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Top Leading Companies in

Artificial Intelligence

Junior Programmers 11/20/17 Report

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

Benha Faculty of Computers and Informatics

Lecture Instructor: Dr. Ahmed Taha

I. Mohamed Gamal El-sayed El-sayed Sec (8)
II. Mohamed Abd El-Khalek Goda Sec (8)
III. Mahmoud Ahmed Fadl Sec (9)
IV. Mohamed Farid Sec (9)
V. Mohamed Ashraf Mohamed Shaban Sec (8)
Junior Programmers
Report Title:
Top Leading Companies working with
Artificial Intelligence

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

What is the artificial

Artificial intelligence (AI, also machine intelligence, MI)
is Intelligence displayed by machines, in contrast with
the natural intelligence (NI) displayed by humans and
other animals. In computer science AI research is defined
as the study of "intelligent agents": any device that
perceives its environment and takes actions that
maximize its chance of success at some goal. Colloquially,
the term "artificial intelligence" is applied when a
machine mimics "cognitive" functions that humans
associate with other human minds, such as "learning"
and "problem solving".
In the twenty-first century, AI techniques have
experienced a resurgence following concurrent advances
in computer power, large amounts of data, and
theoretical understanding; and AI techniques have
become an essential part of the technology industry,
helping to solve many challenging problems in computer

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

Google is an American multinational technology
company that specializes in Internet related services and
products. These include online advertising technologies,
search, cloud, computing, software, and hardware
Artificial intelligence at google
The technology of AI has become inevitable in the recent
period, where many of the technology companies relied
heavily on them in the recent
period, where Google comes at
the head of these companies,
which relied on artificial
intelligence technology in all its
various areas, including the field of games Or search
results or even writing in newspapers
Google finances an informational site based
on AI technology
A report that Google is funding a project that will use AI
to write news automatically, which is known as RADAR
and allows AI to write stories, while one expert said it is
unlikely to replace traditional reports, while RADAR Using
AI to expand the size of local stories that would be
impossible to provide manually.

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

Google has more than 1,000 projects in AI field.

Deep learning technology refers to a kind of AI that enables
software to train itself to perform tasks, like speech and image
recognition. Google launched its deep learning project Google
Brain in 2011, and in 2014 it bought DeepMind, a pioneering
reinforcement learning program thats been sharing AI
landmarks in gameplay this year.
One of these great projects in DeepMind is AlphaGo.
AlphaGo: its the first
computer program to
defeat a professional
human Go player, the
first program to defeat
a Go world champion,
and arguably the
strongest Go player in
history. These are the
statistics of AlphaGo
In 3 hours AlphaGo Zero plays like a human
beginner, forgoing long term strategy to focus on
greedily capturing as many stones as possible.
In 19 hours AlphaGo has learnt the fundamentals of
more advanced Go strategies.
In 70 hours AlphaGo plays at super-human level and
defeated world champion Lee Sedol.

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

It is an American multination corporation and technology
company headquartered in Santa Clara, California. The
computer in modern data centers and the engine rooms
of digital economy are powered mainly by Intel chips.
Making Artificial Intelligence Accessible to All
Intel India trains 9,500 people in AI technology. Intel has
invested more than $1 billion in AI companies. Intel has
lagged graphics chip (GPU) maker Nvidia in the artificial
intelligence revolution. Today Intel announced that its
first AI chip, the Nervana Neural Network Processor, will
roll out of factories by years end. Originally called Lake
Crest, the chip gets its name from Nervana, a company
Intel purchased in August 2016, taking on the CEO,
Naveen Rao, as Intels AI guru. Today, isolated data stores,
complex tools, and a small talent pool limit access to AI. In
response, Intel has committed to democratize AI innovation,
leading the charge for open data exchanges and initiatives. The
Intel Nervana AI Academy program was created to increase
accessibility to data, tools, training, and intelligent machines.
Inside Artificial Intelligence Next-level computing
powered by Intel Nervana

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

New Chip to revolutionize AI, the Intel Nervana Neural

Network Processor is the industrys first chip designed
from the ground up to be
an AI powerhouse for
broad enterprise
adoption. Using Intel
Nervana technology,
companies will be able to
develop entirely new
classes of AI applications that maximize the amount of d
data processed and enable customers to find greater
insights. The scientist Naveen Rao (the CEO of Nervana
systems) says The goal of this new architecture is to
provide the needed flexibility to support all deep learning
primitives while making core hardware components as
efficient as possible. And these are some of the
advantages of the Intel Nervana Neural Network Processor

Blazingly-fast Data Access Throughput near the Theoretical Limit

Nervana Hardware uses new Intel Nervana Hardware features separate
high-capacity, high-speed High pipelines for computation and data management, so
Bandwidth Memory to provide the new data is always available for computation
maximum level of on-chip storage

