Test 5 (Module 5) : 3 Put The A/an or Nothing in The Gaps. 1. When We Visited ..... Netherlands, We Stayed in ....

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Test 5 (Module 5)
1. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms to express the future: will be going to, might, Present
Simple, Present Continuous.
1 I..... (travel) and see the world before I settle
down and get a job.
2 Look at those black clouds. It..... (rain).
3. In Our School, lessons ..... (finish) at 3.45 every
4. I can't meet you on Friday evening. I. (play) in
the basketball match.
5 Don't worry. I promise I ..... (not tell) anyone your
6 A: Can you come next Saturday?
B: I'm not sure. We ..... (be) away.
7 According to the timetable, the train ... (depart)
at 17.05.
8 A: There's someone at the door. B: I..... (go).
9. He hates football so I don't think he ..... (watch)
the match.
10 Sarah and Gary have fixed the date for their
Wedding. They ..... (get married) on August 15th.
(Score 10)
2 Circle the correct words in the sentences about future verb forms and their uses.
1 may/might + infinitive expresses un certain / Certain
2 Present Continuous is used for Official / personal
3 When we make a quick decision to do something, we
use going to A will + infinitive.
4. When we say what we intend to do, we use Present
Simple / going to + infinitive.
5. When we refer to information in a timetable or
itinerary, we use Present Continuous / Present simple.
(Score 5)
3 Put the a/an or nothing in the gaps. 1. When we visited ..... Netherlands, we stayed in .....
Amsterdam and then in ..... Hague. 2 Are..... Canary Islands popular with tourists from
3 My neighbour has got ..... very talkative pet parrot. 4. What do ..... pandas eat?
5 Her ambition is to climb ..... Ben Nevis in ...
Grampian Mountains.
6. A new training centre is opening soon to help .....
(Score 10)
4 Mark these sentences Right (R) or Wrong (W). Correct the wrong sentences.
1. He's not old enough to drive a car. ..... 2. We were too late that we missed the last bus. .....
3 Is your computer enough powerful to play the latest
ga Thes? .....
4. The jeans were such a bargain that I bought two
pairs. .....

5. The bags are too heavy enough to carry. .....

(Score 5)
5 Complete the multi-part verbs. 1. She went ..... to a policeman and asked him for
2. Our holiday started ..... badly because our flight was
3 Have you thrown..... yesterday's newspaper? 4. He tried..... six pairs of shoes in the shop.
5. I didn't have time to shop ..... ... I bought the first
CD player I saw.
(Score 5)
6Match the words in the two columns to make advertising expressions.

1 bargain a) new 2 money back b) found 3 brand c) restaurant 4 lonely d) prices 5 totally e) money 6 high
f) ingredients 7 five star g) guarantee 8 value for h) hearts 9 natural i) quality 10 lost and j) reliable
(Score 10)

7 Choose the correct word to complete each idiomatic expression. 1 Solving the problem was a
..... of cake for her.
a) piece b) bit c) slice 2 The Russian dancers have the edge ..... all the
others. a) on b) to C) over 3 Sue has got a lovely voice - it's as ..... as honey.
a) soft b) smooth c) sweet
4. The new players in the team are a real..... of fresh
a) breath c) breeze d) scent
5. Our Caribbean holiday was an ..... -this-world
a) above b) over c) out-of
(Score 5)
Total score: 50
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