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J European Patent Office

Publication number: 0 4**%g\
2 0 o6 o6 o3 B
B 41
Office europeen des brevets


Date of publication of patent specification: 13.12.95 Int. CI.6: F27B 7/20, F27D 2 1 / 0 0 ,
G01B 1 1 / 2 7
Application number: 90310634.2

@ Date of filing: 28.09.90

Hot kiln alignment system

Priority: 29.09.89 CA 614456 Proprietor: HARTCO ENGINEERING INC.,

72 Tapscott Rd.,
@ Date of publication of application: Unit 2
03.04.91 Bulletin 91/14 Scarborough,
Ontario M1B 3G7 (CA)
Publication of the grant of the patent:
13.12.95 Bulletin 95/50 Inventor: Gebhart, Walter M.
Hartco Engineering Inc.,
Designated Contracting States: 72 Tapscott Road, Unit 2
Ontario M1B 3G7 (CA)
References cited:
EP-A- 0 113 552
US-A- 3 902 810 Representative: Dempster, Benjamin John
Naftel et al
Withers & Rogers
4 Dyer's Buildings,
London EC1N 2JT (GB)

Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person

may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition
CL shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee
LU has been paid (Art. 99(1) European patent convention).
Rank Xerox (UK) Business Services
(3. 10/3.09/3.3.3)
1 EP 0 420 663 B1 2

Description but could not effectively compensate for uneven

wear over both the tires and the supporting rollers.
TECHNICAL FIELD Wear also takes place between the tire and its
supporting pads, or the tire and the shell, which
This invention is directed to a surveying pro- 5 wear may destroy the concentricity of the construc-
cess and apparatus for carrying out the process. In tion.
particular the surveying process is directed to tak- The importance of an effective on-stream align-
ing alignment measurements of a rotary kiln, in- ment measuring scheme is that, if of sufficient
cluding use of the method with a hot, operating accuracy, it permits effective preventive mainten-
kiln. io ance to be carried out, to minimize kiln wear and
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Certain prior art hot kiln alignment measure-
ment schemes exist, such as "Alignment of Rotary
Hot kilns are used in carrying out a large Kilns and correction of Roller Settings During Op-
number of economically important processes. 75 eration", B. Krystowczyk, Bromberg, Poland 1983,
Owing to the nature of the process for which published Zement-Kalk-Gips Translation ZKG No.
they are used such kilns may attain lengths as 5/83 (p.p. 288-292). This method uses an optical
great as six hundred feet and be supported by plumb to sight off vertical tangents to the kiln tires.
annular tires carried on rollers, mounted upon piers The method suffers from inaccuracies due to vari-
as high as seventy feet above the ground. 20 ations in the tire to shell clearances.
The steel vessel constituting the kiln is rela- The method is totally manual, and requires
tively thin walled, being usually lined with a refrac- working closely adjacent to hot kiln surfaces, and is
tory lining to protect the walls of the vessel and to limited by human response times in the rate of
provide a protective thermal gradient to the kiln. taking readings as the kiln rotates.
The kiln shell is quite flexible, as a consequence. 25 In the case of faster rotating hot calciner kilns
Owing to the size of such kilns the daily these can prove to be serious drawbacks. The
throughput is of such value that shutdown of a kiln method also requires the simultaneous taking of
is to be avoided at all costs. readings by three individuals, which again limits
The construction of high temperature kilns ne- both speed and accuracy of applying the method.
cessitates provision being made for expansion of 30 The method further required a determination of
the shell, relative to its supporting tires. For this the gaps existing between the tires and the kiln
reason the tires generally fit loosely on the shell. shell at the respective measuring spots, if de-
The "looseness" of the arrangement is further sireable accuracy is to be achieved, as it is an
complicated by wear that takes place in the sup- improvement to the trueness of the shell to which
porting rollers, on which the tires are carried, and 35 the process is usually directed.
the susceptibility of the supporting piers, in many Another process involves the use of a laser
instances, to swaying during operation of the kiln. theodolite and a second theodolite having their
As a consequence of these and other factors outputs connected with a computer. The laser
such kilns get out line, in that intermediate portions theodolite is focussed at a point on the face of the
of the kiln do not rotate coaxially with other por- 40 surveyed tire, and the second theodolite, from a
tions of the shell. This misaligned condition intro- different location, is also focussed on the laser
duces unnecessary, but frequently unavoidable illuminated spot. The computer digests the respec-
stresses, particularly in the thin walled shell, which tive angles of the theodolites and provides three
are potentially destructive thereto. dimensional x.y and z axis coordinates as the ad-
In order to ameliorate this condition it is the 45 dress for the instantaneous target, during rotation
aim of many existing methods to determine the of the kiln. In addition to requiring multiple vantage
centre of rotation at differing axial locations along a points for viewing the tire, this method requires that
kiln, to permit compensating adjustment to be the instruments be set up and calibrated a number
made to the rolls on which the kiln tires are sup- of times, relative to a selected, single originating
ported, without shutting the kiln down, so as to 50 point. This system appears related to a similar
bring the kiln into more close approximation of a system that has been used with considerable ad-
single rotational axis. vantage in erecting large static structures such as
The foregoing enunciated difficulties are com- chimney stacks, buildings and rocket launchers.
pounded by the fact that kiln shells frequently However, its adaption to a dynamic target such
exhibit dynamic ovality, in the running of the flexi- 55 as a kiln wherein the supporting piers may be
ble shell within the stiffer tire. moving as a consequence of the dynamic and shell
Prior methods include sighting off side vertical reaction forces generated, has been less than
tangents and the bottom dead centre of the tire, straightforward. The time required to set up the

