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By: Trevor Metz

Table of Contents
Executive Summary...........................................................................................................................4
a. Client......................................................................................................................................5
b. SWOT Analysis....................................................................................................................6-7
c. Audience................................................................................................................................8-13
d. Partnerships..........................................................................................................................14
a. Output...................................................................................................................................15
b. Input......................................................................................................................................16
a. Strategies...............................................................................................................................17
b. Tactics....................................................................................................................................18
c. Themes/Key Messages.......................................................................................................19
d. Event......................................................................................................................................20-22
e. Controlled/Uncontrolled....................................................................................................23
f. Social Media...........................................................................................................................24
g. Budget.....................................................................................................................................25
h. Personnel................................................................................................................................26
i. Timeline..................................................................................................................................27
a. Output Objectives.................................................................................................................28
b. Impact Objectives..................................................................................................................29
a. Social Media Calendar...........................................................................................................31-33
b. Press Releases.........................................................................................................................34-35
c. Flyer.........................................................................................................................................36

Life Style Destinations LLC is an event
production company that aims to shift vibrations of
the world around us.

Through displays of music, visual art and
general displayed acts of humanity it is Life Style
Destinations goal to unite people together through
the power of the arts.

Creativity needs space and inspiration to thrive

and it is Life Style Destinations mission to create an
outlet for creative and inspiring souls to become a
better more self-aware individual.

Executive Summary
The first large event Life Style Destinations
successfully put on was Sacred Vibrations Music and
Arts Festival. This weekend festival was succesffully
put on Oct. 6-8 2017 in Shepherd, Mich., at Salt
River Acre Campgrounds a private campground park.

With top artists coming as far as the United

Kingdom and Australia, this communication plan is
a plan of action moving forward from the infancy
event kickoff that Life Style Destinations put on
which was Sacred Vibrations Music and Arts Festival.

Research: The Client
Life Style Destinations LLC is a startup event
production company that aims to shift vibrations of the
world around us. Through displays of music, visual art
and general displayed acts of humanity it is Life Style
Destinations goal to unite people together through the
power of the arts. Life Style Destinations LLCs mission
moving forward from its first event is to evolve and
move up the ranks in the electronic music events and
production industry.

Research: SWOT Analysis
Life Style Destinations offers plenty of strengths. Life Style Destinations is a new company,
this means we have the opportunity to grow Life Style Destinations as a brand from the ground up.
As a startup company, Life Style Destinations is not behooved to company norms and culture. Life
Style Destinations has the ability to build a brand that is different from the mainstream event and
production companies. Sacred Vibrations Music and Arts Festival the festival put on by Life Style
Destinations received favorable feedback from media. The fall season is not a popular time for
festivals in Michigan. Michigan is a popular destination for music festivals. With large scale festivals
such as Movement and Electric Forest, companies understand Michigan as a good destination for
successful festivals. While these summer festivals are popular, fall festivals in Michigan are scarce.
With less music event competitors during the fall season as compared to the summer, this gives Life
Style Destinations the opportunity to offer the electronic music community a place to unite during
the fall season.

It is important to acknowledge weakness within a company. One weakness would be events
held by Life Style Destinations such as Sacred Vibrations Music and Arts Festival is outdoors
during the fall. The fall season in Michigan can be very unpredictable and inclement weather can
affect attendees feelings towards the festival. Since Life Style Destinations is a new company,
people are not as familiar with the company and its events as other well-known companies. Poor
reviews online about Life Style Destinations events can negatively impact potential customers.
UpNorth Music and Arts Festival was an up and coming festival in Michigan that was canceled.
The festival promised attendees three days of music with well-known acts. However, the festival
failed to gain the proper permits to legally hold the event. This angered customers as people were
planning on trying out a new intimate Michigan festival. With this happening in the summer of
2017, the electronic music community in Michigan could be cautious to try a new up and coming
festival. 6
Research: SWOT Analysis
Sacred Vibrations Music and Arts Festival is an electronic music festival owned my Life
Style Destinations LLC. The festival just threw its first successful year of the event and
buzz is already forming about what to be in store for next year. Although there were many
success stories throughout the infancy of the festival, there is certainly room for opportunity
and improvement in terms of how to properly attract festival goers into choosing Sacred
Vibrations as a great option for their festival going experience. As mentioned in strengths,
Life Style Destinations has the opportunity to develop a popular fall festival in Michigan. My
research has found that members of the electronic music community return to shows and
festivals when the community there makes them comfortable. Life Style Destinations has the
opportunity to create a feeling of comfortability and community to customers.

