1914: "Nitrous oxid, unless given by some "After prolonged trial, we found that,
open method, is a very poor anesthetic for while nitrous-oxide-oxygen anesthesia of-
young children, as they do not seem to be fered excellent results in adult patients,
equal to the task of breathing through certain grave disadvantages presented
valves." As pediatric anesthesia blossomed themselves when the same anaesthetic was
and flourished as a subspecialty, it became administered to infants. In the first place,
increasingly apparent that one of the major the anoxaemia caused by nitrous oxide-
needs was for special equipment that could and any proportion of oxygen below 20 per
accommodate to the respiratory demands cent represents some degree of sub-oxy-
of the pediatric patient. Necessity being the genation-appeared to be much more del-
mother of invention, a number of these eterious to babies than to adult patients. In
gadgets were forthcoming. One of the most the second place, it was extremely difficult
useful was Philip Ayre's T-piece, which he to adjust the amount of re-breathing to the
described in the July 1937 issue of The small proportions suitable for a baby. No
British Journal of Surgery (Ayre, P.: Anaes- matter how small the re-breathing bag,
thesia for Hare-lip and Cleft Palate Oper- there was always too much "dead space,"
ations on Babies; Brit. J. Surg., 25: 131- so that the respiratory exchange rapidly
132, 1937), which is reprinted below with became hampered by the accumulation of
the kind permission of the author and the excess products of respiration.

"In an endeavour to remedy the above

distressing state of affairs (and spurred on
by the caustic criticism of a candid sur-
HARE-LIP geon!), the writer sought to devise a method
AND CLEFT PALATE by which the endotracheal technique could
OPERATIONS ON BABIES still be utilized without the drawbacks as-
sociated with nitrous oxide and excessive
PHILIP AYRE re-breathing. The following method is sim-
Anaesthetist to Royal Victoria ple in the extreme, and has proved highly
Infirmary and Newcastle General satisfactory during the last eighteen months
Hospital; Hon. Anaesthetist to at the Babies' Hospital.
Babies' Hospital, Newcastle "Briefly, the apparatus consists of a T-
upon Tyne piece which is connected by a short piece
of rubber tubing and a Magill angle-piece
Br.J.Surg., 25: 131-132, 1937 to a wide-bore Magill rubber catheter pre-
viously inserted into the trachea. Through
"The anaesthesia employed for hare-lip one limb of the T-piece oxygen and ether
and cleft palate operations at the Babies' vapour is delivered from a Boyle or other
Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, may be continuous-flow apparatus. The other limb

remains open to the outside air; for con- oxygen to maintain adequate anaesthesia,
venience, a short piece of tubing may be the baby being kept just short of "gagging."
attached and allowed to hang down be- Deep anaesthesia is neither necessary nor
neath the operating towels. A strand of fine desirable.
gauze, fixed with adhesive strapping close 2. The 'dead space' is reduced to negli-
to the open end of the latter tubing, will gible proportions, while the continuous
wave to and fro with the patient's respira- flow of oxygen at the rate of from 1'/2 to 3
tions, thus serving as a useful indicator to litres a minute flushes out the lungs, and
the anaesthetist. effectually prevents undue accumulation of
"The advantages of this technique are as respired products.
follows:- "The excellent colour and quiet, natural
1. The baby inhales fresh air and oxygen breathing of the babies have convinced us
under as nearly normal physiological con- that oxygen and ether vapour, adminis-
ditions as possible. The system is open to tered by the T-piece method, is the anaes-
the outside air, without the intervention of thetic of choice for all hare-lip and cleft
a re-breathing bag, expiratory valve, or palate operations on babies and young chil-
other obstruction to normal respiration. dren."
Sufficient ether vapour is added to the * * * *


PublishedJune, 1969
The statement has been made that one disproportion. Preanesthetic medication
of the greatest dangers of spinal anesthesia consisted of secobarbital 100 mg. and sco-
is the fact that it is so easy to perform. polamine 0.4 mg. hypodermically. On ar-
Anybody who can perform a lumbar punc- rival in the operating room 90 minutes
ture and then inject a solution of local later, systolic blood pressure was 124 mm.
anesthetic drug through the needle into Hg, diastolic 72, pulse rate 88. Spinal an-
the subarachnoid space can be a spinal an- esthesia was instituted with 1 per cent tet-
esthetist. Since almost any medical stu- racaine (Pontocaine) 6 mg. and 10 per cent
dent-and certainly any doctor-can do glucose 100 mg. With the patient supine
these two things, there are a lot of poten- the onset of sensory anesthesia was noted
tially dangerous spinal anesthetists around, within 3 minutes; vital signs were un-
as anyone who has ever served on a Mater- changed. Two minutes later the level of
nal Mortality and Morbidity Commission sensory anesthesia was at the eighth and 5
or an Anesthesia Study Committee can tes- minutes later at the sixth thoracic segment.
tify. But even in the most skilled of hands, Blood pressure determinations at 1-minute
the complications of spinal anesthesia are intervals during this period revealed pro-
legion. Consider the following two case his- gressive decline to 80 systolic, 50 diastolic;
tories from the Anesthesia Study Commit- the pulse rate fell to 70 and then rose to
tee of the New York State Society of Anes- 94. The patient was nauseated and perspir-
thesiologists: ing. Oxygen by face mask and ephedrine
12.5 mg intravenously and 25 mg intra-
"Case Report
muscularly were administered. Testing
A 29-year-old healthy female required with pin prick showed the level of sensory
elective cesarean section for cephalopelvic anesthesia remaining at the sixth thoracic

segment. Within 3 minutes blood pressure Respiration was assisted by intermittent

had returned to preanesthetic levels and manual compression of the breathing bag
the patient was comfortable. The cesarean until spontaneous ventilation was deemed
section was completed uneventfully." adequate, 40 minutes after injection of the
spinal anesthetic drug. Cesarean section
"Case Report was postponed and the patient taken to the
A 35-year-old pregnant female, 4-0-2- recovery room where full motor and sen-
2, was scheduled for elective cesarean sec- sory function returned over the next 2
tion in her thirty-sixth week. She had had hours.
diabetes for 8 years, well controlled with During the night she received pentobar-
diet and isophane (NPH) insulin. Following bital 100 mg. She was somewhat apprehen-
a protracted episode of vomiting in the sive when returned to the operating room
twenty-sixth week of the present preg- 5 hours later, although she seemed sleepy
nancy, she had become hypoglycemic and when undisturbed. Systolic pressure was
required hospitalization for control of the now 140, diastolic 80, pulse rate 100, fetal
diabetes. She was 5 feet tall and weighed heart rate 140. As before, methoxamine
134 pounds, having gained 14 pounds in 20 mg. was administered intramuscularly
the 36 weeks of pregnancy. The diabetes about 15 minutes before lumbar puncture.
was under control, with occasional glycos- This time, however, she was placed in a
uria. Systolic blood pressure was 95 mm. slightly head-up position, oxygen was ad-
Hg, diastolic 60; hemoglobin was 10 gm. ministered by face mask, and a slow intra-
On arrival in the operating room with venous infusion of phenylephrine 0.02 mg.
preanesthetic medication she was appre- per ml. was started. Tetracaine-glucose was
hensive, with a pulse rate of 120, blood injected intrathecally through the same in-
pressure 90 mm. Hg systolic, 60 diastolic. terspace, but the dose of tetracaine was
The fetal heart rate was 140. Methoxamine reduced to 4 mg in a total volume of 1 ml.
(Vasoxyl) 20 mg. was injected intramuscu- Blood pressure did not fall precipitously
larly. Fifteen minutes later tetracaine (Pon- but declined gradually to 100 systolic, 70
tocaine) 7 mg. with glucose 70 mg. in a diastolic, with pulse rate 80; the fetal heart
total volume of 1.5 ml. was administered remained at 140. Once again there was
intrathecally between the third and fourth rapid development of sensory anesthesia to
lumbar vertebrae. She was then placed su- the cervical region, with intercostal paral-
pine with a pillow under her head. Imme- ysis and impaired but continued diaphrag-
diately afterwards blood pressure was 130 matic activity. This time ventilatory assist-
systolic, 70 diastolic. The patient whispered ance was required for only 15 minutes.
a complaint of dizziness and was seen to be Meanwhile cesarean section was performed
breathing with difficulty; immediate testing and an infant weighing 2710 gm.delivered
revealed sensory anesthesia extending into without difficulty. One-minute Apgar score
the cervical region. Systolic pressure was was 10. Operation was completed within
now 70, diastolic 50, and breathing was 35 minutes; subsequent recovery was un-
reduced to ineffective, feeble, gasping ef- eventful."
forts. The operating table was quickly In both of these patients, potentially dis-
placed in a moderate head-down position. astrous complications from spinal anesthe-
Artificial respiration with oxygen by face sia were expertly managed; but in the
mask was begun and phenylephrine (Neo- hands of the occasional anesthetist, who is
Synephrine) 0.04 mg. per ml. was added to unfamiliar with the problems which can
the intravenous infusion. The fetal heart arise and of the steps which must be taken
rate was 120. Within 31/2 minutes systolic in treatment of the problems, such situa-
pressure had risen to 180, with diastolic tions can become tragedies. Which, of
110, pulse rate 60. Phenylephrine admin- course, is the basis for the statement that
istration was then terminated and blood one of the dangers of spinal anesthesia is
pressure gradually declined to its pre- that it is so easy to perform.
anesthetic level of 90 systolic, 60 diastolic. At least, it usually is easy to perform.

This statement is not true when there is by Taylor in 1940 in a paper titled "Lum-
extensive and well advanced hypertrophic bosacral Subarachnoid Tap" (Taylor, J. A.:
osteoarthritis of the vertebral column or J. Urol., 43: 561, 1940) and is republished
when the patient has had a fusion of the below with the kind permissions of the
spine in the lumbar region. In these in- author and the publishers.
stances it may be utterly impossible to gain
access to the subarachnoid space by the
usual midline approach. The same thing is
also true of patients who cannot, or will
not, assume the standard postures for lum- LUMBOSACRAL
bar puncture, such as patients with anky- SUBARACHNOID TAP
losed hips, inebriated patients, and medi-
cated parturients. Either a different ap-
proach must be employed or spinal anes- J. Urol., 43:561, 1940
thesia abandoned. Romberger stated it well
some 40 years ago: "To know only one of A description of the lateral or Taylor
the many ways of inducing spinal anesthe- approach to the subarachnoid space. His
sia," he wrote, "restricts and limits the spinal landmark for skin wheal was one cm. below
anesthetist." and one cm. medial to the posterior supe-
One of the most useful of the alternative rior spine and the needle was directed to
approaches to the subarachnoid space is the enter the L5 - S1 interspace, avoiding the
lumbosacral. This technique was described interspinous structures.

Published October, 1960

Pain has been defined as "a disagreeable end-organs for pain, specific types of nerve
sensation produced by the action of stimuli fibers for the conduction of pain, specific
of a harmful nature." It is as old as human neural pathways for its transmission, and
life itself-and almost as complex. Philos- even specific areas of the central nervous
ophers have often debated whether or not system for its perception. The neurophys-
man would be happier in a world free of iologist has labored valiantly against great
pain, and have argued that pain is a neces- obstacles in the study of the pain mecha-
sary contrast that permits pleasure to be nism, and has done much to establish pain
appreciated. as a discrete physiologic entity.
From the physician's point of view, pain Nevertheless, pain remains primarily a
is the very cornerstone of the practice of symptom, primarily subjective in nature.
medicine. It brings the patient to the doc- Consider only the myriad descriptive terms
tor while there is still a chance for cure, by which pain is characterized: dull, super-
and it frequently points to the location of ficial, boring, pounding, deep, aching,
the disease process. In an organism as twisting, cutting, griping, cramping, wave-
highly developed as man, therefore, the like, compressing, constricting, vice-like,
sensation of pain acts as an important pro- stinging, shearing, pricking, and many
tective mechanism. In this respect, it is not more. It is this subjective nature of pain
the great enemy of mankind, but an ally- that so often makes it difficult to evaluate
a protective aid in a world full of possible medically, for while some types of pain can
injurious influences. be distinguished physiologically, the quality
Until fairly recently, pain was regarded of pain is usually a totally subjective con-
as simply a feeling state, an emotional re- cern, dependent upon the psychologic
action like pleasure. It is now clear that make-up (and the vocabulary!) of the pa-
pain is far more than an emotion: it is a tient.
specific sensation, provided with special A second, and overwhelming, problem
and separate mechanisms for the detection in the study of pain is its intensity. Again,
of noxious stimuli and for the transmission the subjective nature of pain has made ob-
of pain mechanisms. There are specific jective, scientific evaluation a great diffi-
culty. Depending upon an individual's psy- tional to the changes occurring in the skin.
chologic make-up and pain threshold, pain The method has the further advantagaes
of a given intensity may be interpreted all of precision, simplicity of technique, rapid-
the way from "mild" to "severe." Yet fruit- ity of measurement, and the fact that the
ful research into pain mechanisms demands stimulus is innocuous upon repeated appli-
an objective measurement of the intensity, cation except at high intensities. Further,
or degree, of pain. A significant contribu- any part of the skin surface may be studied
tion to the study of pain was made by James and the size of the stimulated area varied
D. Hardy, Harold G. Wolff, and Helen at will.
Goodell, in the Journal of Clinical Investi- "2. Pain thresholds measured in this way
gation, 19: 649-657, 1940, under the title did not vary consistently with time of day,
of "Studies on pain: A new method of meas- with the general effectiveness, or the emo-
uring pain threshold; observations on spa- tional state of the 3 subjects.
tial summation of pain," which is reprinted "3. Individual threshold measurements
below. for 3 subjects were 0.229, 0.231, and 0.233
gm. cal./sec./cm. 2 and all measurements
were found to be within 12 per cent of
their respective average values. The stand-
STUDIES ON PAIN. A NEW ard deviation for a single measurement was
METHOD FOR MEASURING calculated to be 2 per cent.
PAIN THRESHOLD; "4. Intense pain in any part of the body
OBSERVATIONS ON raised the pain threshold in the skin in
SPATIAL other parts as much as 35 per cent.
"5. The senses of pain and heat, which
were always stimulated together, were
J. D. HARDY, H. G. WOLFF, shown to be separate sensations through
AND H. GOODELL the action of acetylsalicylic acid. This drug
lowered the heat threshold and raised the
From the Russell Sage Institute pain threshold.
of Pathology, in affiliation "6. The peripheral structures responsi-
with the New York Hospital and ble for pain sense were distinguished from
Departments of Medicine and those of temperature and touch by dem-
Psychiatry, Cornell University onstrating that occluding the blood for 25
Medical College, New York minutes did not directly affect the pain
(Received for publication threshold in the ischemic hand, whereas
April 18, 1940) other sensations could hardly be elicited.
"7. Pain sense was found to have no
J. Clin. Invest., 19: 649-657, 1940 spatial summation in the sense that the pain
threshold for many end organs was no
lower than that for a few. This was ob-
served to be the case for minimal stimuli
and for supraminimal stimuli after mor-
"1. A quantitative method for measur- phine administration.
ing pain thresholds in the skin by thermal "8. The intensity of radiation which pro-
radiation has been described. The method duced blistering in 3 seconds was observed
has the general advantage of measuring a to be twice that necessary for the bare
physical quantity which is directly propor- perception of pain."

Published December, 1977

History has probably not recorded the accumulation of subsequent similar legal
details of the first malpractice suit against debacles.
a physician; it certainly has recorded a vast A malpractice suit is an amazing bird,

with strange and wondrous anatomy, be- gison's testimony at the inquest held follow-
cause it flies on so many wings. ing the death of the 15 year old girl, Han-
There is the wing of true negligence, nah Greener, on the 28th of January in
about which there can be no discussion. 1848. Hannah was to have had an ingrown
There is the wing of alleged negligence, nail removed from the great toe of her foot
which is the basis of most of the nauseating under chloroform anesthesia, and Dr. Meg-
malpractice suits today. gison testified as follows:
There is the wing of lack-of-rapport- "She appeared to dread the operation,
with-the-patient, which is really the feath- and fretted a good deal: in fact, she com-
ers of alleged negligence. menced sobbing on our entering the house,
And so on until we come to the wing of and continued so until seated in the oper-
the inadequate record-which, in the anes- ating chair, and commencing the inhala-
thesiologist's practice, is the anesthesia rec- tion, which was done from a handkerchief
ord. on which a teaspoonful of chloroform had
Oh, there are other things in the hospital been poured. After drawing her breath
chart, of course, which are important to twice, she pulled my hand from her mouth.
the anesthesiologist's defense against a mal- I told her to put her hands on her knees
practice suit. His preoperative evaluation and breathe quietly, which she did. In
and notes are important. His postoperative about half a minute, seeing no change in
notes are important. The consultation breathing, or alteration of pulse, I lifted
notes are important. The laboratory data her arm, which I found rigid. I looked at
are important. The nurses' notes are im- the pupil and pinched her cheek, and, find-
portant. History and physical examination ing her insensible, requested Mr. Lloyd to
are important. In fact, everything in the begin the operation. At the termination of
hospital record can be important. (So, too, the semilunar incision she gave a kick or
can the lack of anything in the hospital twitch, which caused me to think the chlo-
record.) But there is probably no single roform had not sufficient effect. I was pre-
item that is more important in most in- ceeding to apply more to the handkerchief,
stances of a malpractice suit against the when her lips, which had been previously
anesthesiologist than the anesthetic record. of good color, became suddenly blanched,
Dr. Lucien .E. Morris once wrote (in and she spluttered at the mouth, as if in
speaking of anesthetic charts) that, "many epilepsy. I threw down the handkerchief,
look on the making of records as an evil dashed cold water on her face, and gave
chore, whimsically required by remote her some internally, followed by brandy,
Boards of Accreditation Examiners for ac- without, however, the least effect, not the
cumulation in a dusty repository." slightest attempt at a rally being made. We
Dr. Morris was so correct. There are laid her on the floor, opened a vein in her
superbly competent anesthesiologists, who arm, and the jugular vein, but no blood
are also superbly trained physicians, and flowed. The whole process of inhalation,
who take meticulous, considerate and con- operation, venesection, and death, could
cerned care of their patients-and what do not, I should say, have occupied more then
you find in reviewing some of their anes- two minutes."
thesia charts? No indication of what drugs These anecdotal accounts, however,
were given, or when, or how, or with what were scarcely true anesthetic records.
result. The part of the chart which records The latter did not evolve until, begin-
vital signs says "o.k." ning in 1895, two young house officers at
That will not go far with a jury in today's the Massachusetts General Hospital began
world. to keep detailed charts of their administra-
The first anesthetic records were not tions of anesthesia. One of these young
records at all, really. They were narrative house officers was Harvey Cushing, who
descriptions of what people thought that was to become the father of neurosurgery
they remembered that they had done. The in this country; the other was Dr. E. A.
"anesthetic record" of the first chloroform Codman, a prestigious Boston doctor from
death, for instance, consisted of Dr. Meg- a prestigious Boston family. The late Henry
K. Beecher, the first Henry Isiah Dorr Pro- Cushing. This letter accompanied a collec-
fessor of Research in Anaesthesia at Har- tion of the early charts."
vard University, chronicled their achieve- "Feb. 9th 20.
ments in an article entitled, "The First An- 227 Beacon Street
esthesia Records (Codman, Cushing)," Boston
which was published in the November,
1940 issue of Surgery, Gynecology and Ob- Dear Harvey:
stetrics (71: 689-693, 1940) and is re- "Having nothing better to do lately I
printed below. have been trying to put my effects into
order again after the volcanic dislocation
caused by the war and incidentally by the
renting of our house.
TEXTS AND DOCUMENTS "Katie, after my departure dumped all
THE FIRST ANESTHESIA the accumulations of years into one pile.
So during this snowy week I have had old
RECORDS (CODMAN, diaries, letters and unpublished attempts at
CUSHING) 'papers,' and mercilessly put them in the
wastebasket. There are many things which
remind me of you and show the stimulus
Boston, Massachusetts you were to me. I am sorry that age now
prevents me from reacting to your enthu-
Surg. Gynecol. Obstet., 71: 689-693, 1940 siasm, and that I have ceased to cultivate
my mind enough to follow your soarings in
"With the rapid development of anesthe- Pituitary realms.
sia in recent years, it is easy to lose sight of "One of the things I cannot bear to dump
the fact that as the modern specialties go in the wastebasket is a collection of ether
this one is old, with its origins in the first charts which we made 30 years ago! In
half of the nineteenth century. The intro- connection therewith I find a long unpub-
duction of anesthesia into the clinic altered lished paper on 'Etherization,' in which I
the practice of medicine perhaps more than described vividly I think but somewhat te-
any other single advance; so it is of some diously the process as we then knew it. I
interest to keep the historical account must say I have never read anything better
straight by recording the specific steps in on the subject. I recall that the reason for
the progression of the specialty when they not publishing it was that I took it to 'Coll'
can be identified, even though they be mi- Warren, who regarded it as too frank for
nor ones." the good of the hospital, for it described in
"It has been said that record keeping, the detail the case which I lost in the A. R.
description and charting of the patients' because I was paying attention to some
course during anesthesia and operation, be- tomfoolery which you (who had come in
gan in 1915. Since detailed anesthesia from the theatre), were entertaining us
charts in the files of the Massachusetts Gen- with, while the poor devil was inhaling
eral Hospital antedate 1915 by more than vomitus! I also spoke of the case which
20 years, it is of interest to record the fact stopped breathing under ether and inter-
that many of the Massachusetts General ested you in Brain Surgery.
Hospital records bear the dates of 1894 or "So I send you these charts to destroy
1895. By that time two types of charts had with some solemnity for you and I are the
been devised for the purpose and were in only persons that give a-for them. Do
use. they give less ether per hour now?
"The later eminence of those who were Sincerely
concerned with this early record keeping E. A. Codman."
adds to its interest. The details can be de-
scribed by the letters of those who were [Signed]
responsible for the records. First, there is "Peter Bent Brigham Hospital,
the letter from Dr. Codman to Dr. Harvey Boston, Mass.

February 10, 1920." if there was any possible way I could atone
for the calamity to the man's family before
"My dear Dr. Washburn:
I left the Medical School and went into
"I have just received the accompanying
some other business.
note [the preceding] from Dr. Codman
"To my perfect amazement I was told it
with these old ether charts of the year
was nothing at all, that I had nothing to do
1895. So far as I am aware they represent
with the man's death, that he had a stran-
the first attempt made anywhere to keep
gulated hernia and had been vomiting all
charts during anaesthesia, and the story is
night anyway, and that sort of thing hap-
as follows:
"When Dr. Codman and I,1having en- pened frequently and I had better forget
about it and go on with the Medical School.
tered the hospital together, were 'Junior
I went on with the Medical School but I
House Pupils' I believe was the official
have never forgotten about it.
term, or 'House Pups' the unofficial one,
we gave the anaesthesia, as is the custom I "Now, to come back to these ether
charts. Codman and I resolved that we
believe now, twenty-five years later.
would improve our technique of giving
"I hesitate to recall what an awful busi-
ether, which in those days in the large
ness it was and how many fatalities there
majority of cases meant crowding the pa-
tient to the second stage of anaesthesia as
"My first giving of an anaesthetic was
quickly as possible, and for the most part
when, a third-year student, I was called
we used old sea sponges.
down from the seats and sent in a little side
"In order to make a game of the task
room with a patient and an orderly and
before us we made a wager of a dinner as
told to put the patient to sleep, for Dr. -
to who could learn to give the best anaes-
- - was to operate for the class. I knew
thesia. We determined to let the test of
nothing about the patient whatsoever,
satisfactory anaesthesia rest with the pa-
merely that a nurse came in and gave the
tient's behavior in the ward, and though I
patient a hypodermic injection. I pro-
have forgotten just what was our scale of
ceeded as best I could under the orderly's
marking the cases, a perfect anaesthesia was
directions, and in view of the repeated ur-
supposed to be one in which the patient
gent calls for the patient from the amphi-
was sufficiently conscious to respond when
theatre it seemed to me an interminable
left in the ward with the nurse and did not
time for the old man, who kept gagging, to
subsequently vomit. You will recall that in
go to sleep. We finally wheeled him it. I
those days we had no ether recovery room
can vividly recall, even now, just how he
in general use, except for the Saturday
looked and the feel of his bedraggled whis-
kers. 2 The operation was started and at this
"I think we both became very much more
juncture there was a sudden great gush of
skillful in our jobs than we otherwise would
fluid from the patient's mouth, most of
have become, owing to this competition,
which was inhaled, and he died.
but it was particularly due, I think, to the
"I stood aside, burning with chagrin and
detailed attention which we had to put
remorse. No one paid the slightest atten-
upon the patient by the careful recording
tion to me, though I supposed that I had
of the pulse rate throughout the operation.
killed the patient. The operation was com-
"Subsequently, on going abroad and get-
pleted in spite of the episode, as a demon-
ting interested in blood pressure, I discov-
stration to the class. I slunk out of the
ered in use in Padua a simple recording
hospital, walked the streets of North Bos-
instrument in Riva-Rocci's clinic. On re-
ton the rest of the afternoon, and in the
turning home I came to utilize this always
evening went to the surgeon's house to ask
during the course of my neurological op-
'Dr. Codman preceded Dr. Cushing by about 8 erations so that the procedure might be as
months. comparable as possible to the records taken
2 Curiously enough, it has been impossible to iden- upon a kymograph during an experiment
tify this patient in the hospital records. in the laboratory. A much more elaborate
ether chart was thereupon prepared, on simple as they are, you will see that Codman
which not only pulse rate and respiration and I each got up our own type of chart. I
but the systolic blood pressure was re- am sorry that the final score is not given,
corded. nor do I remember who had to pay for the
"On Dr. Councilman's instigation a pa- dinner. I am quite sure, however, that I
per was read here in Boston, January 18th, did, for Codman usually managed to beat
1903 on the subject of The Routine Deter- me in most things.
mination of Arterial Tension in Operating "I am sending this little bundle of things
Room and Clinic. This was the beginning, to you as it is a bit of ancient history,
I think, of the general use of a blood pres- doubtless typical of many other bits of his-
sure apparatus in hospital wards, whether tory that concern the succession of house
medical or surgical, for though the princi- officers who have rejoiced in their service
ple was not new the old Gartner tonometer at the Massachusetts General Hospital. It
was most unsatisfactory because in cases of was undoubtedly a step toward improve-
low blood pressure, the most important ment in what had been a very casual ad-
ones, it was utterly unreliable. ministration of a dangerous drug. We do
"I mention this because it is not uninter- much better with ether these days, but even
esting, in view of the universal adoption, so there remains much to learn.
subsequently, of instruments to measure "We are still, some of us, only too careless
blood pressure, to recall that the Division in its use, and stuch studies as Dr. Cutler,
of Surgery appointed a committee to report and Dr. Morton made during their term of
on the subject. This report appeared residency at the M.G.H., pointing out the
March, 1904, Bulletin No. 2 of the Division frequency of post-anesthesia pulmonary
of Surgery, and the final conclusion of this complications, are but a further step in the
committee was as printed: 'The adoption direction of improving our technique in its
of blood pressure operations in surgical administration. I still feel that one of the
patients does not at present appear to be most important elements in the giving of
necessary as a routine measure.' I find I an anaesthetic is to have the anaesthetist
have written on my reprint the verse from keep during its administration a detailed
Dr. Holmes' Stethoscope Song: chart of pulse, respiration, and blood pres-
sure. At the time of his notable address
'Now such as hate new fangled toys some years ago on Ether Day, Dr. Keen,
Began to look extremely glum;
who took up this subject, intimated that too
They said that rattles were made for boys
And vowed that his buzzing was all a hum.'
elaborate a record of this kind might take
the administrator's mind from his primary
"I have always felt that this was one of job. I feel most emphatically that it keeps
the most interesting illustrations on record, his mind on his job.
of the reaction against the introduction of "Please put this in a corner of the Tread-
an instrument of precision into clinical use. well Library, where some day some young
It is precisely what happened in the case of fellow may brush the dust from it and say:
the thermometer, the stethoscope, the X- 'Who were these fellows anyhow, and what
ray, indeed of the watch itself, if one may is this "ether" they are talking about? Do
regard Floyer's first use of the pendulum you mean that people used to be put to
for this purpose as a watch. sleep by the inhalation of drugs in the 19th
"I have been moved to write all this be- century?"'
cause of the memories which have crowded "Very sincerely yours,
in owing to a sight of these old charts, and, [Signed]HARVEY CUSHING"


PublishedApril, 1963
In 1864, a German chemist, Fischer, no- other series of 14 patients. There followed
ticed that during the reaction of hexachlor- a spate of papers on the treatment of tic
ethane with zinc and dilute hydrochloric' doloureux with trichlorethylene, including
acid to prepare tetrachlorethylene, another one by Oljenick of Amsterdam who noted
volatile substance was formed: he under- that the inhalations sometimes produced
took to distill this substance and then iden- the effects of a narcotic, including giddiness
tified it as trichlorethylene. Half a century and even unconsciousness.
later, in 1911, Professor K. B. Lehmann of The narcotic effects of trichlorethylene
Wurzburg University, while experimenting inhalations were also noted by Glaser in
with the vapors of several different chlori- 1931, who suspected that the symptoms
nated hydrocarbons, discovered the anes- and signs described by Plessner had not
thetic properties of trichlorethylene: he been due to trichlorethylene at all. Glaser's
demonstrated that prolonged inhalation (3 paper attracted the attention of Dennis
hours) would produce light anesthesia in Jackson, Professor of Pharmacology at the
cats, and that even more prolonged expo- University of Cincinnati, who was search-
sure (5 hours) would produce deep anes- ing for a general analgesic that would be
thesia. rapid, safe and retrievable. Jackson's ex-
The drug, however, found little use ex- periments convinced him that the main, if
cept as an extracting agent in chemical not indeed the entire, action of trichlore-
laboratories until World War I, when it thylene was upon the central nervous sys-
became widely used in heavy industry in tem, and that the cases of trigeminal palsy
Germany for the removal of grease from that had occurred in industrial workers
metal and machinery. This industrial usage were due to impurities. On the basis of
led indirectly to the first clinical application Jackson's work, Striker and his colleagues
of the drug: a syndrome of nausea, vomit- at Cincinnati Medical School employed
ing, vertigo, papilledema and analgesia of trichlorethylene, in the form of "trethy-
the area supplied by the trigeminal nerve lene," as an anesthetic-analgesic in a series
occurred among factory workers who were of 304 patients with encouraging results;
handling the liquid, and 4 cases of this but the clinical use of the drug in anesthesia
trichlorethylene poisoning were described was terminated abruptly by a most condem-
by Plessner before a meeting of the Berlin natory report of the Council of Pharmacy
Medical Society in 1915. One of his audi- and Chemistry of the American Medical
ence on this occasion, the neurologist Op- Association, which judged that the evi-
penheim, was struck by the fact that, al- dence, "does not justify the acceptance of
though the patients had not been exposed trichlorethylene for use as a general anes-
to trichlorethylene for some 8 months, bi- thetic."
lateral trigeminal nerve palsy affecting only A major world war had led to the intro-
the sensory root persisted, while all the duction of trichlorethylene as a therapeutic
other signs and symptoms had disappeared. agent in clinical medicine, and a second
He conceived that this effect might be uti- world war led to its establishment as a
lized in the treatment of trigeminal neural- useful anesthetic. The Blitz in England and
gia, for which surgical treatment at the time other exigencies of military medicine
was both dangerous and unsatisfactory. pointed up the need for a nonflammable,
Oppenheim proceeded to treat 12 patients inhalation anesthetic that could be used as
with inhalations of trichlorethylene, and a safe substitute for chloroform in warfare,
encouraged Plessner to do likewise in an- and the Joint Anaesthetic Committee of the

Medical Research Council and the Royal series, an effort was made to choose rep-
Society of Medicine became interested in resentative cases. Most of the commoner
the unique properties of trichlorethylene major operations were performed under
in this regard. Langton Hewer, himself a trichlorethylene anaesthesia, their duration
member of this Committee, undertook the varying from seven minutes to three hours
initial clinical investigation in 1940, and ten minutes, the average being about forty-
published the results under the title, five minutes. The patients were either (a)
"Trichlorethylene As An Inhalation Anaes- air-raid casualties, (b) soldiers-most of
thetic," in the June 21, 1941, issue of the whom were wounded evacuated from Dun-
British MedicalJournal (Hewer, C. L., and kirk-and (c) ordinary hospital civilian pa-
Hadfield, C. F.: Br. Med. J., 1: 924, 1941), tients. Their ages varied from 14 months
which is reprinted below. to 81 years."


INHALATION ANAESTHETIC "In most respects trichlorethylene resem-
bles chloroform rather than ether, and the
C. LANGTON HEWER, M.B., B.S., D.A. signs of the various stages of anaesthesia
Senior Anaesthetist to are similar to those encountered with ni-
St. Bartholomew's Hospital, trous-oxide-oxygen with chloroform as an
Hill End Hospital, St. Albans, adjuvant. Some degree of general analgesia
and St. Andrew's Hospital, appears to be present in the first stage, and
Dollis Hill; Anaesthetist to this was proved to be due to trichlorethy-
the Brompton Chest Hospital lene and not to the nitrous oxide by occur-
ring when pure oxygen was used to vapor-
With a Prefatory Note ize the drug. The second stage was not
By usually marked, but in one or two patients
CHARLES F. HADFIELD, M.B.E., M.D., violent excitement did occur. This can, of
D.A. course, be avoided by starting with an in-
travenous barbiturate, but it was not done
Consulting Anaesthetist to lest it should confuse the issue. The third
St. Bartholomew's Hospital; stage was characterized by quiet automatic
Anaesthetist to the Emergency breathing and a variable degree of muscu-
Medical Service; Honorary Secretary lar relaxation. This was sufficient for the
of the Joint Anaesthetics operative procedures except in three pa-
Committee of the Medical Research
tients. The first was a muscular young man
Council and the Royal Society who was having a partial gastrectomy for
of Medicine ulcer; the second was a patient from whom
Br. Med. J., 1: 924-927, June 21, 1941 a large malignant ovarian cyst was re-
moved; and the third was a soldier who
underwent manipulation of the spine. In
each instance the addition of diethyl ether
vapour for a short time secured the neces-
"The number of administrations was 127 sary relaxation."
and, although this is admittedly a small * * * *


Published April, 1957

The introduction of curare by Dr. Har- riod, muscle tone returned, probably from wearing
old R. Griffith represented a milestone of off of curare effect. Cyclopropane was then increased
in concentration, and anesthesia continued in the
progress in anesthesia without equal since
usual way. There was no demonstrable change in
the classic public demonstration of ether pulse, blood pressure, or respiration."
more than a century before. The drug The first case demonstrated that curare would ac-
revolutionized the practice of anesthesia by tually relax abdominal muscles in patients under an-
permitting utter muscular flaccidity with- aesthesia, and that this action was temporary and
out the necessity of resort to deep and without cardiac depression. We then proceeded cau-
dangerous levels of general anesthesia. In tiously to test the drug in a variety of cases. Our first
the light of all that has followed, the story reported series was small, and would not be statistically
behind the introduction of curare is fasci- significant if one were making a comparative study
nating; it is best told by the man himself: between similar drugs. But here the situation was quite
different-this was a drug that did something entirely
"Like everyone else, I knew that there was a need different than any drug then in use. It produced its
for better muscle relaxation during certain surgical muscle-relaxing effect in each case and we encoun-
procedures, so I pricked up my ears when, in 1940, tered no serious complication: so we decided that even
Dr. Lewis Wright told me of his idea that curare might after 25 cases we should make our work known and
provide the relaxation. He told me of the work of Dr. give other workers an opportunity to confirm or con-
A. E. Bennett in Nebraska, who had been using the test our findings."
new preparation, Intocostrin, to soften the convul- The confirmations were not long in
sions of patients undergong shock therapy for psychi- pouring in from all corners of the globe.
atric disease. Because curare had a fabulous reputation
Those who merely read the report, without
as a poison, I was only mildly interested; but I kept
thinking about the possibilities.
themselves assessing Dr. Griffith's results
I met Dr. Wright again in 1941, and asked him clinically, were scathing in their condem-
how he was getting along with his idea. He said he nations and intimated that anyone who
still thought that curare might be of value to the would administer such a poison to a patient
anesthetist, but he hadn't been able to get anyone to was a very questionable character; those
try it in the operating room. I argued to myself that who read the report, and then went into
if it did not kill Dr. Bennett's patients it could hardly the operating room for their own clinical
do any serious harm to ours, because the major danger trials, were unanimous in their support of
would be respiratory paralysis and even at that time the findings.
we anesthetists were accustomed to maintaining con-
But the importance of Griffith's contri-
trolled respiration over long periods: so I asked Dr.
Wright to send me some Intocostrin.
bution lies not so much in the drug itself-
On January 23, 1942, at the Homeopathic Hospital good as it is-as in the fresh approach
in Montreal (now the Queen Elizabeth Hospital), my which it brought to anesthetic thought con-
resident, Dr. Enid Johnson, and I administered the cerning the clinical pharmacology of anes-
first dose to a young man undergoing appendicec- thesia. No longer was it necessary to em-
tomy. The surgeon was Dr. George Novinger, now ploy deep and toxic levels of general anes-
practicing in Knoxville, Tennessee. The following thesia in the hope that, like a shotgun blast,
quotation is from the original anaesthetic record of
the pellets of the single agent would strike
that case:
all the various physiologic systems of the
"Intocostrin, Squibb (curare) 3.5 cc, given intrave-
nously in 1/2 minutes as operation started-no appre-
body necessary in order to provide the
ciable effect upon pulse or respiration. After 5 min- essential facets of general anesthesia-hyp-
utes, another 1.5 cc. of Intocostrin given. Apparently nosis, analgesia, muscular relaxation, and
complete relaxation of abdominal muscles resulted the obtundation of noxious reflex impulses.
and continued for 20 minutes, during which time Rather, it was possible to administer a spe-
cyclopropoane was lightened. At the end of this pe- cific drug to produce a specific effect, in

just the quantity necessary to achieve that "In January, 1942, at the suggestion of
effect. This is the practice of clinical phar- Dr. L. H. Wright, we began using Intocos-
macology, the introduction of science into trin (extract of unauthenticated curare,
anesthetic administration after a century of Squibb) in order to increase skeletal mus-
art. It is a concept that now has dominated cular relaxation in patients under general
the trend of the specialty for better than a anesthesia. So far, we have given it to 25
decade; and more than the drug itself, it is patients, and in each case there has been
the true measure of the magnitude of Grif- rapid and complete muscular relaxation,
fith's contribution. which develops within one minute after
intravenous injection of the drug and grad-
ually disappears in from ten to fifteen min-
THE USE OF CURARE IN utes. In none of our patients has there been
any serious depressing effect on respira-
GENERAL ANESTHESIA tion, pulse or blood pressure, and there was
H. R. GRIFFITH no demonstrable postoperative effect of
AND any kind. Apparently the drug is very rap-
G. E. JOHNSON idly broken down and excreted almost as
rapidly as it acts, although there is some
Montreal, Canada evidence from the psychiatric experience
Anesthesiology, 3: 418-420,July 1942 that patients who are given a second injec-
tion on the same day require a smaller dose
"Every anesthetist has wished at times to produce the physiological effect.
"We administer the Intocostrin intrave-
that he might be able to produce rapid and
nously with a dosage of 10 to 20 mg. of the
complete muscular relaxation in resistant
active curare per 20 lbs. of body weight.
patients under general anesthesia. This is a
Intocostrin is prepared in solution contain-
preliminary report on the clinical use of a
ing 20 mg. of the active curare substance
drug which will give this kind of relaxation,
per cubic centimeter, so that an average
temporarily and apparently quite harm-
adult dose is 4 to 5 cc. We have not given
to any one patient more than 5 cc., and we
"The physiological action of curare as an
make the injection rather rapidly, in less
interrupter of the neuromuscular mecha-
than a minute.
nism has long been recognized, and its best
"It has not been necessary to administer
known practical applications have been by
artificial respiration or stimulants in any of
South American Indians as an arrow poison
our cases. As our patients are all under gas
and in the physiological laboratory. The
anesthesia, with means of resuscitation by
crude curare of the South American forests
oxygen immediately available, we do not
contains numerous toxic substances, but it
fear this complication. Since Prostigmine is
has been possible so to refine the drug that
used as an antidote to curare, an ampule of
the elements of cardiac and respiratory de-
this drug should always be available."
pression are removed and only the "pure"
curare effect remains.
"For several years this purified curare
has been used experimentally in psychiatric
hospitals to prevent traumatic complica- "A purified extract of curare (Intocos-
tions in convulsive shock therapy. Bennett trin) has been administered intravenously
(1), Gray (2) and others have reported on to 25 patients under light general anesthe-
the efficiency and harmlessness of curare sia. In each case temporary but complete
when used for this purpose in quite a large muscular relaxation was rapidly produced
number of patients. with apparently no harmful effect."

Published August, 1958

Throughout the duration of human his- on his assistants, his wife, her niece, and a
tory-with the exception of the last friend of the family, introduced the use of
hundred years or so-women have chloroform into obstetrics and thus ush-
brought forth their children in pain, just as ered in the modern age of obstetrical an-
the Bible (somewhat retrospectively) said algesia.
that they should. Not in ordinary pain, Neither Simpson nor the cause of obstet-
either; the Romans had a word for it: poena rical analgesia had easy sledding after the
magna-the Great Pain of childbirth. Oc- initial introduction of the technique. Simp-
casional forays into methods of relieving son himself was called a blasphemer, here-
that pain have been made down through tic, and agent of the devil by the strict
the ages. The early Chinese used opiates Scottish Calvinists of his time, and the phy-
and soporific potions for the relief of pain sicians of Edinburgh were circularized in
during labor and delivery. The Greeks, of the matter: "To all seeming, Satan wishes
course, called on their gods, and there is to help suffering women but the upshot
that magnificent story of Actemia who, ter- will be the collapse of society, for the Fear
rified by the suffering that her own birth of the Lord, which depends upon the peti-
had caused her mother, begged the favor tions of the afflicted, will be destroyed. For
of eternal virginity from the god Zeus; tens of thousands of years births have taken
when she subsequently seduced Endymion, place without any means of allaying pain.
she was appropriately punished by a my- Has not Nature disclosed the wisdom of
thological superfecundation that made her God in her conduct of the process of birth?"
the mother of fifty daughters at a single The clergy then quoted Genesis 3: 16 from
parturition! Even the Americans did their the pulpit: ". . . in sorrow thou shalt bring
bit: Zerubbabel Endicott, physician in forth children"; to which Simpson, himself
Salem, Massachusetts (and son of the fa- a student of the Bible, replied (from Genesis
mous Governor) prescibed, "For Sharpe 2: 21): "And the Lord God caused a deep
and Difficult Travel in Women with Child sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and
Take a Lock of Vergins haire on any part he took one of his ribs, and closed up the
of ye head, of half the Age of ye Woman flesh instead thereof." Queen Victoria set-
in travill. Cut it very smale to fine Powder tled the issue for both Simpson and obstet-
then taken 12 Ants Eggs dried in an oven rical analgesia at the time of the birth of
after ye bread is drawne or otherwise make her eighth child, Prince Leopold: ". . . . the
them dry and make them to powder with Queen had chloroform exhibited to her
the haire, give this with a quarter of a pint during her late confinement ... It acted
of Red Cows milk or for want of it give it admirably. It was not at any time given so
in strong ale wort." strongly as to render the Queen insensible,
The modern age of obstetrical anesthe- and an ounce of chloroform was scarcely
sia, of course, began with Morton's classical consumed during the whole time. Her Maj-
public demonstration of ether on October esty was greatly pleased with the effect and
16, 1846. The medical profession was she certainly never has had a better recov-
quick to bestow the blessings of anesthesia ery."
upon women undergoing the pangs of Methods of inhalational analgesia re-
childbirth. Sir James Y. Simpson, Morton's mained in ascendance in obstetrics for
Scottish contemporary, first gave ether for many years; until, in fact, the onset of "Twi-
this purpose in December of 1846, within light Sleep", that "state of clouded con-
weeks of Morton's Triumph. On April 7, sciousness" induced by the combination of
1847, the first woman in America to re- morphine and scopolamine, in 1906. Con-
ceive anesthesia during labor was given siderable furor followed, as it had in the
ether by Nathan Cooley Keep, a dentist. instance of chloroform analgesia. The op-
But it was Simpson, in November of 1847, ponents cited that "the expulsion period
who, after having first tried the new drug averaged 6 hours and 15 minutes against
the normal 1 hour and 45 minutes", and compared to 2 per cent for a series with no
concluded that "Scopolamine causes pro- analgesic drugs. The urgent need was ob-
traction of birth and causes asphyxia". Carl viously for a method of obstetrical analge-
Gauss, the initiator of Dammerschlaf (or sia and anesthesia that spared the mother
"Twilight Sleep") defended the technique pain but also spared the infant's respira-
by pointing out that its failures were due tions.
to misuse: "Ifyou could trust to having an As early as 1901, Kreis of Germany had
average woman, you could use an average used spinal anesthesia for operative deliv-
dose; but the dose is easier to standardize ery; and the use of caudal and epidural
than the woman"-an aphorism that re- anesthesias for obstetrical deliveries fol-
mains true of obstetrical analgesia to the lowed, albeit some years later. There was
present day. little doubt that conduction anesthesia did
It became evident that, whatever salu- decrease the incidence of asphyxia neona-
tory effects "Twilight Sleep" might have on torum, but there remained the problem of
the mother's pain threshold, they were at prolonging the action of conduction anes-
least offset by the disastrous effects upon thesia sufficiently to obtund not only the
her infant's respiratory mechanism, and pain of delivery, but also the excruciating
other drugs and combinations of drugs pangs of labor itself. There were a number
were tried for analgesia during labor. The of workers who contributed to the solution
barbiturates gained rapidly in favor; and of this problem, and there were a number
there then followed the usual controversy of innovations of importance; but perhaps
over the effects upon labor and the new- none was acclaimed by such widespread
born in the form of the "Battle of the adoption as the technique of continuous
Barbiturates", which was largely lost when caudal anesthesia, described by Edwards
Irving reported that apnea neonatorum oc- and Hingson in the American Journal of
curred in from 35 to 65 per cent of the Surgery. 57: 459-464, September, 1942.
babies (depending upon the drugs used) as

Published August, 1980

Simpson, chloroform, and obstetric an- became Simpson's way of conducting ob-
esthesia form a triad in the history of an- stetric anesthesia, not only for patients re-
esthesia which seem just naturally to go quiring forceps or operative deliveries, but
together, but there is more to that state- also for normal deliveries.
ment than appears on the surface. On March 19, 1847, just 2 months to the
There appears to be no doubt whatso- day after his first use of ether anesthesia in
ever that James Young Simpson, who held obstetrics, Simpson published his first pa-
the Chair of Midwifery at Edinburgh, was per, "On the Employment of Ether in the
the first to apply the "Yankee Dodge" of Practice of Midwifery", in the London Med-
ether anesthesia to the practice of obstet- ical Gazette. But even as he was publishing
rics. He was a great opportunist, with a his first paper on ether in midwifery, Simp-
mind that was both receptive and percep- son was casting about for an inhalation
tive, and he welcomed the new idea at once agent that would not have all of ether's
as soon as he heard about it. Furthermore, drawbacks: "The disagreeable and very
he acted on it; and on January 19, 1847, 3 persistent smell, its occasional tendency to
months after Morton's introduction of irritation of the bronchi during its first
ether anesthesia, and just 2 months after inspirations, and the large quantity occa-
its first use in the British Isles, Simpson sionally required to be used"-but partic-
employed ether for internal podalic version ularly the giddiness, nausea and vomiting.
and the delivery of a dead fetus from a His search was straightforward and prim-
patient with severe pelvic contracture. This itive, and consisted of self-experimentation:
operation, of course, required full ether he and his assistants, Doctors Matthews
anesthesia with unconsciousness; and this Duncan and George Keith, would gather

around the dinner table in the evening charmed the listeners-some ladies of the family and
after supper and test, by the rough and a naval officer, brother-in-law of Dr. Simpson. But
ready but practical method of inhalation, a suddenly there was talk of sounds being heard like
those of a cotton mill louder and louder; a moment
variety of volatile substances including
more and then all was quiet-and then crash! On
Dutch liquid, acetone, nitric ether, benzin,
awakening, Dr. Simpson's first perception was men-
and iodoform vapor, as well as chloride of tal-"this is far stronger and better than ether," said
hydrocarbon, aldehyde, and bisulphuret of he to himself. His second was to note that he was
carbon. The suggestion to try chloroform prostrate on the floor, and that among the friends
came from David Waldie, a Scotsman who, about him there was both confusion and alarm. Hear-
like Simpson himself, had been born in the ing a noise he turned round and saw Dr. Duncan
Royal Burgh of Linlithgow, and who at the beneath a chair-his jaw dropped, his eyes staring, his
time was chemist at Apothecaries Hall in head bent half under him, quite unconscious, and
Liverpool. In fact, Waldie was one of the snoring in a most determined and alarming manner.
More noise still and much motion. And then his eyes
few men then living who knew anything
overtook Dr. Keith's feet and legs making valorous
about chloroform, and without his sugges- attempts to overturn the supper table, or more prob-
tion Simpson would never have heard of ably to annihilate everything that was on it. By and by
the substance at all, because at that time it Dr. Simpson having regained his seat, Dr. Duncan
was only a chemical curiosity. It had been having finished his uncomfortable and unrefreshing
discovered and described, simultaneously slumber, and Dr. Keith having come to an arrange-
and independently, in the fall of 1831 by 3 ment with the table and its contents, the sederunt was
chemists, Samuel Guthrie in the United resumed. Each expressed himself delighted with this
States, Eugene Soubeiran in France, and new agent, and its inhalation was repeated many times
Justus Liebig in Germany. In 1834, the that night-one of the ladies gallantly taking her place
and turn at the table-until the supply of chloroform
famous French chemist, Jean Baptiste
was fairly exhausted."
Andre Dumas, determined the chemical
nature, physical properties, and true for- The gallant lady who took her place at
mula, and named the chemical chloroform. the table was Miss Petrie, a niece of Mrs.
The ultimate experiment, which was Simpson's. Usually a retiring young
conducted by Simpson and his young as- woman, she began shouting with ecstacy
sistants, and which proved the anesthetic and excitement, "I'm beginning to fly! I'm
properties of chloroform in man, was de- an angel, oh, I'm an angel!"
scribed by Professor James Miller, a sur- Simpson's proclivity as an opportunist
geon who was a colleague and neighbor, was never demonstrated better than during
who used to look in each morning at nine the next 8 days. On November 5, the day
o'clock to see how the enthusiasts had fared after the evening of sniffing, Simpson em-
in the experiments of the night before: ployed chloroform for childbirth with spec-
tacular success. On November 10th, Simp-
"Late one evening, it was the 4th of November,
son reported the use of chloroform as an
1847, on returning home after a weary day's labour,
Dr. Simpson with his two friends and assistants, Drs.
anesthetic in a paper read before the Med-
Keith and Duncan, sat down to their somewhat haz- ico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh. On
ardous work in Dr. Simpson's dining-room. Having November 12th, this paper was published
inhaled several substances, but without much effect, under the title of, "An Account of a New
it occurred to Dr. Simpson to try a ponderous material Anaesthetic Agent as a Substitute for Sul-
which he had formerly set aside on a lumber-table, phuric Ether in Surgery and Midwifery."
and which on account of its great weight he had By November 15th, Simpson had accumu-
hitherto regarded as of no likelihood whatever; that lated a total of 50 cases of chloroform
happened to be a small bottle of chloroform. It was administrations, and he published this fact
searched for and recovered from beneath a heap of
in an addendum to his November 12th
waste paper. And with each tumbler newly charged,
the inhalers resumed their vocation. Immediately, an
paper. Thus, in the course of 11 days,
unwonted hilarity seized the party-they became Simpson had experimented on, introduced,
brighteyed, very happy, and very loquacious-expa- reported, and published on chloroform an-
tiating on the delicious aroma of the new fluid. The esthesia-clearly, he didn't suffer from the
conversation was of unusual intelligence, and quite reticence of a Crawford Long.
Nor was there any reticence in Simpson's with James, iv, 17: "Therefore to him that
own report of the first use of chloroform knoweth to do good and doeth it not, to
in childbirth on that November 5th: him it is sin."
"The lady to whom it was first exhibited during
The quarrel raged on for 6 years, ending
parturition, had been previously delivered in this abruptly when suddenly loyalty to the
country by perforation of the head of the infant, after throne was invoked on the side of chloro-
a labour of three days' duration. In this, her second form, and Simpson unexpectedly found an
confinement, pains supervened a fortnight before the ally whom none of the clergy dared answer,
full time. Three hours and a half after they com- the Head of the Church of England, Queen
menced, and ere the first stage of the labour was Victoria. During her seventh confinement
completed, I placed her under the influence of the at the time of the birth of Prince Leopold
chloroform. The child was expelled in about twenty- on April 7th, 1853, Her majesty was suf-
five minutes after the inhalation was begun. The
fering the usual pangs at the end of the
squalling of the child did not, as is usual, rouse her;
and some minutes elapsed after the child was removed First Stage of Labor when the Royal Ac-
by the nurse to another room, before the patient coucheur, James Clark, recommended the
awoke. She then turned round and observed to me use of Simpson's discovery. The Queen
that she had enjoyed a very comfortable sleep, and readily agree, and for all intents and pur-
would now be more able for the work before her. In poses the conflict as to whether painless
a little while she remarked that she was afraid her childbearing could be acceptable to God
sleep had stopped the pains. Shortly afterwards her Almighty, or was necessarily sinful, was
infant was brought in by the nurse from the adjoining ended. Victoria wrote later: "Dr. Snow ad-
room, and it was a matter of no small difficulty to ministered the blessed chloroform and the
convince the astonished mother that the labour was
effect was soothing, quieting and delightful
entirely over, and that the child presented to her was
really her own living baby."
beyound measure." On April 18th, 1857,
upon the occasion of the birth of Princess
Simpson's great triumph of obstetric an- Beatrice, Her Majesty again inhaled chlo-
esthesia with chloroform was not regarded roform during the confinement; and the
as such in all quarters. Many influential Lancet, which had loudly pontificated just
members of the medical profession-in- 4 years earlier that, "in no case could it be
cluding Charles D. Meigs of Philadelphia, justifiable to administer chloroform in nor-
Francis H. Rainsbotham in the British Isles, mal labour," routinely reported that "Her
and Frederick W. Scanzoni of Germany- Majesty was delivered safely of a Princess
objected to the use of anesthesia in obstet- ... on Tuesday last ... the anaesthetic
rics; but, particularly, the Scottish Calvinist agent perfectly succeeded in the object de-
clergy were outraged, for the gospel itself, sired." Simpson's last sweet measure of
in Genesis, iii, 16 contained God's maledic- triumph in the struggle with his foes came
tion to mothers: "In sorrow thou shalt when Queen Victoria placed a Sir in front
bring forth children." Simpson, himself a of his name and a Bart. after it. He chose
pious Christian, was in his turn outraged as his coat-of-arms the rod of Aesculapius
that the ministers of religion could think over the motto Victo dolore (Victory over
that God was a vindictive God, and he Pain).
quoted Genesis, ii, 21 right back at his ac- Even as Simpson was founding the
cusers: "And the Lord God, caused a deep subspeciality of obstetric anesthesia-in-
sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and deed, within 3 months of his first use of
he took one of his ribs, and closed up the ether for obstetric anesthesia-another
flesh instead thereof"-what God himself chapter was being written, the chapter on
did could not be sinful. The preachers had obstetric analgesia. The credit for the in-
a ready answer in that the creation of Eve troduction of obstetric analgesia must go
out of the sleeping Adam took place before to a dentist, Nathan Colley Keep, who was
the Fall, and the curse pronounced upon the first Dean of Harvard's School of Den-
Eve and her daughters was not uttered tistry, where he had been one of Morton's
until our parents had been driven forth teachers and, before that, had probably
from Paradise. Simpson countered this been the man to whom Horace Wells had

been apprenticed for the study of dentistry. technique which ever thereafter was known
On April 10, 1847, Keep wrote the follow- as chloroform a la reine.
ing letter to the Editor of the Boston Medical Snow, as early as 1849, wrote that, "when
and SurgicalJournal: the practice of inhalation in midwifery was
first introduced by Dr. Simpson, he very
"Dear Sir,
naturally adopted the plan which is usually
On the 7th inst. I administered the vapor followed in surgical operations, making the
of ether in a case of natural labor. The patient unconscious at once, and keeping
patient was in good health and in labor of her so to the end of her labour. It was soon
her third child. Five and a half hours hav- found however, by other practitioners that
ing elapsed from the commencement of the this is not necessary: and indeed it would
labor, her pains, which had been light, but not be safe in protracted cases. Drs. Mur-
regular, becoming severe, the vapor of phy and Rigby were, I believe, amongst the
ether was inhaled by the nose and exhaled first to state, that relief from pain may often
by the mouth. The patient had no difficulty be afforded in obstetric cases, without re-
in taking the vapor in this manner from the moving the consciousness of the patient.
reservoir, without any valvular apparatus. And I soon observed the same circum-
In the course of twenty minutes four stance. Some persons indeed, have alleged
pains had occurred without suffering, the that the pain of labour can always be pre-
vapor of ether being administered between vented, without making the patient uncon-
each pain. Consciousness was unimpaired scious of surrounding objects; whilst others
and labor not retarded. Inhalation was then have asserted that no relief can be afforded
suspended, that a comparison might be unless unconsciousness is induced. But both
made between the effective force of the these opinions are directly opposed to ex-
throes with and without the vapor of ether. perience. There are comparatively few
No material difference was detected, but cases in which the suffering can be pre-
the distress of the patient was great. Inha- vented throughout the labour without in-
lation was resumed, but the progress of terfering with consciousness. although
labor was so rapid that time could not be there are very many cases in which it can
found for sufficient inhalation to bring the be in this way prevented in the early part
system perfectly under its influence; still of labour. This difference depends, in some
the sufferings of the last moments were measure, on the constitution of the patient,
greatly mitigated. From the commence- but chiefly on the severity of the pain to be
ment of the inhalation to the close of labor, prevented."
thiity minutes. Number of inhalations, five. For much of the first hundred years of
No unpleasant symptoms occurred, and the anesthesia, ether and chloroform were the
result was highly satisfactory. mainstays of both obstetric anesthesia as
Yours, etc. well as obstetric analgesia. In 1880, N 20
N. C. Keep" was used for the first time for pain relief in
labor by Klikovich and, administered by
This was the original description of an inhalation at the commencement of con-
attempt to provide a technique of anesthe- traction, proved a very effective analgesic
sia particularly adapted to obstetrics, syn- technique. The first parenteral technique
chronizing the intermittent administration for obstetric analgesia was that of "twilight
of the anesthetic with the regularly recur- sleep," produced by Gauss and von Stein-
ring contractions, and it became the prin- buckel of Frieburg in 1902, and consisted
ciple upon which obstetric analgesia with of the combined injection of morphine and
both ether and chloroform was founded. It scopolamine. Since it combined sedation
was the manner in which John Snow had and analgesia with almost complete amne-
administered chloroform for 53 minutes to sia for the entire period of labor, it was
Queen Victoria at the time of the birth of hugely popular with the clientele (the par-
Prince Leopold, in 15 minim doses (0.9 turients) and came to control many an ob-
ml.) intermittently on a handkerchief, a stetric practice. There was no significant

increase in maternal mortality with "twi- and Hingson provided the groundwork for
light sleep," but the effect on infant mor- all of this with their adaption of Lemmon's
tality was very apparent: the all-too-fre- technique for continuous spinal anesthesia
quent birth of "blue babies," some of whom to the caudal route in the paper titled,
died, induced thoughtful obstetricians to "Continuous Caudal Anesthesia In Obstet-
search for a substitute for morphine. They rics," which was published in the Septem-
tried, successively, Pantopon, heroin, and ber, 1942, issue of the American Journal of
then the synthetic narcotics, like meperi- Surgery (Edwards, W.B. and Hingson, R.A.:
dine and alphaprodine; but a narcotic is a Am. J. Surg., 57: 459, 1942), and is re-
narcotic, and the price of fetal respiratory printed below with the kind permissions of
depression always had to be paid. "Twilight the authors and the publishers.
sleep" was then changed to a barbiturate-
scopolamine regime, with the thought that
the barbiturates would be less depressant CONTINUOUS CAUDAL
on the fetal respiratory center than the
narcotics; but this was only partially true,
while the maternal restlessness, which had OBSTETRICS
been a major problem even with the nar- EDWARDS, W. B.
cotics, increased to such an extent that in AND
at least one well-known lying-in unit, foot- HINGSON, R. A.
ball helmets were standard protective
equipment for the obstetric patient in the Am. J. Surg., 57: 459-464
Labor Room. (Sept.) 1942
Rectal anesthesia with ether for surgery
had never achieved any great popularity "Continuous caudal anesthesia, or the
for such good and sufficient reasons as extradural introduction of fractional doses
bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain and dis- of anesthetic substances through the sacral
tension, rupture of the intestine, colonic hiatus into the sacral canal, has been prac-
ulceration, and purulent peritonitis, not to ticed by us at the U.S. Marine Hospital,
mention respiratory depression, hypoten- Stapleton, Staten Island, New York since
sion, and death. Gwathmey's oil-ether co- early January, 1942. We consider this form
lonic anesthesia, however, overcame the of anesthesia to be an improvement over
irritation of the mucosa by the addition of the conventional type of peridural anes-
olive oil to the ether, and developed into a thetic administered by a single injection. In
successful method for the relief of pain in this latter procedure the time limit of sat-
childbirth in the hands of the careful phy- isfactory anesthesia is from forty-five min-
sician-when left to the untutelaged, it utes to two and a half hours, while with
maintained the same capacity for disaster continuous caudal administration, the an-
as any other technique placed in the hands esthesia can be safely prolonged indefi-
of the unknowing. nitely. The maximum time of effective an-
The great breakthrough in both obstet- esthesia during labor, in our experience,
ric anesthesia and obstetric analgesia came has been thirteen hours."
when these 2 objectives could be combined
in a technique which ordinarily would pro-
vide pain relief during both labor and de- "We realize that our series is too small to
livery with minimal systemic effects upon make all inclusive assertations as to its
mother or fetus, with few or no complica- merit, but we do suggest-the method is
tions to either, with high maternal accept- worthy of further study in the larger clinics
ability, and with a happy anesthesiologist in which an accurate evaluation can be
and an equally happy obstetrician. Edwards obtained."


PublishedJune, 1972
Man has always been exposed to the ex- and ice to check hemorrhage; and he was
tremes of environmental temperature, the also aware of the analgetic action of cold,
nature of the extreme during a number of for he wrote in his Aphorisms, "swellings
milleniums now depending for the most and pains in the joints, without ulceration,
part upon how close to, or how far from, those of a gouty nature, and sprains are
the Equator he was, or how far above or generally improved by a copious affusion
below sea level that he happened to be. By of cold water, which reduces the swelling,
and large, he has regarded these extremes and removes the pain; for a moderate de-
as merely the normal facts of his existence, gree of numbness removes pain."
and his life styles through the eons have The Saxon Leechbook, now known as
developed in such a way as to facilitate his the Lacnunga, was transmitted to writing
existence in his own particular climate. Oc- by an unknown Anglo-Saxon monk about
casionally, if he moved about and into a 15 years before the Norman Conquest (i.e.,
new clime, with a different extreme of tem- circa 1050) and contains a host of incanta-
perature than that with which he was fa- tions and charms for the treatment of dis-
miliar, he regarded the experience as not ease. The vast majority of these recipes and
only unpleasant and a drag, but a threat invocations are largely superstitious in na-
against which he must take preventive ture; but the Lacnunga also contains per-
measures if he was to survive. And even haps the first recorded suggestion of the
more occasionally, he noted the effects of use of cold for refrigeration anesthesia-
these extremes of temperature upon his chilling a part of the body by the applica-
physiologic status quo or that of other or- tion of cold water to deaden the pain of
ganisms in the same environment. His con- incising and draining an abcess: "Again, for
cern with these effects has been greatly eruptive rash. Let him sit in cold water
increased during the past few years due to until it be deadened; then draw him up.
the development of the Space Race, for in Then cut four scarifications around the
outer space he is subjected to the ultimate pocks and let drip as long as he will."
in extreme cold with which he has had to There then began the continued cycle of
contend; and during reentry into the rediscovery and the neglect of the use of
earth's atmosphere, perhaps the ultimate cold as an anesthetic which has been the
in heat-although there were those present history of the technique. There was an-
in Hiroshima and Nagasaki during August other surge forward in 1595 when Johan-
1945, who, for a fleeting moment, could nes Costaeus (de Costa) of Venice published
probably have argued the latter point. his De Igneis Medicinae Praesidiis, in which
There is no imaginable way at the pres- there is the briefest reference to the use of
ent time that man can put the extremes of cold-in the form of water, snow, or ice-
temperature to use for his physiologic ad- to relieve the pain of surgical incision. Half
vantage; but exposures to moderate in- a century later, Severino of Naples, the
creases or decreases in temperature are a father of comparative anatomy, demon-
different story. The use of cold as a thera- strated refrigeration anesthesia to Thomas
peutic tool, for instance, while often re- Bartholin (the discoverer of Bartholin's
garded as a fairly recent development, is glands), when the latter visited Naples in
by no means new, for the numbing effects 1646. Fifteen years later, Bartholin de-
of cold have been recognized throughout voted almost an entire chapter in his book,
the ages, and occasional use has been made De Nivis Usu Medico, to Severino's use of
of this knowledge in medicine for centu- snow as an anesthetic: "Before treating ul-
ries. Hippocrates advocated the use of snow cers of the limbs by cauterization, the rub-
bing-in of snow produces insensitivity. which, because it evaporates more quickly,
Marco Aurelio Severino, my old teacher is more effective than ether for this form
and friend, who is the foremost surgeon of of anesthesia.
our time, taught me this at the University The really definitive work on the use of
of Naples. As a general rule, he put the local refrigeration anesthesia for surgery,
snow in a capacious vessel ... and applied however, was that performed by Dr. Fred-
it to the skin. He told us that, if we were erick M. Allen, beginning in about 1937.
not afraid of gangrene, we could apply it He published a number of papers on the
under narrow, parallel bandages; in a subject, but he first attracted widespread
quarter of an hour, the nerves will be interest in the technique with a paper en-
numbed, and it will be possible to make an titled, "Refrigeration Anesthesia for Limb
incision at that point without causing pain. Operations," which was presented before
The surgeon can employ this method suc- the American Society of Anesthetists in
cessfully even when opening up the area New York City in April of 1942 (Allen, F.
between the thighs, close to the perineal M., Anesthesiology, 4: 12, 1943) and is re-
arch, for lithotomy;" and then he added, in printed below with the kind permission of
proof that the mystique of the bedside man- the publisher.
ner was an early acquisition of medicine,
"when he wishes to conceal the nature of
the treatment, in order to make the results
seem more astonishing, the aforesaid Sev- REFRIGERATION
erino dyes the snow with ground ultramar- ANESTHESIA FOR LIMB
ine or some other colouring matter." OPERATIONS
Refrigeration anesthesia was rediscov-
ered once again in 1807 when, after the FREDERICK M. ALLEN, M.D.
battle of Preuss-Eylau, Baron Dominique-
Jean Larrey, Napoleon's Surgeon General, Anesthesiology, 4: 12, 1943
noted that there was no pain during am-
putations performed on soldiers who had
lain in the snow on the battlefield at below
freezing temperatures. The use of refrig-
eration anesthesia was increased consider- "Refrigeration differs fundamentally
ably in 1866 when once again it enjoyed a from all other known forms of anesthesia
revival, this time due to Benjamin Ward in that it abolishes reactivity not only in the
Richardson's (Richardson was John Snow's nerves but also in the entire protoplasm. It
biographer) introduction of his ether spray thus has a unique value in the prevention
for the purpose of producing local anesthe- of shock. Its usefulness in respect to pain,
sia by freezing tissues. This technique was edema, thrombosis, infection, tissue vitality
later modified by the use of ethyl chloride and other conditions is also discussed."


