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Make learning meaningful

Theory Practice
Draw on background

Connect content with


Choice Inquiry based learning

Choice Encourage self-testing

Choice Don't penalize errors

Sociocultural Collaboration

To make learning meaningful, I draw on primarily choice theorist beliefs. Choice Theory says we can
only satisfy our needs by satisfying the pictures in our Quality World, so its important to know what
experiences students have and have not had. The only way to connect content with meaning is by first
finding out the students background knowledge. Inquiry based learning allows students to develop
and uncover questions they want to answer. Many of these inquiry based projects can be done
collaboratively with other classmates. This gives students opportunities to construct meaning through
conversation and collaboration. Choice Theory also says all we can give another person is information.
Encouraging self-testing helps students take ownership over their learning, and is key to making
learning meaningful and reflective. This is why drawing on background knowledge, connecting
content with meaning, inquiry based learning, encouraging self-testing, and not penalizing errors are
crucial to making learning meaningful.
Visible Learning

Theory Practice
Choice Chalk Talk

Choice See Think Wonder

Sociocultural Collaborative Thinking

To make learning visible, I draw on both Choice and Sociocultural theories. In the classroom, I would
use visible learning activities such as Chalk Talk, which uncovers prior knowledge and ideas, and
questioning. Chalk Talk promotes collaborative thinking as well by having an open-ended discussion
on paper. See Think Wonder is another activity used to make learning visible by working on
description, interpretation, and wondering. Sociocultural Theory discusses the importance of social
interactions and language within cultural context influences cognitive development. In the classroom,
learning can be made visible by providing opportunities for students to have meaningful social
interactions within a specific cultural context.
Social interactions and context

Theory Practice
Sociocultural Group Inquiry

Small groups based on


In the classroom, small groups can be constructed based on universal screening assessments. These
assessments aid in constructing differentiated activities for small groups where students can receive
Tier 2 instruction. Group inquiry and collaborative thinking are crucial to creating opportunities for
authentic, context imbedded, social interactions. Interactions such as these are crucial to students
learning progress as explained by the Sociocultural Theory.
Consider the learner

Theory Practice
Choice Consider:

Choice needs

Choice strengths

Choice background knowledge

Choice learning style

Choice supports

In the classroom to consider the learner, its important to consider their needs, strengths, background
knowledge, learning style, and types of supports needed. All of these practices are backed up by
Choice Theory because they imply that students are acting, thinking, and feeling individuals with
individual behaviors and knowledge.
Build Relationships

Theory Practice
Choice all about the relationship

Figure out student's Quality

World and live in it

Establish individual reward


In Choice Theory, and in the classroom, it is all about the relationship. Success and failure in the
classroom is based around the relationships that are built from teacher to student, and amongst
classmates. The type of environment that is conducive to student learning is safe and positive. Its
important as teachers to figure out our students Quality World and live in it. This will allow us to
better help them satisfy their personal needs. Behaviorist Theory discusses the use of an individual
reward system that rewards the class as a whole. This provides a group mentality while promoting
individual responsibility of ones thoughts and behaviors.
Responsibility Training

Theory Practice
Train to have personal

Behaviorism Group Mentality

Choice Choice Seating

In the classroom, responsibility training is important to having smooth classroom management. By

training students how to have personal responsibility, they can be productive independently as well as
take responsibility over their own learning. A group mentality shows students how their personal
responsibility affects those around them as well. In the classroom, choice seating could be a way for
students to show their ability to take responsibility for their learning, and where they learn best.
Growth Mindset

Theory Practice
Choice Quality World

Choice Don't penalize errors

Effort and attitude

determine ability


Choice Goal Meetings

In the classroom, students learn at their own pace depending on their individual strengths and
weaknesses. Growth mindset allows for flexibility in presenting student growth. By grading students
work in various ways, and allowing them to be proud of their effort and learning as their goal, they
are more likely to have higher achievement. In the classroom this could look like Reading and Writing
Workshops that include a reflection process, and setting bi-weekly, one-on-one meetings for students
to reflect on their own growth and set new goals.
Be Reflective

Theory Practice
Always stop and think about what
Behaviorism you are doing or not doing to help
fix behavior

The only person whose behavior we

can control is our own

Model the choice and control over

how one acts or thinks

In the classroom, it is important to teach students how to be reflective by being a model of having
choice and control over how one acts or thinks. I can also model how I reflect on my own work and in
my own life. This will help teach students that the only person whose behavior we can control is our
own. Its important as a teacher to always stop and think about what I am doing or not doing to help
fix the behavior, or to teach effectively.

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