3 EP 0 420 663 B1 4

system is somewhat prohibitive, and the results a long, substantially cylindrical body, during rota-
achieved are barely adequate. Thus, the cost and tion thereof substantially about its polar axis, hav-
complexity of this prior system has limited its ap- ing the features of claim 1.
plicability and popularity, with regard to kiln hot The method includes determining the location
alignment. 5 of both sides of the body during its rotation, in
A yet further process apparently adopted in relation to at least one fixed datum, to establish the
response to the Krystowczyk method includes the mean centre of rotation relative to that datum.
use of plumb lines draped over the rotating tires, to The method relies upon the making of direct
determine their positions as vertical tangents rela- measurements on the location in space of external
tive to an established centre line datum. io surface portions of the shell, namely the shell itself,
The adoption of such manipulations has tended or the annular ring of pads secured to the shell
to reduce the credibility of hot alignment of kilns in outer surface, upon which the kiln tires bear.
the eyes of users. The establishment of the location of each side
In considering the prior art systems, it will be of the kiln during rotation generally involves the
understood that kiln internal temperatures as high is taking of a series of lateral distance readings at
as 3000 degrees F require that measurements to predetermined intervals during rotation of the body,
be made external to the kiln. which lateral readings may be averaged in order to
Most prior methods basically rely upon external provide a mean lateral distance to the targeted side
procedures, for measurements involving measuring of the body, from the point of measurement. These
the diameter of the kiln supporting tires; the diam- 20 readings may then be corrected, relative to a fixed
eter of the tire supporting rolls; the gaps between datum.
the tire and kiln shell; and, the spacing between the Repetition of these series of readings may be
respective supporting rolls. Using these measured carried out for selected stations located at axial
values the location of the kiln centre is establishes intervals along the length of the body, to permit the
geometrically. 25 distance from the datum, as a mean value, to be
However, it must be born in mind that typically obtained for each such station. Reading locations
the kiln tires may be as wide as two to three feet on the shell surface, or on tire support pads lo-
axial width, and the supporting rollers may be three cated adjacent the tires, are usually chosen.
to four feet in axial width. However, these items Repetition of this process along the opposite
wear in service, the tires becoming convex sur- 30 side of the body, at the same axial stations, per-
faced, the rollers concave surfaced. As a con- mits calculation of the respective mean centre line
sequence, the accuracy and constancy of mea- location at each station, from a selected common
surements is highly suspect. Also, the kiln structure datum line or lines.
is temperature sensitive, so that thermal changes Positioning of the distance reading device
may effect significant variations in the relationships 35 away from the piers on which the kiln supporting
between the respective moving parts, some of rollers are carried serves to eliminate the effects of
which are directly influenced by kiln temperature, pier sway.
and others, such as the supporting rollers, much Recording of readings electronically permits
less so. readings to be taken of sufficient accuracy to en-
In further considering the background to kiln 40 compass distance variations due to variations of
operation, including implications stemming from the surface curvature of the shell, providing an
their design, it will be appreciated that the kiln enhanced and simplified method of determination.
supports, located at selected positions along its In accordance with the present invention there
length , are intended to achieve even loading. is also provided an apparatus according to claim
Factors such as variations in refractory lining thick- 45 13, in which distance readings are taken using
ness, due to different temperatures and wear rates, diode laser linear displacement type instrument or
variations in shell plate and tire thicknesses, non- sonic or other equivalent located on the supporting
uniformity in the travelling kiln load, variation in the piers, and reading at points on the surface of the
thickness of internal coating of the refractory etc., kiln shell, or on the machined riding ring pads,
may cause variations in load shell stiffness and 50 which carry the supporting tire. These surfaces are
ovality, and changing deflections at the supports oriented normally to the instrument.
which generally develop during the operation of a Owing to the use of an electronic recording
kiln. instrument such as a micro computer connected
with such a short range diode laser or equivalent,
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 55 continuous or pulsed distance measurements may
be taken, to provide a comprehensive shell profile
In accordance with the present invention there for the selected station.
is provided a method of determining the location of