The electronic music industry is a million dollar industry. Lots of festivals come and go
and often acquire debt. In order to present a professional festival that can compete, money
invested into proper production and promoting can be expensive. As a startup company,
Life Style Destinations doesnt have as many financial resources as large and well established
event and production companies have. Events put on by Life Style Destinations must earn
profit in order to maintain solvency. New music festivals are being planned and developed
all the time, future festivals could offer a threat to Life Style Destinations and Sacred
Vibrations Festival. Resonance Music and Arts Festival is an annual festival held Sept. 21-23
in Thornville, Ohio. Their Facebook page has 32273 likes and they have developed a loyal
fan base.
Research: The Audience

Research: The Audience

Research: The Audience
A few of the most requested artists
according to survey takers include:

Research: The Audience

Research: The Audience

What keeps you coming back to a successful

show or festival?

Research: The Audience


Individuals aged 19-34 who listen to

electronic music
Individuals in the Greater Grand Rapids area
Individuals in the Greater Detroit area


Individuals aged 35+ who listen to electronic

Individuals who are interested in electronic

Research: Partnerships

Objectives: Output
To send 1 press release informing media outlets of the Sacred Vibrations
Music Festival pop up event presented by Life Style Destinations May 12 2018 at
The Intersection in Grand Rapids.

To send 1 press release informing media outlets of Sacred Vibrations Music

Festival charity presented by the Vibe Tribe Street Team.

Create Springtide Sacred Vibe event page on Facebook.

Create Facebook post which includes a poll asking fans to choose local
talent performer for Springtide Sacred Vibe pop up event.

Distribute 1,000 Life Style Destinations media kit handouts at various


Send Vibe Tribe Street Team member to Okeechobee Music and Arts
Festival to spread word about Sacred Vibrations Music Festival.

Send Vibe Tribe Street Team member to Movement Electronic Music

Festival to spread word about Sacred Vibrations Music Festival.

Send Vibe Tribe Street Team member to Electric Forest Music Festival to
spread word about Sacred Vibrations Music Festival.

Objectives: Impact
To sell 900 tickets to Life Style Destinations
pop up event at The Intersection.
Receive 500 perishables from Life Style
Destinations charity event put on by Vibe
Tribe Street Team.
Gain 2500 likes on Sacred Vibrations Music
Festival Facebook Page.
Sell 7500 tickets to Sacred Vibrations Music
and Arts Festival 2018

Raise awareness of Vibe Tribe Street by 15%

To increase postive perceptions of Life Style
Destinations and Sacred Vibrations Music
Festival among the electronic music community

Programming: Strategies
1. Partner with Magical Mitten Productions to put on Spring-
tide Sacred Vibe event

2. Create Facebook event page for Springtide Sacred Vibe

3. Partner with Forgotten Harvest to put on Reflect and

Vibe event at the Eastern Market in Detroit

4. Develop and create Vibe Tribe Street Team to promote

Life Style Destinations events through

Programming: Tactics
1. Springtide Sacred Vibe event at The Intersection in
Grand Rapids

2. Social Media Campaign

3. Media Kit handout

4. Reflect and Vibe event at the Eastern Market in Detroit

Programming: Themes
Springtide Sacred Vibe
Vibe Tribe
Reflect and Vibe
Key Messages:
Life Style Destinations strives to expand
their brand and presence in the electronic music
Life Style Destinations aims to improve the world
through offering fellowship through events that
advances society.

Programming: Events
Springtide Sacred Vibe
Although the Sacred Vibrations Music and Arts Festival is only one
weekend, it is important to maintain excitement and buzz throughout the year.
The Springtide Sacred Vibe event will maintain buzz and excitement for Life
Style Destinations and Sacred Vibrations Music and Arts Festival.

Finding a good venue to host the event is an important factor. The

survey that was developed and distributed asked survey takers their favorite
Midwest venue for a show. Through the survey and other outside research The
Intersection in Grand Rapids was selected.

Life Style Destinations will partner with Magical Mitten Productions to

put on the Springtide Sacred Vibe event. The show will include headliner act
Liquid Stranger with supporting performances from Bleep Bloop and local
talent. Liquid Stranger is extremely popular in the bass music industry and has
an impressive following.