Published April, 1979

All wars are stupid, of course. Russia, ambitious for a gateway to the
But high on the list of the absolutely most warm Mediterranean, had built a vast naval
stupid wars of all times was the Crimean base at Sevastopol. The British and French
War, fought in 1854 by the Turks, the had watched carefully, and had waited until
British and the French against Russia. the last nail had been hammered, and the

last capstan had been set in place on the Reeled from the sabre-stroke
docks-then they attacked with the object Shattered and sundered
of destroying the whole shebang. Then they rode back, but not,
Outside of its unquestioned standing in Not the six hundred.
the Top Ten listing of the absolutely most Cannon to right of them,
stupid wars of all times, the Crimean War Cannon to left of them,
would have long since been forgotten ex- Cannon behind them
cept for 2 little things. Volleyed and thundered;
The first was a lunatic battle ordered by Stormed at with shot and shell,
an imbecile British junior officer, for no While horse and hero fell,
conceivable purpose: a nonsensical charge They that had fought so well
into a massively fortified cul-de-sac which Came through the jaws of Death,
was immortalized by the English poet, Back from the mouth of hell,
Alfred Lord Tennyson, in the epic poem All that was left of them,
which recounted the tragic carnage, "The Left of six hundred.
Charge of the Light Brigade":
When can their glory fade?
Half a league, half a league, Oh, the wild charge they made!
Half a league onward, All the world wondered.
All in the valley of Death Honor the charge they made!
Rode the six hundred. Honor the Light Brigade,
"Forward the Light Brigade! Noble six hundred!
Charge for the guns!" he said
Into the valley of Death The second thing for which the Crimean
Rode the six hundred. war will always be remembered is the role
which it played in revolutionizing nurs-
"Forward, the Light Brigade!" ing-and, indeed, sparking the foundation
Was there a man dismayed? of modern nursing-by the greening of
Not though the soldier knew Florence Nightingale.
Some one had blundered. Florence Nightingale was born in the city
Theirs not to make reply, of Florence, Italy (the city from which she
Theirs not to reason why, derived her name) in 1820.
Theirs but to do and die. She was the daughter of a wealthy and
Into the valley of Death aristocratic British family, who had connec-
Rode the six hundred. tions at the highest levels of government
Cannon to right of them, and society.
Cannon to left of them, Her early life was a round of suitors and
Cannon in front of them parties and foreign travel. But the suitors
Volleyed and thundered; did not suit her, the parties seemed frivo-
Stormed at with shot and shell, lous, and from the age of 17 her all-con-
Boldly they rode and well, suming ambition was to be a nurse.
Into the jaws of Death. Her family was appalled. Their distress
Into the mouth of hell was quite natural, for the vocation of nurs-
Rode the six hundred. ing, in England at that time, was almost
always the calling of women of the lowest
Flashed all their sabres bare, standards and class, and the conception of
Flashed as they turned in air nurses that the public harbored was that of
Sabring the gunners there, "tipsy, promiscuous harridans." Under the
Charging an army, while circumstances, the Nightingales simple for-
All the world wondered. bade their daughter to pursue her dream,
Plunged in the battery-smoke and the subsequent struggle was long and
Right through the line they broke; bitter. Denied entry into direct nursing,
Cossack and Russian the daughter compensated by visiting every
hospital which she could to observe nursing she dreamed. This school was started at St.
in action, visited the religious orders on the Thomas' Hospital in London, which ful-
continent to observe the nursing tech- filled all of her requirements since it came
niques of the Sisters of Charity and other complete with a medical school connection,
such groups, and studied sanitation in its was large and influential, and was both a
largest sense. She was indefatigable in her charitable and a long-established institu-
reading and observations, and made copi- tion. She planned a 4-year course of in-
ous notes of all that she encountered in struction and clinical training for young
these fields. She was 33 years of age before women, not less than 25 nor more than 35
the family admitted that she was not going years of age, who were to be selected for
to "marry and settle down," and she was "fitness and character." The first 15 pro-
permitted to pursue her chosen vocation. bationers began their studies on June 24,
But it was the Crimean War which really 1860: the first modern nursing school was
launched her on her chosen career. off and running, and 4 years later the
The reports from the Crimea were of Nightingale Nurse began to appear on the
unbelievable lack of care for the wounded medical scene.
British soldiers, and this raised a public Miss Nightingale continued to work to
outrage in Great Britain. The Secretary At consolidate the gains made in Army Nurs-
War, Sir Stanley Herbert, who was an old ing which the Crimean War had produced,
family friend, asked Miss Nightingale to and she wrote extensively. One book,
head a contingent of 38 nurses to Scutari, called "Notes on Nursing," was published
a suburb of Constantinople, where 2 aban- in 1859 and became a classic (it is still
doned Turkish barracks served as the hos- available in reprinted forms in many lan-
pital for the British armies. guages); and that same year a second book,
Her group arrived at Scutari in Novem- "Notes on Hospitals," was also published.
ber, 1854, and found the most appalling "Notes on Hospitals" contained the follow-
conditions: 1800 patients, many on the ing statement: "Small wards for casualty
floor, all cold and without adequate cover- cases should be built separately and be sep-
ing, inedible food, non-existent sanitation, arately administered ... if the cases be as
poor ventilation, rats and mice running bad as possible, all the more necessity is
free, dysentery and fever rampant, and there for care in placing them where they
"not a basin, not a towel, not a bit of soap may have a moderate chance to recover."
nor a broom could be found." Her deter- Her knowledge of hospital administration
mination and administrative ability, not to and hospital design was derived from her
mention her personal financial resources, on-the-job training at Scutari; and it was
cut through Army red tape to reach the from the overcrowded, reeking, disease-
highest centers of British government, and ridden old Turkish barracks-turned-hospi-
soon she had clothing, fresh water, an ad- tal that she had developed her sure instinct
equate sewage system, food, beds, re- that the worst cases needed to be congre-
modeled wards and-most importantly- gated in a small area where they could be
the grudging admiration of Army doctors given specialized nursing and attention.
who had been implacable against the par- This was not, however, the first refer-
ticipation of women nurses in war. ence to a recovery area. The most complete
She lowered the death rate at Scutari history of the evolution of the modern Re-
from 40 to 2 per cent, she and her small covery Room is in an unpublished account
contingent were blessed by thousands of entitled, "The Historical Development of
soldiers, and she returned to England a Postanesthetic Recovery Rooms," which
national heroine. Queen Victoria re- was written by Ms. Nancy Thiel, R.N., the
quested an audience with her, and a Recovery Room Supervisor at the Univer-
"Nightingale Fund" was raised by a large sity of Minnesota Hospitals (who became
group of influential citizens to allow her to Mrs. Frederick Van Bergen in 1964 when
set up the model school of nursing of which she married the Professor and Head of the

Department of Anesthesiology, University of two recovery room suites ... (which)

of Minnesota Medical School). were obviously planned to isolate the pa-
Ms. Thiel, with help from Dr. Albert tient emerging from the depths of anesthe-
Faulconer, Jr., who was then Head of the sia from the other patients in the public
Section of Anesthesiology at the Mayo wards."
Clinic, unearthed probably the first docu- There are also available a number of
mented reference to a Recovery Room, word-of-mouth descriptions pertaining to
which preceded the publication of Miss recovery rooms, recovery wards, or recov-
Nightingale's book by almost 60 years. It is ery areas in this era (1910-1940), which
to be found in the account of the plans for usually begin, "When I was a student at the
the expansion and renovation of the New- University, I remember there was a recov-
castle Infirmary (which had been founded ery area ... ", or "When I first came to
in 1751), which was published in 1801 and Elsewhere Hospital, they were just building
which contained the following statement: a recovery section in the new renovation
"The fourth story of the building was to . .", but details as to specific purposes and
contain the operating room and five 2- the uses are seldom offered in these rumi-
bedded rooms, ... reserved for patients native remembrances. The integrity of the
who were dangerously ill or had recently commentators and the continuing lucidity
undergone a major operation. Each room of their minds leave no doubt, however,
was to contain only one patient in a serious that a number of large medical complexes
condition, the other bed being occupied at did have recovery "somethings" at this
night by a nurse or a convalescent patient time, and unquestionably some were em-
acting as a nurse." Ms. Thiel cogently ob- ployed for the recovery of postoperative
served that this is a remarkable idea coming patients.
from a hospital planning committee some It was World War II, though, that really
45 years before the discovery of anesthesia, put recovery rooms-as it did anesthesiol-
and demonstrated the great perspicacity of ogy itself-firmly into place on the medical
the Committee in recognizing that the post- scene .... The "Shock Tent" in the combat
operative patient needed special and close zone provided maximally efficient pooling
observation, even if it was through the un- of personnel, equipment, and organization
trained eyes of a fellow patient. in one centralized area, and was the obvious
Very little more was heard about the solution when qualified personnel and es-
recovery room (or wards, or areas) until sential equipment were at a premium. In
around the end of the nineteenth century these battlefield "shock tents," not only
and the beginning of the twentieth century, could the equipment, the drugs, and the
when hospital architects began referring to personnel be gathered to treat massive
them in the literature. It was noted by Ms. numbers of patients in shock, but triage
Thiel in her monograph that a book on could be performed even as the shock was
hospital construction, published in 1907, being treated. The success of this approach
contained plans of the operating suite of was so evident that the concept spread rap-
the Augustana Hospital in Chicago, Illinois, idly back from the front lines to military
which included designs for a recovery base hospitals, and then almost as rapidly
room. The authors stated that its purpose to military hospitals back in the States.
was to segregate patients who were re- From there it was only a matter of time
covering from surgery so that they would before the "Shock Ward" would attract the
not "... disturb or be disturbed by other interest of civilian hospitals; and, indeed,
patients." The New York Hospital, one of in 1941, Dr. John Lundy, while visiting a
the earliest in the United States, Ms. Thiel large army hospital, saw such a ward in
observed, included recovery rooms in "... which all patients who had undergone op-
1907 when the newly reconstructed oper- eration received postoperative care. "The
ating theater of the hospital was finished purpose of the ward was to concentrate in
and opened for service. The interesting one place all patients who, after the oper-
part of the reconstruction was the provision ation, required measures such as catheteri-

zation, change of dressing, removal of stepped. However, with manpower becom-

drains, administration of parenteral ther- ing progressively reduced as the result of
apy, and special nursing care." the war, it becomes increasingly clear that
Lundy seized upon the concept, but as some provision must be made for care,
an anesthesiologist he adapted it to the immediately after anesthesia, of patients
specific needs for care in the transition who have undergone operation under a
from the anesthetized state to a conscious general anesthetic.
state in the postoperative surgical patient, "On March 17, 1942, a room was estab-
and for this reason he called it a Post- lished at St. Mary's Hospital that was des-
Anesthesia Room. The initial founding of ignated as the "postanesthetic observation
such a "P.A.R." was described in an article room." -The name of this room gradually
entitled, "'P.A.R.' Spells Better Care for became abbreviated until it was called the
Postanesthesia Patients," which was pub- "P.A.R.".
lished in the November, 1944 issue of Mod-
ern Hospital (Lundy, J.S. and Gage, R. P.:
Modern Hospital, 63: 1944) and is reprinted "If the patient is completely unconscious,
below. he is sent to the P.A.R. and there he will
stay for anywhere from one to three hours.
Often his stay in this room is comparable
"P.A.R." SPELLS BETTER to the length of his anesthesia.
CARE FOR * * * *

POSTANESTHESIA "It was found that in the P.A.R. a mini-

PATIENTS mum of one bed per operating room was
undesirable and that a few more beds could
be used advantageously. -A staff of three,
consisting of two nurses and one orderly,
was able to take care of some 4,000 patients
Section on Anesthesiology and in the course of the year.
Section on Biometry and Medical
Statistics, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, Minnesota "The P.A.R. is equipped with suction
apparatus, oxygen, carbon dioxide, stimu-
Modern Hospital, 63: 1944 lants, intravenous sets, fluids, blood plasma,
"The possibility of having a special room, lighted laryngoscopes, intratracheal tubes
or ward, for patients who have been anes- and any other necessary special equip-
thetized and who for a brief period need ment."
special attention has been largely side- * * * *

Published August, 1957

There are only three anesthetic require- permit exposure of the glottis and larynx:
ments for good direct laryngoscopy and again, in the exceptionally cooperative pa-
endotracheal intubation. The first of these tient, this can be achieved in the conscious
is cooperation on the part of the patient; in state, but is most reasonably produced by
a surprising number of conscious patients anesthesia, either by the production of
such cooperation will be willingly supplied deep levels of general anesthesia or by the
and will permit intubation under topical use of muscle relaxant drugs. The final
anesthesia, but cooperation is most easily requirement is said to be control over re-
obtained by the simple expedient of anes- flex activity from the pharynx and larynx,
thetizing the patient. The second require- either by the application of topical anesthe-
ment is sufficient relaxation of the jaw to sia in the conscious patient or the lightly-

anesthetized patient, or by resort to deep performance of endotracheal intubation

general anesthesia. were emphasized neatly and dramatically
These requirements are generally ful- in the invaluable paper by Bannister and
filled in a satisfactory, or nearly satisfac- MacBeth entitled, "Direct Laryngoscopy
tory, fashion. Yet endotracheal intubation and Tracheal Intubation", which appeared
remains, on occasion, difficult, time-con- in the November 18, 1944 issue of the
suming and even traumatic. A lack of an Lancet.
appreciation of the dynamic anatomic re-
lationships involved is the usual problem.
Chevalier Jackson, the foremost contribu-
tor to the field, described the classical po- DIRECT LARYNGOSCOPY
sition for the exposure of the larynx in
1913: "the patient's head must be in full AND TRACHEAL
extension, with the vertex firmly pushed INTUBATION
down toward the feet of the patient, so as BANNISTER, F. B.
to throw the neck upward and bring the AND
occiput down as close as possible beneath MACBETH, R. G.
the cervical vertebrae." Thirty years later,
Jackson revised his earlier views and de- Lancet, 2: 651-654
scribed what is now referred to as the (Nov. 18) 1944
"amended" position, in which the head is
raised at least 10 cm. above the level of the The anatomical principles which render
table and is then slightly extended at the laryngoscopy and intubation easy are ex-
atlanto-occipital joint. The absolute neces- plained by means of diagrams and x-ray
sity of the correct anatomical alignments photographs. These illustrate the correct
provided by the "amended" position for the and incorrect methods of exposure.


PublishedJune, 1971
Dr. William T. Lemmon, in reviewing doses of the drug as his initial dose began
the results of some 2000 spinal anesthesias to "wear off."
in 1939, noted that his 2 most common He presented these ideas, and a tech-
difficulties were "its failure to take" or fail- nique based on them which he developed,
ure to produce anesthesia, and "its wearing in a paper entitled, "A Method for Contin-
off too soon" or the return of pain and uous Spinal Anesthesia," which he read
muscular contraction before the operation before the Philadelphia Academy of Sur-
had been completed, necessitating supple- gery on December 4, 1939, and which he
mentation with ether, nitrous oxide, cyclo- subsequently published in the January
propane, hexobarbital, or local anesthesia. 1940, issue of Annals of Surgery. Lem-
He rationalized that, if the spinal needle mon's results attracted immediate atten-
were left in situ in the subarachnoid space, tion, since they provided a method for
he could continue to administer doses of adapting spinal anesthesia to lengthy ab-
local anesthetic drug until he achieved a dominal surgery. The duration of spinal
"take," or he could administer further block could theoretically be extended in-
definitely, and the advantages of spinal an- or the mattress at any time; and in this
esthesia could be obtained wherever they regard Lemmon emphasized the impor-
were desired without being restricted to tance of the use of the malleable silver
the duration of action of a single injected spinal needles, since in 2 instances ordinary
dose of local anesthetic drug. Surgeons who non-malleable needles were broken off in
had experienced the difficulties of attempt- the spine when patients suddenly bent or
ing to close upper abdominal incisions moved out of position. These broken
when it was impossible to get patients re- needles constituted a serious accident, and
laxed under general anesthesia, when, in their retrieval could be extremely difficult.
fact, the closure was more difficult than the The results of this technique, when
operation itself, almost drooled at the everything went right, were impressive. If
thought of closures performed under per- analgesia was not present within 10 minutes
fect muscular relaxation and with collapsed of the initial injection, an additional dose
intestines. Lemmon had a most receptive could be given, or even a third dose, if that
audience that December night in Philadel- was required to produce a "take." The level
phia when he made his pitch to the Acad- of analgesia could be controlled by the
emy of Surgery. position of the patient, the dilution of the
His technique was thoroughly ingenious local anesthetic drug, the total dose used,
and was based on 2 special pieces of equip- the total volume injected, and the force of
ment, a malleable German silver needle (18 injection. Lemmon made the point that
gauge) and a specially designed mattress. some patients require more intrathecal lo-
The mattress was 5 inches thick, 18 inches cal anesthetic drug than others and that the
broad, and 6 feet long, with a gap 7 inches drug should be given as needed. He com-
long which was beneath the lumbar spine pared the situation to the fact that there is
when the patient was supine and was con- no set dose of ether for a given patient, but
tinuous with another gap which came to rather that ether is given under control as
the side of the mattress. The spinal punc- needed, and the dose varies greatly, not
ture was made with the patient lying on the only from patient to patient, but in the
side and after the use of an introducer to same patient at different times. The same
establish a puncture hole in the skin and a is true in operations under spinal anesthe-
track on into the subarachnoid space, so sia.
that the malleable spinal needle would not However, despite the obvious advantages
bend before it could be forced through the of the continuous, or fractional, technique,
skin or the ligaments farther along in its it also had its disadvantages, the most im-
course. As soon as the spinal puncture had portant being that it was cumbersome. The
been completed and cerebrospinal fluid movement of the patient from his side to
was seen to be escaping from the end of his back was crucial: an inch or two mistake
the malleable spinal needle, the air in about in placing the lumbar spine, with several
3 feet of rubber tubing was displaced by inches of the malleable silver needle stick-
injecting the local anesthetic solution ing out of the patient's back, precisely over
through it; the distal end of the tubing was that essential gap in the mattress was a
attached to the end of the spinal needle; critical maneuver. It was not surprising,
and the proximal end was attached to a therefore, that modifications would be de-
syringe loaded with the local anesthetic so- vised to obviate the difficulties of the malle-
lution. able needle and the split mattress. Dr. Ed-
An initial dose of local anesthetic solution ward S. Tuohy's was the most important,
was then introduced into the subarachnoid and one of the papers introducing his in-
space from this syringe, and the patient novation was entitled, "Continuous Spinal
turned on his back with the needle still left Anesthesia: A New Method Utilizing A
in the spine, the needle being so placed that Ureteral Catheter." This was published in
it was in the center of the gap in the mat- the August 1945 issue of the Surgical Clin-
tress. It was not allowed to touch the table ics of North America (25: 834-840, 1945)

and is reprinted below with the kind per- Surg. Clin. North America, 25:834-840,
mission of the publishers. 1945

The author describes in great detail the

CONTINUOUS SPINAL technique for catheter spinal anesthesia
ANESTHESIA; A NEW much as it is practiced today. He does not
METHOD UTILIZING A report its success in any specific group of
URETERAL CATHETER patients, but states that complications are
no greater than with conventional spinal
TUOHY, E. B. anesthesia.


Published December, 1966

In his book, "On Chloroform and Other passing off. In many cases, it occurs before
Anaesthetics; Their Action and Adminis- the patient has become quite conscious, and
tration," published posthumously in 1858, he does not know it has occurred unless he
John Snow wrote: is told. In a few cases, especially where
"The direction which it is usually requi- there is a good deal of food in the stomach,
site to give beforehand, to the patient who the vomiting comes on before the opera-
is to inhale chloroform, is to avoid taking a tion is finished, or even before it is com-
meal previous to the inhalation; for chlo- menced."
roform is very apt to cause vomiting, if Snow did not attribute any great danger
inhaled whilst there is a quantity of food in to the occurrence of vomiting during an-
the stomach ....The best time of all for esthesia, except to note that it could inter-
an operation under chloroform is before fere with the inhalation and that the patient
breakfast.... Moving the patient as the might wake up before the inhalation could
effects of the chloroform are subsiding is be recommenced. Four years later, how-
very apt to excite vomiting when it might ever, in the Edinburgh Medical Journal,
not otherwise occur; it is therefore desira- Dr. G. W. Balfour published an article en-
ble, when convenient, to allow the patient titled, "New Cause of Death Under Chlo-
to lie for half an hour or so, without moving roform."
his head from the pillow. By this means, "The case occurred during the Burmese
even when a feeling of nausea is present, it war in 1853; and was related in a letter
often subsides without the occurrence of from John Balfour, Esq., D.I.G., then field-
vomiting. It is advisable also not to give the surgeon to the army in Burmah. A soldier
patient anything to eat or drink till about received a gunshot wound through the up-
an hour after the inhalation, and, as a gen- per part of the thigh, and secondary hae-
eral rule, not even then, unless there is morrhage repeatedly recurred. It was sup-
some inclination for it; for if anything is posed that the profunda or one of its
taken into the stomach before the effects branches was injured, and it was deter-
of the chloroform have entirely subsided, mined to tie the femoral artery above and
it is apt to excite vomiting.... The most below the origin of the profunda;-this was
usual time for the vomiting to commence done while the man was under chloroform.
is when the inhalation has been discontin- In the course of the operation the man,
ued, and the effects of the chloroform are who had had his dinner previously, became
sick and vomited. He subsequently sank approach to this anesthetic problem was
and shortly died from exhaustion, as was published under the title of "Aspiration of
supposed. On examination of the body, the Stomach Contents Into The Lungs During
profunda was found cut across by the ball, Obstetric Anesthesia" (Mendelson, C. L.:
and a false aneurism formed at the seat of Am. J.Obst. & Gynec., 52: 191-205, 1946)
injury, and the trachea was found filled with and is reprinted below with the kind per-
vomited matters. Dr. Balfour remarked that, mission of the author and the publisher.
though an extreme case, this was but a
sample of one very common source of dan-
ger in the use of chloroform, arising from THE ASPIRATION OF
its anaesthetic properties interfering with STOMACH CONTENTS
the natural actions of the nervous sys-
tem.... Remarks were made by various
members as to the inconvenience and oc- DURING OBSTETRIC
casional danger of administering chloro- ANESTHESIA
form to patients who had been taking food
shortly before; and cases in point were ad-
duced. ... Dr. Thomas G. Balfour stated, (From the Department of Obstetrics and
in reply to Dr. Sidey's last remark, that he Gynecology, Cornell University Medical
had once been called to see a healthy, College and New York Hospital)
plump little child, who had gone to bed
quite well and had been found dead in the American Journal of
morning. The child had taken a hearty Obstetrics & Gynecology 52: 191, 1946
meal of porridge in the evening, and had
shown no symptoms that could afford any "In most texts on pulmonary complica-
clue to the cause of its sudden death. On tions, aspiration of stomach contents into
opening the trachea, however, a quantity the lungs during general anesthesia is con-
of its food was found lodged there, the sidered under the heading of postanes-
starchy nature of which was proved by the thetic pneumonia. Aspiration of infected
usual iodine test." material is said to produce atelectasis, pneu-
Today, regurgitation and vomiting, fol- monia, and lung abscess.
lowed by aspiration, is recognized as one of
the leading causes of mortality associated
with the administration of anesthesia. In a "There have been sixty-six instances of
study of one thousand mortalities reported aspiration of stomach contents into the
by the Association of Anaesthetists of Great lungs in 44,016 pregnancies at the Lying-
Britain and Ireland, no less than 110 (11 In Hospital from 1932 to 1945. The inci-
per cent) were due to regurgitation or vom- dence of this complication is 0.15 per cent.
iting. Furthermore, and of great signifi- An analysis of the cases is presented and
cance, in 92 of these 110 patients, the followed by experimental work to clarify
nature of the vomited or regurgitated ma- the pathology of aspiration, and thereby
terial was fluid. The importance of this fact gain insight into its diagnosis, prevention,
had been recognized previously and very and treatment.
clearly by Mendelson, who distinguished
between the obstructive symptoms result-
ing from the aspiration of solids and the "Aspiration was recorded as having def-
commoner asthmatic-like reaction of those initely occurred in the delivery room in 68
who inhaled liquids from the stomach. In- per cent. In 32 per cent this complication
deed, the syndrome of pulmonary edema, went unrecognized until later. The char-
bronchospasm, cyanosis, tachycardia and acter of the aspirated material in the 45
hypotension which follows the aspiration of recorded cases was liquid in 40 and solid in
liquid gastric contents is now associated five.
with Mendelson's name. His experimental * * * *

CONCLUSIONS 7. Aspiration of stomach contents into

the lungs is preventable. The dangers of
"1. Gastric retention of solid and liquid this complication as an obstetric hazard
material is prolonged during labor. may be avoided by: (a) withholding oral
2. Aspiration of vomitus into the lungs feeding during the labor and substituting
may occur while the laryngeal reflexes are parenteral administration where necessary;
abolished during general anesthesia. (b) wider use of local anesthesia where in-
3. Bronchial configuration favors right- dicated and feasible; (c) alkalinization of,
sided aspiration. Massive aspiration, how- and emptying the stomach contents prior
ever, readily involves both lungs. to the administration of a general anes-
4. Liquid material is more frequently thetic; (d) competent administration of gen-
aspirated than solid. eral anesthesia with full appreciation of the
5. Aspiration of solid material usually dangers of aspiration during induction
produces the classical picture of laryngeal and recovery; (e) adequate delivery-room
or bronchial obstruction. equipment, including transparent anes-
6. Aspiration of liquid produces an ap- thetic masks, tiltable delivery table, suction,
parently hitherto unrecognized asthmatic- laryngoscope, and bronchoscope; and (f)
like syndrome with distinct clinical, roent- differential diagnosis between the two syn-
genologic, and pathologic features. This dromes described, and prompt institution
syndrome is due to the irritative action of of suitable therapy."
gastric hydrochloric acid, which produces
bronchiolar spasm and a peribronchiolar
exudative and congestive reaction.

Published October, 1974

A colleague made the remark to me in time, there probably were not. They used
1952, "I've tried your succinylcholine. I 3 to 7 ml. of the Squibb preparation, Into-
don't like it as well as curare. You have to costrin, and they used it to "top off" the
breathe for them." relaxation produced by a fully potent an-
It seems like an incredible remark today; esthetic agent such as cyclopropane. It was
but it was really quite a natural remark to scarcely a paralyzing dose: the curare was
make in 1952, because it reflected the at- used mainly to produce more muscle relax-
titude in this country concerning the res- ation than would otherwise have been pres-
piratory effects of curare. Anesthesiolo- ent at the depth of the relatively low con-
gists, by and large, believed that curare centration of inhalation anesthetic which
could produce adequate abdominal relax- was being employed.
ation without impinging upon ventilatory In time, it occurred to those who had not
exchange to any marked degree. There forgotten all of their anatomy that the mo-
were several reasons for this misconcep- tor branches of the intercostal nerves sup-
tion. ply not only the intercostal muscles (the
The first, probably, was contained in respiratory muscles), but also the muscles
Griffith's classic article, "The Use of Cu- of the abdomen; and that relaxation of the
rare in General Anesthesia," which re- abdominal muscles should therefore also
ported the first use of a muscle relaxant be accompanied by relaxation of the inter-
during anesthesia (Anesthesiology, 3: 418, costal muscles, with a commensurate de-
1942). Griffith and Johnson wrote, "In crease in respiratory effort.
none of our patients has there been any Absolutely logical-but there was also an
serious depressing effect on respiration, explanation for this. A very precise se-
pulse or blood pressure, and there was no quence of the relaxing effects of curare had
demonstrable postoperative effect of any been documented. First, the small, rapidly
kind." In truth, with the relatively crude moving muscles such as those of the fingers,
methods of measurement available at the toes, eyes, and ears were involved; then the
muscles of the limbs, neck, and trunk; next report of the investigation explained the
the intercostal muscles, and only ultimately scope: "Anesthesia is an adjunct to the care
and finally the diaphragm was paralyzed. of the patient; hardly ever is it an end in
The diaphragm was considered the key; itself, except where it is the principal phy-
and each new muscle relaxant that was sician tool used in the study and treatment
introduced was loudly acclaimed as a dia- of paresthesias or circulatory disorders. In
phragm-sparing drug. such limited cases, anesthesia is perhaps an
Aiding and abetting the confusion was end in itself. This study, however, is con-
the fact that, in the many instances in which cerned with anesthesia as a part of the total
ventilation was not assisted, most patients surgical care of the patient. Anesthesia in
could indeed produce sufficient respiratory this role is not of itself the therapeutic act
exchange to maintain life, despite the use which makes possible the correction of de-
of the relaxant. formity, the restoration of health, or the
The day of reckoning could not be post- staying of death. It merely makes possible
poned indefinitely, however. Certain pa- the acts which can accomplish these things.
tients involved were anesthetized with We set down these truisms here, for it is
agents that sensitized the myocardium to our belief that one of the principal accom-
catecholamines, which the inevitable hy- plishments of this survey is to show, within
percarbia produced in abundance; and cer- the precise framework to be described, the
tain other patients suffered from cardio- extent of the responsibility which must be
pulmonary disease which accentuated the borne by anesthesia for failure in the total
unpleasant effects of the relaxant's venti- care of the surgical patient."
latory depression and subsequent carbon The results of the study were startling,
dioxide accumulation and hypoxia. These to say the least. They showed that, in the
combinations could be lethal. 10 institutions in which the study was con-
In time, the morbidity and mortality be- ducted, the use of curare increased the
came of vital concern. Ten of the major mortality rate 6-fold in comparison with
University Departments-The Massachu- those patients who did not receive a muscle
setts General Hospital (Harvard Univer- relaxant drug. The conclusion drawn-
sity); The Presbyterian Hospital of New that curare was inherently cardiotoxic-
York (Columbia University College of Phy- was patently in error; almost certainly the
sicians and Surgeons); The Hospital of the technique of using curare to provide some
University of Pennsylvania (University of relaxation, while at the same time ignoring
Pennsylvania); The George Washington its respiratory effects, was the major factor.
University Hospital and the Gallinger Mu- This conclusion was borne out by the
nicipal Hospital (George Washington Uni- experience with curare across the Atlantic.
versity); The Duke University Hospital The method of use of muscle relaxants in
(Duke University); The Vanderbilt Univer- Europe was rather different from that prac-
sity Hospital (Vanderbilt University); The ticed in most North American centers at
Charity Hospital of Louisiana (Tulane Uni- that time. The group in Liverpool pi-
versity); The University of Minnesota Hos- oneered the so-called "pure" technique,
itals (University of Minnesota); The Salt employing large and paralyzing doses of
Lake County Hospital (University of Utah); curare with nitrous oxide-oxygen anesthe-
and the Stanford University Hospitals sia and controlled respirations, usually to
(Stanford University-undertook a com- the extent of hyperventilation. Not only
prehensive, retrospective study of the did the European method not show the
deaths associated with anesthesia and sur- same increase in mortality noted in this
gery in a 5 year period that extended from country, but in fact the mortality was lower
January 1, 1948 to December 31, 1952. in those receiving relaxants. The European
It was a remarkably important investi- technique which led to these more favora-
gation. It infuriated a great many anesthe- ble results was reported by Gray and Hal-
siologists, but it also taught a number of ton in an article entitled, "A Milestone in
significant lessons. The foreword to the Anaesthesia? (d-Tubocurarine Chloride),"

which was published in the Proceedings of ties of administration, namely, the arm can
the Royal Society of Medicine in 1946 be placed in any position during the oper-
(Gray, T. C. and Halton, J.: Proc. R. Soc. ation without fear of the intravenous
Med., 39: 400-410, 1946) and is reprinted needle becoming displaced, and precipita-
below with the kind permission of the au- tion of the barbiturate by the curare is
thors and the publisher. prevented.

"After an induction as described above,

[March 1, 1946]
small increments of barbiturate and curare
A MILESTONE IN are made. 0.1 gramme of pentothal and 2
ANAESTHESIA? to 4 mg. of curare are given from time to
(D-TUBOCURARINE time as the reaction of the patient to stimuli
CHLORIDE) and the demands of the surgeon dictate. If
the length of the operation is such that a
T. CECIL GRAY, M. B., CH.B., D.A. dose of more than 1.5 grammes of pento-
AND thal or 3 to 4 grammes of kemithal has to
JOHN HALTON, M. B., CH.B. be exceeded, which occurs very rarely, we
prefer to continue the anaesthesia with
Proc. Royal Soc. Med., 39: 400-410, 1946
minimal amounts of cyclopropane or ether.
"(3) As an adjuvant to inhalational anaes-
thesia. The intermittent fractional injec-
"Three main techniques have been em- tion of a total dose of 15 to 30 mg. of
ployed: curare is utilized to produce relaxation
"(1) The single dose method, for the while still keeping the patient in a light
induction of anaesthesia, short operations plane of anaesthesia.
and endoscopies, oral and anal. "Whichever of these three methods is
"Employed in this way a mixture of 15 used, oxygen may be supplied in abun-
mg. of tubocurarine with 0.5 gramme of dance, and preferably by means of a closed
pentothal is injected fairly rapidly. After circuit, for by this means adequate and
two or three minutes respiration becomes complete ventilation of the lungs can be
very shallow or ceases altogether, the jaw ensured."
is completely relaxed and there is no spasm
or cough when an airway is inserted or an
endotracheal tube is passed. Furthermore, "There are two signs of curarinization
the patient is able to tolerate straight away, which must be mentioned. The first is the
without distress, an anaesthetic vapour typical respiration characterized by a push-
strong enough to maintain the anaesthesia ing-out of the lower part of the chest and
should this be desired. Induction time is of the abdomen with each diaphragmatic
thus tremendously shortened. contraction, and accompanied by a jaw and
"With this dose bronchoscopy is easily tracheal tug. This is not the same as the
performed, and because of the relaxation gasping respiration seen in deep ether an-
of the pharyngeal and anal sphincters, oes- aesthesia, when a partially paralysed respi-
ophagoscopy or sigmoidoscopy can be car- ratory centre is endeavouring to cope with
ried out with ease. the situation. It is at this point that all effort
"Patients recover quickly after this form should be concentrated on ensuring full
of administration. ventilation of the lungs. Should this not be
"(2) For longer procedures in conjunc- maintained, the condition will deteriorate,
tion with the intermittent injection of an and the surgeon will be embarrassed by the
intravenous barbiturate. A remote control exaggerated diaphragmatic excursion. In
tap has been devised which facilitates this this event control of the respiration with
technique. Its use overcomes two difficul- the rebreathing bag is easily attained.

"The second sign, and a most valuable CONCLUSION

one, is the ease with which the lungs may "The road lies open before us, and with
be inflated by pressure on the rebreathing a grave and insistent warning to the inex-
bag (Morton, 1945). The absolute intercos- perienced that we are dealing with one of
tal and abdominal relaxation, with the com- the most potent poisons known, we venture
plete absence of laryngeal spasm, makes to say that we have passed yet another
this manoeuvre easy and satisfying. milestone, and the distance to our goal is
considerably shortened."

Published April, 1969

From the very first moment of surgery- use of tourniquets and Esmarch bandages
at the time that the first Mesopotamian for operations upon the extemities has been
trephined the skull of a fellow man-bleed- a well known maneuver for a long time.
ing has been a surgical problem, and at- The application of vasoconstrictor sub-
tempts to control it have been a primary stances to the tissues of the operative site
concern of the surgeon. In the main, these has also been employed to provide hemo-
techniques have recognized what few sur- stasis, but the usefulness of this technique
geons themselves ever discuss: i.e., that the has been restricted somewhat, both because
cause of bleeding during surgery is that of the danger of toxic absorption and the
blood vessels have been cut, since the nor- problem of reactive vasodilation and there-
mal blood vessel does not allow blood to fore reactionary hemorrhage. More direct
escape its confines during operation unless procedures have included the application
it is severed by a scalpel or scissors. Every- of hemostats or clamps to bleeding vessels
thing imaginable-from the weather down with subsequent tying of the vessels or the
through to the circulating nurse's misdirec- insertion of mattress sutures which incor-
tion of the light-has, at one time or an- porate them. Cautery, chemical agents of
other, been the surgical explanation for an escharotic nature, and, more recently,
either ooze or frank hemorrhage; but over hemostatic sponges or packs, have proven
the years, the anesthesiologist and his drugs useful in controlling vascular ooze in lim-
have probably been the major targets of ited areas of the operative site. The appli-
surgical implorations and entreaties con- cation of both heat and cold have been
cerning bleeding. Indeed, beginning a bit used for the achievement of hemostasis in
after 1930, probably the most common the past, and more recently hypothermia
surgical response to undue bleeding was a has been employed as a generalized rather
scathing, "You're using cyclopropane, than a local measure-and for a quite dif-
aren't you?" And then in the 1940's, when ferent rationale.
the surgeon finally divorced himself from A different approach to the control of
the barber's pole, began reading the phys- bleeding during surgery has been inherent
iologic literature, and recognized the effect in the techniques which have been var-
of carbon dioxide accumulation upon iously called "controlled hypotension," "in-
bleeding, the remark became a thunder- duced hypotension", and "intentional hy-
ous, "You're not ventilating him!" potension". The concept in these tech-
The attempts to actually stop the bleed- niques has not been to seal off the moat,
ing, however, have all tacitly acknowledged but to lower the amount of flow within the
that the cut vessel was the problem and moat to the point at which it would no
have been specifically directed toward seal- longer seek exit. It should be emphasized,
ing off the opened moat. Direct pressure however, that this method does not imply
over the bleeding area or vessel is both the that the flow of blood through small vessels
most naturally obvious and oldest method can be considered as though the latter were
for the achievement of hemostasis, and the simply rigid tubes, with a linear relationship

between flow and pressure, and a cessation A decade ago, the most common method
of flow when the pressure is zero; rather, of producing "controlled hypotension" was
the relationship must be considered to be by the reduction of peripheral resistance.
non-linear, with flow ceasing at a critical The peripheral resistance resides largely in
closing pressure. Furthermore, an integral the variably-contractile arterioles and is
part of the techniques of "controlled hy- maintained by the continuous stream of
potension" is the proper positioning of the vasoconstrictor impulses arising from the
patient upon the operating table so that the brain stem and carried via the sympathetic
operative site is superior and "postural is- nerves to the vessel walls themselves. Inter-
chemia" is produced. The promotion of ruption of this efferent sympathetic out-
venous drainage is, of course, the most flow results in arteriolar dilation and thus
important factor in this regard: if the sur- effects a reduction of peripheral resistance:
gical wound is dependent in relation to all the capacity of the vascular bed is increased
or much of the body, the venous blood, in thereby relative to the total circulating
order to leave the wound, must oppose the blood volume, and this disruption of the
hydrostatic force of the weight of the col- finely-adjusted balance between the two
umn of blood, in addition to having to exert produces hypotension. A number of gan-
an antigravitational force. Furthermore, it glion blocking drugs were employed-and
is also necessary to consider the effect of to some extent still are-to reduce periph-
posture upon arterial pressure in relation eral resistance and so lower blood pressure
to "postural ischemia": the local blood pres- during surgery: the hexamethonium salts,
sure in the wound is reduced 30 mm. Hg pentamethonium (C5) and hexametho-
for every 15 inches of vertical height of the nium (C6); pentolinium tartrate (Ansoly-
operative site above the level of the heart, sen); trimethaphan camphorsulphonate
and therefore gravity opposes the hydro- (Arfonad); and phenactropinium chloride
dynamic factor in the arteries; whereas, (Trophenium). Less widely used, but a
conversely, when the operative site is below most effective method of inducing inten-
heart level, the hydrostatic and hydrody- tional hypotension, was total spinal block,
namic factors are additive insofar as arterial which also reduces peripheral resistance by
flow is concerned. the interruption of sympathetic outflow
Without doubt, the most common from the cord, but has the advantage over
method of inducing intentional hypoten- ganglion block that it also provides anes-
sion during operation today is a careful thesia for the surgical procedure itself in
combination of halothane anesthesia and many instances (depending, of course,
positive pressure respiration. Halothane upon the site of that surgery), and does not
lowers blood pressure by a combination of produce parasympathetic block concur-
pharmacologic effects which include de- rently.
pression of the central vasomotor mecha- The forerunner of all of these techniques
nism, myocardial depression, ganglion was the brainchild of a neurosurgeon who
blockade, direct depression of the muscles noted that, when the patient was partially
of the vessel walls, and an inhibition of the exsanguinated, the bleeding stopped and
sympathoadrenal system. Positive intrapul- the tumor could be removed. The method
monary pressure reduces venous return to was described in a paper entitled, "The
the heart on a fairly mechanical basis, and Control of Bleeding during Operation by
therefore also lowers blood pressure by Induced Hypotension" (Gardner, W. J.:
lowering cardiac output. The combination J.A.M.A., 132: 572, 1946), and is reprinted
is a pretty one from the clinical point of below with the kind permission of the au-
view since it is extremely controllable, but thor and the publishers.
it is one which would give a physiologist
the shudders.

THE CONTROL OF autotransfusion. He cannulated a dorsalis

BLEEDING DURING pedis artery and during the scalp incision
allowed 1600 ml. of blood to collect in a
bottle containing heparin, decreasing sys-
INDUCED HYPOTENSION tolic blood pressure from 140 to 100 mm
GARDNER, W. J. Hg. After removal of the tumor, most of
the blood was returned intraarterially and
J.A.M.A., 132: 572, 1946 additional hemostasis carried out. Opera-
tive time was decreased and no homologous
Gardner reports his successful removal transfusion was necessary. In a footnote, he
of a meningioma from an obese hyperten- reports that six additional patients had
sive female with minimal bleeding because been operated upon in this manner with
of his use of a technique now known as "similar gratifying results."

Published December, 1967

Otto Loewi's brilliant researches, which that an accelerator substance similar to epi-
were republished in "Classical File" 2 nephrine was liberated into the perfusion
months ago, earned him a Nobel Prize for fluid when the action of the sympathetic
establishing the first real proof of neuro- fibers in the frog's vagus predominated
humoral transmission. He strongly sus- over that of the inhibitory fibers (the car-
pected that his Vagusstoffmight be a choline diac nerve from the vagus in the frog is a
ester: he compared its properties with ace- mixed nerve). The great Walter Cannon
tylcholine and showed that there was cho- had also established that stimulation of ad-
line in the perfusion fluid from his classic renergic nerves was accompanied by the
experiment-but this choline was relatively liberation of some active principle with
inactive and therefore was not Vagusstoff sympathomimetic properties. It was widely
itself. In 1926, Loewi and Navritil com- assumed that this neurohumoral agent was
pared the rate of destruction of acetylcho- identical with epinephrine, but this view
line with that of Vagusstoff and demon- had to be modified when Cannon and Ro-
strated the inhibition of the destructive senblueth subsequently demonstrated that
mechanism by eserine. Four years later, in stimulation of sympathetic nerves elicited
collaboration with Englehart, Loewi estab- remote actions which did not wholly con-
lished that the action of eserine served to form with those of epinephrine. In order
inhibit the enzyme that destroys acetylcho- to reconcile the seemingly conflicting evi-
line, and that it did so even when it was dence, Cannon and Rosenblueth put forth
greatly diluted. One link in the chain of the hypothesis that a primary mediator sub-
evidence was lacking, however; for while stance is released from adrenergic nerve
epinephrine had been shown to be a natural endings, and that this primary liberation
product of the body, acetylcholine had then combines with some constituent(s)
never been identified as such. Dale and within the effector cells to form the final
Dudley settled this question when they iso- active substances which, on account of their
lated acetylcholine from the spleen of an supposed actions, were termed sympathin
ox and thereby established it as a normally E (excitatory) and sympathin I (inhibitory).
occurring substance, in all likelihood iden- They assumed that the primary mediator
tical with Vagusstoff. substance was epinephrine. The problem
Meanwhile, over on the other side of the was, however, that substances with the
autonomic nervous sytem, there was con- properties of the postulated sympathin E
siderable investigative activity on the mech- or sympathin I could not be isolated or
anism of sympathetic, or rather adrenergic, prepared from tissues or organs.
nerve action. Loewi's classic experiments, The riddle was solved when Ulf Svante
in addition to revealing the liberation of von Euler proposed that the sympathetic
Vagusstoff upon stimulation of the vagus transmitter is in fact norepinephrine, but
nerve, had of course also demonstrated that sympathetic nerve stimulation on some

occasions may, in addition, liberate small 3. The pressor action is enhanced by

quantities of epinephrine itself. One of his cocaine.
first and most important papers in support 4. Ergotamine in doses which annul or
of this concept demonstrated a substance reverse the pressor action of adrenaline is
very similar-if, not indeed, identical-to less active in depressing the action of puri-
norepinephrine in the spleen of cattle (the fied spleen extracts, which in this respect
same organ from which Dale and Dudley, resembles certain catechol amino-bases,
it will be recalled, had isolated acetylcho- such as nor-adrenaline or 3:4-dihydroxy-
line). Von Euler's report was entitled "The nor-ephedrine (D. N. E.).
Presence of a Substance with Sympathin E 5. Adrenaline inhibits the isolated rab-
Properties in Spleen Extracts" (Acta phy- bit's intestine and the non-pregnant cat's
siologica Scandinavica, 11: 168-186, 1946), uterus more powerfully than equipressor
and it is reprinted below with the kind doses of spleen extracts of D. N. E.
permissions of the author and the publish- 6. Purified spleen extracts, like D. N. E.,
ers. are less active in stimulating the rabbit's
uterus than equipressor doses of adrena-
7. Purified spleen extracts and D. N. E.
THE PRESENCE OF A have a weaker pupil dilating action than
SUBSTANCE WITH equipressor doses of adrenaline.
SYMPATHIN E 8. Purified spleen extracts stimulate the
PROPERTIES IN SPLEEN isolated heart in much the same way as
equipressor doses of adrenaline and D. N.
U. S. v. EULER 9. Purified spleen extracts and D. N. E.
do not give the fluorescence reaction char-
Received 27 November 1945 acteristic of adrenaline in equipressor con-
From The Physiological centrations.
Department, Karolinska Institutet, 10. Purified spleen extracts and D. N. E.
Stockholm, Sweden give the FeCl 3 colour reaction to about the
same strength as equipressor concentra-
Acta Physiolog. Scand., 11: 168-186, 1946 tions of adrenaline.
11. The biological tests, colour and flu-
orescence reactions of purified spleen ex-
tracts thus bear a good resemblance to
those of nor-adrenaline or D. N. E. and

a pressor activity equivalent to some 10

adrenaline per g of tissue.
"1. Extracts of fresh cattle spleen possess differ from those of adrenaline.
12. The similarity between the action of
the purified spleen extracts and the postu-
2. The purified substance increases the lated sympathin E on the one hand and
heart rate and raises the blood pressure of nor-adrenaline or D. N. E. on the other is
the cat in chloralose anaesthesia. pointed out."


PublishedJune, 1958
The earliest professional anesthetists tion of nitrous oxide. Though these as-
were all aware of the importance of cy- phyxial symptoms are strongly pro-
anosis as a warning of dire maladministra- nounced, not the slightest anxiety is felt;
tion, and Snow advised discontinuing ad- the sponge is merely removed for half-a-
ministration of the anesthetic by removing minute, or a minute, the blood at once
the facepiece for half a minute if cyanosis recovers its colour, and the administration
appeared at any stage. Nevertheless, for a is proceeded with ... I do not remember
very great number of years following the to have ever seen the administrator feel the
introduction of clinical anesthesia, cyanosis patient's pulse."
during etherization was, if not disregarded, But it was the widespread popularity and
at least accepted as inevitable. C. S. Tomes, utilization of nitrous oxide anesthesia
an English dentist of some standing, wrote which gave the development of cyanosis
the following account of the anesthetic pro- during operation its full acceptance, and
cedure prevalent in the United States in the technique of secondary saturation was,
1873: of course, the epitome of such acceptance:
"It was at the Massachusetts General "A secondary saturation requires an in-
Hospital, Boston, that ether was first ad- timate knowledge of the signs of anesthesia,
ministered ... and I cannot do better than a disregard of cyanosis, and an apparatus
describe the course of the procedure at this capable of delivering oxygen under pres-
institution which ... unquestionably takes sure for resuscitation if necessary."
the first place among the hospitals of this Indeed, Clement, one of the world's out-
country. standing authorities on nitrous oxide anes-
"The patients are etherized in small ante- thesia, has written:
rooms adjoining the operating theatre, the "Cyanosis is too often confused with the
ether being administered by one of the really dangerous condition of extreme hy-
junior house officers, who is, in nine cases poxia. Cyanosis results when the amount of
out of ten, not yet qualified. Two or three oxygen in the blood is insufficient to satu-
ounces of pure anhydrous ether are poured rate the greater part of the hemoglobin
upon a conical sponge which has been pre- present. Hypoxia, on the other hand, indi-
viously moistened with water; this is at once cates a reduction of the free and essential
placed over the patient's mouth and nose. oxygen in the tissues. Cyanosis and hypoxia
If he struggles, which he generally does, as may be present at the same time or either
he experiences the suffocating sensation condition may be present alone. A patient
produced by the pungent vapour, he is held may be cyanotic during nitrous oxide-oxy-
down by main force till he succumbs to its gen anesthesia without the respiratory and
influence. Ether is lavishly poured upon the circulatory reactions which indicate depres-
sponge, so that it often runs down the sion from hypoxia."
patient's face and neck, and half a pound Despite these firm convictions of the pro-
is not rarely used for a single administra- ponents of nitrous oxide anesthesia on the
tion. innocuousness of cyanosis, there developed
"Not uncommonly there is a good deal a progressive inclination amongst most an-
of spasm of the expiratory muscles, stridu- esthetists to correlate cyanosis with hy-
lous breathing, and laryngeal spasm, and I poxia. The difficulties of recognizing cy-
have several times seen a degree of as- anosis in dark-skinned or anemic patients
phyxial lividity transcending that which I were well understood, but the fact that its
have ever observed during the administra- absence in anemic, white patients was no

indication of safety was slow to be realized. color estimations with known arterial oxy-
The July, 1947, issue of The American Jour- gen saturations (oximeter).
nal of Medical Sciences contained the article 2. The majority of 127 observers were
by Comroe and Botelho on "The Unrelia- unable to detect the presence of definite
bility of Cyanosis in the Recognition of cyanosis until the arterial oxygen saturation
Arterial Anoxemia" which showed beyond fell to approximately 80%; 25% of observ-
doubt that the clinician's failure to observe ers did not note definite cyanosis even at
cyanosis was no guarantee of normal oxy- arterial saturation levels of 71 to 75%.
genation. 3. There were marked variations in the
ability of an observer to note cyanosis in
different subjects or even in the same sub-
ject at different times. There were wide
THE UNRELIABILITY OF variations in color estimations when 5 to
CYANOSIS IN THE 10 observers watched cyanosis develop in
RECOGNITION OF the same subject at the same time.
ARTERIAL ANOXEMIA 4. The detection of cyanosis is dependent
not only upon variable factors in the patient
COMROE, J. H., JR. AND BOTELHO, S. but also upon the ability of individual ob-
servers to note color changes.
Am. J. Med. Sci., 214: 1-6,July, 1947
5. Visual impressions of cyanosis are un-
reliable. Serious grades of arterial anox-
emia may be unrecognized by many physi-
1. The ability of observers to detect cy- cians unless arterial blood is obtained and
anosis was evaluated by comparing their analyzed for oxygen content and capacity."

Published December, 1959

The introduction of new therapeutic (both paid, such as medical students and
measures in medicine leads inevitably to interns, or unpaid, such as conscientious
human experimentation; for however care- objectors in times of war or civilian pris-
fully a drug is screened, or an operation oners in times of peace) are a significant
perfected, or a regimen tested in the labo- source of material for such trials. Fre-
ratory animal, the day must come when a quently employed, too, has been the appli-
clinical trial is conducted. No matter what cation of the new drug, technique, or reg-
may be said of human experimentation- imen to the "hopeless" case, with the bless-
and much has been said, both loud and ing of both patient and the patient's family,
often-it is an inexorable step of investi- when the new therapy offers some possibil-
gation in medicine. The patent ductus ar- ity for improvement, amelioration, or cure.
teriosus was closed again and again in ani- But when the really unlikely idea strikes,
mals; the heart-lung machine was designed albeit flinted on a concept of reason and
and redesigned for years; the Salk vaccine logic, it is to himself that the physician turns
was screened over and over; but in each for the clinical trial.
instance there had to be a first clinical trial. The physician's use of his own body as
Excluding the public's present emotional the subject for his experiments goes back
and litigious reaction to human experimen- through the ages, and perhaps in no field
tation, it must be emphasized that since the has self-experimentation been so assiduous
time of Hippocrates ("I swear . . so far as and so rewarding as in anesthesia. Indeed,
power and discernment shall be mine, I will among the very earliest investigations into
carry out regimen for the benefit of the what was to become inhalation anesthesia
sick and will keep them from harm and were the experiments carried out by Hum-
wrong. To none will I give a deadly drug phry Davy upon himself in 1799 at Bed-
even if solicited ...")physicians have been doe's Pneumatic Institution. Davy had suc-
concerned with the moral and ethical rec- ceeded in producing nitrous oxide in a pure
titude of their "clinical trials". Volunteers state and in his classic, Researches, Chemical

and Philosphical, Chiefly Concerning Nitrous for the "trial", Wells settled upon a trou-
Oxide, are described the results of numer- blesome wisdom tooth of his own, for not
ous studies when he inhaled the gas: "It only was time short, but there were also
passed through the bronchia without stim- disquieting rumors that persons had suc-
ulating the glottis and produced no uneasy cumbed to an excess of nitrous oxide-
feeling in the lungs ... I found that I could such as would be necessary "to make a
breathe nine quarts of nitrous oxide for patient insensible to the wrenching of a
three minutes (from and into a silk bag, the tooth from live bone". So it was that the
lung being previously exhausted and the next morning Wells seated himself in his
nostrils closed) and twelve quarts for rather own dental chair, took into his mouth the
more than four. I could never breathe it in rubber tube that Colton handed him,
any quantity so long as five minutes. ... breathed deeply until quiescent, and
Whenever its operation was carried to the moved not a muscle while his assistant
highest extent, the pleasurable thrilling at gripped the root of the tooth, rocking it to
its height about the middle of the experi- break it loose, and pulled. "He held the
ment, gradually diminished, the sense of bloody molar in the air while Wells did not
pressure on the muscles was lost, impres- even stir in his seat". When Wells tranquilly
sions ceased to be perceived: vivid ideas regained consciousness and saw the tooth
passed rapidly through the mind, and vol- still gripped in the forceps, he exclaimed,
untary power was altogether destroyed, so "It is the greatest discovery ever made; I
that the mouthpiece generally dropt from did not feel it so much as the prick of a
my unclosed lips". Davy's self-experimen- pin."
tation clearly led him to the concept of From those early times of Davy and Wells
anesthesia: "As nitrous oxide in its exten- to the present day there have been innu-
sive operation appears capable of destroy- merable instances of self-experimentation
ing physical pain, it may probably be used by those interested in anesthesia. Perhaps
with advantage during surgical opera- none, however, surpassed in courage and
tions... ." imagination the investigations into the cer-
Almost half a century was to elapse be- ebral effects of curare conducted by Scott
fore the prophecy was fulfilled, and when Smith upon himself. These astonishing
it was, self-experimentation again provided studies were published in the January,
the fulfillment. The Hartford dentist, Hor- 1947, issue of Anesthesiology under the title,
ace Wells, was present in Union Hall in "The Lack of Cerebral Effects of d-Tubo-
Hartford on the evening of Tuesday, De- curarine".
cember 10, 1844, to witness the public
entertainment by Gardner Quincy Colton,
"A Grand Exhibition of the Effects Pro- THE LACK OF CEREBRAL
duced by Inhaling Nitrous Oxid, Exhilarat- EFFECTS OF
ing or Laughing Gas!" One of the young
volunteers who inhaled the gas barked his d-TUBOCURARINE
shins to the extent that the bruises were SCOTT M. SMITH, M.D.,
bleeding as he left the stage, and yet inju- HUGH O. BROWN, M.D.,
ries that should have had him literally hop- JAMES E. P. TOMAN, PH.D.
ping with anguish left the young man to- AND LOUIS S. GOODMAN, M.D.
tally unperturbed. Wells questioned the
man closely on this point, for he instantly Salt Lake City, Utah
perceived the possibility of employing ni-
Anesthesiology, 8:1-10 Jan., 1947
trous oxide to lessen the terror that the
dental chair held for his own patients. At
the end of the evening's entertainment,
Wells prevailed upon Colton to agree to a "The subject was a healthy male adult, 34
trial of laughing gas the very next morning, years of age, weighing 80 Kg. To facilitate
as Colton's traveling show was due to move administration of d-tubocurarine and sub-
to other cities. Seeking a suitable subject sequently neostigmine, an intravenous in-

fusion of sterile 0.9 per cent sodium chlo- tuted by means of a rebreathing bag, face
ride solution was instituted, and the appro- mask, and carbon dioxide absorbing unit.
priate agents injected via the rubber tub- Adequate pulmonary exchange was main-
ing. Continuous recordings of the electro- tained at all times. Tracheal intubation was
encephalogram (standard leads) and the performed for a six-minute period at the
electrocardiogram (lead 2) were obtained height of paralysis in order to obtain evi-
throughout the control period, experimen- dence on visceral pain. Nasal and oropha-
tal procedures, and postexperimental pe- ryngeal suction was performed as needed.
riod. Pulse rate, blood pressure, respiratory Neostigmine methylsulfate was injected to
rate and character, neurologic signs, psy- facilitate emergence from curare-induced
chologic indexes, and sensorium were fol- paralysis."
lowed and recorded almost continuously.
When verbal contact with the subject was
lost, communication was continued as long
as possible by means of prearranged signals
involving voluntary contraction of such "A dose of d-tubocurarine chloride two
muscles as were not yet completely para- and one-half times that necessary for com-
lyzed. When paralysis was complete, the plete respiratory paralysis and adequate for
subject was instructed to make mental complete skeletal muscular paralysis was
notes of all experiences, and these were given intravenously over a period of thirty-
dictated to a stenographer immediately three minutes to a healthy trained adult
upon recovery of intelligible speech. The observer not undergoing operation. Inas-
only objective index of cerebral function much as no changes occurred in the elec-
which could be followed during complete tro-encephalogram, consciousness and sen-
skeletal muscle paralysis was the character sorium, or in any aspect of higher central
of the electro-encephalogram and its re- nervous system function, it is concluded
sponse to pattern vision. that d-tubocurarine chloride has no signifi-
"Oxygen was administered early, and cant central stimulant, depressant or anal-
shortly thereafter, when the first evidence gesic action. Attention is called to the im-
of respiratory embarrassment was noted, portance of this observation for the proper
artificial respiration with oxygen was insti- use of curare as an adjuvant in anesthesia."

Published August, 1966

"No time was wasted on recriminations. severed brachial artery. He was in a state
The 39 year old man's suffering at this of profound shock; since he continued to
time was intense. His hands were cold, his bleed and it was recognized that the shock
skin clammy, his face pale, the lips com- could not be dealt with unless the bleeding
pressed and bloodless, and pulse rapid, could be stopped, the arm was amputated
weak, and thready. Not a groan escaped (under chloroform anesthesia, inciden-
him, not a sign of suffering except the slight tally). He lived 3 more days. The Confed-
corrugation of his brow, the fixed rigid face erate Army won the batle in which Jackson
and the thin lips so tightly compressed that fell, but his death more than offset the
the impression of his teeth could be seen victory over the Union forces.
through them." So runs the description of Jackson's wound produced a state which
one of the more famous examples of shock, is almost a classical description of shock,
that of "Stonewall" Jackson. General Jack- yet one which defies precise definition.
son, after making his brilliant counter- Each generation of physicians has added its
march around Hooker's Union Army at own several definitions of the term "shock"
Chancellorsville, went out ahead of his to the ample supply already available. Dr.
troops to reconnoiter at night and was shot John Remington, of the University of
by his own pickets. Falling off his horse, he Georgia School of Medicine, has stated the
staggered back with a broken arm and a problem of a definition of shock in the

following manner: "There have been many occurs soon after an injury and is usually
animals killed by a great variety of tech- transient, but it may also occur before and
niques, and each worker carries in his mind during operation if suitable stimuli are ap-
a picture, unexpressed in words, of the plied, usually either sensory or emotional
pattern of signs that preceded death. There stimuli. (4) The vasovagal pattern which con-
has been a constant stream of definitions sists of a low blood pressure, a slow pulse
of shock, none widely accepted, either be- rate, cold extremities, and a pale face. To
cause they were so vaguely termed as to be these may be added sighing respirations,
rather meaningless or because they did not sweating, nausea and vomiting. It is also
frame the picture that someone else had. commonly met with soon after injury, is
And so we go blithely on talking about transient, and is due to sensory and emo-
shock, whether we are working with dogs, tional stimuli rather than to blood loss. On
cats, rats, guinea pigs, goats, or humans, as rare occasions it occurs both before and
though it were always the same thing but during operation when suitable stimuli are
we are not really talking each other's lan- applied. Even more rarely it is the result of
guage." And Dr. Remington is quite cor- a great deal of blood loss and is seen as a
rect. It is true that, in its most typical form, terminal pattern in patients dying from
shock is characterized by a slightly cyanotic hemorrhage. (5) Cold hypotension which
pallor, sweating, cool skin, restlessness, consists of a low blood pressure, a fast pulse
weakness, a rapid, thready pulse, and hy- rate, cold extremities, and a pale face. It is
potension. But it is quite possible for shock generally seen in patients with a great deal
to be present in the face of many deviations of blood loss and a blood volume reduced
from this accepted pattern of symptoms below 60 per cent of the normal. In such
and signs; the pulse may be slow and full; instances, there is also restlessness, dysp-
the skin may be flushed, warm, or dry; nea, and sweating. In this form, there is
hypotension may be present primarily, immediate need for voluminous and rapid
without the concomitant appearance of any transfusions if life is to be saved. A less
other signs; or the blood pressure may be intense form of cold hypotension is also
perfectly normal despite the undoubted ex- encountered in patients suffering from a
istence of the shock syndrome. Thus, one heavy infection, such as advanced perito-
group of workers has described 6 main nitis, and in these patients it may be asso-
disturbances of the normal circulatory pat- ciated with a normal blood volume and is
tern during shock. (1) Cold tachycardia in not abolished by transfusion. (6) Warm hy-
which there is a normal blood pressure, a potension which consists of a low blood pres-
fast pulse rate, cold extremities, and usually sure, a fast pulse rate, and warm extremi-
a pale face. It occurs during the first 2 ties. The face may be either pale or well
hours after injury and is commonly associ- colored. Blood volume is generally re-
ated with a moderate blood loss and a blood duced, but not below 70 per cent of nor-
volume reduced to between 70 and 80 per mal. This state is generally, but not always,
cent of the normal. (2) Warm tachycardia in transient, and the factors provoking it are
which there is a normal blood pressure, a little understood. It is usually met with in
fast and bounding pulse, warm extremities, warm surroundings, often after operation,
and usually a well colored face. It is associ- when it is thought to be due to a combina-
ated with a blood volume of 70 per cent of tion of factors such as the anesthetic drug
normal or over and occurs in injured pa- (ether or cyclopropane), body warming,
tients in whom hemoglobin has fallen to a and previous transfusion. All of these pat-
very low level. (3) The hypertensive pattern terns, it should be understood, are merely
which consists of a raised blood pressure variations of the shock state due to wound-
and a normal or slow pulse rate. The ex- ing or hemorrhage; it is little wonder, in
tremities may be either warm or cold, and view of the numerous other etiologic fac-
the face may be either well colored or pale. tors involved in the production of the shock
It is associated with a small blood loss and state, that precise definition of the shock
a blood volume of 80 per cent or more. It syndrome is impossible. To quote Dr.

Remington again: "Perhaps we should for- in vasodilation; but there is also another
get that the term 'shock' was ever coined element present, which research workers
and admit only that we are students of the have pursued for years, in the form of a
death process." toxic substance or substances released from
It is sufficient for the purposes of this the traumatized tissues and then spread
discussion, although perhaps not quite pre- throughout the body to cause vasodilation
cise on a semantic basis, to recognize shock and/or increased capillary permeability.
as simply a type of circulatory failure which The administration of anesthesia and the
does not provide the tissues with an ade- performance of surgical operations also
quate blood flow and is therefore a threat may be accompanied by the occurrence of
to life. Such a definition allows for the shock, and for many years this type of shock
numerous variations and guises of the was called anesthetic shock by surgeons and
shocklike state which arise as a result of the surgical shock by anesthetists. Both of these
two fundamental factors already enumer- were wastebasket terms, catch-ails which
ated: first, the fact that shock is not a stable served as repositories for many different
entity, but is a dynamic and rapidly chang- types of shock which occurred during or
ing process which has several different after operation but could not be diagnosed
phases and which may take any one of as specific entities. Within recent years this
several different directions. The second is attitude has changed; and it is now possible,
the fact that shock is not a single entity, but in an increasing number of instances, to
occurs in response to a number of different define the mechanism by which the shock
etiologic factors of diverse origins. Thus occurring in conjunction with anesthesia
the patterns, the mechanisms, and the fac- and surgery is produced. One of these is
tors involved in the production of the shock "cyclo shock". This was elucidated by
syndrome may vary from patient to patient; Dripps in an article entitled, "The Imme-
it is the derangement of circulatory home- diate Decrease in Blood Pressure Seen at
ostasis that is the common denominator. the Conclusion of Cyclopropane Anesthe-
It has been said that "shock is hemor- sia: 'Cyclopropane Shock'." (Dripps, R. D.
rhage, and hemorrhage is shock," but the Anesthesiology, 8: 15-35, January, 1947),
shock state can occur, of course, in the which is reprinted below with the kind
absence of true hemorrhage as such. Neu- permission of the author and publisher.
rogenic shock occurs as a sudden increase in
the capacity of the vascular bed, to the
extent that the normal blood volume is no THE IMMEDIATE DECREASE
longer sufficient to fill the vessels; it is due IN BLOOD PRESSURE SEEN
primarily to an inactivation of the vasomo- AT THE CONCLUSION OF
tor center brought about by the actions of CYCLOPROPANE
pain, emotion, fright, excessive heat, seda- ANESTHESIA:
tives, narcotics, drugs, or increased intra-
cranial pressure. Cardiacshock, as the term
is applied in relation to myocardial infarc- ROBERT D. DRIPPS, M.D.
tion, is often described as a separate entity
since the myocardial depression is so much With the Technical Assistance
more important as a precipitating factor of Patricia K. Walker
than vasodepresser impulses. Anaphylactic Philadelphia, Pa.
shock occurs as an allergic manifestation
resulting from chemical reactions between Anesthesiology, 8:15-35,Jan., 1947
antigens and antibodies within the tissue
cells which release a vasodilator substance, * * * *

presumably histamine. Traumatic shock is

partly neurogenic in origin, in that the pain
produced by injury may inhibit the sym- "The etiology of the decrease in blood
pathetic centers of the medulla and result pressure not infrequently noted at the con-

clusion of cyclopropane anesthesia has been mediate postoperative period the respira-
investigated. Evidence is presented to sug- tory acidosis is corrected and blood pres-
gest that this hypotension is related in part sure falls as the stimulant action of carbon
at least to an abnormally high level of car- dioxide is removed. The possibility has
bon dioxide in the arterial blood during been considered that other physiologic im-
anesthesia. This increase in arterial carbon balances secondary to the closed system
dioxide tension results from the respiratory method of administration may be con-
depressant action of cyclopropane. With cerned in the postoperative decrease in
increasing respiratory efficiency in the im- blood pressure."