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

Apple Company
Apple is serious about artificial intelligence. As research
teams at Google, Microsoft, Facebook, IBM, and even
Amazon have broken new ground in artificial intelligence
in recent years, Apple always seemed to be the odd man
out. It was too closed off to meaningfully integrate AI
into the companys software it wasnt a part of the
research community, and didnt have
developer tools available for others to bring
AI to its systems. Thats changing. Through a
slew of updates and announcements today
at its annual developer conference, apple
made it clear that the machine learning found
everywhere else in Silicon Valley is foundational to its
software as well, and its giving developers the power to
use AI in their own iOS apps as well.
Apple launches machine learning
Machine Learning is a type of program
that gives a response to input without
having been explicitly programmed with
the knowledge. Instead, it is trained by
being presented with a set of inputs and
the desired response. From these, the
program learns to judge a new input.
Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

This is different from earlier Knowledge Based Systems.

These were explicitly programmed. For example, in a
simple wine program I developed for a class, there were
a long list of rules, essentially of the form:
IF (type = RED) AND (acidity = LOW) THEN respond with XXX
IF (type = RED) AND (acidity = HIGH) THEN respond with ZZZ
In a ML system, these rules do not exist. Instead a set of
samples are presented and the system learns how to
infer the correct responses.
Artificial Intelligence on IOS
Apple made it clear that every
action taken on the phone is
logged and analyzed by a
symphony of machine-learning
algorithms in the operating
system, whether its predicting
when you want to make a calendar appointment, call a
friend, or make a better Live Photo. The switch to
machine learning can be seen in the voice of Siri. Rather
than using the standard, pre-recorded answers that
Apple has always relied on, Siris voice is now entirely
generated by AI. It allows for more flexibility, its a more
personalized and proactive version of Siri, and one that
might show up in other Apple OSs and devices.

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

IBM Watson
Watson is the AI platform for business
IBM says Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a long history at
IBM Research, dating back to the 1950s. By AI we mean
anything that makes machines act more intelligently. Our
work includes basic and applied research in machine
learning, deep question answering, search and planning,
knowledge representation, and cognitive architectures.
IBM is one such company to use AI, to
make human brain. In 2015, IBM made a
strong push to add deep learning
capabilities to Watson, adding speech
recognition and image recognition to its BlueMix
platform in February. That March, IBM acquired
AlchemyAPI, a startup specializing in deep learning based
text and image analysis. The company says it serves
40,000 developers and handles three billion API calls per
IBM Just Committed $240 Million to the Future of
Artificial Intelligence.
IBM is officially partnering with
the Massachusetts Institute of
Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

Technology (MIT) to run an artificial intelligence

(AI) research lab. This Watson-branded joint MIT-IBM AI
research initiative a partnership of acronyms will be
funded through a 10-year, $240 million investment from
IBM and will be co-located at IBMs Research Labin
Cambridge and at the MIT campus.
According to an IBM press release, the MIT-IBM Watson
AI Lab will be one the largest long-term AI collaborations
between a university and a member of the tech industry.
Bluemix is now IBM Cloud: Build confidently with 170+
IBM Cloud offers the widest array of database options,
from relational to NoSQL, while ensuring strong
consistency, high integrity, and no delay.
IBM Cloud powers AI-intensive
workloads that demand data integrity,
low-latency and parallel processing. It
also offers a broad range of Watson AI
and machine learning APIs to build your own
applications. IBM Cloud meets you where you are. These
are some of the services
BigInsights for Hadoop DevOps Auto-Scaling
Cloudant NoSQL DB Embeddable Reporting
Data Cache Geospatial Analytics

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

Facebook is an American for-profit corporation and an
online social media and
social networking service
based in Menlo Park,
California. The Facebook
website was launched on
February 4, 2004, by
Mark Zuckerberg, along
with fellow Harvard college students and roommates,
Eduardo Saverinm, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz,
and Chris Hughes.
Artificial intelligence at Facebook
Facebook reveals the artificial intelligence capabilities it
has in producing images: A team of researchers on
Facebook revealed some of the artificial intelligence
capabilities developed by the company for future use in
some of its services, including its largest social network
on the Internet. The researchers on Facebook for a study
done by one of the mechanisms of AI in the company in
the production of photographs close to real images by a
large proportion. Artificial intelligence requires only one
image analysis to be able to produce dozens of images of
the same elements in the picture.
Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

"One of the artificial intelligence projects we are

developing, called LAPGAN (Laplacian Generative
adversarial Networks), has succeeded in producing
photographs that have deceived a large proportion of
people, which they considered to be true images," the
researchers said. The study found that 40 percent of the
people involved in analyzing the LAPGAN project did not
succeed in distinguishing between 64 x 64 pixel
photographs produced by the artificial intelligence
mechanism and actual images of the same scene. The
artificial intelligence mechanism currently under
development in Facebook works in two stages:
Produce a picture of the real image based on a random
object using one of its artificial neural networks, while
another network analyzes the resulting image and works
to improve it to become an approach to the truth.
Facebook did not disclose any of the services that would
use the artificial intelligence mechanism. Twitter, one of
Facebook's most famous competitors, acquired Whetlab
a few days ago to develop artificial intelligence
mechanisms and techniques.