5 EP 0 420 663 B1 6

As an example, in the case of the riding tire Thus, as the diode laser is measuring vertically
pads, at a kiln rotational speed as high as three to the shell or to the ring pads, as the case may
revolutions per minute, with, typically, 36 pads be, the auto level is read, being focussed upon the
equally spaced about the kiln circumference, by fixed vertical elevation scale. This scale is of suffi-
use of a microprocessor coupled to the diode laser, 5 cient height to encourage the full range of vertical
several readings for each pad may be obtained and reading positions for all the kiln work stations. The
logged electronically, during the fraction of a sec- auto level establishes the datum plane, relative to
ond for passage of the pad surface opposite, and the diode laser, by which the diode laser readings
normal to, the beam of the diode laser. are corrected to the common horizontal reference
In the preferred embodiment a theodolite is io plane thus established.
first located in a reference plane, established be- Thus there is provided a method of determin-
tween a pair of spaced apart targets, by taking ing the location of a rotating, substantially cylin-
sightings from the theodolite to the targets. Next, drical body during the rotation thereof about its
the theodolite is brought into registry with a gradu- polar axis, having previously established a plurality
ated horizontal scale secured to the diode laser, is of measuring stations in mutually spaced relation
and focussed upon a gradation on that scale. The along one side of the body, characterized by the
theodolite is now, by manual adjustment, held in its steps of:
registry with the diode laser horizontal scale. Ad- a) establishing a first datum plane, preferably
justments to maintain such registry are read out parallel with the body longitudinal axis, having
automatically, and transmitted as correction values 20 visual access to the measuring station, and ex-
to the microporcessor, or other recording means, tending for at least a portion of the length of the
so as to tie the diode laser to its fixed datum plane. body;
Thus, in the preferred embodiment the instan- b) locating a distance measuring radiant beam
taneous location of the diode laser itself is re- instrument successively at each measuring sta-
corded, using a theodolite positioned upon, or in 25 tion;
known relation with an established datum plane, to c) operating the distance measuring instrument
read the diode laser position. at each station at predetermined intervals, dur-
From readings thus obtained, the actual dis- ing rotation of the kiln to provide readings of
tance of the mean centre line from a preferred distance from the instrument to predetermined
datum may be readily calculated, for each of a 30 surface portions of the body aligned normal to
selected series of axial stations, referred to above. the instrument and positioned about the body;
Selecting a desired origin for the kiln theoreti- d) determining the off-set distance from the first
cal centre line, the respective existing deviations datum plane to the measuring instrument, at
from the theoretical centre line may then be cal- each position of use; and,
culated, and the respective supporting rollers or 35 e) obtaining a mean value of the distance read-
bearings may be repositioned, to bring the kiln to a ings during rotation of the body, corrected for
new and improved alignment. instrument off-set distance, to give a mean value
The process generally includes obtaining ele- of distance from the first datum plane to the
vation values, by readings taken off bottom dead surface of the body.
centre positions along the kiln, corresponding to 40 The method further extends to include estab-
the lateral reading stations, in lateral alignment lishing a second datum plane, preferably parallel
therewith, in order to establish a mean centre line with the first datum plane and a predetermined
elevation profile. This elevational centre line is usu- distance therefrom, on the other side of the body;
ally inclined from the horizontal, in accordance with carrying out the foregoing steps b) through e), to
kiln inclination, in order for the kiln to carry out its 45 provide mean values for distance readings, cor-
product feed function. rected for instrument off-set relative to the second
In carrying out the vertical measurements to datum plane, between the body surface and the
the kiln the diode laser, functioning in a vertical second datum plane, at measuring stations in lat-
orientation, is located at a respective work station, eral alignment with the previously used measuring
at the bottom dead centre (BDC) position, some 50 stations on the opposite side of the body; and
inches below the kiln shell. From this position the calculating the distance of the mean centre of the
desired distance readings are taken. body from one of the datum planes for each of the
A lateral reference, to provide a horizontal da- axial station locations, using the established data
tum plane for the diode laser is achieved by use of and the distance between the first and second
an auto level in conjunction with a fixed vertical 55 datum planes.
elevation scale. The auto level is aligned with the In addition to the foregoing the method further
reading plane of the diode laser and the vertical includes the steps of determining the vertical dis-
scale then read. tance from an established third datum plane ex-

7 EP 0 420 663 B1 8

tending below the bottom dead centre portion of tions, both lateral and vertical, to be applied to the
the body, in a fashion similar to the use of the first support bearings may be readily obtained.
and the second datum plane; orienting the radiant In general, such R values would be adjusted in
beam instrument successively, at axially spaced relation to one fixed support, which would remain
stations in lateral alignment with the aforemen- 5 unadjusted. The adjusted values, as algebraic dif-
tioned measuring stations, to measure vertically ferences from the fixed support would represent
from the instrument to the bottom dead centre lateral corrections to be applied to the respective
portion of the body, during rotation of the body; other supports, necessary to bring the shell rota-
and calculating the respective mean vertical dis- tional axis back into alignment.
tance of the means centre of the body from the io The vertical bearing corrections may be simi-
elevation datum plane. larly applied, due attention being paid to the re-
In the preferred case, namely that of a rotary quired kiln gradient, to restore a true, unitary axis
kiln mounted upon at least three supporting annular of rotation.
tires the aforesaid measuring station axial locations The present invention further provides appara-
are positioned in close axial proximity to the tires. 15 tus for determining the location of a body having a
With the kiln being a heated kiln, and mounted generally cylindrical annular surface, during rotation
upon piers, the lateral measuring stations are pref- of the body, comprising a diode laser distance
erably mounted upon the piers, in a position to measuring instrument for measuring from a pre-
permit upward viewing of the measuring station in determined location to an adjacent surface portion
a vertical plane that includes the reference datum. 20 of the body positioned normal to the instrument;
In carrying out the method using a diode laser datum plane generating means for establishing a
(DL) or equivalent for measuring the lateral and predetermined vertical datum, including instrument
vertical distances, a mini-computer may be used to means positionable relative to the datum and
record the distance reading electronic outputs from pivotable parallel with the datum plane, the diode
the DL distance measuring instrument. These read- 25 laser having indexed locating means related there-
ings are simultaneously co-ordinated with readings to, to extend through the reference datum, being
from a theodolite giving the off-set distance be- readable by the instrument means, whereby the
tween the respective datum plane and the DL. projected distance from the body surface portion to
Owing to the low frequency and short amplitude or the datum comprises the algebraic sum of the
pier motion, if any, the datum establishing 30 readings of the instruments.
theodolite is kept focussed in fixed registry on a The subject instruments, having electronic out-
fixed gradation on the diode laser datum correction puts therefrom, may be combined with electronic
scale. recording means connected thereto, enabling re-
Lateral displacements of the DL in order to cording of simultaneous readings from the instru-
maintain its registry with the scale selected grada- 35 ments, and the recording of a multiplicity of such
tion is measured electronically as a digital readout, reading during rotation of the annular surface.
and sent to the mini computer, as a correction to In the preferred embodiment and method, the
the lateral distance reading outputs of the DL. theodolite means is maintained in continuous align-
In calculating the mean distance R from a ment with a registration on the indexed locating
selected datum to the kiln centre line, the formula 40 means. As the theodolite is traversed laterally,
is used: manually, to maintain the indexed registration, a
readout of its displacement is transmitted to the
R = K1 + X + i [S-(K1 +K2 + X + X1] recording means, to provide a continuous correc-
tion relating the diode laser to the datum plane.
where 45 The electronic recording means may comprise
K1 is the off-set distance from first datum plane a computer; and the datum generating means may
to instrument; comprise a pair of theodolite targets in mutually
K2 is the off-set distance from second datum spaced apart relation, having the theodolite located
plane to instrument; therebetween, for positioning the theodolite so as
X1 is the mean distance from instrument to the 50 to enable it to generate a desired reference plane.
adjacent shell surface; As an alternative embodiment, a laser beam gener-
X2 is the mean distance from the relocated ator, generating a narrow, visible beam may be
instrument to the adjacent shell surface; and, used for locating the theodolite instrument in
S is the lateral distance between the first and aligned operative relation therewith, to establish the
the second datum planes. 55 desired reference plane.
From a table showing R value for each of the
axial work stations, together with an E value, (for
elevation calculated values) the requisite correc-