Liquid Stranger has 231,567 likes on Facebook and owns Wakaan a
popular label. Liquid Stranger is currently on his HYPERCOLOR tour and is
not going through Michigan. Getting Liquid Stranger to perform would attract
a large amount of attention in the Michigan area. The survey distributed asked
survey takers what artists they would like to see at future Life Style Destination
events. Liquid Stranger was requested multiple times, this artist selection would
help please current and potential customers.
Programming: Events
Vibe Tribe
The Sacred Vibrations Vibe Tribe Street Team will serve as a marketing
department for Life Style Destinations and its events. The Vibe Tribe will be implemented
due to research finding that a large number of festival goers hear about events through
word of mouth. The electronic music community has a niche value in word of mouth
marketing. Followers of the community value others community members opinions on
shows and festivals. The Vibe Tribe will gain organic positive interactions and opinions
from potential customers through hosting and attending various events as well as
collaboration on digital marketing outreach.

One way that Life Style Destinations can maintain buzz about their large events
like Sacred Vibrations is by sending Vibe Tribe members to various music festivals
including: Okechobee Music and Arts Festival, Movement Music Festival and
Electric Forest Music and Arts Festival
At these festivals, Vibe Tribe members will be distributing handout flyers to
give to the various festival goers. Through the power of conversation, Vibe Tribe
members will represent Life Style Destinations and Sacred Vibrations professionally
and comfortably. By Vibe Tribe members radiating a positive reflection to potential
customers, Life Style Destinations will gain positive attitudinal objectives.
In order to become a member of the Vibe Tribe, one must complete an
application that will be available on all social media platforms. Certain requirements
will be put into place when selecting a Vibe Tribe member. Some factors include
social media and general digital presence, experience in promotion for events and
artists, college students. Vibe Tribe members need to routinely promote upcoming
Life Style Destination events through their personal social media profiles.
Programming: Events
Reflect and Vibe
The Vibe Tribe Street Team along with Life Style Destinations will put
on the Reflect and Vibe charity event at the Eastern Market in Detroit July
21, 2018. The event will include musical acts from Peanutbutter Williams and
Distinct Motive. Yoga sessions will be offered as well as the ability to participate
in live painting.
Instead of paying money to attend, an event participant must donate
two perishable food items. Life Style Destinations will than give all collected
perishables to Forgotten Harvest a nonprofit organizations dedicated to
relieving hunger in Detroit and preventing nutritious food waste. This event will
improve relations with different communities as well as serve as a promotional
event showcasing Life Style Destinations and the movement it is creating. Vibe
Tribe members would help strongarm digital marketing by using the hashtag
#ReflectAndVibe on their social media platforms when promoting the event.
Vibe Tribe members will develop a registration table, helping attendees sign up
to volunteer for charities and future Life Style Destination charitable events

Programming: The Media
Springtide Sacred Vibe Facebook event page

Sacred Vibrations Music and Arts Festival

Facebook page

Life Style Destinations Facebook page

Press release on Springtide Sacred Vibe event

Press release on Reflect and Vibe event


Articles from media outlets and blogs

electronic music social media community

Magical Mitten Productions

Vibe Tribe members social media outlets

Programming: Social Media

Due to conducted research, Facebook will be the main

social media platform used to promote programming and
events. Life Style Destinations Facebook page only has 432
likes currently. Sacred Vibrations Music and Arts Festival
has 1,247 likes and a 5.0 star rating (63 reviews). In order to
gain maximum reach, using the Sacred Vibrations Music and
Arts Festival will be the best plan of action. Through the
page, Facebook events will be created including Springtide
Sacred Vibe and Reflect and Vibe. The Vibe Tribe Street
Team will also be given social media tasks to be conducted
on their personal social media accounts, this will extend our
organic reach.
Programming: Budget

Performing Artists 16,000

Production for events 5,000

Flyers/Handouts 1,000

Vibe Tribe General 1,000


Merchandise 1,000

Vibe Tribe representation 1,400

at festivals

Total: 25 $25,400
Programming: Personnel
Performing Artists including:

Production Team

Sacred Vibrations Street Team

Life Style Destination Directors

Programming: Timeline
2018 Timeline
1- Send press release to media on
Springtide Vibe event
1- Create Facebook event page for
Springtide Vibe event

1-Begin strong social media push for Springtide Vibe event
7- Begin contenst on social media offering free tickets to event
16- Send press release to media on Reflect and Vibe
16- Create Reflect and Vibe Facebook event page

16- Begin strong social media push for
Reflect and Vibe event
16- Begin contest on social media
offering lunch with Distinct Motive

Evaluation: Output
To send 1 press release informing media outlets of the Sacred Vibrations
Music Festival pop up event presented by Life Style Destinations May 12 2018 at
The Intersection in Grand Rapids.

