Responses To How Many Skittles - Fall 2017

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Response_id Red Orange Yellow Green Purple Total in Bag

699129 14 10 18 12 11 65 Percentage of Color Per bag for the whole class

699855 9 15 11 13 15 63 Purpl e; 233; Red; 239;
19.53% 20.03%
700017 10 20 11 13 10 64 Re
700451 9 13 10 11 9 52
700546 13 5 8 17 16 59 an
700641 16 29 17 16 19 97
700823 9 13 11 19 9 61 llo
700950 22 5 14 13 9 63 Green; 246; Ora nge; 240;
701187 11 9 17 10 15 62 20.62% 20.12%
701199 10 13 11 10 15 59
701484 16 12 12 13 9 62
701489 11 12 10 10 11 54
Yel l ow; 235;
701556 12 7 16 9 14 58 19.70%
701595 16 8 12 15 12 63 Reflection:
701694 10 11 14 16 10 61 This pie chart represents the percentage of each color pulled from our These two graphs compared together show different
701732 15 12 10 12 16 65 class results. Notice that each percentage is between 19%-21%. Each results in my opinion. The class results showed that
701746 15 13 13 13 9 63 olor is close to the same percentage. Giving me the result of each bag everyone got very similar numbers to how many colors
701785 13 13 10 13 14 63 of skittles on average contains close to the same number for each of each but my results showed that the numbers vary
701852 8 20 10 11 10 59 color of skittle per bag. a little more. This is because my sample size is smaller,
Total of Each Color 239 240 235 246 233 1193 causing my data to have a wider spread, giving the illusion
This is the Percentage of Color for my personal Data that the data does not match, this was to be expected.
total candies

Purpl e; 12;

Red; 16; 25.40%

Green; 15; Orange; 8;

23.81% 12.70%

Yel l ow; 12;


Red Ora nge Yel l ow Green Purpl e

This graph is representing my data from my bag of skittles. It is

telling me the frequency along with the relative frequency.
The most common in my bag of skittles was the Red and then
the Green. I had the same number of purple and yellow skittles
and then orange was the least common.

This graph is representing the relative frequency of each

color in the bag of skittles that I had purchased. Overal Reflection: I think that both graphs could be used although I personally think the pie chart is the better of the two
I think that this graph represents my data better choices. I feel it is easier to read and has less chances to become confusing such as the pareto chart has a chance of
bring confusing because the bars are so similiar in size. The pie chart made it easier to seee the difference although the
than the pie chart because it shows how the percentage for everyones data were really close together and then my percentages for my data was a little more
percentage is more spread out even for my small spreadout
sample size here.
Both these graphs are representing the
percentages of the colors in the class and
then my personal data. I do not believe these
graphs accuritly represent the data, they could
be confusing and I think the pie charts
represented the data in a better not confusing way.

This graph represents the classes total color

percentages. Notice that we had a bigger sample
size our percentages are closer because each
color had a similar total. I believe that the pie
chart represents our class better in this situation.
This graph has potential for confusion.

This box plot represents the class total data. There are
some outliars. Anything below 59 or anything above 63.

5 number summary
Mean: 62.8
IQR: 4
Max: 97
Q3: 63
Q1: 59
Min: 52 This histogram is representing our class data, also
Standard Devitation showing how 97 is an outliar because it is separate
8.73 from the rest of the data for it being so much larger
than the rest of our data values.
Final Reflection:
The shape is going to be skewed to the right and some things that I noiticed were when
I used my data the percentage's were spread out and a little bit more but using the
class data with the bigger sample size the percentages were closer together and
pareto graph was harder to read due to them all being almost the same height. The
histogram wasnt the easiest to read either but that is mostly because of the
outliars it made the graph a little weird but I was still able to understand it.
If you look at the pie chart I would say yes the class overal data represents my
data well but if you choose one of the other graphs I would say no. I had 16 red,
8 orange, 12 yellow, 15 green, 12 purple and then there was 18 total bags combined
with the class.

Quantitative Data: This is known at "quanty", this is numerical. Counts of sometihng

Types of graphs: Stem and lead plot, histograms, point and line, dot plot, time serious, etc.
Pie charts would not make sense because they are most often used for qualitative data.
Things like the number of siblings, age, temperature all make sesne for this type of data.

Qualitative Data: This is categorical data so the "quality" of something. We could have
done the sample based on the colors only and that would be qualitative.
Types of Graphs: A line graph, pie chart, pareto, bar charts, etc
Dot plots, stem and leaf, point and line, and time serious do not make sense because they
all have to do with numerical values and not catergories.
Things like gender, phone numbers, zip codes, movie ratings those things make sense for this

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