9 EP 0 420 663 B1 10

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS beneath the tires 24. The pads 40, illustrated as
being thirty six in number, every third pad being
Certain embodiments of the invention are de- numbered in the illustration, can serve as reading
scribed by way of illustration, and without limitation surfaces for the diode laser 28.
of the invention thereto, reference being made to 5 Figure 5 shows a typical plot for one revolution
the accompanying drawings, wherein; of kiln 10.
Figure 1 is a schematic side elevation of typical Each of the pads 40 is clearly defined, owing
kiln arrangement; to he high reading rate of the automated instrumen-
Figure 2 is a plan view of the Figure 1 kiln, tation.
indicating the arrangement of datum lines rela- io The mean value of reading, shown by line DD
tive thereto; and EE represent the mean or "true" position of
Figure 3 is an end elevation showing a sche- the pad surfaces, from which is obtained the values
matic set up relating the distance measuring of X and X1 , from which the value R is obtained.
radiant beam instrument to the respective verti- It will be understood that a simple computer
cal and horizontal datum planes; is program may be provided, to give a direct com-
Figure 4 is an enlarged shcematic detail show- putational read out.
ing tire pads and the radiant beam instrument; Alternatively, the control capability and storage
Figure 5 is a typical shell profile graph showing capacity of computer 36 may be used to operate
peripheral variation and the mean shell position, the system and provide graphic output as in Figure
and 20 5, by which the mean value may be obtained, and
Figure 6 is an enlarged portion of the Figure 5 the value of R calculated.
graph, showing an indication of shell deviation In operation, the datum plane base, or datum
from the mean value. lines may be laid down, even in extremely arduous
situations, to provide a reference grid to which the
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION 25 outputs from the diode laser 28 may be readily
referenced, permitting ready determination of the
Referring first to Figures 1, 2 and 3, a kiln 10, true location of the mean centre of rotation of the
being generally of a high length to diameter ratio, mill.
is mounted upon piers 12, 14, 16, 18. This in turn makes readily possible the deter-
The shell 22 is carried by tires 24, which are 30 mination of the lateral correction to be applied to
rotatably mounted on rollers 26. each of the support bearings or roller arrange-
The assembly is mounted atop the piers 12 to ments, for lateral correction to the kiln centre line.
18. It will be understood that the datum lines A-A
A radiant beam distance measuring device and B-B, and their respective vertical reference
comprising a medium distance diode laser 28, 35 planes do not require to be mutually parallel. It is
mounted on tripod 30 is positioned at a suitable beneficial that the datum lines be made parallel, for
location, such as pier 18. convenience, but this is not imperative.
A theodolite instrument 32 is positioned upon The vertical distance readings are taken from a
the datum A-A or B-B, provided by a theodolite reference datum CC, using the diode laser 28
targets 33, the datum A-A and datum B-B being 40 focussed on the bottom dead centre i.e. lower most
frequently made mutually parallel, and substantially pad surfaces. This yields a variation output akin to
parallel to the polar axis of kiln 10, for convenience. Figure 5, whence the mean variation and the true
The theodolite 32 is pivotal vertically in the position of the rotational axis may be obtained.
plane containing reference datum A-A, enabling an The desired vertical correction to the support
optical alignment scale 34 of the instrument 28 to 45 rollers may be applied by appropriate change of
be read, so as to relate the instrument 28 directly the distance between the rollers supporting the
to the datum A-A, provided by projector 33, as respective bearing, to restore a substantially linear
previously described, and referred to below. common axis of rotation to the kiln 10.
The digital outputs from diode laser 28 and In the case of a kiln of constant diameter and
theodolite 32 may be connected with a computer 50 uniform construction in regards both to plate thick-
36, enabling high speed, simultaneous read outs ness and the supporting rolls, the effects of kiln
by both instruments, in reading lateral distances to ovality may generally be neglected, as being sub-
the kiln 10, and to the datum A-A or B-B. stantially consistent, and therefore self-cancelling.
Figure 4 shows a typical arrangement of an However, in the case of kilns wherein the shell
annular ring of pads 40, mounted on the outer 55 varies in diameter or construction, different rollers
peripheral surface of the shell 22 of kiln 10. The are used at respective support bearings, or where
tires 24 are generally mounted, somewhat loosely, major thermal gradients exist, or other factors such
upon the pads 40, which protrude axially from as wear, create ovality or unevenly distributed oval-