To send 1 press release informing media outlets of Sacred Vibrations Music

Festival charity presented by the Vibe Tribe Street Team.

Create Springtide Sacred Vibe event page on Facebook.

Create Facebook post which includes a poll asking fans to choose local
talent performer for Springtide Sacred Vibe pop up event.

Distribute 1,000 Life Style Destinations media kit handouts at various


Send Vibe Tribe Street Team member to Okeechobee Music and Arts
Festival to spread word about Sacred Vibrations Music Festival.

Send Vibe Tribe Street Team member to Movement Electronic Music

Festival to spread word about Sacred Vibrations Music Festival.

Send Vibe Tribe Street Team member to Electric Forest Music Festival to
spread word about Sacred Vibrations Music Festival.

Evaluation: Impact
To sell 900 tickets to Life Style Destinations pop up event at
The Intersection.
Receive 500 perishables from Life Style Destinations charity
event put on by Vibe Tribe Street Team.
Gain 2500 likes on Sacred Vibrations Music Festival Facebook
Sell 7500 tickets to Sacred Vibrations Music and Arts Festival
Count number of attendess at the event
Count number of perishables
Count number of likes on Facebook page
Raise awareness of Vibe Tribe Street by 15%

Distribute survey

To increase postive perceptions of Life Style
Destinations and Sacred Vibrations Music
Festival among the electronic music community
Distribute survey 29
Through implementing fresh and interesting
programming, Life Style Destinations through this
communication plan will position itself to continue to
offer a unique musical experience. Through events for
profit and charity, Life Style Destinations will gain the
needed attention and respect from the electronic music
community. Life Style Destinations offers a unique
and intimate experience to its customers. Street team
marketing programming will extend relationships and
networks to build a historic community. The electronic
music industry is a million dollar industry with plenty
of cookie cutter companies that deliver a generic and
predictable experience. Life Style Destinations offers an
alternate musical experience through offering a life style
and letting customers chose the destination.

Appendix: Social Media Calendar
SpringTide Sacred Vibe Facebook Event
Content Date Time

Join us at The Intersection March 1 10:00am

May 11 to see Liquid
Stranger destroy Grand
Rapids! Opening support with
Bleep Bloop *Insert ticket

Are you ready to get March 15 10:00am

STRANGE? *Insert picture of
Liquid Stranger performing*

Bleep Bloop has taken March 29 10:00am

experimental bass music to a
brand new dimension *insert
short clip of Bleep Bloop*

What local talent do you want April 5 10:00am

to see open up for Liquid
Stranger and Bleep Bloop?!
Vote in our poll or add a
selection! *Insert poll to
Facebook post*

We are less than a month April 19 10:00am

away until the family
gathering! Are you ready for
SpringTide Sacred Vibe?

Today is the last day to vote May 3 10:00am

for the local talent
performance! Winner will be
announced next week

LIKE and SHARE this post to May 7 10:00am

be entered to win a pair of
tickets to the show! Winners
will be announced Friday!

*insert artist* won the May 8 10:00am

Facebook poll! We look
forward to getting weird with
you all!

2 days until we gather! Who May 9 10:00am

are you most excited to see?

Appendix: Social Media Calendar
SpringTide Sacred Vibe Facebook Event
Today is the day you all have May 11 10:00am
been waiting for! Join us this
evening at The Intersection!

Last night was crazy! Here is May 12 10:00am

a few clips of the madness!
*Insert recap video*

Appendix: Social Media Calendar
Reflect and Vibe Facebook Event

Content Date Time

Vibe with us and reflect on the May 16 10:00am

position of others! A free show
with Detroits own Distinct
Motive and Peanutbutter
Williams at the Eastern Market
July 21. In order to enter the
event you must bring 2
perishable food items!