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the field of computer science
dedicated to solving cognitive
problems commonly
associated with human
intelligence, such as learning,
problem solving, and pattern
recognition. Amazon is
improving the artificial intelligence and machine learning
capabilities of its popular cloud services in order to
better compete with rival services
from Google and Microsoft. Amazon is considered one of
the best leading companies in AI (Artificial Intelligence)
as its products are awesome
Amazon's latest Alexa devices ready to extend company's
reach into your home Kids today will grow up never
knowing a day when they couldnt talk to their houses,
says executive in
charge of Echo
devices at launch
David Limp displays a
new Echo, left, and
an Echo Plus.

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

Amazon, hoping to replicate

the success of its Echo
device, is poised to extend
its eyes and ears into every
part of your life with the
launch of new voice-
controlled and camera-equipped Alexa devices designed
for bedrooms, living rooms and even your car. Voice
control in the home will be ubiquitous.
Amazon Go: is a new kind of store with no checkout
Creating the
worlds most
technology so
you never have to wait in line. It is really a good
technology as Technology automatically detects when
products are taken from or returned to the shelves and
keeps track of them in a virtual cart. When youre done
shopping, you can just leave the store. Shortly after, well
charge your Amazon account and send you a receipt.

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

AIBrain: Pioneering the AI Revolution with its Full
AIBrain is an artificial intelligence company
with the goal of building fully autonomous
AI by unifying the three essential aspects of
intelligence, namely Problem Solving,
Learning and Memory. AIBrain, was founded by Dr.
Richard H. Shinn in Seoul, Korea in 1997 and expanded to
Palo Alto, California in 2012 and then to Shenzhen, China
in 2017. Building a human-like artificial intelligence is an
ultimate human dream. After Richard Hong Shinn
completed his PhD thesis A Unified Approach to
Analogical Reasoning in 1989, he founded AIBrain Asia.
in July 1997 in Seoul, Korea. The company has continued
its efforts toward building a true AI through creating: An
open architecture-based robot software called intelligent
robot software platform (IRSP), sponsored by the 10 year
government initiative on the intelligent robotics from
April 1, 2003 Until March 31, 2013. It is an intelligent
robot building software for developers at all levels. The
most important characteristics of IRSP are its capabilities
of integration and support of intelligence. A robot system

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

is complex, made of hundreds of hardware devices and

software components. Thus, the integrability of many
devices and components along horizontal and vertical
dimensions is critical to its success. Dr. Shinn founded his
second company, CrossCert, as a global certification
authority, in March 1999, and acquired the investment
around US$20 million in the year of 2000 from the
companies including SoftBank and VeriSign, and Never. It
went IPO in Korean Stock Market, KOSDAQ (acronym of
Korean Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) in
November 2010. CrossCert has been growing steadily for
the past 10 years in both revenue and profit with its
current market cap around $200 million. After
CrossCerts successful IPO, Richard came back to the US
to expand his AI Company to a global scale in the Fall of
2011. The US Company, AIBrain, Inc. was founded in Palo
Alto, California, on February 17, 2012. AIBrain Asia based
in Seoul, Korea, covers the Asian market including China,
Japan and Korea, while the US company, AIBrain
company, focuses on the US and Europe. AIBrain is the
home for brilliant minds with the vision to create a
practical true AI. The Company says we are a step
closer to realize our goal, and through a series of
quantum leaps we believe it will lead to a
practical version close to true AI. Its unofficial slogan is
Be intelligent in every aspects
Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

Anki Company
Anki is a robotics and artificial intelligence startup. Anki
programs physical objects to be intelligent and adaptable
in the physical world. It aims to solve the problems of
positioning, reasoning, and execution in artificial
intelligence and robotics.
The company debuted Anki Drive during the 2013 Apple
Worldwide developers
Conference keynote.
The company received
$50 million in Series A
and Series B venture
funding from
Andreessen Horowitz,
Index Ventures, and Two Sigma. In September 2014, Anki
announced that it has raised another $55 million in
Series C venture funding led by JP Morgan. In June 2016,
the company announced its latest round of funding,
which amounted to $52.5M, also led by JP Morgan
Total funding to date is $182.5 million. Marc Andreessen
and Danny Rimer serve on the company's board, in
addition to the three co-founders.

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

History: Anki was founded by Boris Sofman, Mark

Palatucci, and Hanns Tappeiner, founded officially in 2010
and is headquartered in San Francisco.