11 EP 0 420 663 B1 12

ity, it may be preferable to take the ovality of the said first datum; carrying out the steps a)
kiln into account. This can be readily done by the through f) for a second plurality of axial loca-
use of an ovality beam, which measure the change tions, each of said second axial locations being
in curvature of the shell for each revolution, at located adjacent said second datum plane in
selected longitudinal locations. The variations in 5 substantially transverse alignment with a re-
ovality are applied in a corrective sense to the spective one of said first axial locations, to
vertical readings, to ensure linearity of the rotating establish the corrected mean values of the
polar axis, in the elevation view. respective distances from the second datum
plane to the adjacent side of said body; and
Claims io calculating the distance of the mean centre of
said body from a said datum baseline for each
1. A method of determining the location of a long of said axial locations, by way of said estab-
substantially cylindrical body (22) during rota- lished mean distances.
tion thereof about its polar axis, having pre-
viously determined a plurality of axial locations is 4. The method as set forth in Claim 2, including
(12, 14, 16, 18) other than the ends along the determining the vertical distance from the bot-
length of said body, to establish a measuring tom dead centre of said body (22) to an estab-
station adjacent the body at each location, lished third datum plane (CC), located beneath
characterised by the steps of: said long body (22), in substitution of said first
a) establishing a first datum (AA, BB), gen- 20 datum; orienting said instrument at a said pre-
erally substantially parallel with the body determined location at said bottom dead cen-
and external thereto, extending for at least a tre, in lateral alignment with said axial stations
portion of the length of the body; to measure vertically to said rotating body at
b) locating a distance measuring, radiant predetermined rotational intervals, to establish
beam instrument (28) at a said measuring 25 the means distance to said body from said
station and located laterally between said instrument; utilizing previously obtained later-
first datum (AA, BB) and said cylindrical ally directed measurements for the same said
body (22), obtaining readings of the dis- axial locations to establish the diameter of said
tance (X, Xi) from the instrument to the body at the respective predetermined axial lo-
surface of the body (22) aligned normal to 30 cation, and calculating the respective vertical
the instrument (28); distance of said mean centre for each said
c) determining the distance (Ki , K2) from predetermined axial location.
said first datum to said measuring instru-
ment (28); 5. The method as set forth in Claim 1, said rotary
d) taking a plurality of said distance read- 35 body (22) being an elongated kiln rotatably
ings (Xi , X) at predetermined intervals, dur- mounted upon at least three supporting an-
ing rotation of the periphery of the body nular tires (24), said predetermined axial loca-
(22) past said instrument (28), for said sta- tions being positioned in close axial proximity
tion; to said tires.
e) obtaining a mean value of said readings 40
(X, Xi ) to establish the mean distance from 6. The method as set forth in Claim 5, said axial
said instrument to said body surface, and locations being positioned on each side of at
f) correcting said mean value to establish least one said tire (24).
the distance between said first datum (AA,
BB) and said body surface. 45 7. The method as set forth in any preceding
claim, said body (22) being a heated kiln sup-
2. The method as set forth in claim 1, further ported upon rollers (26), said rollers being
including repeating the steps b) to f) for a mounted upon piers, said radiant beam instru-
plurality of said predetermined axial locations ment being positioned on said piers.
(12, 14, 16, 18) positioned along the length of 50
said body (22), to establish corrected mean 8. The method as set forth in any preceding
values of the respective distances of said body claim, said long body (22) being a heated kiln
from said datum at said axial locations. supported upon rollers (26), said rollers (26)
being mounted upon piers, said radiant beam
3. The method as set forth in Claim 2, further 55 instrument being positioned on said piers, and
including establishing a second base datum at least one said vertical datum plane being
spaced on the opposite side of said body (22), established in close proximity to said instru-
and located a predetermined distance from ment.

13 EP 0 420 663 B1 14

9. The method as set forth in any preceding (36) electrically connected to outputs from said
claim, said body being a heated kiln supported instrument (28), in use to read simultaneous
upon rollers (26), said rollers (26) being moun- readings therefrom, enabling a multiplicity of
ted on piers, said radiant beam instrument said distance readings to be made during rota-
being positioned on said piers, at least one 5 tion of said annular surface.
said vertical datum plane being established
adjacent said instrument and the lateral dis- 15. The apparatus as set forth in Claim 14,
placement of said instrument from said datum wherein said automatic recording means (36)
plane being precisely determined by a comprises a computer.
theodolite axised for rotation in the said vertical 10
datum plane and measurably moveable lat- 16. The apparatus as set forth in Claim 13, Claim
erally therefrom in alignment maintaining rela- 14, or Claim 15, wherein said datum plane
tion with index means carried by said radiant generating means comprises alignment target
beam instrument. means in combination with a theodolite (33)
is instrument for location of said theodolite (32)
10. The method as set forth in Claim 1, said ra- instrument in aligned operative relation there-
diant beam instrument (28) being a short range with.
diode laser.
11. The method as set forth in Claim 1, said steps 20
including measuring the lateral distance of said 1. Verfahren zur Ermittlung des Orts eines im
beam instrument (28) from said first datum wesentlichen zylindrischen Korpers (22) wah-
plane at substantially the same time as taking rend seiner Drehung urn seine Polarachse, wo-
said distance readings therewith, to effectively bei vorausgehend eine Mehrzahl von sich von
correct any discrepancy occurring as a result 25 dem Korperenden unterscheidenden axialen
of the lateral movement of said beam instru- Orten (12, 14, 16, 18) entlang der Lange des
ment. Korpers bestimmt worden sind, urn benachbart
zum Korper an jedem Ort eine MeBstation
12. The method as set forth in Claim 4, at least festzulegen, gekennzeichnet durch die Schritte:
one said datum plane being established using 30 a) Festlegen einer ersten Bezugsbasis (AA,
alignment means including a pivotal theodolite BB), die allgemein im wesentlichen parallel
to locate said beam instrument laterally relative zum Korper und auBerhalb von diesem liegt
thereto. und sich zumindest entlang einem Abschnitt
der Lange des Korpers erstreckt;
13. Apparatus for determining the location of an 35 b) Anordnen eines AbstandsmeB-Leucht-
elongated body (22) having a generally circular strahlinstruments (28) an einer MeBstation,
annular surface, during rotation thereof, char- sowie seitlich zwischen der ersten Bezugs-
acterized by a diode laser distance measuring basis (AA, BB) und dem zylindrischen Kor-
instrument (28) for measuring distance (X, Xi) per (22) angeordnet, zum Erhalten von Aus-
from a predetermined location (12, 14, 16, 18) 40 lesungen des Abstands (X, Xi) von dem
to an adjacent surface portion of the body (22), Instrument zu der Oberflache des Korpers
when positioned normally thereto, datum plane (22), der senkrecht zum Instrument (28)
generating means (33) for establishing a pre- ausgerichtet ist;
determined datum plane, location instrument c) Bestimmen des Abstands (Ki , K2) von
means (32) positionable precisely relative to 45 der ersten Bezugsbasis zu dem MeBinstru-
said datum plane and moveable in a predeter- ment (28);
mined axis normal to said datum plane, in- d) Vornehmen einer Mehrzahl der Abstands-
dexed locating means (34) extending normal to auslesungen (Xi , X) mit vorbestimmten Zwi-
said datum plane in predetermined indexed schenraumen wahrend der Drehung des
relation with said diode laser (28) and readable 50 Umfangs des Korpers (22) an dem Instru-
by said location instrument means (32), where- ment (28) vorbei fur die Station;
by the projected distance from the surface of e) Erhalten eines Mittelwerts der Auslesun-
said body to said datum plane comprises the gen (X, Xi) zum Festlegen des mittleren
algebraic sum of the readings of said diode Abstands von dem Instrument zu der Korp-
laser (28) and said location instrument means. 55 eroberflache, und
f) Korrigieren des Mittelwerts, urn den Ab-
14. The apparatus as set forth in Claim 13, in stand zwischen der ersten Bezugsbasis (AA,
combination with electronic recording means BB) und der Korperoberflache festzulegen.

