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The Vault

Fantasy AGE adventure

PCs Choose a Quest

Taverns across Valkana have wanted posters and job boards, as adventurers, you
frequently look for posted jobs.

Guard Needed - protect cargo from bandits [100gp]

Quest! Locate our priesthoods holy relic [100gp]
Help! Angry spirit attacking village [200gp]
Monster Hunt: Fearless warrior needed [35gp per monster]
Seeking scholar to study ancient ruins [10gp per week]
Harvest rare herb in snowy mountains [25gp per pound]
Rid a dark spirit from home- mage needed [90gp]

Octavius - gather herb

Jax - cargo guard (aka kill bandits)

Prince Ali - spirit attacking village

Summoned to Quest
Upon choosing a quest, players are given the following info:

1. Travel to: city of Amston in northern Valkana near Jagged Bay

2. Meet at the Wilds Fall Tavern at dusk on the first day of Winter [this is where you
will begin]
3. Kaaro Blackscale will meet and escort you from there.

BEGINNING - Wilds Fall Tavern

Start on the first day of winter. PCs have successfully traveled to Amston.


Settlement, primarily fishing outpost and fertile farmland.

Not many visitors in this part
Lots of taverns on main road, very clean, taken care of
A few monks - different races, same gray clothing

Have players roll. Highest number enters tavern first

Wilds Fall Tavern

People: Fisherman, farmers, rural peoples, mostly humans some saurians.

Owner: Dwarf (Barik)
Server: Dwarf (Yarra)

Wilds Fall Tavern

1. PCs get settled
2. Enter: Saurian Kaaro Blackscale and Brother Greyson

Kaaro Blackscale Saurian

Appearance: Bulky, imposing. Axe strapped to back, heavy coat and furs, hidden weapons?
Visor over one eye - tech. Honor

Brother Greyson

Appearance: Small man, wearing heavy furs, carrying a staff. Meek, monks clothes

Roll perception seeing test: Notice monk behind Kaaro

3. Kaaro motions to dwarf at bar, they talk and dwarf hand him a key.
4. Announces Those of you here to see me, let's get to it and discuss the terms of
your job. Sits down at a corner table.
5. Brother Amit follows and stands near.

What do the players do?

Goals: get players to agree to meet the job solicitor, leave tomorrow


Hike up toward the mountains

Can offer $ if they need supplies
Monk will accompany
Kaaro hired to deliver them safely

Hike to Temple
1. Set out from tavern, road leading up to mountain. Road sign
2. Pass farms. Road turns into switchbacks.
3. Kaaro leading.
4. Stamina checks
5. Break: Kaaro asks why they took the jobs
6. Reach elevator or can continue walking
a. Shaft with platform. Two pulleys. Successful strength checks.

b. There is a lever to use as a break

Temple of the Divine Faith

Appears golden in the light. Stone and metal structure next to a hillside overlooking a steep
drop off.

At the steps, Kaaro hands you off to brother Amit, who takes players inside.

Perception test: Hidden curious glances from other monks.

Asked to wait in hallway.

Brother Ro

Appearance: old halfling, wearing gray robes and cords. White tufty hair. Squinty.

Go into room to discuss situation and real mission.

Announce the party's acceptance to a gathering of monks.

Leave the following morning if acceptable.

Gifts to be given

1. Prayer of the faith (balance come balance fall balance come balance all, correct
your servants, find them worthy. Divine judge guide defender mediator come

2. Necklaces with symbol (triangles)
3. Taught: hand symbol is asked to be taught something
4. Bag of miscellaneous relics?

Possible encounters

1. Angry follower.
2. Training - cold.
3. History of the religious order?
4. More info on their beliefs

Set out to the Holy Place - The Vault

Travel to the vault in the mountains

Properly dressed? Stamina roll? Very cold!

Dexterity test - sliding rocks

Perception test - see golem?