Anki's first product, Anki Drive, was released in Apple
stores in the U.S. and Canada, on and starting Oct. 23, 2013. It retails for $149.99,
with additional cars available for $49.99 and Expansion
Tracks for $69.99. Anki Drive is a racing game that
combines an iOS app with physical race cars. Each car is
equipped with optical sensors, wireless chips, motors,
and artificial intelligence software. Anki OVERDRIVE was
released September 2015. In October 2016, Anki
launched Cozmo in the US.
Say hello to Cozmo
Anki's Cozmo robot is a lifelike little guy with a one-of-a-kind
personality that evolves the more you hang out. All you need to
start your relationship is the
free Cozmo app and your
iPhone or iPad. He'll nudge
you to play and keep you
constantly surprised. More
than a companion, Cozmos
your collaborator and
accomplice in all kinds of fun.
Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

CloudMinds Company
CloudMinds is developing what it calls cloud intelligence-
based systems for robots. CI is different from AI in that it
combines machines with humans rather than treating
them as separate entities. This allows the robot to be
controlled by human beings. Its founder Bill Huang
Beijing, China, San Francisco, California
Products: Cloud connected smart
machines, DATA, META, Mobile-
intranet Cloud Service, XaaS Cloud and
VBN (Virtual Backbone Network)
Great advances are being made in artificial intelligence
(AI) and robotics. We are building artificial brains, eyes,
ears, legs, arms, and hands. The benchmark for
intelligence is the human being. There is no technology
to enable human-like
intelligence within a humanoid
robot. The physical dimensions
do not work. While an average
human brain weighs less than
1.5 kg (3.5 pounds), the silicon

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

alone for an artificial brain would weigh over one

thousand tons!
AI of human capacity is being developed and can be
provided in the cloud. Distribution of processing is one
key enabler. Mobile communications are only possible
with cellular networks. Intelligent robots are only
possible in the cloud. CloudMinds is creating advanced AI
engines in the cloud.
Products and Services
As a creator, developer and operator of cloud robots, The
Company provides the AI and Human-in-the-loop
platform to securely deliver cloud robotic services to
enterprise customers and ecosystem partners

Mobile-Intranet Cloud AI (HARI)

Cloud Services Robots and The Human-in-the-
Smart Devices loop platform
(MCS) augmenting Cloud AI
(DATA A1) with human
Secure device to cloud
connectivity through The first mobile phone intelligence
private networks as a cloud Robot
Control Unit (RCU)

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

Banjo Company
Banjo it is an American For Profit Company
provides real time content discovery by
location across multiple social networks. It
lies in Redwood City, California, United
States. It works in many fields like
Internet, Artificial intelligence, Apps, Search
Engine, Machine Learning, Social Media, Mobile, Real
Time. It is founded in 2010. Damien Patton is the
Founder/CEO of Banjo, the mobile technology that
provides real time content discovery by
location across all major social networks.
He leads the product development and
technology strategy, resulting in a global
presence with over 3.5 million users in
just 17 months. Under Damiens leadership, Banjos
patented mobile location technology has received
multiple awards. Damiens passion for problem solving is
at the hallmark of everything he does. He has put his
talents to use in some vastly varied disciplines. In
addition to being a four-time entrepreneur, he served in
Desert Storm, was the Chief Mechanic of a top NASCAR
team and a crime scene investigator, while working full
time in the role of COO for a technology company. It has

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

51,100 employees. Banjo was conceived as a result of a

missed connection at Bostons Logan Airport. Founder
Damien Patton didnt realize that his friend, a fellow
soldier from Desert Storm, was also in the airport
despite their being mere feet from each other. Damien
vowed to figure out a way of ensuring people were up to
date with news and information, as well as location. So,
he designed an app at the intersection of social media
and location that would ensure you never missed out on
the people you care about. Winning a Google hackathon
soon after gave Damien the funding and momentum to
make Banjo a reality. He moved to Silicon Valley and
created Banjo in 2010. In 2013, Banjo opened a second
office in Las Vegas, NV. Raising over $100 million last
year, Banjo makes use of artificial intelligence to comb
through social media and identify real-time events and
situations that are important to its partners. The startup
was developed after the Boston Marathon bombing in
2013 as a way for companies to analyze social media to
make better decisions, move faster, and change the way
they understand and interact with people all over the
world. It is The Most Important Social Media Company
Youve Never Heard Of.

Top Leading Companies in Artificial Intelligence

Table of Contests
Company Page No
Google Inc. 1
Intel Inc. 3
Apple Inc. 5
IBM Inc. 7
Facebook Inc. 9
Amazon Inc. 11
AIBrain Inc. 13
Anki Inc. 15
CloudMinds Inc. 17
Banjo Inc. 19
References 21


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