15 EP 0 420 663 B1 16

2. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, ferner umfassend: fen (24) angeordnet sind.

Wiederholen der Schritte b) bis f) fur eine
Mehrzahl der vorbestimmten axialen Orte (12, 7. Verfahren nach einem der vorausgehenden An-
14, 16, 18), die entlang der Lange des Korpers spruche, wobei der Korper (22) ein durch Rol-
(22) angeordnet sind, urn korrigierte Mittelwer- 5 len (26) getragener Hochtemperaturofen ist,
te der jeweiligen Abstande des Korpers von wobei die Rollen auf Stutzen angebracht sind,
der Bezugsbasis an den axialen Orten festzule- wobei das Leuchtstrahlinstrument auf den Stut-
gen. zen angeordnet ist.

3. Verfahren nach Anspruch 2, auBerdem umfas- io 8. Verfahren nach einem der verausgehenden An-
send: Festlegen einer zweiten Bezugsbasis, spruche, wobei der lange Korper (22) ein auf
die auf der gegenuberliegenden Seite des Kor- Rollen (26) getragener Hochtemperaturofen ist,
pers (22) beabstandet und mit einem vorbe- wobei die Rollen (26) auf Stutzen angebracht
stimmten Abstand von der ersten Bezugsbasis sind, wobei das Leuchtstrahlinstrument auf den
angeordnet ist; Durchfuhren der Schritte a) bis is Stutzen angeordnet ist, und wobei zumindest
f) fur eine zweite Mehrzahl axialer Orte, wobei eine vertikale Bezugsebene in unmittelbarer
jeder der zweiten axialen Orte benachbart zu Umgebung des Instruments angordnet ist.
der zweiten Bezugsebene in einer im wesentli-
chen quer verlaufenden Ausrichtung mit einem 9. Verfahren nach einem der vorausgehenden An-
jeweiligen der ersten axialen Orte angeordnet 20 spruche, wobei der Korper ein auf Rollen (26)
ist, urn die korrigierten Mittelwerte der jeweili- getragener Hochtemperaturofen ist, wobei die
gen Abstande von der zweiten Bezugsebene Rollen (26) auf Stutzen angebracht sind, wobei
zu der benachbarten Seite des Korpers festzu- das Leuchtstrahlinstrument auf den Stutzen an-
legen, und Berechnen des Abstands des mitt- geordnet ist, wobei zumindest eine vertikale
leren Zentrums des Korpers von einer Bezugs- 25 Bezugsebene benachbart zu dem Instrument
basislinie fur jeden der axialen Orte mittels der festgelegt ist, und wobei die seitliche Verstel-
festgelegten mittleren Abstande. lung des Instruments aus der Bezugsebene
durch einen Theodoliten prazise bestimmt
4. Verfahren nach Anspruch 2, umfassend: Be- wird, der zur Drehung in der vertikalen Be-
stimmen des vertikalen Abstands vom Boden- 30 zugsebene axial ausgerichtet und messend
totpunkt des Korpers (22) zu einer festgelegten seitlich davon unter die Ausrichtung aufrecht
dritten Bezugsebene (CC), die unter dem Ian- erhaltender Beziehung mit einer Indexeinrich-
gen Korper (22) angeordnet ist, als Ersatz fur tung beweglich ist, die durch das Leuchtstrahl-
die erste Bezugsbasis, Ausrichten des Instru- instrument getragen ist.
ments an dem vorbestimmten Ort am Boden- 35
totpunkt in seitlicher Ausrichtung mit den axia- 10. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, wobei das Leucht-
len Stationen, urn in vertikaler Richtung zu strahlinstrument (28) ein Kurzstrecken-Dioden-
dem sich drehenden Korper an vorbestimmten laser ist.
Drehzwischenraumen zur Festlegung des mitt-
leren Abstands zu dem Korper von dem Instru- 40 11. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, wobei die Schritte
ment Messungen durchzufuhren; Verwenden umfassen: Messen des seitlichen Abstands
der vorausgehend erhaltenen seitlich gerichte- des Strahlinstruments (28) von der ersten Be-
ten Messungen fur dieselben axialen Orte, urn zugsebene im wesentlichen zur selben Zeit,
den Durchmesser des Korpers an dem jeweili- wie die Abstandsauslesungen vorgenommen
gen vorbestimmten axialen Ort festzulegen, 45 werden, urn jegliche Diskrepanz zu korrigieren,
und Berechnen des jeweiligen vertikalen Ab- die als Ergebnis der seitlichen Bewegung des
stands des mittleren Zentrums fur jeden vorbe- Strahlinstruments auftritt.
stimmten axialen Ort.
12. Verfahren nach Anspruch 4, wobei zumindest
5. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, wobei der Dreh- 50 eine Bezugsebene unter Verwendung einer
korper (22) ein langlicher Ofen ist, der auf Ausrichteinrichtung festgelegt wird, die einen
zumindest drei ringformigen Tragereifen (24) schwenkbaren Theodoliten einschlieBt, urn das
angebracht ist, wobei die vorbestimmten axia- Strahlinstrument seitlich relativ dazu anzuord-
len Orte in unmittelbarer axialer Umgebung der nen.
Reifen angeordnet sind. 55
13. Vorrichtung zur Ermittlung des Orts eines lang-
6. Verfahren nach Anspruch 5, wobei die axialen lichen Korpers (22) mit im wesentlichen kreis-
Orte an jeder Seite von zumindest einem Rei- ringformiger Oberflache wahrend seiner Dre-

