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Sex Trafficking

Ketim, Liz, Shahad


How can we make sex

trafficking more aware in San


-Each of us share what we learned what it so that others will learn

from us.
-We should talk to people to see what they have learned about sex
trafficking that way we get a better of helping the people
- We would share what we have found out about sex trafficking in
San Diego through contacting organizations that work with the

What is Being Done?

- Tony Atkins, a California senator has signed a bill to convict sex

traffickers and prevent victimization
- Criminal records will be presented at an official trial
- Categorized as sexual offense
- All hotel employees are receiving training to recognize
- They need a safe place to stay, away from the trafficker.


- Sex Trafficking is a person under age eighteen who has been

induced to perform a commercial sex act or an adult who has
been so induced by the use of force, fraud, or coercion.
- Sex trafficking is being done discreetly at the United
States/Mexico Border
- The victims are contracting STDs from their clients

Questions about Findings

-How can we help those victims?

-What can we do to stop in involving?
-How we can do to help the victims to get out of it?
-How can we identify those victims from getting trafficked?
- How can we teach young girls more about sex trafficking so they
dont fall for it in are finding?
- Ask people what Ideas do they have for interesting finding.
-How can we identify what is going on with sex trafficking?
-How can the victims be checked for medical conditions?
-How can we identify the victims of the crime?

Why is Sex Trafficking Occurring?

- Naive girls who run away from home are more vulnerable.
- They are going to want to be whisked away to a new place
- They are being offered a life of paradise they are going to get
paid a large amount of money and get whatever they want
- Threaten: deportation or killing
- The ring leaders convince the girls that they love them


The horrible conditions

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