Published April, 1973

A recent presentation title, "Balanced it was not suitable-indeed, was even dan-
Anesthesia Revisiting," documents today's gerous-for use during anesthesia. Hanzlic
extensive use of nitrous oxide-relaxant-nar- in 1921 first demonstrated direct depres-
cotic anesthesia in vivid detail. The reblos- sion of the isolated heart by morphine, a
soming of this technique after a decade of fact which was subsequently confirmed by
halogenated hydrocarbon anesthesia can Gruber in 1929, by Schmidt and Living-
unquestionably be traced to 2 major devel- stone in 1933, and-using the isolated rat
opments; the fantastic growth of cardiovas- trabeculae carnae muscle preparation-by
cular surgery, and the recent studies which Goldberg and Padget just 3 years ago.
have elucidated the true pharmacology of However, all of these preparations were
morphine. nourished by saline solutions; and in con-
To consider the former first, it was ap- trast to these findings, Flacke could dem-
parent, as open heart surgery became more onstrate no depressant effect from doses as
commonplace, that the anesthetic regimens high as 30 mg. per kg. in the blood-per-
employed for such major cardiac and vas- fused dog or cat heart-lung preparation.
cular surgery in the gravely ill patient did Furthermore, myocardial depression has
not always produce satisfactory results. not been convincingly demonstrated in the
Prolonged periods of general anesthesia intact experimental animal. Schmidt and
were required, of course, which frequently Livingstone, in another set of investiga-
resulted in deleterious alterations of cardio- tions, and using intact dogs on this occa-
vascular hemodynamics in the poor risk sion, found no cardiac depression with
patient with severe cardiopulmonary dis- doses up to 100 mg. per kg.; and Vasco
ease. Many of these anesthetic administra- and his associates, using the dog right heart
tions provided more actual anesthesia than bypass preparation, actually demonstrated
was necessary-and therefore more de- a positive inotropic effect from morphine.
pression of cardiovascular hemodynamics The effect of morphine in the intact hu-
than was desirable-whereas the true re- man being depends on a variety of factors,
quirements were simply for sedation, anal- including posture, the blood volume, the
gesia, and amnesia. The need for some condition of the heart, and the state of the
other method of anesthetic management sympathetic nervous system. When the
was therefore obvious. drug is administered intravenously to su-
At first glance, morphine appeared to be pine, normal man, only minor and transient
an unlikely candidate for this purpose for, hemodynamic changes are observed; and
despite the fact that the drug has been used in the patient with cardiac disease, but not
for many years in the treatment of patients in congestive failure, only slight decrease
with heart disease, heart failure and pul- in cardiac output is noted when the drug is
monary edema, and the further fact that it administered in the supine position. How-
is one of the best pain relieving and sedative ever, even in the normal subject, tilting
drugs employed clinically, the earlier phar- after a therapeutic dose of morphine will
macologic studies appeared to suggest that produce severe orthostatic hypotension,

presumably due to venous pooling in the In spite of today's surge of enthusiasm

dependent portions acting as an "internal for the use of nitrous oxide-relaxant-nar-
phlebotomy." Likewise, administration of cotic anesthesia, however, it is scarcely a
morphine to hypovolemic individuals, even new technique-it is, as the recent presen-
though they are supine and remain so (i.e., tation suggests, "revisiting." What is new is
are not tilted or moved), may cause severe the substitution of morphine in the tech-
hypotension. nique for meperidine, alphaprodine, and
Lowenstein and his colleagues have ad- other narcotics. The original technique, in
ministered morphine intravenously in a point of fact, employed meperidine, and
dose of 1 mg. per kg. both to subjects with the first formal description was that by Neff
aortic valve disease severe enough to re- and his colleagues in the February, 1947,
quire open-heart surgery and to control issue of California Medicine (Neff, W.,
subjects without major cardiac or lung dis- Mayer, E. C., and de la Luz Peralez, M.:
ease. The patients with cardiac disease had Nitrous oxide and oxygen anesthesia with
higher initial pulse rates and lower stroke curare relaxation. Calif. Med., 66: 67,
indices than the normal subjects; but in 1947), which is reprinted below with the
contrast to the latter, developed significant kind permission of the authors and the
increases in cardiac index, stroke index, publisher.
central venous pressure, and pulmonary
artery pressure, and a significant decrease
in systemic vascular resistance. These find-
ings were in line with experimental studies
in animals, noted above, which have dem- NITROUS OXIDE AND
onstrated that morphine causes relaxation OXYGEN ANESTHESIA WITH
of the peripheral vascular bed but has no CURARE RELAXATION
direct cardiac effects, all of which suggests
that large doses of morphine may be used WILLIAM NEFF, M.D.,
with safety in patients with minimal circu- EDWARD C. MAYER, M.D.,
latory reserve. AND MARIA DE LA Luz PERALES, M.D.
These findings, plus the important ob- San Francisco
servation that doses of morphine sufficient
to suppress respiration during treatment of Calif.Med., 66:67, 1947
patients requiring mechanical ventilation
for respiratory failure usually did not have
discernible hemodynamic effects, despite
the large doses employed, led to the use of
morphine as an anesthetic agent in patients "1. A method of rendering nitrous oxide
with minimal circulatory reserve undergo- anesthesia more flexible by the use of cu-
ing major cardiac surgery. Indeed, mor- rare for obtaining muscular relaxation has
phine, administered intravenously in doses been outlined based on experience in 160
ranging from 0.5 to 3.0 mg. per kg., has clinical cases.
now been administered to many thousands "2. The importance of first securing ad-
of patients for major cardiac and vascular equate pain relief before the administration
surgery in the nitrous oxide-relaxant-mor- of curare has been stressed. The intrave-
phine technique. The drug stands in strik- nous injection of Demerol to fortify the
ing contrast to the other anesthetic agents, anesthetic properties of nitrous oxide has
which can produce considerable cardiac de- been suggested.
pressant effect. When hypotension has de- "3. The problems of altered respiratory
veloped during morphine anesthesia, it has physiology consequent upon the employ-
been readily reversed by blood volume ex- ment of the nitrous oxide-Demerol-curare
pansion or the administration of vasoactive combination have been discussed.
agents. "4. Satisfactory anesthesia for major ab-

dominal operations may be provided by curare are low and the safety of the method
nitrous oxide and oxygen when the skeletal depends on the ability of the anesthetist to
musculature has been relaxed with curare. apply his physiological knowledge to a clin-
"5. The toxicity of nitrous oxide and ical procedure."


Published October, 1980

In 1943, Kohlstaedt and Page, at the "The best method of dealing with these tumors is
Cleveland Clinic, described an ingenious to perform a right frontal craniotomy and to excise
the portion of the right frontal lobe overlying the
approach for the study of shock by a tech-
lateral aspect of the growth. With the electrosurgical
nique of arterial bleeding and infusion. unit the tumor is then removed in fragmentary fash-
The method consisted of introducing a can- ion, after which the nutrient vessels in the floor of the
nula into the femoral artery of the dog and skull at its area of attachment are treated by applica-
connecting it to a closed reservoir into tion of the cautery and bone wax. The loss of blood
which the dog was bled until the systolic during the operation may be severe. In many cases
blood pressure had been lowered to 30 the surgeon makes extremely slow progress with the
mm. Hg. Anticoagulant was added to the removal of the tumor until the patient's blood pres-
withdrawn blood during the bleed, so that sure falls as the result of loss of blood. After this
the blood pressure could be raised again to occurs, bleeding from the cut surface of the tumor
can be readily controlled, and the removal of the
any desired level by the simple expedient
tumor goes on apace.
of returning the withdrawn blood from the "This was well illustrated by a patient who was
closed reservoir through the arterial can- operated on recently. The operation required three
nula, i.e., by arterial reinfusion. The tech- hours. In the first two hours less than one third of the
nique therefore permitted the investigator growth had been removed. At this point the blood
to reduce the blood pressure to any desired pressure fell from 130 to 80 because of loss of blood.
level, hold it at that level for as long as the Thereafter hemostasis was more readily effected, and
investigative protocol might require, and the remainder of the tumor was quickly removed.
then restore it to normal levels (provided Bleeding from the nutrient vessels coming up through
that the animal had not been permitted to the floor of the skull was then easily controlled by
electrocautery, bone wax and pledgets of cotton
go into irreversible shock) by the simple
soaked in thrombin solution. The patient received
process of arterial reinfusion.
1,500 cc. of blood during the operation, despite which
Gardner, a neurosurgeon and also from the hemoglobin fell from a preoperative level of 12
the Cleveland Clinic, seized upon this ex- Gm. to 8.9 Gm. forty-eight hours later.
perimental technique and transported the "For some years I have entertained the idea of
concept to the clinical setting of the oper- lowering the patient's blood pressure by venipuncture
ating room: during the first stage of these operations in order that
bleeding from the tumor might be more readily con-
"The olfactory groove meningioma is a benign
trolled. Afterward the patient's own blood could be
tumor which arises from the midline of the floor of
returned instead of transfusing blood from a donor.
the anterior fossa of the skull, and its removal is beset
This method, however, has not been actually em-
with difficulties for the following reasons: first, the
location of the tumor renders it relatively inaccessible;
second, it is a large and vascular growth; third, its
nutrient vessels come up through the base of the skull Gardner used the dorsalis pedis artery
so that they are difficult to control until after the and connected the cannula to a reservoir
tumor is removed. flask. While the scalp incision was being

made, 1600 ml. of blood was allowed to teriotomy. The major disadvantage, of
flow rapidly into the reservoir, with a re- course, stems from the vasoconstriction
sultant fall in intraarterial pressure and rise which is produced, since the combination
in pulse rate. When the tumor had been of both a reduction of total circulating
removed, the collected blood was reinfused blood volume and the vasoconstriction
from the reservoir into the dorsalis pedis which this induces approximates a state of
artery until about two-thirds of the with- hemorrhagic shock. During such hypovo-
drawn blood had been replaced. This al- lemic hypotension, the ability to withstand
lowed bleeders in the scalp incision to be even a minute blood loss is obtunded, and
identified, and the wound was then closed. the danger of circulatory depression pass-
Arteriotomy thus became the first of the ing into an irreversible stage is constant.
techniques which have been variously Furthermore, the equipment is cumber-
called "controlled hypotension," "induced some, and the technique itself is time-con-
hypotension," and "intentional hypoten- suming to initiate; the dangers of infection
sion." A number of other workers added and air embolism both exist and have been
certain refinements to the technique of ar- encountered during the clinical use of the
teriotomy, the use of which was confined method; and the possibility of clot forma-
almost entirely to neurosurgical proce- tion within the apparatus is ever present.
dures (i.e., craniotomy) and the fenestra- A different approach to the problem of
tion operation. It offers certain well-de- control of bleeding during operation than
fined advantages as compared to other the reduction of blood volume and the
techniques of "controlled hypotension." production of vasoconstriction was by the
First, and most importantly, there is the reduction of peripheral resistance. The pe-
obvious hemostatic effect due to the gen- ripheral resistance resides largely in the
eralized vasoconstriction, neurogenic in or- variably contractile arterioles and is main-
igin, which is the initial response to blood- tained by the continuous stream of vaso-
letting. As the blood volume is reduced constrictor impulses arising from the brain
further, there is a fall in blood pressure, stem and carried via the sympathetic nerves
which then also contributes to the hemo- to the vessel walls themselves. Interruption
static effect. A second great advantage of of this efferent sympathetic outflow results
arteriotomy is the fact that repeated small in arteriolar dilation and thus effects a re-
bleedings and reinfusions permit a degree duction of peripheral resistance: the capac-
of controllability, both of the arterial pres- ity of the vascular bed is increased thereby,
sure as well as the total blood volume, that relative to the total circulating blood vol-
is not possible with most of the other tech- ume, and this disruption of the finely ad-
niques of "controlled hypotension." When justed balance between the two produces
reinfusion is necessary, the intraarterial hypotension.
route provides an efficient method of rais- A considerable number of methods of
ing the blood pressure rapidly, particularly producing a reduction of peripheral resist-
in the presence of shock and myocardial ance have become the basis of techniques
ischemia due to decreased aortic pressure. of "controlled hypotension." One of the
Finally, the reduction of both the total first of these to be used clinically was that
blood volume and the arterial pressure was of total spinal block, which was reported by
thought to have an important advantage Griffiths and Gillies in a paper entitled,
for intracranial surgery: the tension of the "Thoraco-Lumbar Splanchnicectomy and
brain was greatly reduced, which facilitated Sympathectomy: Anaesthetic Procedure,"
retraction during difficult exposures and which was published in the July, 1948 issue
increased the ease with which congenital of Anaesthesia (Griffiths, H. W. C. and Gil-
aneurysms and other deep-seated lesions lies, J.: Anaesthesia, 3: 134, 1948), and is
could be approached. reprinted below with the kind permission
Despite these advantages, however, there of the publishers.
are several disadvantages to the use of ar-

THORACO-LUMBAR airway was inserted and 100 per cent oxy-

gen given. Fractional doses of thiopental
were often given during operation to main-
SYMPATHECTOMY. tain narcosis.
ANAESTHETIC PROCEDURE. Blood pressure fell rapidly to a low level:
H. W. C. GRIFFITHS within 10 to 20 minutes no pressure could
AND be recorded from the brachial artery and
JOHN GILLIES no pulse was palpable at the wrist. How-
ever, the apex beat was easily palpable,
Department of Anaesthetics, usually at a rate of 40 to 50 beats per
University of Edinburgh, minute. The patient's color was usually
Scotland good and the skin dry. Respiration was
slow, usually 12 per minute, and largely
Anaesthesia, 3: 134, 1948 diaphragmatic. This clinical state lasted an
To adequately control bleeding in this average of 20 to 30 minutes, after which
operation, a total spinal block was evalu- the cardiorespiratory functions began to
ated in 84 operations involving 44 patients, return towards normal.
the second operation usually being done Four patients developed cyanosis, prob-
within 14 days of the first. The term, total ably the result of inadequate active or pas-
spinal block, implies a total sympathetic sive oxygenation. Respiratory arrest oc-
block with lesser degrees of sensory and curred on two occasions necessitating pas-
motor paralysis, designed to effect the max- sive ventilation. One death occurred on the
imal fall in pressure, leaving the muscles of operating table due to failure to maintain
respiration and medullary centers unaf- oxygenation because of a large pleural ef-
fected. fusion on the side operated on 13 days
Following Omnopon and scopolamine earlier.
premedication, the patient received in the No permanent dysfunction of the central
anesthetic room thiopental i.v., usually nervous system was seen in this series. In
1,000 mg. Lumbar puncture was then per- three patients drowsiness and delayed re-
formed and procaine 150 to 250 mg. dis- sponse to stimuli were present postopera-
solved in 3 to 4 ml. of cerebrospinal fluid tively, but these signs disappeared when the
was injected. The patient was turned on his blood pressure improved. No cardiac com-
back and placed immediately in a steep plications such as anginal attacks developed
Trendelenberg position until an apprecia- after operation, and there were no episodes
ble fall in blood pressure occurred. An of cerebral thrombosis.

Published April, 1961

Until about the turn of the century, al- the administration of ether, chloroform, or
most all general anesthesia was achieved by nitrous oxide (or mixtures of the three: i.e.,
the administration of but three anesthetic G.O.E., A.C.E.), and the vast majority of
agents (ether, chloroform, or nitrous ox- regional anesthesia was by the injection of
ide) and almost all regional anesthesia by cocaine.
the injection of but a single local anesthetic During the course of the last 50 years,
drug (cocaine). There were, of course, a the number of drugs in the anesthetist's
number of exceptions to the rule-the use armamentarium has increased many-fold,
of morphine or chloral hydrate intrave- so that now scarcely a month goes by with-
nously to induce general anesthesia; the out at least one panacean anodyne being
employment of rectal anesthesia; and the offered to the unwary anesthetist by the
use of an ethyl chloride spray to produce pharmaceutical houses. In many instances,
either general or local anesthesia-but the the anesthetic uses of these new drugs have
vast majority of general anesthesia was by been either stumbled upon quite inadvert-

ently or have been revealed as the result of Ruigh, sent me an impure sample, which
mass screening. With increasing frequency, was found, however, to have the properties
however, they have been developed as the predicted of it. Later Drs. Major and Ruigh
result of what Leake has called, "bioche- became associated with the Laboratory of
morphology," a process representing the Pure Research of Merck & Company and
highest form of intellectual cooperation be- prepared for the first time pure divinyl
tween the pharmacologist and the chemist. oxide, which they were kind enough to
To quote Leake himself, "scientifically, furnish in amounts large enough for phar-
such an effort is usually based on some macologic study and later for clinical trial
phase of what may be called biochemor- when its advantages had been demon-
phology, i.e., the relation between chemical strated. Pure divinyl oxide, although explo-
constitution and biologic action. A chemist, sive like ether and ethylene, is more pow-
after considering, for instance, the bioche- erful and rapid in its anesthetic action. It is
morphic aspects of hypnotics, synthesizes a more volatile than ether (boiling point
new substance, which is found to have hyp- 28.3 C.) and less irritating locally, and its
notic action." The chemist is pleased, but general physiologic effects are less severe.
not particularly surprised: his study of the It has no significant pathologic effect when
chemical structure of numerous hypnotic administered without anoxemia. Its mini-
drugs and his frequent consultations with mal certain anesthetic concentration, like
the pharmacologist had convinced him that ether, is about one-third its minimal toxic
hypnotic activity was associated with a concentration when allowed to act for ten
given chemical configuration, and he had minutes, but greater circulatory reserve re-
every reason to believe and hope that syn- mains when respiration fails. Recovery is
thesis which included that chemical config- more prompt than from ether or ethylene
uration would produce a substance that and less attended with nausea or other com-
possessed hypnotic activity. plications .... Following our pharmaco-
The introduction of divinyl ether into logic studies, Gelfan and Bell of the Uni-
anesthesia was the result of Leake's own versity of Alberta demonstrated its safety
application of biochemorphology to the in anesthetic concentrations for man. At its
problem of general anesthetic drugs: "A first surgical use with Dr. Dorothy Wood
consideration of the biochemorphic aspects as anesthetist at the University of California
of general anesthetics led to the prediction Hospital, San Francisco, in an operation on
that a compound incorporating the struc- an obese patient for removal of the gall-
tural characteristics of ether (CH 3 -CH 2 - bladder, its practical advantages were
O-CH 2-CH 3) and ethylene (CH 2=CH 2) clearly evident. These have now been in-
would be a general anesthetic, and further dependently confirmed." (Leake, C. D.:
that this unsaturated ether The role of pharmacology in the develop-
ment of ideal anesthesia. J. A. M. A., 102:
(CH 2 -CH-O-CH=CH 2 , divinyl oxide)
1-4, 1934).
would be better than any unsaturated ether A more recent anesthetic example of
with a greater number of carbon atoms in biochemorphology was contained in the de-
the side chains. When this prediction was velopment of the muscle relaxant drug,
made, divinyl oxide, although theoretically decamethonium, which was reported by R.
known to chemists, did not exist. When I B. Barlow and H. R. Ing in the British
requested this specific compound with Journalof Pharmacology, 3: 298-304, 1948,
other unsaturated ethers from Prof. Lau- under the title of "Curare-like Action of
der Jones of Princeton University, his as- Polymethylene Bisquaternary Ammonium
sociates, Drs. Randolph Major and W. T. Salts," and which is reprinted below.

CURARE-LIKE ACTION OF "(2) In the bis-trimethyl series, the salt

POLYMETHYLENE with n = 2 is about twice as active as tetra-
methylammonium iodide; salts with n = 3,
4, or 5 are only feebly active; activity in-
AMMONIUM SALTS creases from n = 7 to n = 9; salts with n =
R. B. BARLOW 9, 10, 11, and 12 are all about 5-6 times
AND as active as tetramethylammonium.
H. R. ING "(3) In the bis-triethyl series, salts with
n = 2 or 3 are relatively inactive; activity
From the increases from n = 4 to n = 13, the last
Department of Pharmacology, Oxford member being somewhat more active than
the bis-trimethyl members in which n = 9.
Br. J. Pharmacol., 3: 298-304, 1948 "(4) None of the members of the other
three series was so active as the most active
members of the bis-trimethyl series.
"(1) The following series of polymethy- "(5) In the rabbit head-drop test the bis-
lene bis-quarternary ammonium dibrom- trimethyl member with n = 9 was nearly as
ides have been prepared and tested for active as tubocurarine chloride; the mem-
curare-like activity on the phrenic nerve- ber with n = 10 was about three times as
diaphragm preparation of the rat (n = active. The bis-triethyl member with n =
number of carbon atoms in the polymethy- 13 was about two-fifths as active as tubo-
lene chain):-bis-trimethylammonium se- curarine chloride.
ries, n = 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and "(6) Some bis-onium salts, particularly
13; bis-triethylammonium series, n = 2, 3, bis-triethylammonium, bis-strychninium,
4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 13; bis-strychninium and bis-quinolinium, augment the response
series, n = 2, 3, and 5; bis-quinolinium of the rat diaphragm to maximal stimuli
series, n = 3, 5, and 10; bis-(phenyldime- and inhibit the cholinesterase of caudate
thylammonium) series, n = 3 and 5. nucleus (dog)."

Published February, 1974

Ralph Milton Waters is one of the truly interned at the German Hospital in Cleve-
great pioneers of anesthesiology in the land, Ohio, from 1910 to 1912, and follow-
United States. ing this had a residency (in what would
He was born on a farm in the tiny village today be called Family Practice) at the same
of North Bloomfield, Ohio, on October 9, hospital. In 1913 he married Louise Diehl,
1883, and he has never lost his love for, and they had 4 children: Elva Jane, Bar-
and interest in, farming. In fact, he spent bara, Darwin Diehl (a Board certified Anes-
the first 15 summers of his life farming; thesiologist with an active practice in Mad-
and more recently has described his spare ison, Wisconsin), and John Calvin. In 1914
time interests as "golf and fishing until he began general practice in Sioux City,
1927. Too busy after that. Farming and Iowa, where he practiced until 1923, when
loafing from 1948" at his retirement home he moved to the Research and Children's
in Orlando, Florida. (During his high Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri. During
school years at Grand River Institute, from World War I, he was in the Iowa National
which he graduated in 1901, he spent his Guard, and spent part of 1916 as "Army
summers as a cement shoveler and finisher!) US 1st Lieut Ambulance Co. Mexican Bor-
He attended Adelbert College of Western der." He says his major duties were "over-
Reserve University and graduated with a seeing enlisted personnel and intelligent
B.A. degree in 1907; and he graduated government mules." In 1927 he left Kansas
from Western Reserve University Medical City to accept a post on the medical faculty
School with the M.D. degree in 1912. He of the University of Wisconsin; and there,

6 years later, in 1933, he became the first York Society of Anesthetists, which of
University Professor of Anesthesiology in course later became the American Society
the United States. of Anesthesiologists. He was a Founder of
Dr. Waters is perhaps best known for his the American Board of Anesthesiology
clinical introductions of both soda lime for (and holds Diploma # 7 of the more than
the removal of carbon dioxide (1924) and 5500 which have been issued). He was on
of cyclopropane (1933), but his anesthetic the original Editorial Board of the Journal,
interests and writings have been catholic: Anesthesiology. He was a founding member
"Effects of Anesthetics on Osmotic Resist- of The Anesthetists' Travel Club, which
ance of Erythrocytes"; "The Anesthetic has since become the Academy of Anesthe-
Properties of Carbon Dioxide"; "Cerebral siology, but which at the time was one of
Stimulation"; "Tribromethanol Anesthe- the few methods for the exchange of new
sia"; "Respiratory and Circulatory Changes ideas and information among the leaders
during Spinal Anesthesia"; "The Diffusion of the specialty in this country. In short, he
of Nitrous Oxide, Ethylene and Carbon had a hand in almost every important ven-
Dioxide Through Human Skin during An- ture in the organizational growth of the
esthesia"; "Possible Influence of Rare Gases specialty.
on Physiology"; "Sodium Ethyl (1-Methyl Perhaps Dr. Waters' most important con-
Butyl) Thiobarbituate"; "A Method for the tribution, however, was in the area of ed-
Determination of Cyclopropane, Ethylene, ucation and teaching the future teachers of
and Nitrous Oxide in Blood with the Van anesthesiology. The list of the residents
Slyke-Neill Manometric Apparatus"; "Res- whom he trained reads like a partial Who's
piratory Alkalosis During Anesthesia"; Who of academic anesthesia of those dec-
"Trichlorethylene Anesthesia and Cardiac ades: Frederick A. D. Alexander; Virginia
Rhythm"; "Toxic By-Products of the Atro- Agpar; Howard M. Ausherman; Betty J.
pine Group"; "Factors Influencing the Bamforth; Ann Bardeen Henschel; Max
Safety of Ether Anesthesia"; "Oxygen Baumeister, Jr.; Willard Bennett; Dorothy
Therapy"; "Closed Endobronchial Anes- M. Betlach; Luis G. Bouroncle; Norma B.
thesia in Thoracic Surery"; "Procaine Tox- Bowles; Simpson S. Burke, Jr.; William H.
icity"; "Leucocytosis following Inhalation Cassels; W. Allen Conroy; William Francis
Anesthesia"; "The Teaching Value of Rec- Cormack; Milton Davis, Jr.; Karl-Gustav
ords"; "John Snow, First Anesthetist"; "Ar- Dhuner; William H. L. Dornette; Franklin
tificial Respiration: Comparison of Manual M. Dowiasch; Robert D. Dripps, Jr.; Rich-
Methods"; "Pain Relief for Children"; "A ard Foregger; Olle F. Friberg; Gordon M.
Study of Morphine, Scopolamine and Atro- Garnett; Torsten Gordh; Jose Q. Guerra;
pine and Their Relation to Preoperative Merel Harmel; Hubert R. Hathaway; Mal-
Medication and Pain Relief"; "Factors In- com H. Hawk; Larry H. Hogan; Ferdinand
fluencing the Safety of Pain Relief in La- C. Jacobson; Donald R. Kindschi; Austin
bor"; "Bronchopneumonia: The Anesthe- Lamont; Bruce V. Landry; M. Digby
tist's Responsibility?"; "Anoxia"; "Morbid- Leigh; Jose Adolfo de Basto Lima; Alex-
ity Accompanying the Therapy of Pain: ander M. Mackay; John A. Moffitt; Jane
The Cost of Comfort"; "Explosion Jitters"; Moir; Lucien E. Morris; William B. Neff;
"Deaths in the Operating Room"; "Nitrous Sven Eric Nilsson; Carlos P. Parsloe; Al-
Oxide-Oxygen and Curare"; and "Drugs fredo Pernin; Emery A. Rovenstine; J. Eu-
and Methods for the 'Occasional' Anesthe- gene Ruben; Adolph Shor; Karl L. Sie-
tist," to mention but a few. becker; Ronald A. Simpson; Barinda N.
Dr. Waters' emphasis on the close rela- Sircar; Harvey C. Slocum; John A. Stiles;
tionship of physiology and pharmacology Ivan B. Taylor; David N. Treweek; Perry
to progress in anesthesia practice was a P. Volpitto; Clayton P. Wangerman; Dar-
major contribution, but another was the win D. Waters; Rosaline L. Wilhelm; Al-
key role he played in the development of bert J. Wineland; John J. Wu; and Robert
Anesthesiology as a specialty in this coun- M. Wylde.
try. He was one of the original "Fellow in In today's rush to produce more and
Anesthesiology" recipients of the New more physicians and specialists-in the mis-

taken belief that increased numbers of phy- future. The office was spacious and "well
sicians will somehow ameliorate their mal- located" over a drug store. The practice
distribution-the leaders of American which came to me, largely referred by the
Medicine have supported a 3 year medical pharmacists downstairs, most often proved
school curriculum, decreed the abolition of to be drug addicts seeking relief in those
the free-standing internship, and urged a days before the Harrison antinarcotic law.
reduction in the length of residency train- The dog, a very unsatisfactory companion
ing. Many thoughtful anesthesiologists find for a bachelor, would not eat in the pres-
it difficult to believe that a 3 year medical ence of human observers and caused me
school training, no internship, and a 2 year much inconvenience. I collected $144 in
residency program can combine to produce fees the first month without accepting the
anything but anesthetic technicians. In fact, largest roll of bills I had ever seen up to
they are convinced of it; and they base their that time; it was offered by an addict if I
convictions on what Dr. Waters preached would inject a syringeful of cocaine solu-
many years ago about the making of an tion into his vein.
anesthesiologist. Fundamental to Dr. Wa- One of my duties in conducting the prac-
ters' philosophy of the education of the tice was occasionally to administer somno-
anesthesiologist was his firm conviction that form (a then popular mixture of ethyl and
the anesthesiologist must be, first and fore- methyl chloride and ethyl bromide) to the
most, a competent clinical physician. It is patients of a neighboring dentist. I was
refreshing in these days of deteriorating permitted to join the informal and unor-
medical education to republish his article ganized staff of my predecessor's hospital.
expounding that philosophy, which was en- A surgeon there possessed an apparatus for
titled "Pioneering in Anesthesiology." It the administration of nitrous oxide, but no
has been called his biography, which in a one, except the advertising "painless" den-
way it was. But even more importantly, it tists, knew how to use this agent. I volun-
was a credo of the education of the anes- teered, and thus the foundation for my
thesiologist, and it emphasizes the fatuity career of specialization was laid.
of today's approach to the matter. It was In general, the line drawn between spe-
published in the September, 1948 issue of cialists and general practitioners was at that
PostgraduateMedicine (4: 265, 1948), and time neither very straight nor very distinct.
is reprinted below with the kind permission For instance, I am sure that 75 per cent of
of the author and the publishers. the members of the county medical society
attempted, at least occasionally, to perform
major surgical operations. I was not with-
out guilt myself in those days. In a then
recognized hospital, I once anesthetized a
PIONEERING IN woman while a man removed her uterus
ANESTHESIOLOGY without benefit of ligature or suture.
RALPH M. WATERS* Clamps were applied to the vessels after the
bleeding had become "less active" and the
Madison, Wisconsin wound was closed with the clamps. Believe
it or not, she lived long enough to regain
Postgrad. Med., 4: 265, 1948 consciousness. In the good old days a suc-
On a cold, windy day in the winter of tion tip in the anesthetist's hand often sup-
1912-13, a medical practitioner in a small plemented the skill of the surgeon's dissec-
city in our Missouri River Valley turned tion of numerous pairs of tonsils.
over to me his office, whatever I could The requirements for specialization in
retain of his practice, and his bull terrier. many midwestern hospitals consisted of the
He was bound for Vienna, postgraduate possession of sufficient audacity to attempt
study, and, I suspect, specialization in the a procedure and persuasive power ade-
quate to gain the consent of the patient or
* Professor of Anesthesiology, University of Wis- his family.
consin Medical School, Madison. With native intelligence and periodic vis-

its to centers of medical learning in this From what I have said, it should be ob-
country and abroad, a creditable specialist vious that financial success and even profes-
often eventually resulted. Technics were sional recognition in a specialty could be
not so intricate nor was the breadth of gained without a great outlay of time and
knowledge so extensive as at present. Fre- study. It was quite another matter regard-
quently a "half-baked" specialist designated ing one's own self-respect and personal sat-
himself as paying "special attention to" this isfaction. Within a few months of the be-
or that. A practitioner especially interested ginning of my special interest it became
in gynecology for instance, had printed on evident to me that (1) interest in anesthesia
the door of his office and on his profes- was superficial when it existed at all in this
sional cards and stationery, "John Doe, country; (2) opportunities were scarce; and
M.D., Special Attention to Diseases of (3) such contributions as were being made
Women." The first formal recognition of came largely from those whose primary
limitation in my own practice was upon interest was surgical or that of the labora-
professional cards carrying the notation tory. Real specialists in anesthesia were rare
"Practice Limited to Obstetrics and Anes- indeed.
thesia." This was solely because I liked to In certain centers a very few physicians
do such work and had no thought of the had interested themselves in the practical
impossible conflicts in appointment that and technical aspects of the subject. I found
were bound to occur. that the source of this interest was Great
After three years of mixed experience Britain and that the first scientific specialist
and a month's visit with an eastern anesthe- in anesthesia (I had almost said the only
tist, my practice in the small midwestern one) began his practice and his investiga-
city became "limited to anesthesia." I was a tions almost with the first public demon-
specialist. Many a fellow practitioner in the stration of surgical anesthesia.
Mississippi Valley and its tributaries be- It was on October 16, 1846, that Morton
came a specialist in similar fashion in the first administered ether at Massachusetts
years before the first World War. To be General Hospital in Boston. A month later,
sure, residencies in some of the specialties John Snow began the study and the admin-
were available in hospitals associated with istration of ether.' Dating from January 28,
the better medical schools. Occasionally a 1847, he reported that "the ether produced
man studied a specialty for several years in the desired effects in every operation per-
European clinics. On their return these formed in St. George's Hospital." Snow's
men usually settled in the large centers on biographer says, "What had been a mere
the seaboard. Some became specialists by accidental discovery, I had almost said a
associating themselves with an older pre- lucky adventure, was turned by the touch
ceptor in the specialty. In the main, how- of the master [Snow] into a veritable sci-
ever, specialists as I saw them in the mid- ence." Although Snow died eleven years
west originated as I have described. later, his influence remained. His scientific
Generally, incomes depended more upon study and application explains much of our
the boldness of the man and his economic present knowledge and skill at the end of
acumen than upon his professional profi- the first century in the use of anesthesia.
ciency. Then, even more than now, the The respect in which Snow was held by the
color of man's necktie, the length of his profession in Great Britain influenced
waistline, his glibness of tongue, or his high-caliber men throughout the British
cheery manner had much to do with his Empire to follow in his footsteps. The few
success. I once had the unpleasant duty of men such as Bennett, Gwathmey, and oth-
anesthetizing a woman for the removal of ers who specialized in anesthesia in this
her kidney by a "surgeon" who had tied off country received their inspiration not from
the ureter at a previous simple hysterec- New England but from Snow and his fol-
tomy. When I returned the patient to her lowers in Great Britain. To this day, in the
room, the husband detained me for some British Empire, the administration of an-
time with a recitation of the virtues and esthetic agents has never been entrusted to
skill of the operator. those who do not have a medical degree.

I have written elsewhere of the influence the principles of anesthesiology to all can-
of publications and organizations upon the didates for the medical degree; (3) to help
development of this specialty during the long-term graduate students not only to
present century. 2 Others will record the gain a fundamental knowledge of the sub-
development of the recent war. My own ject and to master the art of administration,
effort has been along lines of undergradu- but also to learn as much as possible of
ate and graduate teaching and investiga- effective methods of teaching; and (4) to
tion; in other words the contribution of the accompany these efforts with the encour-
medical school. After ten years of private agement of as much cooperative investiga-
practice "limited to anesthesia," two things tion as is consistent with achieving the first
seemed obvious to me. First, improvements three objectives.
in our knowledge of the subject, the whys Some of the details of our attempts to
and hows of both the science and the art, carry out these objectives have been pub-
depended upon close cooperation of those lished in previous papers. 3'4' 5 ' 6 It will be
who administered drugs in the operating sufficient to say here that we believe our
room with those who worked in the labo- undergraduates have acquired only what is
ratories. Only in the medical school can essential by a didactic period once a week
such cooperation be established. Second, so during the second half of their third year
long as the majority of physicians had little (junior) and a service of two weeks in the
or no understanding of the dangers, the operating room during their senior year.
importance, and the possible contributions This we feel gives only the minimum of
to the welfare of patients which anesthe- information and experience in anesthesiol-
siology can offer, no improvement or rec- ogy necessary for any well-informed physi-
ognition could be expected. Again the cian. If anesthesiology as a specialty is con-
medical school was the answer. Only when templated, a residency of at least three
every medical college is teaching those years' duration seems to be advisable. To
whom it graduates the real foundations review our experiences and personal con-
upon which administration of narcotic clusions regarding these residencies at Wis-
drugs must be based, can we expect the consin after twenty years may be of interest
profession to appreciate and demand legit- to others. Some of the conclusions apply to
imate service for its patients. the specialty of anesthesiology only. Others
In early days the deplorable belief was seem to me of general application to grad-
common, and still lingers in the minds of uate instruction in all the specialties.
some of the profession, that the best in Possibly by accident, and certainly for
anesthesia lay in the "choice of agent," the selfish reasons at first, resident graduate
selection of a particular drug with some students in the specialty were chosen who
occult fitness for administration in a given had some experience in anesthesia as a
case. Little consideration was given to the special interest during a period of general
all-important fact that all known anesthetic practice. Compared with individuals who
drugs and methods of using them often come right to specialization from a rotating
produce dangerous side effects. We were internship, such residents seemed to have
long in recognizing that it is the anticipa- definite advantages. It has been my prac-
tion and recognition of these undesirable tice, almost without exception, to urge, if
physiologic disturbances accompanying an- not require, that every applicant for an
esthesia and their management and control appointment on our service finish a period
which constitute wise and safe anesthesia. of two or three years in general practice
before he makes a final decision as to what
In 1927, I was glad to accept a place on specialty he desires to enter.
the medical faculty at Wisconsin. Objec- After observing individuals for twenty
tives of that position from the beginning years, both during their training period
have been fourfold. In order of their im- and following it, I feel quite sure that an
portance they still remain: (1) to provide interval in general practice before speciali-
the best possible service to patients of the zation is highly desirable. I believe that the
institution; (2) to teach what is known of younger doctor who follows the plan of

internship, general practice, final decision it is the responsibility of the hospital to

as to his specialty, and then a long-term provide time, opportunity, and instructors
residency will be more successful and more necessary to prepare them. An immature
satisfied ten years after graduation than youngster just finishing his internship may
would the same individual if he went into be happy with the opportunity to care for
a specialty directly following his internship. patients independently, to operate upon
This statement, I realize, demands some them, or to anesthetize them, and to permit
defense. such experience to be called "training for
From the young man's standpoint it may a specialty." The man with experience in
be argued that a period of general practice general practice does not accept such con-
before specialization delays the beginning ditions as "graduate training for a spe-
of one's real life work until the individual cialty." We, as staff members and hospital
is too old for real enthusiasm. Economic administrators, must guard against having
security may be delayed, and the early es- opinions or supporting practices which con-
tablishment of a family and a permanent tribute to the convenience of the visiting
home of one's own may be impossible. staff and the economic security of the hos-
However, as I look back upon those who pital at the expense of the quality of special
have been associated with me in the study training offered. I am suggesting that the
of anesthesiology in the long past, these maturity of the man who begins to special-
two objections seem to be overbalanced by ize after a brief experience in general prac-
numerous advantages. At least some of tice will prevent us-teachers, visiting staff,
these men who became specialists married, and hospital administrators-from exploit-
had families, and yet were economically ing, however unconsciously, the graduate
stable and happy. student.
But, you say, common honesty and un-
The hospital staff and management may derstanding on our part will prevent ex-
argue that the resident with previous ex- ploitation of the graduate student. Agreed.
perience in general practice is intractable, What then are the real advantages of the
less cooperative, less studious, and more plan I am proposing? They extend in two
demanding. Some of these objections de- directions-to the community and to the
pend upon the point of view. If, as a pri- young doctor. One of our unsolved prob-
mary function, the hospital expects its res- lems in recent years has been the deficiency
idents in the specialties to care for its pa- of available family practitioners to serve
tients, and to do the work of the hospital our smaller communities. If every medical
and the visiting staff, then the younger and graduate, on finishing his internship, were
less experienced in life they are, the better. to undertake a short period of general prac-
For instance, I know of hospitals that have tice, this shortage would not exist. A few
"modernized" their service in my own spe- months or years of such experience gives
cialty by replacing former technicians in the young doctor an opportunity to learn
anesthesia-the so-called "anesthetic how to collect and spend money, how to
nurses" who got a salary of $150 or more conduct himself in his relations with the
a month-with "residents" in anesthesia, community in which he lives, with patients
young doctors at 25 dollars a month. These and their families, and with other physi-
"residents" have been allowed to anesthe- cians. It is so easy to acquire a critical and
tize patients, private and others, without unsympathetic attitude in a specialty. It is
proper supervision or instruction while the less easy when one has lived "on the other
hospital budget is balanced by the fees side of the fence." But more especially the
which it collects for their services. young doctor during general experience
If, as I believe, residencies or fellowships will see all sides of the practice of medicine;
in the specialties are maintained primarily he will refer cases to specialists; he will learn
for the purpose of creating capable special- that no patient is the problem of a single
ists who will contribute the maximum in specialty. While making these observations,
efficient service to the public in the future, he will be in a position to decide just what

specialty he will really enjoy and where his has been made, we try to rectify it as soon
inclinations and skills will fit. as possible. Although these methods of de-
What about the community when he liberation in planning one's future may
leaves to join his special residency or his seem like waste of time, they make for
fellowship? Once the custom becomes es- satisfaction and success in later life. Every-
tablished, will not an inheritance develop one is not intrinsically equipped to be a
much as it operates now regarding intern- surgeon, an obstetrician, an internist, or an
ships? Certain schools establish the custom anesthetist. May it not be advantageous to
of sending a man to this hospital, another spend a reasonable time in deliberation and
to that, each year. As long as the hospital experimentation? Certainly there should be
is satisfied, the habit continues. Sometimes no disgrace attached to changing one's
it is a fraternity or some other small group mind about the choice of his future life
which determines what hospital a particular work. If the choice has been right, life is a
senior will choose for his internship. Would joy forever after. Uncongenial work is
not the same habit develop in determining drudgery.
where he would enter general practice the What does the evidence show in the later
next year? The office, equipment, even the experience of our own men who have gone
motor car and living quarters, might be out as specialists in anesthesiology? I am
handed down in a similar manner. If, as I quite willing to admit that the number has
am sure would happen, an occasional been altogether too small to have the slight-
young doctor decided that he likes general est statistical significance. We have had
practice and did not return for training in with us residents of three categories: (1)
a specialty, I believe both the community those who came to the specialty from their
and the profession would benefit by the internships; (2) those who have had an in-
doctor's decision. terval of two or three years in general
To implement such a plan as I am advo- practice; and (3) a few who have come to
cating, a slight change is necessary in cus- us late in life, sometimes after part-time
toms among administrators. Interns have specialization for some years. What can we
said to me, "I like the idea of having expe- say of their comparative accomplishments?
rience in general practice before I decide Those in the first group acquire knowl-
what specialty I shall enter. But I get the edge and technical facility as readily as the
impression that it will be next to impossible others. On the other hand, as a group while
for me to secure a desirable appointment in residency they show less good judgment,
in a first-class department unless I arrange less independence of thought, and less self-
for it while I am an intern." Obviously, if reliance. They are more, rather than less,
the intern waits to avail himself of experi- likely to give evidence of brashness or fool-
ence and maturity before choosing his life hardy conduct. After leaving us, when "out
work, he must not be penalized for it. If on their own" the first group have had
more mature individuals are appointed, it more difficulty in building a place for them-
is my firm conviction that the hospital su- selves in the world. Their relations with
perintendent and the director of training hospital staff or medical school faculty, with
in any specialty will observe benefit not hospital administrators, and with the com-
only to the graduate student but also to the munity at large, have been more difficult
service. at first and satisfactory adjustments have
Even when a person has the advantage been made much more slowly.
of a period of general practice during
which he decides upon a specialty, he may The second group who have returned
be mistaken regarding his preference. Ac- after an experience of two or three years
tual experience may prove that his apti- in general practice, have, in our experi-
tudes lie elsewhere. Both the candidate and ence, shown little or no tendency to resist
our department always look upon the first the necessary routine of a department, rec-
six months of a resident's service as a trial ord-keeping, cooperation, and the like.
period. If either side decides that a mistake They have adjusted to institutional life

without difficulty. As a group, they offer position to perform a useful service in years
more original ideas, good and bad, which to come, our efforts had better not be
not only prove a healthy stimulus to discus- devoted to the "training of specialists."
sion in the department and to investigative
effort, but also at times result in change of
conviction in the department. The advan- Specialization in medical practice has de-
tage to us and to our institution deriving veloped as knowledge and skills have ex-
from this second group over the first, tended with the years. Methods of prepa-
though noticeable, may not have been ration of specialists have varied widely. I
great. The advantages to the resident him- have recited some personal experiences
self, however, both during his training and and observations both as student and as
in later life, seem to us considerable. He teacher. The very informal customs I have
comes to us after a mature choice of what described as being characteristic of some
he wants to do. He works harder and grasps parts of our midwest at the time I began
his opportunities with more vigor. Possibly practice in 1913 had certain advantages.
the fact that he is older and more mature Independence, self-reliance, and originality
when he begins to practice "on his own" were developed; or at least these qualities,
explains some of his advantage. However, when naturally present, were not dimin-
I do not believe that age and maturity are ished. Sometimes, however, the freedom
the only factors. The broad viewpoint ac- allowed led to boldness, rashness, and fool-
quired as a general practitioner remains hardy practice, resulting, in certain cases,
with him as a specialist. Experience in eco- in disaster and death, if not murder. Cer-
nomic and social relations does not have to tainly it was not the ideal manner of prep-
be acquired at a time when he is trying to aration. We have speculated as to how the
establish himself as a specialist. advantages of the informal, individualistic
Finally, what of those in the third cate- method of learning to be a specialist can be
gory who have been out in the world for a combined with the advantages of the for-
good many years either as part-time spe- mal training that is customary at the pres-
cialists or as general practitioners? Some of ent time.
these are merely men who, through failing I think we may conclude that familiarity
health, deficient professional background, with physiologic functions and the manner
or desire for change, wish to specialize. in which these are affected by therapeutic
These must be discouraged at once. An old procedure is the essential background of
dog doesn't learn new tricks very easily. As specialization. Added to such familiarity,
a rule, those in the third class do not fit technical skills in diagnosis and treatment
into a residency program nor do they bene- are not enough to produce a real specialist.
fit themselves thereby. We have met a few He must also have a rational, well-rounded
exceptions to the rule, but these are rare attitude toward the general problems in-
indeed. volved in the practice of medicine and the
Personal acquaintance with candidates care of the sick. If our training of specialists
through long correspondence and at least sacrifices one of these three factors, either
one protracted personal interview is nec- scientific background, special skills, or a
essary if the director of a training program rational, well-rounded attitude, it is not
is to fulfill all his obligations. These extend very successful.
not only to the applicant but to the appli- Having tried to select those candidates
cant's prospective fellow students, to the for special training in anesthesiology who
specialty and last, but most important of have conducted a general practice after
all, to the medical profession as a whole internship and having watched a fairly
and the service it will render to the public. large number of these later as specialists, in
If we cannot help young physicians to be- comparison with others who began to spe-
come specialists who will be a credit to our cialize directly after internship, I cannot
profession, if we do not put them in a avoid certain definite impressions.
1. The former general practitioners are REFERENCES
happier and are better satisfied with their
1. WATERS, R. M.: John Snow, first anesthetist. Bios.,
specialty. 7: 25, March, 1936.
2. They are more successful and more 2. --- : The development of anesthesiology in
convincing professionally as specialists. the United States, in Journal ofHistory of Medicine
3. They more easily and completely com- and Allied Sciences, Vol. I, No. 4, 1946.
mand the respect and the economic recog- 3. --- : The teaching value of records.J. Indiana
nition of fellow physicians, hospital admin- M. A., 29: 110, March, 1936.
istrators, and the public. 4. WATERS, R. M., HATHAWAY, H. R. AND CASSELS,
It is my belief that a young person will W. H.: The relation of anesthesiology to medical
act for his own and the communities' best education.J.A.M.A., 112: 1667, April 29, 1939.
5. WATERS, R. M.: The evolution of anesthesia.
interest if he delays decision as to speciali-
Proc. Staff Meet., Mayo Clin., 17: 428, No. 27,
zation and his choice of a specialty until he July 15, 1942.
has passed through at least a short period 6. --- : Anesthesiology in the hospital and in the
in the general practice of medicine or its medical school. J.A.M.A., 130: 909, April 6,
equivalent. 1946.

Published October, 1978

It took, really, a long time to recognize (1564), and Fabricius of Aquapendente
that respiratory function and circulatory (1574) on the basis of the structure and
function are not distinct and separate but, arrangement of the valves of the veins, the
rather, intimately interwoven, and that a new concept replacing the previous belief
primary, common task of both the heart that the blood always flowed outward, even
and the lungs is the supply of 02 to the in the veins. The great William Harvey
tissues. The term, "cardiopulmonary," (1578-1657), one of the most gifted pupils
emerged in common medical parlance only of Fabricius, combined all of these individ-
during the past generation or so, and the ual findings with the results of his own
development of the "cardiorespiratory" researches to form the general picture of
laboratory is well within the memory of a what we today call the circulation of the
number of aging anesthesiologists. How- blood. This he did in his monumental trea-
ever, the concept that the cardiovascular tise, De Motu Cordis (as it is usually called;
system and the pulmonary system are dis- the complete title was actually Exercitatio
creet lingers on, and standard modern text- Anatomica de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in
books of physiology continue to have one Animalbius), which was published in 1628.
section devoted to The Heart, another sec- Harvey had already expressed his ideas on
tion devoted to The Circulation, and yet the circulation of the blood as early as 1616
another section devoted to Respiration. in his lectures at the Royal College of Phy-
This separation is not so surprising when sicians of London, but he waited until fur-
one considers that even the existence of the ther experiments provided complete proof
circulation was unknown to the Ancient before publication. The De Motu Cordis was
World and the Dark Ages, but came only surely one of the most important books in
with the dawning of the Late Renaissance. the whole history of medicine because it
In 1553, Miguel Serveto, searching for a laid the foundation for modern physiology
connection between the right heart and the and medicine.
left, discovered the lesser circulation; and The final important link in the chain of
in 1569, Caesalpinus traced the path of the proof of the circulation of the blood was
greater circulation. Recognition of the cen- the existence of capillaries. Harvey had pos-
tripetal movement of the venous blood tulated the capillary circulation, but the
stream was deduced more or less concur- actual identification of capillaries had to
rently by Jacobus Sylvius (1543), Canani await the development of microscopy by

Anton van Leewenhoek and the descrip- dogs, they carried out arterial cannulations
tion of capillaries in the lungs of the frog in 4 humans in this trial of intra-arterial
by Marcello Malphigi in his 1661 publica- drug therapy. No ill effects were reported,
tion, De Pulmonibus Observationes Anatomi- but the placement of the catheters was not
cae. checked by X-ray. There was absolutely no
Thus, by the beginning of the eighteenth consideration of the possible diagnostic or
century, the essential anatomic facts con- experimental cardiovascular aspects of the
cerning the circulation of the blood had technique, but nevertheless the develop-
been established and investigations of its ment of invasive cannulation of the arterial
physiology were beginning. The forerun- system of the human was a technical ad-
ner of the latter were carried out by an vance that was to become essential for di-
English parson, the Reverend Stephen agnostic cardiology and the investigation of
Hales, a scientifically interested layman, cardiopulmonary physiology.
who in 1710 performed the first catheteri- The other essential, of course, was car-
zation of the heart of a living animal for a diac catheterization.
definite scientific purpose. The good par- Werner Theodor Otto Forssmann was
son bled a sheep to death and threaded a born in Berlin on August 19, 1904, the son
gun barrel through the neck vessels into of Julius Forssmann and Emmy Hinden-
the still-beating heart. Through this gun berg. He was educated at the Askanische
barrel, he filled the hollow chambers of the Gymnasium in Berlin; and in 1922 matri-
heart with molten wax and then, from the culated at the University of Berlin to study
resultant cast, measured the volume of car- medicine, passing his State Examination in
diac ejection and, by knowledge of the 1929. His clinical training was at the Uni-
pulse rate, calculated the minute volume of versity Medical Clinic, working under Pro-
the heart. Some years later, in 1727, to be fessor Georg Klemperer, and he studied
exact, he also became the first to determine anatomy under Professor Rudolph Fick.
arterial pressure when he measured the rise For clinical instruction in surgery he went,
of a column of blood in a glass tube which in 1929, to the August Victoria Home at
he had inserted into an artery. Eberswalde near Berlin, and it was there
The origins of modern trends in cardio- that he was the first to develop a technique
vascular research, however, came from for the catheterization of the human heart.
classic French experimental physiology, as This he did by inserting, with the intrepid-
exemplified by the technique employed by ity of youth, a cannula into his own ante-
Claude Bernard (1813-1878), which he de- cubital vein, through which he passed a
scribed in his Physiologie Operative; and par- catheter for 65 centimeters and then calmly
ticularly by the procedures developed by walked to the X-ray Department, where a
Chauveau and Marey in the late 1860's. photograph was taken of the catheter lying
These workers were the first to measure in his right auricle.
blood pressures within the heart and to This feat was obviously a remarkable ad-
record pressure curves from the interior of vance, since it demonstrated that methods
the heart in living animals. They achieved well known from animal experiments could
this with the use of manometers which were also be adapted for studies in man. The
led through the neck vessels into both com- technique was of paramount importance
partments of the right heart, as well as into for a study of the pathologic changes in
the left heart chamber. diseases of the heart and circulation, which
In 1812, Unger, Bleichroder and Loeb could be reproduced with difficulty, or not
reported cannulation of the bifurcation of at all, in animal experiments; but it also
the aorta. Their objective was the intro- opened up the opportunities for roentgen-
duction at this site of special chemotherapy ologic examination of the right side of the
for puerperal sepsis in order to achieve the heart and the pulmonary vessels after the
highest possible concentration of the drug injection of contrast medium directly into
at the place where it would be most effec- these organs. Forssmann also undertook
tive. After preliminary experiments in experiments on himself for these purposes.

Forssmann was not unaware of the dan- mense, and the coals heaped upon the cou-
gers of such self-experimentation; but in rageous young doctor's head robbed him
the end he was the victim, not of the inva- of any further inclination to continue his
sions of his own body, but of the tragedy work. His achievement lay essentially fal-
of attempting to introduce a new concept low (with the exception of isolated instances
to the world. The world does not only of its application in Prague and in Lisbon)
dislike new ideas, it usually rejects them because of the strong resistance by those
strenuously. who obstructed practical research work
The situation at the time was that it was with threadbare ethical and moral objec-
possible to record the pressure in the hu- tions.
man peripheral arteries and superficial But the triumph of intellectual bigotry
veins (values which reflect to some extent over an essential and available scientific
the conditions in the left ventricle and the tool is necessarily self-limited, and within a
right atrium), but measurements of the decade the group of physiologists com-
right ventricular pressure (which is of es- posed of Richards, Cournand, and their
sential importance for knowledge of the colleagues at Bellevue Hospital and Colum-
work of the right side of the heart) could bia University began the painstaking prep-
not be-or, at any rate, had not been- arations and studies to make direct analyses
measured in man. Similarly, it was possible of conditions in the right side of the heart.
to determine the 02 content of arterial They proceeded with great hesitation and
blood in man but not of the mixed venous the beginning was not easy, for they too,
blood in the right side of the heart, a meas- like Forssmann, met strong and opinion-
urement which gives the average value for ated resistance; but in 1941 a turning point
the body as a whole. Data concerning these in the history of cardiology was achieved
measurements and determinations had when they published a report of cardiac
long been available from animal experi- catheterization in man. They had made a
ments, of course, but in man it was neces- few minor improvements in Forssmann's
sary to resort to indirect methods, which technique; but the main point was that a
not only yielded indirect results, but often well known research group at a distin-
required unavailable training and cooper- guished clinic had set their seal of approval
ation by the subject or the patient. on the method, which then made its trium-
The world had adapted itself to this un- phant entry into the world of clinical med-
satisfactory state of affairs, and blithely ac- icine.

cepted a roadblock that was preventing In the course of the next 15 years, Cour-
progress in cardiology and totally obstruct- nand and Richards and their pupils used
ing desirable developments in cardiorespir- the technique for catheterization of the
atory research. As late as 1928, therefore, heart in studies of traumatic shock, the
a recognized textbook could state with diagnosis of congenital heart diseases, the
equanimity and even smugness that data on physiology of heart failure, measurement
cardiac pressures and mixed venous blood of the action of cardiac drugs, and various
in man were "naturally" confined to those forms of dysfunction in chronic cardiac and
obtained by indirect methods. When Forss- pulmonary diseases and their treatment.
mann achieved his spectacular technical The concept that the functions of the heart
breakthrough, he not only was not ap- and the functions of the lungs were inti-
plauded, but he was bitterly criticized in mately interwoven, rather than separate
the most severe and exaggerated manner, and distinct, had finally arrived, and the
on the basis of the preconceived opinion terms, "cardiopulmonary" and "cardiores-
held by many of the unacceptable dangers piratory," were fully established as descrip-
inherent in such an invasive technique- tions of the commonality and interdepend-
which opinion, of course, he had already ence of the shared roles.
totally contradicted and negated by his own The investigations carried out by the
self-experimentation. Bellevue group, which were of perhaps the
Forssmann's disappointment was im- most practical interest to the anesthesiolo-

gist, concerned the effects of artificial res- atory time intervals and the end expiratory
piration upon the circulation, particularly pressure above atmospheric; and type III,
cardiac output in response to the so-called asymmetrical with gradually increasing
"Cournand Curves." The definitive paper pressure during inspiration and suddenly
was titled, "Physiological Studies of the Ef- dropping early in expiration to atmos-
fects of Intermittent Positive Pressure pheric and expiratory time equal to or ex-
Breathing on Cardiac Output in Man," and ceeding inspiratory.
was published in the American Journal of Cardiac output was decreased more or
Physiology in 1948 (Cournand, A., Motley, less in proportion to the increase in mean
H. L., Werko, L. and Richards, D. W.: Am. mask pressure with the first and second
J. Physiol., 152: 162 to 174, 1948), and is type curves (Type I, mean mask pressure
reprinted below with the kind permission 7.0 mm. Hg, cardiac output decrease 14.5
of the authors and the publisher. per cent; Type II, mean mask pressure 10.6
mm. Hg, cardiac output decrease 16.5 per
cent). There was no decrease in cardiac
output with the Type III curve (mean mask
PHYSIOLOGICAL STUDIES pressure 5.7 mm. Hg, cardiac output in-
crease 6.0 per cent).
OF THE EFFECTS OF The blood pressure changes produced
INTERMITTENT POSITIVE by the three types of IPPB were small. The
PRESSURE BREATHING ON arterial pressure, both systolic and diastolic,
CARDIAC OUTPUT IN MAN was increased slightly with Types I and III
and decreased by 3 mm. Hg with Type II.
ANDRE COURNAND, HURLEY L. MOTLEY, Interpreted in terms of variation in
LARS WERKO AND stroke volume, these changes suggest that
DICKINSON W. RICHARDS, JR. the deficit in cardiac output incurred dur-
Department of Medicine, ing the inspiratory phase is compensated
Columbia University, for during the expiratory phase. When the
and the pressure drop is rapid in expiration with
Chest and Medical Services the resulting intrapleural pressure low and
of the the right ventricular net filling pressure
Columbia University Division, high, compensation is complete provided
Bellevue Hospital, New York, expiratory time is of sufficient duration.
New York Expiratory time must equal or exceed in-
spiratory in order that the number of heart
Am. J. Physiol., 152: 162-174, 1948 beats during expiration may equal or ex-
ceed the number present during inspira-
The effects of three types of intermittent tion. The time and pressure relationships
positive pressure breathing, as differen- with the third type of curve permitted com-
tiated by the shape of the mask pressure pensation to be complete, as the mean right
curve, were correlated with the changes in ventricular net filling pressure was not de-
cardiac output observed in 33 experiments creased. Compensation was incomplete
on 29 human subjects. with the first and second types, because the
The three types of mask pressure curves mask pressure did not drop rapidly after
were as follows: type I, symmetrical with cycling with the first curve, and because
gradually increasing and decreasing slope, expiratory time was too short and the end
expiratory time approximately the same as expiratory pressure still above atmospheric
inspiratory and the end expiratory pressure with the second type curve.
above atmospheric; type II, asymmetrical A desirable type of IPPB should provide
with rapidly increasing pressure during in- a mask pressure curve that shows: a) a
spiration and rapidly dropping during ex- gradual increase in pressure during inspi-
piration, long inspiratory and short expir- ration, b) a rapid drop in pressure after

cycling occurs, c) a mean mask pressure time. Adequate ventilation can be provided
during the expiratory period as near at- with the above type of pressure breathing
mospheric as possible, and d) an expiratory in man with a minimal disturbance to the
time equal to or exceeding the inspiratory circulation.

Published February, 1980

"This Yankee dodge, gentlemen, beats efficacy of ether anesthesia in Boston on
mesmerism hollow." October 16, 1846. This may not appear
These were the words purported to have very soon in an age when we can watch a
been uttered by Robert Liston to the au- Pope being buried in Rome, or a World
dience assembled in the operating arena of Cup soccer match being played in South
the University College Hospital of London America, even as the event is happening;
on the morning of December 21, 1846, but in 1846 that was lightning-fast com-
after the brilliant surgeon had amputated munications. Jungle drums could have
the leg of one Frederick Churchill. done it faster, or perhaps even the Pony
There were 4 fascinating circumstances Express, but neither of these could be
in connection with this operation. adapted for Trans-Atlantic transmission.
The first was that Liston himself had The final-and most important-aspect
made the operation necessary, a situation were the prophetic words by Liston when
still not entirely unknown in the field of he had completed the operation upon the
surgery today. Churchill, a butler by trade, poor butler ("This Yankee dodge, gentle-
had fallen and injured his tibia, and a dis- ment, beats mesmerism hollow"), for his
charging sinus had formed for which he catchy phrase indeed signaled the begin-
had consulted the great surgeon. Liston ning of worldwide acceptance of chemical
had made an incision, probed the sinus with anesthesia and sounded the deathknell for
his finger until he felt bone, and then had anesthesia produced by the techniques of
"plugged" the wound. Quite predictably, Franz Anton Mesmer, based on his discov-
Churchill's bodily systems did not appreci- ery of animal magnetism.
ate the germs on Liston's finger and re- Certainly one of the strangest chapters
sponded with fever, sweating, rapid and in all of the history of anesthesia was that
feeble pulse, headache, nausea, twitching, concerning mesmerism and surgery.
and exhaustion. In short, septicemia, re- The first recorded use of mesmerism for
quiring (Liston's opinion, at least) amputa- surgical anesthesia occurred on April 12,
tion. 1829, when the French surgeon, Jules Clo-
The second interesting feature of the quet, performed a mastectomy on a patient
operation was that one of the audience in in mesmeric sleep. The first major surgical
the crowded surgical amphitheater that day operation across the channel in England on
was a handsome Quaker youth by the name a patient in a mesmeric state was an am-
of Joseph Lister, who would one day abol- putation of the leg at the thigh by a British
ish infections such as that which necessi- surgeon named Ward, and it was per-
tated the operation in the first place. formed at Nottinghamshire in 1842. The
The third significant point was that the first case in the United States was recorded
operation is said to have been the first in the August 19, 1843, issue of the Illinois
surgery performed outside the United Telegraph and Review under the title of,
States under the newly discovered ether "Case of Excision of a Wen, without pain,
anesthesia. (It was not, but that is a whole in the Mesmeric State," and on February
different story in itself. The history books 21 of the same year the Missouri Republican
still credit Liston's operation.) The opera- reported the removal of a tumor of the
tion on Churchill's festering extremity oc- shoulder during mesmeric sleep.
curred just 9 weeks and 2 days after Mor- There were other cases from America
ton's classic public demonstration of the which were reported and published in The

Zoist: A Journal of Cerebral Physiology and Having read reports of mesmerism, he was
Mesmerism, and their Application to Human inspired to try it in a surgical case. On April
Welfare, during the years 1845-1846: (1) 14, 1845, he performed his first operation
the "Removal of a tumor from the Neck in on a mesmerized patient. Encouraged by
the Mesmeric State-performed in New his success in this patient, Esdaile continued
York-reported by A. Sydney Doane, his experiments, and by January 22, 1846,
M.D. Witnessed among others by Drs. Val- he had reported 73 cases of painless oper-
entine Mott, J. Kearney Rodgers, Dela- ations performed at Hooghly in the 8
field, John W. Francis;" (2) "Removal of month period:
another Tumor from the neck of an elderly
Medical Man Related in the Cleveland Plain Arm amputated 1
Breast ditto 1
Dealer, Performed at Cleveland Medical
Tumor extracted from the upper jaw 1
College by Professor Ackley, assisted by Scirrhus testium extirpated
Professors Delamater, Kirkland, and oth- Colis amputated 2
ers;" (3) "The removal of a polyp from the Contracted knee straightened 3
nose;" and (4) the removal of a breast by Ditto arms 3
Dr. L. A. Dugas, professor of physiology in Operations for cataract 3
the Medical College of Georgia. Large tumor of the inguen cut off 1
These American accounts are of partic- Operations for Hydrocele 7
ular interest in that Crawford Long re- Ditto Dropsy 2
ferred to them in his belated paper, "An Actual cautery applied to a sore 1
Muriatic acid ditto 2
account of the first use of sulphuric ether
Unhealthy sores pared down 7
by inhalation as an anesthetic in surgical Abscesses opened 5
operations," published long after the fact, Sinus, 6 inches, laid opened 1
in 1848: Heel flayed 1
"At the time I was experimenting with End of thumb cut off 1
ether there were physicians in high author- Teeth extracted 3
ity, and of justly distinguished character, Gum cut away 1
who were advocates of mesmerism, and Praeputium cut off 3
recommended the induction of the mes- Piles ditto 1
meric state as adequate to prevent pain in Great toe nails cut out by the roots 5
Large tumor on leg removed 1
surgical operations. Notwithstanding thus
Seton introduced from ankle to knee 1
sanctioned, I was an unbeliever in the sci- Scrotal tumours, weighing from 8 to 80 lbs. 14
ence, and of the opinion, that if the mes- removed 17, painless 73
ermic state could be produced at all, it was
only on 'those of strong imagination and
weak minds,' and was to be ascribed solely The timing of the advent of mesmerism
to the workings of the patient's imagina- in surgery was unfortunate, at least from
tions. Entertaining this opinion, I was more the point of view of its advocates (who were
particular in my experiments in etheriza- avid and zealous), since it occurred pari-
tion." passu with the great events of the 1840's,
It was not, however, the reports in Amer- which culminated in the discovery of first
ica, or England, or France, or any other nitrous oxide, then ether, and finally chlo-
European countries, from which the best roform anesthesias. However, certainly
documented support for mesermism in sur- from the patient's disadvantage point, it
gery came-it was from the subcontinent was several steps ahead of being held down
of India. by several strong men; and on August 8,
James Esdaile, son of the Rev. Dr. Esdaile 1853, Esdaile, who had returned to Scot-
of Perth, was born on February 6, 1808. land, rushed to mesmerism's defense in a
After graduating from Edinburgh in 1830, Memorial addressed to Congress in which
he entered the service of the East India he indignantly denied that painless surgery
Company. In 1845, Esdaile was in charge had first become possible as a result of the
of the Native Hospital at Hooghly, India. discovery of ether anesthesia. In his depo-

sition to the United States Congress, he demonstrating the existence of mesmeric

drew attention to "the simple and notorious force. With the appearance of the superior
fact... that painless surgery by means of agents, ether and chloroform, interest in
mesmerism, years before ether was heard the surgical use of mesmerism declined rap-
of, was as common in my hospitals, as it has idly, although its medical use persisted.
since become in Europe under the influ- In 1948, Gilbert Frankau published a
ence of chloroform, and nearly three treatise on Mesmer and Mesmerism (Fran-
hundred capital mesmeric operations had kau, G.: Mesmerism. London: MacDonald,
been performed by me before leaving In- 1948), which consisted of an introductory
dia, two years ago." monograph by Frankau himself, and then
But even the dedicated Esdaile was se- a translation (the first in English) of Mes-
duced into a trial of ether as a surgical mer's own Mimoire sur la dicouverte du
anesthetic, and he concluded that: Magnitisme Animal, which had first been
"By cautious and graduated doses, and printed at Geneva in 1799. Mesmer's dis-
with a knowledge of the best antidotes, I sertation will be the text of the April issue
think it extremely probable that this power of "Classical File," and Frankau's introduc-
will soon become a safe means of procuring tory monograph is reprinted below.
insensibility, for the most formidable op-
erations even.
"All mesmerists, who are lovers of truth,
and not mere traders, will rejoice at having
been the means of bringing to light one MESMERISM
truth more, especially as it will free them
from the drudgery required to induce mes- G. FRANKAU
meric insensibility to pain, which, although MacDonald, London, 1948
the most striking, is the least important
branch of the subject. INTRODUCTORY MONOGRAPH
"It is only of late years that the applica-
tion of mesmerism to surgery has been In this foreword to Mesmer's treatise,
prominently brought forward, principally "Dissertation on the Discovery of Animal
with the view of affording an ocular dem- Magnetism," published in 1799, Frankau
onstration of this great vital agent. reviews in a biographical style the check-
"But the great field for a display of its ered and peripatetic career of Franz Anton
usefulness is in the treatment of medical Mesmer. That he possessed the personal
diseases, where it often comes to our aid charm and magnetism of a present-day
when all other resources have failed." John Wayne or Billy Graham there seems
This passage by Esdaile was revealing little doubt. That his influence in Europe
and significant, and emphasized that mes- in his generation, at least in the "jet set",
merism failed to survive as an anesthetic created much food for conversation ap-
method, not only because of the opposition pears evident. Frankau would have him be
to it (which was loud and clear, particularly "regarded as the father of modern psycho-
by Thomas Wakley, the crusading editor therapy", and "present-day spiritualism,
of the Lancet, who regarded it as quackery), also, owes some debt-in so far as it is based
but more importantly because it was less on the evidence of mediums-to Mesmer:
efficient than ether or chloroform, and the and so does the Church of Christ Scientists,
margin of its uncertainty was so much which was founded by Mary Baker Eddy."
greater. Furthermore, the process of mes- However, the academicians of his day
merizing was laborious and time consum- believed otherwise in the feats promoted
ing (up to 8 hours, in some cases), and was by Mesmer. In 1784, Louis XVI convened
scarcely suited for emergencies or the par- a body of 13 commissioners under the pres-
turient. Finally, the advocates of mesmer- idency of none other than Benjamin Frank-
ism were interested in its surgical applica- lin, the newly accredited ambassador of the
tion chiefly for propaganda purposes, as United States of America, to consider the

feasibility of his doctrines. With only one Charlatan, honest believer in his doc-
dissenting vote, the verdict was, "the imag- trines, a Barnum of his generation, who
ination does everything, the magnetism can say? The controversy is still not laid to
nothing." rest.

