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12/10/2017 Theano (software) - Wikipedia

Theano (software)
Theano is a numerical computation library for Python.[1] In Theano, computations are expressed using a NumPy-
esque syntax and compiled to run efficiently on either CPU or GPU architectures.

Theano is an open source project[2] primarily developed by a machine learning group at the Universit de Montral.[3]

On 28 September 2017, Pascal Lamblin announced major development would cease after the 1.0 release due to
competing offerings by strong industrial players.[4] Theano 1.0.0 was then released on 15 November 2017.[5]

See also
Comparison of deep learning software

1. Bergstra, J.; O. Breuleux; F. Bastien; P. Lamblin; R. Pascanu; G. Desjardins; J. Turian; D. Warde-Farley; Y.
Bengio (30 June 2010). "Theano: A CPU and GPU Math Expression Compiler" (
pointeurs/theano_scipy2010.pdf) (PDF). Proceedings of the Python for Scientific Computing Conference (SciPy)
2. "Github Repository" (
3. "" (
4. Lamblin, Pascal (2017-09-28). "MILA and the future of Theano" (!topic/theano-u
sers/7Poq8BZutbY). theano-users (Mailing list). Retrieved 2017-09-28.
5. "Release Notes Theano 1.0.0 documentation" (

External links
Official website ( (GitHub)
Theano ( at Deep Learning, Universit de Montral

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This page was last edited on 22 November 2017, at 19:44.

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