Locker Game

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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning Elementary Lesson Plan

UNLV Student: Yashmeeta Sharma PSMT Name:

Locker Game
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan Topic: Math

Date: 1 hour, 20 minutes.

Estimated Time:

Grade Level: Charlotte and Jerry Keller ES

4th grade School Site:

Key Vocabulary: Remainder: The amount left over after division.

1. Standard(s:
Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule. Identify apparent features of the
pattern that were not explicit in the rule itself. For example, given the rule "Add 3" and the
starting number 1, generate terms in the resulting sequence and observe that the terms appear to
alternate between odd and even numbers. Explain informally why the numbers will continue to
alternate in this way.

Review the key ideas expressed and explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the

2. Teaching Model(s): I do, we do, you do. Team, pair, solo.

3. Objective(s): SWBT find patterns by reasoning, recognize factor pairs, and plan with the
end in mind.

4. Materials and Technology Resources: To prepare for this lesson, I have made an anchor
chart for student reference, have prepared a graphic organizer for students to organize their own
work, as well have provided manipulatives for them to utilize during the lesson.

5. Instructional Procedures:
a. Motivation/Engagement: Students will use their knowledge on what their
expectations are when they read a word problem. These steps involve reading the question
through once, underlining the who and what the second time they read, and reading to
understand the task. Students and TW have an intentional talk prior to the lesson about how
important it is to follow directions and planning with an end in mind. Task will engage and
challenge them by having them physically figure out the problem with their own tools. TW will
model what the first three students when they go to the lockers. TW ask students if they see any
patterns. After the class has realized that the lockers correspond with factor pairs, TW release
students to work in their pairs.

b. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences: TW provide differentiated instruction

where students will utilize their prior knowledge to achieve the lesson goals, students will have
opportunities to work with their peers, utilize visuals, and connect the real world to the work we
do. Students will be planning with the end in mind which will increase their responsibility for
their own learning.

c. Closure:. After students have filled out their graphic organizes, students will answer questions
WG using accountable talk.

d. Extension: They will be exposed to the formative assessment that will be asked after they
complete the task. During the lesson, I will ask students to provide the answers from their group
work. Groups that are able to answer will move on to pair, students that are not will be in small
group. This data will reveal to me what type of further differentiated instruction I need to help
my students with word problems

6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:

Students will have teachers anchor chart, extra time to finish the activity, and support from their
pairs even when they are in solo. As well as manipulates to use for my sensory learners, anchor
chart for visual learners, and my assistance for auditory learners.

7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:

a. Formative:. They utilize self-assessment tools to determine if they are experts,

practitioners, apprentices, or novices.
b. Summative After this week, they will solve similar puzzle.

8. Homework Assignment: No homework

9. Reflection:

a. Strengths: Students were able to notice that pattern and rules of the puzzle even
though it was not explicitly stated.

b. Concerns: Students are having difficulty reading instructions attentively.

c. Insights: Being able to understand word problems is essential for 4th grade therefore
showing them the importance will emphasize the need to make sense of the problem and
preserve in solving it. After this lesson, we will continue with word problems and the concept of
planning with the end in mind and preserving on problems.

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