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Ramone 1

Ramone Bolton

Dr. Smith

ENG 101 B240

October 13, 2017

The problem of education

The new book lays failure to learn on colleges doorstep by David Glenn, and The

banking concept of education by Paulo Freire. We have an education system that needs to be

improved upon by getting rid of the banking concept. The banking concept of education is when

a teachers/ professors give information to students and the student neither object to it are agree to

it they just write it down. The banking concept should not exist so that students can share their

ideas with the teacher and peer that allows students to gain the confidence needed to take

initiative solve problems, formulate ideas and become critical thinkers.

The banking concept is when students are only receiving information from the teachers,

memorizing it, and read it back to them without fully understanding the information presented. I

believe the banking concept does not work because as stated in the passage by Freire The

teacher chooses the program content and the student (who were not consulted) adapt to it. (page

245). Simple mean the banking concept is what you see is what you get, but there is so much

more to learn than just that. Because one is not learning if additional back ground information is

not provide or researched upon on, in order to be able to see from a different point of view. The

banking concept method is cruel because students are force to learn a topic or subject without

having an option. Richard Arum said we very concerned about American higher education and

the extent to which undergraduate learning seems to have been neglected( page 1/5). This is one

of the reason I believe when some students come to college they are not fully prepare because
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they were feed information and was lead to believe that was all there is to it, which did not allow

student to collect any addition information to develop their critical thinking skill. Because in

some school the teacher is protruded as the know it all and students knows nothing so they

believe it and will not even bother to research it and this why I think the banking concept should


I believe student can learn more if they communicate more in class with the teacher and

peers. Students should be allowed to share their opinion with each other and be able to agree to

disagree with the teacher or other peers opinion, because many students probably research and

find additional information they want to discuss with the teacher during class. This builds the

foundation of literacy because as we know oral language plays in the literacy development,

eventually this will increase ones reading and writing skill as the users language became

increasingly prefunded. This been proven so many times over; the more a student interact with

peers and teachers during class the more they become better at reading and writing. Reward them

with point during class whenever they answer a question this will motivate them to want to do

more work in order to get a reward and maybe allow them to go do some research on their own

about the lesson that was taught in class. . For many students, studying alone can be as good as

any other strategy, Mr.kun said. However, for others-especially those with weaker high school

preparation-there is a long train of evidence to support collaborative learning. I believe in

promoting collaborative learning because much more student would understand the lesson that

was taught in class and socialize more with other, by listen to different perspectives, and are

required to articulate and defend their ideas by doing that. This allows the learners to create their

own unique conceptual frameworks. Collaborative learning can be incorporate in to a class even

if it is for 20 minutes. This does not take away from the lecturing/listening/note-taking process
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and these will not disappear entirely but it allow communication and help them to think more and

this will help to create critical thinking.

The teacher knows everything and the students know nothing (page 245) implied by

Friere and Hirsch. I believe if a subject is taught and a student shows no interest they would not

know anything about that subject, and if teacher only come to class and teach basic information

and expected to get paid they are not really helping student,. However, people who seek

knowledge prior to the class, during or after school will obtain knowledge than the ones who

does not care. Teachers only give some Information not all, let think about it this way, only

students who want to learn will not be oppressed and the ones that do not want to learn will be

oppressed. The teacher can only open the students mind to new information, but the students

need to be the one that accept it and explore more about the information given. So I believe the

teacher should leave some of the details out in order to motivate students to do some research on

their own. This is how new knowledge is obtained, and they can choice whether or not to expand

on it or not accept the information as it stands, they can use the internet or a library to acquire

information to establish or confirm facts, solve new or existing problems or solve a theories. This

will build up their curiosity to dig deeper on a topic, which lead them to thinking more and be


In problem-posing education, people develop their power to perceive critically the way

they exist in the world with which and in which they find themselves (page 252). The banking

concept of education stifle a students chance of becoming a better problem solver, and by get rid

of it allow them to acquire new knowledge to solve their problem this quote explain what would

happen if the banking concept was discarded . The newfound knowledge that they learn they can

apply it to our everyday life. I believe that in fact education helps you become a useful member
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of the society and be more aware of problems in the community. This has its own set of

unspoken/spoken rule and one of them is education. Education helps you become an active

member of the society and participate in the ongoing changes and developments. Think about it,

having a education make you have confident. Because having an educational degree is solid

prove of your knowledge by many. If you are educated your mostly to be taken more serious and

have a more chance of being heard. A person will find it hard to express their views and opinions

if uneducated and even if he do get the chance to express them self people would not take him

seriously. Education gives you the confidence to express your opinion and views. This help a

person become a better problem solver and think more critical

So this is why I think the banking concept should go, because it does not promote critical

thinking that they need to be a productive member of societys Therefore by discarding the

banking concept allows student to formula ideas, communicate more and become better problem

solver. This will allow them to be more productive as an individual and contribute more to

society and others. By getting rid of the banking concept, we are creating more critical thinker to

help better society we live in.

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