Hike to Temple
1. Encounter Golem at entrance.
2. The plyaers will make a perception test to see if they can detect the presence of
the Golem fi they decide to continue forward, then the Golem will rise and

The Vault - ep. 2
Entering the vault
-> Who has what supplies?

->Tell me how you are entering further into the cave.

Massive cave entrance. Darkness inside. Runes on stones and floor of entrance in old
saurian. Arcane runes Vault

Barrier - wear necklaces with symbols, beads, etc.

Light ahead, curve in the cave tunnel to the left, opens up into a large cavern with a natural
skylight, illuminating a large 3-sided pyramid. Metal, gears, runes, carvings, and capped in
silver and gold.

Activation - prayer or find the handle hole and pull. Or something else?

Blue light emanates, top of pyramid

rises. Runes on it glow.

Judge -

- Winged humanoid.

-Deep, rumbling voice. No eyes, but

turns his head at each person in turn.
Distinct impression that he is looking
at you very deeply.

I see. HAHA! So, you are the

heroes that have been summoned
this time. This shall be interesting
indeed. Are you ready to begin?

The Divine awakens when there is an

imbalance on the world, but he does
not like to work for free. He requires
that work be done on his behalf first,
a fee if you will.

We warriors serve him in his task. I

will judge your tests which the other
warriors have created for you and
bestow your rewardschoose
whichever test first.


Carving: eye in a hand and a staff,

maze or labyrinth in the background.

Nasal feminine voice

- Guide Yourselves

Doorway opens in floor, steps going

down. Slight shimmerOf a portal?!

1. Gap 40ft: I run more smoothly

than a set of rhymes, I choose to fall
and never to climb.
a. Put water on ground.
Gears on wall slide platform forward
a. LEFT: Treasure Awaits -
room full of locked chests. Some
barrels(alcohol), sealed clay pots(oil).
Gilded chests contain beetles.
b. RIGHT:Foe to Face -
room containing a crystal ball and a
single door with face on it. Door
inscription I must say the word.
Crystal ball contains a random word,
door must say it to open.
3. TRAP: Pressure plate releases a wall from the ceiling, splits party in two.
Monsters: GROI
4. FORK IN THE ROAD: 2 glass doors
a. Room with many other doors - must exit through the 1st door
b. Room with glowing red button- doors locked and gas release. // 1 minute
timer press>resets timer// wait>door unlocks //damage door>poison gas
releases more

Defender -

Carving: Arms crossed and wrapped in

front of a shield.

Motherly voice

- Defend the defenseless

- Prove you can defend the weak,
worthy of the gift of the Divine
- Strength is for protection

Shimmering doorway, into darkness.

Protect the child, danger is close by

1. Misty forest, sun going down, moon

coming up. Mist settling in. On a path.
Raven cawing.
2. Alex roll for werewolf
3. Hear shrieks
4. Mist increases, can only see 5-10
feet in front of you.
5. Shrieks increase, sound much closer
6. Hear trudging approaching. (Old
woman and small child) (Baba and Sam)

Baba - resistant to help, doesnt want them

to be put in danger. Trying to reach her
cabin, not far. (Goal - sacrifice the child)

7. Forest monsters - spectre

8. Alex roll for werewolf
9. Mob of angry villagers pursuing the witch
10. Raven swoops down and

Mediator -

Carving: two clasped hands, horn in the


Serve as peacemakers. Wood spirit and

village. Help them find peace between them.

Shimmering portal to village. Overrun by

tangles of roots and leaves, growing through
homes and silos, irrigation canals broken,
spilling water out and flooding the farmland.

Halfling village

Mage Slime is affecting the nearby forest, as a result of magical experiments of a villager

Halfling Village Leader - Tam Greyrun

- First person the party meets

Wood nymph - Dryad

- Blames village for the dying forest

- Trying to drive away the villagers

Halfling mage - Filibert Underfoot

- Quest to create a substance that can mend broken things

- Lives downstream from dam and irrigation on edge of river.
- Dumps failed experiments out.
- Clueless guy.

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