Published April, 1980

The story of the use of mesmerism for it could be produced. The latter point was
surgery was surely one of the strangest well documented in the 1846 report of a
chapters in the history of anesthesia. That committee appointed by the Governor
it was also a short chapter was due, of General of Bengal "to observe and report
course, to the almost simultaneous intro- upon Surgical Operations by Dr. J. Esdaile,
duction, and worldwide acceptance, of upon patients under the influence of al-
N 20, ether, and chloroform as chemical leged mesmeric agency." The report pre-
methods of producing general anesthesia. sented an interesting picture of the manner
Elliotson, one of England's foremost advo- in which mesmerism was practiced in Es-
cates of mesmerism and the mesmeric state, daile's Hooghly Hospital:
wrote of the discovery of ether anesthesia: "The patients treated were all native
"If this plan produces insensibility to pain males, from 18 to 40 years old, Hindus and
in more instances than mesmerism, and Mohamedans, in all conditions of general
quite as innocently and easily as when mes- health from extreme emaciation to ordi-
merism succeeds, it will indeed be a bless- nary strength . . the mesmerists employed
ing, and none will hail it more joyously by Dr. Esdaile were young men, Hindus
than we mesmerists, who have no other and Mohamedans, from 14 to 30 years of
object than the good of mankind. .. ." age, most of them compounders and
The zeal of the mesmerists, as exempli- dressers from the Hooghly Hospital.
fied in Elliotson's writings, led them to "To each patient a separate mesmeriser
claim their fair share of credit for the dis- was assigned. The room in which they op-
covery of anesthesia: "To mesmerism and erated was darkened, but from time to time
mesmerists all this is really owing. The idea the Committee were enabled to witness,
of proving insensibility for operations had through small apertures made in the door
through mesmerism laid such a hold on panels, the manner in which the processes
men that the trial of inhaling ether was were carried on. The patient lay on his
made and the success of mesmerism will back, the body naked from the waist up-
drive the profession headlong to try the wards, and the thighs and legs bare: the
new method and too generally, as in the mesmeriser seated behind him at the head
case of Mr. Liston, out of desire to 'su- of the bed, leaning over him, the faces of
percede' mesmerism.., .the truth unsus- both nearly in contact, the right hand being
pected by Mssrs. Liston, Wakley, Boott, generally placed on the pit of the stomach
and the rest of the eager antimesmerists is, and passes made with one or both hands
that the state induced by ether is somnam- along the face, chiefly over the eyes. The
bulism-the very same state as the mesmeric- mesmeriser breathed frequently and gently
which varies from deep coma to more or over the patient's lips, eyes and nostrils.
less partial activity of the brain." Profound silence was observed. These
Thus, the attitude of even the most ar- processes were continued for about two
dent mesmerists shifted from advocacy of hours each day in ten cases, for eight hours
mesmerism as the method of choice for the in one case in one day, and for six hours in
achievement of painless surgery to one another case, without interruption. Three
which claimed, in effect, we-led-you-to- cases of the ten . . . were dismissed without
chemical-anesthesia. They readily con- satisfactory effect."
ceded the much greater reliability of ether The Committee's report thus certainly
anesthesia, and the greater ease with which confirmed both the unreliability and the

time-consuming nature of mesmerism; but deed, the setting of Mesmer's seances were
note, additionally, that the induction of the magnificent and impressive: darkened
trance, or hypnosis, was accomplished in rooms, soft music, hushed voices, an at-
large part by the "laying on of hands". This mosphere of unreality, heightened his pa-
has, down through the ages, been an inte- tient's expectancy, their confidence that
gral part of man's consistent attempt to they would be cured. Mesmer and his as-
cure diseases without drugs by some unseen sistant wore silk purple coats and carried
power outside of his own body; in other long wands of beautifully wrought iron,
words, by suggestion. The Greeks appre- with which they lightly touched the dis-
ciated that, to influence the patient's "soul," eased portions of the sufferer's body. The
which in turn would affect an improvement patients sat breathless around a tub filled
of his physical condition, the physician, or with perfumed water that also contained
the lay healer, must win the complete con- magnetic filings so that the patients would
fidence, as well as the undivided attention, be ready to receive the magnetism from
of the sick person-and that this personal the planets. It was the setting of quackery,
relationship between the patient and phy- the acts of the charlatan-yet, it was the
sician was brought about by a physical con- origins of modern hypnosis as we know it
tact. (Plutarch, for instance, records that today, the shadowy no-man's-land which
Pyrrhus of Epirus cured cases of colic by still exists between the charlatan and the
touching the sufferer with his big toe!). conventional therapist. Mesmer's Magnetic
Jesus of Nazareth, intuitively one of the Institute in Paris attracted hundreds of the
greatest of psychologists, firmly believed in idle rich and was castigated as a hotbed of
the method of laying on of hands. His immorality, and he was eventually banished
remarkable cures are still attributed to Di- from the French capital to Switzerland.
vine intervention by vast numbers of peo- Yet, there can be no question that in those
ple; but at the same time it must be recog- darkened rooms Mesmer achieved success
nized that His own conviction that He in relieving the hysterical symptoms of sus-
would cure the sick was so unshakable and ceptible young females, nor that Mesmer's
so compelling that His very presence must inadvertent use of hypnotic suggestion led
have had an hypnotic effect on the patient. the way to Bernheim and Freud.
And He awakened in His disciples, who In fact, Mesmer's interpretation of "ani-
were to act as healers after him, that perfect mal magnetism" marked the beginning of
confidence, needed by all mental healers, mental therapy as we understand it today.
that they would indeed cure the sick; and Margaret Goldsmith has written, in her
their conviction, in turn, was transferred book, Franz Anton Mesmer: The History of
to the sick who came to them. Jesus said to an Idea, "He himself was not a man of
them, in the Gospel according to St. Mark, sufficient vision to bring his ideas to their
"Go ye into all the world, and preach the scientific conclusion, but he was a great
gospel to the whole creation;.. . in my man, for, as an English scientist has pointed
name shall they cast out devils; they shall out, 'it requires genius to create a subject
speak with new tongues;.., .and if they as a distinct topic of thought.' He deserves
drink any deadly things, it shall in no wise all the more credit, because, during the
hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, eighteenth century, the belief that the mind
and they shall recover." can influence the body was being vigor-
Jesus' cures were in some ways more ously suppressed. With the growing under-
remarkable than any cures by suggestion standing of drugs, any methods reminiscent
of modern psychologists or lay healers. The of medieval superstition were considered
sufferer's faith in Him, His own conviction unscientific, and medical men as a whole
that He would cure them, made the estab- were intellectual parvenus who clung te-
lishment of a suggestive atmosphere unnec- naciously to their knowledge of chemis-
essary. Mesmer, on the other hand, treated try ....It was chiefly due to Mesmer and
his patients in a darkened room and used his disciples that the power of the mind
complicated "magnetic" equipment. In- over the body was slowly emancipating it-

self from a belief in cures by magic or MacDonald, London, 1948

religion to a more scientific outlook. His
theories bridged the gap between ancient DISSERTATION ON THE DISCOVERY
superstitions and modern psychotherapy." OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM
The February, 1980, issue of Survey of
On reading this dissertation, it is appar-
Anesthesiology republished the introductory
ent that Dr. Mesmer had great difficulty in
monograph from Gilbert Frankau's treatise
convincing his peers of the validity of his
on Mesmer and Mesmerism (Frankau, G.:
concepts of curing diseases of the nervous
Mesmerism. London: MacDonald, 1948);
system. The bulk of it is concerned with
reprinted below is the second half of Fran-
the trials and tribulations he encountered
kau's volume, the translation (the first in in trying to refute the pronouncements
English) of Mesmer's own dissertation,
made against him.
Memoire sur la dicouverte du Magnitisme
And yet he persisted in his endeavors
Animal, which had first been printed at
and continued to treat patients with diverse
Geneva in 1779.
signs and symptoms, some with apparent
success. It is a good question, though, as to
MESMERISM whether he created more controversies
than cures. Of his sincerity and personal
G. FRANKAU beliefs there seems little doubt.

PublishedJune, 1981
The first recorded pediatric anesthesia teriosus at Boston Children's Hospital in
was administered on July 3rd, 1842, when 1938 (which was the first successful opera-
Crawford W. Long etherized a young boy tion for a congenital heart defect), it was
with a disease of the toe which necessitated sometimes necessary to call in a resident
its amputation. The operation was per- from the ENT Department to insert the
formed without the boy evincing the least endotracheal tube.
evidence of response, and he subsequently The phenomenal growth of anesthesiol-
stated to Sabrey Hemphill that Dr. Long ogy following World War II also included
had cut off his toe without his suffering any the appearance of the pediatric anesthe-
pain in the operation. siologist. Pediatric surgery was in full
Five years later, the first textbook of flower as a distinct field of endeavor, and
anesthesia, John Snow's "On the Inhalation these surgeons were technically able to per-
of the Vapour of Ether," documented form more extensive and more difficult
Snow's own initial administration of a pe- operations on ever sicker and smaller pa-
diatric anesthesia. This occurred at St. tients. The anesthesia requirements for
George's Hospital in London on January these procedures soon surpassed the skills
28, 1847, when Mr. Caesar Hawkins re- and experience of the anesthesiologist who
moved dead bone from the interior of the administered only occasional pediatric an-
tibia of William Daphne, aged 6. Young esthesia, and this inevitably led to the de-
William made a satisfactory recovery and velopment of Departments of Anesthesiol-
was discharged from the hospital on March ogy at various children's hospitals about
10, 1847. the country, and the formation of divisions,
Pediatric anesthesia as a discipline, how- or sections, of pediatric anesthesia at a
ever, did not begin to emerge for another number of university medical centers.
hundred years. Prior to World War II, Knowledge of the often vast differences in
there was not a single pediatric anesthesiol- the anatomy, physiology, metabolism, and
ogist in this country, and there were only psychology of these little patients, as com-
2 in Canada. Indeed, at the time when Dr. pared with adults, became recognized, and
Robert Gross performed his pioneering new techniques and approaches were de-
surgery for ligation of a patent ductus ar- veloped that were based on this knowledge.
Training programs were established and A with an ether hook can vouch. It was not
residents were recruited into the blossom- a pretty sight-esthetically, psychologi-
ing subspecialty; increasing numbers of pa- cally, physiologically, or biochemically.
pers dealing with pediatric anesthesia be- Today, concerns in pediatric anesthesia
gan to appear in anesthesia, surgical, and encompass such important matters as car-
pediatric journals. A Section on Anesthesia diovascular physiology, fluid balance, me-
was formed within the American Academy tabolism, endocrine responses, sophisti-
of Pediatrics and became the first formal cated monitoring, and genetic influences.
subspecialty group within organized anes- It is simply assumed that airway and respi-
thesiology. And not least importantly, 3 ratory integrity are assured, and that as-
textbooks devoted entirely to pediatric an- sumption is usually well grounded. There
esthesia were published: "Pediatric Ane- can be no acceptable pediatric anesthesia
thesia" (Leigh and Belton) in 1948; "Ele- without complete control of airway and
ments of Pediatric Anesthesia" (Stephen) in total reliance on the adequacy of both 02
1954; and "Anesthesia for Infants and Chil- delivery and CO 2 removal. It was not al-
dren" (Smith) in 1959. ways thus.
The authors of 2 of these textbooks, Dr. Stephen and Smith both appreciated the
C. Ronald Stephen and Dr. Robert M. fact that the security of the airway and the
Smith, 2 of the premier pioneers in the integrity of respiratory exchange were of-
field of pediatric anesthesia, retired during ten lacking during pediatric anesthesia in
the past year. Between them, they have the early days, and both men played sig-
made some 1134 presentations to medical nificant roles in ameliorating the situation.
audiences on the subject of-and in behalf In 1948, Stephen (with his colleague Slater)
of-pediatric anesthesia; they have pub- published a landmark article (it was really
lished (in addition to their 2 textbooks, one just a short piece in the "Current Comment
of which is in its second edition and the and Case Reports" section of Anesthesiol-
other in its fourth edition) a total of 352 ogy), which was a crucial step in the devel-
papers, comments, abstracts, book reviews, opment of the concept of inhalation sys-
editorials, pamphlets and the like; they tems for neonates, infants, and small chil-
have taught uncounted numbers of stu- dren assuring the complete removal of CO 2
dents, interns, fellows, residents, and peers and at the same time not adding to the
about pediatric anesthesia; and they have work of breathing (Stephen, C. R., and
probably, through those teachings, made Slater, H. M.: A nonresisting, nonrebreath-
the ordeals of anesthesia and operation less ing valve. Anesthesiology, 9: 550, 1948).
terrifying, less painful, safer, and more There was also at this time much opposition
bearable for literally millions of young pa- to tracheal intubation, and Smith made a
tients. They exemplify the best that the significant contribution when he published
pediatric anesthesiologist can provide. It an unanswerable paper stressing the impor-
has been said that, "In spite of new con- tance of careful technique and sterile ap-
cepts, the day-to-day conduct of pediatric paratus in the prevention of postintubation
anesthesia is still as much of an artistic sequelae (Smith, R. M.: The prevention of
endeavor as it is a scientific and technical tracheitis in children following endotra-
exercise"; and, indeed, to watch either of cheal anesthesia. Anesth. Analg., 32: 102,
these 2 masters give anesthesia is to watch 1953). Both papers contributed hand-
a work of art unfolding. somely to the homeostasis of the anesthes-
Pediatric anesthesia, circa 1946, was in- ized pediatric patient and are reprinted
duced with an ether cone, a few layers of below, in chronologic order, with the kind
gauze, a can of ether, and then became a permissions of the authors and the publish-
matter of devil-take-the-hindmost, as any- ers.
one who has conducted anesthesia for T &

A NONRESISTING, 1) Mechanical trauma;

NONREBREATHING VALVE a) use of large, heavy laryngoscopes,
b) use of larger than necessary endo-
C. R. STEPHEN tracheal tubes,
AND c) unnecessary roughness
H. M. SLATER d) intubation while the child is inad-
equately relaxed,
Department of Anaesthesia, e) faulty positioning of the head,
Children's Memorial Hospital, f) difficult intubation due to ana-
Montreal, Quebec tomic abnormalities,
Anesthesiology, 9: 550, 1948 g) continued motion of the tube dur-
ing anesthesia, and
and g) drying of the mucosa as in nonre-
THE PREVENTION OF breathing or insufflation tech-
FOLLOWING 2) Chemical trauma; avoid use of lubri-
ENDOTRACHEAL cants on tubes,
ANESTHESIA 3) Contamination:
a) inadequate cleansing of tubes and
ROBERT M. SMITH laryngoscopes,
b) improper storage after cleansing,
The Children's Medical Center,
c) contamination of tubes immedi-
Boston, Massachusetts
ately prior to use,
Anesth. Analg., 32: 102, 1953 d) use of contaminated lubricants,
The mistakes which must be avoided to e) intubation in the presence of up-
reduce the incidence of tracheitis include: per respiratory infection.


PublishedJune, 1977
There are those who claim-and not 1853 A.D., of course, such as Sigmund
without a certain amount ofjustification- Elsholm in the 17th century and others who
that the origins of regional anesthesia can attempted to inject opiate in the vicinity of
be traced back to about 3000 B.C., when nerves and painful areas in order to relieve
the use of acupuncture for the treatment pain; but for all practical purposes, the
of various diseases began to be practised in introduction of the syringe and needle
China. Purists, however, will argue the must be considered the early milestone in
matter and will pinpoint the date as 1853 the development of conduction anesthesia.
A.D., which was the year in which Alex- Even in 1853, though, there still was no
ander Wood invented the modern metallic true local anesthetic drug for the produc-
hollow needle in Scotland, and Charles Ga- tion of regional anesthesia; and the efforts
briel Pravaz invented the hypodermic sy- to treat disorders were made by injecting
ringe in France. There were intermediary solutions of opiates, of chloroform, of bro-
steps along the way between 3000 B.C. and mides, of tannin, and of other compounds

near nerve trunks, with variable degrees of stimulated the cornea with the head of a
success. In point of fact, it was more than pin: there was no reflex closing of the eye-
4 decades after the inventions of the hollow lids, there was no movement of the eyeball,
needle and the syringe that a bonafide local and the animal's head was not jerked back-
anesthetic agent was discovered-and then wards. Next he pricked and scratched the
it was discovered by the unlikely collabo- cornea with a needle, and there still was no
ration of the man who was to become the response. He irritated the cornea with a
Father of Psychoanalysis with another man powerful electric current, and the animal
who was to become one of the leading continued to be unconcerned. He cauter-
ophthalmologists in New York City. ized the cornea with a silver nitrate pencil
Sigmund Freud was primarily interested until it became milky white, but the animal
in the general physiologic effects of co- did not betray any distress. It was time to
caine; and more particularly he had em- make the crucial experiment on the eye of
ployed it, with marked lack of success, in a man-naturally, Koller's own eye. (The
an attempt to cure the morphine addiction Walter Reed Society is mis-named: it
of a brilliant young physiologist who had should be the Carl Koller Society.)
resorted to the poppy to relieve the agony Koller was not present at the Congress
of the neuromata in the stump of his am- of Ophthalmology which was convened in
putated thumb. Carl Koller, a friend of Heidelberg on September 15, 1884, but
Freud's who was a recent graduate of the his friend Josef Brettauer of Trieste carried
medical school of the University of Vienna, in his pocket to Heidelberg a brief com-
and an intern and House Surgeon at the munication and a vial of cocaine solution
Allgemeines Krankenhaus, was on the forwarded by Koller. The demonstration
other hand interested in finding a sub- which Brettauer conducted on a patient
stance which would render the cornea of from the Heidelberg Clinic was the sensa-
the eye insensitive. Together they carried tion of the Congress. He instilled a few
out numerous experiments with cocaine, drops of the cocaine solution into the eye,
identifying the numbing effects when crys- pressed a probe into the cornea until its
tals of the substance were placed on the tip surface was indented, seized the conjunc-
of the tongue, and confirming by measure- tiva with fixation forceps, and moved the
ments with a dynamometer that the drug globe in all directions. The experiment was
increased physical tolerance to muscular repeated the following day, and the second
work- a fact which had, of course, been patient also declared that he felt nothing.
appreciated by the Indians of the Andes A thrill was felt by every ophthalmologist
mountains in Peru for centuries. in attendance at the Congress, for this gift
Although Freud's earliest contributions was the most significant that the specialty
to the medical literature were on the sub- had received since Helmholtz presented
ject of cocaine, and although he recognized them with the ophthalmoscope. The era of
the local anesthetizing power of cocaine local anesthesia had arrived, and there
and its salts, he remained primarily con- would no longer be any operating on the
cerned with the general actions of the drug. eye of a writhing, screaming patient.
Nevertheless, Freud might still have been The news from the Heidelberg Congress
credited with the introduction of cocaine spread like wildfire throughout the surgical
as a local anesthetic drug if the gonadotro- world, and within a matter of weeks (9, to
pic fantasies of his deep subconscious id be precise) Dr. William C. Burke, Jr., of
had not led him off on a long walking tour South Norwalk, Connecticut, had de-
with his fiancee, the clinical details of which scribed the injection of cocaine solution
are not available in English translation. under the skin for the performance of mi-
Koller, on the other hand, remained at nor surgery; and 4 days later Dr. Richard
home in Vienna and continued his experi- John Hall of New York City published a
ments in the laboratory on the anesthetic report of the experiments which he and the
effects of cocaine. He applied a few drops great surgical giant, Dr. William Stewart
of cocaine solution to an animal's eye, and Halsted, had conducted to produce direct

nerve block by the use of the injection of XYLOCAIN-A NEW LOCAL

cocaine into their own tissues. ANALGESIC
There is absolutely no question that
Halsted became a cocaine addict as the T. GORDH
result of his self-experimentation. That is
about the only dogmatic statement which Department of Anaesthesia,
can be made authoritatively about Halst- Karolinska Hospital
ed's addiction-after that it becomes a Stockholm, Sweden
question of which book do you read, and
which one do you believe? It says right here Anaesthesia, 4: 4-9, 21, 1949
in this biographical account, for instance,
that Halsted was the only man to ever Xylocaine (lidocaine), a new local anes-
overcome his cocaine addiction. It also says thetic, w-diethylamino-2.6-dimethylacetan-
right here, in this other biographical ilide, has been subject to trials since 1944.
sketch, that Halsted only conquered his Clinical investigation began with wheal
cocaine addiction by becoming a morphine tests. The different lidocaine solutions (0.5,
addict. An there is even the story-possibly 1.0 and 2.0 per cent) were tested parallel
apochryphal-that Halsted's morphine ad- with procaine and tetracaine. A subcuta-
diction set American Surgery back 50 years neous injection of 1.0 ml. was given. No
by slowing his performance of surgery local reaction was observed. Whereas a 1.0
down so much that The Halsted Technique per cent procaine solution with epineph-
of dissecting every fiber and tying every rine had a duration of action of 60 to 90
capillary (which was mimicked in every minutes, the analgesia produced by 1.0 per
medical school in the country) added hours cent lidocaine with epinephrine lasted 4 to
and even days to the surgical schedule. 5 hours.
The only indisputable fact is that cocaine For infiltration anesthesia in the emer-
addictions, cocaine toxicity, and cocaine gency department in 400 patients, the
reactions led to feverish attempts to dis- amount injected varied from two to 50 ml.
cover newer local anesthetic drugs with no of 1.0 per cent solution. The full effect was
addictive properties, lesser toxicities, and usually attained within two minutes. No
fewer reactions. An unholy number of toxic reactions were observed.
"caines" were synthesized, tested, and mar- For surgery, the drug with epinephrine
keted in the next 60 years, but the really 1:100,000 was used in goitre operations
important one was procaine (Novocaine), (80 patients), hernia operations (95), and
which was synthesized by Einhorn in 1904 for infiltration anesthesia along the incision
and introduced clinically by Braun the fol- line. Analgesia developed within two min-
lowing year. There were other drugs, of utes and lasted for three to eight hours.
course, which made their mark; but pro- Conduction analgesia was evaluated with
caine remained the standard by which all mandibular, brachial plexus, sacral and
others were compared for a long period of paravertebral blocks. The average dose was
time. Its position as The Leader was not 10 to 15 ml. of 2.0 per cent solution with
really challenged until the appearance of or without epinephrine. Analgesia set in
Xylocaine (lidocaine), which was synthe- within five to ten minutes and usually lasted
sized by Lofgren and Lundqvist at Stock- 2.5 to 8 hours.
holm University in 1943, and introduced For spinal block, lidiocaine 2.0 per cent
clinically by Dr. Torsten Gordh in a paper with 10 per cent glucose produced rapid
titled, "Xylocain-A New Local Analge- and satisfactory analgesia for perineal op-
sic," which was published in the January, erations.
1949, issue of Anaesthesia (4: 4-9, 21, For surface analgesia, lidocaine is much
1949), and is republished below with the less toxic than tetracaine and is free from
kind permissions of the author and the irritation.
publishers. With respect to toxicity, the safety coef-
ficient for lidocaine is two to four times tion analgesia, 0.5 per cent solution is suit-
higher than for procaine, and five to 10 able, while for conduction analgesia 1.0 to
times higher than for tetracaine. 2.0 per cent solutions are sufficient. When
The recommended dose of lidocaine is a amounts used were less than 1.0 gram, no
maximum of 0.5 to 1.0 gram. For infiltra- toxic reactions were observed.


Published October and December, 1968

Man's utilization of the numbing effects ing life, but none so strange as one I found
of cold upon physiologic processes is recorded in an old diary, kept by my Uncle
scarcely new. Hippocrates (of Cos) advo- William that came into my possession at his
cated the use of snow and ice to stem hem- decease. The events described took place
orrhage, and was well aware of the anal- in a mountain town some twenty miles from
gesic nature of cold. The use of cold for Montpelier, the Capital of Vermont. I have
refrigeration anesthesia was also employed been to the place on the mountain, and
sporadically both during the Renaissance seen the old loghouse where the events I
and subsequently, the most celebrated in- found recorded took place, and seen and
stance being by Napoleon's Surgeon-Gen- talked with an old man who vouched for
eral, Baron Larrey, who had noticed that the truth of the story, and that his father
there was no pain during amputations per- was one of the parties operated on. The
formed on soldiers who had lain on the account ran in this wise:
battlefield at low environmental tempera- "'January 7.-I went on the mountain
tures. today, and witnessed what to me was a
The concept of total body hypothermia, horrible sight. It seems that the dwellers
as contrasted to refrigeration anesthesia, there, who are unable, either from age or
dates back to the time of the illustrious other reasons, to contribute to the support
John Hunter, who attempted to freeze carp of their families, are disposed of in the
to a state of suspended animation. Hunter winter months in a manner that will shock
was not successful, and about all that he the one who reads this, unless that person
garnered for his troubles was a witty and lives in that vicinity. I will describe what I
satirical piece on the subject in the Publick saw. Six persons, four men and two women,
Advertiser of 1770 by James Boswell, Sam- one of the men a cripple about 30 years
uel Johnson's famous biographer, entitled, old, the other five past the age of useful-
"On The New Freezing Discovery." ness, lay on the earthy floor of the cabin
Suspended animation has long held drugged into insensibility, while members
man's imagination, however, and total of their families were gathered about them
body hypothermia has always appeared to in apparent indifference. In a short time
be a reasonable approach to the concept. the bodies were inspected by several old
It was, therefore, not to be unexpected, people, who said, "They are ready."
perhaps, that the technique would be ap- "'It was night when the bodies were car-
plied to man-at least if one can believe ried out, and the full moon shone on their
the Bellows Falls, Vermont, Argus and Pa- ghastly faces, and a horrible fascination
triot, which published "A Strange Tale" in kept me by the bodies as long as I could
1887: endure the severe cold. Soon the noses,
"I am an old man now, and have seen ears and fingers began to turn white, then
some strange sights in the course of a rov- the limbs and face assumed a tallowy look.

I could stand the cold no longer, and went slightly raised. Boiling water was then
inside, where I found the friends in cheer- poured into the troughs from kettles hung
ful conversation .... on poles near by ... a slight twitching of
"'January 8-Day came at length, but the muscles of the face and limbs, followed
did not dissipate the terror that filled by audible gasps, showed that life was not
me.... After breakfast the men lighted quenched, and that vitality was returning.
their pipes, and some of them took a yoke Spirits were then given in small quantities,
of oxen and went off toward the forest, and allowed to trickle down their throats.
while others proceeded to nail together Soon they could swallow, and more was
boards, making a box about ten feet long given them, when their eyes opened, and
and half as high and wide. When this was they began to talk, and finally sat up. They
completed they placed about two feet of were then taken out and assisted to the
straw in the bottom; then they laid three of house, where after a hearty dinner they
the frozen bodies on the straw. Then the seemed as well as ever, and in nowise in-
bodies were covered with a cloth, then jured, but rather refreshed, by their long
more straw was put in the box, and the sleep.'"
other three bodies placed on top and cov- By the time that this apocryphal yarn had
ered the same as the first ones. Boards were been reprinted in New EnglandJourneys by
then firmly nailed on the top, to protect the Ford Motor Company in 1953, two
the bodies from being injured by carnivo- authoritative papers had been published
rous animals that make their home on these which established the rational medical use
mountains. of cold. The first of these, a masterpiece of
"'By this time the men who went off with clinical logic, introduced the use of hypo-
the ox-team returned with a huge load of thermia in cardiac surgery; while the sec-
spruce and hemlock boughs, which they ond provided the laboratory documenta-
unloaded at the foot of a steep ledge; came tion which proved the clinical logic. It
to the house and loaded the box containing would be inappropriate to publish the one
the bodies on the sled, and drew it to the without the other. In this issue of Survey,
foot of the ledge, near the load of boughs. therefore, is reprinted "Anesthetic Prob-
These were soon piled on and around the lems in Cardiac Surgery in Children" by
box, and it was left to be covered up with William O. McQuiston, M.D. (Anesthesiol-
snow, which I was told would lay in drafts ogy, 10: 590-600, 1949); while the Decem-
twenty feet deep over this rude tomb. "We ber 1968 issue will reprint "Oxygen Trans-
shall want our men to plant our corn next port and Utilization in Dogs At Low Body
spring", said a youngish looking woman, Temperatures" by W. G. Bigelow, M.D.,
the wife of one of the frozen men, "and if W. K. Lindsay, M.D., R. C. Harrison, M.D.,
you want to see them resuscitated you come R. A. Gordon, M.D. and W. F. Greenwood,
here about the 10th of next May". .. M.D.(Am.J.Physiol., 160: 125-137, 1950).
"'May 10.-I arrived here at 10 A.M. Both are republished with the kind permis-
after riding about four hours over muddy, sions of the authors and the publishers.
unsettled roads ....We repaired at once
to the well remembered spot, at the ledge.
The snow had melted from the top of the ANESTHETIC PROBLEMS IN
brush but still lay deep around the bottom CARDIAC SURGERY IN
of the pile. The men commenced work at
once, some shoveling away the snow, and CHILDREN
others carrying away the brush. Soon the MCQUISTON, W. O.
box was visible. The cover was taken off,
the layers of straw removed, and the bod- Anesthesiology 10:590-600, 1949
ies, frozen and apparently lifeless, lifted out
and laid on the snow. Large troughs made A report of the first 142 Potts operations
out of hemlock logs were placed near by, on 140 infants with cyanotic congenital
filled with tepid water, into which the bod- heart disease performed by two highly
ies were separately placed, with the head skilled surgeons and one clinically astute
anesthesiologist. In addition to the use of LOW BODY TEMPERATURE
topical hypothermia, the author recom-
mended heavy morphine premedication, BIGELOW, W. G., ET AL
controlled respiration with cyclopropane,
and atropine for bradycardia-all radical Am. J. Physiol. 160:125-137, 1950
departures from the conventions of the
time. Anesthetized dogs were placed in a re-
frigerated room and their rectal tempera-
tures reduced to 180C. The correlation
between decreased oxygen consumption
and decreased rectal temperature in the
OXYGEN TRANSPORT AND absence of shivering was nicely demon-

Published August, 1965

The road leading to an understanding of (such as Pentothal) and pentobarbital
the pathways of barbiturate metabolism has (Nembutal).
been long, circuitous, and, at times, diffi- A second type of chemical reaction that
cult to see clearly. It now appears that there occurs in the detoxification of barbiturates
are at least several chemical reactions, is N-demethylation of one or both of the
rather than a single common one, involved nitrogen atoms in positions 1 and 3, such
in the detoxification of these drugs. as the demethylation of mephobarbital
The first of these is oxidation of substit- (Mebaral) to phenobarbital and the de-
uents in position 5 of the barbiturate ring, methylation of hexobarbital to norhexo-
which may result in a ketone, an alcohol, barbital. However, these demethylated me-
or an acid. The brominated barbiturate tabolites retain considerable pharmaco-
propallynol (Nostal) is oxidized to ketopro- logic activity.
pallynol, and butallylonal (Pernoston) to A third type of chemical reaction, which
ketobutallylonal. Ketone-like oxidation of resembles N-demethylation of an N-meth-
a sulfur atom on the side chain can also ylbarbiturate (in that the resultant metab-
occur, as in the metabolism of methitural olite retains pharmacologic activity) is the
(Neraval) to methitural sulfoxide. Meta- conversion of a thiobarbiturate to form the
bolic oxidation to a ketone can be demon- corresponding oxybarbiturate. Thus thio-
strated, too, in barbiturates possessing a pental is desulfurated to form pentobarbi-
ring structure (rather than a straight chain) tal, thiobutabarbital to form butabarbital
as a substituent in position 5: cyclobarbital (Butisol), and thiobarbital to form barbital.
(Phanodorn) is oxidized to ketocyclobarb- A fourth type of chemical reaction is
tal, heptabarbital (Medomin) is oxidized to hydrolytic cleavage of the barbituric acid
ketoheptabarbital, hexobarbital (Evipal) is ring. Ring cleavage, or hydrolytic opening
oxidized to ketohexobarbital, and thialbar- of the barbiturate ring, has been demon-
bitone (Kemithal) is oxidized to ketothial- strated with pentobarbital, amobaribital,
barbitone. Side chain oxidation to form an cyclobarbital, thiopental, thialbarbitone,
alcohol occurs in the metabolism of pento- and hexobarbital.
barbital (Nembutal) to pentobarbital alco- A fifth type of chemical reaction is 5-
hol, secobarbital (Seconal) to secobarbital dealkylation, on removal of either of the
alcohol, methohexital (Brevital) to metho- two substituents from postion 5 of the bar-
hexital alcohol (at least in animals), pheno- biturate nucleus, which results in a phar-
barbital (Luminal) to p-hydroxyphenobar- macologically inactive metabolite. This oc-
bital, and the antiepilepsy agent primidone curs with barbital, cyclobarbital, and se-
(Mysoline) to phenobarbital. Side chain ox- conal.
idation to form a carboxylic acid occurs in A final postulated chemical reaction in
the metabolism of the thiobarbiturates the detoxification of barbiturates is N-

methylation, or the attachment of a methyl ever, if the patient was maintained under
group to one of the nitrogen atoms in prolonged anesthesia by successive injec-
position 1 or 3. There is as yet no clear-cut tions of thiopental, the duration of the
evidence that this occurs in the detoxifica- subsequent continuing narcosis was also
tion of barbiturates in man, and there is prolonged; in other words, thiopental no
only a possibility that, if it does occur, it is longer behaved as an ultra short acting
an important part of the detoxification drug. This unpleasant fact, which did not
process. fit in with the concept of rapid detoxifica-
This considerable body of knowledge tion, was conveniently explained away by
concerning the metabolism of the barbitu- ascribing such unusual activity to the pro-
rates has been built up painstakingly over duction and accumulation in the body of
the course of a number of years. At the less active metabolic transformation prod-
time that the thiobarbiturates were intro- ucts of thiopental which had a very long
duced into clinical anesthetic practice in duration of anesthetic action and a slow
the 1930's, a good deal less was known rate of detoxification. These myths per-
about the fate of the barbiturates, and it sisted until the publication of the studies of
was considered that they were ultra short Brodie and his collegues, "The Fate of
acting because they were detoxified by the Thiopental in Man And A Method For Its
body with extreme rapidity. There were, Estimation in Biological Materials" (Brodie,
however, certain clinical facts that did not B. B., Mark, L. C., Papper, E. M., Lief, P.
conform to this theory. It was true that A., Bernstein, E. and Rovenstine, E. A.: J.
thiopental would produce anesthesia of Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 98: 85, 1950),
only short duration following the adminis- which is reprinted below with the kind
tration of a small dose, and in that respect permission of the authors and publishers.
the drug appeared to be short acting. How-

THE FATE OF THIOPENTAL Pentothal in biological fluids and tissues.

IN MAN AND A METHOD FOR The method for Pentothal is specific in that
metabolic products of the drug are not
included in the measurement.
BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS* "2. A major step in the metabolism of
BERNARD B. BRODIE, LESTER C. MARK, Pentothal after its intravenous administra-
E. M. PAPPER, PHILIP A. LIEF, tion to man is oxidation on one of its alkyl
ELEONORE BERNSTEIN AND side chains to yield a carboxylic acid. This
E. A. ROVENSTINE compound, which has been isolated in pure
form, has identical ultraviolet properties
Research Service, Third with that of the parent drug. It has little if
(New York University) Medical any anesthetic activity.
Division, Goldwater Memorial "3. Although Pentothal is transformed
Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology, almost completely in the body, the rate of
New York University-Bellevue this transformation is slow in man, about
Medical Center and Department of 15 percent per hour, and even slower in
Biochemistry, New York University dogs. The rapid decline in plasma levels
College of Medicine, and quick recovery following a single intra-
New York, N.Y. venous dose is probably due to the drug
leaving the body fluids and being deposited
J. Pharmacol. & Therap., 98: 85-96, 1950 in the fat.
"4. There is a marked decrease in
plasma levels of Pentothal in dogs as the
SUMMARY pH is lowered by carbon dioxide inhala-
"1. Methods are described for the esti-
mation of Pentothal and a metabolite of

Published August, 1959

Almost simultaneously with Morton's nitrous oxide gas; and there are cases in
classic public demonstration of the clinical which it appears to act as a violent stimu-
efficacy of ether anesthesia on October lant, or else it does not act at all. The form
16th, 1846, anesthetists became cognizant of insensibility will have to be examined
of the fact that there were varying degrees, hereafter by therapeutists, and the ether-
or stages, of anesthesia, and that these ous inhalation will take its proper place
could be correlated with the amount of amongst anodyne or narcotic remedies.
ether that had been inhaled. The Lancet, on Probably, the variations observed in differ-
Saturday, January 16, 1847, editorialized: ent persons may depend, in some measure,
"The insensibility produced by etherization on the amount of etherous vapor inhaled,
appears to be of a peculiar kind, and to rather than on differences in constitu-
vary considerably in different individuals. tion. . ."
In some cases, there is perfect insensibility Two weeks later, in the January 30,
to pain, and entire loss of consciousness; in 1847, issue of The Lancet, Francis Plomley
others, the operation is felt, and the patient described one of the earliest classifications
is aware of the different steps of the pro- of depth of anesthesia, which was based in
ceeding, but the pain is extremely slight, large measure on subjective mental sensa-
merely a sensation of scratching; while tions: "I have breathed the ether on several
some describe the etherized condition as occasions and think its effects may be di-
one of partial consciousness of the most vided into three stages or degrees. The first
exhilarating and agreeable kind; and a few is merely a pleasurable feeling of half intox-
describe their sensations as almost similar ication; the second is one of extreme plea-
to those produced by the inhalation of the sure, being similar to the sensations pro-

duced by breathing nitrous oxide, or laugh- going on, at a time when the mental facili-
ing gas; there exists in this stage a perfect ties have returned, together with the spe-
consciousness of everything said or done, cial senses of sight and hearing.") The sec-
but generally an incapability of motion; in ond degree was recognized by the exercise
this stage, also, there is not exactly an in- of mental function and voluntary actions
sensibility to pain, but rather an indiffer- performed in a disordered manner and
ence, 'a care for nothing sort of feeling;' guided by instinct rather than reason. In
and if surgical operations are done in this the third degree, "there is no evidence of
stage the patients almost always recover any mental function being exercised and
before the operations are completed, and consequently no voluntary motions occur."
the results are unsatisfactory. There can be The breathing was deep and regular, and
no doubt that most of the failures may be the pupils either stationary or exhibited
attributed to this cause. ... voluntary motions, but an active lid reflex
"The third stage, the only one, I think, was retained. The fourth degree was char-
for performing operations in, is one of acterized by an absence of all movements
profound intoxication and insensibility. except those of respiration, and "an ap-
The individual is completely lost to pain, pearance is met with that would be truely
and to external impression; the muscles alarming if we did not know that it was
become prostrate, the circulation lessens, only due to an agent which is flying away
and the temperature falls, but the mind is every moment in the breath to leave the
often reveling in the most pleasurable re- patient in a few minutes, without any per-
gions, as in a dream, this, no doubt, de- manent trace of its having been there." The
pending much upon the temperament of fifth degree was associated with difficult,
the individual, and probably, also, on the feeble, or irregular breathing, followed by
physical effects of the operation on the paralysis of respiratory movements. Snow
nerves, as very often there is a considerable did not believe that this last degree was
moaning, and an attempt to move, when observed in the human.
under the influence of the knife." Snow's classification of the depth of an-
Plomley's classification, dependent as it esthesia, which relied upon the anesthetist's
was mainly on subjective mental sensations, objective observations of physical signs in
was not of great value in the clinical esti- his patient, has been improved upon, but
mation of depth of anesthesia. The ever- never fully replaced, during the course of
astute John Snow recognized this fact and the last hundred years. Many anesthetists
turned to objective observations of the have contributed to the development of
anesthetized patient, since "the point re- this classification of depth of anesthesia
quiring most skill and care in the adminis- during the past hundred years, but it was
tration of the vapour of ether, is undoubt- Guedel who finally achieved the ultimate
edly, to determine when it has been carried classification of this type, and set down his
far enough." Snow's classification divided now world-famous "guide posts" of the
the course of etherization into five degrees depth of anesthesia, which divided anesthe-
and was based upon the anesthetist's use of sia into four stages, further divided the
his own five senses and powers of observa- third stage into four planes, and provided
tion to appraise the depth of anesthesia. a list of the physical signs characteristic of
The first degree was characterized by re- each stage or plane.
tention of consciousness, orientation, and An entirely new approach to the problem
ability to perform voluntary movements, of depth of anesthesia was developed by
and was not considered by Snow to be the introduction of electroencephalogra-
practicable for surgery. (However, it is phy as a tool for the anesthetist. Neurolo-
worth noting that Snow observed that once gists, laboratory workers and electroence-
patients had been anesthetized in deeper phalographers themselves had, of course,
degrees and subsequently lightened to the made several studies of the effects of the
first degree, "they are not infrequently free various anesthetic agents upon electroen-
of the pain of an operation which is still cephalographic patterns; but it was the
group at the Mayo Clinic, which included ANESTHESIA DURING
Raymond F. Courtin, Reginald G. Bick- SURGICAL OPERATIONS
ford, and Albert Faulconer, Jr., which
made the first serious classification of the
depth of anesthesia based upon electroen-
cephalographic patterns, published in the
Proceedings of the Staff Meetings of the Mayo FAULCONER, A.
Clinic, 25: 197-206, April 12, 1950, under Proc. Staff Mayo Clinic, 25: 197-206, 1950
the title, "The Classification and Signifi-
cance of Electro-encephalographic Pat- Patients were studied during nitrous ox-
terns Produced by Nitrous Oxide-Ether ide-ether anesthesia. A consistent pattern
Anesthesia During Surgical Operations." of change was observed in the electroen-
cephalogram. Seven levels were described,
with the lowest one being complete sup-
THE CLASSIFICATION AND pression of any measurable brain-wave ac-
SIGNIFICANCE OF ELECTRO- tivity. These changes were a direct re-
sponse to the depth of anesthesia and were
compared to the peripheral signs of anes-
PATTERNS PRODUCED BY thesia generally in use at that time.

Published April, 1964

The coincidence of identical results pro- other instance a gas, to obtund surgical
duced from simultaneous, but totally inde- pain.
pendent, investigations by different groups Long, the town physician of Jefferson,
of workers has been remarked upon before Georgia, was young enough to enter into
in these columns. In point of fact, the co- the sport of the young men of the vicinity,
incidence is often more apparent than real, and he participated in the "ether frolics" of
and is usually due to an almost inexorable the day in which an evening party was
train of events that leads the same idea, or enlivened by the exhilarating effects of the
hypothesis, or imaginative step of deduc- inhalation of ether. He had noted bruises
tive reasoning, to occur in two minds at and other painful spots on his body subse-
almost the same moment in time. Several quent to such ether inhalations, but had no
examples of this process in action have been recollection of having acquired such
seen within recent years in the work and wounds. Further, he had observed that his
studies that have led to shared Nobel Prizes friends, while etherized, received falls and
by scientists from far-separated areas of the blows which should have been sufficient to
world: the emergence of specific facts, data, produce pain; yet on his careful question-
or knowledge has led them, inevitably but ing they assured him that they had not
quite separately, to investigations culminat- experienced the least discomfort from
ing in the same or related conclusions. The these accidents. Could not the same un-
discovery of anesthesia was another clear awareness to pain as during an "ether
example of this process. frolic" also mitigate the pain of surgery? It
The time was ripe in the eighteen-forties could, and it did, during Long's removal
for the development of anesthesia, and it of a tumor from the neck of James M.
was more than coincidence that Crawford Venable on March 30, 1842.
Long in Georgia, in 1842, and Horace Wells, a dentist in Hartford, Connecti-
Wells in Connecticut, in 1844, had inde- cut, had never heard of Crawford Long or
pendently, but through making similar his use of ether, but he came to the use of
chance observations, hit upon the idea of nitrous oxide for anesthesia in a remarka-
inhaling, in the one instance a vapor, in the bly similar fashion. He attended an exhibi-

tion in Hartford's Union Hall on December of two quaternary nitrogens an optimal

10, 1844, which was put on by an itinerant distance apart could confer powerful cu-
showman, "Professor" Colton, to demon- rare-like activity, another group of workers
strate the chemical wonders and marvels of at the Wellcome Research Laboratories in
the day. The high point of the show was a Tuckahoe, New York, undertook to inves-
demonstration of the exhilarating effects tigate the possibility of producing synthetic
of "laughing gas" when inhaled by several curare substitutes from aliphatic dicarbox-
volunteers from the audience. One of ylic acid aminoethyl esters. They were com-
these, a pharmacist's assistant by the name pletely ignorant of Bovet's work when they
of Cooley, banged his leg badly while under began their studies; yet their first report,
the influence of the gas, yet expressed which was also published in 1949, by the
amazement when Wells pointed out the chemist, Philipps, indicated that the bis-
bloody bruise to him at the end of the dimethyl-aminoethyl succinate bis-methi-
exhibition. Wells in turn was amazed that odide (succinylcholine) was the best of the
the lad had not felt such an injury; and compounds that they had synthesized and
then he immediately perceived the appli- possessed potent neuromuscular blocking
cation to dentistry-why couldn't a man properties. The more complete report of
have a tooth extracted under the gas and their studies appeared after the publication
not feel it? He could, and the very next day of Bovet's original article, which they cited
Wells himself had his molar tooth removed without making any reference to the si-
while he slept tranquilly under the influ- multaneous but independent nature of
ence of Colton's nitrous oxide. their own work. It was published under the
Thus, the very development of anesthe- title, "The Neuromuscular Blocking Action
sia itself represents an illustration of the of Succinylcholine (Diacetylcholine)," in
coincidence of identical results produced the Journal of Pharmacologyand Experimen-
from simultaneous, but totally independ- tal Therapeutics(Castillo, J. C., and de Beer,
ent, investigations by different groups of E. J.: J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., 99:
workers. A more recent example of this 458-464, 1950), and is reprinted below.
process in action in the field of anesthesia
is provided by succinylcholine.
Succinylcholine, or diacetylcholine, was THE NEUROMUSCULAR
described by Hunt and Taveau back in BLOCKING ACTION OF
1911; but they were concerned chiefly with
the toxicity and the effect upon blood pres- SUCCINYLCHOLINE
sure of the derivatives of choline and its (DIACETYLCHOLINE)
analogues, and it was almost 40 years be-
fore the effect of succinylcholine at the
myoneural junction was described-simul-
taneously, but totally independently, by EDWIN J. DE BEER

two separate groups of workers thousands The Wellcome Research Laboratories,

of miles apart. Bovet and his colleagues, Tuckahoe, New York
working at the Instituto Superiore di Sanita
in Rome, had noted, as had others, that the J. Pharmacol. Exper. Therap., 99: 458-464,
presence of two quaternary ammonium 1950
groups on a molecule was related to the
* * * *
substance's curarizing activity. They stud-
ied a number of aliphatic derivatives pos- SUMMARY
sessing two quaternary ammonium groups,
among them succinylcholine, and in 1949 "Succinylcholine (diacetylcholine) has
they reported the latter drug's paralyzing been found to exhibit strong neuromuscu-
activity. At the same time, but again stim- lar blocking action in the cat, rabbit and
ulated by the knowledge that the presence mouse but the paralysis is of relatively short

duration. This action can be greatly pro- action is due, at least in part, to the inhibi-
longed by eserine and evidence is presented tion by eserine of certain agents responsible
which suggests that the prolongation of for the inactivation of diacetylcholine."

PublishedJune, 1964
Within the past few decades, a whole new girl's liver destroyed. To doctors at Sutter
school of medical writers, whose prototypes Community Hospitals in Sacramento the
were Paul de Kruif, Logan Clendening and finding had grim overtones. In her opera-
Howard Haggard, has appeared to explain tion the girl had been given Halothane, a
Medicine to the public and dispel its mys- potent new anesthetic; hers became the
teries. Lay magazines such as Reader's Di- tenth reported case in which fatal liver
gest, Good Housekeeping, Life, McCall's, The damage had occurred in a surgical patient
Ladies' Home Journal, and even The New who had received halothane. In at least as
Yorker, expound regularly on disease proc- many other instances, liver damage oc-
esses, describe the details of the most intri- curred but was not fatal."
cate surgical procedures, explain the ad- Nowhere in the article, of course, did it
vantages and disadvantages of the newest point out that a direct cause and effect
drugs, and advise the readers on the pre- relationship had not been established. No-
ferred mode of treatment for a specific where did it mention that massive liver
pathologic condition, often before the necrosis can follow surgery performed un-
reader's own physician has had access to der any of the known anesthetic drugs.
the facts concerning the therapy in his med- Nowhere did it indicate that a dozen other
ical journals. And there is nothing, abso- factors can be as important as, or even
lutely nothing, that such writers enjoy more important than, the anesthetic drug
more than a sensational bit of yellow jour- itself in the production of postoperative
nalism at Medicine's expense. liver dysfunction. It pointed the finger di-
Anesthesia and Anesthesiology have rectly at halothane, and left a Thalidomide-
come in for their share of such journalism. inflamed public to berate the anesthetic,
For a little more than a year now the whatever the truth may turn out to be in
controversy over the alleged hepatotoxicity fact.
of halothane has raged in the pages of the This is not the first time, of course, that
lay press. Starting innocently as a few dor- anesthesia has supplied the yellow journal-
mant sparks that were sporadic case reports ists with their copy. Ten years ago, Time
in medical journals, it was fanned into a blared the bold-print title, "Pain & Patient
mild flame by two articles and an editorial Killer," and then went on:
in the March 7, 1963, issue of the New "Anesthesia has advanced far beyond the
EnglandJournal ofMedicine, and then burst ether mask and morphine stage of 20 years
forth as an uncontrollable conflagration in ago. Today, during critical operations. e.g.,
Time, Newsweek, and newspapers through- inside the heart, as many as eight different
out the country. Headlines in The Wall painkillers may be administered to ease the
Street Journal screamed, "Doctors Debate patient's lot and the surgeon's task. Even
Use Of Anesthetic Linked To Liver Dis- in minor surgery, drugs are used lavishly
orders," and the text of the story contin- to prevent discomfort. But even the best of
ued: the new techniques carry their own haz-
"A 16-year-old girl, operated on in Sac- ards. Last week two top Boston anesthesia
ramento, California, recently for a deep experts, Henry K. Beecher and Donald
wrist cut, was recovering routinely six days Todd, laid down evidence that modern
later. Suddenly, however, she developed anesthesia is killing not only pain but is still
fever and other complications that resulted killing a shockingly high percentage of pa-
in her death 13 days after the surgery. tients.
"An autopsy found four-fifths of the "Their findings, reported in the monthly

Annals of Surgery: during my treatment at the Wharncliffe

"Of 599,548 surgical patients studied in Hospital at one stage I had spastic tremors
ten university hospitals over a five-year pe- in both legs which were so violent that I
riod (1948-1952), 384 died of anesthesia, threw myself out of the chair and out of
a ratio of one death to 1,560 patients. bed. The result was that I had to be tied
Nearly one-fourth of all surgical deaths down, and in order to obtain relief an
attributed to causes other than patients' operation was performed. When I am in
own ailments were from anesthesia. bed in a lying position, I cannot sit up
"The anesthesia mortality rate was without assistance. When in a sitting posi-
higher among men than among women. tion in bed, I do not lie down, I simply fall
Reason: men, the wage earners, tended to backwards. I cannot turn over. It is quite
put off hospitalization until disease was ad- impossible for me to dress myself, I can
vanced, were generally more susceptible to only just manage to wash and shave myself,
anesthesia's toxic effects because of heart and of course, feed myself... ."
and circulatory ailments. "Prior to the operation I led a very active
"Most dangerous of the drugs is curare, existence, apart from my job. I have a big
a muscle relaxant better known as the poi- garden and spent a great deal of time in it
son with which South American Indians tip where I grew my own vegetables and flow-
their arrows. It accounts for one-third of ers. In addition I was a keen pigeon racer.
the deaths caused by anesthesia: one death I had about 24 pigeons and have won prizes
per 370 patients. When used in combina- over 50 and 600 mile distances. I won
tion with ether, curare becomes more haz- prizes and raced my pigeons right up to the
ardous, causing one death per 250 patients. time of my accident. It was my major
Administered during major surgery, the hobby. I cannot continue because I cannot
curare death rate soared to one death out get in the cote to handle the birds or get
of 192 patients." about."
While the controversy over halothane No one can fail to feel whole-hearted
may still be unresolved, the truth about sympathy for the pitiful plight of these two
curare is known: even Time's title was helpless victims of a mishap, yet the Court's
wrong, for curare is scarcely a "Pain Killer". decision refused the yellow journalists' hue
But over the years, one of the best anes- and cry for a blanket condemnation of
thetic sources for lurid newspaper sensa- spinal anesthesia as a technique. The con-
tionalism has been the after-effects of spinal cluding paragraph of Lord Justice Den-
anesthesia. The famous "Wooley and Roe" ning's judgment stated:
case in England, which was tried in the "These two men have suffered such ter-
High Courts of Justice in October 1953 rible consequences that there is a natural
provided endless copy, not only for the 11 feeling that they should be compensated.
days that the trial lasted, but also for long But we should be doing a disservice to the
periods both before and thereafter. Even community at large. if we were to impose
the straight-forward statement in the se- liability on hospitals and doctors for every-
date London Times (October 20, 1953), thing that happens to go wrong. Doctors
"they became partially paralyzed for life would be led to think more of their own
following the administration of spinal an- safety than of the good of their patients.
aesthetics at the Chesterfield Royal Hospi- Initiative would be stifled and confidence
tal on October 13th, 1947," incensed the shaken. A proper sense of proportion re-
public; and the notorious British tabloids quires us to have regard to the condition
had a field day merely by quoting the plain- in which hospitals and doctors have to
tiff's testimonies verbatim: work. We must insist on due care for the
"From the time of the operation I have patient at every point, but we must not
had no control at all over my bowel func- condemn as negligence that which is only
tions. I am unconscious of any desire to misadventure."
evacuate, and the motion flows from me This is not the attitude of the courts in
without my knowledge ... my sensation the United States, unfortunately, for here
ceases at the level of the lower chest, but the plaintiff is awarded the verdict on the

basis of "res ipsa loquitur" (the condition central nervous damage following open
speaks for itself) and not on the fact that drop ether, or following any commonly
the physician has been negligent. The ef- used anesthetic. The point is, how does the
fect of yellow journalism can be devastating frequency of accident compare under the
in this country, therefore, and can play a various agents. We don't really know ... "
major role in governing the choice of an- The article that stirred up this major
esthesia in a given locality. When such a controversy was entitled, "The Grave
distinguished neurologist as Foster Ken- Spinal Cord Paralyses Caused by Spinal
nedy published an article roundly con- Anesthesia" (Kennedy, F., Effron, A. S.,
demning the use of spinal anesthesia in the and Perry, G.: Surg. Gynec. & Obst., 91:
October, 1950, issue of so respected ajour- 385-398, 1950). It is reprinted below with
nal as Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics, it the kind permission of the publishers.
was a source of great concern and anguish
to the anesthetic community. The lay press
went wild. It assailed the use of spinal an- THE GRAVE SPINAL CORD
esthesia with headlines the likes of, "Will PARALYSES CAUSED BY
You Be Paralyzed For Life?," and cowed
anesthesiologists the country around. The SPINAL ANESTHESIA
neurologist's view of spinal anesthesia, of FOSTER KENNEDY, M.D., D.Sc., F.R.S.
course, is beclouded by the fact that he sees (EDIN.),
those patients who have suffered unfortu- ABRAHAM S. EFFRON, M.D.,
nate after-effects. The anesthesiologist, on AND
the other hand, also sees the immense num- GERALD PERRY, M.D.
ber of quite uneventful and successful
spinal anesthesias, and he makes a mental The Neurological Service,
comparison of the incidence of those few Bellevue Hospital,
unfortunate mishaps with the possible mor- Cornell University,
bidities and mortalities that can be ex- New York, New York
pected following other types of anesthesia.
Beecher came forward to make this very Surg. Gynec. & Obst., 91: 385-398, October,
point in a carefully-worded reply to Ken-
nedy's article:
"The authors certainly succeeded in re-
minding us that 'spinal anesthesia has many
dangers, far too little appreciated by sur-
geons and anesthetists' (I would have been "In summary, we have attempted to re-
happier if the word 'some' had preceded view the literature of this subject. We have
'surgeons and anesthetists.') There are nu- reported 12 cases of grave paralyses follow-
merous dangers associated with spinal an- ing the use of spinal anesthesia; these in
esthesia. I had supposed everybody was addition to 3 other cases published by one
aware of them, but if not, a reminder is a of us in 1945 (44). It is to be noticed that
good thing. throughout the literature there is a huge
"There is, however, a fundamental dif- variation in the figures given of complicat-
ficulty here, it seems to me. To say that ing nervous system symptoms. An expla-
bad things can follow spinal anesthesia is to nation for such lack of uniformity in figures
state the truth. What we all want to know may very well be found in the fact that
is how often accidents occur. The article often and in the majority of our cases spinal
does make some attempt to describe the cord symptoms appeared some consider-
frequency of occurrence as reported by able time after the patient had been dis-
others, but we are left in the dark as to how charged from surgical care, so that the
many spinal anesthesias were in the pool surgeon and anesthetist and, indeed, occa-
from which these 12 serious complications sionally the patient were unaware of the
drained. relationship of the progressive paralysis of
"I could assemble 12 cases of serious the legs to the previous spinal anesthetic.

"So, spinal anesthesia is accompanied by tients unable to accept a local or general

many definite and terrible dangers which anesthetic.
are far too little appreciated by surgeons "Paralysis below the waist is too large a
and anesthetists. price for a patient to pay in order that the
"From a neurological point of view, we surgeon should have a fine relaxed field of
give the opinion that spinal anesthesia operation."
should be rigidly reserved for those pa-


Published April, 1971

Narcotic is a dirty word today. To an cotics had become so discredited that when
extent, this has always been true, for by far Nicholas Bailly, a surgeon of Troyes, ad-
the most important and unwanted side ef- ministered a narcotic potion to a patient
fect of the narcotic drugs is addiction. They before operation he was arrested and fined
remain, however, unsurpassed in the alle- for practicing witchcraft."
viation of severe pain; and since the allevia- The use of narcotics to relieve the pain
tion of pain is fundamentally what anesthe- of surgery was a subject of repeated contro-
sia is all about (the intensivists to the con- versy from the 12th to the 19th century,
trary notwithstanding), the narcotic anal- but from the early decades of the latter
gesics are extremely important drugs to the century onward there are numerous rec-
anesthesiologist. ords of the preoperative administration of
The use of naturally occurring narcot- opium for this specific purpose. Some of
ics-as compared to the thousands of syn- these attempts were apparently quite suc-
thetic narcotic analgesics which have been cessful, but the great variability of the op-
prepared-goes back many centuries. The ium content and rate of absorption could
Greeks, well before the advent of Christi- produce inadequate analgesia on the one
anity, used opium as a narcotic and hyp- hand and coma and death on the other.
notic; and Dioscorides (A.D. 60) is said to Three events of the 1800's changed the
have recognized the superior quality of the picture completely. The first of these was
juice extruded from the poppy head as the isolation by the chemist, Serturner, of
compared to that extracted from a mixture the active principle of opium, morphine.
of crushed heads and leaves of the poppy This provided a drug the effects of which
plant. were predictable and placed the use of opi-
The "spongia somniferum," dating back ates on a scientific basis for the first time.
to the 12th century, was one of the first The second was the invention of the mod-
applications of narcotics to the surgical pa- ern metallic hollow needle in 1853 by Al-
tient. It was a sponge soaked with thejuices exander Wood in Scotland, which provided
of opium, hyoscyamus, mulberry, mandra- a means by which the opiate could be intro-
gora, and other drugs. Not surprisingly duced into a vein, a muscle, or subcutane-
there was tremendous variation in the po- ously. The third event was the invention of
tency of these sponges, which led to com- the hypodermic syringe, also in the year
plications when the concentrations were on 1853, by Charles Gabriel Pravaz, who at-
the heavy side, and their use was occasion- tached an improved hollow needle to his
ally associated with asphyxia, "congestion," syringe.
and even death. In fact, Swerdlow states There soon followed an increasing use
that, "By the 17th century the use of nar- of morphine during surgery, and as pre-

medication prior to surgery. The latter use opiates. The clinical introduction of Nal-
is generally attributed to the great Claude line was reported by Eckenhoff, Elder, and
Bernard, but according to Archer, W. W. King at the May 15, 1951, session of the
Green of the Maine Medical School should Physiological Society of Philadelphia, but
receive the credit for advocating the hy- the definitive paper was published under
podermic use of morphine before inhala- the title of "N-Allyl Normorphine: An An-
tion anesthesia. The addition of scopol- tagonist to the Opiates" (Anesthesiology, 13:
amine to the morphine premedication was 242-251, 1952) by Eckenhoff, Hoffman,
thought to counteract the ill effects of the and Dripps, and is reprinted below with the
morphine, and allowed sufficiently large kind permission of the authors and the
doses so that surgery could be performed publisher.
under this combination alone.
The early part of the present century saw
an increasing use of morphine as part of N-ALLYL NORMORPHINE:
the actual anesthetic procedure, both to
supplement waning regional anesthesia and
as the anesthetic procedure itself for minor OPIATES
surgical manipulations. The introduction ECKENHOFF, J.E., HOFFMAN, G.L.
of the intravenous barbiturates and the less AND
frequent use of the potent inhalation agents DRIPPS, R.D.
heralded the use of narcotics as an inherent
part of general anesthesia, as did also the Anesthesiology, 13:242-251, 1952
introduction of the muscle relaxant drugs.
These two milestones permitted the devel- By measurement of tidal volume and res-
opment of the thiopental-nitrous ox- piratory rate, the authors showed that na-
ide-narcotic-muscle relaxant combination, lorphine given after operation stimulated
which has developed into one of the most respiration in seven patients depressed by
important anesthetic techniques in use to- large doses of several narcotics given dur-
day. ing operation. They also administered na-
The icing on the cake was the develop- lorphine 10 mg. intravenously to a large
ment of the narcotic antagonists, which number of patients in labor and shortened
provided the anesthesiologist with a safe, the time required for first respiration of
reliable means of preventing or correcting infants of those mothers who were moder-
some of the ill effects of large doses of ately depressed by narcotics.

Published April, 1967

One of the major accomplishments of is available today is such that the major
modern anesthesia has been civilizing the action of the drug is at the target organ,
South American Indian arrow poison, cu- the myoneural junction, and permits pre-
rare, by using it to help in saving human dictable and quantitatively controllable poi-
lives rather than as a deadly weapon. Cu- soning of that organ. Finally, curare has
rare was the first of the muscle relaxants to the great advantage, which is always desir-
be employed in anesthesia, and it has able when a toxic substance is to be admin-
proved to be an excellent drug. In the first istered to man, of having an effective anti-
place, curare does its job, when it is em- dote in the form of neostigmine and other
ployed intelligently and in proper dosage, anticurare drugs.
admirably well: that is to say, it produces Nevertheless, curare is not the ideal mus-
profound muscular relaxation with great cle relaxant drug on several counts. There
consistency. In the second place, curare is is, as an example, the matter of its duration
quite specific in its action: no drug is en- of action. When curare is administered in-
tirely specific under all circumstances, of travenously in a dosage of 0.15 to 0.20 mg.
course, but the purity of the curare which per kg., its action may be expected to last

for 25 to 30 minutes, with some variation There are other liabilities of curare in
in either direction, depending upon the addition to these inherent characteristics of
individual patient as well as a number of the drug. Myasthenia gravis, for instance,
other factors which may influence the mag- although a rare disease with an incidence
nitude and duration of the myoneural that is less than 1 per 15,000 population, is
blockade produced by the drug. This characterized by a defect of neuromuscular
length of action can be disadvantageous transmission which renders the victim ex-
under certain circumstances, and particu- quisitely sensitive to curare and other non-
larly when only brief and fleeting muscle depolarizing drugs. When the disease is
relaxation is necessary: if a muscle relaxant unsuspected and latent, the administration
drug is being employed to facilitate endo- of curare will produce extremely long-
tracheal intubation, or to provide momen- and at times even irreversible-degrees of
tary relaxation for the reduction of a frac- muscle paralysis which may lead to tragedy.
ture, or to soften the convulsions associated This sequence can occur, furthermore, not
with electroshock therapy, 25 to 30 min- only in patients with latent myasthenia, but
utes of relaxation is scarcely necessary and also in some patients with neoplasm (and
can be a distinct nuisance. particularly oat-cell carcinoma of the lung)
There is also the matter of the time of who react to curare as do patients with
onset of drug action. Full neuromuscular frank myasthenia gravis.
block is not effected until about 2 to 3 Curare is also allegedly capable of induc-
minutes after the injection of curare, al- ing the release of histamine in patients with
though again this will vary somewhat, de- bronchial asthma or other manifestations
pending upon the individual patient and of allergic diathesis. Under such circum-
certain other factors, such as circulation stances, histamine will produce both in-
time, the state of hydration, blood volume, tense bronchospasm and severe hypoten-
and the like. Furthermore, since the admin- sion; and in addition there have been re-
istration of curare should always include a ports of swelling of the eyelids, edema of
test dose and a period of observation of the face and neck, giant hives over most of
that dose, the onset of full muscular relax- the body, and pharyngeal and epiglottic
ation is necessarily longer than 2 to 3 min- edema. There can be little doubt, however,
utes by a factor of, at the very least, 2. This that, although histamine can be the basis of
delay means that anticipatory adminstra- these complications, most instances of
tion is necessary if relaxation is to be pro- bronchospasm which occur during clinical
vided at the precise moment that it is anesthesia associated with the administra-
needed during surgery; and while this aim tion of curare are due to an inadequate
is generally possible, circumstances do arise depth of anesthesia, insufficient analgesia,
in which operation must be delayed to or a failure to obtund noxious reflex activ-
await the onset of the action. ity.
Not only is the time of onset of action a Ganglionic blockade is also a by-product
problem on occasions, but also the manner of curare administration, and produces pe-
in which that action is dissipated may be a ripheral vasodilation and hypotension-at
disadvantage. For the myoneural block least in the experimental animal. It must
produced by curare is not terminated be added, however, that, although gangli-
crisply, but tends to wane slowly over a onic blocking action can occur after large
period of time. As a result, the anesthesiol- doses of d-tubocurare in the laboratory,
ogist is often confronted with the decision normal clinical doses produce little or no
whether to administer a further incremen- significant blockade in man. This finding is
tal dosage for peritoneal closure, which will in contrast to the prevalent belief some 20
produce relaxation that will outlast the end years ago, when a great deal was made of
of the surgery, or attempt to squeeze by curare's anti-shock properties, presumed to
with a weakening relaxation that can be be due to its ability to produce ganglionic
insufficient for the requirements of opera- blockade (perhaps a prophetic forerunner
tion at that juncture. of today's belief that Dibenzyline is useful

in the therapy of shock because it interrupts direction was the demonstration that diace-
the flow of sympathetic vasoconstrictor im- tylcholine (succinylcholine) exhibited neu-
pulses). romuscular blocking action of extremely
For all of these various reasons, real or short duration. This fact was elucidated by
imaginary, the medical profession and the the simultaneous, but totally independent,
pharmaceutical industry have been con- work of Bovet and his colleagues in Rome,
stantly on the prowl looking for a new and and Castillo and de Beer at the Wellcome
better muscle relaxant. Most authorities Research Laboratories in Tuckahoe, New
today are agreed that the ideal solution to York. The clinical applications of this mus-
the problem would be the synthesis of a cle relaxant drug were soon under study
short-acting, nondepolarizing relaxant, on both sides of the Atlantic; and one of
which would require no antagonist. No the first clinical reports was by von Dardel
such drug is at present available, or even and Thesleff, which was entitled, "Succi-
dimly visible on the horizon, although dial- nylcholine Iodide as a Muscular Relaxant.
lylnortoxiferine dichloride (Alloferin), A report of 500 Surgical Cases" (Acta chir.
which is not as yet commercially available Scandinav., 103: 321-336, 1952). It is re-
in this country, could represent a right step published below with the kind permission
in that direction. An earlier step in that of the authors and the publishers.