17 EP 0 420 663 B1 18

hung, gekennzeichnet durch ein Diodenlaser- a) etablir une premiere reference (AA, BB)
AbstandmeBinstrument (28) zum Messen des generalement sensiblement parallele au
Abstands (X, Xi ) von einem vorbestimmten Ort corps et exterieure a lui, s'etendant sur au
(12, 14, 16, 18) zu einem benachbarten Ober- moins une partie de la longueur du corps ;
flachenabschnitt des Korpers (22), wenn das 5 b) positionner un instrument (28) a faisceau
Instrument senkrecht dazu angeordnet ist, eine rayonnant de mesure de distance audit pos-
Bezugsebenen-Erzeugungseinrichtung (33) te de mesure en le positionnant laterale-
zum Festlegen einer vorbestimmten Bezugs- ment entre ladite premiere reference (AA,
ebene, eine Lokalisierinstrumenteinrichtung BB) et ledit corps cylindrique (22), obtenir
(32), die relativ zu der Bezugsebene prazise io des lectures de distance (X, Xi ) a partit de
positionierbar und in einer vorbestimmten Ach- I'instrument en direction de la surface du
se senkrecht zu der Bezugsebene beweglich corps (22) en alignement perpendiculaire-
ist, eine Index-Lokalisiereinrichtung (34), die ment a I'instrument (28) ;
senkrecht zu der Bezugsebene in vorbestimm- c) determiner la distance (Ki , K2), separant
ter gerasteter Beziehung zu dem Diodenlaser is ladite premiere reference dudit instrument
(38) verlauft und durch die Lokalisierinstrum- de mesure (28) ;
enteinrichtung (32) auslesbar ist, wobei der d) effectuer une pluralite desdites lectures
projezierte Abstand von der Oberflache des de distance (Xi , X) a des intervalles prede-
Korpers zu der Bezugsebene die algebraische termines, lors de la rotation de la peripherie
Summe der Auslesungen des Diodenlasers 20 du corps (22) devant ledit instrument (28),
(28) und der Lokalisierinstrumenteinrichtung pour ledit poste ;
umfaBt. e) obtenir une valeur moyenne desdites lec-
tures (X, Xi) de fagon a etablir la distance
14. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 13, in Kombination moyenne separant ledit instrument de ladite
mit einer elektronischen Aufzeichnungseinrich- 25 surface du corps, et
tung (36), die an die Ausgange von dem In- f) corriger ladite valeur moyenne de fagon a
strument (28) elektrisch angeschlossen ist, zur etablir la distance entre ladite premiere refe-
Verwendung zum Auslesen gleichzeitiger Aus- rence (AA, BB) et ladite surface du corps.
lesungen von diesem, damit eine Mehrzahl von
Abstandsauslesungen wahrend der Drehung 30 2. Procede selon la revendication 1, dans lequel
der ringformigen Oberflache vorgenommen en plus on repete les etapes b) a f) pour une
werden kann. pluralite desdites positions axiales predetermi-
ners (12, 14, 16, 18) positionnees le long dudit
15. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 14, wobei die auto- corps (22), de fagon a etablir les valeurs
matische Aufzeichnungseinrichtung (36) einen 35 moyennes corrigees des distances respectives
Computer umfaBt. dudit corps a partir de ladite reference dans
lesdites positions axiales.
16. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 13, 14 oder 15,
wobei die Bezugsebenen- 3. Procede selon la revendication 2, comprenant
Erzeugungseinrichtung eine Ausrichtzieleinrich- 40 en outre I'etablissement d'une seconde refe-
tung in Kombination mit einem Theodolitenin- rence de base espacee sur le cote oppose
strument (33) zur Anordnung des Theodoliten- dudit corps (22) et positionne a une distance
instruments (33) in ausgerichteter operativer predetermined de ladite premiere reference ;
Beziehung zu dieser umfaBt. on effectue les etapes a) a f) pour une secon-
45 de pluralite de positions axiales, chacune des-
Revendicatlons dites secondes positions axiales etant position-
nee adjacente audit second plan de reference
1. Procede de determination de la position d'un sensiblement en alignement transversal avec
long corps (22) sensiblement cylindrique lors I'une respective desdites premieres positions
de sa rotation autour de son axe polaire, apres 50 axiales, de fagon a etbalir les valeurs moyen-
avoir prealablement determine une pluralite de nes corrigees des distances respectives a par-
positions axiales (12, 14, 16, 18) autres que tir du second plan de reference en direction du
celles des extremites suivant la longueur dudit cote adjacent dudit corps ; et Ton calcule la
corps, de fagon a etablir un poste de mesure distance du centre moyen dudit corps a partir
adjacent au corps a chaque position, ledit pro- 55 d'une dite ligne de base de reference pour
cede etant caracterise par les etapes consis- chacune desdites positions axiales, au moyen
tant a : desdites distances moyennes etablies.

