Bibliography: Dan Melakukan Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: Pustaka Jaya

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Alwasilah, A. Chaedar. 2002. Menjadi Peneliti kualitatif: Dasar-dasar Merancang

dan Melakukan Penelitian kualitatif. Bandung: Pustaka Jaya.

Bergson, H. 1974. The Two Sources Greenwood Press, Publisher

Westport Connecticut.

Bertens, K. 1997. Etika, Seri Filsafat Atmajaya. PT. Gramedia Pustaka

Utama Jakarta

Durkheim, E. 1973. Moral Education. Translated by Evenett. K_ Willson Schnauzer.

Glesne, C. & Peshkin. (1992). Becoming qualitative researchers: An Introduction.

White Plains. NY: Longman.

Graham L. Patrick. 1995. Oxford is trade mark of oxford University Press. New
York: Oxford University Press Inc.

Hillyer, Robert. 1960. In Pursuit of Poetry. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc

Miller, Ruth & Robert A. Greenberg. 1981. Poetry an Introduction. Hong Kong:
MacMillan Education Limited.

Nurgiyantoro. Burhan 1995. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada

University Press.

Poeporodjo, L. PH, SS. 1988. Filsafat Moral. Penerbit Remadja Kara cv. Bandung.

Rees, R.J. 1973. English Literature. London: Mac Millan Press.

Richard, Taylor. 1981. Understanding the Element of Literature. The Machmilan

Press. Ltd. Hongkong. Ebook.

Sumardjo, Jakob dan Saini K.M. 1988. Apresiasi Kesusastraan. Jakarta: Gramedia.

Taum, Yosep Yepi. 1997. Tradisi Puisi Lisan Flores Timur. Yayasan Obor Indonesia.

Wikipedia. 2006. Theory of Moral. Available at definition of


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