SUCCINYLCHOLINE IODIDE surgical operations. The series comprises

AS A MUSCULAR 500 patients (224 men and 276 women)
belonging to all age groups and risk groups.
Succinylcholine iodide was given as an in-
A REPORT OF 500 travenous drip infusion to 55 of these pa-
"One of the characteristics of the prepa-
ration is its short-term action. It was there-
fore found suitable for use on occasions
when relaxation of short duration only was
Department of Anaesthesiology, required. It was also found to be eminently
Karolinska Sjukhuset, and the suitable for lengthier operations, when eas-
Department of Pharmacology, ily regulated muscular relaxation was de-
Karolinska Institutet, sired.
Stockholm, Sweden "Muscular relaxation was found to be
satisfactory in every case. No cumulative
Acta chir. Scandinav., 103: 321-336, 1952 effect or tachyphylaxis was observed.
"No complications or toxic actions were
encountered, either during anaesthesia or
post-operatively, that could be ascribed to
"A report is given of the use of succinyl- the use of succinylcholine iodide as a mus-
choline iodide as a muscular relaxant in cular relaxant."

Published December, 1975

The physician anesthetist has been a breath passed forth through the protrusion
gadgeteer from the very beginnings of an- at the side of the cylinder. This side port,
esthesia for the simple reason that he had which was approximately square and had a
nobody to turn to for equipment and, of sloped cover of appropriate shape, was fit-
necessity, had to develop his own. Probably ted with a leather flap hung so as to open
because of the almost century-long domi- during expiration and close at the begin-
nance of the volatile inhalation agents after ning of inspiration. Thus a unidirectional
the discovery of anesthesia, vaporizers have flow was obtained through the ether cham-
always received an inordinate amount of ber to the patient and out at the side. The
attention by those designing anesthesia ap- first nonrebreathing valve!
paratus. When Professor Jacob Bigelow wrote his
The first was Morton's inhaler, which famous "My Dear Boott" letter from Bos-
was used in the classic public demonstration ton on November 28th, 1846, to his friend
of ether anesthesia at the Massachusetts in London, describing the success of the
General Hospital on October 16, 1846. It October 16th etherization at the Massachu-
consisted of a two-necked glass globe in setts General Hospital, Boott immediately
which there was a sea sponge which held recognized the enormity of the accomplish-
the ether and served to enlarge the evapo- ment-and within a matter of days a sec-
rating surface. One aperture admitted the ond ether inhaler had been designed. This
air to the interior of the globe, and the British inhaler, made by "Hooper of Pall
vapor-charged air was then drawn through Mall" from specifications supplied by Boott
the second into the lungs. The subject held and Mr. Robinson, looked for all the world
the mouthpiece, which was shaped for the like a Turkish hookah, with a glass vessel
purpose, in his lips. The brass cylinder shaped like a sea captain's decanter and a
which connected the globe with the mouth- long elastic breathing tube. It, too, like
piece contained a leather flap hung in such Morton's inhaler, featured sponges to in-
a way as to open during inspiration and crease the evaporating surface and a valve
close during expiration. The expiratory system to make it, in essence, a nonre-

breathing circuit. This apparatus was used loric, the interior of the inhalers became
on Saturday, December 19th, 1846, in much reduced in temperature, the evapo-
Boott's own home to extract a "firmly fixed ration of ether was very much checked,
molar tooth" from the jaw of a Miss Lons- and the patient breathed air much colder
dale "without the least sense of pain, or the than the freezing point of water, and con-
movement of a muscle." taining very little of the vapour of ether.
Two days later, at the University College On this account, and through other defects
Hospital in London, Robert Liston under- in the inhalers, the patient was often very
took the first surgical operation performed long in becoming insensible, and, in not a
in England under ether anesthesia, ampu- few cases, he did not become affected be-
tating the leg of a butler by the name of yond a degree of excitement and ine-
Frederick Churchill. The ether vapor was briety."
administered "by means of an ingenious All of this indicates that within the first
apparatus extemporaniously contrived by few years of the introduction of inhalation
Mr. Squire of Oxford Street." Squire's in-
anesthesia, the basic principles of vapori-
haler was strikingly similar to Hooper's in
zation-particularly the need for a large
looks and design; and for the very good evaporating surface and the effect of tem-
reason that both shared the common heri-
perature-were understood and appreci-
tage of being descendants of Nooth's ap-
ated. However, during the next century,
paratus. Dr. Nooth was a contemporary of
despite the fact that literally hundreds of
Joseph Priestley, and he designed an appa-
vaporizers and inhalers were designed and
ratus for impregnating water with carbon
built, none provided constant vernier con-
dioxide, the bottom part of the apparatus
trol of the vapor concentration until Morris
being a glass vessel similar in size and shape
designed the "copper kettle." This he re-
to those used by Hooper and Squire in ported in the November, 1952 issue of
making their inhalers. Anesthesiology in an article entitled, "A New
By the spring of the next year, 1847, the
Vaporizer for Liquid Anesthetic Agents"
pages of the medical journals all across the (Morris, L. E.: Anesthesiology, 13: 587,
continent were full of descriptions and il- 1952), which is reprinted below with the
lustrations of inhalers. The incomparable kind permission of the author and the pub-
John Snow (who added a couple of inhalers lisher.
of his own to the scene) commented in his
book, On The Inhalation of Ether In Surgical
Operations, of the inadequacies inherent in
these inhalers: A NEW VAPORIZER FOR
"Many of the apparatuses first invented LIQUID ANESTHETIC
did not allow of easy respiration, but of- AGENTS
fered obstructions to it-by sponges, by
the ether itself, by valves of insufficient size, LUCIEN E. MORRIS, M.D.
but more particularly by tubes of too nar- Madison, Wisconsin
row calibre: and there is reason to believe
that in many instances, this was the cause Received for publication
of failure, and that the insensibility, when June 12, 1952
produced, was partly due to asphyxia."
Ten years later, in 1858, Snow again Anesthesiology, 13: 587, 1952
wrote on the subject in his second book,
On Chloroform And Other Anaesthetics:
"When the inhalation of ether was first "The distinguishing feature of the circuit
commenced, the inhalers employed con- is the additional and completely separate
sisted generally of glass vases containing flow of oxygen which is bubbled through
sponge, to afford a surface for the evapo- the liquid anesthetic agent. This oxygen is
ration of the ether. Both glass and sponge metered through a rotameter provided
being very indifferent conductors of ca- with a by-pass so that the entire required

range of both fine and coarse flow may be down, the efficiency of vaporization is re-
read on the same tube. This separate duced because of the fall in partial pressure
stream of oxygen containing anesthetic va- of the vapor above the liquid. The copper
por is then joined with the main stream of container, therefore, plays an important
gases from all the other meters in a special role as a source of heat and in the transfer
small mixing chamber situated just before of heat from the room air and all the metal
the point of delivery of the gases from the parts of the machine to the liquid to be
machine. The value of such a circuit lies in vaporized. The temperature of the liquid
the fact that the increase in vapor concen- anesthetic agent in this vaporizer has been
tration delivered to the patient may be observed during use with ether to be never
gradual and steadily progressive in propor- lower than 15 C. less than the room tem-
tion to the amount of oxygen metered perature.
through the liquid and in inverse relation-
ship to the total flow of other gases. THE VAPORIZING SURFACE

"The gas flowing through the liquid an-

"Copper, because of its high specific heat, esthetic is finely dispersed by passing
is the material from which the container is through a sintered bronze disk (porex).
made. It is well known that heat is required The multitude of tiny bubbles leads to max-
to vaporize any liquid. If vaporization takes imal vaporization efficiency by providing a
place without addition of heat from an greatly increased surface for the liquid-gas
outside source, then the heat necessary to interface. In addition, this disk conducts
vaporize the liquid is taken from the liquid directly to the liquid the heat required for
itself. As the temperature of the liquid goes vaporization."


Published August, 1975

The specialty of anesthesiology lost one resident in anesthesia at Wisconsin General
of its most distinguished ladies last year Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin, under Dr.
when Ginny Apgar died on August 9. She Ralph Waters, and finished her residency
was a physician in every sense of the word, training at Bellevue under Dr. Rovenstine
a true scientist, everybody's friend-but in 1938. She was certified by the American
above all, a lady. Board of Anesthesiology in 1939, the sec-
Dr. Virginia Apgar was born in West- ond woman to achieve the Board's Di-
field, New Jersey, on June 7, 1909, and 20 ploma.
years later she graduated with the degree She returned to Presbyterian Hospital as
of Bachelor of Arts from Mount Holyoke an Attending Anesthesiologist and as an
College in Massachusetts. Four more years, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology at
and she received the degree of Doctor of Columbia University in 1938, the first
Medicine from Columbia University's Col- woman physician to work in the specialty
lege of Physicians and Surgeons. She stayed there; and 11 years later, in 1949, she
on at Presbyterian Hospital as a surgical became the first woman to receive a full
intern from 1933 to 1936, and then as a professorship at Columbia. She remained
fellow in anesthesiology at the same insti- at Presbyterian Hospital as Attending
tution for 6 months. She then served as a Anesthesiologist until 1959 when, at the
age of 50, she earned the degree of Master not, they could have been. The important
of Public Health from Johns Hopkins. She thing was that in spite of her travels and
then became Vice-President and director constant movement, when Ginny stopped
of basic research for the National Founda- for a moment she accomplished more than
tion-March of Dimes, going on to become the dozens of people who were watching
Senior Vice-President of the Foundation in her fly by. She delivered her lectures with
charge of medical affairs. such a rapid flow of words that you had to
Dr. Apgar was the recipient of the 1961 sit on the edge of your chair and listen
Distinguished Service Award of the Amer- intently or you'd miss several paragraphs.
ican Society of Anesthesiologists, and in Time was precious to her and her mind
1973 she received the P & S Alumni Asso- and hands were never still. I remember
ciation Gold Medal for distinguished ser- once watching a World Series baseball
vice. That same year she was presented on game on television with my children when
national television as Woman of the Year. the game was interrupted by rain and si-
She was an Honorary Associate Fellow of multaneously our phone rang. My daugh-
the American Academy of Pediatrics, and ter said, 'That must be Ginny. She only
also an Associate Fellow of the American calls during rain delays.'
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. "Let's turn our attention to Ginny's ca-
But, as Dr. Leonard Brand wrote in the reer here at the Medical Center. Her four
P & S Quarterly, Winter 1975, Volume XX, years at P & S from 1929 to 1933 were
No. 1, "these credentials don't tell the true very impressive and she came on the staff
story of the 'Ginny' we knew." Dr. Brand's as a Junior Fellow in Surgery. In 1936 Dr.
obituary does, however, and it is quoted Hugh Auchincloss, Sr., suggested to Ginny
extensively in the following, with his kind that the Medical Center was in dire need
permission and that of the P & S Quarterly: of a strong Department of Anesthesiology
"Anyone who met her had a 'Ginny' and that this new developing specialty re-
story to tell, whether it had to do with her quired skills which she had in abundance.
interest in music, playing the violin and She accepted his advice and spent six
cello, or building her own string instru- months learning rudimentary clinical an-
ments. She was an accomplished musician esthesia from Miss Anne Penland, an ex-
and was a member of the Teaneck Sym- perienced nurse-anesthetist who was with
phony of New Jersey, the Amateur Music the Presbyterian Hospital Unit in France
Players and the Catgut Acoustical Society. during World War I. In 1937 Ginny spent
Or whether it had to do with her love of seven months in Dr. Ralph Waters' depart-
fishing, having fished most of the famous ment at the University of Wisconsin and
fishing grounds of the world, be it the returned to New York to complete her
Great Barrier Reef off Australia or the training with Dr. Emory A. Rovenstine at
streams of Scotland. There were stories NYU. In 1938 she was appointed Director
about her stamp collecting and her love of of the Division of Anesthesiology at the
baseball and golf. There were stories of her Medical Center here, starting a residency
driving her automobile as if it were an program and slowly building a full time
airplane. There were scores of stories about staff of physician-anesthesiologists. At that
the little human things she did, visiting the time there were no accommodations for
relative of a friend in a small town in New her two new residents and she personally
Zealand or in a village in Norway or doing bore the cost of their accommodations at
some small thoughtful favor for one of her $100 a month. In 1938 she also instituted
friends or acquaintances. The tales of her the first formal undergraduate training in
adventures in traveling over the face of the anesthesia for the third and fourth year
earth were legion. She always had just ar- medical students and in 1943 offered an
rived from somewhere or was on her way elective course for medical students.
to catch the next plane. "Several generations of medical students
"All of these stories tell a great deal about will always remember Ginny's machine-gun
Ginny. Most of them are true and if they're style lectures and her very practical and

unembarrassed teaching of anatomy. of the effects of analgesic drugs and anes-

Ginny had an outstanding caudal hiatus thesia on the fetus have been introduced in
and hundreds of medical students learned a research setting-tests such as the habit-
to do caudal blocks by palpating her caudal uation of the auditory orienting reflex and
hiatus. She appreciated the bright ones and the Neonatal Behavioural Assessment
had infinite patience with the slow ones. Scale-the Apgar Score remains the
No one could ever lie to her successfully method by which the practicing clinical
because she could see right through you anesthesiologist evaluates the condition of
and she herself was so trusting that the the newborn infant. The concept was pre-
most flagrant liars didn't have courage to sented first before the Twenty-Seventh An-
betray her trust. She had little tolerance nual Conference of Anesthetists-a joint
for sham or pompousness and everyone was meeting of the International Anesthesia
treated equally with genuine interest and Research Society and the International
friendliness. She took a sincere personal College of Anesthetists which was held at
interest in every one of her students so that Virginia Beach, Virginia, September 22-
they almost always did well because they 25, 1952-in a paper entitled, "A Proposal
didn't have the heart to disappoint her. for a New Method of Evaluation of the
"Her first published paper from the Anes- Newborn Infant." This was subsequently
thesiology Service was 'Experience with Pon- published in Current Researches in Anesthe-
tocaine Spinal Anesthesia' in 1939. In the sia and Analgesia (Apgar, V.: Anesth. An-
next decade her published papers and the alg., 32: 260-267,July-August, 1953), and
quality of the residents she trained had is reprinted below with the kind permission
made her a national figure. In 1949 it was of the Publisher.
apparent that continued progress toward a
truly academic department demanded
strengthening in the areas of basic and A PROPOSAL FOR A NEW
applied research and with Dr. Apgar's sup- METHOD OF EVALUATION
port her good friend Dr. Emmanual M. OF THE
Papper was appointed Executive Officer NEWBORN INFANT
and Professor of Anesthesiology. Dr. Ap-
gar applied her talents from 1949 until she Department of Anesthesiology,
left the Medical Center in 1958 primarily Columbia University, College of
to the Sloane Hospital for Women, where Physicians and Surgeons and
she developed the Apgar Score used the Anesthesia Service,
throughout the world to evaluate newborn The Presbyterian Hospital
infants. She wrote many scientific papers
concerning the anesthetic management of Anesth. Analg., 32: 260-267, 1953
obstetrical labor and delivery and partici-
pated in the delivery of almost 20,000 ba-
bies. "The purpose of this paper is the reestab-
"It was interesting to see the variety of lishment of simple, clear classification or
distinguished people who came to pay their "grading" of newborn infants which can be
respects at her memorial service. But I also used as a basis for discussion and compari-
saw the check-out lady from the local su- son of the results of obstetric practices,
permarket and the traffic policeman from types of maternal pain relief and the effects
her home town who did so much business of resuscitation.
with her."
As Dr. Brand's obituary implies, Ginny
Apgar left a great many heritages, but her "The signs used are as follows:
name will always be associated with the (1) Heart Rate.-This was found to be
method of evaluating the newborn infant the most important diagnostic and prog-
which she devised. While more sophisti- nostic of the five signs. A heart rate of
cated methods of psychophysiologic testing 100-140 was considered good and given a

score of two, a rate of under 100 received "(4) Muscle Tone.-This was an easy
a score of one, and if no heart beat could sign to judge, for a completely flaccid in-
be seen, felt or heard the score was zero. fant received a zero score, and one with
good tone, and spontaneously flexed arms
and legs which resisted extension were
"(2) Respiratory Effort.-An infant who rated two points. We are unable to agree
was apneic at 60 seconds after birth re- with Flagg's description of spasticity as a
ceived a score of zero, while one who sign of asphyxiation of the infant. The use
breathed and cried lustily received a two of analeptics in the baby did not influence
rating. All other types of respiratory effort, this score because of the standardized early
such as irregular, shallow ventilation were time of observation and rating.
scored one. An infant who had gasped once "(5) Color.-This is by far the most un-
at thirty or forty-five seconds after birth, satisfactory sign and caused the most dis-
and who then became apneic, received a cussion among the observers. All infants
zero score, since he was apneic at the time are obviously cyanotic at birth because of
decided upon for evaluation. their high capacity for carrying oxygen and
"(3) Reflex Irritability.-This term re- their relatively low oxygen content and sat-
fers to response to some form of stimula- uration. The disappearance of cyanosis de-
tion. The usual testing method was suction- pends directly on two signs previously con-
ing the oropharynx and nares with a soft sidered-respiratory effort and heart rate.
rubber catheter which called forth a re- Comparatively few infants were given a full
sponse of facial grimaces, sneezing or score of two for this sign, and many re-
coughing. Although spontaneous micturi- ceived zero in spite of their excellent score
tion and defecation are not a response to for other signs."
an applied stimulus, they were considered
to be favorable signs if they occurred. * * * *

Published February, 1962

Today the Classical File is 5 years old- cle pertaining to any phase of anesthesia,
as is Survey of Anesthesiology itself-and a published at least 5 years previously and
fifth anniversary is always a milestone. In- considered of "classical stature," would be
deed, marriage counsellors regard it as a republished in each bimonthly issue of Sur-
particularly significant milestone, for they vey. It is, of course, the term "classical stat-
believe that the fourth and fifth years of ure" that has been the guiding factor. A
matrimony are amongst the most danger- paper might be of purely historical, purely
ous to wedded bliss (there's no way of tell- scientific, purely clinical, or even of merely
ing how much consideration they've given anecdotal, interest: if it possessed "classical
to the Seven Year Itch). The honeymoon stature," it warranted inclusion in Classical
is over by the fifth anniversary, and mar- File. A chronologic approach to the litera-
riage has settled down to the serious busi- ture pertaining to anesthesia was thus to-
ness of day-to-day living. Perhaps the same tally unfeasible: the early years of Classical
is somewhat true of journalism: the novelty File would contain only history, subsequent
and first flush of creative pride have waned, years would become almost wholly clinical,
and the serious business of meeting the and future years would become increas-
deadline and getting out the journal has ingly (stated hopefully) scientific. It was
become ingrained. deemed more advisable to make the Class-
But the fifth anniversary is also a time of ical File a pot pourri, alternating the repub-
pleasant reminiscence and happy planning lication of the old with the new, the clinical
for the future. The ground rules for the with the scientific, and the truly historical
Classical File, as laid down 5 years ago, with the anecdotal.
were-and remain-fairly simple: an arti- The result, no doubt, has often seemed

helter-skelter to the casual reader; yet there tremendous, if not, indeed, revolutionary.
has been a carefully detailed plan in back And there is also no gainsaying that much
of it. The first issue of each volume has of the other progress in anesthesia has been
contained a "first" of historical significance: an indirect (if not, indeed, a direct) result
the report of Morton's first public demon- of this socioeconomic advance. For this rea-
stration of ether, Horace Wells' tract on son, Classical File departs from its usual
his clinical use of nitrous oxide, the first sequential plan in order to reprint an article
recorded anesthetic death, Crawford of "classical stature" that has been repub-
Long's initial use of anesthesia in surgery, lished many times before in medical jour-
and Simpson's introduction of chloroform nals and all over this country and abroad;
into anesthetic practice. The second issue republished so often, as a matter of fact,
of each year has been devoted to a historical that its presentation here could almost be
"first" of recent vintage: the introduction considered de trops-except that Classical
of curare, of thiopental, of cyclopropane, File would be derelict in its duty to ignore
of ethylene, and of decamethonium. The such a communication any longer. For
third issue has been concerned with re- those who have read this classic before, it
gional anesthesia: Sise's use of pontocaine- is hoped that rereading will only serve to
glucose for spinal analgesia, the technique intensify the enjoyment; for those who have
of continuous caudal anesthesia, Halsted's never read it, Survey is delighted to present
infiltration blocks with cocaine, Corning's Richard Gordon's "Sleeping Partner," pub-
initial attempts at spinal injections, and lished in the October 7th, 1953, issue of
Pages' development of epidural anesthesia. Punch and reprinted below, with the kind
The fourth issue of each volume has con- permission of the author and publisher.
tained a concept of important clinical sig-
nificance: the anatomy of endotracheal
intubation, the unreliability of the recog- SLEEPING PARTNER
nition of cyanosis, the utilization of electro- RICHARD GORDON
encephalography in anesthesia, and the
measurement of blood pressure during an- Punch, Oct. 7, 1953
esthesia. The last two issues of each year
have emphasized basic laboratory work, Surgeons are traditionally accused by the
preferably an article of monograph-length medical profession of introducing two nec-
to run on a "to-be-continued" basis and essary evils-wound infection and an-
filling the Classical File space in both issues: aesthetists. In the past hundred years both
Haggard's papers on the absorption and of these have fortunately become less dan-
distribution of ether; Courville's mono- gerous to human life.
graph on the asphyxial effects of nitrous When chloroform was still a novelty and
oxide; Quastel's measurements of cerebral gas a luxury, the anaesthetist was a seedy
oxygen utilization; Scott Smith's self-exper- practitioner, a Coroner's familiar, creeping
imentation on the lack of cerebral effects round hospitals and nursing homes with a
of curare; the Hardy-Wolff-Goodell meas- rag of lint in one pocket of his coat tail and
urement of the intensity of pain; the studies a bottle of ether in the other. With this
of Pike, Guthrie and Stewart on cardiac equipment he could perform his shaky
resuscitation; and Claude Bernard's cen- tricks instantly and anywhere, like a stroll-
tury-early experiments on the mechanism ing conjurer. The surgeon took the lime-
of curare's activity. light and ninety per cent of the fee: the
One important aspect of anesthesia has anaesthetist at his best was only a Jeeves,
been neglected to date in Classical File: the ready to smooth the surgical progress of
socioeconomic advances. There are those his master, to encourage him in clinical
who believe that undue emphasis has been distress, and to temper discreetly his oper-
placed on these advances during the past ative enthusiasms. He was a butt for all the
two decades; and there are also many who hearty surgical fun that battens on blood
would agree. Yet, there is no gainsaying and sterile towels-how relieved the nurses
that the progress in this area has been were when Sir Lancelot's wrath at a moving

target was canalized into: "If the patient week, I presume?" Two limousines now left
can keep awake, Mr. Anaesthetist, so can the hospital courtyard together.
you!" From his perch at the head of the When surgeons and anaesthetists reu-
table he yawned beneath his mask at weary nited after the war they were faced with
accounts of forgotten anatomical battles, problems of readjustment as powerful as
and he left the hopsital by bicycle in the those of any other long separated couple.
dust of the surgical limousine. The surgeons had seen Army doctors at
As operations became longer and an- work with squares of flannel and ether
aesthetists had more hours of comparative cans, and had learnt so much about lorries,
inactivity to mediate over their humility, guns, tanks, and radio sets from enthusias-
they invented a scheme to assert their per- tic brother officers that they were no
sonalities in the operating theatre. The longer frightened of an anaesthetist's civil-
trick was simple: they repudiated the rag- ian equipment. But they were infuriated to
and-bottle, and invented a machine a-glit- find that anaesthetists had assumed the
ter with chromium plate and taps to admin- grand simplicity; heavy apparatus was
ister the anaesthetic for them. At first the pushed into theatre sister's store room, and
surgeons pretended amusement, and made modern anaesthesia conducted with a sin-
jokes about "The Gas, Fight, and Choke gle syringe.
Company." But they were mystified and This consecration in the anaesthetist's
intimidated particularly when the anaesthe- armament was permitted by purification of
tist strolled away for a cup of coffee and the curare arrow-poison from South Amer-
left his patient tranquilly freewheeling. It ica: the Brazilian pigmy blows a curare-
has previously been plain to everyone in tipped dart into his victim before eating
the theatre that any damn fool with a bottle him, and the British anaesthetist sticks a
and a roll of lint could give an anaesthetic, curare-filled syringe into his patient before
but even the dullest junior probationer dishing him up to the surgeon. But as more
could now see that the manipulation of this and more unwanted side-effects of the ar-
secret machine needed the fused skills of row-poison were discovered, and more and
an engineer, pilot, and safebreaker. more drugs were invented to counteract
The anaesthetists cooly pressed their ad- them, the anaesthetist's syringe grew into
vantage. The machines became bigger and a battery of violent poisons and antidotes.
more aggressive, forcing the surgeon to Today he arrives at the hospital in a van,
operate uncomfortably in the remaining which contains his assistants and a number
corner of the theatre. Anaesthetists boldly of expensive electronic machines to let him
told their own stories across the towel clips, know the pulse rate and blood pressure
and the daily operating list ended politely without having to count them. The sur-
with "General Anaesthetic, Dr. Tompkins, geon is allowed to operate as long as his
please." Surgeons who once began an op- manipulations do not disturb the anaes-
eration by plunging knife into abdomen thesia: to complain that narcosis is not suf-
with a roar of "Is he asleep, Bill?" waited ficiently profound is as unthinkable as send-
patiently for permission, with sterile gloves ing back the speciality at a famous restaur-
meekly clasped. Afterwards they bowed ant. Anaesthetists are friendly men, and
over the swab bucket, as the anaesthetist have no malignancy in their new mastery:
neutralized his apparatus with a pair of every one of them thoughtfully thanks the
spanners, and said "Thank you, Dr. Tomp- surgeon at the end of the operation for
kins-a very beautiful anaesthetic. We shall making, with his skill, their superb anaes-
have the pleasure of working together next thetic necessary.

Published October, 1962

The condition of the heart and circula- the surgical patient, but it is of fundamental
tion during anesthesia is of interest to all concern to the anesthetist. As the primary
those concerned with the operative care of function of the heart is mechanical, in that

it serves as a pump to distribute blood to iologists and pharmacologists, working

the entire body, the main interest centers with heart-lung preparations of experimen-
in its ability to continue to supply a suffi- tal animals in their laboratories, regularly
ciently large amount of blood to meet the and emphatically reported a direct myocar-
body's needs. Until comparatively recently, dial depression and decrease in cardiac out-
this ability was evaluated by simple palpa- put during the ether anesthesia. On the
tion of the peripheral pulse, or by the meas- other hand, those who investigated the car-
urement of blood pressure with a sphyg- diac output in the intact organisms fre-
momanometer. John Snow, the first profes- quently reported either no change or even
sional anesthetist, noted that, during the an increase in the cardiac output. Blalock,
"fourth degree of etherization" (or surgical for instance, who studied the cardiac out-
anesthesia by his classification), "The integ- put of the dog during ether anesthesia by
rity of the functions of respiration and of means of the Fick principle, demonstrated
circulation is not impaired. . . the pulse is that the cardiac output was increased in all
distinct and of good volume." but three of his 19 experiments. The stud-
With the passage of time, however, and ies of Johnson on the hemodynamic effects
the accumulation of a considerable experi- in man confused the issue still further: five
ence in the administration of anesthesia to of his 13 patients showed an early increase
patients, clinicians came to realize that an- in cardiac output and then a fall later, while
esthesia was not always quite so innocuous the other eight patients all showed early
to the action of the heart and the integrity and sustained decreases in cardiac output.
of the circulation as John Snow and some It is now recognized that it is rarely pos-
of his early colleagues had imagined. sible to draw conclusions about the mech-
Deaths occurred during anesthesia that anisms of circulatory effects of any drug
seemed to be associated with-if not, in- from the changes it may cause in a single
deed, caused by-failure of the heart and dependent variable such as the cardiac out-
deterioration of the circulation. Some at- put. It is further recognized that this is true
tributed these tragedies to "surgical shock" because the normal circulation always ini-
and the inability of the patient to "stand tiates circulatory reflexes which may act on
the anesthesia," a rather nebulously de- various aspects of circulatory dynamics to
fined lack of physiologic reserve that prevent overall change in a single parame-
quickly became one of the most ample and ter, or to accentuate change in that param-
frequently filled wastebaskets in medicine. eter in one direction or another. One of
The suspicion persisted in many quarters, the most important of these circulatory re-
nonetheless, that anesthesia exerted a di- flexes is the release of endogenous sub-
rect, and a deleterious, effect upon cardiac stances which exert powerful effects on
function. It was not until the introduction circulatory dynamics. This fact explains the
of precise physiologic measurements of car- variance in the effects of ether on cardiac
diac output that there appeared to be any output that were revealed by the use of the
hope of bringing scientific fact out of this heart-lung preparation, in contrast to those
chaos of differing opinion. that were revealed in the intact organism.
Alas! The introduction of precise meas- It was beautifully demonstrated by William
urements of cardiac action during anesthe- R. Brewster, Jr., James P. Isaacs, and
sia served only to compound the chaos and Thorkild Wain0-Andersen in the report of
differing opinions. There was almost uni- their studies entitled, "Depressant Effect of
versal agreement that severe hypotension Ether on Myocardium of the Dog and Its
occurred rather commonly, and cardiac ar- Modification by Reflex Release of Epineph-
rest occasionally, during clinical ether an- rine and Nor-epinephrine," which was pub-
esthesia; but there was no unanimity of lished in The American Journalof Physiology,
opinion as to the mechanisms of these oc- 175: 399-413, December, 1953, and is re-
currences. In fact, there was, at times, bit- printed below, with the kind permission of
ter disagreement. On the one hand, phys- the authors and the publisher.
ETHER ON MYOCARDIUM "Evidence has been presented to show
OF THE DOG AND ITS that diethyl ether exerts a direct depressant
MODIFICATION BY REFLEX (negative inotropic) effect upon the myo-
cardium of the dog which is quantitatively
RELEASE OF EPINEPHRINE sufficient, in the absence of circulating epi-
AND NOR-EPINEPHRINE nephrine and nor-epinephrine, to produce
WILLIAM R. BREWSTER, JR., either a substantial decrease in cardiac out-
put or cardiac arrest at blood ether concen-
trations required for surgical anesthesia.
"A major factor in the safety of ether
anesthesia, insofar as the effect of diethyl
From the Anesthesia Laboratory ether upon the myocardium is concerned,
of the Harvard Medical School is the quantitative reflex release from the
at the Massachusetts General Hospital, adrenal medullae and sympathetic nerve
Boston, Massachusetts endings of epinephrine and nor-epineph-
rine which, by virtue of their positive ino-
Am. J. Physiol., 175: 399-413, 1953 tropic effect upon the myocardium, antag-
onize the myocardial depression of diethyl
* * * * ether."


PublishedJune, 1970
The fascinating thing about the history The history of spinal anesthesia from the
of anesthesia is that we are all living it. very beginning has been one of waves of
Most of us in the specialty, who are now wild enthusiasm followed by periods of con-
middle aged (i.e., over 30) and grandpar- demnation and rejection, and the 1930's
ents, see changes in our practices in the and 1940's belonged to the former. Bab-
space of but 2 or 3 years, the likes of which cock, as the period commenced, wrote
the pediatricians have not seen in 10 years "Spinal anesthesia has emerged from the
and the obstetricians will not see in 50. A dangerous period in which it was consid-
few of these changes have been evanescent ered necessary merely to inject a solution
and fleeting, but the vast majority have of local anesthetic within the spinal dura
been of a more permanent nature-cyclo- and then to operate with little further at-
propane, controlled respirations, thiopen- tention to the patient. The need for a very
tal, d-tubocurare and the other muscle re- precise technique and for the constant su-
laxants, induced hypotension, recovery pervision of the anesthetized patient is now
rooms, ventilators, hypothermia, monitor- recognized. The physiologic changes due
ing equipment, drug antagonists, new local to the blocking of the spinal rami are now
anesthetic drugs which can outperform evident. Methods for localizing the block
procaine, intensive care units, halothane, to designated segments of the spine have
respiratory wards-the list goes on and on. been developed. The control of the dura-
One of the fortunately evanescent and tion and intensity of the analgesic is possible
fleeting changes was the near loss of spinal within limits. The pain of operation may
anesthesia from our armamentarium. be abolished with or without complete loss

of tactile sense and of muscular contrac- He then described in detail some 12 in-
tion." stances of spinal cord paralyses which had
This happy period came to a close in appeared in patients following spinal anes-
October, 1950, when the subscribers to thesia-and sometimes following spinal an-
Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics received esthesia "by some considerable time after
their monthly copy of that journal and in the patient had been discharged from sur-
it the article by Foster Kennedy on "The gical care, so that the surgeon and anesthe-
Grave Spinal Cord Paralyses Caused by tist and, indeed, occasionally the patient
Spinal Anesthesia." were unaware of the relationship of the
Kennedy was born in Belfast, Ireland, on progressive paralysis of the legs to the pre-
February 7, 1884, the son of William vious spinal anesthesia." He concluded:
Archer Kennedy and Hessie Foster (Dill) "We do not question the advantages of
Kennedy. He was educated at Queen's Col- the excellent and admirable relaxation of
lege in Belfast, and then received the M.D. the abdominal musculature produced by
degree from the Royal University of Ire- spinal anesthesia. On the other hand, one
land in 1906. He became Resident Medical cannot underestimate the gravity of the
Officer at the National Hospital in London, many possible complications nor the prob-
and by 1910 was chief of the clinic at the ability of their permanence . . . spinal an-
New York Neurological Institute. World esthesia is accompanied by many definite
War I took him back to Europe, where he and terrible dangers which are far too little
served with distinction in the Medical appreciated by surgeons and anesthetists
Corps of the British Army in France. He ... from a neurological point of view, we
was promoted to captain, and then to ma- give the opinion that spinal anesthesia
jor, and "was mentioned in dispatches." should be rigidly reserved for those pa-
After the war, he returned to New York tients unable to accept local or general
and became a distinguished and world fa- anesthetic ... paralysis below the waist is
mous neurologist, serving as President of too large a price for a patient to pay in
both the Neurological Society of New York order that the surgeon should have a fine
and the American Neurological Associa- relaxed field of operation."
tion, and receiving honorary memberships The impact of Kennedy's words on the
in the Neurological Societies of Paris, Hun- medical profession was immense; and when
gary, Cuba, Mexico and Sweden. He was Time, Good Housekeeping, and similar im-
Professor of Neurology at Cornell Univer- portant journals had picked up and broad-
sity Medical School, and Attending Physi- cast the story, the future of spinal anesthe-
cian in Charge of the Neurological Service sia in this country looked not just grim, but
at Bellevue Hospital. He was a prolific nonexistent. It was saved by the brilliant,
writer and the author of numerous articles timely, and important series of articles by
on neurologic and psychiatric subjects. Un- Dripps and Vandam, the first of which,
questionably, the best known of these was, "Long-Term Follow-up Of Patients Who
"The Grave Spinal Cord Paralyses Caused Received 10,098 Spinal Anesthetics; Fail-
by Spinal Anesthesia." ure To Discover Major Neurological Se-
"Unfortunately," wrote Kennedy, "it is quelae," was published in the December
not generally known, and still less widely 18, 1954 issue of the Journalof the American
accepted, that spinal anesthesia may result Medical Association (156: 1486-1491,
in temporary or permanent neurological 1954). It is reprinted below with the kind
complications: paralyses or continuing root permission of the authors and the pub-
pain." lisher.

LONG-TERM FOLLOW-UP OF Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

PATIENTS WHO RECEIVED who received spinal anesthesia by a rigidly
standardized technique were carefully ex-
10,098 SPINAL ANESTHETICS; amined at frequent intervals postopera-
FAILURE TO tively for sequelae and were contacted by
DISCOVER MAJOR mail or phone 6 months later. They ob-
NEUROLOGIC SEQUELAE tained six month follow up reports for 86%
of the anesthetics and were able to describe
DRIPPS, R.D. with precision the early and late neurologic
AND sequelae of spinal anesthesia. They re-
VANDAM, L.D. ported separately sequelae of lumbar punc-
ture alone (J.A.M.A. 147:1118-1121,
J.A.M.A., 156:1486-1491, 1954 1951) and in this paper, sequelae attribut-
able to the injection of the anesthetic solu-
During 1948 to 1951, patients of the tion alone.

Published August, 1971

Probably the first written description of interactions with other drugs; some have
the effects-and alleged side effects-of been due to such characteristics as the ef-
curare was contained in the book on the fect of temperature on the effects of the
New World, De Orbe Novo, published by drug itself; some have been due to the
the Italian monk, Peter Martyr d'Anghera, inherent pharmacologic properties of the
in 1516: "They like to use bows and poi- drug; some have been due to the patient;
soned arrows .... Whoever is wounded by and some have been due to the presence of
one of these poisoned arrows dies, but not intercurrent disease states.
instantly, and no Spaniard has yet found a Cullen, one of the first clinicians to em-
remedy for such wounds. The natives know ploy curare, came early to the realization
some, but the remainder of one's life, after that there was an interaction between cu-
being cured, is sufficiently disagreeable; for rare and ether-and a danger from that
it is necessary to abstain from many things interaction-when curare was adminis-
one likes. First of all from sexual pleasure tered during ether anesthesia: "Curare can
for two years, and afterwards, during a be used during ether anesthesia, but the
lifetime, from liquors, excessive pleasures dose must be reduced to one-third of that
of the table, and all exertion. Otherwise used during cyclopropane anesthesia. Ex-
death quickly follows. Our monks have perience gained during the use of curare
seen many wounded Indians, for they live with ether prompted investigation into the
in a state of perpetual war, but they assisted effect of several anesthetic agents on the
at the death of only one woman, who was humoral transmission of nerve impulses.
unwilling to undergo the cure; the women The agents studied were cyclopropane,
fight by their husbands' sides. Nobody has ethylene, ether, tribromethanol with amy-
been able to extort from them the secret lene hydrate (avertin fluid), and sodium
of this antidote." ethyl (1 methylbutyl) thiobarbiturate (pen-
During the past 30 years, since the day tothal sodium). It was found that humoral
on which, as T. Cecil Gray has pointed out, transmission of nerve impulses was not
curare revolutionized clinical anesthesia greatly interfered with by cyclopropane
for all time by permitting the production and ethylene. In high concentration, but
of utter muscle flaccidity without the ne- within the anesthetic range, pentothal so-
cessity of resort to deep and dangerous dium and avertin fluid produced a moder-
levels of general anesthesia, a number of ate interference. Ether had a marked cur-
more authentic side effects have been iden- ariform action which, interestingly enough,
tified. Some of these have been due to had been ascribed to it as early as 1914.

These studies helped to make clear not only of the block produced by d-tubocurarine,
the increased depression which occurs with while it facilitates recovery of neuromus-
the concomitant use of ether and curare, cular transmission after decamethonium in-
but also assisted in elaborating the clinical duced depolarization block: the potentiat-
observation of unequal muscular relaxation ing effect of exercise parallels a concurrent
during equal levels of anesthesia with cyclo- rise in plasma level of lactic acid, suggesting
propane and ether." that increased glycolysis and lactic acid pro-
Furthermore, the interaction of curare duction caused by exercise may be involved
with other drugs is not necessarily confined in the increased sensitivity to d-tubocurar-
to ether or other anesthetic agents that the ine. Dehydration diminishes both the
patient receives during surgery; any of the plasma volume and the volume of extracel-
drugs which are administered to the patient lular fluid, so that an intravenous dose of a
is potentially capable of interacting with muscle relaxant will result in higher initial
curare or other muscle relaxants which the concentration of the drug at the endplate,
patient receives during operation. A most and a slower diffusion from the plasma and
important case in point is the administra- the endplate to the extracellular compart-
tion of an antibiotic drug, and there is now ment. Both of these factors serve to inten-
considerable experimental evidence to sify and prolong the neuromuscular effect
show that some antibiotics have an action of blocking drugs. Disturbances of fluid
at the myoneural junction. Molitor and balance also are generally accompanied by
Graessle were the first to note this effect disturbances of electrolyte balance, and the
when, in 1950, they studied the toxicity of latter can have a profound effect upon both
streptomycin and observed that the sur- neuromuscular transmission and the action
vival rate of their animals was increased if of muscle relaxants. Inorganic ions may
artificial respiration was used. Brazil and influence neuromuscular transmission in
Corrado subsequently demonstrated that several ways, by affecting the nerve fiber,
intravenous doses of streptomycin admin- by affecting the nerve terminal, by the
istered to dogs or pigeons produced hypo- release of the neurohumoral transmitter
tonia and respiratory impairment, and that substance, or by changing the sensitivity of
neostigmine reversed this block to an ex- the postjunctional membrane and muscle
tent, although not as rapidly as calcium fiber to depolarization. A change in tem-
chloride. It has since been shown that neo- perature may also influence the effects of
mycin, streptomycin, dihydrostreptomycin, the various muscle relaxant drugs. In the
polymyxin B, and kanamycin are all capa- experimental animal, for instance, lowered
ble of producing neuromuscular blockade. muscle temperature, either of the whole
The clinical significance of this work, of animal or of a single limb alone, reduces
course, lies in the accidental deaths associ- both the speed of onset and the intensity
ated with the combination of anesthetic and of the nondepolarization block produced
antibiotic drugs. A number of these have by d-tubocurarine, effects which are re-
been reported, so it is wise to ensure that versed by rewarming. Conversely, the de-
muscle relaxants have worn off if intraper- polarization block produced by decametho-
itoneal antibiotics are to be used. nium or succinylcholine is prolonged and
Not only the concomitant administration intensified by lowered temperature.
of a variety of drugs, but also many other Finally, there are a number of disease
factors may alter or affect the pharmaco- states and pathologic situations which sig-
logic response to muscle relaxant drugs. nificantly affect the response to muscle re-
There are, for instance, effects of changes laxant drugs. Liver disease can increase the
in acid-base balance upon the activity of patient's sensitivity to both the nondepolar-
curare and other muscle relaxants. An in- izing and the depolarizing types of relax-
crease in pH serves to decrease the activity ants-although for different reasons-so
of d-tubocurarine, while a lowering of pH that both types of these drugs must be
potentiates the neuromuscular effect of cu- employed with great caution in patients
rare. Exercise also increases the intensity with liver damage. Another disease state
that can affect the sensitivity to the myo- blocking agents in general necessitates
neural blocking drugs is carcinomatous great care in the administration of these
neuropathy. There have now been several drugs to each such patient.
reports of patients suffering from neuro- The blessings of curare, therefore, are
logic and neuromuscular disorders associ- not unmixed. At a meeting of the Section
ated with carcinoma (bronchogenic, pros- on Anaesthetics of the Royal College of
tatic or sigmoid, but particularly oat cell Medicine which was held on April 2, 1948,
carcinoma of the lung), without the pres- it was pointed out that side reactions and,
ence of any metastases in the central ner- in some instances, idiosyncrasy could occur
vous system itself, who have responded to and could "place the anaesthetist in an em-
muscle relaxants in an abnormal manner. barrassing and difficult position." There
The mechanism of the increased sensitivity was agreement, however, as to the "com-
to both the depolarizing and the nondepo- parative nontoxicity" of the drug. On the
larizing drugs in these patients with carci- other side of the Atlantic there was no such
noma remains obscure, but the necessity of agreement. Indeed, quite to the contrary,
employing a test dose in patients suffering even as the British anaesthetists were meet-
from carcinomatous neuropathy is obvious. ing at the Section on Anaesthetics, a major
By far the most important disease state in hassle over the dangers of curare in anes-
relation to the use of the muscle relaxant thetic practice was taking place in the
drugs, however, is myasthemia gravis. The United States. The report which in large
neuromuscular junction of the myasthenic measure precipitated the furor was pub-
patient exhibits a greatly increased sensitiv- lished in the July, 1954, issue of Annals of
ity to curare and other nondepolarizing Surgery under the title, "A Study of the
drugs, and this effect has been used as the Deaths Associated with Anesthesia and Sur-
basis for a diagnostic test for latent myas- gery, Based on a Study of 599,548 Anes-
thenia gravis. On the other hand, these thesias in Ten Institutions 1948-1952, In-
patients generally have a decreased sensi- clusive" (Beecher, H. K. and Todd, D. S.:
tivity to decamethonium due to increased Ann. Surg., 140: 2-34, July, 1954). It is
resistance of the endplate for depolarizing republished below in two parts in this and
influences. The mechanisms involved have the subsequent issue of Survey of Anesthe-
not been elucidated; but the altered sensi- siology with the kind permissions of both
tivity of the myasthenic to neuromuscular the authors and the publisher.

Published October, 1971

The so-called "Beecher-Todd Report on Hospital of New York (Columbia Univer-
Curare Deaths," the republication of which sity College of Physicians and Surgeons);
was begun in the last issue of Survey and is The Hospital of the University of Pennsyl-
completed in this issue, was in fact neither vania (The University of Pennsylvania);
the Beecher-Todd report nor a report on The George Washington University Hos-
curare deaths. It was a survey of the deaths pital and the Gallinger Municipal Hospital
associated with anesthesia and surgery as (George Washington University); The
they occurred in 10 university medical cen- Duke University Hospital (Duke Univer-
ters in the United States between January sity); The Vanderbilt University Hospital
1, 1948, and December 31, 1952 (i.e., a 5 (Vanderbilt University); The Charity Hos-
year period). During the course of those 5 pital of Louisiana (Tulane University); The
years, 21 physicians and 11 secretaries University of Minnesota Hospitals (Univer-
worked continuously on the collection of sity of Minnesota); The Salt Lake County
data on 599,548 anesthesias administered Hospital (University of Utah); and the Stan-
at the university hospitals involved in the ford University Hospitals (Stanford Uni-
study: The Massachusetts General Hospital versity). The data collected represented
(Harvard University); The Presbyterian 105 man years of professional effort in

which the material was painstakingly ob- with mortality rates and their causes are
served, recorded, gathered, and checked. contained in the concluding portion of the
This retrospective survey was concerned report (Beecher, H. K., and Todd, D. S.:
with the role that anesthesia might have A study of the deaths associated with an-
played in the total surgical care of the pa- esthesia and surgery: based on a study of
tients involved, and in particular with the 599,548 anesthesias in 10 institutions,
extent to which anesthesia contributed to 1948-1952, inclusive. Ann. Surg., 140: 2-
mortality in the surgical patient. It recog- 34, 1954), which is reprinted below, again
nized that death in the surgical patient with the kind permissions of the authors
could be due to: (1) the patient's disease and the publisher.
(the unavoidable progression of the pa-
tient's primary illness); (2) error in diag-
nosis (whether or not surgery was per-
formed: i.e., death following generalized A STUDY OF THE DEATHS
peritonitis from a ruptured appendix in a ASSOCIATED WITH
patient being treated conservatively under ANESTHESIA AND SURGERY:
the erroneous diagnosis of acute pancrea- BASED ON A STUDY OF
titis or death from a perforated peptic ulcer 599,548 ANESTHESIAS IN TEN
in a patient in whom a misdiagnosis of acute
appendicitis had been made and simple ap- INSTITUTIONS 1948-1952,
pendectomy performed); (3) error in sur- INCLUSIVE
gical judgment (failure to digitalize when BEECHER, H.K.
digitalization was clearly indicated, failure AND
to administer blood in adequate amounts TODD, D.P.
in hemorrhagic shock, or the performance
of the wrong operation); (4) error in sur- Ann. Surg., 140:2-34, 1954
gical technique (death due to postoperative
hemorrhage because a ligature slipped, in- Quite apart from the controversy sur-
fection not present at the time of operation, rounding the interpretation of the massive
or leakage of the contents of a hollow viscus data summarized in this report, this study
at the surgical suture line); or (5) death due was a landmark in the evolution of multi-
to anesthesia ("anesthesia death"). clinic trials and of clinical pharmacology.
The statistics obtained from this study By no means a model study, it did, how-
were impressive. Those included in the ever, demonstrate the feasibility of investi-
part of the report republished in the last gating rare events by combining the efforts
issue of Survey described the types of anes- and experience of many institutions to gain
thetists (and the number of anesthesiolo- sufficient experience for study. This
gists) administering the anesthetics, the in- method, in a more refined design, was used
cidence of the varying anesthetics used, and subsequently in the National Halothane
the techniques involved. Those concerned Study.


Published April, 1966

Without almost any question, the past inated by halothane. There have been a
decade in clinical anesthesia has been dom- number of other developments which have

been important, of course-the technique unreactive. It therefore seemed a reasona-

of hypothermia, monitory, the intensive ble hypothesis that chemicals consisting of
care unit and the respiratory ward, extra- the groups CF 3 - or CF 2 - would be highly
corporeal circulation, hyperbaric oxygena- stable and unlikely to be involved in meta-
tion, the refinement of ventilators, instru- bolic processes within the body. By 1951,
mentation for blood gas analysis, to name I.C.I. had, in fact, decided to concentrate
only a few-but by sheer weight of num- their studies on compounds containing
bers, if nothing else (although there has these groups in order to obtain a stable
been a great deal else!), halothane has been molecule and (hopefully) therefore one
the milestone in clinical anesthesia during with low toxicity.
the last 10 years. It was also appreciated that nonflamma-
The anesthetic drugs employed in the bility and nonexplosiveness could be facili-
past have often been discovered by hap- tated, if all other things were equal, by
penstance, but halothane represents the re- keeping the percentage of hydrogen in the
sult of a determined effort to produce a molecule at a low level. The substitution of
compound with specific physical and chem- such halogen atoms as fluorine and bro-
ical properties. This search was instigated, mine for hydrogen will reduce flammability
really, because of the experiences during and explosiveness, and, indeed, the halo-
World War II, when it became apparent genation of hydrocarbons tends to decrease
that there was an urgent need for a safe, flammability in proportion to the number
potent, nonexplosive, volatile anesthetic of halogen atoms which are substituted.
drug. This need was further accentuated The group of compounds with which the
after the war because of the increasing use I.C.I. team planned to work-the fluori-
of electrocoagulation and other electrical nated hydrocarbons-could thus be made
equipment during surgery, the rising costs nonflammable and nonexplosive by the
of constructing operating rooms which presence of chlorine and bromine atoms in
would be safe against fires and explosions, the molecule in place of hydrogen.
and the imperative requirement for a sim- And, finally, the problem of anesthetic
ple yet safe anesthetic for use in the event potency was approached from the point of
of a nuclear holocaust. view of the thermodynamic activity of the
One group undertaking such a search substance in question. Ferguson had shown
was the Research Department of the Gen- that the saturated vapor pressure was an
eral Chemical Division of Imperial Chemi- important factor in explaining the differ-
cal Industries, Ltd. (I.C.I.) in England, and ences in potency between anesthetic com-
Suckling has described the efforts of this pounds, and that the ratio (Pa/Ps) of the
team of physicists, chemists, engineers, and partial pressure producing anesthesia (Pa)
pharmacologists in their attempt to develop to the saturated vapor pressure of the com-
a compound with all of the necessary prop- pound at a given temperature (Ps) is ap-
erties: i.e., absence of chemical toxicity, proximately equal to thermodynamic activ-
absence of inflammability and explosive ity. It was thus possible, from Ferguson's
hazards, and anesthetic potency itself. work, to calculate the approximate anes-
The I.C.I. team noted, first, that one way thetic potency of a compound in advance.
to reduce toxicity was to employ com- On the basis of these precise reasonings,
pounds which were chemically inert and I.C.I. began with a series of fluorinated
therefore unlikely to be involved in meta- paraffins which they themselves manu-
bolic processes within the body; and they factured under the trade name Arcton and
further noted that one group of chemicals sold for use as refrigerants and aerosols.
which possessed a high degree of chemical These Arcton compounds owe their use as
stability was the fluorinated hydrocarbons. refrigerants and in aerosols to their volatil-
The chemical inertness of these com- ity, low toxicity, and nonflammability; and
pounds is the result of the strong bond the decision was made to search among
between carbon and fluorine, as a conse- these, as well as other fluorinated com-
quence of which the fluorine atom is quite pounds, for a substance which would be a

safe, potent, nonexplosive, volatile anes- the stated requirements. The substance
thetic agent. Arcton 4 (CF 2HCI) and Arc- (which was an unknown compound at the
ton 7 (CFHCI2) were tested as anesthetics, time) was therefore synthesized, screened,
but both produced convulsions in mice; and and eventually subjected to detailed phar-
it became evident that compounds of the macologic study. The results of these stud-
Arcton type which are gases at room tem- ies were reported in 1956 in the British
perature frequently do produce convul- Journal of Pharmacology by Ravent6s
sions. However, the physical and chemical (Raventos, J.: The action of Fluothane-a
considerations mentioned above indicated new volatile anaesthetic. Brit.J. Pharmacol.,
that 2-bromo-2-chloro 1,1,1-trifluoroe- 11: 394, 1956) and are reprinted below
thane (CF3CHBrCI), which is a liquid at with the kind permissions of the author and
room temperature and also a compound the publisher.
from the Arcton series, might fulfill all of

THE ACTION OF with 02 in concentrations from 0.5 to 50%

FLUOTHANE (v/v). It is stable over soda lime.
"2. It is an inhalation anaesthetic more
A NEW VOLATILE potent than ether and chloroform on ex-
ANAESTHETIC perimental animals. Its therapeutic ratio is
about twice that of ether. Induction of
anaesthesia and recovery are both rapid
From the Research Department, and free from excitement. It produces
Imperial Chemical good muscular relaxation. It does not cause
(Pharmaceuticals) Ltd., salivation or vomiting.
Hexagon House, "3. With the exception of hypotension,
Blackley, Manchester, 9 it does not produce any serious functional
disturbances. It does not produce cardiac
With an Appendix by irregularities, but increases the sensitivity
R. R. GOODALL of the heart to adrenaline. It does not in-
(Received May 31, 1956) crease capillary bleeding.
"4. The inhalation of high concentra-
Br. J.Pharmacol., 11: 394, 1956 tion (3.5%) stops the respiration, but this
apnoea is easily reversible.
"5. The only pathological lesion found
in animals after its use is a mild dilatation
"1. Fluothane (CF 3CHCIBr) is a volatile of the proximal tubules of the kidney. This
liquid with a b.p. of 50.2 C. and an S.G. lesion is not associated with alteration of
of 1.86. It is not inflammable when mixed the renal function."

Published October, 1977

It is said that fat people are happy people. is technically difficult, and there is the dan-
They are cheery in countenance, they get ger of both extravascular injection and in-
along well with their fellow humans, they advertent intraarterial injection; bony
are stoical in disposition, they have a bright landmarks for conduction anesthesia are
outlook on life, and they are complacent. hard to palpate; upper airway obstruction
Shakespeare understood this well when he is common, with the often inelegant induc-
had Caesar say, "Let me have men about tion sequence of bucking, salivation,
me that are fat, Sleek-headed men, and breath-holding, and cyanosis; satisfactory
such as sleep o' nights: Yond Cassius has a laryngoscopy may frequently be impeded
lean and hungry look; He thinks too much: by supra- and antesternal pads of fat, and
such men are dangerous." Washington Irv- trauma to the mouth and oropharynx is
ing made the same point in Knickerbocker's common; and most particularly, there are
History of New York: "Who ever hears of fat significant changes from the normal in
men heading a riot, or herding together in terms of cardiopulmonary function.
riotous mobs?" The abnormalities in respiratory func-
But fat people in operating rooms are tion are many-as Gertrude, Queen of
anything but jolly sights. The morbidly Denmark, said of Laertes, "He's fat, and
obese who are to undergo jejunoileal or scant of breath." And so he was. In the
other gut-bypass procedures are, of course, obese, the total lung capacity is reduced;
a legend unto themselves. The just plain the inspiratory capacity (IC) is reduced; the
obese should also strike terror into the expiratory reserve volume (ERV) is re-
heart of any anesthesiologist: the anesthetic duced; the vital capacity (VC) is reduced;
problems of obesity shorten the lives of the functional residual capacity (FRC) is
many surgical patients-and also the lives reduced; the closing volume (CV) is in-
of some of their anesthetists. Venepuncture creased; and the combination of an in-

creased closing volume and decreased ex- so many people mistakenly believe, but
piratory reserve volume leads to underven- rather to Mr. Wardle's boy, "Fat Joe," in
tilation of the dependent portions of the Charles Dickens' "The Pickwick Papers."
lung, and hence hypoxemia, due either to The original paper (Burwell, C. S., Robin,
overperfusion of underventilated areas of E. D., Whaley, R. D. and Bickelmann, A.
the lung or to perfusion of totally unventi- G.: Extreme obesity associated with alveo-
lated lung tissue. lar hypoventilation: a Pickwickian syn-
The cardiovascular problems are also im- drome. American Journal of Medicine, 21:
mense (no pun intended). There is a posi- 811, 1956) is reprinted below with the kind
tive correlation between increased weight permission of the authors and publishers.
and increase in arterial blood pressure; and
although blood pressure measurement, by
the Riva-Rocci armlet sphygmomanometer
method, is often inaccurate in the obese EXTREME OBESITY
(because of the cuff size of the armlet), it is ASSOCIATED
well documented that hypertension and WITH ALVEOLAR
obesity go, if not arm in arm, at least cheek HYPO VENTILATION-A
by jowl. Cardiac output is increased, up to PICKWICKIAN SYNDROME
10 liters per minute with a 100 kilogram
weight gain. Total blood volume is also C. SIDNEY BURWELL,
increased; and this, combined with the in- EUGENE D. ROBIN,
creased stroke volume, forces the increased ROBERT W. WHALEY
cardiac output into a relatively unaltered AND
peripheral resistance, leading to the hyper- ALBERT G. BICKELMANN
tension. There is cardiomegaly by chest x-
ray, estimated at 1 millimeter for every Department of Medicine,
1.32 kilogram increase in weight above Harvard Medical School,
normal by the Ponderal or Somatic Index Boston, Massachusetts
(height in centimeters divided by the cube Am. J. Med., 21: 811, 1956
root of weight in pounds); and there may
be electrocardiographic changes in some
patients and increased left ventricular end- This article considers the association of
diastolic pressures. The cardiomegaly is not obesity, somnolence, polycythemia and ex-
due to fatty infiltration of the heart, but cessive appetite, illustrated by a case his-
rather to true left ventricular enlargement tory. A classic description of this association
(muscle hypertrophy), which may or may of signs and symptoms was written by
not be associated with right ventricular en- Charles Dickens in 1837 in his "Pickwick
largement. Papers", and for this reason the authors call
These cardiopulmonary changes are it the Pickwickian syndrome. Clinical fea-
common to almost all obese patients. There tures include marked obesity, somnolence,
is, however, an association of signs and twitching, cyanosis, periodic respiration,
symptoms, occurring in an estimated 10 polycythemia, right ventricular hypertro-
per cent of these patients, which is unique. phy, and right ventricular failure.
These were described by a former Dean of The authors describe a patient, 5 feet 5
Harvard Medical School and his colleagues inches tall and weighing 263 pounds, who
in delightful fashion as "The Pickwickian portrayed most of the above signs and
Syndrome." Mr. Pickwick was fat, of symptoms, all of which disappeared during
course; but the reference is not to him, as a weight loss from 121.4 to 103.6 kg.


Published December, 1973

When succinylcholine was introduced per cent, 40 per cent, 49 per cent, 59 per
into clinical practice in 1952-after having cent, 49 per cent again, 72 per cent, 76 per
sat on the shelf with its myoneural blocking cent, 83 per cent, and 89 per cent! There
properties unrecognized for more than 45 does appear to be a higher incidence in the
years!-it was widely hailed as the ideal middle age groups (20 to 50 years as op-
muscle relaxant. By one definition, that is posed to children or older adults); in fe-
"a drug which hits, runs, and leaves no males; and following early ambulation. Its
memory," succinylcholine appeared to fill occurrence can be reduced by thiopental,
the bill. An early clinical report concluded, pretreatment with gallamine or d-tubocu-
"One of the characteristics of the prepara- rarine, and by high doses of i.v. procaine
tion is its short-term action. It was, there- or lidocaine.
fore, found suitable for use on occasions Transient increase in intraocular tension
when relaxation of short duration only was was another pharmacologic effect which
required. It was also found to be eminently caused early concern. It was attributed to
suitable for lengthier operations, when eas- compression of the globe by the succinyl-
ily regulated muscular relaxation was de- choline induced contraction of the extra-
sired. Muscular relaxation was found to be ocular muscles, and fear was expressed as
satisfactory in every case. No cumulative to the effect of such increased pressure in
effect or tachyphylaxis was observed. No acute glaucoma and its occurrence during
complications or toxic actions were encoun- intraocular surgery with the globe incised.
tered, either during anesthesia or post-op- In point of fact, a case of vitreous expulsion
eratively." was reported under the latter circum-
An ideal drug, indeed! stances, and the presence of an eye injury
Almost before that ink was dry, however, or "open eye" surgery became a firm con-
reports of complications, toxic reactions, traindication to the use of succinylcholine.
undesirable pharmacologic effects, and There were also reports of a rise in intra-
drug interactions began to appear in the gastric pressure following the use of succi-
literature. nylcholine, a matter of some moment in
One of the first of these to be docu- relation to the "crash induction" so com-
mented was the feeling of muscle stiffness monly employed in an effort to prevent
and pain caused by the fasciculations which regurgitation and aspiration in patients
follow i.v. administration of the drug. Gen- with full stomach. Any sudden increase of
erally this occurs in the neck and shoulders, intragastric pressure, added to the pressure
chest, abdomen, and back, but occasionally already exerted by the gastric tone pro-
in the jaw or limbs. The pain usually ap- duced by the full stomach, could be suffi-
pears within 12 to 24 hours (sometimes as cient to open the cardia and allow stomach
soon as 3 hours or as late as 4 days), and contents to pass upwards. The increase in
lasts 1 or 2 days (but can last for as long as intragastric pressure was presumed to be
5 or 6 days). The mechanism involved is related to the occurrence of pronounced
not really understood, but presumably is fasciculations; and, again, as in the case of
related to depolarization, although there is the muscle pains, thiopental or pretreat-
no correlation between the magnitude of ment with a nondepolarizing relaxant were
the visible fasciculations and the incidence advocated to prevent the fasciculations.
or severity of the pain. The frequency of The early pharmacologic experiments in
this complication is variously reported as anesthetized cats and dogs had indicated
0.7 per cent, 26 per cent, 34 per cent, 36 that succinylcholine had no effect on the

cardiovascular system, but clinical experi- duction of the terrifying syndrome of ma-
ence soon proved that this was also not lignant hyperthermia. The precise etiology
true. The first of the adverse cardiovascu- of this syndrome remains unknown, and
lar effects reported was that of hyperten- certainly it can occur in both susceptible
sion, originally believed due to a direct laboratory animals and in patients without
effect upon the myocardium, but now at- exposure of either to succinylcholine. Nev-
tributed at least in part to the release of ertheless, it is also true that the drug can
catecholamines by a ganglion stimulating trigger the syndrome in susceptible ani-
action of succinylcholine. More disturbing mals, and has been a common denominator
have been the many reports of bradycardia, in a great many of the patients who have
sinus arrest,and supraventricular and ven- been victims of the syndrome. Indeed, an
tricular arrhythmias following repeated i.v. abnormal response to succinylcholine is of-
injection of succinylcholine, particularly in ten the first sign of malignant hyperther-
infants and children. Ventricular arrhyth- mia, and usually consists of exaggerated
mias also occur in digitalized patients fol- fasciculations following the initial dose, fail-
lowing succinylcholine, possibly related to ure to produce muscle relaxation, or even
myocardial ionic movements of potassium, frank muscle spasm to the point of opis-
and represent a potential hazard, particu- thotonus. It is not clear in such instances
larly in the fully digitalized patient. whether the succinylcholine actually trig-
While histamine release associated with gers the syndrome, or whether the abnor-
the use of muscle relaxants is usually mal reaction to the drug merely represents
thought of in terms of d-tubocurarine, part of the picture of a fundamental bio-
there have been a number of reports of chemical defect of the muscle.
bronchospasm following the use of succi- Succinylcholine can produce hyperkale-
nylcholine, presumably secondary to hista- mia to dangerous levels (i.e., cardiac arrest)
mine release. In at least one instance, the in patients in whom the response to the
situation deteriorated to death. An allergic drug has been altered by severe burns;
reaction has also been described, consisting neurologic damage such as paraplegia,
of a rash on the trunk, head and extremi- hemiplegia and multiple sclerosis; muscular
ties, facial edema, and a fall in blood pres- dystrophy; or massive trauma. The mech-
sure (from 155/100 to 70/40), which was anism is probably related to the fact that
attributed to histamine release by succinyl- succinylcholine, by virtue of its depolariz-
choline. ing mode of action, produces an efflux of
Generalized myotonia has been reported potassium from the muscle cell and a rise
following the use of succinylcholine in pa- in potassium level, and this response be-
tients suffering from myotonia dystrophica comes exaggerated in the types of patients
or myotonia congenita, and this has also just enumerated. The critical period ap-
occurred in patients with these diseases pears to be between 20 to 60 days following
after the administration of other depolar- burns; and a similar, although less well
izing muscle relaxants. In some patients it defined, period following neurologic dam-
became exceedingly difficult to inflate the age or gross trauma. Cautious observers,
lungs, and marked cyanosis resulted. These however, believe that the vulnerable period
generalized muscle spasms may be associ- should be considered to extend from as
ated with myoglobinuria, which is usually early as 24 to 48 hours and to as late as 90
an indication of muscle damage and per- days.
haps is related to gross fasciculations. In The earlier belief that succinylcholine is
any event, it would seem prudent to avoid freely compatible with all other drugs has
the use of succinylcholine (or other depo- also had to be altered, since it is now rec-
larizing drugs) in patients known to have ognized that prolonged apneas can follow
either myotonia dystrophica or myotonia the use of the drug when certain other
congenita. compounds are being employed simulta-
The effect of succinylcholine upon mus- neously. The anti-tumor agents, AB-132
cle tissue may also be involved in the pro- and cyclophosphamide, have been reported

to produce a prolonged response to succi- esterase, but perhaps by other cholinester-

nylcholine, presumably by depression of ase or cholinesterase-like enzymes. Succinic
the plasma cholinesterase level; and echo- acid and choline have no clinically signifi-
thiophate eye-drops-an opthalmologic fa- cant actions at the myoneural junction (suc-
vorite for the management of chronic glau- cinic acid will enhance the activity of suc-
coma and accommodative esotropia-also cinylcholine if injected intraarterially, but
cause prolonged apnea when the patient is this is a laboratory exercise of no clinical
given succinylcholine. In fact, a great many importance), but succinylmonocholine is a
organophosphorous compounds (of which depolarizing muscle relaxant, much less po-
echothiophate is one) have this property; tent than succinylcholine (1/20th to '/8sth,
and a case has been reported from Ger- depending upon whom you read), but also
many in which an agricultural worker who much more slowly metabolized. When
was the victim of organophosphorous poi- larger doses of succinylcholine are infused,
soning (the organophosphates are the therefore, considerable amounts of succi-
world's most commonly used pesticides, nylmonocholine can accumulate and pro-
now that DDT has lost its ecologic status) duce a prolonged apnea.
was prepared for craniotomy in the mis- The second method by which frank ov-
taken belief that he had a brain lesion, erdosage can produce a prolonged apnea
received succinylcholine for intubation, relates to the fact that the block produced
and as a result remained apneic for hours. by succinylcholine may undergo a change
In the case of organophosphate poisoning to a nondepolarizing type of block, a so-
with echothiophate or a pesticide like par- called "phase II" or "desensitization block."
athion, it is not a matter of depression of The occurrence of this type of block does
plasma or pseudocholinesterase levels, but not necessarily mean that a prolonged ap-
rather of phosphorylation of the cholines- nea will follow, but a prolonged apnea may
terase, which renders the enzyme totally well be associated with-if not caused by-
inactive. A number of disease conditions a phase II block.
do actually lower pseudocholinesterase The complication following the admin-
levels, however, by interfering with its he- istration of succinylcholine which has re-
patic production: liver disease itself, of ceived the most attention, however, is that
course; carcinomatous neuropathy; preg- relating to prolonged apnea due to atypical
nancy; and cachexia or malnutrition from pseudocholinesterase. It is interesting that
whatever cause. The local anesthetic drugs, this particular complication should receive
procaine and lidocaine, compete with suc- so much attention because it is really com-
cinylcholine for plasma cholinesterase hy- paratively rare, occurring in perhaps
drolysis, and can potentiate the muscle re- 1 : 2500, depending upon the population
laxant's action clinically on this basis if they under study. The study which led to its
are used in large amounts in the treatment discovery was important, though, not be-
of persistent arrhythmias or as part of the cause of the atypical cholinesterase itself,
anesthetic technique. but because it focused attention on the role
Prolonged apnea following the adminis- which genetic factors can have in the reac-
tration of succinylcholine, however, is most tions to anesthetic drugs and other drugs
often due to frank overdosage, and results employed in the surgical patient. It was
from one of two mechanisms. The first of entitled, "A method for the detection of
these relates to the metabolism of succinyl- atypical forms of human serum cholinester-
choline. The short duration of action of ase. Determination of dibucaine numbers"
succinylcholine is the result of its extremely (Kalow, W. and Genest, K.: Can.J. Biochem.
rapid hydrolysis by pseudocholinesterase, Physiol., 35: 339-346, 1957), and is re-
to succinylmonocholine and choline. Suc- printed below with the kind permission of
cinylmonocholine is then hydrolyzed at a the authors and the National Research
much slower rate to succinic acid and cho- Council of Canada.
line again (presumably) by pseudocholin-

A METHOD FOR THE TN Nupercaine, Perkain) A good discrim-

DETECTION OF ATYPICAL ination between typical and atypical sera
was obtained under the following condi-
FORMS OF HUMAN SERUM tions: The esterase activity of human serum
CHOLINESTERASE. diluted 1 : 100 was measured with a re-
DETERMINATION OF cording spectrophotometer at 240 m .The
DIBUCAINE NUMBERS substrate was 5 x 10-5 M benzoylcholine
dissolved in M/15 phosphate buffer, pH
W. KALOW 7.4. The concentration of the inhibitor was
AND 10- 5 M. With the experimental tempera-
K. GENEST ture around 25 o C., the average inhibition
Can. J. Biochem. Physiol., 35: 339-346, of the typical enzyme was 78.8 0.3%.
1957 The inhibition of the atypical esterases was
less; in rare cases the inhibition was only
16%. For each person, the inhibition char-
acteristics were constant over a period of
several months, and independent of the
"Cases with atypical esterase activity were esterase level. The degree of inhibition
found by determining esterase inhibition in measured under these conditions and ex-
numerous sera. A suitable inhibitor was the pressed in per cent has been termed "Di-
local anaesthetic dibucaine (cinchocaine, bucaine Number"."

