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LA 7 Mid Term Exam

Name: _____________

Total Score: /39

Multiple Choice (each worth 1 mark):

1. What is the best way to organize these sentences to make a short paragraph?

i. That is why music should be offered in every single grade in every school.

ii. Unfortunately, the children who need music lessons the most usually dont have access to

them outside of school.

iii. Once again, music is important because it can make children better students, give them

something positive to do, and build their character.

a. i, ii, iii
b. iii, i, i
c. i , iii, ii
d. iii, ii, i

2. Thinking back on our punctuation lessons, which of the following is the correct word to fit
in the blank?

Unfortunately, _________ predicted that the train will be 30 minutes late.

a. its
b. its

3. Identify which of the sentences below is correctly punctuated.

a. The clever witty lawyer won his case with ease.

b. The clever, witty lawyer won his case, with ease.
c. The clever, witty lawyer won his case with ease.
d. The clever, witty lawyer, won his case with ease.

4. Which of these sentences would make the best topic sentence?:

a. Many people think the camel's hump is filled with water, but that isnt true.
b. If no food is available a camel gets energy from its hump.
c. With its hump and long legs, the camel may look funny, but its uniquely suited to
living in the desert.
d. The hump is a mound of fatty tissue that can shrink.
5. Visual literacy is

a. The ability to understand or make meaning from an image

b. Being able to interpret a picture
c. Literacy is with words, whereas visual literacy is learning and inferring through visual
d. All of the above

6. What is the role of an introductory paragraph?

a. should grab the reader's attention and make him or her want to read the essay.
b. provide background information that is necessary for the reader to appreciate the
writer's position
c. Set up the reader so they are aware of what the essay is going to address, like a sample
or taste tester
d. All of the above

7. Which of these is an example of using visual literacy?:

a. Reading a story and visualizing it in your mind
b. Drawing a picture to help you remember a definition
c. Walking through an art gallery to make meaning of the pictures
d. Reading only the words of the comic and looking at the pictures after

8. What is the goal of the body paragraphs?

a. To have supporting information for the ideas within the topic, using examples and/or
evidence to support that topic.
b. To talk about new ideas that arent in the intro to show how much you know about the
c. To give your personal opinion on the topic and tell the reader they are wrong and I am
d. All of the above


The Knife

9. The most prominent theme in The Knife is:

a. Friendship
b. Loss
c. Letting Go
d. Grieving
10. Why was Curtis given the swiss army knife?

a. For christmas
b. For easter
c. A goodbye present
d. For his birthday

11. What is the core community?

a. The students in class together since kindergarten

b. The students in class together since grade 8
c. The name of the local grocery store
d. Curtis and Rolos hide out

12. Who is in the core community?

a. All grade 8 students

b. Hester, Don, and Curtis
c. Hester, Ron, and Curtis
d. Mrs. Fitzgeralds favourite students

13. Why was the boy given the swiss army knife?

a. For Christmas
b. For Hanukkah
c. To win him over
d. For his birthday

14. Who originally gave the boy his knife?

a. His mom
b. His step mom
c. His dad
d. His step dad

15. Who returned the knife back to Curtis?

a. Rolo
b. Hester
c. Don
d. Ron
16. Ron had been described as smelling like sea salt, having dark brown eyes, and pale
eyelashes. Ron is symbolic for what other character in the story?

a. Curtiss father
b. Rolo
c. Carmelle
d. Curtis himself

17. What connection does Carmelle have to the main character?

a. The annoying girl down the street

b. His moms friend
c. His Dads girlfriend
d. His new sister

18. In the story Curtis tells about the day he got his pocket knife, how his dad left, and about
accidentally killing his friend (a seal) when he threw the knife out of anger. The author
utilizes _____________ to tell the events of the past as if they are currently happening,
transporting the reader to the events and how Curtis felt as they were taking place.

