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Annotated Bibliography Project Two

Morgan Buchko

Arizona State University

Annotated Bibliography Project Two 2!


For my second project I will be discussing whether or not T.V. promotes or discourages

teenage pregnancy for teenagers. This is a major problem because in todays society many

teenagers rely on the influence of media and television of how they live their lives. It is also a big

problem because of the rate of teenage pregnancy is so great. Todays teenagers watch these

shows and see how glorified their lives seem to be on the T.V. show. The T.V. producers make the

show seem like this for the hope of high ratings not thinking about the effect it will have on the

teenagers of today. Some stakeholders of this problem could be the parents of todays teenagers

and those who work with teenagers everyday. A possibly solution to this problem is have the T.V.

producers of the shows such as 16 and Pregnant to not glorify the lives of these young

families, when actually show the reality of their lives.

Keywords: Teenage pregnancy, promote, discourage, teenagers, problem, T.V.

Annotated Bibliography Project Two 3!


Lowrey, A. (2014, January 13). MTV's '16 and Pregnant,' Derided by Some, May Resonate as a
Cautionary Tale. Retrieved October 16, 2017, from

In this article it discusses the following of one girl Kaitlyn and her journey
through life as a teenage mother. It takes specific quote from Kaitlyn which state she
doesnt regret her children and they are blessings but she has not completed college or
anything for herself yet. It discusses how these shows and the spinoffs have helped
decrease the percentage of teenage pregnancy since 2010. It discusses how these shows
are presented to help encourage teenagers to wait to start a family and it is not all an easy
or wonderful life.

Schulten, M. G. (2014, January 14). Do TV Shows Like 16 and Pregnant' Promote or

Discourage Teenage Pregnancy? Retrieved October 16, 2017, from https://

In this article it discusses how the show 16 & Pregnant and the spinoffs have helped
prevent over 20,000 pregnancies and decreased the amount of teenage pregnancy within the last
few years. It also discusses the story of one girl and how they followed her throughout her
pregnancy and first few weeks of the childs life. It also discusses how Kaitlyn told her story as a
cautionary tale to young men and women to start a tale and it seems to be working successfully.

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