19 EP 0 420 663 B1 20

4. Procede selon la revendication 2, comprenant faisceau rayonnant etant positionne sur ledites
la determination de la distance verticale mesu- piles, au moins I'un desdits plans de reference
ree a partir du point mort central bas dudit verticaux etant etabli adjacent audit instrument
corps (22) en direction d'un troisieme plan et le deplacement lateral dudit instrument a
(CC) de reference etabli, situe en dessous 5 partir dudit plan de reference etant precise-
dudit corps allonge (22), en substitution de ment determine au moyen d'un theodolilite axe
ladite premiere reference ; et dans lequel on pour tourner dans ledit plan de reference verti-
oriente ledit instrument dans ladite position cal et etant deplagable de fagon mesurable
predeterminee audit point mort central bas, en lateralement a partir de lui tout en maintenant
alignement lateral avec lesdits postes axiaux io une relation d'alignement avec des moyens de
de fagon a mesurer verticalement eh direction repere portes par ledit instrument a faisceau
dudit corps tournant a des intervalles de rota- rayonnant.
tion predetermines, de maniere a etablir la
distance moyenne audit corps a partir dudit 10. Procede selon la revendication 1, dans lequel
instrument ; on utilise les mesures precedem- is ledit instrument (28) a faisceau rayonnant est
ment obtenues dirigees lateralement pour les un laser a diode a bande courte.
memes dites positions axiales de fagon a eta-
blir le diametre dudit corps a I'endroit de la 11. Procede selon la revendication 1, dans lequel
position axiale predeterminee respective, et lesdites etapes comprennent la mesure de la
Ton calcule la distance verticale respective du- 20 distance laterale dudit instrument (28) a fais-
dit centre moyen pour chaque position axiale ceau depuis ledit premier plan de reference
predeterminee precitee. sensiblement au meme moment que celui au-
quel sont effectues lesdites lectures de distan-
5. Procede selon la revendication 1, dans lequel ce, de fagon a corriger effectivement toute
ledit corps rotatif (22) etant un four de forme 25 discordance pouvant se produire par suite d'un
allongee monte tournant autour d'au moins mouvement lateral dudit instrument a faisceau.
trois bandages de support annulaires (24), les-
dites positions axiales predetermines sont po- 12. Procede selon la revendication 4 dans lequel
sitionnees a proximite axiale etroite desdits au moins I'un desdits plans de reference est
bandages. 30 etabli en utilisant des moyens d'alignement
comprenant un theodolite pivotant permettant
6. Procede selon la revendication 5, dans lequel de positionner ledit instrument a faisceau late-
lesdites positions axiales sont disposees sur ralement par rapport a lui.
chaque cote d'au moins I'un desdits bandages
(24). 35 13. Appareil pour determiner la position d'un corps
allonge (22) ayant une surface annulaire gene-
7. Procede selon I'une quelconque des revendi- ralement circulaire, lors de sa rotation, caracte-
cations precedentes, dans lequel ledit corps rise en ce qu'il comprend : un instrument (28)
(22) est un four chauffe supporte sur des rou- de mesure de distance a diode laser pour
leaux (26), lesdits rouleaux etant montes sur 40 mesurer une distance (X, Xi) a partir d'une
des piles, ledit instrument a faisceau rayonnant position predeterminee (12, 14, 16, 18) en di-
etant positionne sur lesdites piles. rection d'une partie de surface adjacente du
corps (22), lorsqu'il est positionne normale-
8. Procede selon I'une quelconque des revendi- ment a lui, des moyens (33) pour engendrer
cations precedentes, dans lequel ledit corps 45 un plan de reference afin d'etablir un plan de
allonge (22) est un four chauffe supporte sur reference predetermine, des moyens d'instru-
des rouleaux (26), lesdits rouleaux (26) etant ment de position (32) pouvant etre positionnes
montes sur des piles, ledit instrument a fais- precisement relativement audit plan de refe-
ceau rayonnant etant positionne sur lesdites rence et pouvant etre deplaces selon un axe
piles, et au moins I'un des plans de reference 50 predetermine normal audit plan de reference,
verticaux precites etant etabli a proximite etroi- des moyens de positionnement (24) indexes
te dudit instrument. s'etendant normalement audit plan de referen-
ce dans une relation indexee predeterminee
9. Procede selon I'une quelconque des revendi- avec ladite diode laser (28) et pouvant etre lus
cations precedentes caracterise en ce que le- 55 par lesdits moyens d'instrument de positionne-
dit corps est un four chauffe qui est supporte ment (32), grace a quoi la distance projetee
sur des rouleaux (26), lesdits rouleaux (26) depuis la surface dudit corps en direction dudit
etant montes sur des piles, ledit instrument a plan de reference comprend la somme algebri-

21 EP 0 420 663 B1 22

que des lectures de ladite diode laser (28) et

desdits moyens d'instrument de positionne-

14. Appareil selon la revendication (13) en combi- 5

naison avec des moyens (36) d'enregistrement
electroniques relies electriquement aux sorties
dudit instrument (28), utilises pour lire simulta-
nement les lectures qui en sont issues, per-
mettant d'effectuer une multiplicity desdites 10
lectures de distance lors de la rotation de
ladite surface annulaire.

15. Appareil selon la revendication 14 dans lequel

lesdits moyens d'enregistrement automatiques is
(36) comprennent un ordinateur.

16. Appareil selon la revendication 13, la revendi-

cation 14 ou la revendication 15, dans lequel
lesdits moyens engendrant le plan de referen- 20
ce comprennent un moyen d'alignement de
cible en combinaison avec un instrument theo-
dolite (33) pour positionner ledit instrument
theodolite (32) en relation d'alignement fonc-
tionnel entre eux. 25







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