a. Foreshadowing
b. Metaphor
c. Flashback
d. Simile

The Dinner Party

19. Where does the story take place?

a. England
b. Egypt
c. Canada
d. India

20. What was the profession of the American visitor?

a. Naturalist
b. Poet
c. Historian
d. Playwright

21. How much would the visitors have to pay if they moved?

a. 10 rupees
b. 23 rupees
c. 100 rupees
d. 50 rupees

22. What is milk in a bowl used for in the story?

a. For the families cats

b. Bait for a snake
c. To be ironic
d. To attract birds

23. What does the British colonel claim about women?

a. A womans unfailing reaction in any crisis is to scream

b. Men have an ounce more of nerve control than a woman has
c. Women have not outgrown the jumping on a chair at the sight of a mouse era
d. All of the above

24. The hostess being the one to get the milk on the porch to attract the cobra is an example


a. Dramatic irony
b. Situational irony
c. Mens control
d. Stereotyping

The Medicine Bag

25. What aboriginal culture was the grandfather in the story from?

a. Cree
b. Sioux
c. Blackfoot
d. Ojibway

26. What exception did the Grandfather make to show he was aware of his Grandsons fears?

a. He said he didnt have to wear the medicine bag unless he wanted to on the reserve
b. Dressed up to impress his grandsons friends
c. Both A and B
d. The grandfather wasnt aware of his fears

27. Making an assumption about an entire group of people is called:

a. Stereotyping
b. Group irony
c. Presumptuous irony
d. Race Irony

28. Which sacred medicine did the boy in the story need to replace upon visiting the reserve?

a. Sweetgrass
b. Tobacco
c. Cedar
d. Sage

29. What event in the story showed how determined the Grandfather was to bring his
grandson the medicine bag?

a. His changing of clothes

b. His long journey
c. His age
d. His medicine bag

When Television Ate My Best Friend:

30. When does the story take place?

a. The 1800s
b. 1980
c. In the future
d. 1950s

31. Television really does eat people is an example of :

a. Metaphor
b. Simile
c. Irony
d. Flashback
32. In the above scene of the shot film The Paperman, what is the relationship between the
two people at this time?

a. A serious couple
b. Coworkers on their way to work together
c. Childhood friends
d. Curious Strangers

33. Inferencing uses.:

a. Prior knowledge and access information used together to make a guess

b. Prior knowledge and the information provided used together to make an educated
c. New knowledge and no new information to make an educated guess
d. A visual and internet access to make an uneducated and silly guess
Matching (each worth 1 mark)

Match the word to the example by writing the letter of the corresponding example (right) in
the blank beside the words in the left column (some examples will be left unmatched) (8 marks):

Vocabulary Words Examples (A-I)

Metaphor _____ A. Love, resilience, loss, and equality are all

examples of...

B. School is a place to learn school is also a place

to see friends.

C. You are reading a story in reading class with

Situational Irony _____ Miss. Matthews. In the story a pipe bursts creating
a problem for the characters. You then remember
that before it burst, there was a scene where the
family noticed a small dark spot on the ceiling, but
ignored it. This is an example of
______________________used by the
author in the text.
Simile _____
D. You have a friend who uses ______ to
describe himself in saying he is: as cool as a
cucumber and as laid-back as a lawn chair.

E. The children's movie Up, starts by telling

Flashback _____ about the past showing what the old man
remembers: meeting his wife, marrying her, their
adventures, etc. This all helps us to better
understand why he does not want to leave the
house that they have shared so many memories in.
This is an example of what literary device used by
the author in the text?
Foreshadowing _____
F. In a story you are reading the traffic cop gets his
license suspended because of unpaid parking
tickets. This is an example of which literary device
used by the author in the text?

G. In her hit song Firework, Katy Perry uses this

Themes _____
common literary device through describing the
subject of her song as being a firework in the line
baby, youre a firework.