Do something KIND today. May 30 10:00am

#ReflectandVibe *insert picture
of friends hugging*

We are proud to partner with June 13 10:00am

Forgotten Harvest to help feed
those in need. *Insert
Forgotten Harvest*

We are less than a month June 27 10:00am

away until boogie time. Be on
the lookout for the Vibe Tribe
in downtown Detroit today!
*Insert picture of Vibe Tribe*

Happy I ndependence Day! July 4 10:00am

merican Flag*
*Insert A

SHARE and LIKE this post to July 16 10:00am

be entered to win lunch with
Distinct Motive before the

COMMENT with your favorite July 18 10:00am

non profit organization and

Tomorrow is the day to boogie! July 20 10:00am

Bring 2 perishable food items
and friends! #ReflectAndVibe

Come one come all to Reflect July 21 10:00am

and Vibe at the Eastern
Market! *Insert graphic on

Appendix: Press Release

Media Contact: Trevor Metz For Immediate Release

Cell: (906)-430-7731 March. 1, 2017

Liquid Stranger Coming to The I ntersection May 11

for Springtide Sacred V ibe event
Mount Pleasant, Mich. -Liquid Stranger and Bleep Bloop will be
coming to Grand Rapids May 11 to perform at the Springtide Sacred
Vibe event presented by Life Style Destinations. The event is
presented by Life Style Destinations a production and event
company. Life Style Destinations successfully put on Sacred
Vibrations Music and Arts Festival at Salt River Acres Campground
last summer. The festival included headliners British producer
Ott., the legendary downtempo duo group the Desert Dwellers,
as well as Kalya Scintilla the Australian based psy-trance
producer with interpretive live dance performer Eve Evolution.

We want to create a space for creativity to prosper. Our

celebration of the human spirit lasts a night, but memories
created at Springtide Sacred Vibe will last a lifetime., said
Life Style Destinations CEO and Director Matt Connors.

Tickets available through Eventbrite and Sacred Vibrations social

media platforms. Doors open at 8 p.m. and there will be
merchandise and artist meet and greets with fans.


Life Style Destinations LLC

Life Style Destinations aims to shift vibrations of the world around us.
Through displays of music, visual art and humanity it is Life Style
Destinations goal to unite people together through the power of the arts.

Appendix: Press Release

Media Contact: Trevor Metz For Immediate Release

Cell: (906)-430-7731 July. 21, 2018

Reflect a
nd Vibe charity event at the Eastern Market
includes Detroits own Distinct Motive
Mount Pleasant, Mich. - The Vibe Tribe team presented by Life
Style Destinations is partnering with Forgotten Harvest to put on
Reflect and Vibe, a charitable event that will collect
perishables that will be given to Forgotten Harvest. Forgotten
Harvest is a nonprofit organization dedicated to relieving hunger
in Detroit and preventing nutritious food waste.

We wanted to help give back to the community that makes Detroit

so great, the goal of Reflect and Vibe is to improve the world we
live in through the power of the arts, said Tom Sawyer member of
the Vibe Tribe team. The Vibe Tribe team is a collection of
likeminded individuals who help represent all Life Style
Destinations events including Sacred Vibrations Music and Arts
Festival and the Springtide Sacred Vibe event at The Intersection

Reflect and Vibe will offer yoga sessions as well as the ability
to participate in live painting Cost of attendance per person is
two perishable food items but more than two items is accepted.


Life Style Destinations LLC

Life Style Destinations aims to shift vibrations of the world around us.
Through displays of music, visual art and humanity it is Life Style
Destinations goal to unite people together through the power of the arts.

Appendix: Flyer
Sacred Vibrations Music and Arts
Festival presented by Life Style /sacredvibrationsfestival
Destinations aims to shift vibrations of
the world around us. Through displays
of music, visual art and humanity it @sacredvibrationsfestival
is Sacred Vibrations Music and Arts
Festival goal to unite people together @SacredVibesFest
through the power of the arts. Creativity
needs space and inspiration to thrive and
Community Music Self Awakening
At Sacred Vibrations Music and The 2017 Sacred Vibrations Sacred Vibrations Music and
Arts Festival, community is the core Music and Arts Festival offered Arts Festival promotes healthy
of who we are. Those who attend world renowned electronic music physical and mental lifestyles.
Sacred Vibrations seek to become including legendary producer
closer with their inner self as well as
Through yoga and meditation
Ott., prolific downtempo group workshops Sacred Vibrations
the community they are surrounded the Desert Dwellers, Australias
in. Sacred Vibrations is a family strives to provide enlighten-
Kalya Scintilla with Eve Olution,
friendly festival that invites people
and experimental bass producer ment to the community gath-
from all backgrounds to come ered through Sacred Vibrations
together as one to enjoy music, Stylust Beats Sacred Vibrations
offers top talent from all forms of Music and Arts Festival
laughter and togetherness.
electronic music.


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