PublishedJune, 1979
In a letter to the Editor of the British very definitely conscious at some stage of
Medical Journal on January 28, 1950, Dr. an operative procedure. His letter was en-
F. H. Winterbottom described an incident titled "Insufficient Anaesthesia," and he
involving his administration of anesthesia commented that, if faced with a similar type
to a woman who was undergoing subtotal of case again, he would perhaps be a little
pancreatectomy for a carcinoma of the more generous with the thiopentone.
head of the pancreas: Awareness during anesthesia is scarcely
"I saw the patient on the third day after a new phenomenon: it has been a potential
operation and during conversation casually hazard from the very beginning. In fact,
inquired about when she came around. Her probably the first documented instance of
reply was somewhat shattering-'As a mat- awareness during anesthesia occurred on
ter of fact, Doctor, I woke up in the theatre! the occasion of the classic public demon-
I remember going to sleep after your injec- stration of the efficacy of ether anesthesia
tion in my arm, and some time later I was by William Thomas Green Morton on Oc-
awakened by the most excruciating pain in tober 16, 1846. Dr. John Collins Warren,
my tummy. It felt as if my whole inside the Senior Surgeon at the Massachusetts
were being pulled out: I wanted to cry out General Hospital, who performed the op-
or otherwise indicate my suffering, but I eration for the removal of a tumor from
couldn't move any part of me. I heard the the neck of Gilbert Abbott, has left us
doctors talking about the gall-bladder and perhaps the best description of that opera-
about doing something with it to the small tion:
intestine. Then I went to sleep again and "The patient was arranged for the oper-
later woke up back here in bed."' ation in a sitting posture and everything
Dr. Winterbottom had performed the made ready ...the patient was then made
anesthetic with "thiopentone, nitrous ox- to inhale . .. from a tube connected with a
ide, and tubarine," and his query to the glass globe. After four or five minutes he
readers of the British Medical Journal was appeared to be asleep and was thought by
whether any other anesthetist had had the Dr. Morton to be in a condition for the
misfortune of having a curarized patient operation. I made an incision between two

and three inches long in the direction of letter from Winterbottom, quoted above,
the tumor and to my great surprise without was followed by a spate of Letters to the
any starting, crying, or other indication of Editor in the British Medical Journal, but
pain. The fascia was divided, the patient 9 years were to elapse before the next
still appearing wholly insensible ... I was published report appeared in the literature.
not satisfied myself until I had, soon after This described a 40 year old woman un-
operation and on various other occasions, dergoing vaginal hysterectomy under thio-
asked the questions whether he had suf- pental, N 20, succinylcholine infusion, with
fered pain. To this he always replied in the assisted respirations. It was noted that there
negative, adding, however, that he knew of were occasional episodes of resistance to
the operation, and comparing the stroke of inspiratory assistance, and at one point dur-
the knife to that of a blunt instrument ing the operation the patient (in the litho-
passed roughly across the neck." tomy position) suddenly moved her right
Note Warren's careful language: "To leg. Graff and Phillips reported: "Despite
this he always replied in the negative, this apparently uneventful anesthetic
adding, however, that he knew of the opera- course the patient had a most unpleasant
tion, and comparing the stroke of the knife experience to relate to the surgeon and
to that of a blunt instrument passed anesthetist .... She had been intermit-
roughly across the neck." This is awareness tently conscious and unconscious during
without pain, comparable, but not identi- the three-hour anesthetic period .... She
cal, to the ether analgesia during recovery volunteered the information that an airway
from ether anesthesia described by John had been inserted in her mouth and re-
Snow a year later: "Commonly, the patient moved at some time later .... She recon-
would feel pain if any part of an operation structed details pertaining to the discussion
were performed in this stage, but not al- of the blood loss and the decision to start
ways; for, in some instances, the special administration of the second unit of blood
senses of sight and hearing, and complete .... She also experienced dull, unbearable
consciousness and volition, return before pelvic, lower back, and perineal pain dur-
common sensibility, and the operation may ing much of the operation."
be going on, for a short time, without his There was little doubt in the minds of
feeling it, and perhaps, whilst he, thinking the attending physicians that the patient
that it is concluded, is remarking that he was conscious during phases of this proce-
did not feel it." dure and suffered considerable discomfort,
Indeed, many of the anesthetics of the Graff and Phillips documented this case
first decades, following Morton's successful in 1969, and during the intervening 20
use of ether, were performed at such light years, which have witnessed a widespread
levels of anesthesia that accounts at the use of so-called balanced techniques of an-
time indicate that it was customary to in- esthesia, the anesthesiologist has become
quire, immediately after commencement of very concerned over the problem of aware-
surgery, whether the patient was feeling ness during anesthesia. A number of inves-
any pain-conversation among surgeon, tigations have been undertaken and have
anesthetist, and patient was the rule, just as clearly identified the problem of awareness,
it still is today when conduction anesthesia with or without pain, as being related to
is used. As surgical horizons expanded to the use of muscle relaxants. Henderson, in
intra-abdominal operations, the demand one of the first retrospective studies, could
for muscular relaxation and even utter flac- identify no instances of awareness during
cidity led to much deeper levels of anesthe- 181 anesthetic administrations which did
sia, and little was heard of awareness during not include the use of a muscle relaxant;
anesthesia with such potent inhalation an- only 2 instances of awareness in 201
esthetics as ether and chloroform. patients to whom a short-acting muscle
With the introduction of curare, how- relaxant was administered to facilitate en-
ever, the problem of awareness began to dotracheal intubation (and these could
re-emerge. The instance described in the undoubtedly be accepted as instances of

redistribution of thiopental before the come aware of their surroundings in the

inhalation agent could take hold of the course of their operation and moreover,
situation); but 6 instances of awareness in although happily more rarely, that pain
216 patients to whom a long-acting muscle sensation is not totally abolished must in
relaxant was administered, combined with the vast majority of instances and in the
the use of controlled respirations. She absence of equipment failure be a reflec-
found, in short, a 2.8 per cent incidence of tion upon the anaesthetist's competence
awareness when a long-acting muscle relax- and choice of technique.
ant was employed to produce total paraly- "Awareness in the course of a general
sis, with ventilation then being maintained anaesthetic used to be a rarity when reli-
by artificial means. ance for the maintenance of the anaesthetic
The problem, of course, is the difficulty state was placed upon potent but easily
of judging the "depth" (and that is a most adjustable inhalation agents and relaxants
inappropriate word for it) of hypnotic-ni- were used only to the extent that relaxation
trous oxide-relaxant-narcotic anesthesia. of skeletal muscles was required. The intro-
There is no precise classification of the duction of techniques which combine light
stages and signs of anesthesia such as Gue- sleep and analgesia with large doses of re-
del developed for the administration of laxants has changed all that. Even experi-
ether anesthesia. It has been said that, with enced anaesthetists do not always find it
this mode of "balanced anesthesia," there easy to determine when unconsciousness is
is a floor under the anesthesia, in the sense on the wane or when further doses of an-
that the patient is unlikely to become too algesics are required since the classical signs
"deep" (in the classical sense), but that there of tachycardia and tearing are by no means
is no ceiling over it, and it is all too possible constant and in retrospect have not oc-
for the patient to become too "light" and curred in some patients who, by their own
enter a stage of awareness. Indeed, one wag account, have been awake during all, most,
has classified the stages of "balanced anes- or part of the operation. Hence errors of
thesia" as too light, too deep, and just right. judgment as to the need for deeper anaes-
Every anesthesiologist develops his or her thesia and further analgesics do occur and
own criteria indicative of insufficient doses they happen more frequently the less ex-
of the individual drugs employed in "bal- perienced the anaesthetist."
anced anesthesia", and these do not always Many people have pondered these prob-
coincide with the criteria which would be lems at considerable lengths, but the first
employed by another observer. The blood
to attempt to unravel the conflicting signs
pressure, the pulse rate, sweating, grimac-
and devise a rational scheme of things was
ing, movement, tearing, straining, sterno- Philip D. Woodbridge, in a paper which he
cleidomastoid tension, and the like mean wrote on the need to develop a new classi-
different things to different people, and fication to describe the levels of nervous
even many of these disappear as useful signs depression during anesthetic polyphar-
in the fully paralyzed, ventilated patient. macy or "balanced anesthesia."
Gordon Wyant described the problem Woodbridge was way ahead of his time,
eloquently in a sensitive and thought-pro- of course; but in addition he made a fatal
voking Letter to the Editor of the Canadian mistake. He had a friend who was a Profes-
Anaesthetist's Society Journal:
sor of Classics, and together they plotted
to outdo Oliver Wendell Holmes and come
"Dear Sir: up with an even worse word than anesthesia
General anaesthesia, by definition, in- to describe the state that Woodbridge was
volves total loss of consciousness and the so brilliantly documenting. They did. They
patient who is told that a general anaes- came up with the term nothria, which,
thetic will be administered is entitled to translated from the Greek, means torpor.
expect not only freedom from pain during Then they compounded the error by coin-
the surgical procedure but also total obliv- ing the following words derived from noth-
ion. That patients much too frequently be- ria;nothrogen, noun, a drug which produces

nothria; nothretic, adjective, insensible, in- needed? how much blocking of reflexes is
active, stuporous; nothretize, verb, to pro- needed? how much mental blocking is
duce nothria; nothreusis, noun, the process needed? and with what drug will I produce
of producing nothria; nothretist, noun, one each of these actions? He may decide on a
who produces nothria; nothrology, noun, single drug which, combined with suitable
knowledge or study of nothria; and noth- preliminary medication, will cover the
rologist, noun, one who makes a study of needs of the operation, with a wide margin;
nothria. No one ever really took the paper or, on the other hand, he may fit the effect
seriously after that, which was too bad, more closely to the need in each compo-
because it was precisely the type of concept nent by using drugs having more specific
that was needed to classify and evaluate the actions. The currently discussed question
various levels of the hypnotic-nitrous ox- of the use of a single agent as contrasted to
ide-narcotic-relaxant sequence. It was a "polypharmacy" seems to resolve itself
landmark paper on a matter of great con- mainly into the questions of how closely the
cern to the anesthesiologist, and it deserved proposed drug or combination of drugs fits
to be taken seriously. the anticipated pattern of needs for a given
Woodbridge's paper, "Changing Con- operation, and what undesirable side ef-
cepts Concerning Depth of Anesthesia," fects it may produce.
was published in the July-August, 1957,
issue of Anesthesiology (18: 536, 1957) and
is reprinted below with the kind permission
of the publisher. "The pattern of signs of depth of "gen-
eral anesthesia" formulated by Guedel and
others was designed primarily for ether and
CHANGING CONCEPTS similar drugs. We are now using drugs
having more limited or specific action, and
CONCERNING DEPTH OF a new pattern of signs is needed to use with
ANESTHESIA them. Such a pattern is offered, for further
elaboration by others, in which the process
until now known as "general anesthesia" is
Anesthesiology, 18: 536, 1957 divided into the four components of sen-
sory block, motor block, block of reflexes,
"Before each operation and before each and mental block. Since the word anesthe-
phase of each operation the nothrologist sia properly refers to sensory block only,
needs to ask himself: how much sensory the word Nothria is introduced, to refer to
blocking is needed? how much relaxation is combinations of these components."


Published February, 1967

Today, Classical File is ten years old-as With ten year old Classical Files it is a
is Survey ofAnesthesiology itself-and a tenth little different. There is no ice cream and
birthday party is always a wonderfully ex- cake, and the name of the game has just
citing event. There are presents to open, recently become Find-Something-Good-
games to play, and ice cream and cake That-Faulconer-And-Keys-Haven't-Al-
galore. At least, so it is with ten year old ready-Republished. But there are lots of
boys and girls. presents-and have been for ten whole

years. Perhaps the biggest and best has and is reprinted below with the kind per-
been from The Editor of Survey of Anesthe- missions of the editor and the publishers.
siology, who has scrupulously refrained
from changing so much as a comma (al-
though he thinks that there are too many A FABLE OF ANESTHESIA
of, them) in the Introductory Comments to FOR OUR TIMES
Classical File. A second wonderful present
has been from the publishers, who have
cooperated completely and uncomplain- J. Comm. Soc. Med., 3: 47-53, 1959
ingly to fulfill requests for translations, re-
productions of illustrations, and myriad Once upon a time there was a mouse who
other outlandish demands. And, finally, was an anesthesiologist.
there have been all those presents from He was a very well-trained mouse, and
other journals, books, authors, and publish- he held a number of degrees to prove this
ers which have made Classical File possible fact, including an A.B., a C.D., and E.F.,
and for which public acknowledgment of and an F.F.R.R.S.T.U.V.A.
thanks are due: He was active in a number of scientific
societies, among which were the Interna-
tional Rodent Anesthesia Research Society,
All of these goodies are bound to put the Amalgamated Association of Mice
one into a gay, holiday mood; and faithful Anesthesiologists, and the United Society
readers of these columns may recall that on for the Prevention of Laryngospasm.
the occasion of a similar joyous anniversary He also held a faculty appointment at
5 years ago, Classical File indulged in a bit The Medical School and of this he was
of whimsey concerning the socio-economic exceedingly proud; whenever he gave an-
status of anesthesia by republishing Rich- esthesia for the Chief of Surgery-who
ard Gordon's "Sleeping Partner." This naturally was a bear-he made a special
light-hearted approach failed to precipitate effort to have things go well, for he knew
irate letters either from or to the Editor of that it was the Bear who dispensed faculty
Survey of Anesthesiology, a fact which has appointments.
been interpreted as license for Classical File One day the Bear was in an especially
to shed its strict concern with science and bad humor.
musty archives once every 5 years in favor In the first place, there had been that
of some consideration of the more mun- ridiculous incident of the porridge bowls
dane aspects of the practice of anesthesia. the night before, and it had been well after
For this reason, Classical File departs midnight before they had gotten the little
from its usual sequential plan to present an girl back to her family.
article that has been republished many And then, when he finally had gone to
times in medical journals all over this coun- bed, he hadn't been able to sleep. He was
try and abroad; republished so often, as a still seething over the letter of rejection
matter of fact, that its presentation here from The Leading SurgicalJournal. Having
could almost be considered de trops-ex- the article rejected was bad enough in itself,
cept that Classical File would be derelict in for Lord knows he had published very little
its duty to ignore such a communication that year, and one didn't stay Chief of
any longer. For those who have read this Surgery just by doing good surgery. As a
classic before, it is hoped that rereading matter-of-fact, doing good surgery didn't
will only serve to intensify the enjoyment; have anything to do with being Chief of
for those who have never read it, Survey is Surgery: a lot of the other bears didn't
delighted to present the editorial, "A Fable realize this, but a couple of the residents
of Anesthesia For Our Times," which was were beginning to suspect it. But the thing
published in the September, 1959, issue of about the letter that he really resented was
the Journal of Community and Social Medi- the insinuation by The Editor that the work
cine (J. Comm. & Soc. Med., 3: 47-53, 1959) had been plagiarized from some research
of one of The Editor's own junior col- ber of the family at breakfast, had always
leagues. Why, he remembered the very said that he was so sensitive to people that
night at last year's Grand Surgical Meeting he should become a psychiatrist-but it
when he had told The Editor, at dinner, of also might have been the fact that the Bear
his idea that the serum rhubarb level was started off by glaring at him so viciously
drastically reduced after operation, and that he felt like climbing right inside the
might account for some of the cardiovas- reservoir bag of his anesthesia machine.
cular complications encountered in the "Well, what the blankety-blank-blank are
postoperative period. (He had forgotten you going to do about those two rooms
the name of the interne who had first sug- being closed again, huh?"
gested this at rounds one day; but in any The Bear's roar almost blew the mouse
case, the boy had been very indefinite and right off his stool.
hadn't expressed it at all well.) "S-S-ir?"
The Bear finally had drifted off to a fitful "I said, what the blankety-blank-blank
sleep, only to get up in the morning to that are you going to do about those two rooms
hideous family argument at breakfast over being closed again?"
where to go to hibernate the next winter. "Well, its ... it's awfully hard to get
The argument had been dominated by the anesthesiologists, you know."
unpleasant, but inescapable, fact that Jun- "Why? Why is it so blankety-blank hard
ior Bear was doing so poorly at school that to get them?"
he would have to be tutored again, and "Well, there's ... there's a very real
they wouldn't be able to afford a hiberna- shortage ... all over the country ... a real
tion in any event. shortage."
The crowning blow, though, was to ar- The Mouse paused. He wanted to go on,
rive at The Hospital and find that two but then he thought that discretion was the
operating rooms were closed again for lack better part of valor. On the other hand, it
of anesthesia. Now this didn't affect the was wise to strike while the iron was hot.
Bear's own operating schedule, of course, He went on.
for as Chief of Surgery he had a goldplated "Besides, it's not easy to get them to come
priority (he had objected to this priority here. The working conditions aren't the
system when it had first been set up some best, you know." He hurried on, lest he
years before he was made Chief of Surgery, lose his nerve. "And with all those ward
but he was beginning to see the wisdom of cases, the income isn't very good for all the
it now). But besides, that little pipsqueak, work we do, you know. And the cheese
the Mouse, wouldn't dare give anesthesia isn't terribly good."
for anyone else if he were operating. No, "Cheese, schmeese," roared the Bear.
his own cases would get done, all right; that "Who gives a blankety-blank about cheese.
wasn't the problem. The problem was that We've got to get this surgery done, and
some of the other bears would be raising that's all there is to it. Now over at Else-
cane about two operating rooms being where Hospital they don't have any trouble
closed again because there were not running all of their operating rooms all the
enough anesthesiologists-and particularly time. My friend Grizzly is Chief of Surgery
those bears who had been bumped off the over there, and he says that they have a
schedule would be raising cane. And this troupe of trained canaries to give anesthe-
did affect the Bear, because you didn't stay sia and they're never short of anesthetists.
Chief of Surgery just by doing good sur- They don't have to cancel half a dozen
gery. cases every day: they get all of their cases
The Mouse had been intuitively aware done every day."
of the Bear's foul mood the minute the The Mouse had known this was coming
Bear had come into the operating room. and he had been dreading it.
Perhaps it was the Mouse's keen perception "But wouldn't you rather have a trained
of people-his mother, who used to do mouse anesthesiologist than a registered
interpretations of the dreams of each mem- canary given anesthesia for you?"

"I don't give a blankety-blank who gives cover, and the cheese wasn't terribly good.
my anesthesia so long as I can cut," roared The Fox just smiled some more, ignored
the Bear. That's beside the point, anyway," the remark about the cheese (although it
he added as an afterthought, "You'll give burned him up inwardly-that little pip-
my anesthesia for me if you want to stay squeak), and directed himself to the Bear.
here. But we've got to get those other two "Well, if we can't get anesthesiologists,
rooms opened. And that'sfinal." we'll have to find some other solution, I
That afternoon the Mouse and the Bear guess. Perhaps we should consider what
went downstairs to the office to see the you phoned me about this noon."
Fox-who naturally was the Hospital Su- "You mean a troupe of trained canar-
perintendent. ies?", asked the Bear.
The Fox was a very pleasant fox, always "Yes, I don't like it as a solution; in some
cordial and smiling-and very clever. The ways it's a backward step," went on the Fox
Mouse had never trusted the Fox. In the smoothly, "but there just doesn't seem to
first place, he didn't trust people who were be any alternative. We have a responsibility
always smiling. And in the second place, to The Community, and that responsibility
he'd been around long enough to know is to see that The Sick are cared for in the
that the Fox was an Empire Builder-and best possible manner."
he didn't trust Empire Builders, either. "But they won't be cared for in the best
That afternoon the Fox was all smiles, manner," cried the Mouse.
and all cordiality, and all pleasantness. He "The best possible manner," went on the
agreed with the Bear that something must Fox, even more smoothly, "The best possi-
be done about the situation in the operat- ble manner. And I don't think that canaries
ing room. The Hospital was losing a great who have been well trained and are regis-
deal of money with those two operating tered with the Association of Canary An-
rooms closed; it was running a deficit for esthetists would be all that bad. There are
that fiscal moon which was just too large to lots of simple anesthesias that they can do
ignore any longer. But quite aside from the very adequately; and you and the other
deficit, the Board of Directors-who nat- mice could supervise them and take over
urally were all Eagles-was getting very the more difficult cases yourselves. After
upset. After all, the Board of Directors had all, you've said many times that an anesthe-
a responsibility to the Community, and that siologist is really working to save the diffi-
responsibility was to see that The Sick in cult 10 per cent from trouble, that the rest
the Community were cared for in the best of the anesthesias are fairly routine. Like
possible manner. Surely, the Mouse could obstetrics, where the obstetrician is really
see that responsibility-and as a physician working to keep the few problem cases out
he must share that responsibility. The of trouble."
Community had a right to expect The Hos- The Mouse blushed right down to the
pital and its physicians to care for The Sick. tip of his tail. He had said that, of course,
Surely, the Mouse could appreciate that and in some ways it was partly true. But the
right-after all, that's why he had gone trouble was, you could never tell who the
into Medicine, wasn't it, to care for The 10 per cent were going to be, in most
Sick? Of course it was. Well, now, there instances. He tried to explain this to the
was the problem: how were they going to Fox, but the Fox just smiled and said, well,
solve it. What was needed was more anes- in any event, there didn't seem to be any
thesiologists. The Mouse sighed wanly, and other alternative. They had a responsibility
explained again that there was a big short- to The Community to care for The Sick,
age, all over the country. The Fox just and he was going to have to recommend a
smiled and listened. Besides, the Mouse troupe of trained canaries to the Board of
went on, even more wanly, the working Directors as the best possible solution to
conditions weren't the best, the income the problem.
wasn't too good in view of the arduous call The next few months were a nightmare
schedule and all the work that they had to for the Mouse. One of the younger mice

on the Staff got called into Service, and of trained canaries and the first of them
they had to close a third operating room. will be arriving to start work next week.
The neurosurgeon-who naturally was a He wants you to set up their work schedule
Wildcat-told the Mouse that if something and a schedule for their supervision by the
wasn't done, and done soon, he was going other Mice."
to the Board of Directors himself, for some "Now wait a minute," cried the Mouse,
of them were very close personal friends of "This is a big step backwards-things
his and they would listen to him, you better aren't all that bad."
believe it. The Mouse tried desperately to "Well," said the Weasel smoothly (he
find replacements. He wrote or called all wasn't as smooth as the Fox, but he was
of his friends to see if they knew of someone smooth enough), "we now have three op-
who could fill in; he advertised in all of the erating rooms closed because we don't have
journals; he even wrote to some of the enough anesthesiologists. That's 12 sick
Placement Bureaus, although he knew that people in this Community who can't be
they couldn't usually get anybody very operated on each day. That's 72 sick people
good that way. The bears were roaring all in this Community who are being neglected
the time now, and the Fox kept calling him each week. That's 3,744 sick people in this
downstairs for more and more conferences Community who are not receiving the
about getting a troupe of trained canaries proper Medical Care, which is their birth-
and even starting a school to train canaries, right, each year. We have a responsibility
for the Mouse had pointed out that even a to this Community-you, and I, and the
troupe of trained canaries wasn't going to whole Hospital Family-we have a big and
be easy to hire-there was a shortage of sacred responsibility to this Community."
them, too. "But they aren't being neglected," wailed
It all came to a head one day when the the Mouse, "lots of those operations aren't
Fox put out a letter to the entire staff necessary. Doing or not doing a rhinoplasty
outlining the situation and stating that, as on a Pelican has nothing to do with proper
of the next full moon, the Hospital would Medical Care."
hire a troupe of trained canaries as anes- "That's beside the point," went on the
thetists. The mice would supervise the can- Weasel. "And furthermore we can't run
aries, and the Hospital hoped that the mice the Hospital with all those empty beds," he
would become fulltime employees of the added as an afterthought. "Anyway, the
Hospital, as that would make things much Board of Directors has ordered it, and it's
easier administratively. The salary policy been done. You can expect the first canary
would be very liberal: each mouse would to arrive next Monday."
be paid just as much as he had earned as The next few months were even more of
income from private practice the previous a nightmare for the Mouse. Some of the
fiscal moon; and, of course, the Hospital canaries weren't really trained at all, even
was in a position to add all kinds of fringe if they were registered with the Association
benefits-pension, life insurance, health of Canary Anesthetists, and he had to train
insurance, cheese insurance, and the like. them himself. And then he'd just get a
Naturally, all the mice refused to become canary to the point where she was moder-
salaried employees of the Hospital; they ately safe when she'd leave to join another
told the Fox to go to, and stayed in private troupe of trained canaries. He never could
practice. rely on the canaries all being there when
On a Tuesday afternoon soon thereaf- they were supposed to be, either: they were
ter-the Weasel who naturally was the always calling in and saying that they were
Assistant Superintendent of the Hospital- nesting or laying an egg or something.
telephoned the Mouse. But the worst problem was the bears.
"The Fox is away," the Weasel explained, They were roaring continuously now, com-
"a National Symposium for Foxes on Cost- plaining that this was a really bad risk pa-
accounting, but he wanted me to call you tient, and demanding that one of the mice
to let you know that we have hired a troupe give the anesthesia. "Canaries are all right,

Mouse, but this D. & C. is a real bad risk. the Fox, and when he left the fox's office
Let the canary do Joe Bear's case-he's he felt as though he'd been locked in a
just doing a portacaval shunt." closed barn for a month with a Cheshire
The Mouse was close to tears with dis- cat.
traction. Here they had said that they just The Rat arrived a month later. He was a
wanted to be able to cut, but now they all very arrogant rat, and he had a great deal
wanted mice anesthesiologists for all of to say about the way anesthesia was being
their cases, and there were no more mice given in The Hospital. He thought that the
to go around than there had been before. equipment was terrible and immediately
In fact, there were less, for two others had put in an order for six Cyclone anesthesia
resigned rather than supervise canaries and machines and four Tornado ventilators.
run a school to train canaries. The Mouse was very disturbed about this,
Then one day the Fox called the Mouse for the budget for equipment for the year
down to his office again. wouldn't possibly cover that amount of new
The Fox was very pleasant, and very purchases; and besides, the order should
cordial, and all smiles, as usual. He'd had a have gone over his signature. He told the
phone call from another Fox, he said, a Rat this, but the Rat just laughed and said
friend of his who was Medical Superintend- that there would have to be some changes
ent at the Mecca Hospital. They had a made. The Rat refused to be on call at
young Rat who was just finishing his train- night or on the weekend to supervise the
ing in anesthesiology who would like to canaries. He said that his salary wasn't that
work at The Hospital. He apparently was a big: if the mice wanted to be on call, that
very good anesthesiologist, although was their business, but he wasn't going to
young, and very well thought of at the be. What should be done, he said, was to
Mecca Hospital. He had-a young and grow- make one of the canaries a Head Canary,
ing family, though, and he couldn't afford and let her worry about supervision at
to take chances financially. He had to be night and on the weekends. That's the way
able to count on enough income to feed it had been done at the Mecca Hospital.
the young and growing family. What the It was almost a year after the Rat had
Fox proposed to do was put the Rat on a come when the Fox called the Mouse down
salary: this would guarantee his income, to his office one day.
and he could take over some of the super- He was all smiles, and pleasantness, and
vising and training of the canaries. This cordiality. How were things going? The
would give the mice more time to do their Mouse didn't think that things were going
own private cases, and still keep an eye on at all well, but he didn't say so. He said all
the canaries. That was one of the things right, he guessed. Yes, well, said the Fox,
that the mice had been complaining about, there was a knotty problem from the ad-
the Fox went on smoothly, and this would ministrative point-of-view, and he'd been
be a good solution. talking to the Board of Directors about it.
Now the Mouse didn't like this idea at The fact of the matter was that the Hospital
all, for he knew where this would lead. But was losing a great deal of money on the
the Fox kept answering all of his objections Anesthesia Department, what with all the
and emphasizing that it would give them new equipment and all the salaries for the
another trained anesthesiologist and so im- canaries, and the Rat, and all, and some-
prove patient care-which after all was thing would have to be worked out so that
their aim, and their responsibility to the the Hospital didn't run into such a big loss.
Board of Directors and the Community. Now his idea was that if the mice were to
The Mouse couldn't very well say that he go on salary too, guaranteeing them as
just didn't trust the Fox, which is really much income as they had earned from pri-
what it came down to; but short of saying vate practice the previous fiscal moon, of
that, there wasn't any valid argument that course, as well as such fringe benefits that
the Fox couldn't answer. The Mouse spent the Hospital could provide as a pension
three hours that afternoon arguing with plan, health insurance, life insurance, and
even cheese insurance, why then the Hos- sociation of Mice Anesthesiologists, for he
pital could make up the deficit without realized now that you didn't have to be a
passing the cost on to the patient, and the Mouse to be an anesthesiologist-you
mice would be even better off than they could be a Rat. Then he went down to the
were at present. Virgin Islands on the advice of his psychi-
The Mouse said that he couldn't see how atrist-who naturally was an Owl. He has
that could be so at all: how could The stayed on there even after he recovered
Hospital pay even more money to run the from his acute melancholia: he does some
Department and not have a deficit that general practice in St. Thomas and some
would be passed on to the patient? part time anesthesia at the hospital in Char-
"Well," said the Fox smoothly, "after all, lotte Amalie.
there would be income from the private The Bear retired from private practice
cases that is going to the mice as private and took a full time job as Coordinator of
fees now." Surgical Research at The Hospital. He was
The Mouse thought about this for a given a gold watch by the troupe of trained
while. But how, he asked, would that canaries at the testimonial dinner marking
money, which was going to the mice now, his retirement as Chief of Surgery. The
more than just cover what would be paid Bear family hibernates at the same cottage
them under the Fox's plan? Why wouldn't in Palm Springs every winter now.
there still be a deficit? The Fox built a 250 bed wing on The
"I was just coming to that," said the Fox; Hospital, and then hired two more Assist-
"we won't need as many mice as there are ant Superintendents because The Hospital
now." was so much bigger.
And so the Mouse resigned (if that's what And the moral to this story, of course, is
you call it) from the Hospital Staff and the that the horns of a Dilemma are equally
Medical School Faculty. He also dropped sharp if you happen to be a mouse.
his membership in the Amalgamated As-

Published February, 1975

Christopher Wren was undoubtedly the December 4, 1665, issue of the Philosophi-
best known of England's architects. He was cal Transactions of the Royal Society, under
responsible for the reconstruction of St. the title, "An account of the rise and at-
Paul's Cathedral following its damage in tempts, of a way to conveigh liquors im-
the The Great Fire of London in 1666. mediately into the mass of blood."
Furthermore, he designed 52 churches and Within a year, the British physician,
buildings in London, including the addi- Richard Lower, made use of the knowledge
tions to both the Kensington and Hampton of Sir Christopher Wren's demonstration
Court Palaces. As noted previously in these that substances could be introduced di-
columns, he was a man of many parts and rectly into the blood stream by making a
myriad talents. He held the degrees of transfusion, which he also reported in the
Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, Doctor PhilosophicalTransactionsof the Royal Society
of Civil Law, and Doctor of Law; and he in an article entitled, "The method ob-
was at one time Savilian Professor of As- served in transfusing the bloud out of one
tronomy at Oxford. He was an authentic animal into another." It must be deduced
genius, with a wide range of interests. Per- from his account that Lower was a remark-
haps not unreasonably, these came to in- able scientist and doctor. His final para-
clude experimental medicine; and in 1665, graph read, "The most probable use of his
some 188 years before the invention of the experiment may be conjectured to be, that
hollow needle and syringe, he made use of one animal may live with the bloud of an-
a quill and an animal bladder ("in the man- other; and consequently, that those ani-
ner of clysterpipes") to inject fluids intra- mals, that want bloud, or have corrupt
venously-a fact recorded in the Monday, bloud, may be supplyed from others with a

sufficient quantity, and of such as is good, pain in his kidneys, and that he was not
provided the transfusion be often repeated, well in his stomach, and that he was ready
by reason of the quick expense that is made to choke unless they gave him his liberty.
of the bloud." Presently, the Pipe was taken out that con-
The technique of transfusion had been veyed the blood into his veins, and while
born-and transfusion reactions were not we were closing the wound, he vomited of
far behind. Within 7 months, Jean Baptiste Bacon and Fat he had eaten half an hour
Denis reported from Paris on the first: before. He found himself urged to urine,
"December 19 (Sunday-Gregorian Cal- and asked to go to stool. He was soon made
endar). We used what art we could to dis- to lie down, and after two good hours
pose the fancy of our patient to suffer the straining to void divers liquors, which dis-
transfusion, which we resolv'd should be turbed his stomach, he fell asleep about 10
tried upon him that night about 6 o'clock. o'clock, and slept all that night without
M. Emmerez open'd the Crural Artery of awakening till next morning, was Thurs-
a Calf and did all the necessary prepara- day, about 8 o'clock. When he was awak-
tions ... and after he had drawn from the ened, he shewed a surprising calmness, and
patient about ten ounces of blood out of a a great presence of mind, in expressing all
Vein of the right arm, we could give him the pains, and a general lassitude he felt in
no more again than about five or six ounces all his limbs. He made a great glass full of
of that of the calf, by reason that his con- urine, of a colour as black, as if it had been
strained posture and the crowd of specta- mixed with the soot of chimney...
tors, interrupted very much this operation. "Friday morning he filled another urinal
"Meanwhile he found himself, as he said with his water, almost as black as that of
very hot all along his arm, and under the the day before. He bled at the nose very
Armpits, and perceived that he was falling plentifully . . . Saturday morning . . . the
into a swoon, we presently stopped the same day; his urine cleared up and after
blood running in, and closed the wound; that time it resumed little by little its natu-
yet he supped two hours after, and notwith- ral color."
standing some dulness and sleepiness he The clinical symptoms and signs of a
was in now and then, he yet passed that hemolytic transfusion reaction in the con-
night with singing, whistling and other ex- scious patient can include chill (55 per
travagances usual with him. cent), temperature elevation (47 per cent),
"We therefore prepared ourselves to re- shock (hypotension-2 per cent), increased
peat it upon him the next Wednesday at 6 pulse rate (28 per cent), tightness in the
o'clock in the presence of several per- chest (7 per cent), dyspnea (7 per cent),
sons. .. rales (3 per cent), nausea and vomiting (7
"We took but two or three ounces of per cent), lumbar pain (5 per cent), urti-
blood from him, and having put him into a caria (35 per cent), red urine (5 per cent),
convenient posture we made the second jaundice (1 per cent), and such miscella-
transfusion into his left arm more plentiful neous signs and symptoms as singulitis, a
than the first. For considering the blood feeling of numbness in the face, a throb-
remaining in the calf after the operation, bing feeling in the arms, difficulty in
the Patient must have received more than breathing through the nose, a swollen feel-
one whole pound. ing in the jaw, a burning sensation on void-
"As this second transfusion was larger, so ing, uncoordinated speech, and headache.
were the effects of it quicker and more It is interesting to note that Jean Baptiste
considerable. As soon as the blood began Denis also described a number of these in
to enter into his veins, he felt the like heat his report more than 300 years ago!
along his arm, and under his armpits, which The diagnosis of a transfusion reaction
he had felt before. His pulse rose presently, during general anesthesia is dependent
and soon we observed a plentiful sweat over upon far less evidence, since of course there
all his face. His pulse varied extremely at are no symptoms whatsoever, and even the
this instant, and he complained of great signs may be modified by the effects of
* * * *
general anesthesia itself. The anesthetized
patient does have one thing going for him,
however, in terms of having a correct di- SUMMARY
agnosis made-the anesthesiologist. The
anesthetized patient is watched far more
closely in the operating room than any "Eleven case reports are presented which
patient is observed at the bedside, so that illustrate the circumstances surrounding
the meager signs that do accompany a the administration of incompatible blood
transfusion reaction during anesthesia have and the development of incompatible trans-
far more chance of being observed than fusion reactions during anaesthesia. Unlike
the more liberal supply of diagnostic clues the clinical picture manifested by conscious
in the conscious patient. The problem in patients, the signs of transfusion reaction
the anesthetized patient, however, is for- in this group of patients were generally
midable, despite the anesthesiologist's close limited to hypotension, generalized oozing,
attention to his patient's well-being. The or both; and incompatible transfusion re-
factors of concern have been beautifully actions which develop during operation
documented in the April, 1959, issue of may be classified on this basis. Because the
the British Journal of Anaesthesia in an arti- coagulation defect may be unrecognized,
cle titled, "Incompatible blood transfusions and because both hypotension and in-
during operation" (Binder, L. S.; Ginsberg, creased bleeding are commonly attributed
V.; and Harmel, M. H.: Br. J. Anaesth., 31: to other causes, the incompatible transfu-
217-228, 1959), which is reprinted below sion reaction is not suspected until late and
with the kind permissions of the authors the patient therefore treated with still more
and the publisher. incompatible blood.
"The coagulation defects associated with
incompatible transfusion reactions are not
INCOMPATIBLE BLOOD clearly defined. The authors suggest that
TRANSFUSIONS DURING fresh whole blood is the only substance
OPERATION which provides all clotting factors, and
should therefore be the initial therapy of
LEE S. BINDER, any acute coagulation defect.
VICTOR GINSBERG "Since diagnosis and treatment of incom-
patible transfusion reactions are uniquely
MEREL H. HARMEL difficult during operation and in the im-
The Departments of Anesthesiology mediate postoperative period, the authors
and Medicine, State University stress that the greater hope for decreasing
of New York, Downstate Medical the incidence of incompatible transfusion
Center and the Kings County reactions in the surgical patient lies in more
Hospital Center, Brooklyn, adequate preparation of the patient with
New York regard to pre-operative blood volume re-
placement and more judicious use of blood
Br.J. Anaesth., 31: 217-228, 1959 during operation."


PublishedApril, 1968
The Lancet had quite a tale to tell on hardly a unique one. Back in 1886, The
August 4th, 1934: British Medical Journal had one of its own
"The patient was a middle-aged man, to tell, under the heading of "Surgical
rather thin and pale. He said that for a Memoranda:"
number of years he had suffered at times "I have thought it right to put on record
from pain in the region of the stomach the following case, as it seems to me to be
after food. Recently vomiting had troubled one of some rarity, and to have some im-
him. This took place at irregular intervals, portance from a medicolegal point of view.
the amount being copious. On going into I cannot do better than give the facts in the
details he remembered bringing up matter words of the patient himself, who commu-
which he had eaten many hours before. nicated them to me by letter. He writes as
The vomit was offensive as a rule. He also follows:
was prone to violent and foul-smelling " 'A rather strange thing happened to
eructations. But what really distressed him myself about a week ago. For a month or
more than anything else was the following so I was troubled very much with foul
startling occurrence. eructations. I had no pain, but the smell of
"One evening he had taken his wife to the gas which came from my stomach was
the cinema. There, in the darkness, feeling disagreeable to myself, and to all who hap-
inclined to smoke, he had taken out a cig- pened to be in the room. About a week
arette, and put it between his lips; he struck ago, as I said, I got up in the morning, and
a match, bringing it up in his cupped fin- lighted a match to see the time, and when
gers. Just at that minute a violent eructa- I put the match near my mouth, to blow it
tion occurred. To his alarm and astonish- out, my breath caught fire, and gave a loud
ment, and of those seated near him, there crack like the report of a pistol. It burnt
was a flash and a sharp explosion; the cig- my lips, and they are still a little sore. I got
arette was blown from his lips away across a terrible surprise and so did my wife, for
several rows of seats; his mustache was the report awakened her.'
singed, and his lips and fingers burnt. In "From the above occurrence it would
pain and confusion he had hurriedly to appear that the condition known as 'hali-
leave the cinema. The astonishment of the tosis' or diseased breath, is not only a
neighbours at this 'fiery exhalation' can source of misery to the sufferer, and those
well be imagined. compelled to associate with him, but may,
"The diagnosis of pyloric obstruction was under certain circumstances become a con-
fairly clear. Gastric peristalsis was easily dition of danger to the unfortunate posses-
seen. The barium meal showed the usual sor of it. In the present instance, the gas-
prolonged delay in the stomach. The gas- eous results of the imperfectly digested
tric contents were copious, with yeast cells, food had their atoms of carbon and hydro-
sarcinae, and lactic acid. No doubt the gas gen so arranged as to give rise to the pres-
from the stomach mingled with the air in ence of carburetted hydrogen, the in-
the mouth and cupped hands in just the flammable and explosive qualities of which
right proportions, the cavities forming an came into play when mixed with due pro-
explosion chamber, which required only a portion of atmospheric air in the presence
naked flame to produce this unpleasant of the unguarded light of the burning
occurrence. At laparotomy a cicatrised ul- match. I may add, that the patient to whom
cer was found at the pylorus." this accident happened, is a most intelligent
This was certainly a novel story, but and observant man, and that the diet I
prescribed for the indigestion from which Indeed, deNava and McDermott have re-
he suffers from time to time has alcohol ported an ignition of anesthetic vapors em-
excluded from it, and I know that my in- anating from a patient some 21/2 hours after
structions in that respect are acted upon." the termination of an ethylene and oxygen
Four years later, the same journal had anesthesia. This led them to investigate the
another "fiery exhaler" to report. This was retention of flammable anesthetics in the
a 24 year old factory worker, whose work stomach by instilling various mixtures of
required him to rise early, "and on one anesthetic gases into the stomachs of sleep-
occasion after striking a match to see the ing dogs by Levine tube and periodically
time, and when holding it near his mouth, sampling for ignitibility. They found that
an eructation of gas from the stomach took an ethylene-oxygen mixture retained in the
place. To his consternation the gas took stomach might still be flammable some 4
fire, burned his face and lips considerably, hours after the anesthesia was over; that
and set fire to his moustache." mixtures of nitrous oxide, oxygen and
The Lancet reported yet another case in ether were flammable for about 50 min-
1902: utes; of cyclopropane and oxygen for 35
"An elderly man under my care has been minutes; and of ether and oxygen for 25
suffering for some weeks from severe minutes. They pointed out that the prob-
atonic dyspepsia. A marked feature of his lem is dealt with only vaguely in the medical
case is fermentative decomposition of the literature; that the average clinical anesthe-
contents of the dilated stomach with fre- siologist is almost blithely unaware of the
quent eructations of foul gas which he says danger; and that postanesthesia recovery
'tastes like rotten eggs.' On Sept. 19th, two rooms are seldom considered a hazardous
hours after a light breakfast, he was obliged location from the point of view of explo-
to eructate just as he was lighting his pipe sion.
with a match; instantly there was a blinding The same can hardly be said of the an-
flash and a slight report due to ignition of esthetic period itself. Untold amounts of
the gases released from the stomach. The ingenuity, effort, time and money have
patient's beard and eyebrows were thor- gone into attempts to safeguard the patient
oughly singed but happily no further dam- and the operating room against the dangers
age was done." of fire and explosions brought about by the
Alexander Pope had foreseen, perhaps presence of flammable anesthetic drugs.
not the problem itself, but at least its ingre- Some of the devices and practices recom-
dients, when he wrote: mended in the literature include safety wir-
ing; mercury switches; elevated electric
"Behold the stomach: crammed from every dish,
outlets; grounding; intercoupling; ventila-
The tomb of boiled and roast and flesh and fish.
Where bile and wind, and phlegm and acid jar,
tion; humidification; wire screens; banning
And all the man is one intestine War!" of wool and silk; sparkproof motors;
grounded floor plates; conductive flooring;
But Pope was writing of visceral "wind" conductive rubber; dilution of flammable
more than a century before the clinical mixtures with inert gases; nonsparking
introduction of anesthesia precipitated the metals; elimination of flame, cautery,
problem of explosive anesthetic mixtures smoking, x-ray, etc. in the presence of a
retained in the stomach and intestines dur- combustible gas; rebreathing technique; in-
ing the postoperative period. It is a little tercepting valve; continuous contact with
recognized hazard; yet during the admin- hand and mask before beginning and dur-
istration of a flammable gaseous or volatile ing anesthesia; banning of ordinary rubber
anesthetic via a face mask, the anesthetic soles and metal shoe spikes; ionization of
vapor or gas may be introduced into the the air; rinsing tubes and mask with water
stomach, particularly when assisted or con- or with calcium chloride solution; washing
trolled respirations are employed, and then floors with calcium chloride solutions; elim-
remain there as a potential source of fire inating ordinary rubber from the operating
or explosion well into the recovery stage. room; washing out the anesthetic machine

with carbon dioxide at the end of each agents which would be potent, safe and
anesthesia; wet flowmeters; turning on cyl- controllable. One of the most promising of
inder valves very slowly; blowing off some these was reported by Artusio and his col-
oxygen when starting a new cylinder; keep- leagues at Cornell Medical College in a
ing nitrous oxide and ethylene on separate paper entitled, "A Clinical Evaluation of
machines; and avoidance of unnecessary Methoxyflurane in Man," in the Septem-
movements by the anesthetist and of fre- ber-October, 1960, issue of Anesthesiology
quent adjustments of the mask. Undoubt- (Artusio, J. F., Jr., Van Poznak, A., Hunt,
edly, at least some of these measures have R. E., Tiers, F. M. and Alexander, M.,
been helpful; yet by 1940, when ethylene Anesthesiology, 21: 512, 1960), which is re-
and cyclopropane had become well estab- printed below with the kind permissions of
lished as anesthetic agents, it was estimated the authors and the publisher.
that there was a gross incidence of one fire
or explosion in from 8000 to 70,000 anes-
thetics, and that each year several patients' A CLINICAL EVALUATION
lives were lost, a number of operating room
personnel were injured, and much prop-
erty damage occurred. It became evident METHOXYFLURANE IN MAN
that, despite the prodigious efforts aimed ARTUSIO, J.F., JR., VAN POZNAK, A.,
toward safety, the only sure way to prevent HUNT, R.E., TIERS, F. M.,
fires and explosions was to eliminate the AND
use of flammable anesthetic agents. ALEXANDER, M.
This need has been compounded in the
past couple of decades by the tremendous Anesthesiology 21:512, 1960
increase in the use of cautery during sur-
gery, of diagnostic x-ray techniques at the This first report of the clinical use of
time of operation, and of electronic moni- methoxyflurane describes its administra-
toring devices in the operating room. Ac- tion to 100 patients by closed, semiclosed
cordingly, much effort has been expended and open drop techniques. Anesthetic signs
in the attempt to develop nonflammable and stages, effects on circulation, ECG,
and nonexplosive inhalation anesthetic EEG and muscle relaxation are described.


Published August, 1972

The danger of fire or explosion associ- fire, and disconcerted for a while all pres-
ated with the use of flammable anesthetic ent, but did no damage except very slightly
vapors and gases has been of concern burning the patient's face. Fortunately, the
almost from the beginning. Indeed, a bottle did not come in contact with the
Dr. J. J. Black wrote a note entitled, "Cau- flame. I remember almost serious trouble
tion Against the Use of Ether Near Fire or to have arisen from this accident in this
Light," in the PhiladelphiaMedical Times as very way in the clinic of a distinguished
early as 1874: "Some time since, in remov- surgeon. I mention it in order that it may
ing a tumour from a woman's neck, I had serve its part in this important matter, and
occasion to use the actual cautery, and keep all on their guard when using ether
whilst doing so the ether on the towel took near fire or light."

Since that time, almost every textbook ment, however, for modern developments
on the subject of anesthesia has contained in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
a chapter on fire and explosion hazards, have greatly expanded the ways in which
and the anesthesiologist has come to be patients, and staff personnel too, are ex-
considered an authority on their preven- posed to its dangers. Non-fatal, but
tion. The latter has cost literally millions frightening and annoying, shocks are of
and millions of dollars, for the construction course the most common in human expo-
and maintenance of operation rooms free sure to electricity. These are followed
of these hazards is an expensive game. In closely in incidence-at least in the oper-
fact, in a number of hospitals the use of ating room, recovery room, intensive care
flammable anesthetic agents such as ether, unit, coronary care unit, and cardiac cath-
cyclopropane or ethylene is either re- eterization laboratory-by electrosurgical
stricted or totally banned; and there is no burn injuries, since improper connection
question that the development of nonex- between the unit and the patient ground
plosive techniques and agents such as tri- plate, or between the ground plate and the
chlorethylene, halothane, methoxyflurane, patient, can result in serious burns to the
and the newer intravenous agents-Inno- patient.
var, ketamine, diazepam, and the like-has The really important, and frequently fa-
been much hastened by the fire and explo- tal, danger, however, is that to the heart,
sion hazard. and particularly its conduction system. Zoll
The textbook chapter on fires and explo- and Lilienthal noted this danger in an edi-
sions almost always lists the flammable and torial reviewing the utilization of electrical
explosive agents, of course; and it also al- pacemakers for Stokes-Adams disease in
most always includes one or more tables 1960. They pointed out that direct electri-
showing the lower and upper percentage cal stimulation of the heart carries a risk of
limits (v/v) of flammability in both oxygen ventricular fibrillation from technical acci-
and air. There is then a discussion of the dents, and reported knowing of several in-
use of inert diluents to render the explosive stances in which transient fibrillation was
drug safe, the diluent acting either by ab- inadvertently produced. They emphasized
sorbing the thermal energy of an incipient the danger of attaching a number of differ-
explosion or by absorbing free radicals ent types of electrical apparatus to the pa-
which result from the absorption of ther- tient when a pacemaker is used unless all
mal energy by a molecule of an explosive such instruments are properly grounded.
gas and which, if not deactivated, will com- Their warning was almost immediately
bine with oxygen and initiate a chain reac- followed by reports of fatalities and injuries
tion producing an explosion. Finally, the from the use of electrical equipment, and
chapter will almost certainly detail the var- today the anesthesiologist is as much con-
ious factors necessary for the initiation of a cerned with electrical hazards as he was
fire or explosion: i.e., (1) combustible ma- with fire and explosions 20 or 30 years ago.
terial; (2) an oxygen supply; and (3) a Within the past year, for instance, the Na-
source of ignition. Among the sources of tional Fire Protection Association has is-
ignition, of course, are the open flames and sued a manual on electrical hazards; the
fires referred to by Dr. Black; heated ma- American Society of Anesthesiologists has
terials such as diathermy or cautery; and signaled its concern by changing its Com-
sparks from static electricity, electric mittee on Fires and Explosions to a Com-
shorts, electric arcs, motors, induction mittee on Flammable Hazards and Electri-
coils, switches, extension cords, loose light cal Equipment; the National Research
bulb connections, photographic power Council has believed the matter important
packs, x-ray and fluoroscope, electric re- enough to hold a 2 day symposium on
cording devices (EKG, EEG, etc.), and electric hazards in hospitals; and almost
other electronic monitoring devices. every anesthesia journal has published at
Electricity is more than just a hazard in least one paper on the subject.
causing explosions in the hospital environ- The article which ushered in this era of

intense activity and interest in the dangers From the Department of

to the patient of electrical devices and Thoracic Surgery of the
equipment was a report from Leiden of University Hospital, Leiden
two electrocutions which occurred in pre-
cisely the way which Zoll and Lilienthal had Lancet, 1: 975, 1961
predicted. It was entitled, "Myocardial
Electrodes and the Danger of Ventricular
Fibrillation," and appeared in the May 6, SUMMARY
1961, issue of The Lancet (Noordijk, J. A.,
Oey, F. T. I. and Tebra, W., Lancet 1: "On the basis of two case-histories, atten-
975-977, 1961). It is reprinted below with tion is drawn to the risk of ventricular
the kind permissions of the authors and the fibrillation resulting from the use of elec-
publishers. trical apparatus (e.g., an electrocardi-
ograph) in patients connected with a mains-
powered pacemaker-monitor by means of
electrodes embedded in the myocardium.
The fibrillation is caused by the passage
of an electric current through the heart.
AND THE DANGER This current may arise from imperfect in-
OF VENTRICULAR sulation of the electrocardiograph or from
FIBRILLATION a "standard" leak in it, or from the capacity
effect in the instrument. The current
J. A. NOORDIJK, M.D., passes, via the electrodes in the myocar-
F. T. I. OEY, M.D., dium, to the earth connection of the pace-
W. TEBRA maker."

Published April, 1978

The tenement corridor was dingy, dark for the highly prized packet of little blue
and dirty. A trash pile of candy wrappers, pills.
soda cans and styrofoam cups filled the The little blue pills were Valium (diaze-
corner immediately to the left of the doc- pam).
tor's waiting room. The air was rank with Valium is classified as a minor tranquil-
the smell of orange rinds and frying food. izer, but traffic in it-from street to Board
The hallway itself was full of addicts on the Room-is anything but minor: it is proba-
nod, gaunt-eyed and listless, or nervously bly the most abused drug in this country
birdlike. They sat on the bannister or today. The argument over whether it
leaned against the graffiti-covered walls, causes true addiction is academic: two "blue
chain-smoking or murmuring amongst bombers" (10 mg. apiece) are worth a dol-
themselves. lar on the street, which indicates some-
The door to the doctor's office opened thing, whether it is true addiction or not.
and an emaciated woman of indeterminate Some 60,000,000 prescriptions for the
age glided out as if walking on shadows. drug are written each year and sales
She rejoined her group on the second floor amount to some $500,000,000, and if this
landing and they came to life and sur- does not constitute misuse, it at least cer-
rounded her to inspect the prescription tainly represents overuse. Reliance on anti-
that she had just obtained, examining it as anxiety medications in today's Anxious
eagerly as a group of high school students World is quite understandable, but these
would a newly awarded diploma. Then figures are overwhelming and astounding.
they whooped down the creaking stairs to In point of fact, however, Valium is one
the drugstore below, where the innocent of the most abused and misused drugs to-
little piece of paper was to be exchanged day, as witnessed by the fact that, of the

10,000 poison victims seen at the Rocky logical and Clinical Studies on Valium, a
Mountain Poison Center in Denver, 1,000 New Psychotherapeutic Agent of the Ben-
were due to Valium. The most common zodiazepine Class" (Curr. Ther. Res., 3:405-
adverse reactions are fatigue, drowsiness, 425, 1961), and which is republished below
and ataxia; but abrupt withdrawal can lead with the kind permission of the authors and
to convulsions, tremors, abdominal cramps, the publisher.
vomiting and sweating. There are also "in-
frequently encountered" bad reactions
which include depression, jaundice and
vertigo; and "paradoxical reactions" are PHARMACOLOGICAL AND
sometimes seen consisting of hallucina- CLINICAL STUDIES ON
tions, rage and-of all things from a so- VALIUM (T M ). A NEW
called tranquilizing drug-anxiety. PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC
The anesthesiologist does not often see AGENT OF THE
these reactions, or at least does not always
recognize them as being due to Valium, BENZODIAZEPINE CLASS.
although surely many of the patients whom L. O. RANDALL, G. A. HEISE,
the anesthesiologist does see are taking Val- W. SCHALLER, R. E. BAGDON,
ium, some on a long-term basis and some R. BANZIGER, A. BORIS,
only for the time since they entered the R. A. MOE AND W. B. ABRAMS
hospital for work-up prior to surgery.
This is by no means to say that the anes- Departments of Pharmacology
thesiologist does not see reactions to Val- and Clinical Pharmacology,
ium, but merely that they are more imme- Hoffman-La Roche Inc.,
diate reactions due to the acute method of Nutley 10, New Jersey.
administration, which is almost always
intravenous. These immediate and acute Curr. Ther. Res., 3:405-425, 1961
reactions to intravenous Valium can be ex-
tremely serious, including as they do car-
diac arrest, cardiovascular collapse, respi- Diazepam was evaluated in nine patients
ratory arrest, laryngeal incompetence, attending a psychiatric clinic for eight to
asthma, and acute allergic reactions; but 17 weeks (average 12.5 weeks). The start-
with the exception of thrombophlebitis, ing dose ranged from 10 to 15 mg. daily
which can have an incidence as high as 3.5 and it was increased to a maximum of 75
per cent, these reactions do not occur with mg. per day. The patients with anxiety
great frequency, and certainly not with suf- reactions, anxiety with depression and in-
ficient frequency to diminish the ever-bur- volutional syndrome had an excellent clin-
geoning use of the drug in anesthetic prac- ical response to diazepam. Minor subjective
tice. side effects, such as fatigue, dizziness,
One of the early papers introducing Val- drowsiness and incoordination, were seen
ium to the clinician was by Randall, Heise, in seven patients. In some patients, the side
Schalleck, Bagdon, Banziger, Boris, Moe effects disappeared with continuation of
and Abrams, which was titled "Pharmaco- the medication.

Published April, 1970

Scientists have been trying to come up entirely acceptable answer. In view of this
with an explanation for the mechanism of long search and the continuing inconclu-
anesthesia for the last century and a sive status of the subject, it is not surprising
quarter, and enough "Theories of Nar- that there is scarcely anything in the phys-
cosis" have now been proposed so that one ical or biologic sciences that can be consid-
can be fairly sure that there is not yet an ered irrelevant to the quest. It is equally

unsurprising that each new theory has been mulation of evidence that coagulation or
a reflection of the advances of science up flocculation of protein does cause dehydra-
to the time at which the new theory was tion and reduction of metabolism, and that
propounded. The ultimate and final the- the narcotic (anesthetic) may combine with
ory-when it succeeds, in fact, in unravel- protein and other constituents of proto-
ing the mystery-will undoubtedly come plasm. There are 2 fundamental problems
only when there is a sufficient knowledge with the Precipitation Theories, however.
of molecular biology so that the make-up The first is that, in all of the evidence
and functions of the cell itself can be ex- produced in regard to the precipitation of
plained on a molecular basis. proteins by narcotics, the concentrations
One of the earliest theories of the mech- required seem to be more than those nec-
anism of action of anesthesia, and one essary to produce narcosis in animals or
which was put forth soon after Morton's depression of the reflex reactions of tissues
classical demonstration of the efficacy of or cells. The second, and perhaps the more
ether as an anesthetic at the Massachusetts telling, objection is that the precipitations
General Hospital on October 16, 1846, are in most cases irreversible, and therefore
explained the phenomenon on the basis of cannot account for the reversible proto-
the mechanical changes in the blood supply plasmic poisoning which anesthesia is as-
of the brain. This was in truth a "theory," sumed to be (of course, we could be wrong
without data to support it even in the hey- there, too!).
days of anatomy and physiology, and it was The Dehydration Theories were closely
justifiably shortlived. related to the Precipitation Theories, and
Next came the first biochemical theory were based upon the fact that shrinkage of
of narcosis-that of Bibra and Harless in cells due to loss of fluid was noted following
1847-which was based on a series of ex- exposure to narcotics (anesthetics) or de-
periments on frogs and mammals with pressants. This observation suggested to
ether, acetic ether, and ethyl chloride. the proponents of these theories that the
Their hypothesis was that these and other cause of anesthesia was the loss of water
anesthetic substances were excellent sol- from the anesthetized cell, produced by the
vents for fat, and that anesthetic action was action of the anesthetic upon it. There
based on the fact that anesthetics dissolved were several roadblocks to the acceptance
fat from the brain cells and redeposited the of these theories. One was the fact that the
brain's fatty constituents in the liver. They process was not always proven to be revers-
proceeded to anesthetize one group of an- ible. Another was the very high concentra-
imals with ether, while another group of tions of anesthetics employed, which un-
unanesthetized animals of the same age and doubtedly caused death of the cells. By far
weight served as controls, and then deter- the greatest objection, however, was the
mined the quantity of fat in the brains and fact that, if the theory were true, then any
livers of each group. They concluded in process of dehydration would lead to nar-
favor of their hypothesis, but critical ex- cosis or cessation of function, and clearly
amination of their data did not substantiate narcosis does not always follow dehydration
these conclusions. and fluid loss in a cell.
Claude Bernard, the titan among 19th In 1893, Richet called attention to the
century physiologists, was one of the early fact that, in many cases, the lower the sol-
proponents of what have come to be called ubility of a narcotic in water, the greater
the Precipitation Theories. These theories its narcotic strength, and the Water Solu-
have been based on changes in the colloid bility Theory was born. Its problem was
of the cell, during or following anesthesia, one common to many theories of narcosis:
by coagulation or flocculation of the pro- by no means all narcotics or anesthetics
tein, by increase in viscosity of the cyto- conformed. Obviously, water solubility is a
plasm, or by the combination of the anes- factor (if the narcotic is to reach the cell),
thetic with the protein of the cell. Over the but water insolubility is not necessarily re-
years there has been a considerable accu- lated to narcotic strength: paraffin, for in-
stance, is totally insoluble, and also totally lular respiration is a result rather than a
without narcotic action. cause of anesthesia.
In 1902, Winterstein, working in Ver- The Absorption Theory introduced by
worn's laboratory, performed an experi- Traube in 1904 suggested that substances
ment which formed the basis for the which lower the surface tension of water
Asphyxial Theory of narcosis. He admin- pass more readily into the cell and cause
istered strychnine to a frog, and then stim- narcosis by decreasing metabolism. He was
ulated the amphibian until exhaustion set able to demonstrate that a parallelism exists
in. He then "perfused the frog with saline between the ability of some drugs to lower
free from oxygen and repeatedly stimu- the surface tension of water and their nar-
lated, so that any supposed oxygen stores cotic potency. However, his experiments
were exhausted, and the waste products were done on air-water interfaces at room
formed were washed away. Then it was temperature, whereas the true interface is
perfused with oxygenated blood-saline con- a liquid-colloid affair at body temperature.
taining chloroform, thus giving the frog (or Additionally, some very powerful narcot-
its cord) a chance to take up and bind ics, such as chloroform and ethyl alcohol,
oxygen if it could do so in the presence of do not lower the interfacial tension; con-
the narcotic. Then oxygen-free saline was versely, some agents which do lower inter-
perfused to wash away the chloroform. No facial tension, such as soap and detergents,
sign of recovery was shown until it was have no narcotic properties.
perfused with blood-saline when tetany Close relatives of the Absorption Theory
soon occurred. It was thus proved that a are the Permeability Theories of Hober,
cell under a narcotic could not take up and Lillie, and Winterstein, which propose that
store oxygen." These, and similar experi- the permeability of cell membranes is de-
ments performed by others, were consid- creased by narcotic concentrations of ali-
ered by Verworn to show that during an- phatic and other central nervous depres-
esthesia the oxygen absorbing activities of sants, and that the cell membrane is less
the cells were lost; and that since oxygen capable of undergoing electrical depolari-
disappeared from the cells during narcosis zation, so that the cell is inhibited in its
at the same rate as before narcosis, an function. However, many cells do not reg-
asphyxia must occur, which could account ularly decrease permeability, and some
for the production of the narcosis. There even increase it. Furthermore, the Perme-
are two major arguments against the As- ability Theories are vague and indefinite as
phyxial Theory. The first of these is that to what happens after the permeability of
nonoxidative processes are also depressed the cell membrane has been changed. If
by narcotics, and consequently narcosis narcotics do, in fact, decrease permeability
cannot be due to any form of asphyxia in of the cell membrane, then some other
these cases and hence cannot form the basis reactions must occur to effect narcosis, and
of a general theory of narcosis. The second these are not defined by the theories.
is that diminished oxidation is the result The Lipoid Theory (often referred to as
and not the cause of narcosis, and narcotics the Meyer-Overton Theory) is based on the
do not interfere with the accessibility of fact that the narcotic potency of an ali-
oxygen to the cell. phatic compound' increases as the coeffi-
It was but a short step from the Asphyxial cient of partition between oil and water
Theory to the Inhibition of Oxidation The- increases. A vast amount of experimental
ory, and the latter has been proposed in work has been done in relation to the lipoid
several guises, one being the inhibition of solubility of anesthetic and narcotic drugs,
oxygen consumption of the brain by nar- and there is no question that the lipoid
cotics, and another being the inhibition of solubility of an anesthetic agent influences
certain enzyme systems. Again, however, the distribution within the body (particu-
the statement that narcotics depress cellu- larly the nerve cell); but the Lipoid Theory
lar oxidation tells nothing about the mech- itself, as an explanation for the mechanism
anism, and it is probable that lowered cel- of action of anesthesia, is open to criticism

on several counts. It applies mainly to ho- and it is reprinted below with the kind
mologous series of aliphatic compounds, permission of the author and the publisher.
and does not explain the narcotic action of,
for instance, alkaloids, heterocyclic com-
pounds, or inorganic substances such as A MOLECULAR THEORY OF
bromine and magnesium. Furthermore, GENERAL ANESTHESIA
there are many fat solvents related to an- PAULING, L.
esthetic drugs which have no depressant
action on the nervous system. Finally, sol- Science, 134:15-21, 1961
ubilities in water and olive oil cannot really Based on theoretical considerations
be compared to biological systems, since alone and without any experimentation,
lymph, blood, and body lipids are quite Pauling developed the theory that anes-
distinct from water and oil. thetic agents interact with water molecules
The failure of all of these theories to in brain cells to form hydrate microcrystals,
explain the mechanism of anesthesia has which decrease the energy of electric oscil-
not prevented scientists from continuing to lation of protein side chains producing the
ask the question, however, nor from con- state of anesthesia. He noted the striking
tinuing the search for the answer. One correlation between potency of anesthetic
recent proposal has been the microcrystal agents and partial pressure necessary to
theory of Dr. Linus C. Pauling, which was form hydrate crystals, but recognized that
published in the July 7, 1961, issue of Sci- any theory based on van der Waals attrac-
ence (134: 15, 1961) under the title of, "A tion of anesthetic molecules for other mol-
Molecular Theory of General Anesthesia," ecules would show similar correlation.