H. School is not a place to make friends, it is only

a place to learn.
Run-on sentence _____
I. A character in your story is driving with her
husband. She nearly runs a red light before
slamming on her breaks. Her husband then makes
a terrible comment about women being bad
drivers. This fuels an argument between the
couple because he has made such a terrible
Stereotype: _____ assumption about all women. This is an example

Short Answer

27. Number these sentences in order to make a proper paragraph (5 Marks):

___ Pandas differ because their activity peaks in the morning, afternoon and midnight.

___ Due to their sheer size, pandas do not need to fear predators like other herbivores.

___ However, research found that pandas may belong to a category all of their own.

___ They can therefore be active at any time of the day.

___ Pandas were thought to fall into the crepuscular category, those who are active twice a
day, at dawn and dusk.

28. Using your visual literacy skills, in one sentence write one thing that you infer the artist is
communicating through the following image (1 Mark):


Long Answer

29. How is stereotyping shown and what is the role of stereotyping in the short story The
Medicine Bag? (2 marks)

Answer KEY

Multiple Choice (each worth 1 mark):

1. D
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. D
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. D
11. B
12. B
13. D
14. C
15. D
16. B
17. C
18. C
19. D
20. A
21. D
22. B
23. D
24. B
25. B
26. C
27. A
28. D
29. B
30. D
31. A
32. D
33. B
Matching (each worth 1 mark)

Match the word to the example by writing the letter of the corresponding example (right) in
the blank beside the words in the left column (some examples will be left unmatched) (8

Vocabulary Words Examples (a-i)

24. Metaphor __G___ A. Love, resilience, loss, and equality are all
examples of...

B. School is a place to learn school is also a place to

25. Situational Irony ___F__ see friends.

C. You are reading a story in reading class with

Miss. Matthews. In the story a pipe bursts creating
26. Simile __D___ a problem for the characters. You then remember
that before it burst, there was a scene where the
family noticed a small dark spot on the ceiling, but
ignored it. This is an example of
27. Flashback __E___ ______________________used by the
author in the text.

D. You have a friend who uses ______ to

28. Foreshadowing __C___ describe himself in saying he is: as cool as a
cucumber and as laid-back as a lawn chair.

E. The children's movie Up, starts by telling

29. Themes __A___ about the past showing what the old man
remembers: meeting his wife, marrying her, their
adventures, etc. This all helps us to better
understand why he does not want to leave the
30. Run-on sentence __B___ house that they have shared so many memories in.
This is an example of what literary device used by
the author in the text?

31. Stereotype: __I___ F. In a story you are reading the traffic cop gets his
license suspended because of unpaid parking
tickets. This is an example of which literary device
used by the author in the text?
G. In her hit song Firework, Katy Perry uses this
common literary device through describing the
subject of her song as being a firework in the line
baby, youre a firework.

H. School is not a place to make friends, it is only

a place to learn.

I. A character in your story is driving with her

husband. She nearly runs a red light before
slamming on her breaks. Her husband then makes
a terrible comment about women being bad
drivers. This fuels an argument between the
couple because he has made such a terrible
assumption about all women. This is an example

Short Answer

1. Number these sentences in order to make a proper paragraph (5 Marks):

3 Pandas differ because their activity peaks in the morning, afternoon and midnight.

4 Due to their sheer size, pandas do not need to fear predators like other herbivores.

2 However, research found that pandas may belong to a category all of their own.

5 They can therefore be active at any time of the day.

1 Pandas were thought to fall into the crepuscular category, those who are active twice a day, at
dawn and dusk.

Pandas were thought to fall into the crepuscular category, those who are active twice a day, at
dawn and dusk.
However,research found that pandas may belong to a category all of their own.
Pandas differ because their activity peaks in the morning, afternoon and midnight.
Due to their sheer size, pandas do not need to fear predators like other herbivores.
They can therefore be active at any time of the day.

2. Using your visual literacy skills, in one sentence write one thing that you infer the artist is
communicating through the following image (1 Mark):

One thing I infer from this image is that the artist is worried about pollution, shown through
the factorys dark clouds of smoke wrapping around the earth.
Long Answer

How is stereotyping shown and what is the role of stereotyping in the short story The
Medicine Bag? (2 marks)

The Medicine Bag is a story about a sioux grandfather bringing his son his medicine
bag to pass on the sioux tradition. It shows stereotyping through how the son tells his friends
that his grandfather is like an indian from movies and describes him in the style of clothing
people expect for a first nations person to wear, rather than what he really does wear. The role
of stereotyping in the story is to show that first nations people are not like the indians we see
in movies, but are like everyone else but their own culture and heritage.

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