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Sydney Milligan

October 12th, 2017
Performance Assessment Individual Task

Black- Original Assignment

Red- Changes to the assignment


As the elected sheriff of a small town, it is your duty to inform the public
about unsavory characters. From the novel you are reading, choose one
character you feel deserves to be in jail. You must inform the public about
this character using a wanted poster. Your poster will need to include the
following information:
The name of the character you are looking for
What the character looks like
Where the character was last seen
Important events that help explain why the character is wanted
Reasons why you think the character acted in a specific way
Use both print and pictures to communicate your message. Be sure to
include the title of your novel on your poster.

With the group of students we have evaluated for this project, our group, as a whole
would love a project like this. It is creative (Gianna), not math/ science related
(Jack), the project is presented in an organized fashion (Kayley), it creates a positive
classroom environment (Tyson), and it includes Language Arts activities (Gabby). Of
which fit at least one interest, modality, approach, like etc. for each student in the
group. For the majority in the class of students, like hands on learning with group
work, silent classroom work, creative work, engagement etc. which is why I believe
this project would be very beneficial for this group of students.

Miller et al., (2009) explained, a third meaning of fairness would require that
students be provided with an adequate or equal opportunity to learn (P. 18). This
statement provides a solid underlining theme for this project. Each child has the
opportunity to learn and perform when given an assignment at a fair level because
of how the project is displayed and explained to the students. This project allows for
each student to perceive it in whichever way he or she learns.

In Jacks case, he is the tech savvy individual of the group. For him if I could change
the assignment to an electronic format where he could drag over features of the
character into a given box with a characters body in it. That is the way I would give
the project to him. He is only interested in projects, assignments, games etc. that are
online and that format is how he learns best. Although, with that being said, he is the
only one who enjoys computers to the extent he does. Because he does like to build
things, work with other students, have teacher and student involvement, the project
fits into his criteria as a learner just like the rest of the group. Challenging jack is the
most positive outlook on this assignment, and without computers he will be
Sydney Milligan
October 12th, 2017
challenged and be able to learn new formats of completing creative assignments.
For him one thing I may change is tell him he can use technology to research ideas
for the drawing of the character and possibly attach an interactive game to get his
ideas flowing. With all of those regards, I will not change the format of the project.
McMillan (2001) stated, If students know what will be assessed and how it will be
scored, and if they believe that the assessment will be fair, they are likely to be more
motivated to learn (p.72). If Jack knows and understands that the project is meant
for hands on learning and in hard copy, he will be determined to use technology for
his first steps of planning and then transfer his knowledge onto the hard copy of the
assignment, which is the poster itself.

The one change I would like to propose is to make the project into a group activity,
and I would also make this project on the same book. As a class, we have all read and
done a unit together and now we are creating profiles for a character of choice. A
fair assessment is one that provides all students an equal opportunity to
demonstrate achievement and yields scores that are comparably valid from one
person or group to another (McMillan, 2001, p. 68). This statement by McMillan
describes that each student should have equal opportunity. Changing the
assignment to one book for the whole class allows for everyone to have a fair chance
and on the same material. This way, each student can bounce ideas off of the other
while completing the assignment and gain motivation and insight through


As the elected sheriff of a small town, it is your duty to inform the public
about unsavory characters. From the novel we are reading in class, choose
one character you feel deserves to be in jail. As a group, you must inform
the public about this character using a wanted poster. Your poster will need
to include the following information:
The name of the character you are looking for
What the character looks like
Where the character was last seen
Important events that help explain why the character is wanted
Reasons why you think the character acted in a specific way
Use both print and pictures to communicate your message. Be sure to
include the title of the novel on your poster.

This project is great for all kinds of learners because it includes the artistic aspect,
problem solving aspect, a creative aspect and most of all does not include math,
which every student in the group does not like. In comparison to the pizza party
assignment, our group mended that project quite a bit because it was math and
problem solving base and there were too many complicated working parts that
Sydney Milligan
October 12th, 2017
would have made little sense at the level the students are at. For all of the questions
on the worksheet, having each student read the same book may make for answering
these questions much easier.

Another idea I thought would be useful with this assignment would be as a class we
could go over the questions and discuss what each student may think the answer is.
I would do a formative assessment with each student on these questions and then
give them feedback accordingly to how well they could read these questions. For
those who struggled I may prompt them to go back and read over some chapters/
portions of the book and re- answer the questions for formative marks when the
whole assignment is complete on the day it is due. McMillan stated Fairness is
enhanced by student knowledge of learning targets before instruction, the
opportunity to learn, the attainment of prerequisite knowledge and skills, unbiased
assessment tasks and procedures, teachers who avoid stereotypes, and
accommodating special needs (p.76). McMillan relates to this assignment in such
way that unbiased assessment should be done, and in the format I would propose
while changing the assignment, I would without a bias, assess their questions and
without judgment and while being fair, allow them to re-answer the questions with
more thought.
Sydney Milligan
October 12th, 2017

Miller, M.D., Linn, R, L., Gronlund, N,E. (2009). Measurement and Assessment in
Teaching, 1(10), 18-19.

McMillan, J, H. (2001) Classroom Assessment. Principles and Practice for Effective

Instruction, 68-76.

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