Published December, 1981

Probably the earliest-and almost as- animal take in air. Indeed, with a slight
suredly the most tritely quoted-reference breath in the case of this living animal the
to resuscitation occurs in the Old Testa- lung will swell to the full extent of the
ment, II Kings, 5, 32-34: thoracic cavity and the heart become
strong . ."
"And when Elisha was come into the house, behold, There are references to the use of bel-
the child was dead and laid upon his bed. lows, mouth-to-mouth, and even mouth-to-
"He went in therefore, and shut the door upon them nose breathing scattered through the writ-
twain, and prayed unto the Lord.
ings of the 17th century; and, indeed,
"And he went up, and lay upon the child, and put his
mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes,
Mayow, in the great English medical classic,
and his hands upon his hands; and he stretched himself Tractatus Quinque Medico-Physici, came
upon the child; and the flesh of the child waxed close to putting the whole thing together
warm. when his experiments showed that dark
venous blood changed to bright red by
Whether or not this was true mouth-to- taking up certain ingredients in the air and
mouth resuscitation, or simply "the laying that the object of breathing was to cause
on of hands," is impossible to tell, although an interchange of gases between the air
the description of "his eyes upon his eyes, and the blood.
and his hands upon his hands" certainly It was the drownings which attracted the
smacks more of the metaphysical than the public's imagination and interest, however,
physiologic. and it was the drownings that led, during
By the 16th century, however, Vesalius the 16th century, to the first concerted
very clearly described the restoration of life attempts at organized resuscitation, what
by "an opening..,. attempted in the trunk could by a stretch of the imagination be
of the trachea, into which a reed or cane termed the first inklings of CPR. One of
should be put; you will then blow into this, the foremost and most famous of these,
so that the lung may rise again and the instituted in the year 1767, was the Society

at Amsterdam for the Recovery of thus be said to have been established since
Drowned Persons. Huston has described it biblical times, but the problem of the heart
as follows: "The Society to Restore was another problem altogether. The No-
Drowned Persons was formed by a group vember 29, 1902, issue of The Lancet gave
of wealthy merchants at Amsterdam in an a rather complete history of the progress
attempt to aid in the resuscitation of the up until that time in an Annotation enti-
many drowned in their waterways. Until tled, "Resuscitation in Syncope due to An-
this time, anyone taken from the water was aesthetics and in Other Conditions by
deemed dead. The Society offered money Rhythmical Compression of the Heart"
to those who would follow their rules of (Lancet, 2: 1476 (Nov. 29), 1902):
resuscitation and more money if they were "In 1874 Schiff showed that dogs appar-
successful. The success rate was high, lead- ently killed by chloroform might be resus-
ing to the formation of similar organized citated by rhythmical compression of the
resuscitation efforts, and was the spiritual exposed heart. In 1899 Prus independently
founder of all the other humane societies." discovered that dogs apparently killed by
The extensive coastline of the British asphyxia, chloroform intoxication, or elec-
Isles, and the frequent squalls and storms tricity might be resuscitated in this manner.
that arise there, provided no lack of clinical Opportunity has occurred of applying this
material on which the arts of resuscitation method to man in a case of suicide. Though
could be practiced. From 1774 onward, two hours had elapsed since death a few
The Royal Humane Society published of- flickering contractions of the heart were
ficial reports of the Society for the Recov- obtained. In the Hospitalstidende, 1900, p.
ery of Persons Apparently Drowned. These 1217, an extraordinary and unique case
contained detailed instructions for resusci- was published, in which, after stoppage of
tation and stressed the point for the need respiration and pulse during the adminis-
of utmost speed if attempts were to suc- tration of chloroform, and failure of ordi-
ceed. nary methods of resuscitation, the heart
Rasnekov has stated: was exposed, rhythmic compression was
"Not only was the society concerned with performed, and after a short time sponta-
victims of drowning but, in addition, read- neous contractions were evoked. Perflation
ers were advised to use the methods de- of the lungs was simultaneously performed.
scribed for resuscitating any person who The cardiac movements gradually in-
collapsed suddenly, apparently dead. A de- creased and after half an hour feeble spon-
scription was given of a successful resusci- taneous respiration began. After three
tation of a child who was brought back to hours the patient was breathing deeply,
life by 'electricity.' then respiration again ceased. Artificial res-
"The problem of how to proceed if or- piration was maintained for eight hours
dinary methods of ventilation, eg., mouth- until the heart ceased to beat. A complete
to-mouth breathing or use of tobacco account of this case had been published.'
smoke as described, ('another should throw The Revue de Chirurgie for October con-
the smoke of tobacco up by the fundament tains an interesting review of the whole
into the bowels by means of a pipe') failed, subject by Dr. Maurice Boureau. He finds
was also considered and advice given to use that rhythmical compression of the heart
a 'tube inserted through the mouth or nos- has been employed in 12 cases, never with
trils to which could be attached a pair of final success. M. Tuffier 2 has recorded the
bellows'. If this method also fails, 'it may following case. He happened to be near
be necessary to make an opening into the when a man died suddenly on the fifth day
windpipe' into which the breathing tube of an attack of appendicitis, apparently
can be inserted. The reader is cautioned from embolism. Not more than two or
that this method 'should not be attempted
unless by persons skilled in surgery.'" ' The Lancet, April 13th, 1901, p. 1092.
The necessity of ventilation of the lungs 2 Bulletin at Mimoire de laSocidti de Chirurgie, 1898,
in the performance of resuscitation can p. 937.

three minutes had elapsed when he exam- under nitrous oxide and ether. During the
ined the patient. The body was already trimming of the stump both pulse and res-
flaccid, the pupils were dilated, respiration piration stopped together. Artificial respi-
had stopped, and the heart showed no signs ration and traction on the tongue were
of movement. Having tried all ordinary performed without success. Then the sur-
methods suitable in such a case M. Tuffier geon, Mr. W. Arbuthnot Lane, introduced
rapidly made an incision in the third left his hand through the abdominal incision
intercostal space and pressing on the peri- and felt the motionless heart through the
cardium with the index finger rhythmically diaphragm. He gave it a squeeze or two
compressed the ventricular region for one and felt it re-start beating, though no radial
or two minutes. The heart first undulated pulse was discernible. As voluntary respi-
irregularly and then contracted definitely. ration was still suspended artificial respira-
The pulse reappeared, deep respirations tion was continued and other restorative
took place, the eyes opened, and the pupils measures were adopted. Artificial respira-
contracted. The wound was covered with tion had to be continued for about 12
an antiseptic pad. The pulse failed again minutes when natural respiration recom-
and the circulation was again established menced with a long, sighing respiration,
by the same means for some minutes, but while at the same time the pulse became
it then ceased in spite of all efforts. Until perceptible. The operation was completed
the present year surgeons have reached the without any more anaesthetic and a good
heart by resecting the fifth and sixth ribs convalescence followed, though there was
and opening both pleura and pericardium, some diaphragmatic tenderness. It should
thus necessarily creating pneumothorax. be noted that the method adopted by Dr.
But in 1902 Porrier, following a method Starling and Mr. Lane, whom we congrat-
recommended by Mauclaire,3 adopted the ulate, differs from those previously em-
voie diaphragmatique,thus avoiding the pro- ployed. Instead of incising the diaphragm
duction of pneumothorax. as recommended by Mauclaire he adopted
"An incision four or five centimetres the simpler method of compressing the
long is made through the diaphragm. It heart through the diaphragm. The pre-
begins at the middle of the concavity of the vious results of manual compression of the
diaphragm and is directed a little obliquely heart are not very encouraging, but Mr.
from right to left towards, but not as far, Lane's success by such a very simple and
as the apex of the heart. In two cases this easy procedure justifies us in saying that if
method has been employed without suc- during laparotomy the patient's heart stops
cess. Dr. Boureau thinks that Silvester's the case should never be abandoned as
method of artificial respiration and La- hopeless until manual compression of the
borde's method of rhythmical traction of heart through the diaphragm has been per-
the tongue should always be employed in formed."
the first instance in cases of syncope from During the first half of the present cen-
chloroform. If after 10 minutes respiration tury, there were sporadic reports of the
has not recommenced he recommends the restoration of cardiac action by direct com-
surgeon as a last resource to perform pression of the heart through a thoracot-
rhythmical compression of the heart. Since omy wound; by compression of the heart
the publication of Dr. Boureau's paper the through the intact diaphragm during lapa-
first successful case of resuscitation by rotomy, or by an actual incision of the
rhythmical compression of the heart has diaphragm during such an operation; by
been recorded. At the last meeting of the forced flexion of the legs on the abdomen;
Society of Anaesthetists Dr. E. A. Starling and even, on at least one occasion, by com-
reported the case of a man, aged 65 years, pression of the thorax. The fundamental
whose appendix vermiformis was removed problem of the maintenance of cardiac flow
during cardiopulmonary resuscitation,
s Gazette des Hopitaux, 1901, No. 145. however, was in fact solved by a meticu-

lously astute observation by trained scien- rhythmic pressure to the chest wall over
tists who were working on an entirely dif- the heart might have put pressure on the
ferent problem. heart and caused it to empty, thus resulting
Dr. William B. Kouwenhoven was an in some degree of circulation. Together
electrical engineer and for many years had with the artificial ventilation, this would
been the Dean of the School of Engineering allow circulation of oxygenated blood ...
at Johns Hopkins University. Much of his "... further experiments followed,
career had been devoted to high-voltage where the hand was substituted for the
measurements and the development of defibrillator electrode and rhythmic pres-
other precise electrical measurement tech- sure given on the lower sternum over the
niques, and studies of magnetic and dielec- heart; and . . . even after 15 or 20 minutes
tric materials. During the latter part of the of such maneuvers they could still defibril-
1950's, Dr. Kouwenhoven's laboratory was late the heart and the dog would awaken
working on a grant from the Edison Elec- with an apparently intact central nervous
tric Company of New York and the Na- system. Together they all then conducted
tional Institutes of Health in an attempt to further studies and the time of reversibility
answer the problem of electrocution of ventricular fibrillation by cardiac mas-
among power company linemen, which al- sage extended. The effects of epinephrine,
ways occurred in the field, away from hos- calcium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, and
pitals where it might be possible to defi- other drugs were recorded under the con-
brillate the heart in an emergency room. ditions of external cardiac massage for car-
In the spring of 1958, a typical and quite diac arrest."
routine experiment in Dr. Kouwenhoven's Within a matter of short months, the
laboratory became the crucial and history- method was applied to patients, mostly in
making study in terms of cardiopulmonary the operating room and to patients who
resuscitation, and has been described with had suffered cardiac arrest during opera-
terse, clinical precision by Dr. James Jude: tion, and in no instance was it necessary to
"An anesthetized dog was strapped to the open the chest for direct cardiac massage.
research table in the supine position with The cases were gone over in detail as they
an EKG attached and the femoral artery presented themselves; and additional labo-
cannulated and connected to a recording ratory studies were carried out, especially
transducer and strain gauge amplifier. The on the effects of rate, depth of compres-
animal's thorax was shaved so that the de- sion, employment of various cardiac stim-
fibrillator electrodes could be applied. The ulating drugs, mechanical cardiac massage,
trachea was intubated and artificial respi- and the direct-current defibrillator. A pre-
ration was maintained. A low-voltage alter- liminary paper (Kouwenhoven, W. B.,
nating current across the chest induced Jude, J. R. and Knickerbocker, G. G.:
ventricular fibrillation. The experiment Closed chest cardiac massage. J.A.M.A.,
was to attempt to prolong the period of 173: 1064, 1960) was published in July of
reversibility of the ventricular fibrillation. 1960. The definitive and classic publication
As Dr. Kouwenhoven observed, Guy appeared in the December 16, 1961, issue
Knickerbocker applied the heavy elec- of the Journal of the American Medical
trodes to each side of the highly angled Association (Jude, J. R., Kouwenhoven, W.
breast of the dog and pushed. The strain B. and Knickerbocker, M. S. E.: Cardiac
gauge recorded a blip of vascular pressure. arrest. Report of application and external
A relaxation and push caused additional cardiac massage on 118 patients. J.A.M.A.,
recording of pressure. The defibrillator 178: 1064-1070 (Dec. 16) 1961) and is
was discharged and spontaneous action re- reprinted below with the kind permissions
turned. A review of the records revealed of the authors and the publishers. Copy-
the possibility that externally applied right 1961, American Medical Association.

CARDIAC ARREST. REPORT "A new method of producing artificial

OF APPLICATION OF circulation by external sternal compression
without thoracotomy-thus being able to
EXTERNAL CARDIAC apply it rapidly and without trauma-was
MASSAGE ON 118 evaluated in 138 episodes of cardiac arrest
PATIENTS. in 118 patients: 76 arrests occurred outside
JAMES R. JUDE, the operating room and recovery areas.
WILLIAM B. KOUWENHOVEN Seven out of every 10 were in asystole; the
AND remainder were in ventricular fibrillation.
G. GUY KNICKERBOCKER Cardiac action was restored in 107 (78%)
of the 138 cardiac arrests. In 84 (60%) of
Department of Surgery,
the 138, the prearrest status of the central
The Johns Hopkins University
nervous system and heart was regained: 28
School of Medicine and Hospital (24%) of the 118 patients survived the ar-
Baltimore, Maryland rest and inciting disease to leave the hos-
J.A.M.A., 178:1064, 1961 pital."
* * #*


Published June, 1980

In 1937, Arthur Guedel included in his failed to disclose anything wrong with the technique.
classic little monograph, InhalationAnesthe- The ether was investigated by the manufacturer but
sia, just over a page on the subject of hy- nothing unusual was found.
"Necropsy in these four cases showed only a cere-
perthermia related to anesthesia:
bral edema. No histological study of the brain was
"It would seem that this small and rather indefinite made.
series of postoperative hyperthermias might be due to "We may assume, in these cases, the cause to be an
the anesthesia although this cannot be certain. interference with the heat regulation center in the
"During the past twenty years the author has had hypothalamic area but that is as far as our assumptions
six such cases on his own services and has had perhaps may be carried at the present time.
as many more reported to him by others. In all of "In the matter of treatment, thorough ice packs
these cases the anesthesia was ether, usually by the and, because of the cerebral edema, the intravenous
open drop method. They were all elective abdominal use of hypertonic glucose would be indicated.
operations except one, a brain tumor. There was "It is highly probable that many cases of this sort
nothing apparently wrong with the anesthesias, the have occurred in which the pathological progress
element of asphyxia which was especially noted, being halted and turned back before death occurred."
"The development of the hyperthermia and its Today, a great deal more is known about
progress was similar in all cases. Within four to six this syndrome, which is now called malig-
hours after the patient was returned to the ward the nant hyperthermia or malignant hyperpy-
temperature registered in the neighborhood of rexia in humans, and is referred to as pork
104 F., following which it rose rapidly and progres-
stress syndrome in the pig. In both species,
sively to 1080 F. or 110oF., death occurring within
the first twenty-four post-operative hours.
the paroxysmal hypercatabolic reactions of
"It is interesting to note that four of these cases skeletal and heart muscle may be due to
occurred in the same hospital during a period of one the same underlying molecular defect, the
month and with the same shipment of ether. In these variations in clinical expressions being due
the open drop method was used and close investigation to species difference itself, or to the site of

the defect, the severity of the defect, to ants and is breathing spontaneously. The
environmental factors, or to various com- skin is warm to the touch, even before the
binations of these. In any event, much of core temperature begins its rapid and inex-
the knowledge gained in the past 2 decades orable rise; the soda lime cannister (if a
has resulted from the fact that the syn- circle system is in use) will also become hot;
drome has achieved the status of a "glam- and the soda lime will discolor rapidly.
our disease," and as such has commanded The syndrome, if undetected or un-
not only intense clinical interest, but also a treated at this point, progresses rapidly.
vast amount of investigative activity. Much Muscle rigidity, if it was not observed fol-
remains to be learned, of course; but im- lowing succinylcholine, develops subtly, the
proved understanding of the clinical and muscles being in a state of contracture, not
chemical features of malignant hyperther- spastic contraction, and the muscle bellies
mic reactions, and of the management of are firm and hard. The body temperature
this potentially lethal disease, has led to a increases very quickly (1 oF every few min-
reduction in the mortality rate from more utes) and to high levels (115 F. has been
than 70 per cent before 1970 to 28 per recorded); but this is an effect, not a cause,
cent in 1976, according to the records kept of the disorder-and in that sense it is a
in the Toronto registry of cases of malig- late sign. Excessive oozing may develop in
nant hyperthermia maintained by Dr. Bev- the surgical wound, or from previously dry
erly Britt at the University of Toronto. edges of the incision, as coagulopathy de-
Most of the affected individuals exhibit velops. Pulmonary edema from left ventric-
bulky and excessively strong muscles and ular failure develops in the late stages of
may complain of muscle cramps with local- the acute crisis.
ized muscle weaknesses such as hernias, These physical signs reflect the funda-
club foot, spinal curvature, joint hypermo- mental biochemical aberrations. The pH
bility, ptosis, and strabismus. The disease is falls early and markedly due to the vast
rare in infants under 2, and in adults over CO 2 production in the skeletal muscles, and
50, years of age. It is more common in to this respiratory acidosis soon is added a
males than in females, which again may be metabolic component due to lactic acid
related to muscle development, bulk and production, as the metabolic demands of
strength, or perhaps to sex hormone dif- the skeletal muscles exceed the available 02
ferences. Some of those who have devel- supply. Serum potassium is elevated ini-
oped malignant hyperthermia had under- tially, as is the calcium, but the latter soon
gone previously uneventful general anes- falls below normal as the high blood gra-
thesia; conversely, there are some who had dient pushes the ion across the impaired
exhibited malignant hyperthermia on a membrane into the muscle cell. Hemolysis,
previous occasion who have subsequently thrombocytopenia, and lowered levels of
undergone uneventful general anesthesia. fibrinogen and Factor VIII represent the
The earliest presenting sign of malignant coagulopathy mentioned above; enzyme
hyperthermia is a cardiac arrhythmia, usu- levels (creatine phosphokinase, lactic de-
ally tachycardia, although, if succinylcho- hydrogenase, and glutamic oxalacetic
line has been used at induction for endo- transaminase) may reach high levels during
tracheal intubation, an abnormal response the acute episode, but generally are highest
to that drug may serve as a prodromat in 24 to 48 hours afterwards in patients who
the so-called "rigid type" of the disease. A survive.
generalized erythematous flush occurs also Treatment must be prompt, vigorous,
in the early stages, with areas of mottling and persistent. Anesthesia must be stopped
which acquire a cyanotic hue, and are ac- immediately and surgery terminated as rap-
companied by dark blood in the surgical idly as possible: this is no time for discus-
wound. Hypertension may develop at this sions of if's, and's, or but's. Blood gas meas-
stage, and a marked tachypnea and hyperp- urements give the definitive diagnosis. The
nea will be noted in the patient who has lungs must be hyperventilated with 100 per
not been fully paralyzed with muscle relax- cent 02. Cooling must be undertaken by

every available means: although the py- Figures as to the number of times that
rexia in children has been controlled by these anesthetics trigger an acute crisis vary
surface cooling alone, adults will require greatly, the attack rate running as high as
iced saline by gastric lavage, by rectal in- 1: 15,000 in anesthetized children to as low
stillation, and by bladder irrigation; if the as 1: 50,000 for a general hospital popula-
peritoneal and/or pleural cavities are open, tion. Of paramount concern has been the
cold saline should be poured directly into predisposition which allows the triggering
these. Extracorporeal circulation and a agent to precipitate an attack. The patho-
heat exchanger is the most efficient method physiology of malignant hyperthermia is
of controlling the hyperpyrexia, of course, unknown in precise terms, but it is a form
but are seldom available at the ready in of defect in calcium transfer that leads to
most hospitals. Massive amounts of bicar- an increased intracellular calcium level and
bonate are necessary to combat the com- a resulting fulminant hypermetabolism in
bined respiratory and metabolic acidosis the muscle. Many of the patients who are
and to reverse the severe hyperkalemia by susceptible to malignant hyperthermia
driving the potassium into the cells. Urine have an underlying disease of muscle, and
output must be maintained at 2 ml. per kg. at least 2 predisposing myopathies have
per hr. by using Mannitol and Lasix, since been identified. It is now well established
myoglobinemia and myoglobinuria will not that in many of these patients the predis-
be harmful to the kidney if flow is main- position has an undeniable genetic basis.
tained. Procainamide in large doses is as- There appears to be good evidence that
sociated with a 70 per cent survival rate, the predisposition is an autosomal domi-
and Dantrolene has been associated with nant trait, although, in the instance of one
survival in 12 of 14 patients in whom it was of the predisposing myopathies, it is inher-
used. Regular insulin in a bolus of hyper- ited as a recessive characteristic.
tonic glucose has been advocated as a The first intimation that the syndrome
method of providing an energy source to was not an anesthetic disease, in the sense
the cell. that was referred to by Guedel in 1937,
Malignant hyperthermia has commonly but rather was in fact a true pharmacoge-
been regarded as an anesthetic complica- netic process which was dependent upon
tion, an iatrogenic disease caused by anes- both an abnormal gene and a triggering
thesia-and, indeed, the list of anesthetic factor (which, of course, could be an anes-
drugs and supplementary agents which thetic), came from Denborough and his
have been implicated as triggering the syn- colleagues at the Royal Melbourne Hospital
drome is appallingly long and frighteningly and Royal Women's Hospital in Australia.
complete. At one time or another, every Their first report was a short Letter To
type of general anesthesia which is, or has The Editor which was published in Lancet
been, in common use has been regarded as on July 2nd, 1960, and was subsequently
the triggering agent, as have many of the republished in a more complete version in
skeletal muscle relaxants, and some of the the anesthetic literature under the title,
amide local anesthetics: halothane (60 per "Anaesthetic Deaths In A Family," in the
cent of the cases of malignant hyperther- June 1962 issue of the British Journal of
mia), succinylcholine (77 per cent of the Anaesthesia (Denborough, M. A., Forster,
cases), N 20-0 2-meperidine, spinal, me- J. F. A., Lovell, R. R. H., Mapleson, P. A.
thoxyflurane, ether, chloroform, ethyl and Villiers, J. D.: Br. J. Anaesth., 34: 595,
chloride, trichlorethylene, cyclopropane, 1962). It is reprinted below with the kind
ethylene, gallamine, d-tubocurarine, iso- permissions of the authors and the publish-
flurane, enflurane, lidocaine, and mepiva- ers.
caine have all been implicated.

ANAESTHETIC DEATHS Following administration of nitrous ox-

IN A FAMILY ide, oxygen and halothane for 15 minutes,
he developed hypotension, tachycardia to
M. A. DENBOROUGH, 160 per minute, and cyanosis. The skin was
hot and sweaty. He was rubbed down with
ice-cold cloths and gradually recovered
over the next 90 minutes. About one year
later he had an uneventful spinal anesthetic
for removal of a ureteral calculus.
Royal Melbourne Hospital and Enquiries showed that 10 of the 38 rela-
Royal Women's Hospital, tives of the patient had died in association
Melbourne, Australia with ethyl chloride and ether anesthetics,
Br. J. Anaesth., 34: 595, 1962 the course of events having been similar.
In two, the body temperatures were found
A case history is presented in which a 21 to be 43oC and 42oC, respectively.
year old male, requiring an anesthetic for The pattern of inheritance of the abnor-
a compound fracture of the tibia and fibula, mality is compatible with that due to an
was concerned because several of his rela- incompletely penetrant dominant gene or
tives had died following the administration genes. The nature of the inherited anomaly
of ether anesthesia. is not known.


Published December, 1974

One of the leading concerns of the an- anesthesia was the observation of physical
esthetist from the very beginning has been signs, the anesthetist using his own 5 senses
judging, or recognizing, or measuring, the in combination with his experience as to
degree or depth of anesthesia. Indeed, the what any given set of physical signs meant
mythology of anesthesiology has it that one by way of the depth of anesthesia. The
of the reasons that Crawford Long was evaluation was on the basis of the rate and
deterred from further use of ether anesthe- quality of the pulse; the depth, character,
sia was the fact that he misjudged the dose and rate of respiration; the color of the skin
which he administered to a young boy, and mucous membranes; the tone or relax-
almost with fatal result. Concern with the ation of the muscles; and the responses to
depth of anesthesia was apparent, too, in painful stimuli.
the first administration of nitrous oxide It was, in fact, the response to painful
anesthesia, on the occasion of the extrac- stimulation which turned the demonstra-
tion of Horace Wells' aching wisdom tooth, tion of nitrous oxide anesthesia by Horace
December 11 th, 1844: John M. Riggs, who Wells at the Harvard Medical School dur-
had performed the extraction, said of the ing early February of 1845 into a complete
operation, "Our agreement, the night pre- fiasco. A groan, as the tooth of the subject
vious, was to push the administration to a to whom Wells had administered the ni-
point hitherto unknown." trous oxide on that occasion was being ex-
The earliest-and still the most com- tracted, led to cries of "Humbug," "Char-
mon-method of evaluating the depth of latan," "Imposter"; and Wells returned to

Hartford a broken man, eventually to be- different agents, the latter can be com-
come a chloroform addict and commit sui- pared in regard to respiratory, circulatory,
cide at the age of 33. neuromuscular, or reflex responses at the
During the ensuing century and a same "depth" of anesthesia.
quarter, "painful stimulation" was regarded The biologic constancy of MAC within a
more as a surgical joke and an indication given species is apparently quite remarka-
of incomplete anesthesia than as a sign of ble, and the variability is small: the standard
depth of anesthesia itself. When the sur- deviation from the average MAC in the
geon plunged knife into belly with the roar, dog is but 10 to 20 per cent. Not only is
"Is he asleep, Mr. Anaesthetist?", there was this constancy apparent within a given spe-
vast amusement in the operating theater, cies, but even the variability between spe-
and equally vast humiliation at the head of cies is surprisingly small: MAC for halo-
the table if the patient, indeed moved. The thane at one atmosphere is 0.87 in the dog,
"good" anesthetist came to be known as 0.75 in man, 0.82 in the cat, 0.95 to 1.1 in
one to whom such humiliation never oc- the rat or mouse, 0.76 in the goldfish, and
curred; and in retrospect he was also, ob- 0.76 in the toad. The constancy of MAC
viously, one who kept his patients deep. extends to time, also, and the value for
Balanced anesthesia has changed all that, MAC determined on the same dog on suc-
of course, and today movement in response cessive weeks varies only 8 per cent. The
to painful stimuli is a recognized-and val- same is true of the duration of anesthetic
ued-sign of anesthesia. Movement of the administration, for the MAC at the end of
eyes during the administration of the older 1 or 2 hours of halothane anesthesia is not
agents like ether has been used for 2 gen- significantly different than that after 10
erations to denote the depth of anesthesia; hours. Sex also makes no difference, and
and the development of pediatric anesthe- MAC is the same in both the male and
sia has also seen movement of the extrem- female within the same species.
ities become an important indication of There are factors which change MAC,
depth. Neuroleptanalgesia and intravenous and many of these are known to the clinical
narcotic anesthesia have brought promi- anesthesiologist on the basis of empirical
nence to the grimace as a sign of the level experience. Extreme changes in acid-base
of anesthesia; and the statement, "he's mov- balance represent a stress which produces
ing," is no longer a source of humiliation, a decrease in anesthetic requirement, and
but of reassurance, to the anesthetist. hence in MAC. Elevation of the Paco2 to
The past decade has also seen movement above 90 mm. Hg decreases MAC, and so
in response to painful stimulation used by does hyperventilation to below 10 mm.
some workers as a method of comparing Hg-the former possibly by an anesthetic
the potencies of anesthetic drugs. The min- effect of CO 2 relating to cerebrospinal fluid
imal alveolar concentration, or MAC, at hydrogen ion, and the latter possibly due
which movement in response to painful to a fall in cerebral blood flow. A fall in
stimulation occurs during the administra- Pao2 below 40 mm. Hg will also decrease
tion of an inhalation anesthetic, is consid- the anesthetic requirement, (and MAC), as
ered far more reliable than physical signs will reduction in blood pressure to one-
to compare potencies. The traditional third or one-half of control values. Aging
physical signs for depth of ether anesthesia, and lowered body temperature will reduce
as enunciated by Guedel, for instance, MAC, while elevation of temperature will
hardly apply for halothane; and, in fact, increase it. These are logical effects from
may even vary from patient to patient dur- the point-of-view of the perceptive clini-
ing ether anesthesia itself. MAC, however, cian.
is remarkably constant for any given inha- So, too, are the effects of depressants
lation anesthetic agent; and if the same such as narcotics and other anesthetics,
multiple of MAC (1, 2, 3, 4, and so on) is which lower MAC in simple, additive fash-
chosen for physiologic and pharmacologic ion. More subtle are the effects of reserpine
measurements during the administration of and alpha methyl dopa, which deplete cen-

tral catecholamines and reduce MAC; try for the better part of a decade. It was
while iproniazide and dextroamphetamine, introduced by Merkel and Eger in an article
which release central catecholamines, raise entitled, "A comparative study of halo-
MAC. The clinician must allow for the thane and halopropane anesthesia includ-
changes introduced by the effects of these ing method for determining equipotency,"
drugs on anesthetic requirement lest he which was published in the May-June issue
give too much or too little. of Anesthesiology (Merkel, G. and Eger, E.
The significance of MAC has been, and I., II: Anesthesiology, 24: 346-357, 1963)
is, argued endlessly. There can be no and is reprinted below with the kind per-
doubt, however, that the concept has dom- mission of the authors and the publisher.
inated the anesthetic literature in this coun-

A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF compared in dogs during spontaneous and

HALOTHANE AND controlled respiration. Anesthetic equipo-
tency was defined in terms of the minimal
alveolar anesthetic concentration required
ANESTHESIA INCLUDING to prevent muscular response to a painful
METHOD FOR stimulus. Halopropane was found a less
DETERMINING potent anesthetic than halothane, with a
EQUIPOTENCY narrower range between minimal anes-
thetic concentration and that required to
GILES MERKEL, M.D., produce respiratory or circulatory failure.
AND Arterial pressure and cardiac output be-
EDMOND I. EGER, II, M.D. came depressed at relatively lower alveolar
Anesthesiology, 24: 346-357, 1963 halopropane concentrations. Respiratory
arrest also occurred at lower halopropane
* * * *
concentrations. With neither agent did the
SUMMARY dogs demonstrate a significant tendency to
"Two fluorinated hydrocarbon anes- compensate for increasing anesthetic de-
thetics, halopropane and halothane, were pression."

PublishedJune, 1975
The day in 1656 when Sir Christopher who injected a solution of opiate and did
Wren injected opium into the vein of a indeed produce narcosis.
large, lean dog by means of a quill and a It was almost 250 more years before
pig's bladder was not only the beginning of narcotics became an integral part of the
i.v. anesthesia, but also the beginning of anesthesia scene in the form of the basal
narcotic anesthesia. narcosis known as "Twilight Sleep." This
Anesthesia was, of course, quite un- mixture of morphine and scopolamine at-
known as such at the time; and it was not tained great popularity among patients as
Sir Christopher's intention to produce it, a form of pain relief for labor in obstetrics,
as is demonstrated by the catholic structure but its unfortunate effects upon uterine
of his experiments, which also included the contractions and the fetus turned obstetri-
injection of wine and beer intravenously cians against it. It has persisted as a form
into the same big, black dog! Nine years of premedication, however, in the 25:1
later the first earnest (and successful) at- ratio advocated by Waters.
tempt to produce anesthesia by i.v. admin- The first really documented widespread
istration was made by Sigismund Elsholtz, use of i.v. narcotics came with the report

by Neff and his colleagues of the use of the The technique of "ataralgesia" was a log-
combination of nitrous oxide-meperidine- ical progression and came fast on the heels
d-tubocurarine in the February, 1947, issue of "Artificial Hibernation." It stripped the
of California Medicine. This is certainly not pomposity from the latter, and got right
to say that others had not used i.v. narcotics down to the fundamentils of a narcotic and
as part of their anesthetic regimen-in- a tranquilizer (or, as they preferred to call
deed, both the group at the University of the latter, an ataraxic drug). Its ingredients
Wisconsin under Ralph Waters at Madison were Demerol, amiphenazole (Daptazole)
and the group at Bellevue under Roven- and Pacatal, to induce a state of "ataralge-
stine in New York City had been using i.v. sia"-that is, of "calmness and freedom
morphine during anesthesia some 10 or from pain," during which operations could
more years earlier. The article by Neff and be performed without anesthesia. The
his colleagues, however, did identify the problem was that, like mesmerism, hypno-
technique in the literature, and their work sis, Read's "childbirth without pain," and
therefore is a form of landmark. now, acupuncture, it is hard to do surgical
The next chapter on the use of narcotics operations without anesthesia in a lot of
as a major component of the anesthetic patients. And when the excitement of new-
administration was written by the two ness wore off, most anesthesiologists fell
Frenchmen, Laborit and Huguenard, back to older techniques with greater reli-
when they introduced the technique of ability and more controllable depression.
"Artificial Hibernation" in the early 1950's. As Orkin has put it, "Nothing is more dis-
This was based on an astoundingly complex concerting to a patient, surgeon or anesthe-
conglomeration of drugs; an almost ritu- siologist than to await an anesthetic proce-
alistic procedure for their administration; dure which fails to produce adequate con-
and-to touch all the bases of the time- ditions for surgery. Our own experience
hypothermia. The concept of "Artificial with ataraxic or tranquilizing drugs is that
Hibernation" was that it would approxi- they have additional unreliabilities. Some
mate the state of hibernating mammals: patients remain remarkably awake and oth-
hypotension; hypothermia; hypometabol- ers need practically no anesthesia. A few
ism; reduced capillary permeability; mus- may show excitement instead of sedation."
cular relaxation; and "disconnexion," a The most recent significant development
state of twilight sleep. This objective was in the use of narcotic anesthesia has also
to be achieved by the administration of a had its basis in the combination of a nar-
series of "lytic cocktails": "Melange Mi" cotic with a tranquilizer, or so-called neu-
(Largactil 0.05-2 cm. 3, Phenergan 0.05-2 roleptanalgesia, this time in the form of
cm.3 , Dolosal 0.10-cm.3 ); "Cocktail No. 1" Innovar, a wedding of fentanyl and dro-
(Largactil 0.05-0.15; Phenergan 0.05- peridol. There are indications that the pro-
0.15; Dolosal 0.10-0.20; 0.25 on Hyder- portions of the two drugs in the marriage
gine 2-3 cm. 3, Liquide de perfusion q.s./ is not necessarily a happy one, and that
1000 cm. 3); "Cocktail No. 2" (Sulfate de perhaps fentanyl, the potent and short-act-
Sparteine 0.20-0.30; sulfate de magnesie 6 ing narcotic, may be the ultimate survivor.
gm.; Procaine 2-5 gm.; Liquide de perfu- Nevertheless, it is true that, in many an
sion q.s./1500 cm. 3); and a variety of other anesthesiologist's practice, Innovar to pro-
supplements and maneuvers. duce neuroleptanalgesia has brought a sub-
In retrospect, it was a ridiculous concept stantial end to the Decade of the Halogen-
and an incredible technique; but it served ated Hydrocarbons. The clinical use of In-
two important purposes in terms of the novar (or Innovan, as it was then called)
history of anesthetic progress in that it in- was reported in the May-June, 1963, issue
troduced the phenothiazines to the anes- of Anesthesiology (Holderness, M. C., Chase,
thetic community, and it firmly established P. E. and Dripps, R. D.: Anesthesiology, 24:
the usefulness of the combination of a nar- 336-340, 1963) in a paper titled, "A Nar-
cotic and a tranquilizer. cotic Analgesic and a Butyrophenone with

Nitrous Oxide for General Anesthesia," tive, intravenously, together with the in-
and it is reprinted below with the kind halation of nitrous oxide has been utilized
permissions of the authors and the pub- to anesthetize 400 patients for general sur-
lisher. gical procedures. The method affords ex-
cellent analgesia and hypnosis for opera-
tions not requiring muscular relaxation.
For the latter a relaxant must be added.
A NARCOTIC ANALGESIC Circulatory stability was impressive during
AND A BUTYROPHENONE and after operation. Respiratory depres-
sion resembled that seen when other nar-
WITH NITROUS OXIDE FOR cotic analgesics are used as adjuvants to
GENERAL ANESTHESIA anesthesia, but was of lesser duration than
with most. Rigidity of skeletal muscles, oc-
casionally making pulmonary ventilation
difficult but responding promptly to small
ROBERT D. DRIPPS, M.D. doses of relaxants, was seen primarily when
excessive amounts of the mixture had been
Anesthesiology, 24: 336-340, 1963 given by vein.
"Profound analgesia, minimal hypoten-
* * * * sion, probably protection against epineph-
rine-induced ventricular arrhythmias, and
a smooth postoperative course constitute
"A technique of general anesthesia using some of the appealing features of this tech-
phentanyl, a potent analgesic, and dehy- nique with non-explosive agents which ap-
drobenzperidol, a butyrophenone deriva- pears to merit further exploration."


Published December, 1978

For a great many years, the Professor of was administered, the patient also would
Pharmacology taught, and the Pharmacol- wake up in a short period of time. The
ogy Textbook stated, that thiopental so- logical explanation for this sequence was
dium was an ultra short-acting barbiturate. that the drug had been destroyed in the
For clinical purposes, the barbiturates had body at a very rapid rate and therefore,
been classified into 4 main groups, depend- ipso facto, was ultra short-acting.
ing upon their duration of action: long- Furthermore, (the Pharmacology Text-
acting, such as phenobarbital; intermediate book continued), it appeared possible to
action, of which amytal and pentobarbital relate chemical structure to duration of
were examples; short-acting, such as seco- pharmacologic action: "In general, barbi-
barbital and similar compounds; and the turates with alkyl radicals are relatively sta-
ultra short-acting thiopental and hexobar- ble in the body, while those with complex
bital (Evipal), which could be administered cyclic radicals, such as Evipal, are unstable
intravenously for anesthesia. and readily destroyed. Derivatives of thio-
Thiopental was classified in this schema barbituric acid are likewise rapidly decom-
as ultra short-acting because, if a dose was posed in the body and therefore are short
given intravenously, the patient rapidly lost in duration of action."
consciousness; but if no further thiopental There were. however, some clinical ex-

periences which were disturbingly at odds and plasma below anesthetic levels as the
with these reasonable-sounding explana- drug is redistributed from vessel-rich or-
tions. It was true that thiopental would gans to the lean body mass and the fat
produce anesthesia of only short duration depots. The entry of the drug into the
following the administration of a small tissues of the lean body mass peaks about
dose, and in that respect the drug appeared half-an-hour after the initial administration
to be ultra short-acting. However, if the and serves to cushion the early impact of
patient was maintained under prolonged the drug on the brain; and then for an hour
anesthesia by successive injections of thio- or so the drug enters the fat depots, which
pental, the duration of the subsequent con- serve as a secondary cushion and become
tinuing narcosis could be very prolonged: dominant in the termination of anesthesia.
in other words, thiopental no longer acted However, if larger doses are used or the
like an ultra short-acting drug. This un- administration is continued over a longer
pleasant fact (in that it did not fit the con- period of time, the ultra short action is not
cept of rapid destruction in the body) was seen, and awakening is delayed beyond the
conveniently explained away by ascribing period of major uptake by fat. Under these
this unusual activity to the production and circumstances, plasma concentrations re-
accumulation in the body of less active main at or above anesthetic levels and fall
metabolic transformation products of thio- slowly because of the slow metabolism of
pental which had a very long duration of the drug, and postanesthetic depression
anesthetic action and a slow rate of detox- can be markedly prolonged.
ification. In fact, even when sensitive meth- The same Professor of Pharmacology
ods of measuring plasma-decay curves of who was teaching that thiopental was an
thiopental became available by utilizing ul- ultra short-acting drug was also teaching
traviolet spectrophotometry, and showed that inhalation anesthetics were chemically
thiopental concentrations falling rapidly at inert within the body and were exhaled in
first and then more slowly, the data were the same form, and in the same amount, as
still misinterpreted as indicating speedy de- they had been inhaled into the lungs. This
struction of the drug. was the accepted doctrine for over a cen-
The classical work of Brodie and his col- tury, and was reinforced by the only really
leagues in 1950 demonstrated that the scientific investigation into the matter: that
early sharp decline in plasma concentra- by Haggard in 1924 concerning the ab-
tions represented not rapid detoxification sorption, distribution and elimination of
of the drug but, rather, a shift of thiopental diethyl ether. Haggard concluded from his
from brain to other tissues during the proc- work that the drug "is not destroyed or
ess of redistribution of the drug following utilized in the body" but "is all excreted
its initial injection. Further, they recog- unchanged." The concept that anesthetic
nized that the rate of metabolism of this molecules remain unaltered during their
drug is actually slow, amounting to only stay in the body was thus apparently estab-
some 10 to 15 per cent per hour; and the lished on a firm scientific basis.
continuation of their investigations, to- There had been, however, hints in the
gether with the work of Price and his co- literature that perhaps occasional excep-
workers, led to a coherent, unified expla- tions existed to this universally held con-
nation of the clinical behavior of the so- cept that inhalation anesthetics were totally
called ultra short-acting barbiturates inert and left the body completely un-
which, in oversimplified terms, can be changed-but the hints were not suffi-
stated as follows. ciently blatant to command the attention
Sleep occurs promptly after a small intra- of those dealing with matters anesthetic at
venous dose because of the swift entry of the clinical level. As early as the 1880's, for
the lipoid-soluble drug into the brain. Re- instance, there were independent studies
turn of consciousness is also prompt follow- by two Germans, Zeller (1883) and Kast
ing a single intravenous dose due to the (1887), investigating the urinary excretion
rapid fall of the concentrations in the brain of chloride in dogs maintained on a sodium
chloride deficient diet. They found that it was accepted that this amount of ether
chloroform given orally or by inhalation was within the range of laboratory error of
resulted in a fourfold increase in urinary the methods available to Haggard at the
chloride excretion. It was to be another 80 time. In retrospect, of course, this is almost
years before the significance of these find- precisely the amount of ether now known
ings were appreciated by the anesthetic to undergo transformation in the body.
community. These available clues, therefore, were
Another known exception was the me- entirely ignored in favor of the wholly ac-
tabolism of trichlorethylene. In 1938, Bar- cepted doctrine that inhalation anesthetics
rett and his colleagues noticed that "not are biochemically nonreactive and exhaled
only was trichlorethylene changed by the unchanged by the lungs. It came as quite a
organism" but that 5 to 8 per cent of the shock, therefore, when, in the early 1960's,
trichlorethylene absorbed by dogs during these cherished beliefs and dogmas were
anesthesia could be recovered from the rudely negated by 2 series of critical inves-
urine as trichloracetic acid. A few years tigations into anesthetic metabolism, which
later, Powell made a more precise study of established that not only was diethyl ether
trichlorethylene metabolism in man, and metabolized, but that other volatile anes-
showed that it was partly excreted by the thetic drugs were also biodegraded to iden-
lungs within 24 hours of anesthesia, but tifiable and not always inert metabolites. A
was also partly metabolized to trichlora- landmark article from these studies was
cetic acid, which she measured in the blood entitled, "Metabolism of Volatile Anes-
and urine for several days after anesthesia. thetics. I. Conversion in vivo of Several
The change of trichlorethylene into tri- Anesthetics to ' 4 CO 2 and Chloride," by
chloracetic acid was an unusual one from Van Dyke and his colleagues, and was pub-
the chemist's viewpoint, since although it lished in the 1964 volume of Biochemical
was possible that intermediary compounds Pharmacology (Van Dyke, R. A., Chenow-
were formed, what these might be were not eth, M. B. and Van Poznak, A.: Biochem.
known. Butler subsequently found trichlor- Pharmacol., 13: 1239, 1964). It is reprinted
ethanol in larger amounts than trichlora- below with the kind permissions of the
cetic acid in the urine of dogs anesthetized authors and the publisher.
with trichlorethylene, and he believed that
chloral hydrate might be the precursor of
both. Much of this work was reported in
such journals as the Journal of Industrial METABOLISM OF VOLATILE
Hygiene and the BritishJournal of Industrial
Medicine, because until the introduction of ANESTHETICS-
trichlorethylene as an anesthetic during the CONVERSION IN VIVO OF
Blitz of London in 1941, it had been mainly SEVERAL ANESTHETICS
employed in industry for the removal of TO 14CO 2 AND CHLORIDE
grease from metal and machinery, partic-
ularly by German heavy industry during RUSSELL A. VAN DYKE,
World War I. Thus, although these facts MAYNARD B. CHENOWETH
were known to those employing trichlore- AND
thylene as an anesthetic, they were re- ALAN VAN POZNAK

garded more as a hazard to those in indus- Biochemical Research Laboratory,

trial medicine than to those administering The Dow Chemical Company,
anesthesia. Midland, Mich., and
Finally, although Haggard (as noted Department of Anesthesiology,
above) had determined that most of the Corne l University
inhaled ether was excreted unchanged, Medical College,
some 13 per cent of the inhaled ether was New York, N.Y.
not accounted for in his studies. Little if
any attention was paid to this fact because Biochem. Pharmacol., 13: 1239, 1964

This paper presents evidence that diethyl CHLOROFORM

ether, chloroform, methoxyflurane, and The total amount of 14C0 2 collected was
halothane are metabolized. 4
4.5 per cent of the ' C-chloroform injected.
The study was carried out in rats selected
on a weight basis (200 + 15 g.). Adminis-
tration of the anesthetics was by intraperi- The only labeled halothane available was
toneal injection of 0.1 ml. doses. Immedi- 36
Cl-halothane. The total ""Clrecovered in
ately after the injection the animals were the expired air in 30 hours was 85 to 90
placed in an all-glass metabolism cage de- per cent of the administered dose. At the
signed to allow the recovery of the expired 36
end of 14 days the C1 was still appearing
gases and separate collection of urine and in the urine as inorganic chloride and at
feces. The animals remained in these con- that time amounted to 2.9 per cent of the
tainers for periods up to 96 hours and were injected dose.
given access to food and water. As a rule
the animals were narcotized by the anes-
thetic injection. The amount of exhaled '4 C0 2 in most
animals was 1 to 2 per cent. The amount
of 14C metabolites in the urine was 3 to 5
DIETHYL ETHER. per cent of that injected.
The intermediates arising in the conver-
The total ' 4 C0 2 collected from the ex- sion of these anesthetics to CO2, when iden-
pired air in 24 hours was 4 per cent of the tified, should reveal interesting informa-
amount injected. The urine contained 2 tion concerning the pathway of metabolism
per cent of the injected radioactivity. of these and other similar materials.


Published February, 1972

1957 was quite a year.
No historian worthy of his salt would humanity; people all over the world looked
ever try, from a vantage point of a mere for a glimpse of it in the sky, and listened
15 years, to assess the historic significance transfixed to the beep-beep-beep of its
of events; but an amateur can be pardoned transmitter. The satellite radio was report-
for remembering, very clearly, that cold ing data on such things as cosmic rays, solar
New England November morning when radiation, temperature, space composition
the World was informed of the chilling and density, the danger of meteors, navi-
news that Sputnik II, with a dog named gation problems, the earth's gravitation
Laika aboard, was traveling around the and magnetic field, and Laika's pulse,
earth once every 103.7 minutes at a rate of breathing, blood pressure and electrocar-
17,840 miles per hour in an orbit ranging diogram. Scientists everywhere believed
from 194 to 1,056 miles from our planet. that the U.S.S.R. had developed a new type
Sputnik-a word that had been previously of fuel to accomplish the feat of pushing
unknown outside of the Soviet Union, but such heavy objects as the Sputniks into
which United States readers came to learn space, and Soviet authorities confirmed
means "something that is traveling with a that "new sources of power" were em-
traveler"-both fascinated and frightened ployed. Laika lived for several days, prob-

ably about a week, but the Russians would the rest of the world, too. By the end of
reveal only that the dog had died. the summer, the Hungarian Communist
The Space Race was on, and this event government of boss Janos Kadar had pre-
was one of transcending significance. sided over a blood bath of some 5,000
Meanwhile, back on earth, there were executions of strikers and other "enemies
other reasons why 1957 was quite a year. of the state" who had been involved in the
Dwight David Eisenhower was President of October 1956 revolt. The Soviet Union
the United States, and as such, of course, cast its 80th veto in the United Nations
he made headlines all year long-the most Security Council to block a U.S. plan for
important two concerning Little Rock and UN-India-Pakistan talks on Kashmir; and,
his own health. in Russia itself, Nikita Khrushchev won a
The latter was a constant worry to the Kremlin struggle for power and sent his
nation. A cold and a cough in March af- three chief rivals-Georgi Malenkov, Vy-
fected his hearing, but a six day, 700 mile achelav Molotov, and Lazar Kaganovich-
cruise to Bermuda and a 10 day golfing packing to minor posts far from Moscow.
vacation cured him. Then in June he was Eamon de Valera, 74 years old, became
confined to bed with a "mild stomach up- prime minister of Ireland for the third
set", but he got back to his desk within a time; and the government of 81 year old
couple days. Finally, in November, right Chancellor Konrad Adenauer won a
after a thorough physical examination had smashing victory at the polls in Germany.
given him a clean bill of health, he suffered In Cuba, a young rebel by the name of
a slight stroke; and although the illness was Fidel Castro directed raids and bombings
sufficiently severe to affect his speech, he against the widely despised government of
recovered rapidly and attended the NATO Fulgenico Batista from a mountain hide-
meeting in Paris in December. None of out; while in Indonesia, Achmed Sukarno
these illnesses were important, but the peo- threw the Dutch out-after confiscating
ple were conditioned to worry themselves their businesses, of course-and took over
silly over the health of the Chief Executive the country lock, stock, and barrel. The
during the short time that they lasted. Suez was reopened, after being cleared of
The nation's worries over Little Rock, 50 ships sunk during the British-French-
on the other hand, did concern an impor- Israeli invasion of Egypt; and the last Brit-
tant illness, and were to last much longer- ish troops left Jordan under agreements
they have been going on for 15 years, in which ended the British-Jordan defense
fact, and there is no end in sight. Governor pact. France wavered constantly on the
Orval E. Faubus of Arkansas refused to brink of disaster, while three different gov-
integrate Little Rock Central High School, ernments tried to lead the nation beyond
despite a federal court order. Eisenhower crisis after crisis; and next door in Italy, the
talked to Faubus in Newport, Rhode Is- government finally gave the body of dicta-
land, on September 14, but to no avail; and tor Benito Mussolini to his widow it had
finally in late September federal troops been held in a secret place for 11 years to
were sent to Little Rock to control the riots prevent his followers from making it a
and enforce integration. "The troops are shrine.
there", the President explained, "pursuant It was the year that Kukla, Franand Ollie,
to law, solely for the purpose of preventing once one of television's leading shows, fi-
interference with the orders of the court". nally went off the air; and that "Music Man"
Northern Congressmen criticized the and "West Side Story" took Broadway by
President for delaying so long before send- storm. Paris fashion designers introduced
ing in the troops; Southerners were infuri- "the sack silhouette"; but American
ated by what they called an "irresponsible women, proud of their figures, eschewed
and dictatorial act"-but integration of the the new shapeless style that had no waist-
school was accomplished and violence was line. Arturo Toscanini, the great maestro,
averted. died and was much mourned; and Senator
There were headline events throughout Joseph R. McCarthy also died, and was

hardly mourned at all. Iron Liege won the through Paris. Doria Shafik, an Egyptian
Kentucky Derby after veteran jockey Willie feminist leader, went on a "hunger strike
Shoemaker, aboard Gallant Man, mis- to the death" to protest the dictatorial re-
judged the finish line and pulled up his gime, and did not eat anything at all for 11
mount too soon. People were reading "Pey- days. And the Soviet radio, continually
ton Place", "By Love Possessed"; "Atlas throughout the year, referred to Asian Flu
Shrugged", "Rally Round The Flag, Boys!", as Australian influenza.
and "On the Beach"; and going to the But in a few quarters the most significant
movies to see "Les Girls", "Funny Face", event of 1957 was the beginning publica-1
and "The Bridge On The River Kwai". tion of a new journal, Survey of Anesthesiol-
Oklahoma finally lost a football game after ogy, which is just 15 years old today. "Class-
47 straight wins, and the Detroit Red ical File", as has been its wont every five
Wings won the National Hockey League years, offers as a birthday present a depar-
title for the eighth year in nine. The top ture from its usual sequential plan and its
individual sports accomplishments were strict concern with history and musty ar-
turned in by Lew Burdette, who pitched chives to reprint a thought provoking con-
the Milwaukee Braves to three victories tribution titled, "I Think, Therefore:",
over the New York Yankees to win the which was written by Dr. Richard H.
World Series; and by Althea Gibson, who Strauss and was published in the Summer,
became the first negro in history to win the 1965, issue of Perspectives in Biology and
Wimbledon women's tennis title and the Medicine. Survey and its readers are in-
U.S. women's tennis title. debted to the late Dr. James H. Matthews,
There were other less publicized, but Professor of Anesthesiology at the Univer-
nevertheless important, events in 1957. A sity of Minnesota, for calling attention to
lion and tigress became the proud parents this essay, which is reprinted below with
of four ligers at the Victoria Garden Zoo in the kind permissions of the author and the
Bombay, where the superintendent publishers.
pointed out that a liger is much rarer than
a tigon, the offspring of a tiger and a lioness.
An Alexandria, Virginia, city record book
was discovered which revealed that George I THINK, THEREFORE:
Washington was delinquent 9 pounds in his RICHARD H. STRAUSS, M.D.
1794 local taxes. Portugal planted its flag
on a new volcano created island in the Perspectives Biol. Med., 8: 516, 1965
Azores on October 12; but on October 30
the island slipped quietly into the sea and A whimiscal tale in which a 75 year old
disappeared. A paper shortage in Septem- biologist, with failing kidneys and heart,
ber forced indefinite postponement of Ne- had these vital systems replaced with arti-
pal's first general elections. The Brooklyn ficial mechanisms. To assist him with his
Public Library reported that one of its staff research, he was provided with an all-en-
members helped a private secretary to help compassing computer by name of John.
her employer to help a committee chair- Eventually John, in addition to his scientific
man to write a speech on "How To Do It duties, could win at chess, reply to tele-
Yourself". The main bell in Canterbury phone messages, and even take over the
Cathedral, tolled by hand since 1498, be- thought processes of his master. One day
gan operating by push button in 1957. the artificial heart gave out, and then John
When Queen Elizabeth II visited France in assumed full functions, of course with the
April, she brought 230 pieces of luggage, knowledge and assent of his master. When
weighing 21/2 tons, in three planes: it took John was assigned to other duties, his mas-
five trucks and a bus to haul the luggage ter in fact was then murdered!

Published December, 1972

Until 2 years ago, acupuncture was just a means, not an end; and as Premier Chou
another word as far as most anesthesiolo- shook hands with the United States team,
gists were concerned-and one without he told the visitors, "We have opened a new
either any very perceptible connotation or page in the relations of the Chinese and
even denotation, at that. And then along American people."
came Ping Pong. Thus the 1971 United States table tennis
Ping Pong parted the Bamboo Curtain, team, comprised of the world's most im-
albeit ever so slightly, when Premier Chou probable-and perhaps most naive-
En-lai of the People's Republic of China group of diplomats, accomplished some-
invited the United States table tennis team thing that nobody else had accomplished
to Peking. He could hardly have startled over the course of the past 25 years; it
the world more had he ordered Shanghai paved the way for a small but steady trickle
to bid against San Diego and Miami for the of American citizens into the People's Re-
Republican National Convention. "Ping public. One of the spin-offs was a vast pop-
Pong diplomacy" had begun, and maybe ular interest in acupuncture.
was going to usher in an era which one cold The Ping Pong Incident took place in
war and two hot ones had been unable to April 1971. During the summer, the next
produce. It was a type of diplomacy which step in the American awareness of, and
would have flabbergasted a Talleyrand, general public excitement over, acupunc-
sent a Disraeli off on the dead run to the ture came when New York Times colum-
palace, or prompted a Metternich to turn nist, James Reston, one of the first to go to
in his diplomatic pouch. China as part of that small trickle, was
The whole thing was the more astound- operated upon for acute appendicitis at
ing in that almost no one knew that the Peking's Anti-Imperialist Hospital. Res-
United States even had a table tennis team, ton's appendectomy was performed with
let alone one that was capable of interna- standard Western surgical techniques and
tional matches with a world Ping Pong the administration of conventional West-
power such as China. But the team turned ern chemical anesthesia. In retrospect, Res-
out to be as American as apple pie: it had ton has considered the possibility of the
(1) a hippie; (2) a college professor; (3) a coincidence in the timing of his appendicitis
housewife; (4) a chemist; (5) a black; (6) a attack as implicating Presidential Advisor,
Wall Streeter; (7) a computer programmer; Henry A. Kissinger: "The first stab of pain
(8) a collegian; and (9) a Detroit automobile went through my groin," he wrote, when
executive. The team's record was com- Chinese officials disclosed that Kissinger's
pletely unknown to the sports world, and secret visit to Peking to set up President
more than one rank-and-file sports fan was Nixon's Chinese Summit had occurred at a
fairly sure in his heart of hearts that he time when Reston himself was being kept
would have been much more comfortable out of the Chinese capital. "In my delir-
if the Chinese had invited, say, the UCLA ium," the columnist wrote, "I could see Mr.
basketball squad, the Indiana swimming Kissinger floating across my bedroom ceil-
team, or even the Baltimore Orioles. ing grinning at me out of the corner of a
The results of the Ping Pong tour hugely hooded ricksha."
validated these suspicions. "We had the The patient did well for about 36 hours,
impression that the Chinese were trying not at which point he developed an ileus and
to embarrass us by lopsided scores," com- was "in considerable discomfort if not pain"
mented Tim Boggan, the team's professor from gas pressure distending his intestines.
from Long Island University; and it be- With Reston's full approval, an acupunc-
came clear-as the Chinese swept to vic- turist was called in and inserted 3 slender
tory-that the world's champions were needles into the right elbow and below the
playing well within themselves. It also be- knee, twirling them "to stimulate the intes-
came equally clear that the table tennis was tine." Reston later reported that they "sent

ripples of pain racing through my limbs Last spring because I was so late going to
and at least had the effect of diverting my camp I didn't have time to follow my nor-
attention from the distress in my stomach." mal routine." McDowell appealed to the
In short order, stories of other VIP's who trainer of the Tokyo Lotte Orions when
had been treated with acupuncture began they came to play an exhibition game
to come to light. Prince Bernhard of the against the Indians, and underwent acu-
Netherlands had been involved in an auto puncture: "The next day, believe me, the
accident back in 1937 and suffered a re- arm was as loose as it ever had been. Amaz-
currence of the severe pain in his back, left ing, really." Now, since the San Francisco
shoulder, and arm 2 years ago while visiting Giants train with the Tokyo Lotte Orions,
Singapore. He was treated by Yong Keng- there are a whole raft of Giants addicted to
ngoh, a Chinese acupuncturist, and imme- acupuncture: Chris Speier thinks that it
diately felt better. Ten months later the helps his back spasms; Juan Marichal be-
Prince, afflicted again, wrote to the Singa- lieves that it helps his arm; Jerry Johnson
pore acupuncturist, an& was referred to is sure that it helps his elbow; and Willie
Yong's son, Dr. Yong Chai-siow of Lon- McCovey submitted to the technique last
don's Harley Street. The younger Yong spring for the pains in his hip-but has not
diagnosed the problem as constipation and ventured a verdict. Many Japanese baseball
not the remnants of the auto injury. He players, particularly pitchers, swear by acu-
proceeded to insert and twirl his needles puncture to relieve their sore forearms,
over the course of a 2 day treatment, at elbows, shoulders, and waists. Norboru
which time Bernhard, a middle-aged 60, Akiyama, the pitching ace of the Taiyo
proclaimed that he felt at least 10 years Whales, is a particularly dedicated convert:
younger. one day in 1963 he had such excruciating
Another such was Marshal Lon Nol, the elbow pain that he failed to finish the first
Premier of Cambodia, who suffered a mas- inning; the Whales' trainer applied acu-
sive stroke during the winter of 1971. Lon puncture, and the next day Akiyama
Nol was flown to Honolulu, where he re- pitched a full nine innings and won his ball
ceived all of the indicated therapies offered game. Alvin Dark is another convert: when
by the best in Western medicine. He made he was managing the Giants, his own bur-
a good, but incomplete, recovery, and sitis was so improved by two acupuncture
when he returned home to Phnom-Penh, treatments that he wanted to hire a Japa-
he was treated by a Taiwanese acupunctur- nese specialist for the team, but was talked
ist, Dr. Wu, who inserted needles as deep out of it by American doctors.
as 3 inches into Lon Nol's muscles and Football players have benefited, too. Ed
joints, with further improvement in the Lothamer, the 270 pound defensive tackle
patient's condition. Whether that improve- for the Kansas City Chiefs, had suffered
ment was due to the good Dr. Wu's needles stiffness and recurrent pain in his lower
or to the natural history of the disease- back for some 8 months after he felt some-
which is often characterized by progressive thing snap there while he was lifting 500
recovery-is a moot point. pounds from a squat. He met Dr. Kunzo
In addition to the VIP's, a number of Nagayama, president of the Pain Control
athletes also sought the magic of the acu- Institute of Kyoto, Japan, who was in Kan-
puncturist's needles to relieve their as- sas City visiting a chiropractor friend, Dr.
sorted aches, pains, and bruises. "Sudden Richard D. Yennie; and Drs. Nagayama
Sam" McDowell, a star pitcher with the and Yennie suggested that Lothamer try
Cleveland Indians (now with the San Fran- acupuncture for his aching back. "I was
cisco Giants) underwent acupuncture in the skeptical about it," Lothamer said, "but
spring of 1971: "The muscles of my left then I decided, why not? First Dr. Naga-
shoulder have a tendency to tighten up yama said he wanted to take my pulse.
because of inactivity during the winter. It 'Take off your shirt', he told me. It turned
takes two or three weeks of hard work to out he wanted to take my pulse not on my
break the adhesions and loosen up the arm. wrist but at various places on my back. He
patted it all over and said I had good cir- day for 2 weeks with a Chinese specialist in
culation in my upper back but that it wasn't massage and osteopathic manipulation
so good down lower. He started by sticking failed to help her, she was referred to an
one needle in my hand. I hardly felt it. acupuncturist who stuck myriad needles,
Then he began probing my back with his some several inches long, into her legs,
hands and every time he'd find a spot hands, and lower back. Chi Cheng found
where I reacted because of soreness he'd the needling and subsequent twirling of the
mark an X on it with a pen. He marked needles "excruciating." "They say it
about 25 places and then he picked out 20 shouldn't hurt," she said, "but I call it my
of them and began inserting needles. They Chinese torture"; and she would not hear
looked like they were made of gold and of a second session, scheduled for the next
silver and were about the size of the fila- day. She settled for Western type surgery
ment in a light bulb. I hardly felt them on the muscle of her thigh.
going in. He left them in for from three to These tales and anecdotes might have
five minutes, occasionally vibrating them. been dismissed as little more than interest-
"Next he put two larger needles in my ing gossip, but Reston, who actually is both
back and drew about 2 cm of blood. He an editor and a vice-president of the New
withdrew these needles and where they had York Times, was quick to provide an auto-
gone in he placed two small silver balls, biographical scoop on his appendectomy
taping them in place with small squares of and joust with acupuncture, and the sum-
pink tape. He told me to leave the balls in mer issues of such important medical jour-
place for three days but didn't explain why. nals as Time and Life were full of short prose
Then he put one in the middle of the recaps of the technique of acupuncture,
stomach and when he took that one out photographs of patients with needles stick-
later he taped one of the silver balls where ing out of them like porcupine quills, and
the needle had made a small hole. After pictures of Ming Dynasty Medical Charts
that he put three needles in each of my of the various acupuncture "points." Med-
arms. While he was inserting them in the ical librarians who had never even heard
outer side of my right forearm I suddenly of the volume were requested to order The
felt my whole right hand go dead. This sort Yellow Emperor'sClassic of InternalMedicine,
of upset me but he said this effect was the title given to a series of translations of
perfectly normal." writings on acupuncture by Dr. Ilza Veith,
When the needles were removed, Loth- Professor of the History of Health Sciences
amer felt "more circulation in my back than at the University of California. The mys-
I've had for years. My back has taken quite tique of acupuncture was building, but the
a beating in four years of college and eight technique was still being dismissed lightly
years of pro ball and for a long time that in many medical circles as superstition and
area hadn't felt very much alive." It does folklore.
now, though, and Lothamer can get up in An abrupt change in this attitude began
the morning without feeling stiff, and can to occur in September, 1971, when a dis-
jog his 2 miles without tightening up, the tinguished group of American doctors, in-
way he used to after just half a mile. He cluding Dr. Paul Dudley White, the inter-
thinks that every pro football team should nationally famous cardiologist, and Dr. E.
have access to acupuncture. Grey Dimond, Provost for the Health Sci-
Not all athletes give acupuncture high ences at the University of Kansas, were
marks, however. Chi Cheng, the world's invited to the People's Republic of China
fastest female runner, developed tendonitis by the China Medical Association. The vis-
in her thigh and was not improved by itors were asked to indicate areas of their
standard Western medical treatments. She special interests, and Dr. Dimond, who had
returned to her native Taiwan for treat- become interested in the subject several
ment by traditional Chinese medicine. She years previously during a visit to Vietnam,
had undergone acupuncture fruitlessly 8 specified acupuncture. His observations in
times in California; but when 2 sessions a Vietnam had been on the use of acupunc-

ture for the treatment of a variety of med- ern acupuncturists have added several
ical problems (Ward Rounds with an Acu- hundred points, just as they have added
puncturist, New England J. Med. 272: 575, sterilization of the needles) at which the
1965), but the trip to China produced a insertion of a needle will have a physiologic
startling new development-acupuncture effect, and the points do not follow any
anesthesia, which had also been reported anatomic system recognized by Western
the previous month by Reston (the New medicine. The Chinese explanation for
York Times, Sunday, August 22, 1971). Di- acupuncture is that the forces of Yang and
mond and his colleagues watched such ma- Yin flow through the 12 Ching Lo channels
jor surgery as thyroidectomies, gastrecto- and must be precisely balanced if good
mies, and craniotomies performed under health and well being are to be maintained.
acupuncture anesthesia and came home im- Yang is variously translated as good, posi-
pressively awed and enthusiastic. These tive, and "on the sunny side," whereas Yin
physicians were clearly competent and is bad, negative, and "on the shadowy side."
qualified observers, and their report of suc- If a patient has too much Yin at some site,
cessful acupuncture anesthesia in 90 per the traditional acupuncturist will jab a gold
cent of the patients in whom it was applied Yang needle into a selected point to coun-
(Dimond, E. G.: Acupuncture anesthesia. teract. Diagnosis of an ailment is made by
J.A.M.A., 218: 1558, 1971) could scarcely taking six pulses in each wrist, and it may
be dismissed as idle gossip. be quite a problem since there are 27 pos-
President Nixon's Summit Trip to Pe- sible qualities for each pulse.
king in February of 1972 served to commit It is difficult for the Western medical
American medicine firmly to a serious and mind not to attach a certain element of
detailed investigation of acupuncture an- witchcraft to all of this, and the aura of
esthesia. The President was accompanied mystique is not lessened by the accoutre-
by White House Physician, Dr. Walter ments of acupuncture: the mannikan with
Tkach, who went into Communist China blue meridian lines connecting black dots;
sharing the skepticism of many American the importance attached to the manner in
physicians about the technique, but came which the needles are "twirled" or "vi-
away just short of being ecstatic about the brated"; the special qualities attributed to
potential inherent in its future use: "It needles of different lengths, diameters, and
could open the door to fantastic possibilities materials (gold, silver, or stainless steel);
if we could eliminate general anesthesia. the concomitant "moxibustion" or burning
There is no doubt in my mind that acu- of herbs to transmit heat down the needle
puncture deserves an in-depth look from a shaft to increase stimulation and extract
strictly objective and scientific approach." dampness (modernists have substituted a
Such a statement, coming from such a low voltage electric current for moxibus-
quarter, appears certain to guarantee an tion); and the use of the small silver balls.
extensive study in the immediate future. Nevertheless, it is imprudent to judge a
Acupuncture is said to have originated healing craft born more than 2500 years
from the observation many centuries ago ago against the fledgling standards of West-
by Chinese warriors that, when they were ern medicine. Over the centuries, acupunc-
pierced by arrows in certain parts of their ture had spread in various forms through-
bodies, they felt better in other parts which out Asia, and within the last 30 or 40 years
were remote from the site of the arrow it has attained some status in Russia, Eng-
puncture. The early Chinese medicine men land, Germany, and especially France-
kept track of these puncture points, and there are over 600 acupuncturists in
eventually described 12 Ching Lo channels France who give more than a million treat-
or meridians, connecting them all along the ments a year, and several reputable French
path which the universal energy chi is said hospitals permit acupuncture to be pre-
to travel. There are 365 of these points (or scribed and administered. There are prac-
1000, according to whom you read- mod- titioners of acupuncture scattered even in
the United States, although they are mainly rent ideological indoctrination play a role";
congregated in the Chinatowns of New then he adds "but do not seem adequate
York and particularly San Francisco. explanations for the effective anesthesia."
There remains the major problem of a Another explanation is the "gate control"
serious explanation of the mechanism of theory of pain, which has now been ex-
acupuncture which is acceptable to the tended by Drs. Pang L. Man and Calvin H.
Western trained medical mind. It has been Chen into a 2 gate theory (the so-called
suggested that hypnosis or self-hypnosis Man-Chen Theory) to explain acupuncture
may well be the basis for the technique; but anesthesia-i gate being postulated in the
at least in the case of acupuncture anesthe- spinal cord and 1 in the thalamus. The
sia, this explanation is probably not credit- original "gate control" theory of pain was
able, since the Chinese claim that over advanced by Professors Ronald Melzack of
400,000 cases have been done in the past Montreal's McGill University and Patrick
few years with an 80 to 90 per cent rate of D. Wall of University College in London.
success, which is far higher than the usual Their paper was published in the Novem-
rate of success expected with hypnosis. ber 19, 1965, issue of Science under the
Reston has suggested (and he is the first title "Pain Mechanisms: A New Theory"
to point out that he is a newspaperman, not (Science, 150: 971-979, 1965) and is re-
a scientist) that it may be a special form of printed below with the kind permission of
hypnosis, one with an almost religious qual- the authors and the publisher.
ity or overtone. He and his wife spent 4
hours at the Han Shan Hospital in Shanghai
watching acupuncture anesthesia: PAIN MECHANISMS: A NEW
"The interesting thing here . . . is that,
while they cannot agree on the theory of THEORY A GATE CONTROL
how needle anesthesia works, they are in- SYSTEM MODULATES
creasingly convinced that it does work, and SENSORY INPUT FROM
are operating on the pragmatic evidence THE SKIN BEFORE
and not waiting for theoretical justification. IT EVOKES PAIN
"One troubling diversion in all this for a
visitor is that the impressive objective evi-
dence of the medical uses of acupuncture RESPONSE
is always mixed up here with subjective RONALD MELZACK
psychiatric and even ideological explana- AND
"For example, all the patients we saw on
the operating table were clutching their Science, 150: 971, 1965
little red books of Chairman Mao Tse-
tung's philosophic and moral teachings. * * * *
And the doctors and surgeons, after par-
ticipating in the operations, were explain-
ing that the success of this system depended "Stimulation of the skin evokes nerve
importantly on trust between doctor and impulses that are transmitted to three
patient and on a common faith in 'Mao spinal cord systems: the cells of the substan-
Tse-tung thought.'" tia gelatinosa in the dorsal horn, the dorsal-
Dimond makes very much the same column fibers that project toward the
point: "The practice of medicine and the brain, and the fine central transmission (T)
national policy of China are inseparable cells in the dorsal horn. We propose that
and this report can only be rational if the (i) the substantia gelatinosa functions as a
political reality is identified." And again, gate control system that modulates the af-
on the subject of acupuncture anesthesia, ferent patterns before they influence the T
"The stoicism of the Chinese and the cur- cells; (ii) the afferent pattern in the dorsal

column system acts, in part at least, as a tem responsible for response and percep-
central control trigger which activates se- tion. Our theory proposes that pain phe-
lective brain processes that influence the nomena are determined by interactions
modulating properties of the gate control among these three systems."
system; and (iii) the T cells activate neural * * * *
mechanisms which comprise the action sys-


Published April, 1977

When halothane was the Prodigal Son the duration of exposure to the drug, re-
and methoxyflurane just an infant, the hal- peated exposures, the nutritional status of
ogenated hydrocarbons were at the top of the patient, hypoxia, hypotension, hyper-
the heap. Everybody was for them, and why carbia, the site of surgery, blood transfu-
not? They were potent; they were non- sions, disease states and metabolic disturb-
flammable and nonexplosive; they pro- ances, and a number of the drugs and ther-
vided a rapid and pleasant induction; they apeutic agents employed in the surgical
were followed by a recovery that was free patient. Halothane is certainly not a direct
from nausea and vomiting, and other such hepatotoxin in the sense that carbon tetra-
unpleasant phenomena; they produced a chloride is: it does not invariably provoke
degree of muscle relaxation if carried to a hepatic damage in all individuals at even
sufficient depth of concentration; and all high dose levels; it does not produce a
of this without deleterious respiratory and lesion that is of a severity directly related
cardiovascular effects. to the dose; it does not produce a lesion
Within a matter of a few years, however, that can be reproduced in the experimental
it became apparent that unpleasant things animal; and it does not have a predictable
could occur following the administration of or necessarily short latent period between
these drugs. These were not direct toxic acute exposure and the occurrence of the
effects in the instance of either drug, but lesion.
untoward complications were reported The hypothesis that halothane produces
after anesthesia conducted with both of hepatic injury on the basis of allergy is also
them. untenable in the light of present knowl-
The first reports of so-called "halothane edge. If it were an allergic phenomenon, a
hepatitis" began to occur in 1958 and the great many more operating room person-
flood of reports reached disturbing propor- nel (anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists,
tions in 1963 when 46 cases of liver dys- circulating and scrub nurses, and the like)
function and/or damage (including 20 should have developed the lesion.
deaths, most of which were the result of The current hypothesis, therefore, is that
massive hepatic necrosis) were reported. the liver damage is on the basis of the
Since then, there has been a steady addition metabolites which are produced when halo-
of anecdotal case studies in the literature. thane undergoes biotransformation within
In point of fact, however, all that turns the body. This theory is attractive, because
yellow is not halothane. There are a dozen it is certain that the drug is indeed broken
factors other than the anesthetic agent down in the body, and to a considerable
which produce changes in liver function in extent (20 per cent). The end product is a
the surgical patient: the dose of the drug, dehalogenated oxidized compound, tri-
fluoroacetic acid; but the intermediate me- onslaught by the lawyers) and proceeds to
tabolites have not been conclusively iden- ban the drug.
tified. So the hypothesis, while attractive Krantz had done pharmacologic studies
and comforting to our sense of ignorance, of Ethrane in animals as early as 1963, but
remains neither established nor disproved. the drug's clinical introduction was re-
Perhaps there are genetic factors involved ported by Virtue, Lund, Phelps, Vogel,
in the individual patient. Beckwitt, and Heron in a paper entitled,
Methoxyflurane produces a nephrotox- "Difluoromethyl 1,1,2-trifluoro-2-chloro-
icity in the form of high output renal failure ethyl ether as an anaesthetic agent: results
which has a clinical picture similar to dia- with dogs, and a preliminary note on ob-
betes insipidus. This nephropathy is dose servations with man," which was published
related, but it is not the methoxyflurane in the May, 1966, issue of the Canadian
itself which causes the lesion, but rather a Anaesthetists' Society Journal (Can. Anaesth.
breakdown product, the free fluoride ion. Soc.J., 13:233-241, May, 1966), and which
The metabolism of methoxyflurane in the is reprinted below with the kind permis-
body can run as high as 50 per cent, which sions of the authors and the publishers.
would produce a lot of free fluoride ion;
and it is also possible that the oxalic acid,
which is another metabolite, may contrib- DIFLUOROMETHYL
ute to the overall toxicity of methoxyflu- 1,1,2-TRIFLUORO-2-
rane. Again, the capability of converting CLORETHYL ETHER AS AN
the anesthetic into these metabolites de- ANAESTHETIC AGENT:
pends on the drug-metabolizing enzymes
of the patient, which in turn are deter- RESULTS WITH DOGS,
mined by the person's genetic makeup. AND A PRELIMINARY NOTE
None of the above points were lost upon ON OBSERVATIONS WITH
the pharmaceutical houses, the research MAN
chemists, and the clinical investigators in
the medical centers; and the halogenated ROBERT W. VIRTUE,
hydrocarbons (of which ether, with a birth- LAWRENCE O. LUND,
day dating from October 16th, 1846, is the MCKINLEY PHELPS, JR.,
granddaddy) began to receive renewed at- JOHN H. K. VOGEL,
tention. One of these, Ethrane (or enflur- HENRY BECKWITT
ane) has made it into clinical practice, and AND
may prove to be one of our best weapons MICHAEL HERON
against the contingency-fee lawyers. We University of Colorado
should have about 5 years before enough Medical Center,
cases of obesity, or hang-nail (remember Denver, Colorado
Hannah Greener?), or gross surgical hem-
orrhage from a cut cystic artery, are attrib- Can. Anaesth. Soc. J., 13:233-241, 1966
uted to Ethrane, and attract the lawyers to
malpractice suits like honey attracts bees. The above-mentioned drug, now known
Maybe we will have longer than that, since as enflurane (Ethrane), was investigated in
Ethrane is metabolized to a far lesser extent dogs, human volunteers (8), and in patients
than either halothane or methoxyflurane, (11) undergoing operations.
which could be a factor if the metabolite This new anesthetic agent, administered
theory of the toxicity of inhalational anes- to dogs by the open-drop technique, pro-
thetics holds true. And, of course, it will be duced smooth anesthesia without saliva-
another 5 years before that sterling Federal tion, irritation or nausea. Enzyme studies
Bureaucracy, the F.D.A., pontificates that before, at the end of, and two days follow-
it had told us so all along (if any are still ing hour-long administrations showed no
using the drug after the contingency-fee significant changes. In three of 16 dogs

anesthetized with enflurane, ventricular fi- jects carried to "burst suppression" showed
brillation followed injections of epineph- brief spontaneous twitches that disap-
rine. peared quickly on removal of the agent.
The concentration of enflurane required In the surgical patients, systolic blood
for surgical anesthesia in dogs was about pressure fell an average of 25 mm. Hg
twice that with halothane. When the ani- following induction. Relaxation was ade-
mals were sufficiently anesthetized to show quate for abdominal surgery. Ten of the
burst suppression on the EEG, there fre- 11 patients were awake by the time they
quently appeared spontaneous twitching reached the recovery room. One vomited
motions. moderately.
In the volunteers, anesthesia induction Enflurane appears to be similar to halo-
was pleasant. Blood pressure dropped, as thane, with the exception that, in deeper
did cardiac output, when anesthesia was planes of anesthesia, spontaneous move-
deepened. The degree of analgesia was sim- ments may be observed.
ilar to that seen with halothane. Two sub-

Published April andJune, 1974

When halothane was introduced as an ously absent. This finding was even true of
anesthetic agent in 1956, it did not go very massive and prolonged doses of the
unnoticed that it was a halogenated hydro- drug: Haid maintained a 5 year old boy
carbon which was at least partially related with tetanus under nitrous oxide-oxygen-
chemically to chloroform and carbon tet- halothane anesthesia continuously for a to-
rachloride (the prototype of a true hepa- tal of 6 weeks of treatment, using 1500 ml.
totoxin), and that it might, therefore, be of halothane during the first 3 weeks alone.
capable of liver damage. Such suspicions of The patient ultimately died of gross hem-
hepatotoxic effects have greeted all new orrhage resulting from erosion of the in-
halogenated hydrocarbon anesthetics as nominate artery, but examination of the
the latter have made their clinical debut, liver at autopsy revealed that there was
and careful studies of hepatic function have neither abnormal pathology nor any degen-
been a routine part of their investigative erative hepatic changes indicative of necro-
screening. sis: "The liver was enlarged with some
Observations of liver function and mor- opaque swelling and on section showed a
phologic structure in laboratory animals, completely maintained lobular structure.
and tests of hepatic function in man, indi- The liver cells were rather poor in glycogen
cated that, although halothane, in common content at the lobular periphery, particu-
with all of the general anesthetic agents, larly around the periportal areas where
has an effect upon the liver, it is a mild and there were some slight fatty infiltrations.
transient effect; and that the morphologic There was moderately copious pigment in
changes which the drug produced, such as the Kupffer cells reacting positively to a
fatty infiltration and vacuolization, were test for iron." At no time during the course
completely reversible. Indeed, Johnstone, of the illness did the patient show any clin-
in the first clinical report of the use of ical signs of liver damage.
halothane in anesthesia, described its ad- Despite all this reassuring evidence of a
ministration to 8 jaundiced patients, 7 of comforting absence of liver pathology fol-
whom made uneventful recoveries and one lowing halothane anesthesia, Burns and his
of whom died postoperatively of wide- coworkers in the British Isles, in 1957,
spread carcinomatosis. In addition, in a described jaundice, fatty degeneration, and
number of patients who received halothane liver cell necrosis in a patient who had
anesthesia and subsequently came to au- received halothane. However, the patient
topsy, lesions of the liver were conspicu- had a malignancy, and the portal areas of

the liver were grossly infiltrated by neo- Gorens, in 1962, in a patient who suffered
plastic cells, which could easily account for massive hepatic necrosis after the second
the findings. of 2 administrations of halothane for 2
The following year, in 1958, Burnap, relatively straightforward surgical opera-
Gall and Vandam reported 2 patients in tions. There was an interval of 21 days
whom liver disease worsened after halo- between the 2 administrations, but the
thane anesthesia, and both showed struc- postoperative course following the first an-
tural changes in the liver, one at autopsy esthesia and operation had been entirely
and the other on liver biopsy. There were uneventful. This death was the first which
again, however, a great many mitigating occurred following a second exposure to
factors involved in each of these patients, halothane, and in retrospect it is worth
and the conclusion was that there was no noting that the first postoperative course
direct evidence of hepatic toxicity. The was indeed unremarkable. The authors did
authors were constrained to raise the ques- not attach any great importance to the fact
tion as to whether halothane might inten- that there had been 2 exposures to the
sify hepatocellular disease, and they ad- drug, but did take note of the great number
vised caution in the administration of the of etiologic factors which can be involved
drug under these circumstances. in the production of acute massive hepatic
A few months later, Virtue and Payne necrosis in the surgical patient, and con-
reported a death from acute yellow atrophy cluded that the problem in their patient
of the liver and pancreatitis in a healthy, was not necessarily related to the anesthetic
middle-aged woman 11 days following an drug.
elective cholecystectomy performed under Not too much attention was attracted by
halothane anesthesia. This case also was these few isolated reports of hepatic com-
complicated by additional contributing fac- plications until 1963, when some 46 new
tors; but Virtue and Payne pointed out cases of liver dysfunction and/or injury
that, except for the fact that the syndrome were reported, including 20 deaths, most
did not appear until the sixth postoperative of which were the result of massive hepatic
day, the clinical course and autopsy find- necrosis, and several of which occurred in
ings were consistent with those of the de- middle-aged women undergoing biliary
layed chloroform poisoning of an earlier tract surgery. This sudden flood of hepatic
generation. complications, coming so soon after the
The next year, 1959, Barton made a thalidomide tragedies, drew the attention
brief note in the Lancet of 2 patients who of the press; and on March 13, 1963, the
developed postoperative jaundice 48 hours Wall Street Journal carried banner head-
after the administration of halothane. He lines of a report which began, "Questions
was disturbed by the occurrence of these about whether a widely-used gas anesthetic
complications, but the jaundice apparently can cause life-threatening damage to the
cleared without the development of further liver were raised by The New EnglandJour-
signs or symptoms of liver injury, and noth- nal of Medicine. The anesthetic is halothane,
ing more was heard of the matter. a nonexplosive gas developed in England
In 1960, Vourc'h and his colleagues de- by Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., and
scribed an acute, fatal hepato-nephritis fol- sold in this country under the trade name
lowing a simple herniorrhaphy performed Fluothane by Ayerst Laboratories, a divi-
under halothane anesthesia in a young man sion of American Home Products Corp."
who had been in excellent health prior to The article touched off a furor through-
operation. In the first direct statement as out the country which approached hysteri-
to the involvement of the drug in postop- cal proportions; and the following week the
erative liver damage, they firmly attributed news magazine Time picked up the story
the complication to halothane. and under the headline, "A Gas and the
Another instance of massive hepatic ne- Liver," ran a detailed article on "Anes-
crosis was reported by Temple, Cote and thetics": "When halothane was introduced

as an anesthetic in 1956, it seemed nearly in this and the June, 1974, issue of Survey,
perfect. Unlike ether and cyclopropane, it with the kind permission of National Acad-
is both nonflammable and nonexplosive-- emy of Sciences-National Research
a valuable asset in the modern operating Council and the Editorial Board of the
room crammed with electronic gadgetry. J.A.M.A.
It causes patients a minimum of discomfort
and, it seemed, could do them no harm at
all. It rapidly became widely used. But last This investigation came to be known as
week doctors were disturbed by reports in the National Halothane Study and, in all,
The New England Journal of Medicine that data from 856,500 patients undergoing
halothane might have caused as many as surgery and general anesthesia in 34 insti-
ten deaths by damaging the patient's liver." tutions from 1959 through 1962 were ex-
Time's article was far more dispassionate amined. The study demonstrated that mas-
than the scare headlines in the Wall Street sive hepatic necrosis was a rare postopera-
Journaland many a hometown newspaper, tive complication: only 82 cases were col-
and it went on to explain, "At least lected (an incidence of approximately one
6,000,000 Americans have had operations in 10,000 administrations of general anes-
in the last five years under halothane. Even thesia), and all but 9 of these could be
if all the deaths and illnesses now charged explained on the basis of circulatory shock,
against the gas were proved, its safety rec- sepsis, or previous hepatic disease. Massive
ord would still be impressive: in the pre- hepatic necrosis did occur more frequently
vious five years about as many patients were in patients who had 2 or more operations
killed or severely injured in operating room while under general anesthesia in the same
explosions of anesthetics." Time concluded, or consecutive months, however, and this
"Some claims for halothane may have been was particularly true of halothane. Of the
too good to be true, but the anesthetic is 9 unexplained instances of massive hepatic
still too good to lose." necrosis, 7 had received halothane for the
Nevertheless, despite this refreshing ob- final operation, and 4 had received the
jectivity on the subject, the great Halo- drug on 2 or more occasions. Contrary to
thane Liver Controversy had begun, and it expectations, an increased incidence of
was destined to occupy a dominant amount massive hepatic necrosis following biliary
of time and attention in anesthesia circles tract surgery did not occur, and it was
for some time to come. In fact, in the minds concluded that there was no evidence to
of some, it has not been resolved com- support the imputed risk of halothane in
pletely to this day. operations performed on the gallbladder
The unfortunate publicity, coupled with or bile ducts.
the established fact that liver deaths had
occurred following the administration of
halothane, aroused the interest and anxiety
of the National Academy of Sciences- SUMMARY OF THE
National Research Council's Committee on NATIONAL
Anesthesia. A Subcommittee on the Na- HALOTHANE STUDY
tional Halothane Study was formed, and
plans for a countrywide study of liver injury POSSIBLE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN
following anesthesia and surgery were de- HALOTHANE ANESTHESIA
veloped. The first report of this million AND
dollar investigation was entitled, "Sum- POSTOPERATIVE
mary of the National Halothane Study: HEPATIC NECROSIS
Possible Association between Halothane
Subcommittee on the National
Anesthesia and Postoperative Hepatic Ne-
Halothane Study of the Committee on
crosis," and was published in the September
Anesthesia, National Academy of
5th, 1966, issue of the Journal of the Amer- Sciences-National Research Council
ican Medical Association (JAMA, 197: 775-
788, 1966). It will be republished in 2 parts J.A.M.A., 197:775-788, 1966
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS on the gall bladder or bile ducts, or in
"A retrospective survey of the incidence craniotomies.
of fatal massive hepatic necrosis and overall "3. In the middle-death-rate operations
death rate following general anesthesia in cyclopropane and "other" were associated
34 hospitals for the four-year period from with reliably higher mortality than were
1959 through 1962 was undertaken. Spe- halothane and nitrous oxide-barbiturate; in
cial attention was paid to a comparison of terms of crude death rates there was a
halothane and other commonly used anes- nearly twofold contrast. After statistical ad-
thetics with respect to hepatic necrosis and justment to compensate for differences in
postoperative death generally. The main the populations exposed to the various
conclusions are: agents, cyclopropane and "other" had
"1. Fatal postoperative massive hepatic death rates 2.5% or more, compared to
necrosis was a rare occurrence. It could approximately 2% for halothane and ni-
usually be explained on the basis of circu- trous oxide-barbiturate, roughly 25%
latory shock, sepsis, or previous hepatic greater.
disease. The possible rare occurrence of "4. Ether deserves more systematic
halothane-induced hepatic necrosis follow- study; although the death rate following
ing single or multiple administrations could ether administration was lowest of all, the
not be ruled out. result is unreliable because so few hospitals
"2. Halothane, rather than being a dan- in the study used it extensively, and so no
gerous anesthetic, had a record of safety as further conclusions can now be drawn.
reflected in an overall mortality of 1.87%, "5. Of special interest and concern were
compared to an average for all anesthetic the large differences in postoperative mor-
practices of 1.93%. This overall parity of tality occurring among the participating
halothane holds up when imbalances in pa- institutions. These differences could not be
tient populations are taken into account by accounted for by the variations among hos-
detailed statistical adjustments. No evi- pital populations by any of the criteria
dence was found to support the imputed measured in this study. This matter is dis-
risk of halothane in operations performed cussed further in the full report."


Published April, 1981

The almost constant parade of new mus- of the subsequent muscle relaxants was
cle relaxant drugs onto the clinical scene evaluated.Curare has been a wonderfully
during the course of the past 40 years or serviceable drug, and remains one of the
so can really mean only one thing: the ideal most widely used muscle relaxants almost
neuromuscular blocking agent for clinical 4 decades after its clinical introduction.
use has yet to be found. Time and use, however, revealed a number
Curare itself, of course, was the first and of flaws and side effects (histamine release,
led the parade. Introduced into clinical ganglion blockade and hypotension), and
practice by Griffith in 1942, the drug rev- within a short time the search was on for
olutionized the practice of anesthesia for other drugs which might replace it.
all time by permitting utter muscle flaccid- One of the major aims was to find a drug
ity without resort to deep and dangerous of sufficiently rapid onset and brief dura-
levels of general anesthesia; and it became tion of action that it might be applied for
the standard of comparison by which each short procedures such as endotracheal in-

tubation (or extubation) and endoscopy in duration of its action is shorter than that
general; for the reduction of fractures and of d-tubocurarine, in the order of 20 min-
dislocations; for the amelioration of the utes. Excretion is by the kidneys, and it
impact of electroshock therapy (and now, should be used carefully, if at all, in patients
cardioversion) on the skeletal system; for with decreased renal filtration. It also
the treatment of laryngospasm during gen- shows an atropine-like vagal blocking effect
eral anesthesia; for relaxation during cer- on the postganglion nerve endings of the
tain types of obstetric delivery, or external heart, which results in tachycardia, even
rotation of breech presentations; and for with small doses, and has led to the rec-
similar situations in which the duration of ommendation by some that it should not
action of curare far exceeded the need for be used in the presence of cardiovascular
muscular relaxation. disease or hyperthyroidism.
A second major aim was to find a syn- The polymethylene bis-trimethylammo-
thetic muscle relaxant which might replace nium series, referred to by the generic term
curare, which was an expensive drug in a methonium compounds, was developed si-
post-war, dollar poor Europe. The phar- multaneously and independently by Barlow
maceutic firms were quick to recognize that and Ing, and Paton and Zaimis, in 1948.
muscle relaxants could be a whole new These workers, acting on the recognition
branch of the industry, with large (not by Crum-Brown and Fraser back in 1869
enormous) sales potential; and they were that there is a relationship between the
equally quick to mobilize their research quaternary ammonium groups of curare
facilities for the search. Any substance, syn- and its neuromuscular transmission, pre-
thetic or occurring naturally, which had pared and tested a number of simple bis-
neuromusuclar blocking properties, was as- quaternary ammonium salts in which the
sured a pharmacologic, and usually a clini- nitrogen atoms were directly attached to
cal, hearing. This search led to trials of the terminal carbons of polymethylene
such unlikely candidates as dihydrobeta- chains of different length. Potency was
erythroidine, which produced a well de- greatest in the bis-trimethylammonium se-
fined decrease in blood pressure in anes- ries, and unusually high activity was found
thetized man, and mephenesin (Myanesin, when the chain contained 10 carbon atoms
Tolserol), which produced muscular relax- (decamethonium). This drug causes neu-
ation only as a secondary effect to its block- romuscular block by prolonged depolari-
ing action at the level of the internuncial zation of the postjunctional membrane of
neurones in the spinal cord itself. Most of the motor endplate in skeletal muscles. It
the effort, however, was directed toward is not antagonized by the anticholinester-
finding a short-acting synthetic muscle re- ases such as neostigmine; and as a matter
laxant which had no toxic effects. of fact, anticholinesterases, by causing ace-
Gallamine triethiodide (Flaxedil) was one tylcholine to persist, may actually increase
of a series of synthetic curare substitutes the paralyzing effect of decamethonium. A
first reported on extensively by Bovet and tachyphylaxis may develop with repeated
his coworkers in 1947. Their work in this doses; and repeated doses may also lead to
field began with the synthesis of structures the depolarizing effect at the endplate giv-
related to, but less complicated than, d- ing place to a nondepolarizing effect, the
tubocurarine. They then further simplified so-called phase 2 block. For these various
the structure of the active members of their reasons, but particularly because of the de-
various series, and found that the bis-cho- velopment of more admirable depolarizing
line ethers of phenols and polyphenols had drugs, decamethonium is no longer manu-
potent curare-like actions. Gallamine is a factured.
nondepolarizing blocking drug: its neuro- Diacetylcholine (succinylcholine) was
muscular effect is counteracted by neostig- first synthesized by Hunt and Taveau in
mine, edrophonium, and pyridostigmine, 1906, but the use of curarized animals in
and is potentiated by ether and other fully their experiments prevented them from
potent inhalation anesthetics. The average observing the neuromuscular blocking ac-
tivity of the drug, and this property went and bronchial secretions and a tendency to
unrecognized until 1949, when it was de- bradycardia. Its use is therefore contrain-
scribed independently by Bovet and his dicated in acute or chronic respiratory dis-
coworkers in Italy, and Phillips in this coun- ease or in patients with disturbances of
try. Succinylcholine is a depolarizing mus- cardiac conductivity. The drug is no longer
cle relaxant with a rapid onset and brief used in clinical anesthesia.
duration of action, the latter being due to Laudexium (Laudolissin) was introduced
the fact that the drug is almost completely into clinical anesthesia in 1952 by Bodman,
hydrolyzed in the organism by plamsa cho- after having been synthesized and studied
linesterase, at first fairly rapidly to succi- pharmacologically by Collier and his col-
nylmonocholine and choline, and then leagues in 1950. It is a heterocyclic deca-
more slowly to succinic acid and choline. It methylene (bis-quaternary ammonium
has enjoyed almost universal acceptance in compound) which is a true nondepolarizing
clinical anesthesia for short periods of re- myoneural blocking agent, one-half as po-
laxation, and has been used for more pro- tent as d-tubocurarine, not always com-
longed muscular relaxation in the form of pletely antagonized by anticholinesterases,
a titratable continuous infusion. There is acting longer than d-tubocurarine, and
no useful antagonist to terminate its action; with greater cumulative effects. It is no
and in situations in which the levels of longer available for clinical use.
plasma cholinesterase are low (liver disease, It is obvious that, despite this continuous
severe anemia, hypoproteinemia, cachexia stream of new neuromuscular blocking
due to malnutrition, malignancy, or compounds prepared by the chemists and
chronic infection), the duration of relaxa- screened as muscle relaxant drugs by the
tion may be considerably longer than might pharmacologists, the ideal relaxant has yet
oridinarily be expected. In patients with to be found. There is fairly widespread
atypical forms of plasma cholinesterase, ter- agreement, however, as to the properties
mination of the succinylcholine activity is of such a drug. It should have a brief,
by a slow alkaline hydrolysis. Other un- noncumulative, nondepolarizing blocking
wanted side effects can include postanes- action, with rapid onset and recovery; it
thetic muscle pains, alterations in cardiac should be readily reversible by an appro-
rhythm, increased intraocular and intragas- priate and nontoxic antagonist; it should
tric pressures, and exaggerated hyperkale- cause neither histamine release nor gan-
mia in patients with severe burns, neuro- glion blockade; its breakdown products
logic damage, muscular dystrophies, and should have no neuromuscular blocking
massive trauma. effect; and it should give rise to minimal
Benzoquinonium (Mytolon) is a neuro- cardiovascular side effects.
muscular blocking agent obtained by qua- The search continues, and one of the
ternization of a compound originally syn- more recent areas investigated has been the
thesized as a candidate antibacterial sub- bis-quaternary aminosteroid drugs. In
stance by Cavalitto and his collaborators in 1964, Hewett and Savage synthesized a
1950; investigated pharmacologically by diacetate dimethobromide compound of
Hoppe that same year; and studied clini- this series; and 3 years later, in the October,
cally by Arrowood, and by Foldes and his 1967 issue of the British Journal of Anaes-
associates, in 1951. In contrast to d-tubo- thesia, Baird and Reid reported a pilot
curarine and gallamine, which produce a study in man under the title, "The neuro-
typical nondepolarization block that can be muscular blocking properties of a new ste-
antagonized by cholinesterase inhibitors, roid compound, pancuronium bromide"
the activity of benzoquinonium is less uni- (Baird, W. L. M. and Reid, A. M.: Br. J.
form. Its neuromuscular block in man is Anaesth., 39: 775, 1967), which is reprinted
little if at all antagonized by neostigmine. below with the kind permissions of the
Furthermore, the drug stimulates the vagus authors and the publisher.
nerve, causing marked increase in salivary

THE NEUROMUSCULAR Anesthesia was provided with thiopental

BLOCKING PROPERTIES OF 350 to 400 mg. and nitrous oxide-oxygen-
In doses of 2 to 3 mg. i.v., pancuronium
COMPOUND, PANCURONIUM produced a degree of blockade similar in
BROMIDE. A PILOT STUDY intensity and duration of action to that of
IN MAN. 10 to 15 mg. of d-tubocurarine. Electro-
myography showed a rapid fall-off in teta-
W. L. M. BAIRD nus followed by post-tetanic facilitation,
AND which would point to the blockade being
A. M. REID of the nondepolarizing type. Of particular
Department of Anaesthetics, interest was the fact that the injections
Royal Infirmary, caused no changes in pulse rate or systolic
Glasgow, Scotland blood pressure. Moreover, there was no
evidence of histamine release such as the
Br.J. Anaesth., 39: 775, 1967 formation of skin wheals or bronchospasm.

Six healthy female patients undergoing

minor gynecologic surgery were studied.

A cerebral, 62
Abrams, W. B., 291 nitrous oxide anesthesia, 165
Absorption Theory, 293 Ansolysen, 158, 200
Accident ward, 53 Anti-anxiety medications, 290
Acetylcholine, 201 Antibiotics, 62, 264
Acid-base balance, 115, 264 Apgar, Ginny, 254
Acupuncture, 311-316 Apgar Score, 255
Adrenal cortex, steroid production in, 113 Apnea, 163, 196, 244, 251, 271, 273, 275, 299, 300,
Adrenergic blocking drugs, 158 322
Air complications, 271-272
decomposition of, 13 postoperative, 122
dephlogisticated, production of, 5, 6 Apnea neonatorum, 181
recomposition of, 13 Arcton compounds, 267
volume, different kinds, 3 Arfonad, 158, 200
Air embolism, 24 Aristotle, 57
Airway Arrhythmias, 113, 299
freedom of, 66 Arterial puncture, 27
secure, 82 Arteriotomy, 212
Allen, Frederick M., 187 Artificial hibernation, 304
Allergic diathesis, 250 Artificial respiration, 83, 84, 92
Alloferin, 251 apparatus for, 84
N-Allyl normorphine, 249 Artificial ventilation, 66, 82, 97
Alpha-methyl-dopa, 159 Artusio, J. F., Jr., 288
Ambulance, 52 Asphyxia, 109, 112, 117, 131, 147, 295
Amiphenazole, 304 chloroform and, 88
Amobarbital, 239 controlled, 164
Anaesthesia: see Anesthesia nitrous oxide anesthesia, 165
Andrews, Edmund W., 55-57, 77, 117, 131 Asphyxia neonatorum, 181
Anemia, 117 Aspiration of gastric contents, 31, 109, 195
Anesthesia: see also specific type Aspiration pneumonia, 67
a fable for our times, 278 Ataralgesia, 304
apparatus to improve administration, 59 Ataraxic drugs, 304
complications, 31 Atropine, 124
depth, 26, 28, 109, 119, 241-243, 276-1277, 301 Autointoxication, 77
failure to take, 192 Autonomic nervous system, 123, 155, 201
insufficient, 274 Avertin, rectal, 138-141, 263
intensity of, 163 Ayre, Philip, 167
levels, 242
mechanism of action, 292
mortality, 32, 36, 246, 266
heredity and, 301 Bagdon, R. E., 291
origination of the word, 136 Bailly, Nicholas, 248
pioneering in, 217-223 Baird, W. L. M., 324
stages, 119-120 Balanced anesthesia, 102, 103, 134-135, 275-276,
Anesthetic records, 172-175 302
Anesthetics, 147 Balfour, G. W., 194
inflammability and explosive hazards, 2267, 287- Bamforth, Betty, 66
288 Bannister, Freda, 166
potency, 267 Banziger, R., 291
Anesthetic shock, 208 Barach and Rovenstine, 53
Animal magnetism, 231 Barbiturates, 162
Anoxemia, 123 intravenous, 177
arterial, 204 metabolism, 239
nitrous oxide anesthesia, 118, 165 short-acting, 305
Anoxia, 62 Barlow, R. B., 215

Barometric pressure, 63, 118 Brain

nitrous oxide and, 164 oxidation, 148
Barrett, 307 volume, during neurosurgical procedures, 69
Bartholin, Thomas, 186 Brand, Leonard, 255
Barton, 319 Brazil and Corrado, 264
Bazy, Louis, 106 Breath-holding, 58
Beaumont, William, 38 Breuer, Joseph, 58
Becher, Joachim, 116 Brewster, William R., Jr., 261
Beckwitt, Henry, 317 Brinton, John H., 95
Beecher, Henry K., 245, 266 Brockett, Linus T., 52
Beecher-Todd Report, 167, 265-266 Brodie, Bernard B., 241, 306
Bell, Irving R., 150 Bromage, Philip, 151
Bennett, Alexander, 75 Bronchospasm, 250
Benzodiazepines, 291 succinylcholine, 272
Benzoquinonium, 323 Brown, Hugh 0., 155, 205
Berger, Hans, 27 Brunton, T. Lauder, 88
Bernard, Claude, 49, 134, 224, 249, 292 Burke, William C., Jr., 73, 235
Bernstein, Eleonore, 241 Burleigh, William H., 52
Bert, Paul, 63, 118, 164 Burnap, Gall, and Vandam, 319
Bibra and Harless, 292 Burwell, C. Sidney, 270
Bickelmann, Albert G., 270 Burwell, Leslie, 107
Bickford, R. G., 27, 28, 242 Butyrophenone, 305
Bier, August, 75, 78, 99, 141 Butzengeiger, 0., 141
Bier, Thedor, 78 Buxton, Dudley Wilmont, 88
Bigelow, Henry Jacob, 26, 40, 92, 119, 136
Bigelow, Jacob, 135, 252 C
Binder, Lee S., 285 Caesalpinus, 223
Bjork and Engstrom, 82 Canani, 223
Black, J. J., 288 Cannon, Walter, 201
Bleeding, 199 Carbonate of lime, suspended animation and, 23
control, 212, 213 Carbon dioxide, 13, 113, 114
control during surgery, 201 absorption anesthesia, 145-146
Bleichroder, 224 accumulation, 199
Blood blood levels, 161
hydrogen ion concentration of, 116 diffusion through skin, 216
red coloring, 13 free and bound, hydrogen ion content of blood,
transfusion, 17, 24 116
Blood gas analysis, 267 removal of, 216
Blood pressure retention of, 83
cyclopropane shock, 208 tension, 115
measurement, 93, 224 Carbon monoxide, poisoning, 62
regional anesthesia and, 98 Carbon tetrachloride, 318
Bobrow, Aaron, 106 Cardiac arrest, 298
Boerema, 61, 62-63 regional anesthesia and, 98
Bonwill, W. G. A., 70 succinylcholine, 272
Boot, Francis, 26 surgical, 96
Boris, A., 291 Cardiac catheterization, 224, 225
Boswell, James, 237 Cardiac inhibitory mechanism, chloroform effects, 89
Botelho, S., 204 Cardiac massage, 91, 97, 298
Boureau, 296 regional anesthesia and, 98
Bourne, Wesley, 142 Cardiac output, 113
Boyd, W. H. F., 35 intermittent positive pressure breathing effects,
Boyle and Hewer, 67 226-227
Brachial plexus, 105 Cardiac shock, 208
anesthesia, 106 Cardiac surgery, hypothermia in, 238
Braddock, J., 52 Cardiac syncope, 86, 87
Bradley, David, 29 Cardiopulmonary function, conduction anesthesia
Bradypnea, profound, 115 and, 269-270
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, 90-91, 96-97, 294 Cleland, J. G. P., 153
ambulances, 53 Clement, 203
self-evaluation program, 89 Clendening, Logan, 245
Carotid artery, 17, 27 Clover, Joseph Thomas, 58, 60, 133
Carter, J. B., 127 Cocaine, 71, 73, 75, 80, 141-142, 144, 213, 235
Castillo, Julio C., 244 cardiovascular system and, 72
Catecholamines, 113 central nervous system and, 79
synthesis, 159 direct nerve block, 74
Cathelin, Fernand, 80 eye ailments, 72
Caudal anesthesia, obstetrics, 185 poisoning, 71
Caudal block, 81, 153 reactions, 236
Central nervous system, 27, 71, 176 spinal cord, 78
chloroform effects, 89 subarachnoid injection of, 81
damage following open drop ether, 247 toxicity, 236
Cerebral blood flow, carbon dioxide effects, 113 Codman, E. A., 173-175
Cerebral cells, carbon dioxide effects, 113 Cold
Cerebral vascular occlusion, 62 analgesic nature of, 237
Cerebral vasoconstriction, 70 anesthetic technique, 186
Cerebrospinal fluid, 100 Colton, Gardner Quincy, 51, 52, 60, 133, 205
cocaine in, 79 Comroe,J. H., Jr., 204
Cerebrovascular resistance, 70 Conduction anesthesia, 75, 99, 103, 269
carbon dioxide effects, 113 Consciousness, retention of, 125
Cesarean section, spinal anesthesia in, 168-170 Controlled respiration, harmful effects, 160-161
Channing, Walter, 29-31, 135 Cook, H. W., 94
Chase, Patricia E., 305 Cordus, Valerius, 33
Chauveau and Marey, 224 Corning, James Leonard, 75, 79, 141, 151
Chenoweth, Maynard B., 307 Costaeus, Johannes, 186
Childbirth, 180 Cotton and Boothby, 67
chloroform, 43 Cournand, Andre, 226
ether, 43 Cournand and Richards, 225
Chloquet, Jules, 227 Courtin, R. F., 27, 243
Chloral hydrate, 213 Courville, Cyril B., 117, 123, 165
Chloroform, 20, 27, 35, 36, 56, 59, 87, 110- 112, Crichton, Michael, 28
114, 117, 131, 132, 134, 177, 181, 183, 184, Crile, George, 103, 134
194, 213, 228, 232, 234, 300, 307, 308, 318 Crocker, William, 127
childbirth, 43 Cuirass respirators, 83
deep anesthesia, 130 Cullen, 263
ether mixture, 86 Curare, 64, 102, 178-181, 196, 246, 249, 250, 261,
fatal after-effects, 77 263, 265, 272, 275, 300, 321-322
fatal application of, 37 antidote of, 179
hepatic damage, 77 making of, 45-50
intoxication, 295 mortality, 197, 265
mortality, 60, 76, 86, 89, 92-93, 112, 194 nitrous oxide and oxygen anesthesia with, 210
obstetrics, 180 Cushing, Harvey, 93, 173-175
overdose or asphyxia, 88 Cyanosis, 58, 203, 204, 213
pediatric anesthesia, 166 Cyclopropane, 27, 58, 83, 102, 118, 142, 154, 163,
ventricular fibrillation, 88, 112 192, 199, 208-209, 261, 263, 287, 300
Chloroform bag inhaler, 59 Cyclopropane shock, 208
Chloroform Committee of 1864, 86
Cholera, 24, 25 D
Choline ester, 201 Dale and Dudley, 201
Circulation, 259 d'Anghera, Peter Martyr, 64, 263
chloroform and, 89 Daptazole, 304
discovery of, 57 da Vinci, Leonardo, 57
extracorporeal, 267 Davy, Sir Humphry, 18-21, 204
respiratory function relations, 223 DeBeer, Edwin J., 244
Citanest, 98 Decamnethonium, 214, 264, 265
Clarke, David, 52 DeKruif, Paul, 29, 245

Demerol, 102, 304 Enflurane, 300, 317

DeNava and McDermott, 287 Englehart, 201
Denis, Jean Baptiste, 284 Entonox, 53, 54
Dental anesthesia, 112 Epidural analgesia, 79, 141, 151
Dephlogisticated air, 11 continuous lumbar, 152
production of, 5 Epinephrine, 44, 113, 201
Diacetylcholine, 244, 251, 322 depressant effects of ether and, 261
Dialylnortoxiferine dichloride, 251 Erlanger, Joseph, 144
Diazepam, 129, 290 Erythrocytes
Dibenamine, 159 hemoglobin of, 61
Dibenzyline, 159, 250 osmotic resistance, anesthetic effects, 216
Diethyl ether, 33, 149-150, 308 Esdaile, James, 228
Diffenbach, 78 Ether, 20, 21, 25-27, 34, 35, 38, 42, 56, 59, 60, 83,
Difluoromethyl 1,2,2-trifluoro-2-clorethyl ether, 317 103-104, 110, 114, 117, 119, 128, 132, 147,
Diversion of the will force, respiration, 70 149, 151, 184, 185, 213, 218, 227, 228, 230,
Divinyl ether, 150, 214 241, 247, 252, 253, 263, 275, 276, 292, 300
Divinyl oxide, 150-151, 214 apnoeas, 161-162
Dixon, 123 blood levels, 161
Dixon, James, 52 childbirth, 43
Dogliotti, 152 chloroform mixture, 86
Drinker iron lung, 82 combined nitrous oxide administration, 60-61
Dripps, Robert D., 208, 249, 263, 305 controversy, 74
Dromoran, 102 depressant effects, epinephrine or norepinephrine
Droperidol, 129, 304 and, 261
Dubois-Reymond, 123 discovery of, 95
Dugas, L. A., 42 eye operations, 28
Dumas, Jean Baptiste Andre, 182 inhibition of heart, 92
Duncan, Matthews, 35, 181 nitrous oxide sequence, 132-133
Duncum, Barbara, 133 obstetrics, 181
Dupuytren, 139 pediatric anesthesia, 166
Dutch liquid, 35, 182 rectal anesthesia, 138-141
Dyspnea safe dosage, 108
pneumonia, 58 third stage, 120-121
tracheal stenosis, 58 Ether Day Address, 103-104
Ether frolics, 242
E Etherington-Wilson technique, 142
Eckenhoff, J. E., 249 Ether spray, 187
Edwards, W. B., 185 Ethyl bromide, 114
Effron, Abraham S., 247 Ethyl chloride, 187, 292, 300
Eger, Edmond I., 303 Ethyl chloride spray, 213
Electrical anesthesia, 85 Ethylene, 58, 76, 102, 127, 135, 149, 263, 287, 300
Electroencephalography, 27, 28, 62, 241-242 diffusion through skin, 216
nitrous oxide-ether patterns, 242 Ethylene dichloride, 35
Electrophysiology, 144 Ethylene-oxygen mixture, 287
Electroshock therapy, 250 Eulenberg, 127
Elliotson, 230 Evans, T. W., 133
Elliott, T. R., 123 Evipal, 162, 239, 305
Ellsworth, P. W., 52 Eyeball, movement significance, third stage ether an-
Elsheltz, Sigismund, 75 esthesia, 120-121
Elsholm, Sigmund, 232
Embley, Edward Henry, 88-89 F
Emergency room, 52 Fabian, Leonard, 85
Endicott, Zerubbabel, 180 Fabricius of Aquapendente, 223
Endocrine responses, 231 Faulconer, A., 27-28, 118, 242
Endotracheal anesthesia, 66 Fentanyl, 304
Endotracheal intubation, 83, 90, 191, 250, 299 Fick, Rudolph, 224
Endotracheal tube, 33, 44, 129 Fife, Sir John, 59
cuffed, 109 Fire injuries, 135

Fischer, Emil, 162 Gruber, 209

Flacke, 209 Guedel, Arthur Ernest, 106-107, 110, 115, 120, 130,
Flaxedil, 322 151, 161-162, 276-277, 300, 302
Fletcher, Walter M., 124 Guthrie, C. C., 97
Florence Nightingale, 188 Guthrie, Leonard George, 77
Flourens, 147 Guthrie, Samuel, 77, 182
Fontaine, Rene, 157 Gutierrez, 152
Fontana, Abbe Felice, 146 Gwathmey, 167
Forssmann, Werner Theodor Otto, 224
Foster, Sir Michael, 63
Frankau, G., 229-234 Hadfield, Charles F., 177
Freud, Sigmund, 73, 80, 235 Haggard, Howard W., 27, 128, 245, 306
Furness, 69 Halitosis, 286
Hall, Marshall, 45
G Hall, Richard John, 74, 235
Gabb, John, 132 Halogenated hydrocarbon, 209
Gage, Robert P., 191 Halopropane, 303
Gallamine, 300, 322 Halothane, 59, 102, 128, 145, 200, 245, 246, 261,
Ganglionic blockade, 250 266, 269, 300, 302, 303, 308, 316, 318
Ganglionic blocking drugs, 157, 200 Halothane hepatitis, 316
Gangrene, 62, 96 Halsted, William S., 74, 75, 235
Gardner, W. J., 201, 211 Hardy, J. D., 171
Gas anesthesia, closed circle method, 147 Harley, George, 132
Gaskell and Shore, 88 Harmel, Merel H., 285
Gas-oxygen-ether, 100 Harvey, William, 24, 57, 223
Gas-oxygen-ether sequence, 133 Hasselbalch, K. A., 116
Gasser, Herbert Spencer, 144 Havens, Horace E., 52
Gate Control Theory, 315 Heidbrink, 109
Gauss, Carl, 181 Heile, 151
Gelfan, Samuel, 150 Heise, G. A.,, 291
Gelfan and Bell, 214 Helenium, 17
Genest, K., 274 Hellijas, Carl S., 72, 99
German silver needle, 193 Helmholtz, 235
Gill, Richard, 49 Hemorrhage, cardiac resuscitation and, 97
Gillespie, Noel, 66 Hemp, 17
Gillies, John, 142-143, 213 Henbane, 18
Ginsberg, Victor, 285 Henderson, Velyian E., 154, 155, 275
Glaser, 176 Henderson-Hasselbalch equation, 115
Glucose, 44 Hering, E., 57-58
oxidation by brain, 148 Hering-Breuer reflex, 57
Glycolysis, 264 Hermann, Ludimar, 127
Goldberg and Padget, 209 Heron, Michael, 317
Goldsmith, Margaret, 231 Hewer, C. Langton, 177
Goodell, H., 171 Hewett and Savage, 323
Goodman, Louis S., 205 Hewitt, Frederick W., 109, 133
Goodrich, Francis C., 52 Hexachlorethane, 176
Goodrich, Norman A., 52 Hexamethonium salts, 158, 200
Gordh, T., 236 Hickman, Henry Hill, 21-23, 106
Gordon, Richard, 258 Hildebrand, 79
Gorham, John, 135 Hill, Leonard, 88
Graff and Phillips, 275 Hingson, R. A., 152, 185
Grave's disease, 104 Hirschel, Georg, 106
Gray, John A., 52, 141 Hirschmann, 155
Gray, T. Cecil, 70, 263 Histamine, 272
Gray and Halton, 197 Hitchcock, Fred A., 63
Greene, W. W., 133, 249 Hober, 148
Griffith, Harold R., 178-181, 196 Hoffman, G. L., 249
Griffiths, H. W. C., 213 Holderness, Margaret C., 305

Hollow needle, 232, 283 Jackson, Dennis E., 114, 146, 176
development of, 73, 75 Jackson, James, 135
Home, August Victoria, 224 Johnson, G. E., 178-181
Hunt, R. E., 288 Johnson, Samuel, 237
Hunt and Taveau, 244, 322 Jones, Lauder, 214
Hunter, John, 237 Jones, Vaughan, 132
Huston, 295 Jonnesco, Thomas, 101-102
Hyderabad Chloroform Commission, 87-88
Hydrogen ions, blood concentration, free and bound K
carbon dioxide, 116 Kalow, W., 274
Hyperbaric chamber, 62 Kanamycin, 264
Hyperkalemia, succinylcholine, 272 Kappis, 106
Hypertension, 113, 299 Karsner, Howard, 118
Hyperthermia, 298 Kaye, Geoffrey, 108
cocaine poisoning, 71 Keep, Nathan Colley, 31, 180, 183
malignant, 272, 298-230 Keith, George, 35, 181
Hyperventilation, 69, 70 Kekule, August, 162
Hypnotics, preliminary, 135 Kemithal, 239
Hypodermic syringe, 24, 234, 248 Kennedy, Foster, 247, 262
Hypotension, 142, 250 Ketamine, 129
cold, 207 Klemperer, Georg, 224
controlled, 199, 212 Knickerbocker, Guy, 297
induced, 199, 201, 212, 261 Knight, Lee Irving, 127
intentional, 199, 212 Knoefel, P. K., 151
spinal anesthesia and, 100 Kohlstaedt and Page, 211
warm, 207 Koller, Karl, 72, 73, 75, 80, 235
Hypothermia, 261, 267 Kopetzky, 166
cardiac surgery and, 238 Koster, H., 100-101, 143
total body, 237 Kouwenhoven, W. B., 297
Hypoventilation, alveolar, extreme obesity, 270 Kreis, 181
Hypoxia, 63, 83, 203 Kuhn, 67
brain lesions, 123 Kulenkampff, 106

Illingworth and Smith, 62 Labor, 303
Infiltration anesthesia, 99 general anesthesia, 152
Ing, H. R., 215 pain pathways, 153
Inhalation analgesia, 180 Laborde, 296
Inhalation anesthesia, 104, 108, 136, 177, 204, 249, Laborit and Huguenard, 304
298 Lactate, oxidation by brain, 148
respiratory signs of, 130 Lactic acid, 123
Inhalation induction, 58 plasma levels of, 264
Inhibition of Oxidation Theory, 293 Lane, W. Arbuthnot, 92, 296
Innovar, 129, 304 Langley, John Newport, 123, 155, 158
Intensive care unit, 261, 267 Laryngeal paralysis, 83
Intermittent positive pressure breathing, cardiac out- Laryngoscopy, 44, 191-192
put and, 226-227 Laryngospasm, 58
Intocostrin, 179 Laryngotomy, 69
Intrapulmonary pressure, 84 Larynx
Intrapulmonic pressure, 66 spasm, 66
Intravenous therapy, history of, 23, 24 topical analgesia, 142
Irving, Frederick C., 29, 181 Lassen, 82
Isaacs, James P., 261 Latta, Thomas, 24, 25
Isoflurane, 300 Laudolissin, 323
Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent, 10, 12, 117
Liiwen, 151
Jackson, Charles Thomas, 39-40, 74 Lawrie, Surgeon-Major, 87

Layman, Henry M., 86 McKesson, E. J., 122

Leake, C. D., 150, 151, 214 McKesson machine, 109
Leduc, M. Stephane, 85 McMechan, F. H., 108
Lehmann, K. B., 176 McQuiston, W. 0., 238-239
Lemmon, William T., 192 Mebaral, 239
LeRiche, Rene, 157-159 Mechanical ventilator, 69
Levallorphan, 44 Medomin, 239
Levine tube, 287 Medulla
Lewis, Dean, 127 cocaine and, 71
Lidocaine, 98, 236, 300 paralysis, chloroform and, 87
Liebig, Justus, 182 side-effects of anesthesia, 101
Lief, Philip A., 241 Meggison, Thomas Nathaniel, 92, 111
Lillie, 148 Meigs, Charles D., 183
Lister, Joseph, 227 Melzack, Ronald, 315
Liston, Robert, 253 Mendelson, Curtis L., 195
Local anesthesia, 192, 213, 232, 235 Meperidine, 54
freezing, 187 Mepivacaine, 300
stellage ganglion, 157 Mercurial manometer, 84
Local anesthetics, 73, 80, 135, 143, 144, 261 Merkel, Giles, 303
intravenous administration, 98 Mesmer, Franz Anton, 227, 229-231
Loeb, 224 Mesmerism, 227-234
Loewi, Otto, 123-124, 201 Methonium compound, 322
Lofgren and Lundqvist, 236 Methoxyflurane, 288, 300, 308, 316-317
Long, Crawford, 20, 33, 34, 39, 40, 74, 92, 147, 228, Meyer, 148
232, 242, 258 Miller, Albert H., 130, 136
Lowenstein, 210 Miller, James, 35
Lower, Richard, 17, 283 Miner's lamp, 19
Lucas, G. H. W., 154, 155 Minimal alveolar concentration, 302
Luckhardt, Arno B., 127 Mirave, F. Pages, 126
Lumbar puncture, 78, 79 Mixed anesthesia, 134
Lumbosacral subarachnoid tap, 170 Moe, R. A.,, 291
Lund, Lawrence 0., 317 Molitor and Graessle, 264
Lundy, John S., 134, 162, 191 Moncrief, John, Lt. Colonel, 85
Lyman, Henry M., 76 Monitoring equipment, 261
Monitory, 267
M Morphine, 54, 102, 129, 133, 134, 142, 180, 209,
MacEwen, William, 69 213, 248, 249, 303
MacIntosh, Sir Robert, 108, 166 addiction, 235
MacWilliams, J. A., 88 Morris, Lucien E., 253
Major, Randolph, 150, 214 Morton, William J, 40
Malignant tumors, hyperbaric oxygenation treatment, Morton, William Thomas Green, 20-21, 28, 39-40,
63 51, 74, 92, 95, 110, 119, 147, 180, 227, 241,
Malpractice, 171 258, 274
Mandragora, 248 Morton's inhaler, 252
Mandragora wine, 18 Motley, Hurley L., 226
Manometer, 88 Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, 294
Marcy, E. E., 52 Muscle pains, 31
Mark, Lester C., 241 Muscle relaxant drugs, 69, 70, 102, 128, 129, 162,
Martin, Thomas, 52 214, 249, 252, 261, 264, 265, 321, 322
Marx, Gertie, 78 Muscle tone, newborn, 255
Mastectomy, spinal anesthesia, 143 Myasthenia gravis, 250, 265
Mastoidectomy, spinal anesthesia, 143 Mylaxen, 128
Matas, Rudolph, 84 Myocardium, depressant effects of ether, 261
Matthews, 181 Myoneural junction
Mauclaire, 296 antibiotics, 264
Mayer, Edward C., 210 skeletal muscles, 123
Mayo, William, 132 Myotonia, generalized, succinylcholine and, 272

Mysoline, 239 Norepinephrine, 113, 201

Mytolon, 323 depressant effects of ether and, 261
Novocain, 99, 106, 159-160
Nuffield, Lord, 82
Nupercaine, 142
Nalorphine, 44
Naloxone, 44 O
Narcotics, 129, 148, 303
injection, neuralgic pain, 54 Oat-cell carcinoma, 250
intravenous, 303 Obesity
naturally occurring, 248 extreme, alveolar hypoventilation, 270
volatile, 132 morbid, 269
Nasal catheter, oxygenation, 118 Obstetric analgesia, 183-184
National Conference on Standards for Cardiopulmo- Obstetric anesthesia, 34-35, 109-110, 152, 180-185
nary Resuscitation (CPR) and Emergency Car- aspiration of stomach contents during, 195
diac Care (ECC), 90 paravertebral, 153
National Halothane Study, 320-321 O'Dwyer tube, 84
Nausea, 31 Oljenick, 176
spinal anesthesia and, 100 Omnopon, 213
Neff, W. B., 155, 210, 304 Open-heart procedures, 62-63, 209
Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale, 255 Opiate antagonist, 249
Neostigmine, 205, 264 Opiates, 54, 232
Nepenthe, 17 Opium, 248, 303
Nephrotoxicity, halothane, 317 intravenous injection, 75
Nerve block anesthesia, 73, 144 Oppenheim, 176
Nerve fibers, 155, 158 Organophosphorous compounds, 273
Nerve injuries, 31 Orkin, 304
Neuralgia, narcotic injections, 54-55 Overton, 148
Neurogenic shock, 208 Overventilation, 161
Neurohumoral transmission, 201 Oxon, M. D., 77
Neurohumoral transmitter substances, 123 Oxygen, 12, 177, 287
Neuromuscular blocking, 324 atmospheres rich in, 118
Newborn binding, function of pH, 116
depressed, resuscitate, 43 discovery of, 3, 5, 10, 57
evaluation of, 255 high partial pressure, intubation of, 118
premature, oxygenation in, 118 high pressure, 62
stillborn, 45 nitrous oxide combination, 102
Nicotin, 155 plasma, 61
Niemann, Albert, 75 saturation, 115
Nisentil, 102 toxicity, 118
Nitrates, 159 transport and utilization, 239
Nitrous oxide, 18, 26, 33, 34, 39, 42, 52, 56, 58, 60, transport in blood, 61
76, 104, 114, 117, 122-123, 131, 133, 135, Oxygenation, 12, 118
164, 177, 192, 203, 204, 213, 217, 228, 241- hyperbaric, 61-63, 267
243, 274, 287, 301, 305 Oxygen mixture, 56, 131
anoxemia during, 118
asphyxia and, 165 P
combined ether administration, 60 Pacatal, 304
diffusion through skin, 216 Pages, Fidel, 152
effect of respiration, 19 Pain, 170-171
ether sequence, 132-133 mechanism, 315
oxygen addition to, 131 Pancuronium bromide, 323, 324
oxygen combination, 102 Papper, E. M., 241
pediatric anesthesia, 167 Parasympathetic nerves, 123
self administration, 109-110 Paravertebral anaesthesia, 153
Nitrous oxide-ether anesthesia, 242 Paravertebral approach, 105
Nitrous oxide-meperidine-d-tubocurarine, 304 Parsons, Edward W., 52
Nitrous oxide-oxygen-halothane, 102 Paton and Zaimis, 322
Nitrous oxide-relaxant-narcotic anesthesia, 209, 210 Pauling, L., 294
Pavlov, 41 Postspinal headache, 31
Pediatric anesthesia, 166-168, 232 Potassium, 19, 124
cardiac surgery, 238 Pravaz, Charles Gabriel, 73, 232, 248
nitrous-oxide-oxygen phase, 167 Pravaz syringe, 73, 79, 142
oxygen-ether phase, 167 Priestley, Joseph, 3, 5, 10, 11, 33, 57, 116-117
Pempidine tartrate, 158 Principle Oxygine, 11
Pendiomide, 158 Procaine, 261
Pentamethonium, 200 Prostigmine, 179
Pentamethonium salts, 158 Pseudocholinesterase
Pentobarbital, 162, 239, 305 atypical, 273
Pentolinium tartrate, 158, 200 plasma, 122
Perales, Maria de la Luz, 210 Pulmonary inflation, intralaryngeal method, 84
Perchloride of formyle, 35, 36 Pupil, value, third stage ether anesthesia, 120-121
Peripheral ganglia, paralysis, 155, 158 Pyloric obstruction, 286
Permeability Theories, 293 Pyruvate, oxidation by brain, 148
Pernoston, 162, 239
Perolysen, 158 Q
Perry, Gerald, 247 Quastel, J. H., 148
Peters and Barcroft, 116
pH, 115, 264
oxygen binding as a function of, 116
Pharyngeal airway, 109 Rainsbotham, Francis H., 183
Pharyngeal paralysis, 83 Randall, L. 0.,, 291
Pharynx, topical analgesia, 142 Rapid breathing, pain obtunder, minor surgery, 70
Phelps, McKinley, Jr., 317 Rasnekov, 295
Phenactropinium chloride, 158, 200 Rauwolfia alkaloids, 159
Phenobarbital, 239 Raventos, J., 269
Phenothiazines, 128 Recovery room, 261
Phillips, 109 postanesthetic, 189
Phlogiston theory, 116 Rectal anesthesia, 138-141, 185, 213
Photophobia, 72 Red cells: see Erythrocytes
Physiologic trespass, 142 Reflex irritability, newborn, 255
Pickwickian syndrome, 270 Refrigeration anesthesia, 187, 237
Pike, F. H., 97 Regional anesthesia, 232
Pilocarpine, 123 intravenous, 98
Ping Pong Incident, 311 Regnault and Rieset, 146
Pirogoff, Nikolai Ivanovitch, 139-141 Regurgitation, 195
Pituitary, carbon dioxide effects, 113 Reid, A. M., 324
Plasma, oxygen in, 61 Remington, John, 206
Plomley, Francis, 28, 119, 241-243 Renal failure, halothane and, 317
Pneumatic medicine, 18 Reservoir bag, 83
Pneumonia, 118 Respiration, 12, 57
aspiration, 67 air injured by, 8
dyspnea from, 58 circulatory function relations, 223
Pneumothorax, extrapleural, 142 controlled, 261
Poliomyelitis forced, 70
bulbar, 81 newborn, 181, 255
epidemic, 82, 83 rapid breathing in minor surgery, 70
Pollock, George, 103 regulation by vagal nerve, 58
Polymethylene bisquaternary ammonium salts, 214- spontaneous, 115
215 types, 130-131
Polymethylene bis-trimethylammonium series, 322 Respiratory center, depressed, 114
Polypharmacy, 131 Respiratory depression, spinal anesthesia and, 100
Pontocain-glucose, spinal anesthesia, 163 Respiratory distress, 82
Pork stress syndrome, 298 Respiratory failure, 87
Porrier, 296 Respiratory function, conduction anesthesia, 269
Postanesthesia care, 191 Respiratory paralysis, 83, 130, 206
Postanesthetic vomiting, 141 Respiratory rate, 115
Postoperative tranquility, 134 Respiratory resuscitation, ambulances, 53

Respiratory stimulation, carbon dioxide and, 113 Spinal anesthesia, 75, 78, 100, 125-126, 141, 142,
Respiratory ward, 261, 267 143, 246, 261, 262, 300
Resuscitation, depressed newborn infant, 43-45 continuous, 192-194
Retrolental fibroplasia, 118 dangers of, 168, 247
Richards, Dickinson W., Jr., 226 inadvertent high, 142
Richardson, Benjamin Ward, 127, 187 major neurologic sequelae, 263
Richet, 292 pontocain-glucose, 163
Riggs, John M., 52, 301 respiratory and circulatory changes, 216
Riva-Rocci armlet sphygmomanometer, 270 Spinal block, 200, 213
Robin, Eugene D., 270 Spleen extracts, sympathin E, 202
Rosomoff, 70 Spongia somniferum, 248
Rovenstine, E. A., 155, 241 Stahl, Georg Ernst, 116
Ruigh, W. T., 150, 214 Starling, Ernest Henry, 91-92, 296
Stellate ganglion, local anesthesia, 157
S Stephen, C. Ronald, 232-234
Saidman and Eger, 145 Stewart, G. N., 97
Saline fluids, cholera, 25 Stiles, J. A., 155
Salk vaccine, 204 Stokes-Adams disease, 289
Scanzoni, Frederick H., 183 Stovaine, 126
Schaller, W., 291 Strauss, Richard H., 310
Schleich, 99 Streptomycin, toxicity, 264
Schmidt and Livingstone, 209 Strychnine, 293
Scopolamine, 142, 168, 180-181, 213, 249, 303 Succinylcholine, 121-122
Secobarbital, 168, 239, 305 Succinylcholine iodide, 252
Secondary saturation, 164 Succinylmonocholine, 122
Seevers, M., 155 Suspended animation, 23, 237
Segmental anesthesia, 126 Swerdlow, 248
Sertiirner, 248 Sword, Brian, 146-147
Serum cholinesterase, atypical forms, 274 Sykes, W. Stanley, 20-21
Serveto, Miguel, 223 Sylvius, Jacob, 223
Severino, Marco Aurelio, 186-187 Sympathectomy, 213
Shnider, 44 Sympathetic blockade, 125, 143
Shock, 207, 211, see also specific type Sympathetic nerves, 155
Sicard, Jean-Althanase, 80-81 impulses, 123
Sicard and Cathelin, 151 lumbar, 159-160
Siebecker, Karl, 66 Sympathetic nervous system, cocaine and, 71
Silvester, 296 Sympathin E, spleen extracts, 202
Simpson, James Young, 34-35, 76, 111-112, 180- Syncope, resuscitation in, 295
181, 258 Syphilis, diseases resembling, 135
Sise, L. F., 163 Syringe, 283
Slater, H. M., 231 development of, 73
Slocum, Franklin R., 52
Smith, Lorraine, 118
Smith, Robert M., 232-234 Tachycardia, 72, 113, 299
Smith, Scott M., 205 Tachypnea, profound, 115
Smith, Truman, 51, 52 Tank respirator, 83
Snow, John, 31, 59, 76, 86, 93, 103, 108, 112, 114, Taylor approach, 170
119, 128, 130, 132, 133, 166, 184, 194, 203, Temple, Cote, and Gorens, 319
232, 241, 260, 275 Terry, John B., 52
Soda lime, 216 Tetracaine, 168
Soda-lime absorption cannister, 83 Tetrachlorethylene, 176
Sodium amytal, 162 Tetraethylammonium bromide, 157
Sodium ethyl (1-methyl butyl)thiobarbituate, 216, 263 Theories of anesthetic action, 148, 149, 292, 293,
Somnoform, 114, 217 294
Soubeiran, Eugene, 77, 182 asphyxial theory, 293
Spike potentials, 144 molecular theory, 294
Spinal analgesia, 79, 102, 125 dehydration theory, 292
control and duration of action, 163 precipitation theory, 292
water solubility theory, 292 during anesthesia, 115
cell permeability theory, 148 manual, 83
Traube's surface-tension theory, 148 positive-pressure, 83
Meyer-Overton lipoid solubility theory, 148, 293 Ventilators, 82, 261, 267
inhibition of oxidation theory, 148, 149, 292 Ventricular fibrillation
microcrystal theory, 294 chloroform anesthesia and, 88, 112
Thesleff, S., 252 myocardial electrodes, 290
Thiopental, 27, 58, 102, 121, 129, 142, 163, 213, Vesalius, 294
239, 241, 261, 275, 305, 306 Viadril, 128
Thiopental-nitrous oxide-curare combination, 69 Virtue, Robert W., 317
Thiopental-nitrous oxide-narcotic-muscle-relaxant Virtue and Payne, 319
combination, 249 Vogel, John H. K., 317
Thoraco-lumbar splanchnicectomy, 213 Volatile anesthetics, 269, 287, 307
Thymus lymphaticus, 117 Voltaic battery, 19
Tiers, F. M., 288 von Anrep, Vasili Konstantinovich, 75
Todd, Donald, 245, 266 von Baeyer, Adolf, 162
Toman, James E. P., 205 Von Dardel, 0., 252
Tomes, C. S., 203 von Euler, Ulf Svante, 201-202
Topical analgesia, 142 von Freund, August, 154
Tracheal stenosis, dyspnea from, 58 von Liebig, 77
Tracheostomy, 69 Von Mering, Joseph, 162
Tracheotomy, 58, 82, 83 Vourc'h, 319
Transfusion, 24, 283-284
blood, one animal into another, 17 W
hemolytic reaction, 284 Waino-Andersen, Thorkild, 261
incompatible, 285 Wakley, Thomas, 229
Traube, 148 Waldie, David, 35, 182
Traumatic shock, 208, 225 Wales, Elizabeth, 52
Trendelenburg position, 101, 142, 213 Wall, Patrick D., 315
Treweek, D. N., 161-162 Waller, Augustus D., 88
Tribromethanol, 216 Ware, John, 135
with amyl hydrate, 263 Warren, John Collins, 112, 119, 135, 164
Trichlorethylene, 176, 177, 300, 307 Waters, Ralph, 107, 109, 119, 146, , 154-155, 215-
Trigeminal palsy, 176 223, 304
Trimethaphan camphorsulphonate, 158, 200 Waterton, Charles, 65
Trophenium, 158, 200 Webster, John W., 135
Tuffier, 151 Weese and Scharpff, 162
Tuohy, E. B., 194 Wells, Horace, 20-21, 33, 34, 39, 40, 50-52, 60, 74,
Twilight sleep, 180, 181, 303 92, 164, 183, 205, 242, 258, 301
Wells, J. Gaylord, 40, 52
U Werko, Lars, 226
Whaley, Robert W., 270
Underventilation, 161
Wheatley, A. H. M., 148
Unger, 224
Winterbottom, F. H., 274
Ureteral catheter, continuous spinal anesthesia, 194
Winterstein, 293
Wolff, H. G., 171
V Wood, Alexander, 54, 73, 75, 232, 248
Vagal nerve, regulation of respiration, 58 Wood, Dorothy, 214
Valsalva maneuver, 160-161 Woodbridge, Philip D., 277
Vandam, L. D., 263 Wren, Sir Christopher, 24, 75, 283, 303
Van Dyke, Russell A., 307 Wright, L. H., 179
Van Poznak, Alan, 288, 307 Wyant, Gordon, 276
Vasomotor shock, 83
Venepuncture, 269
Ventilation Zerfas and McCallum, 162
alveolar, 114, 115 Zinsser, Hans, 29
artificial, 66 Zoll and Lilienthal, 289-290

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